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Gene clusters for the biosynthesis of kanamycin (Km) and gentamicin (Gm) were isolated from the genomic libraries of Streptomyces kanamyceticus and Micromonospora echinospora, respectively. The sequencing of the 47 kb-region of S. kanamyceticus genomic DNA revealed 40 putative open reading frames (ORFs) encoding Km biosynthetic proteins, regulatory proteins, and resistance and transport proteins. Similarly, the sequencing of 32.6 kb genomic DNA of M. echinospora revealed a Gm biosynthetic gene cluster flanked by resistant genes. Biosynthetic pathways for the formation of Km were proposed by the comparative study of biosynthetic genes. Out of 12 putative Km biosynthetic genes, kanA was expressed in Escherichia coli and determined its function as a 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase. Furthermore, the acetylations of aminoglycoside-aminocyclitols (AmAcs) by Km acetyltransferase (KanM) were also demonstrated. The acetylated derivatives completely lost their antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis. The comparative genetic studies of Gm, Km, tobramycin (Tm), and butirosin (Bn) reveal their similar biosynthetic routes and provide a framework for the further biosynthetic studies.  相似文献   

Anti-lipopolysaccharide factors (ALFs) are antimicrobial peptides previously identified in various crustaceans. Out of five isoforms identified in Penaeus monodon, ALFPm3 is the best characterized, exhibits antibacterial and antifungal activities and can protect the shrimp from viral infections. Herein, the most recent identified ALFPm, called ALFPm6, is characterized for its potential role in the shrimp’s immunity. RNA interference-mediated gene silencing was used to study the function of ALFPm6 in comparison to ALFPm3. Knockdown of ALFPm3 gene led to rapid death with a cumulative shrimp mortality of 86% within 7 days, accompanied by a 12- and 50-fold higher bacterial count after 2 days in the haemolymph and hepatopancreas, respectively, compared to the control shrimp injected with GFP dsRNA. In contrast, gene silencing of ALFPm6 alone had no effect on the shrimp mortality, but led to a significant increase in the cumulative mortality and a faster mortality rate following Vibrio harveyi and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infections, respectively. These results support the roles of ALFPm6 and ALFPm3 in the protection of shrimp against microbial infections.  相似文献   

The reversible redox chemistry of coenzyme Q serves a crucial function in respiratory electron transport. Biosynthesis of Q in Escherichia coli depends on the ubi genes. However, very little is known about UbiX, an enzyme thought to be involved in the decarboxylation step in Q biosynthesis in E. coli and Salmonella enterica. Here we characterize an E. coli ubiX gene deletion strain, LL1, to further elucidate E. coli ubiX function in Q biosynthesis. LLI produces very low levels of Q, grows slowly on succinate as the sole carbon source, accumulates 4-hydroxy-3-octaprenyl-benzoate, and has reduced UbiG O-methyltransferase activity. Expression of either E. coli ubiX or the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ortholog PAD1, rescues the deficient phenotypes of LL1, identifying PAD1 as an ortholog of ubiX. Our results suggest that both UbiX and UbiD are required for the decarboxylation of 4-hydroxy-3-octaprenyl-benzoate in E. coli coenzyme Q biosynthesis, especially during logarithmic growth.  相似文献   

The biomechanical functions of articular cartilage are governed largely by the composition and density of its specialized extracellular matrix. Relationships between matrix density and functional indices such as mechanical properties or interstitial solute diffusivities have been previously explored. However, direct correlations between mechanical properties and solute transport parameters have received less attention, despite potential application of this information for cartilage functional assessment both in vivo and in vitro. The objective of this study was therefore to examine relationships among solute diffusivities, mechanical properties, and matrix density of compressed articular cartilage. Matrix density varied due to natural variation among explants and due to applied static compression. Matrix density of statically compressed cartilage explants was characterized by glycoaminoglycan (GAG) weight fraction and fluid volume fraction, while diffusion coefficients of a wide range of solutes were measured to characterize the transport environment. Explant mechanical properties were characterized by a non-linear Young's modulus (axial stress-strain ratio) and a non-linear Poisson's ratio (radial-to-axial strain ratio). Solute diffusivities were consistently correlated with Young's modulus, as well as with explant GAG weight and fluid volume fractions. Therefore, in vitro mechanical tests may provide a means of assessing transport environments in cartilage-like materials, while in vivo measurements of solute transport (for example with magnetic resonance imaging) may be a useful complement in identifying localized differences in matrix density and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Two genes coding for enzymes previously reported to be involved in the final steps of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis in different insect species, were characterised in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. Juvenile hormone acid O-methyltransferase (JHAMT) was previously described to catalyse the conversion of farnesoic acid (FA) and JH acid to their methyl esters, methyl farnesoate (MF) and JH respectively. A second gene, CYP15A1 was reported to encode a cytochrome P450 enzyme responsible for the epoxidation of MF to JH. Additionally, a third gene, FAMeT (originally reported to encode a farnesoic acid methyltransferase) was included in this study. Using q-RT-PCR, all three genes (JHAMT, CYP15A1 and FAMeT) were found to be primarily expressed in the CA of the desert locust, the main biosynthetic tissue of JH. An RNA interference approach was used to verify the orthologous function of these genes in S. gregaria. Knockdown of the three genes in adult animals followed by the radiochemical assay (RCA) for JH biosynthesis and release showed that SgJHAMT and SgCYP15A1 are responsible for synthesis of MF and JH respectively. Our experiments did not show any involvement of SgFAMeT in JH biosynthesis in the desert locust. Effective and selective inhibitors of SgJHAMT and SgCYP15A1 would likely represent selective biorational locust control agents.  相似文献   

Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) are potentially harmful specialty metabolites found in Solanaceous plants. Two tri-glycosylated alkaloids, alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine accumulate in potato tubers. Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified in the available database by searching for protein homology to the Sgt1 (SOLtu:Sgt1) steriodalalkaloid galactosyltransferase. The EST sequence data was used to isolate Sgt3 cDNA sequences by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from a wounded potato tuber cDNA library. The resulting 1515bp open reading frame of Sgt3, encodes a predicted SGT3 amino acid sequence that is 18 residues longer than, 45% identical to, and 58% homologous to the SGT1 protein. The amino-terminal region of the Sgt3 cDNA was used to create an antisense transgene under control of the granule bound starch synthase, GBSS6, promoter and the ubiquitin, Ubi3, polyadenylation signal. Analysis of SGA metabolites in selected transgenic tubers revealed a dramatic decrease in the accumulation of alpha-chaconine and alpha-solanine. This decrease was compensated by an increase in beta-solanine and beta-chaconine with minor accumulation of alpha-SGAs. These results allowed the identification of the function for SGT3 as the beta-solanine/beta-chaconine rhamnosyl transferase, the terminal step in formation of the potato glycoalkaloid triose side chains.  相似文献   

The initiation of glycogen synthesis requires the protein glycogenin, which incorporates glucose residues through a self-glucosylation reaction, and then acts as substrate for chain elongation by glycogen synthase and branching enzyme. Numerous sequences of glycogenin-like proteins are available in the databases but the enzymes from mammalian skeletal muscle and from Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the best characterized. We report the isolation of a cDNA from the fungus Neurospora crassa, which encodes a protein, GNN, which has properties characteristic of glycogenin. The protein is one of the largest glycogenins but shares several conserved domains common to other family members. Recombinant GNN produced in Escherichia coli was able to incorporate glucose in a self-glucosylation reaction, to trans-glucosylate exogenous substrates, and to act as substrate for chain elongation by glycogen synthase. Recombinant protein was sensitive to C-terminal proteolysis, leading to stable species of around 31kDa, which maintained all functional properties. The role of GNN as an initiator of glycogen metabolism was confirmed by its ability to complement the glycogen deficiency of a S. cerevisiae strain (glg1 glg2) lacking glycogenin and unable to accumulate glycogen. Disruption of the gnn gene of N. crassa by repeat induced point mutation (RIP) resulted in a strain that was unable to synthesize glycogen, even though the glycogen synthase activity was unchanged. Northern blot analysis showed that the gnn gene was induced during vegetative growth and was repressed upon carbon starvation.  相似文献   

This report describes a series of experiments designed to determine if terpene biosynthesis is inducible in two families of marine terpenes, pseudopterosins from the gorgonian coral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae and fuscol from Eunicea fusca. Since we have recently shown that terpene biosynthesis is not under the control of the invertebrate host, but rather occurs within a dinoflagellate preparation, we examined the terpene content of the dinoflagellate symbiont following a decrease in UV/vis radiation as well as in response to the addition of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid and gibberellic acid. We demonstrated that pseudopterosin and fuscol biosynthesis can be markedly increased through the addition of the plant bioactive substances. We also demonstrated that, while the terpene content of P. elisabethae increases in response to decreased UV/vis light, this is due primarily to an increase in the concentration of the dinoflagellate rather than simply an induction of terpene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Leg development in Drosophila has been studied in much detail. However, Drosophila limbs form in the larva as imaginal discs and not during embryogenesis as in most other arthropods. Here, we analyze appendage genes in the spider Cupiennius salei and the beetle Tribolium castaneum. Differences in decapentaplegic (dpp) expression suggest a different mode of distal morphogen signaling suitable for the specific geometry of growing limb buds. Also, expression of the proximal genes homothorax (hth) and extradenticle (exd) is significantly altered: in the spider, exd is restricted to the proximal leg and hth expression extends distally, while in insects, exd is expressed in the entire leg and hth is restricted to proximal parts. This reversal of spatial specificity demonstrates an evolutionary shift, which is nevertheless compatible with a conserved role of this gene pair as instructor of proximal fate. Different expression dynamics of dachshund and Distal-less point to modifications in the regulation of the leg gap gene system. We comment on the significance of this finding for attempts to homologize leg segments in different arthropod classes. Comparison of the expression profiles of H15 and optomotor-blind to the Drosophila patterns suggests modifications also in the dorsal-ventral patterning system of the legs. Together, our results suggest alterations in many components of the leg developmental system, namely proximal-distal and dorsal-ventral patterning, and leg segmentation. Thus, the leg developmental system exhibits a propensity to evolutionary change, which probably forms the basis for the impressive diversity of arthropod leg morphologies.  相似文献   

Mammalian X-chromosome inactivation is controlled by a multilayered silencing pathway involving both short and long non-coding RNAs, which differentially recruit the epigenetic machinery to establish chromatin asymmetries. In response to developmentally regulated small RNAs, dicer, a key effector of RNA interference, locally silences Xist on the active X-chromosome and establishes the heterochromatin conformation along the silent X-chromosome. The 1.6 kb RepA RNA initiates silencing by targeting the PRC2 polycomb complex to the inactive X-chromosome. In addition, the nuclear microenvironment is implicated in the initiation and maintenance of X-chromosome asymmetries. Here we review new findings involving these various RNA species in terms of understanding Xist gene regulation and the establishment of X-chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

During the biosynthesis of heme d1, the essential cofactor of cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, the NirE protein catalyzes the methylation of uroporphyrinogen III to precorrin-2 using S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) as the methyl group donor. The crystal structure of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NirE in complex with its substrate uroporphyrinogen III and the reaction by-product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (SAH) was solved to 2.0 Å resolution. This represents the first enzyme-substrate complex structure for a SAM-dependent uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase. The large substrate binds on top of the SAH in a “puckered” conformation in which the two pyrrole rings facing each other point into the same direction either upward or downward. Three arginine residues, a histidine, and a methionine are involved in the coordination of uroporphyrinogen III. Through site-directed mutagenesis of the nirE gene and biochemical characterization of the corresponding NirE variants the amino acid residues Arg-111, Glu-114, and Arg-149 were identified to be involved in NirE catalysis. Based on our structural and biochemical findings, we propose a potential catalytic mechanism for NirE in which the methyl transfer reaction is initiated by an arginine catalyzed proton abstraction from the C-20 position of the substrate.  相似文献   

X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) ensures dosage compensation in mammals. Random XCI is a process where a single X chromosome is silenced in each cell of the epiblast of mouse female embryos. Operating at the level of an entire chromosome, XCI is a major paradigm for epigenetic processes. Here we review the most recent discoveries concerning the role of long noncoding RNAs, pluripotency factors, and chromosome structure in random XCI.  相似文献   

A comparison of the rate of ethylene production by apple fruit to the methionine content of the tissue suggests that the sulfur of methionine has to be recycled during its continuous synthesis of ethylene. The metabolism of the sulfur of methionine in apple tissue in relation to ethylene biosynthesis was investigated. The results showed that in the conversion of methionine to ethylene the CH3S-group of methionine is first incorporated as a unit into S-methylcysteine. By demethylation, S-methylcysteine is metabolized to cysteine. Cysteine then donates its sulfur to form methionine, presumably through cystathionine and homocysteine. This view is consistent with the observation that cysteine, homoserine and homocysteine were all converted to methionine, in an order of efficiency from least to greatest. For the conversion to ethylene, methionine was the most efficient precursor, followed by homocysteine and homoserine. Based on these results, a methionine-sulfur cycle in relation to ethylene biosynthesis is presented.  相似文献   

Genome sequence analyses revealed the occurrence of two paralogous ppa genes potentially encoding distinct Family I inorganic pyrophosphatases (sPPases, EC3.6.1.1) in the marine unicellular cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus marinus strains MED4 and MIT9313 and Synechococcus sp. WH8102. Protein sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis indicated that the ppa gene proper of cyanobacteria (ppa1) encodes a presumably inactive mutant enzyme whereas the second gene (ppa2) might encode an active sPPase closely related to those of some proteobacteria. Heterologous expression of the two cloned P. marinus MED4 ppa genes in Escherichia coli confirmed this proposal, only the inactive ppa1 product being immunodetected by anti-cyanobacterial sPPase antibodies. A possible scenario of ppa gene inactivation and replacement in the context of the postulated rapid diversification of marine unicellular cyanobacteria, the most abundant photosynthetic prokaryotes in the oceans, is discussed.  相似文献   

The enzyme nicotinic acid mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NaMN AT; EC is essential for the synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and is a potential target for antibiotics. It catalyzes the transfer of an AMP moiety from ATP to nicotinic acid mononucleotide to form nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide. In order to provide missing structural information on the substrate complexes of NaMN AT and to assist structure-based design of specific inhibitors for antibacterial discovery, we have determined the crystal structure of NaMN AT from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in three distinct states, i.e. the NaMN-bound form at 1.7A resolution and ATP-bound form at 2.0A as well as its apo-form at 2.0A. They represent crucial structural information necessary for better understanding of the substrate recognition and the catalytic mechanism. The substrate-unbound and substrate-complexed structures are all in the fully open conformation and there is little conformational change upon binding each of the substrates. Our structures indicate that a conformational change is necessary to bring the two substrates closer together for initiating the catalysis. We suggest that such a conformational change likely occurs only after both substrates are simultaneously bound in the active site.  相似文献   

Vertebrate hematopoiesis is characterized by two evolutionally conserved phases of development, i.e., primitive hematopoiesis, which is a transient phenomenon in the early embryo, and definitive hematopoiesis, which takes place in the later stages. Beni fuji (bef) was originally isolated as a medaka mutant that has an apparently reduced number of erythrocytes in its peripheral blood. Positional cloning revealed that the bef mutant has a nonsense mutation in the c-myb gene. Previous studies have shown that c-myb is essential for definitive hematopoiesis, and c-myb is now widely used as a marker gene for the onset of definitive hematopoiesis. To analyze the phenotypes of the bef mutant, we performed whole-mount in situ hybridization with gene markers of hematopoietic cells. The bef embryos showed decreased expression of α-globin and l-plastin, and a complete loss of mpo1 and rag1 expression, suggesting that the bef embryos had defects not only in erythrocytes but also in other myeloid cells, which indicates that their definitive hematopoiesis was aberrant. Interestingly, we observed a diminution in the number of primitive erythrocytes and a delay in the emergence of primitive macrophages in the bef embryos. These results suggest that c-myb also functions in the primitive hematopoiesis, potentially demonstrating a link between primitive and definitive hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Moraxella catarrhalis is an important human mucosal pathogen that contributes to otitis media in infants and exacerbates conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the elderly. This study describes the identification of a novel gene, lgt5 that encodes a glycosyltransferase involved in the LOS biosynthesis of M. catarrhalis. Analysis of NMR data of LOS-derived oligosaccharide from a Serotype A lgt5 mutant strain of M. catarrhalis indicate that lgt5 encodes an alpha-(1-->4)-galactosyltransferase.  相似文献   

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