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In most species that reproduce sexually, successful gametogenesis requires recombination during meiosis. The number and placement of crossovers (COs) vary among individuals, with females and males often presenting the most striking contrasts. Despite the recognition that the sexes recombine at different rates (heterochiasmy), existing data fail to answer the question of whether patterns of genetic variation in recombination rate are similar in the two sexes. To fill this gap, we measured the genome-wide recombination rate in both sexes from a panel of wild-derived inbred strains from multiple subspecies of house mice (Mus musculus) and from a few additional species of Mus. To directly compare recombination rates in females and males from the same genetic backgrounds, we applied established methods based on immunolocalization of recombination proteins to inbred strains. Our results reveal discordant patterns of genetic variation in the two sexes. Whereas male genome-wide recombination rates vary substantially among strains, female recombination rates measured in the same strains are more static. The direction of heterochiasmy varies within two subspecies, Mus musculus molossinus and Mus musculus musculus. The direction of sex differences in the length of the synaptonemal complex and CO positions is consistent across strains and does not track sex differences in genome-wide recombination rate. In males, contrasts between strains with high recombination rate and strains with low recombination rate suggest more recombination is associated with stronger CO interference and more double-strand breaks. The sex-specific patterns of genetic variation we report underscore the importance of incorporating sex differences into recombination research.  相似文献   

Lorch PD 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):39-47
Since the raw material of marker based mapping is recombination, understanding how and why recombination rates evolve, and how we can use variation in these rates will ultimately help to improve map resolution. For example, using this variation could help in discriminating between linkage and pleiotropy when QTL for several traits co-locate. It might also be used to improve QTL mapping algorithms. The goals of this chapter are: (1) to highlight differences in recombination rates between the sexes, (2) describe why we might expect these differences, and (3) explore how sex difference in recombination can be used to improve resolution in QTL mapping.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that great ape and macaque males achieve large canine crown sizes primarily through extended canine growth periods. Recent work has suggested, however, that platyrrhine males may achieve larger canine sizes by accelerating rather than prolonging growth. This study tested the hypothesis that the ontogenetic pathway leading to canine sexual dimorphism in catarrhines differs from that of platyrrhines. To test this hypothesis, males and females of several catarrhine genera (Hylobates, Papio, Macaca, Cercopithecus, and Cercocebus) and three platyrrhine genera (Cebus, Ateles, and Callicebus) were compared in the number and spacing of perikymata (enamel growth increments) on their canine crowns. In addition, perikymata periodicities (the number of days of growth perikymata represent) were determined for five genera (Hylobates, Papio, Macaca, Cebus, and Ateles) using previously published as well as original data gathered for this study. The central findings are as follows: 1) males have more perikymata than females for seven of eight genera (in five of the seven, the differences are statistically significant); 2) in general, the greater the degree of sexual dimorphism, the greater the sex difference in male and female perikymata numbers; 3) there is no evidence of a systematic sex difference in primate periodicities; and 4) there is some evidence that sex differences in enamel formation rates may make a minor contribution to canine sexual dimorphism in Papio and Cercopithecus. These findings strongly suggest that in both catarrhines and platyrrhines prolongation of male canine growth is the primary mechanism by which canine crown sexual dimorphism is achieved. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sex differences in growth were studied in a longitudinal study of 39 boys and 31 girls for sitting height. Individual growth patterns were determined by means of Preece Baines model 1. The results showed no significant bias in the fits of height and sitting height in boys and girls. Girls fits were significantly better than those of the boys for both height and sitting height. Univariate analysis by means of Mann-Whitney test showed significant sex differences for all function and biological parameters of height and sitting height excepted for s1 parameter (the rate constant controlling pubertal velocity). Linear discriminant analysis revealed that the strongest sex differences for the timing and size parameters at adolescent. Peak velocity at adolescent was slightly less discriminating between the two sexes and velocity at take-off showed the least sex difference. These trends were similar for height and sitting height. Decomposition of sex differences in adult size showed that the major contributor to adult the sex differences is the effect of the later onset of the adolescent growth spurt in boys than in girls. Sex differences in adult phenotypes of height and sitting height are to a slightly lesser extent due to the greater adolescent gain in boys while prepubertal sex differences are almost negligible.  相似文献   

I examined sex differences in diet and foraging behavior in two groups of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus)in a tropical dry forest at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. I tested three hypotheses: sex differences in diet and foraging behavior are best explained by (1) sexual dimorphism, (2) the energy demands of pregnancy and lactation for females;and (3) avoidance of competition between the sexes. Sexual dimorphism offered the best explanation of sex differences in the diet and foraging behavior of C. capucinus,accurately predicting that males do more strenuous foraging activity, make less use of small foraging supports, and spend more time on or near the ground. Females spent more time foraging than males did but probably obtained a lower protein yield per unit foraging time. Females exploited more small and embedded invertebrates, while males ate more large invertebrates and vertebrate prey. Pregnant and lactating females spent more time resting and less time foraging than other females did, increasing their foraging return by focusing on foods requiring little handling. There was little evidence of competition avoidance between the sexes.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands of adult male hamsters are larger and secrete more cortisol than those of females. Stereology was therefore used to study zonal and cellular aspects of development of the adrenal cortex of male and female hamsters. Adrenal glands were studied at weekly intervals from day 21 to day 77 of postnatal ontogenesis. Within this period, body weight did not differ significantly between the sexes. During development, absolute and relative adrenal weights were higher in males; their zona glomerulosa (ZG), zona fasciculata (ZF) and zona reticularis (ZR) become markedly larger than those in females. No marked changes in the volume of individual ZG cells occurred although ZF cells and ZR cells become larger in male than female animals. The total number of adrenocortical cells increased within the period studied, a greater increase being observed in ZG and ZF in males. No distinct sex difference was observed in the number of ZR cells throughout development. From day 56 of postnatal life the adrenal cortex of male hamster contained more parenchymal cells than the female gland. These results thus indicate that sex differences in hamster adrenal cortex depend upon changes in number and size of parenchymal cells.Supported in part by a grant from the Committee of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands of adult female rats are heavier than the glands of corresponding male rats. Postpubertal orchiectomy increases the adrenal weight, an effect restored by testosterone replacement. Under the same conditions ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration does not change the adrenal weight while estradiol replacement enhances the relative adrenal weight.Karyometric studies have shown that nuclei in the female zona fasciculata cells are larger (app. 18%) than those of the male. Similar but only slight differences (2%) were observed in the zona reticularis. Orchiectomy results in enlargement of cell nuclei within all zones of the adrenal cortex; testosterone replacement has the opposite effect. Ovariectomy of 8 weeks duration slightly enhances the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells, has no effect on the nuclei of the zona fasciculata and reduces the volume of nuclei in the zona reticularis. Estradiol replacement reduces the volume of nuclei of the zona glomerulosa cells but increases nuclear volume in the zona fasciculata and in the zona reticularis.Thus testosterone has an inhibitory effect on the adrenal cortex of the rat while the physiologic effect of estradiol on the morphology of this gland, particularly on the zona fasciculata cells is rather dubious.The author wishes to thank Mrs. B. Westerska and Miss K. Siejak for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Zoological Committee, 2nd Department, Polish Academy of Sciences.This paper is dedicated to the memory of late Kazimierz Mietkiewski, M.D., Ph.D. whose encouragements and suggestions were most stimulating for my work.  相似文献   

Males and females often age at different rates resulting in longevity 'gender gaps', where one sex outlives the other. Why the sexes have different lifespans is an age-old question, still fiercely debated today. One cellular process related to lifespan, which is known to differ according to sex, is the rate at which the protective telomere chromosome caps are lost. In humans, men have shorter lifespans and greater telomere shortening. This has led to speculation in the medical literature that sex-specific telomere shortening is one cause of sex-specific mortality. However, telomere shortening may be a cause for and/or a consequence of the processes that govern survival, and to infer general principles from single-taxon studies may be misleading. Here, we review recent work on telomeres in a variety of animal taxa, including those with reverse sexual lifespan dimorphism (i.e., where males live longer), to establish whether sex-specific survival is generally associated with sex differences in telomere dynamics. By doing this, we attempt to tease apart the potential underlying causes for sex differences in telomere lengths in humans and highlight targets for future research across all taxa.  相似文献   

Globally, men and women face markedly different risks of obesity. In all but of handful of (primarily Western European) countries, obesity is much more prevalent among women than men. We examine several potential explanations for this phenomenon. We analyze differences between men and women in reports and effects of potential underlying causes of obesity—childhood and adult poverty, depression, and attitudes about obesity. We evaluate the evidence for each explanation using data collected in an urban African township in the Cape Town metropolitan area. Three factors explain the greater obesity rates we find among women. Women who were nutritionally deprived as children are significantly more likely to be obese as adults, while men who were deprived as children face no greater risk. In addition, women of higher adult socioeconomic status are significantly more likely to be obese, which is not true for men. These two factors - childhood circumstances and adult SES - can fully explain the difference in obesity rates between men and women that we find in our sample. More speculatively, in South Africa, women's perceptions of an ‘ideal’ female body are larger than men's perceptions of the ‘ideal’ male body, and individuals with larger ‘ideal’ body images are significantly more likely to be obese.  相似文献   

目的:探讨心理旋转任务中的性别差异是否受工作记忆的负荷的影响。方法:采用先后呈现提示刺激和目标刺激的范式,任务分为三种:1.无效提示的数字旋转;2.有效提示的数字旋转;3.有效提示的PMA图形旋转。结果:重复测量的方差分析表明:对无效提示的数字旋转任务,男性和女性之间的反应时和正确率都无差异;对有效提示的数字旋转任务,男性和女性之间的正确率无差异,而反应时的差异边缘显著;对有效提示的PMA图形旋转任务,男性和女性之间的正确率无差异,而反应时有显著差异。结论:工作记忆的负荷可能会影响心理旋转任务中的性别差异。  相似文献   

Olga Jordi 《Bird Study》2016,63(2):273-278
Capsule: Chick growth rates was sex-dependent in an Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis population.

Aims: To describe the growth rate of Yellow-legged Gull chicks and sex-associated variations, and obtain a discriminant function to sex them using morphological data.

Methods: Fifty-two Yellow-legged Gull chicks from a colony in northern Iberia were measured for body mass, head and bill length, tarsus length and three other bill-length associated variables, from the hatching date up to the age of 36 days. Birds were sexed using DNA analysis.

Results: Using logistic models, chick growth rates was observed to be similar between the sexes, while the asymptote was higher among males for the majority of the variables. Discriminant analyses showed that the variable head+bill was very reliable to predict the sex of >80% of chicks at an early developmental stage, and 100% of chicks if combined with tarsus length and two more bill-length associated variables at the age of 35 days.

Conclusions: This is the first study using a discriminant analysis to sex Yellow-legged Gull chicks, and also the first to describe the growth function for the species. The growth rate varied between sexes because males showed higher asymptote values within the growth function.  相似文献   

Sex differences in behaviour as an indirect consequence of mating system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A considerable literature has been devoted to documenting differences between the sexes. However, relatively little attention has hitherto been directed towards those differences that arise as an indirect consequence of mating system even though they can have profound implications for the daily lives of the animals involved. In this review we focus on differences in the non-reproductive behaviour of fish and relate these to sexual dimorphism in size and morphology, and to variance in fitness between the sexes. In line with our expectation, differences in distributional ecology, schooling, aggression, predator avoidance and foraging are exaggerated in sexually dimorphic species and polygamous mating systems. Nonetheless, the behaviour of males and females may also differ in sexually monomorphic and monogamous species. We conclude by highlighting promising directions for further research.  相似文献   

Bedbugs, Cimex lectularius, have re-gained their status as economically important insects in many parts of the world and, consequently, re-attracted research into their biology. Standardizing age, feeding and mating status of experimental animals requires easy and reliable identification of the nymphal sex. Here, we show the angle of the pointedness of the abdomen to be a reliable sex marker in nymphal stage 5, as well as the shape of the 9th sternite, allowing rapid nymph sorting by sex. The sexual dimorphism was driven by males, not females, departing from the larval growth trajectory.  相似文献   

Summary The zonation and cellular composition of the adrenal cortex of intact mature male and female rats of different strains (Chbb Thomm, CFY) and three strains of Wistar rats (W1, W2 and W3) at the age of 84–90 days were compared using morphometry.Both absolute and relative adrenal gland weights were higher in female than male rats. Rats of W3 and Chbb Thomm strains had the largest adrenals. These differences depended upon the higher volume of the zona fasciculata (ZF) and zona reticularis (ZR) in the W3 and Chbb Thomm strains than in the remaining animals. Females had larger adrenocortical zones than corresponding males. The average volume of the ZF cell ranged in males from 1589 m3 (W1 strain) to 2111 m3 (Chbb Thomm) and in females from 2249 m3 (W1 strain) to 2894 m3 (W3 strain). The average nuclear volume of the ZF cells was higher in female rats whereas there were no strain-and sex-differences in the size of zona glomerulosa (ZG) and ZR cells.The total number of parenchymal cells per pair of adrenals varied markedly among the studied strains, with the highest number in W3 and Chbb Thomm females. W3, Chbb Thomm and CFY females had larger number of parenchymal cells than males; the reverse was true for W1 strain whereas no differences were found among W2 male and female rats.  相似文献   

In the fifty years since the organizational hypothesis was proposed, many sex differences have been found in behavior as well as structure of the brain that depend on the organizational effects of gonadal hormones early in development. Remarkably, in most cases we do not understand how the two are related. This paper makes the case that overstating the magnitude or constancy of sex differences in behavior and too narrowly interpreting the functional consequences of structural differences are significant roadblocks in resolving this issue.  相似文献   

There is evidence suggesting that the endogenous tetrapeptide, Tyr-MIF-1 (Tyr-Prol-Leu-Gly-amide), has antagonistic or modulatory effects on opioid-mediated analgesia. There is also substantial evidence for sex differences in opioid effects, whereby male rodents display greater levels of opioid-mediated analgesia than females. In the present study, determinations were made of the effects of Tyr-MIF-1 on morphine- and restraint stress-induced opioid analgesia in adult male and female deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus. Intraperitoneal treatment with Tyr-MIF-1 (0.10–10 mg/kg) reduced morphine- and stress-induced analgesia in both male and female mice, with Tyr-MIF-1 having markedly greater antagonistic effects in male than female mice. These results indicate that there are sex differences in the modulatory (antiopiate) effects of Tyr-MIF-1 on opioid-mediated analgesia.  相似文献   

Hair color was assessed routinely from three months to six years for children participating in a longitudinal study of twins: 169 female twin pairs, 161 male pairs, and 60 opposite-sex pairs. Age trends, established by sampling only one number of every pair, showed marked changes in hair color for both sexes, but there was a consistent excess of light-haired males and dark-haired females. Within-pair concordance rates were calculated for same-sex pairs whose zygosity had been determined independently through bloodtyping. A high rate of concordance was found for MZ twins at every age in spite of the general change in hair color, indicating a strong genetic influence in the timing of color changes. The results are discussed in terms of accelerated maturation of females, and the need for genetic models of the inheritance of hair color which are age- and sex-specific.  相似文献   

This study investigated sex differences in interest in infants among children, adolescents, young adults, and older individuals. Interest in infants was assessed with responses to images depicting animal and human infants versus adults, and with verbal responses to questionnaires. Clear sex differences, irrespective of age, emerged in all visual and verbal tests, with females being more interested in infants than males. Male interest in infants remained fairly stable across the four age groups, whereas female interest in infants was highest in childhood and adolescence and declined thereafter, particularly for the responses to visual stimuli. The observed developmental changes in female interest in infants are consistent with the hypothesis that they represent a biological adaptation for parenting. This study was supported by NIH grants R01-MH57249, R01-MH62577, and K02-MH63097. Dario Maestripieri, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Human Development and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago. He has broad research interests in behavior, development, and evolution, and conducted research on primate parenting and development at the University of Cambridge and at the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center before moving to Chicago. Suzanne Pelka is a graduate student in Human Development at the University of Chicago.  相似文献   

We test the contribution of sex differences in physical formidability, education, and cooperation to the acquisition of political leadership in a small-scale society. Among forager-farmers from the Bolivian Amazon, we find that men are more likely to exercise different forms of political leadership, including verbal influence during community meetings, coordination of community projects, and dispute resolution. We show that these differences in leadership are not due to gender per se but are associated with men's greater number of cooperation partners, greater access to schooling, and greater body size and physical strength. Men's advantage in cooperation partner number is tied to their participation in larger groups and to the opportunity costs of women's intrahousehold labor. We argue these results highlight the mutual influence of sexual selection and the sexual division of labor in shaping how women and men acquire leadership.  相似文献   

We studied whether the time-varying forces that control unstable foot–ground interactions provide insight into the neural control of dynamic leg function. Twenty elite (10 F, 26.4 ± 3.5 yrs) and 20 recreational (10 F, 24.8 ± 2.4 yrs) athletes used an isolated leg to maximally compress a slender spring designed to buckle at low forces while seated. The foot forces during the compression at the edge of instability quantify the maximal sensorimotor ability to control dynamic foot–ground interactions. Using the nonlinear analysis technique of attractor reconstruction, we characterized the spatial (interquartile range IQR) and geometric (trajectory length TL, volume V, and sum of edge lengths SE) features of the dynamical behavior of those force time series. ANOVA confirmed the already published effect of sex, and a new effect of athletic ability, respectively, in TL (p = 0.014 and p < 0.001), IQR (p = 0.008 and p < 0.001), V (p = 0.034 and p = 0.002), and SE (p = 0.033 and p < 0.001). Further analysis revealed that, for recreational athletes, females exhibited weaker corrective actions and greater stochasticity than males as per their greater mean values of TL (p = 0.003), IQR (p = 0.018), V (p = 0.017), and SE (p = 0.025). Importantly, sex differences disappeared in elite athletes. These results provide an empirical link between sex, athletic ability, and nonlinear dynamical control. This is a first step in understanding the sensorimotor mechanisms for control of unstable foot–ground interactions. Given that females suffer a greater incidence of non-contact knee ligament injuries, these non-invasive and practical metrics of leg dexterity may be both indicators of athletic ability, and predictors of risk of injury.  相似文献   

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