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Males of the Asian corn borer moth Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) produce an ultrasonic courtship song of extremely low‐intensity during copulation attempts. The song has been shown to significantly increase the mating success of the male; however, the mode of action of the sound in courtship remains to be resolved. Behavioural experiments using pairs with deafened females or muted males show that, without the aid of the sound, 63% of males eventually succeed in mating after several copulation attempts, whereas the remainder (37%) make repeated attempts in vain until interrupted by the escape of the female. Because few (2%) males fail to copulate when females hear the courtship song, it is evident that the song has an effect on females, promoting the success of copulation attempts. In support of this view, males produce louder songs if the first copulation attempt fails, suggesting that the males increase their sound levels to achieve successful copulation. It is suggested that the ultrasonic songs of the male render the females motionless, which is the same response as that to ultrasonic bat calls. Because even slight movements by the female can interfere with the attempt of the male to copulate, it is likely that, by making her motionless, the success rate of a single copulation attempt is increased greatly.  相似文献   

Male reproductive success in the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella is strongly determined by pre‐copulatory mate choice, during which females choose among males aggregated in small leks based on the attractiveness of ultrasonic songs. Nothing is known about the potential of post‐copulatory mechanisms to affect male reproductive success. However, there is evidence that females at least occasionally remate with a second male and that males are unable to produce ejaculates quickly after a previous copulation. Here we investigated the effects of mating history on ejaculate size and demonstrate that the number of transferred sperm significantly decreased from first (i.e., virgin) to second (i.e., nonvirgin) copulation within individual males. For males of identical age, the number of sperm transferred was higher in virgin than in nonvirgin copulations, too, demonstrating that mating history, is responsible for the decrease in sperm numbers transferred and not the concomitant age difference. Furthermore, the number of transferred sperm was significantly repeatable within males. The demonstrated variation in ejaculate size both between subsequent copulations as well as among individuals suggests that there is allocation of a possibly limited amount of sperm. Because female fecundity is not limited by sperm availability in this system, post‐copulatory mechanisms, in particular sperm competition, may play a previously underappreciated role in the lesser wax moth mating system.  相似文献   

Copulation calls in primates are usually identified as sexually selected signals that promote the reproductive success of the caller. In this study, we investigated the acoustic structure of copulation calls in bonobos (Pan paniscus), a great ape known for its heightened socio‐sexuality. Throughout their cycles, females engage in sexual relations with both males and other females and produce copulation calls with both partners. We found that calls produced during sexual interactions with male and female partners could not be reliably distinguished in terms of their acoustic structure, despite major differences in mating behaviour and social context. Call structure was equally unaffected by the size of a female’s sexual swelling and by the rank of her mating partner. Rank of the partner did affect call delivery although only with male, but not female partners. The only strong effect on call structure was because of caller identity, suggesting that these signals primarily function to broadcast individual identity during sexual interactions. This primarily social use of an evolved reproductive signal is consistent with a broader trend seen in this species, namely a transition of sexual behaviour to social functions.  相似文献   

Post-copulatory episodes of sexual selection can be a powerful selective force influencing the reproductive success of males. In order to understand variation in male fertilisation success, we first need to consider the pattern of sperm utilisation by females following matings with more than one male. Second, we need to study those traits responsible for male success in sperm competition. Here we study both male sperm transfer characteristics as well as offspring paternity of females mated to two males in the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata. By repeatedly mating males to virgin females and interrupting copulation at defined time points, we found for all males that sperm transfer set off after approximately 40 min. During the remaining copulation, sperm transfer of individual males was continuous and with constant rate. Yet the rate of sperm transfer differed between individual males from about one sperm per minute to more than eight sperm per minute for the most successful males. In addition, we measured the fertilisation success in sperm competition of males with known sperm transfer capability. The relative number of sperm transferred by males during copulation, estimated from copulation duration and the males’ individual sperm transfer rate, explained a large proportion of variation in offspring paternity. The mode of sperm competition in this species, thus, conforms largely to a fair raffle following complete mixing of sperm prior to fertilisation. Hence, male differences in both the ability to copulate for long and of rapid sperm transfer will translate directly into differences in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mating systems provide the opportunity for females to bias fertilization toward particular males. However, distinguishing between male sperm competition and active female sperm choice is difficult for species with internal fertilization. Nevertheless, species that store and use sperm of different males in different storing structures and species where females are able to expel all or part of the ejaculates after copulation may be able to bias fertilization. We report a series of experiments aimed at providing evidence of female sperm choice in Euxesta eluta (Hendel), a species of ulidiid fly that expels and consumes ejaculates after copulation. We found no evidence of greater reproductive success for females mated singly, multiply with the same male, or mated multiply with different males. Female E. eluta possesses two spherical spermathecae and a bursa copulatrix for sperm storage, with a ventral receptacle. There was no significant difference in storing more sperm in spermathecae 24 h after copulation than immediately after copulation. Females mated with protein-fed males had greater reproductive success than similar females mated to protein-deprived males. Protein-fed females prevented to consume the ejaculate, retained more sperm when mated to protein-fed males than when mated to protein-deprived males. Our results suggest that female E. eluta can exert control of sperm retention of higher quality males through ejaculate ejection.  相似文献   

Males of the damselfly,Mnais pruinosa costalis, exhibit wing color dimorphism: one form has orange wings, and the other hyaline wings which resemble female wings. The former is usually territorial and the latter uses sneaky mate securing tactics. When orange-winged males failed to establish territory, they became floaters that day. Hyaline-winged males perched around their territories and often, formed in tandem without any apparent courtship behavior when they found females. Their copulation frequency was higher and copulation duration longer than those of territorial males. A few females oviposited without remating. Total oviposition duration of females with which a hyaline-winged male mated was more than 32 min per male on average in a day Females that copulated with hyaline-winged males often remated with orange-winged residents before oviposition. Total duration of oviposition bouts of females after mating with floaters was short (15 min), while that with territorial residents was long (66 min). As a result, total oviposition duration of females with which an orange-winged male mated was about 40 min in a day. The reproductive success of the hyaline-winged males may be similar to that of the orange-winged males.  相似文献   

Behaviour during copulation can alter the fate of sperm of the mating males. This behaviour may exert selective pressure, resulting in the evolution of diverse reproductive behaviour, morphology, and physiology. This study examined the role of female copulatory behaviour on sperm fate in the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Brentidae). In this species, males mount the female during copulation. The female frequently walks during copulation, carrying the male on her back. Here, we describe and quantify the copulatory behaviour of mating pairs and examine the sperm fate. Insemination success, as determined by the presence of sperm in the spermatheca, was lower when females walked for longer periods during copulation. This result emphasizes the value of studying variation in female copulatory behaviour in order to understand the factors that influence sperm fate. We discuss the implications of these results on sexual selection and utility in programs applying sterile insect techniques.  相似文献   


The effects of mating experience on male mating behavior are mediated by four factors: mating cost, such as resource depletion, perception of mating opportunities, self-perception of attractiveness, and female quality. For example, encountering females might increase male expectations of prospective mating opportunities, while copulation increases self-perception of attractiveness in males. To determine the relative importance of these factors, the effect of mating on the two components of reproductive effort (courtship and fighting effort) in Gryllus bimaculatus was examined. Calling activity before and after encountering females was measured, and copulation success was recorded. Subsequently, the intensity and outcome of male–male fighting behavior was recorded. Female encounter increased calling activity irrespective of copulation, thereby indicating that the perception of mating opportunities is important factor for the males. Changes in courtship effort of males were larger and fighting success was lower when they were previously paired with relatively heavier females. These results indicate that male reproductive effort is also affected by quality of previous mating partners.


Pre-copulatory sexual cannibalism by females affects male and female reproductive success in profoundly different ways, with the females benefiting from a meal and the male facing the risk of not reproducing at all. This sexual conflict predicts evolution of traits to avoid cannibalism and ensure male reproductive success. We show that males of the nuptial gift-giving spider Pisaura mirabilis display a remarkable death feigning behaviour--thanatosis--as part of the courtship prior to mating with potentially cannibalistic females. Thanatosis is a widespread anti-predator strategy; however, it is exceptional in the context of sexual selection. When the female approached a gift-displaying male, she usually showed interest in the gift but would sometimes attack the male, and at this potentially dangerous moment the male could 'drop dead'. When entering thanatosis, the male would collapse and remain completely motionless while retaining hold of the gift so it was held simultaneously by both mates. When the female initiated consumption of the gift, the male cautiously 'came to life' and initiated copulation. Death feigning males were more successful in gaining copulations, but did not have prolonged copulations. We propose that death feigning evolved as an adaptive male mating strategy in conjunction with nuptial gift giving under the risk of being victimized by females.  相似文献   

Field observations and laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the relation between male size and reproductive success in the funnel-web spider, Agelena limbata Thorell (Agelenidae), in 2 years. In this species, the body size of males is similar to that of females. In the field, size assortative mating occurred in both years. In 1 year, partial correlation coefficient analysis indicates that male cephalothorax width is a beter predictor of the copulated female cephalothorax width than of the date of pairing. In laboratory experiments, females tended to reject courting males that were smaller in relative body size, and males that were larger in relative body size had greater copulation success. Consequently female rejection of smaller courting males has some contribution to size assortative mating. Since larger females deposited more numerous eggs in the field, larger males are expected to have a higher reproductive success.  相似文献   

Social monogamy has evolved independently in many taxa, and often involves biparental care of the young. Where it does not, mate guarding and shared territoriality have been invoked as causal factors. We evaluated mate guarding and shared resource defence (a common shelter) as factors that could have led to social monogamy in the snapping shrimp, Alpheus heterochelis. This species is found in male–female pairs that defend a common shelter together. Female receptivity lasts only for a few hours immediately after her periodic moult. Their monogamous pair bond may represent mate guarding or joint defence of a territory. Monogamy in A. heterochelis seems most importantly driven by the cryptic nature of the female's moult cycle. We found that males did not discriminate among females at different intermoult stages for pairing, nor did they modulate their defence of mate and shelter (vs. the risk in finding a new shelter and mate) according to female moult stage. This, together with the short period of female receptivity before her single copulation per cycle, make extended mate guarding the most efficient method for a male to secure a mating opportunity. Comparing eviction rates of paired and unpaired shelter residents by conspecific intruders provided no evidence of enhanced resource defence that would confer a selective advantage to a pair. Male presence during the moult is beneficial for the female, as searching for a male during her soft-bodied receptive phase would put her at mortal risk. Our results show empirically for the first time that guarding may be beneficial, even if males are not able to assess the female's reproductive stage. This extends the theoretical framework for understanding the evolution of social monogamy in taxa without biparental care of young.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior between males and females, as well as between males, is described and discussed for the cerambycid beetlePhytoecia rufiventris. The beetles' taxis toward plants taller than average height brings the sexes together from a distance. A male may mount another individual (male or female) and attempt copulation without sex discrimination. The male can discern the sex of another individual only when the terminal part of his abdomen touches the ventral surface of the fifth visible sternite of the latter. No evidence of a sex pheromone is found in this species. Within 1.5–5.5 cm the substrateborne vibrations produced by a moving individual may be the important factor which elicits males to approach a moving individual and attempt copulation. If a female is receptive when a male touches her, he can copulate with her without any courtship display. However, if the female runs away and appears unreceptive, the male will perform courtship displays. Copulation is usually terminated by males. Homosexual behavior between males is discussed.  相似文献   

American dipper Cinclus mexicanus populations are frequently composed of resident individuals that occupy permanent territories year round and migratory individuals that overwinter with residents but migrate to breeding territories on higher elevation creeks each spring. Between 1999 and 2004 we examined how migratory strategy (resident/migratory) and sex differences influence breeding territory fidelity of American dippers occupying the Chilliwack River watershed, British Columbia, Canada. Counter to expectation we found that the migratory strategy of American dippers did not influence whether birds breeding in one year were found on their former breeding territory in the next. Migratory strategy also did not affect the probability that known surviving dippers occupied the same breeding territory in the following year. Males and females were equally likely to be found on their former territory in the following year (females 43%, males 41%) and known survivors had similar levels of breeding territory fidelity (females 74%, males 68%). However, breeding territory fidelity of males and females varied in response to different factors. Surviving female dippers were more likely to be found on their former breeding territory in the subsequent year following a successful breeding attempt than an unsuccessful breeding attempt. Prior reproductive performance did not influence whether surviving male dippers were found on their former breeding territory. Male dippers were more likely to be found on their former territory and, if they survived, have higher breeding territory fidelity when their mate also returned to that same territory. Mate retention also influenced whether females were found on their former territory in the following year but had no effect on the breeding territory fidelity of known survivors. We argue that sex‐specific dispersal decision rules in American dippers are driven by sex differences in the predictability of breeding performance between years and sex differences in how mate retention influences subsequent reproductive success.  相似文献   

In a wide variety of animal species, females produce vocalizations specific to mating contexts. It has been proposed that these copulation calls function to incite males to compete for access to the calling female. Two separate advantages of inciting male-male competition in this way have been put forward. The first suggests that as a result of calling, females are only mated by the highest ranking male in the vicinity (indirect mate choice hypothesis). The second proposes that copulation calling results in a female being mated by many males, thus promoting competition at the level of sperm (sperm competition hypothesis). In this paper, I give results from the first experimental study to test these hypotheses. Playback was used to examine the function of copulation calls of female Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in Gibraltar. Although rank did not affect lone males'' likelihood of approaching copulation calls, when playbacks were given to pairs of males only the higher ranking individual approached. Moreover, females were mated significantly sooner after playback of their copulation call than after playback of a control stimulus. These results suggest that the copulation calls of female Barbary macaques play a key role in affecting patterns of male reproductive behaviour, not only providing an indirect mechanism of female choice, but also promoting sperm competition by reducing the interval between copulations. Potential fitness benefits of inciting male-male competition at these two levels are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The number of spermatozoa that a male transfers to the female during copulation is a main component of its individual fitness, especially under the pressure of sperm competition. This paper presents experimental results on the direct relationship between the male's sperm investment and its paternity in the offspring of dual-mated females. An eye colour mutant (red-eyed) is used to study the differences in the mating and fertilization abilities of males through observation of single and dual matings of females in Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae). Experimentally, females accept dual matings only in the simultaneous presence of two males. Counts of spermatozoa in the seminal vesicles of virgin males show that red-eyed males have more sperm than wild-eyed ones (approximately 1.46-fold greater). Red- and wild-eyed males do not differ in their mating behaviour and females mate indifferently with both phenotypes. Compared with once-mated females, double-mated females increase neither sperm storage nor lifetime fecundity, and the offspring sex ratio is female-biased. Females mated with two males of different phenotypes produce offspring of both phenotypes throughout their reproductive life, whatever the order of males in the copulation sequence. Any mating pattern appears to produce more red- than wild-eyed offspring (between 1.45- and 1.88-fold greater). Thus, proportions of offspring of each male match the proportions of their sperm potential. With no preference of female for red-eye or wild-eye males being demonstrated at either behavioural or physiological levels, a male's investment in sperm quantity appears to determine its individual reproductive success, at least in these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

To evaluate the spawning success of male Japanese minnows,Pseudorasbora parva, and female mate choice, spawning behaviour was observed under both artificial and experimental conditions. Larger males had larger territories and greater reproductive success. The body weight of territorial males decreased during the maintenance of territories, while that of non-territorial males increased significantly. When the weight of non-territorial males exceeded that of territorial males, the former began to establish new territories on the substrate, suggesting a conditional strategy by non-territorial males to trade off immediate reproductive success with growth and hence improve future reproductive success. Females chose males with larger body size, probably based on dominance rank rather than the quality (or size) of territory. It was concluded that females choose males of higher dominance rank and that males compete for large territories, both of which play an important part in male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Recent studies conducted in our laboratory have demonstrated that a special type of song phrase (‘sexy’ phrases) containing bipartite syllables composed of abrupt frequency falls and short silences stimulate female canaries to solicit for copulation. The study was undertaken to determine whether sexy phrases also facilitated other aspects of the reproductive activity of the female canary, namely, nest-building and egg-laying. During the first experiment, we studied the effect of sexy and non-sexy songs on copulation solicitation displays in 1-year-old females without reproductive experience and in mature females with previous reproductive experience. We confirmed that sexy songs elicited more sexual responses than did non-sexy songs in yearlings and in mature females. During the second experiment, we studied the effect of male songs on nest-building activities and egg-laying in 1-year-old inexperienced females, and in mature, experienced females. The songs of conspecific males significantly triggered and increased nest-building behaviour in female canaries whatever their age or reproductive experience. In contrast, song effects on egg-laying were only found in young females. One-year-old inexperienced females exposed to sexy or non-sexy songs laid more eggs and laid earlier than did 1-year-old inexperienced controls; no such differences were observed in mature, experienced females. The efficiency of songs in promoting nest-building or egg-laying appeared to be unrelated to their efficiency in eliciting sexual responses. No difference was found between females exposed to sexy songs and females exposed to non-sexy songs; differences were only found between control and the two groups of song-exposed females. This result demands further experiments in order to determine whether other song phrase types may account for the stimulating effects of male song on female nest-building and egg-laying.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field manipulations tested whether male Anolis carolinensis lizards and discriminate preference for novel females over resident females. In 16 laboratory trials, we videotaped social interactions between paired males and females during baseline session (male and resident female housed together 1-3 weeks), resident-female session (male and reintroduced resident female), and novel-female session (male and novel female with resident female removed). We examined 22 behavioural variables. Male behaviours did not differ significantly between baseline and resident-female sessions, nor did female behaviours differ significantly between baseline, resident-female and novel-female sessions. However, between resident-female and novel-female sessions, males significantly increased display rate (320%), volleys of repetitive displaying (300%) and volley length (150%), and significantly decreased the distance (375%) and number (430%) of movements travelled away from the female. We concluded that males discriminate novel females from resident females independently of female behavioural or chemical cues. In each of 18 field trials, we first videotaped baseline social interactions of the resident male and females in a naturally occurring, polygynous, breeding group. The next day, we released two novel females into the territory (so at least one female remained) and videotaped subsequent social interactions. In comparison to baseline observations, males significantly increased the proportion of time spent in female-directed activities (from 5% towards resident females to 53% towards the novel female) and the proportion of displays directed towards novel females (from 6% towards resident females to 51% towards the novel female), and significantly decreased the proportion of time spent in territorial activities (from 75% to 19%) and the proportion of displays used in territorial activities (from 94% to 44%). Data from both experiments indicate that males appear to distinguish among individual females, and use this ability to increase reproductive success by identifying and preferentially pursuing novel females over previously inseminated resident females. From the perspective of cognitive ethology, we suggest a model by which males control mating decisions within their territories. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Age-related and individual differences in longterm reproductive success were analyzed in two social groups of free-ranging Barbary macaques. Maternity data were obtained from continuous birth records and paternity was determined with oligonucleotide-fingerprinting. The fathers of 246 of 286 investigated individuals could be identified. They were born during a 14-year period and represented 73 and 34% of all known offspring from the females of the study groups B/F and C, respectively. Only these infants were considered when comparing male reproductive success with that of females. The necessary adjustment of the female data resulted in small deviations from the true values in one group, but substantially increased individual differences in female fertility in the second group. Subadult males, 4.5 – 6.5 yrs old, had a much lower reproductive success than adult males (7.5 – 25 yrs old) and same-aged females. Reproductive success of adult males was not significantly affected by age, while females invariably ceased reproduction during the first half of the third decade of life. Males were more likely than females to leave no offspring, unless they survived 9 – 10 yrs of age. The number of years with breeding opportunities was important for male reproductive success but less significant than that for females. Reproductive success of several males during the 14-year study period was similar to or even exceeded that possible for a female in her whole lifetime. Variance of male reproductive success significantly exceeded that of females in both study groups.  相似文献   

Most insects harbour a variety of maternally inherited endosymbionts, the most widespread being Wolbachia pipientis that commonly induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and reduced hatching success in crosses between infected males and uninfected females. High temperature and increasing male age are known to reduce the level of CI in a variety of insects. In Drosophila simulans, infected males have been shown to mate at a higher rate than uninfected males. By examining the impact of mating rate independent of age, this study investigates whether a high mating rate confers an advantage to infected males through restoring their compatibility with uninfected females over and above the effect of age. The impact of Wolbachia infection, male mating rate and age on the number of sperm transferred to females during copulation and how it relates to CI expression was also assessed. As predicted, we found that reproductive compatibility was restored faster in males that mate at higher rate than that of low mating and virgin males, and that the effect of mating history was over and above the effect of male age. Nonvirgin infected males transferred fewer sperm than uninfected males during copulation, and mating at a high rate resulted in the transfer of fewer sperm per mating irrespective of infection status. These results indicate that the advantage to infected males of mating at a high rate is through restoration of reproductive compatibility with uninfected females, whereas uninfected males appear to trade off the number of sperm transferred per mating with female encounter rate and success in sperm competition. This study highlights the importance Wolbachia may play in sexual selection by affecting male reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

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