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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were prepared to analyse the conformation of human serum albumin (HSA) and its non-enzymatic glycation (NEG) products. We first determined the epitopes of the mAbs using HSA subdomains expressed on the surface of yeast. Each mAb was classified as belonging to one of two groups; Type I mAbs which recognized a single subdomain structure and Type II mAbs which bound to plural subdomains. We analysed the pH-dependent conformational change in HSA. We found that one Type II mAb, HAy2, detected the normal to base form (N-B) transition while the other did not, suggesting that N-B transition occurred around Domain I accompanied by topological isomerization of subdomains without changing the subdomain structure itself. Next, we analysed the conformations of the NEG products. Since all mAbs reacted with the early NEG products, no structural change was thought to have occurred in the early NEG products. On the other hand, only a Type I mAb, HAy1, had full binding activity with the advanced glycation end products (AGE) while the other mAbs had lost or had diminished activity, suggesting that the over-all tertiary structure of HSA was altered except for a subdomain, sDOM Ia, in AGE.  相似文献   

In the recently published x-ray crystal structure of the "bicelle" bacteriorhodopsin (bbR) crystal, the protein has quite a different structure from the native and the in cubo bacteriorhodopsin (cbR) crystal. Instead of packing in parallel trimers as do the native membrane and the cbR crystals, in the bbR crystal the protein packs as antiparallel monomers. To date, no functional studies have been performed, to our knowledge, to investigate if the photocycle is observed in this novel protein packing structure. In this study, both Raman and time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy are used to both confirm the presence of the photocycle and investigate the deprotonation-reprotonation kinetics of the Schiff base proton in the bbR crystal. The observed rates of deprotonation and reprotonation processes of its Schiff base have been compared to those observed for native bR under the same conditions. Unlike the previously observed similarity of the rates of these processes for cbR crystals and those for native bacteriorhodopsin (bR), in bbR crystals the rate of deprotonation has increased by 300%, and the rate of reprotonation has decreased by nearly 700%. These results are discussed in light of the changes observed when native bR is delipidated or monomerized by detergents. Both the change of the hydrophobicity of the environment around the protonated Schiff base and Asp85 and Asp96 (which could change the pKa values of proton donor-acceptor pairs) and the water structure in the bbR crystal are offered as possible explanations for the different observations.  相似文献   

The rates of deprotonation and reprotonation of the protonated Schiff base (PSB) are determined during the photocycle of nine bacteriorhodopsin mutants in which Trp-10, 12, 80, 86, 137, 138, 182 and 189 are individually substituted by either phenylalanine or cysteine. Of all the mutants, the replacement of Trp-86, Trp-182, and Trp-189 by phenylalanine and Trp-137 by cysteine is found to significantly alter the rate of the deprotonation, but not that of the reprotonation process. As compared with ebR, the Trp-86 mutation dramatically increases the rate of deprotonation of the PSB while the Trp-182 mutation greatly decreases this rate. Temperature dependence studies on the rate constants of the deprotonation demonstrate that the different energetic and entropic effects of the mutation are responsible for the observed different kinetic behavior of the Trp-86 and Trp-182 mutants as compared with that of ebR. In the case of Trp-86 mutant, a large decrease in both energy and entropy of activation suggests that the mutation of this tryptophan residue opens up the protein structure as a result of eliminating the hydrogen-bonding group on its side chain by a phenylalanine substitution. A correlation is observed between the proton pumping yield and the relative amplitudes of the slow deprotonation component but not with rate constants of the rise or decay process at constant pH. These results are best discussed in terms of the heterogeneity model (with parallel cycle) rather than back reaction model.  相似文献   

Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) accumulate with age and at an accelerated rate in diabetes. AGEs bind cell-surface receptors including the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE). The dependence of RAGE binding on specific biochemical characteristics of AGEs is currently unknown. Using standardized procedures and a variety of AGE measures, the present study aimed to characterize the AGEs that bind to RAGE and their formation kinetics in vitro. To produce AGEs with varying RAGE binding affinity, bovine serum albumin (BSA) AGEs were prepared with 0.5M glucose, fructose, or ribose at times of incubation from 0 to 12 weeks or for up to 3 days with glycolaldehyde or glyoxylic acid. The AGE-BSAs were characterized for RAGE binding affinity, fluorescence, absorbance, carbonyl content, reactive free amine content, molecular weight, pentosidine content, and N-epsilon-carboxymethyl lysine content. Ribose-AGEs bound RAGE with high affinity within 1 week of incubation in contrast to glucose- and fructose-AGE, which required 12 and 6 weeks, respectively, to generate equivalent RAGE ligands (IC50=0.66, 0.93, and 1.7 microM, respectively). Over time, all of the measured AGE characteristics increased. However, only free amine content robustly correlated with RAGE binding affinity. In addition, detailed protocols for the generation of AGEs that reproducibly bind RAGE with high affinity were developed, which will allow for further study of the RAGE-AGE interaction.  相似文献   

An analysis of the inhibition of hemolytic plaques formed against IgM antibodies is presented. The starting point is the equations of DeLisi &; Bell (1974) which describe the kinetics of plaque growth, and DeLisi &; Goldstein (1975) which describe inhibition of IgG plaques. However, the physical chemical models which were used previously to describe IgG inhibition data are shown to be inadequate for describing the characteristics of IgM inhibition curves. Moreover, it is shown that the experimental results place severe restrictions on the possible choices of physical chemical models for IgM upon which to base the calculations. It is argued that in order to account even qualitatively for all the data, one must assume (1) a very restricted motion of IgMs about the Fab hinge region and (2) a very narrow secretion rate distribution of IgM by antibody secreting cells.  相似文献   

Schiff bases (SBs) are the initial products of non-enzymatic glycation reactions, which are associated to some diabetes-related diseases. In this work, we used physiological pH and temperature conditions to study the formation kinetics of the SBs of 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DPHE) and 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-l-serine (DHPS) with various glycating compounds and with pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (an effective glycation inhibitor). Based on the obtained results, the hydrophobic environment simultaneously decreases the nucleophilic character of the amino group (k1) and increases its pKa, thereby increasing the formation rate of SB (kobs). Therefore, the presence of hydrophobic chains in aminophospholipids facilitates the formation and stabilization of SBs, and also, in a biological environment, their glycation. Additionally, the results confirm the inhibitory action of B6 vitamers on aminophospholipid glycation.  相似文献   

We have obtained Raman spectra of a series of all-trans retinal protonated Schiff-base isotopic derivatives. 13C-substitutions were made at the 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 positions while deuteration was performed at position 15. Based on the isotopic shifts, the observed C--C stretching vibrations in the 1,100-1,400 cm-1 fingerprint region are assigned. Normal mode calculations using a modified Urey-Bradley force field have been refined to reproduce the observed frequencies and isotopic shifts. Comparison with fingerprint assignments of all-trans retinal and its unprotonated Schiff base shows that the major effect of Schiff-base formation is a shift of the C14--C15 stretch from 1,111 cm-1 in the aldehyde to approximately 1,163 cm-1 in the Shiff base. This shift is attributed to the increased C14--C15 bond order that results from the reduced electronegativity of the Schiff-base nitrogen compared with the aldehyde oxygen. Protonation of the Schiff base increases pi-electron delocalization, causing a 6 to 16 cm-1 frequency increase of the normal modes involving the C8--C9, C10--C11, C12--C13, and C14--C15 stretches. Comparison of the protonated Schiff base Raman spectrum with that of light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (BR568) shows that incorporation of the all-trans protonated Schiff base into bacterio-opsin produces an additional approximately 10 cm-1 increase of each C--C stretching frequency as a result of protein-induced pi-electron delocalization. Importantly, the frequency ordering and spacing of the C--C stretches in BR568 is the same as that found in the protonated Schiff base.  相似文献   

Oxidative deamination of the epsilon-amino group of lysyl residues to form allysine is the initial reaction in the cross-linking of collagen and elastin in vertebrates. The allysyl residues, generated by lysyl oxidase in this reaction, condense with either other allysyl residues or epsilon-amino groups of lysyl or hydroxylysyl to form aldol or Schiff base cross-links. This paper presents evidence that similar allysyl residues and Schiff base cross-links are synthesized in cell envelopes of Escherichia coli. Acid hydrolysis followed by amino acid analysis of envelopes either reduced with NaB[3H]4 or labeled with [14C]lysine and reduced with NaBH4 yielded allysine and two labeled fragments with elution profiles and molecular weights (250 and 330) consistent with Schiff base products derived at least in part from allysine. When [6-3H]lysine-labeled cell envelopes were incubated at 37 degrees C, gradual release of tritiated water occurred. This suggests that an enzymatic reaction catalyzes the deamination of lysine in E. coli membranes and that the higher molecular weight proteins detected in stationary phase or in log phase cell envelopes after NaBH4 reduction occur as a result of formation of Schiff base cross-links.  相似文献   

The rates are determined for the deprotonation and reprotonation of the protonated Schiff base (PSB) as well as of formation and decay of the UV transient in the photocycle of seven bacteriorhodopsin (bR) mutants in which Arg-7, 82, 164, 175, 225, or 227 are replaced by glutamine and Arg-134 by cysteine. The results show that all these mutations increase the rate of deprotonation of the PSB compared to ebR, (wild-type bacteriorhodopsin expressed in Escherichia coli) greatly increase the rate of the reprotonation of the SB (Schiff base) in the case of the Arg-164 and Arg-175 mutations and dramatically decrease this rate in the case of the Arg-227 mutation. Temperature studies on the latter mutant suggest that the observed change in its rate of reprotonation is due to large decrease in the energy and entropy of activation, similar to those observed for Asp-96 mutations (Miller, A. and D. Orsterhelt. 1990. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1020:57-64). These results suggest that the reprotonation process is changed to a proton diffusion-controlled mechanism in the Arg-227 mutant due to a change in the structure of the proton channel. The absorption intensity ratio (AUV/AMslow) of each arginine mutant relative to that of ebR is found to be similar to that for native purple membrane (PM) except for the Arg-227 mutant where it is greatly reduced, and for the Arg-82 mutant where it is not observed, suggesting that both Arg-227 and Arg-82 residues somehow play roles in inducing the UV transient absorption. All the above results are discussed in terms of the model for the structure of bR proposed by Henderson, R., J.M. Baldwin, T.A. Ceska, F. Zemlin, E. Beckmann, and K.H. Downing. (1990. J. Mol. Biol. 213:899-929).  相似文献   

The oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) has been correlated with atherogenesis through a variety of pathways. The process involves nonspecific fragmentation, oxidative breakdown, and modification of the lipids and protein of LDL. The process yields a variety of bioactive products, including aldehyde-containing phospholipids, which can cross-react with primary amines (i.e. peptides or phospholipid head groups) to yield Schiff base products. We also demonstrate that such oxidized phospholipid products may further react through a post-oxidation chemical pathway involving aldol condensation. EO6, an IgM monoclonal autoantibody to oxidized phospholipids, blocks the uptake of oxidized LDL (OxLDL) by macrophages. Because the epitope(s) of EO6 also blocks the uptake of OxLDL, a series of oxidized phospholipids, their peptide complexes, and their aldol condensates have been synthesized and characterized, and their antigenicity has been determined. This study defines structural motifs of oxidized phospholipids responsible for antigenicity for EO6. Certain monomeric phospholipids containing short chain fatty acids were antigenic whether oxidized or not in the sn-2 position. However, oxidized phospholipids containing sn-1 long chain fatty acids were not antigenic unless the sn-2 oxidized fatty acid contained an aldehyde that first reacted with a peptide yielding a Schiff base or the sn-2 oxidized fatty acid underwent an aldol type self-condensation. Our data indicate that the phosphorylcholine head group is essential for antigenicity, but its availability depends on the oxidized phospholipid conformation. We suggest that upon oxidation, similar reactions occur in phospholipids on the surface of LDL, generating ligands for macrophage recognition. Synthetic imine adducts of oxidized phospholipids of this type are capable of blocking the uptake of OxLDL.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin and all of the vertebrate visual pigments have a carboxylic acid residue, Glu113, in the third transmembrane segment that serves as a counterion to the protonated Schiff base nitrogen of the chromophore. We show here that the counterion in bovine rhodopsin can be moved from position 113 to 117 without significantly changing the wild-type spectral properties of the protein. A series of double mutants were constructed where the Glu113 counterion was changed to Gln and an Asp residue was substituted for amino acid residues from position 111 to 121 in the third transmembrane segment of the protein. Only at position 117 can an Asp fully substitute for the counterion at position 113. The double mutant E113Q,-A117D has an absorption maximum at 493 nm which is independent of pH in the range 5.6-8.4 and independent of the presence of external chloride anions. An Asp at no other position tested in the third transmembrane segment can fully substitute for the Glu counterion at position 113. Partial substitution is observed for an Asp at position 120. Residues 113, 117, and 120 are expected to lie along the same face of an alpha-helix. These results suggest that the Schiff base nitrogen in rhodopsin is located between residues 113 and 117 but there is enough flexibility in the protein to allow partial interaction with an Asp at position 120. Position 117 is the same location of the counterion in the related biogenic amine receptors.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids, sphingomyelin and cholesterol are often all found in the detergent resistant fraction of biological membranes and are therefore recognized as raft components, but they do not necessarily co-localize in the same lateral domains. From cell biological studies it is evident that different sphingolipid species can be found in different lateral regions within the same cellular membrane. Biophysical studies have shown that their tendency to co-localize with each other and with other membrane components is largely governed by structural features of all lipids present. Glycosphingolipids form gel-phase like domains in fluid lipid bilayers. Sphingomyelin readily associates with cholesterol, forming liquid-ordered phase domains, but glycosphingolipids do not readily form cholesterol-enriched domains by themselves. However, mixed sphingomyelin- and glycosphingolipid-rich domains appear to incorporate cholesterol. Recent studies indicate that the ceramide backbone structure as well as the number of sugar units and presence of charge in the glycosphingolipid head group will influence the partitioning of these lipids between lateral membrane domains. The properties of the domains will be largely influenced by the presence of glycosphingolipids, which have very high melting temperatures. The lateral partitioning of glycosphingolipid molecular species has only recently been studied more intensively, and a lot remains to be done in this field of research.  相似文献   

Semiempirical molecular orbital calculations are combined with 13C NMR chemical shifts to localize the counterion in the retinal binding site of vertebrate rhodopsin. Charge densities along the polyene chain are calculated for an 11-cis-retinylidene protonated Schiff base (11-cis-RPSB) chromophore with 1) a chloride counterion at various distances from the Schiff base nitrogen, 2) one or two chloride counterions at different positions along the retinal chain from C10 to C15 and at the Schiff base nitrogen, and 3) a carboxylate counterion out of the retinal plane near C12. Increasing the distance of the negative counterion from the Schiff base results in an enhancement of alternating negative and positive partial charge on the even- and odd-numbered carbons, respectively, when compared to the 11-cis-RPSB chloride model compound. In contrast, the observed 13C NMR data of rhodopsin exhibit downfield chemical shifts from C8 to C13 relative to the 11-cis-RPSB.Cl corresponding to a net increase of partial positive or decrease of partial negative charge at these positions (Smith, S. O., I. Palings, M. E. Miley, J. Courtin, H. de Groot, J. Lugtenburg, R. A. Mathies, and R. G. Griffin. 1990. Biochemistry. 29:8158-8164). The anomalous changes in charge density reflected in the rhodopsin NMR chemical shifts can be qualitatively modeled by placing a single negative charge above C12. The calculated fit improves when a carboxylate counterion is used to model the retinal binding site. Inclusion of water in the model does not alter the fit to the NMR data, although it is consistent with observations based on other methods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The risk of fracture increases with age due to the decline of bone mass and bone quality. One of the age-related changes in bone quality occurs through the formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) due to non-enzymatic glycation (NEG). However as a number of other changes including increased porosity occur with age and affect bone fragility, the relative contribution of AGEs on the fracture resistance of aging bone is unknown. Using a high-resolution nonlinear finite element model that incorporate cohesive elements and micro-computed tomography-based 3d meshes, we investigated the contribution of AGEs and cortical porosity on the fracture toughness of human bone. The results show that NEG caused a 52% reduction in propagation fracture toughness (R-curve slope). The combined effects of porosity and AGEs resulted in an 88% reduction in propagation toughness. These findings are consistent with previous experimental results. The model captured the age-related changes in the R-curve toughening by incorporating bone quantity and bone quality changes, and these simulations demonstrate the ability of the cohesive models to account for the irreversible dynamic crack growth processes affected by the changes in post-yield material behavior. By decoupling the matrix-level effects due to NEG and intracortical porosity, we are able to directly determine the effects of NEG on fracture toughness. The outcome of this study suggests that it may be important to include the age-related changes in the material level properties by using finite element analysis towards the prediction of fracture risk.  相似文献   

Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein II (CRABPII) has been reengineered to specifically bind and react with all‐trans‐retinal to form a protonated Schiff base. Each step of this process has been dissected and four residues (Lys132, Tyr134, Arg111, and Glu121) within the CRABPII binding site have been identified as crucial for imine formation and/or protonation. The precise role of each residue has been examined through site directed mutagenesis and crystallographic studies. The crystal structure of the R132K:L121E‐CRABPII (PDB‐3I17) double mutant suggests a direct interaction between engineered Glu121 and the native Arg111, which is critical for both Schiff base formation and protonation. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In many rhodopsins, a positively charged retinal chromophore is stabilized by a negatively charged carboxylate, and the presence of bound water molecules has been found in the Schiff base region by X-ray crystallography of various rhodopsins. Low-temperature Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy can directly monitor hydrogen-bonding alterations of internal water molecules of rhodopsins. In particular, we found that a bridged water molecule between the Schiff base and Asp 85 in bacteriorhodopsin (BR), a light-driven proton-pump protein, forms an extremely strong hydrogen bond. It is likely that a hydration switch of the water from Asp 85 to Asp 212 plays an important role in the proton transfer in the Schiff base region of BR. Comprehensive studies of archaeal and visual rhodopsins have revealed that strongly hydrogen-bonded water molecules are only found in the proteins exhibiting proton-pump activities. Strongly hydrogen-bonded water molecules and its transient weakening may be essential for the proton-pump function of rhodopsins.  相似文献   

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