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从超微结构水平上对葫芦藓(Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.)精子发生过程中胞间连接系统的结构及其变化动态进行了研究.结果表明,同一区中的相邻生精细胞由大量胞质桥相连,而不同区的细胞之间则不存在胞质桥.胞间连丝存在于套细胞之间以及套细胞与生精细胞之间,但它在生精细胞间不存在.在精子器发生的后期,当精子细胞壁开始降解时,同一个精子器中所有的精子细胞似乎都由扩大的胞质桥相互连接.胞质桥一直保持到精子分化的后期,最终精子细胞同步分化成精子.胞间连丝与胞质桥具有不同的内部结、分布以及生物发生机制,这表明它们在精子器的发育过程中可能扮演着不同的角色.  相似文献   

从超微结构水平上对葫芦藓(Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.)精子发生过程中胞间连接系统的结构及其变化动态进行了研究。结果表明,同一区中的相邻生精细胞由大量胞质桥相连,而不同区的细胞之间则不存在胞质桥。胞间连丝存在于套细胞之间以及套细胞与生精细胞之间, 但它在生精细胞间不存在。在精子器发生的后期,当精子细胞壁开始降解时,同一个精子器中所有的精子细胞似乎都由扩大的胞质桥相互连接。胞质桥一直保持到精子分化的后期,最终精子细胞同步分化成精子。胞间连丝与胞质桥具有不同的内部结、分布以及生物发生机制,这表明它们在精子器的发育过程中可能扮演着不同的角色。  相似文献   

Abstract: Bacteria represent a substantial fraction of the microorganisms that inhabit leaf surfaces. We collected samples of the moss Funaria hygrometrica (L.) in the field and analysed the epiphytes on the gametophyte by the agar impression method and scanning electron/fluorescence microscopy. On the phylloid surface numerous bacteria were detected, notably in the grooves between adjacent lamina cells. Methanol-ammonium salts agar surfaces impressed with isolated phylloids of green gametophytes resulted in the growth of methylotrophic colonies. Two Methylobacterium strains ( M. mesophilicum and M. sp., isolated from the Funaria phylloids) were found to simulate the well-known effect of cytokinin application on bud formation in Funaria protonemata. In addition, Methylobacterium inoculation promoted the growth of protonemal filaments. The significance of this novel Methylobacterium -land plant interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Chara tomentosa antheridial plasmodesmata are described during proliferation and spermiogenesis. In antheridial filament cells which are cycling completely synchronously, unplugged plasmodesmata are filled with light cytoplasm. The same plasmodesmata are observed after cessation of mitotic division followed by the onset of synchronous spermiogenesis. Walls separating cells at different cell cycle stages and dividing antheridial filaments into asynchronous domains are plugged with a dense osmophilic substance. Similarly plugged plasmodesmata are present between antheridial cells of different types, e.g., capitular cells and antheridial filaments. In mid spermiogenesis when abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER) appears temporarily it penetrates into plasmodesmata enabling cell-to-cell transport via ER cisternae. In late spermiogenesis there are no cisternae in plasmodesmata. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Solutions to some key problems in the relationships between the structure and functions of plasmodesmata, a component of the plant intercellular communication system, are proposed on the basis of the theory of osmotic flows through porous membranes. The theory accounts for structural characteristics of plasmodesmata, such as their dimension, shape, and length. It considers the steric and adsorption potentials of the solution–cell wall interaction and estimates water and solute (e.g., sucrose) flows under the sustained difference of osmotic pressures at the ends of plasmodesmata. The theory predicts that the water flow through plasmodesmata increases with the widening of the neck constriction and reaches its peak when its size is equal to the diameter of the solute molecule. The water-flow direction was found to depend on the opening of the annulus in neck constrictions at negative adsorption potentials of the plasmodesmata channel walls. Taking into account the presence of sphincters in the neck constrictions, our data suggest the role of plasmodesmata as a modulator of osmotic water fluxes in plants.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata: composition,structure and trafficking   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Plasmodesmata are highly specialized gatable trans-wall channels that interconnect contiguous cells and function in direct cytoplasm-to-cytoplasm intercellular transport. Computer-enhanced digital imaging analysis of electron micrographs of plasmodesmata has provided new information on plasmodesmatal fine structure. It is now becoming clear that plasmodesmata are dynamic quasi-organelles whose conductivity can be regulated by environmental and developmental signals. New findings suggest that signalling mechanisms exist which allow the plasmodesmatal pore to dilate to allow macromolecular transport. Plant viruses spread from cell to cell via plasmodesmata. Two distinct movement mechanisms have been elucidated. One movement mechanism involves the movement of the complete virus particle along virus-induced tubular structures within a modified plasmodesma. Apparently two virus-coded movement proteins are involved. A second movement mechanism involves the movement of a non-virion form through existing plasmodesmata. In this mechanism, the viral movement protein causes a rapid dilation of existing plasmodesmata to facilitate protein and nucleic acid movement. Techniques for the isolation of plasmodesmata have been developed and information on plasmodesma-associated proteins is now becoming available. New evidence is reviewed which suggests that plasmodesmatal composition and regulation may differ in different cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. This review focuses on mechanisms of preprophase band development in fern protonemata. Received 12 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 18 January 2000  相似文献   

Structural changes of plasmodesmata occurred in along with growth, development and senescence of staminal hair cells of Setcreasea purpurea. The plasmodesmata in the staminal hair cells of buds and open flowers were normal having a diameter of 50 mm. Those of senescent flowers became enlarged and underwent modification, such as the appressed endoplasmic reticulum disintegrated and the cell wall around the plasmodesmata degraded, so that it formed a channel with such as a diameter of 100 nm, twice or threefold as that of normal plasmodesmata. In the process of plasmodesma enlargement and modification, a series of changes occurred in the organelles.  相似文献   

胞间连丝作为一种细胞质结构将相邻的细胞连系起来而形成植物的共质体。胞间连丝通过调控许多离子和分子的共质体运输而广泛地参与植物的生命活动。胞间连丝的主要构成部分是细胞质膜、连丝小管、以及位于二之间的环层细胞质。这三都很容易在电子显微镜下观察到。细胞骨架的成分(肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白)起到稳定胞间连丝的作用。同时,钙结合蛋白可能具有调节间连丝功能的作用。在胞间连丝里,环层细胞质为大多数溶质提供共质体运输的通道,而有些 共质体运输则可能是通过连丝小管的内腔、连丝小管的壳层、甚或是细胞质膜来实现的。共质体可以细分为数个区块,它们各自允许不同大小的分子(从低于1000到高于10000道尔顿)通过。从发生上看,胞间连丝可以是初生的,也可以是次生的。前是伴随着新细胞壁的形成则产生的,而后则是在已有的细胞壁上产生的。胞间连丝的动态性质还表现在它们的频率是处于变化之中,这是由于组织或植物整体的发育和生理状态决定的。虽然共质体运输的基本形式是扩散,但胞间连丝对于某些离子和分子却是选择性的。在病毒感染细胞时,病毒的移动蛋白作用于胞间连丝的受体蛋白,结果,胞间连丝被显地扩张(其机理尚不清楚)。于是,病毒的移动蛋白连同与之结合在一起的病毒基因组进入毗邻的健康细胞。一些植物源性的蛋白质也能够通过胞间连丝来运输;推测其方式类似于病毒的移动蛋白。有些植物蛋白质本身就是信号分子,它们调节分化和其他活动。与此相反,还有一些植物蛋白质的共质体运输并不是通过特异的方式来实现的。  相似文献   

Protonemata of Funaria hygrometrica grown in artificial mediacontaining different lead concentrations grow more slowly thancontrols and show a disturbance of polar growth, changed arrangementof chloroplasts, alterations of nucleus and septa position.Morphological effects are dose-dependent. At the lowest leadconcentration (10-6 M), only a delay in development was observed,but no cellular alterations, At 10-5 M Pb nuclear migration,cellular shape, size and position of plastids, were alteredand a variety of aberrant forms were present. At 10-4 M, besidesthese alterations, a drastic reduction of the protonemal system,high vacuolation and the growth of protonemal filaments fromleaves were evident. The highest concentration, (10-3 M), causeddeath. Patterns of protonemal development and cellular arrangementin lead-treated samples showed similarities as well as differences,if compared to alterations induced by colchicine. Indirect immunofluorescencedemonstrated a correlation between lead concentration and alterationof cytoskeletal organization (alterations similar to those inducedby colchicine). Hypotheses are raised to account for effects of lead on microtubulestructure, arrangement and cytoplasm organization.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Funaria hygrometrica, lead, protonemal development, cytomorphogenesis, microtubules  相似文献   

Cell death is a biological process that occurs during differentiation and maturation of certain cell types, during senescence, or as part of a defense mechanism against microbial pathogens. Intercellular coordination is thought to be necessary to restrict the spread of death signals, although little is known about how cell death is controlled at the tissue level. The recent characterization of a plasmodesmal protein, PDLP5, has revealed an important role for plasmodesmal control during salicylic acid-mediated cell death responses. Here, we discuss molecular factors that are potentially involved in PDLP5 expression, and explore possible signaling networks that PDLP5 interacts with during basal defense responses.  相似文献   

The induction of shoot buds from the filamentous protonema of moss is a classic bioassay for cytokinin. While a large literature documents this response in many species of moss and for a wide range of natural and synthetic cytokinins, to date only substituted adenine cytokinins have been examined in detail. This paper shows that at least some of the novel phenylurea cytokinins will induce bud formation in mosses. Funaria responds to thidiazuron much as it responds to benzyladenine. Exposure to either substance results in log-linear dose-dependent increases in bud number that reach similar maximal numbers of buds at the optimal concentration of compound. The related compound chloro-pyridyl-phenylurea (CPPU) is slightly less active, but induces buds over a wider range of concentration. Carbanilide (diphenylurea or DPU), an active cytokinin in other systems, induces very few buds in Funaria, but does so over a wide range of concentration. Bioassay of mixtures of benzyladenine and DPU finds no evidence of competition for cytokinin receptors. That result could support suggestions that the phenylurea cytokinins act indirectly, by altering endogenous cytokinin metabolism, but we favor another interpretation. Unlike other cytokinin-responsive systems, the induction of buds from moss protonema involves two cytokinin-mediated events. The number of buds is controlled by the second cytokinin-mediated event. If DPU has little or no affinity for the receptor triggering this second event, DPU treatments will produce few to no buds, and kinetic analysis using bud number would find no evidence for competition with benzyladenine. Our results would support the hypothesis that bud induction in Funaria involves two chemically distinct cytokinin receptors.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from protonemata of Funaria hygrometrica wild type and developmentally abnormal mutants were individually selected and cultured in microdroplets of defined, unconditioned culture medium. Up to 60 % of the microcultured wild type protoplasts regenerated whole plants after 4 weeks. Electrofusion in different combinations of defined protoplast pairs of wild type and mutated forms was performed. The products derived from one-to-one electric field induced fusion were efficiently microcultured and somatic hybrids were regenerated.  相似文献   

Stroke is among the most frequent causes of death and adult disability, especially in highly developed countries. However, treatment options to date are very limited. To meet the need for novel therapeutic approaches, experimental stroke research frequently employs rodent models of focal cerebral ischaemia. Most researchers use permanent or transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in mice or rats.Proximal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) via the intraluminal suture technique (so called filament or suture model) is probably the most frequently used model in experimental stroke research. The intraluminal MCAO model offers the advantage of inducing reproducible transient or permanent ischaemia of the MCA territory in a relatively non-invasive manner. Intraluminal approaches interrupt the blood flow of the entire territory of this artery. Filament occlusion thus arrests flow proximal to the lenticulo-striate arteries, which supply the basal ganglia. Filament occlusion of the MCA results in reproducible lesions in the cortex and striatum and can be either permanent or transient. In contrast, models inducing distal (to the branching of the lenticulo-striate arteries) MCA occlusion typically spare the striatum and primarily involve the neocortex. In addition these models do require craniectomy. In the model demonstrated in this article, a silicon coated filament is introduced into the common carotid artery and advanced along the internal carotid artery into the Circle of Willis, where it blocks the origin of the middle cerebral artery. In patients, occlusions of the middle cerebral artery are among the most common causes of ischaemic stroke. Since varying ischemic intervals can be chosen freely in this model depending on the time point of reperfusion, ischaemic lesions with varying degrees of severity can be produced. Reperfusion by removal of the occluding filament at least partially models the restoration of blood flow after spontaneous or therapeutic (tPA) lysis of a thromboembolic clot in humans.In this video we will present the basic technique as well as the major pitfalls and confounders which may limit the predictive value of this model.  相似文献   

谢斐  张朝晖 《植物研究》2011,31(1):117-120
通过对湘西茶田钒矿废弃冶炼厂矿渣上葫芦藓的野外生态调查和采集,利用原子吸收光谱仪、电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪和原子荧光光谱仪分析了葫芦藓配子体和孢子体及其基质重金属含量。结果表明葫芦藓配子体和孢子体富集了大量的重金属,各重金属元素在配子体和孢子体间的富集存在较大的差异,配子体比孢子体显著富集重金属元素(p<0.05),Zn和Mn在葫芦藓植物体中比其他重金属元素更高。同时也讨论了重金属在苔藓植物中的富集及生物阻抗的作用。  相似文献   

F肌动蛋白作为胞间连丝组分的结构与生理学证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以蒜 (AlliumsativumL .)瓣鞘外表皮为材料 ,利用荧光特异探针与共焦镜检术 ,结合透射电镜与免疫金标记对表皮细胞间胞间联络的性质、结构进行了系统观察。结果表明 ,加厚壁上的通道是由狭长的管状胞质和初生纹孔场上成束的胞间连丝衔接组成 ,前者实为原生质体的一部分。单个胞间连丝的孔径为 6 0~ 70nm ,属正常胞间连丝范围 ,它们乃相邻细胞间共质联系的所在。荧光探针TRITC_Phalloidin (TRITC_Ph)标记的结果显示 ,整个通道上呈现红色荧光的纤索在接近初生纹孔场处明显变窄 ,与超微结构观察中所见的结构特点相吻合 ,共焦镜下观察到的初生壁上的荧光亮斑乃初生纹孔场中成束胞间连丝被标记的反映 ,从而有效地证实了F肌动蛋白在常态胞间连丝上的存在。免疫金标记实验显示在管状胞质中和胞间连丝上有金颗粒分布 ,这一结果为证实荧光标记物具肌动蛋白性质提供了有说服力的补充。  相似文献   

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