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  Cupule and pistillate inflorescence morphology is described in detail for the first time for a number of species in Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia. The architecture and temporal appearance of prophylls, flowers, and cupule valves is dichasial; the cupule valves are third and higher order shoot systems. Comparative studies demonstrate that the dorsal rows of appendages on the cupule valves have a similar arrangement, and each row exhibits the same temporal pattern of development. This suggests that the cupule valves in all species have a modular construction and consist of rows of homologous appendages. This study clearly demonstrates the uniform groundplan of the pistillate inflorescence in this subgenus. Received March 14, 2002; accepted May 8, 2002 Published online: September 13, 2002  相似文献   

The inflorescence of Fagus is generally considered to be a determinate one, i.e., an axillary dichasium, in contrast to those of most genera in the family, which are indeterminate, dichasial, or simple catkins. To understand the relationship between the two types, ontogenetic development of the inflorescence of Fagus crenata was investigated. The early developmental stages are similar in both the male and the female inflorescences. At first, the inflorescence is oval-shaped, then a swelling forms at the distal side of it. Subsequently, another swelling forms at the proximal side. The more or less conspicuous residual part of the primary inflorescence axis remains between the two swellings. The inflorescence becomes heart-shaped and the first flower forms at the summit of each swelling. Subsequently, higher-ordered flowers form dichasially in the male inflorescence, and the cupule valves differentiate in the female one. This organogenetic manner suggests that the inflorescence of Fagus is an indeterminate one, consisting of two dichasia arranged alternately on the primary axis. The scale leaves surrounding the inflorescence were also given a new interpretation. They were considered to be stipules of the bracts, because sometimes they constitute a continuous structure, together with an inconspicuous swelling between them. A proliferous-type monstrous cupule was interpreted as supporting evidence for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The vegetative (Ruflorinia sierra) and fertile (Ktalenia circularis) organs of an Early Cretaceous pteridosperm collected from Santa Cruz Province in Argentina are described. The sterile leaf is at least tripinnate and bears decurrent secondary pinnae with obliquely attached, sharply pointed pinnules. The fertile member arises from the base of the vegetative rachis and bears two types of appendages, cupules and bracts. Bracts are attached to the main axis near cupules and are present in clusters of up to six. Cupules are sessile, spherical, and arranged in opposite or subopposite pairs along the axis. A small lip is present on one surface of the cupule. The number of seeds per cupule may be one or two, with each characterized by a distal nucellar beak and circular, chalazal scar. Cuticular anatomy, including the fine structure of the stomatal complex, is described for both vegetative and reproductive organs. The cupules of Ktalenia and other Mesozoic seed plants are compared, and a discussion presented regarding the possible function of the cupule.  相似文献   

Inflorescence structure in the familyAsclepiadaceae, particularly in the subfamilyAsclepiadoideae, is elucidated using the methodology and terminology of the school ofW. Troll. Asclepiadaceae inflorescences are principally thyrsoid systems, with variability resulting from different degrees of reduction of dichasial paracladia to bostryces, sciadioids, and, finally, to single flowers.  相似文献   

The floral development of five species ofTalinum is studied. Each flower is surrounded by two involucral bracts. The perianth consists of five tepals initiated in a 2/5 phyllotaxis. In all species studied a first whorl of 10–13 stamens is initiated, except inT. napiforme where this whorl is reduced to five stamens. In multistaminate androecia, additional whorls develop centrifugally. InT. paniculatum, T. portulacifolium andT. napiforme the first stamens are initiated in pairs opposite the outer tepals. In several flowers ofT. paniculatum andT. portulacifolium ten stamens are incepted in spiral sequence resembling diplostemony. Similar ontogenetic patterns are present in several species ofPhytolacca. However, within the genusTalinum the ontogenetic pattern of the firstly initiated stamens is not consistent with traditional diplostemony. InT. triangulare the firstly initiated stamens are incepted in sectors on a ring meristem, resembling the early inception in several species ofAnacampseros andPortulaca. The nectaries are associated with the filament bases and can be defined as caducous nectaries of the staminal type. The development of the tricarpellate, syncarpous gynoecium is very similar in all species studied; it is characterised by a leptate carpel-form.  相似文献   

Floral organogenesis and development of the tropical legume treesDalbergia brasiliensis, Machaerium villosum, Platymiscium floribundum, andPterocarpus rotundifolius were studied using scanning electron microscopy. The aims were to compare ontogenies and to elucidate if floral ontogenetic data will provide new character states diagnostic of the tribe Dalbergieae, which is considered a basal papilionoid tribe and primarily defined on fruit characters. Organ inception is principally acropetal in all taxa studied. Carpel inception is, however, consistently precocious. InD. brasiliensis sepals are initiated in an order not previously reported in Papilionoideae. It may be considered modified helical. InP. rotundifolius the inner whorl of stamens initiate in an unusual way, this is lateral two stamens first, then the two abaxial ones, and last the adaxial one, opposed to the unidirectional order usually seen in Papilionoideae. Generally the differences in flower development among the studied genera appear at initiation and late stage in ontogenesis, rather than at mid-stage.  相似文献   

The genusNothofagus is distributed in the Southern Hemisphere from South America to Oceania, and its distribution has been assumed to be formed by continental drift by means of Gondwana break-up during the Mesozoic era. The phylogeny of the genus was elucidated by the sequences ofatpB-rbcL intergenic spacer of cpDNA for the better understanding of its evolution and biogeography. The phylogeny ofNothofagus corresponded completely to the pollen morphology which recognizes four pollen types in extant species, and agrees well with the taxonomic system of Hill and Read (1991) although there, the subgenusNothofagus showed in unresolved polytomy. The topology of the phylogenetic tree reveals that subgenusLophozonia was derived first, and thenFuscospora, Nothofagus andBrassospora. Species from South America and New Zealand were assigned to each cluster according to their pollen morphology. Therefore, diversification ofNothofagus should have already proceeded at the subgenus level before the completion of Gondwana break-up Tropical species distributed in New Guinea and New Caledonia whose evolutionary history has been controversial were revealed to be a derived group. All five New Caledonian species formed a monophyletic group with very few sequence divergences in the intergenic spacer of cpDNA, thus showing rapid adaptive radiation in the island. Evolutionary trends of several morphological traits ofNothofagus are discussed. The evolution of valve number of cupules, number of nuts per cupule, and habit of leaf-fall (evergreen or deciduous) which are diversified in the genus, were revealed as having occurred several times as the result of convergence.  相似文献   

Abstract Caytoniales are an important group of seed plants, and the nature of their female reproductive organ may influence interpretations of the seed plant phylogeny and the origin of angiosperms. Although not convincingly demonstrated by clear evidence, cupules on previously described specimens were interpreted as being distichously arranged, implying that the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales was a pinnate megasporophyll. Here a female reproductive organ of Paracaytonia hongtaoi gen. et sp. nov. (Caytoniales) is reported from Liaoning, China. The well preserved specimen clearly shows a spiral arrangement of cupules along the reproductive axis, suggesting that the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales is not a megasporophyll but a branch. This new information on the axial nature of the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales has significant implications on the placement of Caytoniales in the seed plant phylogeny and interpretation of the relationship between Caytoniales and angiosperms.  相似文献   

The fagaceous genus Trigonobalanus as recently treated includes 3 species, two in Malaysia and Southeast Asia and a single species in Colombia, South America. Character analysis suggests that the genus as currently circumscribed is paraphyletic, without synapomorphies to unite the three species. Each of the three species is a morphologically distinct relict of a group that probably was ancestral to the modern genera Quercus and Fagus. Each of the three species also has at least one autapomorphy which is unique within Fagaceae. Analysis of cupule morphology in Fagaceae provides an interpretation of evolution in cupules which differs substantially from Forman's interpretation. We interpret trigonobalanoid cupules as indicative of an ancestral type of inflorescence within Fagaceae. This inflorescence type is a dichasial structure in which the outermost axes are cupular valves, but the degree of branching and subsequent number of fruits are variable. Following this model, a strict relationship exists between valve number and fruit number as seen in cupules of Trigonobalanus (valves = fruits + 1). Fossil evidence is consistent with our interpretation of the phylogenetic position of the trigonobalanoids. We propose to segregate the three species of Trigonobalanus as three monotypic genera; two of these require names which we provide here: Formanodendron and Colombobalanus.  相似文献   

The floral development of representatives of six genera ofCistaceae has been studied. Calyx development involves the formation of a ring primordium in several taxa. Androecium development in species with intermediate or higher stamen numbers starts with the formation of a ring meristem on which the stamens are initiated in a centrifugal direction. In many taxa five alternipetalous leading stamen primordia can be observed. In the apetalous (cleistogamous) flowers ofTuberaria inconspicua androecium development appears to be unordered; this is probably due to the lack of petals. InLechea intermedia (also cleistogamous) the corolla is trimerous and three complex stamen primordia are produced, which give rise either to one or three stamens. Relationships withinCistaceae are discussed. Floral development inCistaceae is compared with that in otherMalvanae. Among the eight families ofMalvanae from which information on floral development is availableCochlospermaceae andBixaceae exhibit the greatest similarities toCistaceae. InCistaceae the leading stamen primordia are alternipetalous. InBixa the same condition seems to be present. InMalvales s. str. mostTiliaceae also show earliest stamen initiation in alternipetalous sectors, whereas the stamens of the innermost alternipetalous position are retarded early or even suppressed inSterculiaceae, Bombacaceae, andMalvaceae. WithinMalvales s. str. the diversity of androecial developmental patterns seems to decrease inBombacaceae andMalvaceae due to increasing synorganization in the mature androecium. The derivation of polyandry inMalvanae from diplo- or obdiplostemony is discussed by comparison with the sister clades ofMalvanae as shown in recentrbcL studies (i.e.Sapindales, Rutales, the glucosinolate producing clade, andMyrtales).  相似文献   

We examined whether the residual effects on soil caused by the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis, common iceplant, would inhibit the reestablishment of a native plant species. Carpobrotus edulis interacts both directly by suppressing the growth and establishment of other plants and indirectly by altering soil chemistry. We tested whether the residual effects of C. edulis resulted in lowered germination, survival, growth, and reproduction of Gilia millefoliata, a rare dune annual. We compared G. millefoliata planted in plots previously occupied by C. edulis to G. millefoliata planted in plots that previously had native vegetation. Each plot received three treatments: seed, transplant, and unplanted, and were censused every three weeks until senescence. Carpobrotus edulis had strong negative effects on the germination, survival, growth, and reproduction of G. millefoliata. C. edulis lowers soil pH and increases organic content due to the recalcitrance of tissue to decomposition, which may have evolved as a mechanism to facilitate recolonization and invasion.  相似文献   

InMazus pumilus, all the floral appendages are initiated in acropetal sequence in the second cell layer (except stamens) of the floral primordium by periclinal divisions. The actinomorphic calyx tube is formed due to zonal growth. The zygomorphy in corolla is evident from the inception of petal primordia which arise sequentially as independent units in order of one anterior, a pair of anterio-lateral followed by a pair of posterio-lateral. Later these primordia exhibit differential growth because of which zygomorphy becomes more pronounced. The upper corolla tube is formed by interprimordial growth and lower corolla tube by zonal growth. Stamens are initiated in the third layer of the floral apex. Unlike sepals and petals, in the development of stamens (4) underlying cells of corpus also contribute. Posterior stamen is absent. The stamens become epipetalous because of interprimordial and zonal growth in the common region below the bases of petals as well as stamens. The two carpel primordia arise as crescent shaped structures which become continuous due to interprimordial growth. The ovary is formed by a ring of zonal meristem. The style develops later between stigma and ovary because of intercalary growth. The residual apex grows vertically along with the ovary and forms the septum of the ovary. All the floral appendages exhibit similar pattern of histogenesis and early growth suggesting thereby the appendicular nature of these appendages.  相似文献   

Nymphaea and Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae) share an extra-axillary mode of floral inception in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Some leaf sites along the ontogenetic spiral are occupied by floral primordia lacking a subtending bract. This pattern of flower initiation in leaf sites is repeated inside branching flowers of Nymphaea prolifera (Central and South America). Instead of fertile flowers this species usually produces sterile tuberiferous flowers that act as vegetative propagules. N. prolifera changes the meristem identity from reproductive to vegetative or vice versa repeatedly. Each branching flower first produces some perianth-like leaves, then it switches back to the vegetative meristem identity of the SAM with the formation of foliage leaves and another set of branching flowers. This process is repeated up to three times giving rise to more than 100 vegetative propagules. The developmental morphology of the branching flowers of N. prolifera is described using both microtome sections and scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The pollination biology, breeding system and fruiting success ofCaesalpinia calycina andC. pluviosa var.sanfranciscana were studied in caatinga vegetation in Bahia, NE Brazil. The principal pollinators for both species were carpenter bees.Caesalpinia calycina is andromonoecious but inC. pluviosa all flowers are hermaphrodite. InC. calycina all selfed flowers were abscised within 72 h despite rapid self-pollen tube growth to the ovary and ovule penetration. Prevention of selfing therefore seems to be controlled by a post-zygotic mechanism. Both species had very low fruit-set and it is suggested that this is at least in part due to geitonogamous pollinations with ovule penetration by self pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Claes Persson 《Brittonia》2003,55(2):176-201
Agouticarpa, a new genus of the informalAlibertia group (Rubiaceae), is described and illustrated. It comprises six species, and occurs from Costa Rica to Bolivia. Three species are here described as new:Agouticarpa grandistipula, A. hirsuta, andA. velutina. Additionally, three new combinations are made:A. curvifolia andA. williamsii (previously inGenipa) andA. isernii (previously inAlibertia). Agouticarpa is characterized by being dioecious, having elliptic to abovate, membranaceous stipules, male flowers in a branched dichasial or thyrse-like inflorescence, a poorly developed cup-shaped calyx, pollen grains with 3–7 apertures, and large globose fruits.  相似文献   

以浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区内少受干扰的毛竹林为研究对象,设置100m×100m的固定标准地,进行连续5a的每竹调查,用全站仪精确测定每竹坐标(X,Y,Z)。提出新的竞争指数——竞争势(CP)。利用CP对2009—2013年毛竹林分竞争动态进行定量分析,并分别研究各年份毛竹林竞争强度与对象竹胸径、年龄之间的动态关系。结果表明:毛竹大小年现象明显,毛竹大年(2010、2012)的林分竞争强度明显大于小年(2009、2011、2013),且大小年之间竞争强度存在显著性差异(P0.01),毛竹大年之间林分竞争强度无显著性差异(P0.05),毛竹小年(2011、2013)之间林分竞争强度无显著性差异(P0.05),2009年毛竹林受雪灾和新竹株数影响,与其它年份林分竞争强度存在显著性差异(P0.01);毛竹林竞争强度随对象竹径阶的增大而减小,且服从幂函数关系;毛竹林竞争强度随对象竹龄级的增大而增大,且服从线性函数关系。CP在Hegyi模型的基础上,增加考虑毛竹生理特性,使对毛竹竞争关系的分析有了进一步拓展,从而更加全面有效地描述毛竹林分的竞争关系,应用CP分析毛竹林竞争动态规律,可为毛竹林经营提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny ofCleome spinosa, Cleome violacea andPolanisia dodecandra subsp.trachysperma was studied in the context of the question whether the fascicled androecium ofReseda andCapparis (with fused fascicles) or the 2 + 4-pattern of theBrassicaceae is primitive in theCapparales. InPolanisia dodecandra, the 9–18 stamens show unidirectional initiation from the adaxial side toward the abaxial side of the flower. InCleome violacea, the six stamens also are formed in an unidirectional order, but development starts abaxially and a zigzag-like pattern is superimposed. InCleome spinosa, two stamen primordia in transversal (lateral) position are followed by four stamens which arise on a somewhat higher level in two pairs in front of the median sepals. It is assumed that the evolutionary steps in the androecial development proceed fromReseda viaCapparis andPolanisia/Cleome toBrassicaceae. This interpretation is supported byrbcL-studies (Chase & al. 1993,Rodman & al. 1993).Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

A research project to compare productive traits (growth and mortality), disease susceptibility and immune capability between Ostrea edulis stocks was performed. This article reports the results on the immune capability and its relation with infection by the intrahaemocytic protozoan Bonamia ostreae. Four to five oyster spat families were produced from each of four European flat oyster populations (one from Ireland, one from Greece and two from Galicia, Spain) in a hatchery. The spat were transferred to a raft in the Ría de Arousa (Galicia) for on growing for 2 years. Total haemocyte count (THC) and differential haemocyte count (DHC) were estimated monthly through the second year of growing-out. Three types of haemocytes were distinguished: granulocytes (GH), large hyalinocytes (LHH) and small hyalinocytes (SHH). Significant correlations between the mean relative abundance of GH and SHH of the families and the mean prevalence of B. ostreae, the overall incidence of pathological conditions and the cumulative mortality of the families were found; these correlations supported the hypothesis that high %GH and low %SHH would enhance oyster immune ability and, consequently, would contribute to lower susceptibility to disease and longer lifespan. Infection by B. ostreae involved a significant increase of circulating haemocytes, which affected more markedly the LHH type. The higher the infection intensity the higher the %LHH. This illustrates the ability of B. ostreae to modulate the immune responses of the O. edulis to favour its own multiplication. A significant reduction of the phenoloxidase activity in the haemolymph of oysters O. edulis infected by B. ostreae was observed. Nineteen enzymatic activities in the haemolymph of O. edulis and Crassostrea gigas (used as a B. ostreae resistant reference) were measured using the kit api ZYM®, Biomerieux. Qualitative and quantitative differences in enzyme activities in both haemocyte and plasma fractions between B. ostreae noninfected O. edulis from different origins were recorded. However, no clear positive association between enzyme activity and susceptibility to bonamiosis was found. The only enzyme detected in the resistant species C. gigas that was not found in the susceptible one O. edulis was β-glucosidase (in plasma). B. ostreae infected O. edulis showed significant increase of some enzyme activities and the occurrence of enzymes that were not detected in noninfected oysters. These changes could be due to infection-induced enzyme synthesis by the host or to enzyme synthesis by the parasite.  相似文献   

毛竹APX家族基因鉴定和表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(ascorbate peroxidase, APX)基因家族成员在不同组织和非生物胁迫下的表达模式,利用生物信息学方法从毛竹基因组数据库中鉴定得到7条APX同工酶基因(PeAPXs),根据亚细胞定位预测结果可分为3个亚类。各个基因启动子序列中存在低温、干旱以及光响应元件。毛竹PeAPXs在7个组织中的表达丰度不同,具有组织特异性。qRT-PCR结果表明,在干旱、盐和低温胁迫下各基因的表达模式存在着较大差异,其中PeAPX2在3种胁迫下均维持着较高的表达水平;低温胁迫对PeAPXs有诱导作用,其表达量均呈上调趋势;干旱胁迫下,PeAPX1的表达量下调,未检测到PeAPX3、PeAPX6、PeAPX7表达;盐胁迫下,除PeAPX3和PeAPX6外,其余基因表达量上调。因此,毛竹APX基因可能参与到不同的非生物胁迫过程并在毛竹的生长发育阶段发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

The earliest known ovules in the Late Devonian (Famennian) are borne terminally on fertile branches and are typically enclosed in a cupule. Among these ovules are some that have terete integumentary lobes with little or no fusion. Here, we report a new taxon, Latisemenia longshania, from the Famennian of South China, which bears cupulate ovules that are terminal as well as opposite on the fertile axis. Each ovule has four broad integumentary lobes, which are extensively fused to each other and also to the nucellus. The cupule is uniovulate, and the five flattened cupule segments of each terminal ovule are elongate cuneate and shorter than the ovule. Associated but not attached pinnules are laminate and Sphenopteris-like, with an entire or lobate margin. Latisemenia is the earliest known plant with ovules borne on the side of the fertile axis and may foreshadow the diverse ovule arrangements found among younger seed plant lineages that emerge in the Carboniferous. Following the telome theory, Latisemenia demonstrates derived features in both ovules and cupules, and the shape and fusion of integumentary lobes suggest effective pollination and protection to the nucellus. Along with other recent discoveries from China, Latisemenia extends the palaeogeographic range of the earliest seed plants.  相似文献   

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