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At present, male infertility remains an urgent medical concern. From year to year, despite advances in methods of diagnosis and treatment, medicine encounters an increasing number of infertile couples with male infertility playing a leading role. Prerequisites for fertility disorders very frequently appear in childhood. Urologists consider cryptorchidism a leading cause of male infertility. The aim of our study was to establish the relationship between testicular descent to the scrotum and the age of the fetus. Material and methods. The study was conducted using 195 specimens of male fetuses aged 4–10 months with 81.0–375.0 mm parietalcoccygeal length (PCL) using the methods of macromicroscopic, conventional, and microslide preparation under control of binocular loupes and morphometry. Results. At the beginning of the fetal period of human ontogenesis (fetuses 81.0–135.0 mm PCL), the right and left testicles are mainly located above the corresponding deep inguinal ring and they are less often located in a region of the iliac fossae. An analysis of topographic and anatomical features of the male reproductive glands in 5-month-old fetuses (136.0–185.0 mm PCL) revealed that the testicles were located within the large pelvis, with the lower end of both the right and left testicles located above the entrance to the deep inguinal ring at a distance that equals the length of the pelvic part of the gubernaculum testis—3.2 ± 0.3 mm (right) and 2.8 ± 0.2 mm (left). In 11 fetuses aged 7 months (231.0–270.0 mm PCL), the lower ends of the testicles and their gubernaculum testis are immersed in the corresponding deep inguinal ring. In eight fetuses, the testicles were within the deep inguinal ring. A combination of many factors contributes to the final migration of a testicle through the inguinal canal into the scrotum (fetuses: 270.0 cm–290.0 mm PCL), including muscle contraction of the anterolateral abdominal wall, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, contractile capacity of the gubernaculum testis of the testicle, the vaginal process of the peritoneum, and the neuro-muscular system. We believe that the gubernaculum testis is a particularly significant factor in testicular descent to the scrotum. The gubernaculum testis is maximally developed prior to migration of a testicle through the inguinal canal (eighth month of antenatal development), as evidenced by the prevalence of smooth muscle cells over connective tissue elements. An analysis of testicular topography in fetuses aged 9 months (311.0–345.0 mm PCL) revealed that testicles were located in the scrotum in nine fetuses, near the superficial inguinal ring in six fetuses, within the inguinal canal in four cases, and in the deep inguinal ring in one case. In fetuses aged 10 months (346.0–375.0 mm PCL), testicles were located in the scrotum in 13 cases and within the inguinal canal in seven cases. According to our research, the fusion of layers of the vaginal process of the peritoneum occurs in fetuses aged 9–10 months, resulting in the disappearance of the communication of its cavity with the peritoneum. A delay in the fusion of the peritoneal vaginal process layers at the end of the fetal period is an anatomic prerequisite for the occurrence of congenital inguinal-scrotal hernias. Conclusions. It has been found that the rate of testicular descent to the scrotum does not always coincide with the corresponding stage of fetal development. An accelerated development of the gubernaculum testis in fetuses aged 5–8 months is a major factor of heterochronic development of a testicle and subsequent testicular descent into the scrotum.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the evolution of the scrotum and testicular descent in the context of the recent phylogeny of mammals. The adaptive significance of testicular descent and scrotality is briefly discussed. We mapped four character states reflecting the position of testes and presence of scrotum onto recent mammalian phylogeny. Our results are interpreted as follows: as to the presence of testicondy in Monotremata and most of Atlantogenata, which represent the basal group of all eutherians, we argue that primary testicondy represents a plesiomorphic condition for Eutheria as well as for all mammals. This is in opposition to the previous hypothesis of Werdelin and Nilsonne that the scrotum may have evolved before the origin of mammals and then repeatedly disappeared in many groups including monotremes. We suggest that the scrotum evolved at least twice during the evolutionary history of mammals, within Marsupialia and Boreoeutheria, and has subsequently been lost by many groups; this trend is especially strong in Laurasiatheria. We suggest that the recent diversity in testicular position within mammals is the result of multiple selection pressures stemming from the need to provide conditions suitable for sperm development and storage, or to protect the male gonads from excessive physical and physiological disturbance.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) production by the developing testis of an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), was determined during pouch life using an organ-culture bioassay of mouse fetal urogenital ridge. This information was related to the morphological events during testicular migration and descent. MIS biological activity was found in testes (but not ovaries or liver) of pouch young from 2 to 85 days of age. MIS production had commenced by day 2, which is within a day of the first gross morphological signs of testicular differentiation. Müllerian duct regression occurred between 10 and 30 days, which partly coincided with testicular migration to the inguinal region and enlargement of the gubernacular bulb (15 to 30 days). These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that MIS may be involved in testicular transabdominal migration. The epididymis commenced development and growth only after the testis had descended through the inguinal ring. This provides no support for the suggestion that the epididymis is involved in testicular descent into the scrotum. The basic sequence of events in post-testicular sexual differentiation in the wallaby is sufficiently similar to that seen in eutherian mammals to make it an excellent experimental model for future studies of testicular differentiation, migration and descent.  相似文献   

A distinctive feature of gonadal maturation in mammals is the movement to an extraabdominal location. Testicular descent is a complex, multistage process whereby the embryonic gonads migrate from their initial abdominal position to the scrotum. Failure in this process results in cryptorchidism, a frequent congenital birth defect in humans. We report here a new mouse transgenic insertional mutation, cryptorchidism with white spotting (crsp). Males homozygous for crsp exhibit a high intraabdominal position of the testes, associated with complete sterility. Heterozygous males have a wild-type phenotype, and homozygous females are fertile. Surgically descended testes in crsp/crsp males show normal spermatogenesis. Using FISH and genetic analyses, the transgenic insert causing the crsp mutation has been mapped to the distal part of mouse chromosome 5. Transgene integration resulted in a 550-kb deletion located upstream of the Brca2 gene. A candidate gene encoding a novel G protein-coupled receptor (Great) with an expression pattern suggesting involvement in testicular descent has been identified.  相似文献   

The evolution of the scrotum: a new hypothesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive significance of the scrotum is unresolved after more than 60 years of debate and experimentation. The "training hypothesis" introduced here suggests that testicular descent is a mechanism for improving sperm quality. The hypothesis proposes that: (1) testicular descent decreases blood supply to maturing sperm cells, (2) sperm mitochondria respond to the resulting oxygen stress by enhancing their enzymatic machinery for oxidative metabolism, as do oxygen-stressed muscle cell mitochondria, and (3) the resulting increase in aerobic fitness of sperm cells is advantageous in inter-ejaculate competition. The hypothesis suggests that there is a quantity-quality trade-off in sperm production, where taxa with internal testes produce large volumes of low-quality sperm while taxa with scrotal testes produce smaller volumes of higher-quality sperm.  相似文献   

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》1999,9(2):272-285
Non descended testes in the low scrotum is a common anomaly at birth, with about 4% of the newborn males affected. Only one quarter of these newborn babies will still have non descended testes when one year old. However, the testes that will descend within the first year of life seem no more to be considered as normally descended testes. Moreover, the retractile testis, which represents a secondary anomaly of testicular position occuring after the babies are older than one year, is no more to be regarded as a physiological variant of the normally descended testis, since several reports indicate histological and clinical modifications in such cases. The testicular non descent can be associated with two consequences in adult life. Firstly, an history of non descended testis is the only known risk factor for the testicular cancer. Secondly, such an history is a risk factor for the male fertility because of spermatogenesis alterations, as indicated by qualitative and quantitative histological analyses of the testicular tissue, and by depressed spermatozoa output and quality (motility, normal forms); moreover, testicular volumes are reduced, and the time to pregnancy as well as the rate of infertility are increased. Time is arrived for a reappraisal of the consequences in adult life of the abnormal testicular location (either congenital or acquired) during childhood.  相似文献   

Androgens play a critical role in the development of the male reproductive system, including the positioning of the gonads. It is not clear, however, which developmental processes are influenced by androgens and what are the target tissues and cells mediating androgen signaling during testicular descent. Using a Cre-loxP approach, we have produced male mice (GU-ARKO) with conditional inactivation of the androgen receptor (Ar) gene in the gubernacular ligament connecting the epididymis to the caudal abdominal wall. The GU-ARKO males had normal testosterone levels but developed cryptorchidism with the testes located in a suprascrotal position. Although initially subfertile, the GU-ARKO males became sterile with age. We have shown that during development, the mutant gubernaculum failed to undergo eversion, a process giving rise to the processus vaginalis, a peritoneal outpouching inside the scrotum. As a result, the cremasteric sac did not form properly, and the testes remained in the low abdominal position. Abnormal development of the cremaster muscles in the GU-ARKO males suggested the participation of androgens in myogenic differentiation; however, males with conditional AR inactivation in the striated or smooth muscle cells had a normal testicular descent. Gene expression analysis showed that AR deficiency in GU-ARKO males led to the misexpression of genes involved in muscle differentiation, cell signaling, and extracellular space remodeling. We therefore conclude that AR signaling in gubernacular cells is required for gubernaculum eversion and outgrowth. The GU-ARKO mice provide a valuable model of isolated cryptorchidism, one of the most common birth defects in newborn boys.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We analyze the results of the combined treatment with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) of a large series of patients with cryptorchidism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between 1987 and 1999 and after strict differentiation between cryptorchid, retractile and gliding testes, 2,467 boys with 2,962 cryptorchid-gliding testes were treated with the combined hormonal therapy. LH-RH was administrated as a nasal spray at a dosage of 1.2 microg daily for a period of 4 weeks. HCG was injected intramuscularly, 5 times at 2-day intervals at a dosage adjusted according to the age. RESULTS: In the prospective study 2,476 boys with 2,962 cryptorchid testes were hormonally treated. Of the 2,962 evaluated cases 1,200 (40.52%) have been treated surgically after the hormone therapy. In 1,762 cases, 59.48% of cryptorchid testes were in the scrotum after combined hormone treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with LH-RH and HCG induced the descent of the testes to a normal scrotal position of boys with cryptorchidism in 59.48% of the evaluated cases. The combined treatment was effective for inducing descent of cryptorchid and gliding testes. According to the evaluated intraoperative findings, the failure of the combined therapy in 40.52% of the cases is due to the fact that the free descent is limited by local factors such as anatomical alterations of the inguinal canal, epididymal abnormalities or ectopic distal attachment of the lig. testis.  相似文献   

Testes externalized in a scrotum are found only in those mammals whose present lifestyle (or that of their ancestors) involves jumping, leaping or galloping, thereby creating concussive hydrostatic rises in peritoneal pressure. This would be expected to expel the contents of the reproductive tract since it does not possess a sphincter. The lower temperature of the externalized testes is then seen as a secondary adjuvant adaptation to a cooler location than within the body cavity. The theory also explains the close phylogenetic relationship between the Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, and Sirenia, if it is assumed that their common ancestor was not endowed with the genes necessary for externalization.  相似文献   

GREAT/LGR8 is the only receptor for insulin-like 3 peptide   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
During male development testes descend from their embryonic intraabdominal position into the scrotum. Two genes, encoding the insulin-like 3 peptide (INSL3) and the GREAT/LGR8 G protein-coupled receptor, control the differentiation of gubernaculum, the caudal genitoinguinal ligament critical for testicular descent. It was established that the INSL3 peptide activates GREAT/LGR8 receptor in vitro. Mutations of Insl3 or Great cause cryptorchidism (undescended testes) in mice. Overexpression of the transgenic Insl3 causes male-like gubernaculum differentiation, ovarian descent into lower abdominal position, and reduced fertility in females. To address the question whether Great deletion complements the mutant female phenotype caused by the Insl3 overexpression, we have produced Insl3 transgenic mice deficient for Great. Such females had a wild-type phenotype, demonstrating that Great was the only cognate receptor for Insl3 in vivo. We have established that pancreatic HIT cells, transfected with the INSL3 cDNA, produce functionally active peptide. Analysis of five INSL3 mutant variants detected in cryptorchid patients showed that P49S substitution renders functionally compromised peptide. Therefore, mutations in INSL3 might contribute to the etiology of cryptorchidism. We have also showed that synthetic insulin-like peptides (INSL4 and INSL6) were unable to activate LGR7 or GREAT/LGR8.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hormonal treatment of cryptorchidism has been used since the 30s, but controversies persist on its efficacy. It is also unclear whether there are differences with the use of different hormonal trials. Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of four hormonal treatments on testicular descent in a homogeneous group of cryptorchid boys. PATIENTS: 155 patients (age 10-48 months) with unilateral inguinal palpable testis were studied. Methods: The patients were subdivided into four groups according to hormonal treatment: group 1 = hCG [500 IU/week (if the chronological age was <2 years) or 1,000 IU/week (if the chronological age was >2 years) for 6 weeks]; group 2 = hCG + hMG (hCG as in group 1 + hMG 75 IU/week for 6 weeks); group 3 = GnRH (1,200 microg/daily for 28 days); group 4 = GnRH + hCG (1,200 microg/daily for 28 days + 1,500 IU/week for 3 weeks, respectively). The results were evaluated at the end of the treatment period and 6 months later to exclude temporarily positive results. RESULTS: At the end of the hormonal therapy, scrotal testicular descent was present in 30 of 155 boys (success rate 19.3%). Seven testes relapsed during follow-up (23.3%). The long-term success rate was 14.8% (23/155 testes). No significant differences were observed in success rates as well as in relapse rates among the four groups. CONCLUSIONS: Hormonal therapy induced permanent testicular descent in a minority of young cryptorchid boys with inguinal palpable testis. Similar results were obtained with four different trials.  相似文献   

E. Vendrely 《Andrologie》1995,5(3):303-308
Gonadal development is intimately linked to that of the mesonephros. The primordial testes differentiate in the dorsal region of the embryonic abdomen, behind the coelomic cavity. To reach their final location within the scrotum, the testes descend into the pelvis, pass through the abdominal wall by the inguinal canal, and attach to the base of the scrotal pouch. Testicular migration therefore comprises three stages, each requiring its own mecanism (s). The genital ducts (epididymis, vas deferens) and ligament which attaches the testis to the scrotal wall (gubernaculum testis) certainly play an essential role in these migratory events. The first phase is quite passive, associated with the growth of the abdominal cavity. In the second phase, the gubernaculum enlarges and shortens, pulling the testis through the inguinal canal. Finally, the gubernaculum, as a short, fibrous ligament, attaches the testis to the scrotal wall.  相似文献   

The descent of the testis in the fetal calf is reviewed, and the role in that process of the swelling reaction of the gubernaculum testis is discussed. The testes of 30 Dutch Friesian fetuses were examined by dissection and light microscopy of sections prepared from chemically and frozen-fixed specimens. The gubernaculum remains unattached to the scrotal fasciae until descent is completed. Shortening of the intra-abdominal gubernaculum and displacement of the testis begins at fetal week 11; the swelling reaction of the gubernaculum occurs between weeks 14 and 15. The testis is at the deep inguinal ring by week 15, and by week 20 it is in the scrotal position and the gubernaculum has regressed. It is proposed that the swelling of the gubernaculum dilates the vaginal ring and enlarges the inguinal canal. The clinical importance of these anatomical relationships and changes is discussed.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨老年男性腹股沟疝与肌肉质量、肌力及腹内压力(IAP)的相关性。方法:选取2021年1月-2023年1月在眉山市人民医院普外一科就诊的 86例老年男性腹股沟疝患者作为研究组,选取同期100名老年体检者作为对照组,对两组研究对象的腹部肌肉质量、肌力及IAP进行检测,并探讨其与腹股沟疝发病风险的相关性。结果:研究组患者腹部骨骼肌肉面积值(SMA)、骨骼肌指数(SMI)水平及右手握力、左手握力均低于对照组,腹内脂肪面积、SMI异常比例及直立加压时腹内压(OVIAP)、直立加压前后腹内压差(OVIAPD)、平卧与直立加压时腹内压差(OSVIAPD)均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic多元回归模型分析结果显示,老年腹股沟疝的发生与SMI水平、SMI异常、右手握力、OVIAPD、OSVIAPD具有相关性(P<0.05)。结论:老年男性腹股沟疝患者存在腹部肌肉质量和肌力的下降,患者在直立做加压动作时可出现IAP水平的升高,上述指标均与腹股沟疝的发生具有相关性,临床可采用针对性的综合干预措施以降低老年男性人群腹股沟疝的发病风险。  相似文献   

Seventy one patients with ectopic testis of age between 2 and 11.5 years were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at doses recommended by the International Health Foundation. The descent of testis to the scrotum was achieved in almost half of the treated boys (49.3%). The descent was successful mainly in cases of lower inguinal position of the undescended testicle, and only rarely when the testicle was situated higher. The descent was never successful in cases when the scrotum was small and underdeveloped.  相似文献   

Skin samples were taken post mortem from the scrotum, abdomen and neck of 4 mature bulls. The volume of sweat glands per unit skin surface area of the scrotum was greater than that of other body regions. Within the scrotum there was a gradient in sweat gland volume increasing from proximal through to distal parts of the scrotum. These results suggest a previously unidentified variable cooling capacity of the scrotum depending on testicular descent.  相似文献   

Effects of GnRH, administered via the testicular artery, on testicular steroidogenesis were studied in rams during the non-breeding season. Concentrations of testosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone in testicular venous blood showed similar profiles which were identical for GnRH-treated (0.5 ng infused over 60 min or 25 ng injected) and control testes. Increases of testicular venous concentration of both hormones were only marginally reflected in peripheral venous concentrations. Peripheral administration of hCG (200 i.u., i.v.) stimulated testosterone secretion to a larger extent than 17-hydroxyprogesterone secretion in 10/11 rams, GnRH-treated and control testes showing identical responses. High testicular venous concentrations of both hormones after administration of GnRH were paralleled by increased concentrations of endogenous LH. These LH peaks were evoked by 25 ng GnRH in 7/8 rams. The observed effects of GnRH treatment on testicular steroid secretion thus cannot be considered to be the result of direct stimulation of steroidogenesis by GnRH.  相似文献   

Testes from mice aged 3, 15, 25, 30 or 60 days were incubated under basal conditions or in the presence of hCG. One testis from each animal was incubated at 37 degrees C while the contralateral testis was incubated at 32 or 34 degrees C. During development total androgen production in response to hCG (at 32 degrees C) showed a marked increase between 15 and 30 days. The major androgens secreted at this time were testosterone and 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha,17 beta-diol. There was little change in total androgen production between 30 and 60 days but by 60 days testosterone was the dominant androgen. Both basal and hCG-stimulated androgen production were temperature sensitive. These effects were most pronounced at 30 and 60 days with androgen production significantly inhibited at 37 degrees C. To examine the role of testicular descent in regulating steroidogenesis animals were rendered unilaterally cryptorchid at 19 days of age. At 25 days, when descent is normally completed in the mouse, there was no significant difference in steroidogenesis between scrotal and abdominal testes. By 30 days, however, the steroidogenic potential of the abdominal testis was significantly lower than that of the scrotal testis. These results show that testicular steroidogenesis is sensitive to temperature changes around the time of testicular descent, although descent itself is not required to achieve an adult level of steroidogenesis. The results also show, however, that testicular descent is required to maintain the adult level of steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of the scrotum, testes, and the testicular artery to scrotal/testicular thermoregulation in bulls at two ambient temperatures. Crossbred beef bulls, 1.5 years of age, were placed in controlled environment chambers at ambient temperatures of 15°C (n = 5) or 25°C (n = 6). The distal lateral aspects and entire ventral part of the scrotum was incised under caudal epidural anaesthesia (xylazine, 0.07 mg kg−1). Both testes were withdrawn from the scrotum and then replaced and maintained by clamping the scrotal incisions with towel clamps. One testis was randomly chosen to be the exposed testis and was withdrawn prior to temperature measurements. Surface and internal temperatures were measured with infrared thermography and needle thermocouples, respectively. Temperature gradients (°C; difference in temperature from top to bottom at 15 and at 25°C) were: scrotal surface (with testis), 1.5 and 1.3; scrotal surface (without testis), 2.1 and 1.6; surface of exposed testis, −0.6 and 0.0; sub-tunic of exposed testis, −2.2 and −0.6; intratesticular (covered testis), 0.0 and 0.4; and intratesticular (exposed testis), −1.3 and 0.4. The scrotum markedly affects testicular temperature but the testes have limited influence on scrotal surface temperature. The bovine scrotum and testes have opposing temperature gradients that complement one another, resulting in a relatively uniform intratesticular temperature. These temperature gradients are attributed in part to the testicular artery, which goes from the top of the testis to the bottom, divides into several branches and ramifies dorsally and laterally before entering the testicular parenchyma. Intra-arterial temperatures (measured with needle thermocouples) were lower (P < 0.05) where the artery entered the testis than at both the bottom and top of the testis for both the covered (31.7, 33.4 and 34.3°C) and exposed testis (29.6, 32.0 and 32.5°C) at an ambient temperature of 15°C. Temperature differences were similar, but less pronounced, at 25°C (covered testis, 34.8, 36.3 and 36.5°C; exposed testis, 32.4, 33.5, 33.9°C). Results supported the hypothesis that blood within the testicular artery has a similar temperature at the top of the testis (just ventral to the testicular vascular cone) compared with the bottom, but subsequently cools before entering the testicular parenchyma.  相似文献   

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