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In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the binding of the Rap1 protein to a site located between the 5' end of the HIS4 gene and the 3' end of BIK1 stimulates meiotic recombination at both flanking loci. By using strains that contain mutations located in HIS4 and BIK1, we found that most recombination events stimulated by the binding of Rap1 involve HIS4 or BIK1, rather than bidirectional events including both loci. The patterns of aberrant segregation indicate that most of the Rap1-stimulated recombination events do not represent the symmetric processing of a double-strand DNA break located at the Rap1-binding site.  相似文献   

We describe a system that uses pulsed-field gels for the physical detection of recombinant DNA molecules, double-strand DNA breaks (DSB) and sister-chromatid exchange in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The system makes use of a circular variant of chromosome III (Chr. III). Meiotic recombination between this ring chromosome and a linear homolog produces new molecules of sizes distinguishable on gels from either parental molecule. We demonstrate that these recombinant molecules are not present either in strains with two linear Chr. III molecules or in rad50 mutants, which are defective in meiotic recombination. In conjunction with the molecular endpoints, we present data on the timing of commitment to meiotic recombination scored genetically. We have used x-rays to linearize circular Chr. III, both to develop a sensitive method for measuring frequency of DSB and as a means of detecting double-sized circles originating in part from sister-chromatid exchange, which we find to be frequent during meiosis.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are formed by the Spo11 protein, initiate meiotic recombination. Previous DSB-mapping studies have used rad50S or sae2Δ mutants, which are defective in break processing, to accumulate Spo11-linked DSBs, and report large (≥ 50 kb) “DSB-hot” regions that are separated by “DSB-cold” domains of similar size. Substantial recombination occurs in some DSB-cold regions, suggesting that DSB patterns are not normal in rad50S or sae2Δ mutants. We therefore developed a novel method to map genome-wide, single-strand DNA (ssDNA)–associated DSBs that accumulate in processing-capable, repair-defective dmc1Δ and dmc1Δ rad51Δ mutants. DSBs were observed at known hot spots, but also in most previously identified “DSB-cold” regions, including near centromeres and telomeres. Although approximately 40% of the genome is DSB-cold in rad50S mutants, analysis of meiotic ssDNA from dmc1Δ shows that most of these regions have substantial DSB activity. Southern blot assays of DSBs in selected regions in dmc1Δ, rad50S, and wild-type cells confirm these findings. Thus, DSBs are distributed much more uniformly than was previously believed. Comparisons of DSB signals in dmc1, dmc1 rad51, and dmc1 spo11 mutant strains identify Dmc1 as a critical strand-exchange activity genome-wide, and confirm previous conclusions that Spo11-induced lesions initiate all meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The major DNA repair pathways operate on damage in double-strand DNA because they use the intact strand as a template after damage removal. Therefore, lesions in transient single-strand stretches of chromosomal DNA are expected to be especially threatening to genome stability. To test this hypothesis, we designed systems in budding yeast that could generate many kilobases of persistent single-strand DNA next to double-strand breaks or uncapped telomeres. The systems allowed controlled restoration to the double-strand state after applying DNA damage. We found that lesions induced by UV-light and methyl methanesulfonate can be tolerated in long single-strand regions and are hypermutagenic. The hypermutability required PCNA monoubiquitination and was largely attributable to translesion synthesis by the error-prone DNA polymerase ζ. In support of multiple lesions in single-strand DNA being a source of hypermutability, analysis of the UV-induced mutants revealed strong strand-specific bias and unexpectedly high frequency of alleles with widely separated multiple mutations scattered over several kilobases. Hypermutability and multiple mutations associated with lesions in transient stretches of long single-strand DNA may be a source of carcinogenesis and provide selective advantage in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

S. H. Clark  M. McCarron  C. Love    A. Chovnick 《Genetics》1986,112(4):755-767
DNA extracts of several rosy-mutation-bearing strains were associated with large insertions and deletions in a defined region of the molecular map believed to include the rosy locus DNA. Large-scale, intragenic mapping experiments were carried out that localized these mutations within the boundaries of the previously defined rosy locus structural element. Molecular characterization of the wild-type recombinants provides conclusive evidence that the rosy locus DNA is localized to the DNA segment marked by these lesions. One of the mutations, ry2101, arose from a P-M hybrid dysgenesis experiment and is associated with a copia insertion. Experiments are described which suggest that copia mobilizes in response to P-M hybrid dysgenesis. Relevance of the data to recombination in higher organisms is considered.  相似文献   

J. W. George  K. N. Kreuzer 《Genetics》1996,143(4):1507-1520
We investigated double-strand break (dsb) repair in bacteriophage T4 using a physical assay that involves a plasmid substrate with two inverted DNA segments. A dsb introduced into one repeat during a T4 infection induces efficient dsb repair using the second repeat as a template. This reaction is characterized by the following interesting features. First, the dsb induces a repair reaction that is directly coupled to extensive plasmid replication; the repaired/replicated product is in the form of long plasmid concatemers. Second, repair of the dsb site is frequently associated with exchange of flanking DNA. Third, the repair reaction is absolutely dependent on the products of genes uvsX, uvsY, 32, 46, and 59, which are also required for phage genomic recombination-dependent DNA replication. Fourth, the coupled repair/replication reaction is only partly dependent on endonuclease VII (gp49), suggesting that either another Holliday-junction-cleaving activity or an alternate resolution pathway is active during T4 infections. Because this repair reaction is directly coupled to extensive replication, it cannot be explained by the SZOSTAK et al. model. We present and discuss a model for the coupled repair/replication reaction, called the extensive chromosome replication model for dsb repair.  相似文献   

The properties of gene conversion as measured in fungi that generate asci containing all the products of meiosis imply that meiotic recombination initiates at specific sites. The HIS2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae displays a high frequency of gene conversion, indicating that it is a recombination hotspot. The HIS2 gene was cloned and sequenced, and the cloned DNA was used to make several different types of alterations in the yeast chromosome by transformation; these alterations were used to determine the location of the sequences necessary for the high levels of meiotic conversion observed at HIS2. Previous work indicated that the gene conversion polarity gradient is high at the 3' end of the gene, and that the promoter of the gene is not necessary for the high frequency of conversion observed. Data presented here suggest that at least some of the sequences necessary for high levels of conversion at HIS2 are located over 700 bp downstream of the end of the coding region, extend over (at least) several hundred base pairs, and may be quite complex, perhaps involving chromatin structure. Additional data indicate that multiple single base heterologies within a 1-kb interval contribute little to the frequency of gene conversion. This contrasts with other reports about the role of heterologies at the MAT locus.  相似文献   

The RecBCD enzyme has a powerful duplex DNA exonuclease activity in vivo. We found that this activity decreased strongly when cells were irradiated with UV light (135 J/m2). The activity decrease was seen by an increase in survival of phage T4 2 of about 200-fold (phage T4 2 has defective duplex DNA end-protecting gene 2 protein). The activity decrease depended on excision repair proficiency of the cells and a postirradiation incubation. During this time, chromosome fragmentation occurred as demonstrated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. In accord with previous observations, it was concluded that the RecBCD enzyme is silenced during interaction with duplex DNA fragments containing Chi nucleotide sequences. The silencing was suppressed by induction or permanent derepression of the SOS system or by the overproduction of single-strand DNA binding protein (from a plasmid with ssb+) which is known to inhibit degradation of chromosomal DNA by cellular DNases. Further, mutations in xonA, recJ, and sbcCD, particularly in the recJ sbcCD and xonA recJ sbcCD combinations, impeded RecBCD silencing. The findings suggest that the DNA fragments had single-stranded tails of a length which prevents loading of RecBCD. It is concluded that in wild-type cells the tails are effectively removed by single-strand-specific DNases including exonuclease I, RecJ DNase, and SbcCD DNase. By this, tailed DNA ends are processed to entry sites for RecBCD. It is proposed that end blunting functions to direct DNA ends into the RecABCD pathway. This pathway specifically activates Chi-containing regions for recombination and recombinational repair.  相似文献   

P. Detloff  M. A. White    T. D. Petes 《Genetics》1992,132(1):113-123
Heteroduplexes formed between genes on homologous chromosomes are intermediates in meiotic recombination. In the HIS4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, most mutant alleles at the 5' end of the gene have a higher rate of meiotic recombination (gene conversion) than mutant alleles at the 3' end of the gene. Such gradients are usually interpreted as indicating a higher frequency of heteroduplex formation at the high conversion end of the gene. We present evidence indicating that the gradient of conversion at HIS4 primarily reflects the direction of mismatch repair rather than the frequency of heteroduplex formation. We also identify a site located between the 5' end of HIS4 and the 3' end of BIK1 that stimulates heteroduplex formation at HIS4 and BIK1.  相似文献   

We have constructed eight restriction site polymorphisms in the DED81-ARG4 region and examined their behavior during meiotic recombination. Tetrad analysis reveals decreasing gradients of gene conversion on both sides of the initiation site for meiotic recombination at the ARG4 locus, extending on one side into the ARG4 gene, and on the other side into the adjacent DED81 gene. Gene conversion events can extend in both directions from the initiation site as the result of a single meiotic event. There is a second gradient of gene conversion in DED81, with high levels near the 5' end of the gene and low levels near the middle of the gene. The peaks of gene conversion activity for the DED81 and ARG4 gradients map to regions where double-strand breaks are found during meiosis. The implications of these results for models of meiotic gene conversion are discussed.  相似文献   

该研究以携带2×35S:LUC报告基因的转基因拟南芥Col-LUC为亲本系,将其种子进行甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变,在M2代筛选出1株低荧光的候选突变体,命名为rll4(reduced LUC luminescence 4)。遗传学分析表明,rll4突变位点包含1个核基因隐性突变。图位克隆技术定位结果显示,突变基因的位点位于4号染色体2个分子标记CL417-B10M1和CL418-B2M2之间,这2个分子标记分别位于F20D10和F20M13BAC(bacterial artificial chromosome)克隆。酶切PCR(Chop-PCR)结果显示,rll4突变体中基因组DNA的部分位点甲基化显著升高。反转录PCR(RT-PCR)结果显示,rll4突变体中ROS1(REPRESSOR OF SILENCING 1)的表达量并没有明显变化,而一些RNA介导的DNA甲基化(RdDM)过程靶位点的基因表达量有明显下降。研究表明,RLL4位点很可能参与了拟南芥DNA去甲基化过程。  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism by which UV irradiation causes S-phase-dependent chromosome aberrations and thereby genomic instability, we have developed an assay to study the DNA structure of replication forks (RFs) in UV-irradiated mammalian cells, using pulse-field gel electrophoresis for the DNA analysis. We demonstrate that replication stalling at UV-induced pyrimidine dimers results in the formation of single-strand DNA (ssDNA) regions and incomplete RF structures. In normal and in excision-repair-defective xeroderma pimentosum (XP) cells, stalling at dimers is rapid and prolonged and recovery depends on dimer repair or bypass. By contrast, XP variant (XPV) cells, defective in replication of a UV-damaged template due to mutation of bypass-polymerase ?, fail to arrest at dimers, resulting in a much higher frequency of ssDNA regions in the stalled RFs. We show that the stability of UV-arrested RFs depends directly on functional p53, and indirectly on NER and pol ?. In p53-deficient cells, the stalled sites give rise to double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs), at a frequency inversely correlated with repair capacity of the cell. In normal cells only a fraction of the stalled sites give rise to DSBs, while in XPASV, XPDSV and also XPVSV all the sites do. XPVSV cells, although repair proficient, accumulate almost double the number of DSBs, suggesting that a high frequency of ssDNA regions in UV-arrested forks cause RF instability. These replication-associated DSBs do not accumulate in p53-proficient human cells. We propose that a major mechanism by which p53 maintains genome stability is the prevention of DSB accumulation at long-lived ssDNA regions in stalled-replication forks.

Supplemental material for this paper can be found at the following link:

http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/cc/squiresCC3-12-sup.pdf  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that 75% of infertile men with round, acrosomeless spermatozoa (globozoospermia) had a homozygous 200-Kb deletion removing the totality of DPY19L2. We showed that this deletion occurred by Non-Allelic Homologous Recombination (NAHR) between two homologous 28-Kb Low Copy Repeats (LCRs) located on each side of the gene. The accepted NAHR model predicts that inter-chromatid and inter-chromosome NAHR create a deleted and a duplicated recombined allele, while intra-chromatid events only generate deletions. Therefore more deletions are expected to be produced de novo. Surprisingly, array CGH data show that, in the general population, DPY19L2 duplicated alleles are approximately three times as frequent as deleted alleles. In order to shed light on this paradox, we developed a sperm-based assay to measure the de novo rates of deletions and duplications at this locus. As predicted by the NAHR model, we identified an excess of de novo deletions over duplications. We calculated that the excess of de novo deletion was compensated by evolutionary loss, whereas duplications, not subjected to selection, increased gradually. Purifying selection against sterile, homozygous deleted men may be sufficient for this compensation, but heterozygously deleted men might also suffer a small fitness penalty. The recombined alleles were sequenced to pinpoint the localisation of the breakpoints. We analysed a total of 15 homozygous deleted patients and 17 heterozygous individuals carrying either a deletion (n = 4) or a duplication (n = 13). All but two alleles fell within a 1.2-Kb region central to the 28-Kb LCR, indicating that >90% of the NAHR took place in that region. We showed that a PRDM9 13-mer recognition sequence is located right in the centre of that region. Our results therefore strengthen the link between this consensus sequence and the occurrence of NAHR.  相似文献   

Recombination rates have been examined in two-point crosses of various defined cyc1 mutants using five mapping methods. Nucleotide sequences of mutant codons were identified in previous studies from alterations in functional iso-1-cytochromes c produced by intragenic revertants. Heteroallelic diploids were analyzed for rates of mitotic recombination that occurred spontaneously and that were induced with x-rays, ultraviolet light and the near-ultraviolet light emitted by sunlamps, as well as rates of meiotic recombination that occur after sporulation. Frequencies of both mitotic and meiotic recombination do not necessarily correspond with physical distances separating altered nucleotides. The most extreme discrepancy involved two adjacent intervals of thirteen basepairs which differed approximately thirty-fold in their spontaneous and X-ray-induced recombination rates. Marked disproportions between genetic and physical distances appear to be due to the interaction of the two nucleotide sequences in the heteroallelic combination and not to the sequences of the mutant codons alone. Recombination values that were obtained by all five methods could not be used to establish to correct order of mutant sitesmrelationships of the recombination rates for the various pairwise crosses are different after mitosis from those after meiosis, suggesting that these two recombinational processes are to some extent different in their dependence on particular nucleotide configurations. On the other hand, the relationships of the rates induced by UV-, sunlamp- and X-irradiation were identical or very similar. In addition to the intrinsic properties of the alleles affecting frequencies of mitotic and meiotic recombination rates, two- to threefold variations in recombination rates could be attributed to genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Epigenetic marks such as histone modifications play roles in various chromosome dynamics in mitosis and meiosis. Methylation of histones H3 at positions K4 and K79 is involved in the initiation of recombination and the recombination checkpoint, respectively, during meiosis in the budding yeast. Set1 promotes H3K4 methylation while Dot1 promotes H3K79 methylation. In this study, we carried out detailed analyses of meiosis in mutants of the SET1 and DOT1 genes as well as methylation-defective mutants of histone H3. We confirmed the role of Set1-dependent H3K4 methylation in the formation of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in meiosis for the initiation of meiotic recombination, and we showed the involvement of Dot1 (H3K79 methylation) in DSB formation in the absence of Set1-dependent H3K4 methylation. In addition, we showed that the histone H3K4 methylation-defective mutants are defective in SC elongation, although they seem to have moderate reduction of DSBs. This suggests that high levels of DSBs mediated by histone H3K4 methylation promote SC elongation.  相似文献   

The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe Rec12 protein, the homolog of Spo11 in other organisms, initiates meiotic recombination by creating DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and becoming covalently linked to the DNA ends of the break. This protein–DNA linkage has previously been detected only in mutants such as rad50S in which break repair is impeded and DSBs accumulate. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the DSB distribution in a rad50S mutant is markedly different from that in wild-type (RAD50) meiosis, and it was suggested that this might also be true for other organisms. Here, we show that we can detect Rec12-DNA linkages in Sc. pombe rad50+ cells, which are proficient for DSB repair. In contrast to the results from Sa. cerevisiae, genome-wide microarray analysis of Rec12-DNA reveals indistinguishable meiotic DSB distributions in rad50+ and rad50S strains of Sc. pombe. These results confirm our earlier findings describing the occurrence of widely spaced DSBs primarily in large intergenic regions of DNA and demonstrate the relevance and usefulness of fission yeast studies employing rad50S. We propose that the differential behavior of rad50S strains reflects a major difference in DSB regulation between the two species—specifically, the requirement for the Rad50-containing complex for DSB formation in budding yeast but not in fission yeast. Use of rad50S and related mutations may be a useful method for DSB analysis in other species.  相似文献   

Unrepaired DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) typically result in G(2) arrest. Cell cycle progression can resume following repair of the DSBs or through adaptation to the checkpoint, even if the damage remains unrepaired. We developed a screen for factors in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that affect checkpoint control and/or viability in response to a single, unrepairable DSB that is induced by HO endonuclease in a dispensable yeast artificial chromosome containing human DNA. SIR2, -3, or -4 mutants exhibit a prolonged, RAD9-dependent G(2) arrest in response to the unrepairable DSB followed by a slow adaptation to the persistent break, leading to division and rearrest in the next G(2). There are a small number of additional cycles before permanent arrest as microcolonies. Thus, SIR genes, which repress silent mating type gene expression, are required for the adaptation and the prevention of indirect lethality resulting from an unrepairable DSB in nonessential DNA. Rapid adaptation to the G(2) checkpoint and high viability were restored in sir(-) strains containing additional deletions of the silent mating type loci HML and HMR, suggesting that genes under mating type control can reduce the toleration of a single DSB. However, coexpression of MATa1 and MATalpha2 in Sir(+) haploid cells did not lead to lethality from the HO-induced DSB, suggesting that toleration of an unrepaired DSB requires more than one Sir(+) function.  相似文献   

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