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Abstract The uptake of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen by cultured plants of the green freshwater alga Chara hispida L. has been compared quantitatively with the contribution of its rhizoidal tissue. In the short-term, the rhizoid takes up 7–20% of the ammonium nitrogen, and about 15% of the nitrate that is taken up by whole plants under similar conditions. The uptake was studied over a range of both temperatures and external concentrations. The apparent activation energy for the uptake of NH4+ and NO3? by the whole plant was found to be 50 kJ mol?1 and 30 kJ mol?1, respectively. For the rhizoid, the values were similar for both nitrogenous ions, 106 kJ mol?1 and 70–100 kJ mol?1. The rhizoidal uptake mechanism for ammonium nitrogen operates more efficiently compared to that in the whole plant. Nitrate is taken up by the rhizoid by a mechanism with a substrate affinity higher than in the plant taken as a whole. The possible ecological significance of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The structural polarity of statocytes from cress roots is changed by centrifugation. Upon low- dose centrifugation (3000 g min), the extent of stratification depends on statocyte position, i.e., central statocytes are affected more than lateral ones. Upon higher doses of centrifugation (60,000 and 360,000 g min), a uniform density gradient is established in all statocytes. If, after centrifugation, the roots are exposed to gravity again, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae are relocated parallel to the periclinal cell walls within a few minutes; this relocation is independent of the direction of gravity in relation to the root axis, and independent of the previously applied centrifugation dose. This supports the notion that polarity is determined genetically. Cytochalasin B treatment, before and during centrifugation, totally inhibits the relocation of ER. After removing the drug by rinsing the roots, the statocytes restore cell polarity and relocate ER. These results indicate that relocation of ER cisternae may be mediated by microfilaments. When centrifuged roots are exposed to 1 g in the horizontal position, the latent period of gravitropism increases by 8–10 min relative to controls, regardless of the previously applied centrifugation doses. The kinetics of curvature are virtually identical. Since the increase in the latent period coincides with the time needed for most statocytes to restore the distal cell pole, it is evident that perception of gravity is correlated to the integrity of the distal cell pole.  相似文献   

Markus Braun  Peter Richter 《Planta》1999,209(4):414-423
The localization of cytoplasmic free calcium and a dihydropyridine (DHP) receptor, a putative calcium channel, was recorded during the opposite graviresponses of tip-growing Chara rhizoids and Chara protonemata by using the calcium indicator Calcium Crimson and a fluorescently labeled dihydropyridine (FL-DHP). In upward (negatively gravitropically) growing protonemata and downward (positively gravitropically) growing rhizoids, a steep Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors were found to be symmetrically localized in the tip. However, the localization of the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors differed considerably during the gravitropic responses upon horizontal positioning of the two cell types. During the graviresponse of rhizoids, a continuous bowing downward by differential flank growth, the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors remained symmetrically localized in the tip at the centre of growth. However, after tilting protonemata into a horizontal position, there was a drastic displacement of the Ca2+ gradient and FL-DHP to the upper flank of the apical dome. This displacement occurred after the apical intrusion and sedimentation of the statoliths but clearly before the change in the growth direction became evident. In protonemata, the reorientation of the growth direction started with the appearence of a bulge on that site of the upper flank which was predicted by the asymmetrically displaced Ca2+ gradient. With the upward shift of the cell tip, which is suggested to result from a statolith-induced displacement of the growth centre, the Ca2+ gradient and DHP receptors became symmetrically relocalized in the apical dome. No major asymmetrical rearrangement was observed during the following phase of gravitropic curvature which is characterized by slower rates of bending. Labeling with FL-DHP was completely inhibited by a non-fluorescently labeled dihydropyridine. From these results it is suggested that FL-DHP labels calcium channels in rhizoids and protonemata. In rhizoids, positive gravitropic curvature is caused by differential growth limited to the opposite subapical flanks of the apical dome, a process which does not involve displacement of the growth centre, the calcium gradient or calcium channels. In protonemata, however, it is proposed that a statolith-induced asymmetrical relocalization of calcium channels and the Ca2+ gradient precedes, and might mediate, the rearrangement of the centre of growth, most likely by the displacement of the Spitzenk?rper, to the upper flank, which results in the negative gravitropic reorientation of the growth direction. Received: 13 February 1999 / Accepted: 25 June 1999  相似文献   

Hydraulic conductivity (Lp) of the plasma membrane of Chara corallina was inhibited by HgCl2 maximally by about 95%. The inhibition was reversed by 2-mercaptoethanol, reconfirming the observation obtained by Henzler and Steudle (1995). The results suggest that osmotic water transport through Chara cells occurs mostly via mercury-sensitive water channels containing thiol groups. ZnCl2 dissolved in APW (pH 5.6) also inhibited Lp by about 80% within 1–2 h, while ZnCl2 dissolved in Hepes-Tris buffer (pH 7.4) inhibited it by about 90% within several minutes. Inhibition of Lp by ZnCl2 was also reversed by 2-mercaptoethanol, suggesting that zinc acts also on thiol groups of water channel proteins. Cells from which tonoplast had been removed by ECTA were as sensitive to both HgCl2 and ZnCl2 (pH 7.4) as normal cells. This demonstrates that water channels sensitive to thiol reagents really exist in the plasma membrane. On the other hand, ZnCl2 (pH 5.6) did not inhibit Lp of tonoplast-free cells. This may be accounted for by assuming first that Hg- and Zn-sensitive thiol groups of water channels may exist on the cytoplasmic side, and second that ZnCl2 in acidic medium may exist in ionized species which can be chelated by EGTA after permeation. The polar water permeability, or the endoosmotic Lp being larger than the exoosmotic one, was not affected by lowering the rate of osmosis by decreasing the osmotic gradient for transcellular osmosis down to 0.02 M sorbitol. The polarity disappeared when osmotic water flow through water channels was completely inhibited by HgCl2. Thus the polarity is assumed to be intrinsic to water channels in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton has been implicated in regulating plant gravitropism. However, its precise role in this process remains uncertain. We have shown previously that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with Latrunculin B (Lat B) strongly promoted gravitropism in maize roots. These effects were most evident on a clinostat as curvature that would exceed 90 degrees despite short periods of horizontal stimulation. To probe further the cellular mechanisms underlying these enhanced gravity responses, we extended our studies to roots of Arabidopsis. Similar to our observations in other plant species, Lat B enhanced the response of Arabidopsis roots to gravity. Lat B (100 nm) and a stimulation time of 5-10 min were sufficient to induce enhanced bending responses during clinorotation. Lat B (100 nm) disrupted the fine actin filament network in different regions of the root and altered the dynamics of amyloplasts in the columella but did not inhibit the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm. However, the duration of the alkalinization response during continuous gravistimulation was extended in Lat B-treated roots. Indirect visualization of auxin redistribution using the DR5:beta-glucuronidase (DR5:GUS) auxin-responsive reporter showed that the enhanced curvature of Lat B-treated roots during clinorotation was accompanied by a persistent lateral auxin gradient. Blocking the gravity-induced alkalinization of the columella cytoplasm with caged protons reduced Lat B-induced curvature and the development of the lateral auxin gradient. Our data indicate that the actin cytoskeleton is unnecessary for the initial perception of gravity but likely acts to downregulate gravitropism by continuously resetting the gravitropic-signaling system.  相似文献   

Toole GA  Gunning PA  Parker ML  Smith AC  Waldron KW 《Planta》2001,212(4):606-611
Previous mechanical studies using algae have concentrated on cell extension and growth using creep-type experiments, but there appears to be no published study of their failure properties. The mechanical strength of single large internode cell walls (up to 2 mm diameter and 100 mm in length) of the charophyte (giant alga) Chara corallina was determined by dissecting cells to give sheets of cell wall, which were then notched and fractured under tension. Tensile tests, using a range of notch sizes, were conducted on cell walls of varying age and maturity to establish their notch sensitivity and to investigate the propagation of cracks in plant cell walls. The thickness and stiffness of the walls increased with age whereas their strength was little affected. The strength of unnotched walls was estimated as 47 ± 13 MPa, comparable to that of some grasses but an order of magnitude higher than that published for model bacterial cellulose composite walls. The strength was notch-sensitive and the critical stress intensity factor K 1c was estimated to be 0.63 ± 0.19 MNm−3/2, comparable to published values for grasses. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 21 July 2000  相似文献   

In experiments with the alga Chara corallina Klein ex Willd., the appearance of subcellular domains with different photosynthetic activities, as well as formation of alkaline and acid zones near the cell surface were monitored with pulse-amplitude modulated microfluorometry and pH microelectrodes. After transfer of a dark-adapted cell to actinic light, the effective yield of PSII photochemistry (F/F m) underwent different induction changes in cell regions where acid and alkaline zones were produced. The PSII effective yield decreased for 5–15 min of illumination in cell regions forming the alkaline bands but increased after the initial decline in the acid regions. The photoinduced decrease in F/F m in the alkaline regions occurred faster than or concurrently with the change in local pH near the cell surface (pH0). The light-induced change in pH0 was manifested as a steep transition after a latent period of variable lengths. The kinetics of F/F m and F m, specific for alkaline regions, were replaced by those typical of acid regions, when the illumination area was narrowed to 2 mm. The results show that the formation of subcellular domains with different photosynthetic activities is not strictly bound to particular cell regions but is a dynamic event determined by spatial coordination of photosynthesis in a long cylindrical cell.  相似文献   

Annett Hertel  Ernst Steudle 《Planta》1997,202(3):324-335
Using the cell pressure probe, the effects of temperature on hydraulic conductivity (Lp; osmotic water permeability), solute permeability (permeability coefficient, Ps), and reflection coefficients (σs) were measured on internodes of Chara corallina, Klein ex Willd., em R.D.W.. For the first time, complete sets of transport coefficients were obtained in the range between 10 and 35 °C which provided evidence about pathways of water and solutes as they move across the plasma membrane (water channel and bilayer arrays). Test solutes used to check for the selectivity of water channels were monohydric alcohols of different molecular size and shape (ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, and tert-butanol) and heavy water (HDO). Within the limits of accuracy, Q10 values for Lp and for the diffusive water permeability (Pd) were identical (Q10 for Lp = 1.29 ± 0.17 (± SD; n = 15 cells) and Q10 for Pd = 1.25 ± 0.16 (n = 5 cells)). The Q10 values were equivalent to activation energies of Ea = 16.8 ± 6.4 and 16.6 ± 10.0 kJ · mol−1, respectively, which is similar to that of self-diffusion or of viscous flow of water. The Q10 values and activation energies for Ps of the alcohols were significantly larger (ethanol: Q10 = 1.68 ± 0.16, Ea = 37.1 ± 5.9 kJ · mol−1; n-propanol: Q10 =  1.75 ± 0.40, Ea = 43.1 ± 15.3 kJ · mol−1; iso-propanol: Q10 = 2.12 ± 0.42, Ea =  52.2 ± 14.6 kJ · mol−1; tert-butanol: Q10 = 2.13 ± 0.56, Ea = 51.6 ± 17.1 kJ · mol−1; ±SD; n = 5 to 6 cells). Effects of temperature on reflection coefficients were most pronounced. With increasing temperature, σs values of the alcohols decreased and those of HDO increased. The data indicate that water and solutes use different pathways when crossing the membrane. Ordinary and isotopic water use water channels and the other test solutes use the bilayer array (composite transport model of membrane). Changes in σs values with temperature were found to be a sensitive measure for the open/closed state of water channels. The decrease of σs with temperature was theoretically predicted from the temperature dependence of Ps and Lp. Differences between predicted and measured values of σs allowed estimation of the bypass flow (slippage) of solutes through water channels which did not completely exclude test solutes. The permeability of channels depended on the structure and size of test solutes. It is concluded that water channels are much less selective than is usually thought. Since water channels represent single-file or no-pass pores, solutes drag along considerable amounts of water as they diffuse across channels. This results in low overall values of σs. The σs of HDO was extremely low. Its response to temperature was opposite to that for the σs of the alcohols. This suggested a stronger effect of temperature on the hydraulic (osmotic) than on the diffusive water flow across individual water channels, i.e. a differential sensitivity of different mechanisms to temperature. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted: 2 December 1996  相似文献   

The effect of the membrane impermeant sulfhydryl group (SH) reagent, p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (p-CMBS), on electrical membrane transport properties of the giant alga, Chara corallina, was determined. In an external medium with a high K+ concentration (5 mM) cells typically exhibited stable membrane potentials close to the K+equilibrium potential. The steady-state current-voltage (I-V) relation could be dissected into two distinct components: an almost linear ohmic leak current and a voltage-dependent K+ current. Adding 0.5 mM p-CMBS to the external medium resulted in an immediate, short depolarization transient (resembling the time course of an action potential) and was associated with a slow down of the cytoplasmic streaming velocity. The depolarization, as well as the streaming inhibition, could be abolished by pretreating cells with the Ca2+ channel inhibitor, LaCl3. This suggests that the depolarization transient reflected a p-CMBS induced Ca2+ influx, a scenario known to trigger membrane excitation and slow down of cytoplasmic streaming. From the I-V analysis it appeared that p-CMBS also caused a reversible inhibition of two additional transmembrane currents: (1) a reduction of a leak current and (2) a modification of the deactivation kinetics of the voltage-dependent K+ channels. From the I-V difference analysis, the inhibited leak current was identified as a K+ current, because the reversal potential was close to the estimated K+ equilibrium potential. Control experiments have furthermore shown that the mercapto reagent, dithiothreitol, partly reversed the effect of p-CMBS. This strengthens the view that the action of the mercurial is related to a specific and direct modification of SH groups. The p-CMBS-evoked inhibition of K+ currents was not abolished by the LaCl3 pretreatment, which suggests that the effect of the SH reagent is not induced indirectly by p-CMBS-triggered Ca2+ influx. Therefore, it is suggested that the mercurial interacts direcly with the K+ transport protein.  相似文献   

Epidermal plus hypodermal peels from tulip peduncles produced bands of acidity on agar containing bromocresol purple. Peels from horizontally oriented peduncles gave rise to an acidity band which corresponded to the lower side of the peduncle. The band began 3–6 cm beneath the flower and extended basipetally within the region of gravitropic bending. No corresponding band appeared in an agar layer laid on the cortical surface exposed by peeling. Peduncles growing in the normal vertical position showed circumnutations with a period in the range of 4 h. The peels from these stalks produced one or two bands more acid than the remaining part of the peel. Since the acidity band in horizontally positioned stalks corresponds to the zone of faster growth causing gravitropic bending, we infer that the band(s) produced by vertical stalks also correspond to zones of differential growth involved in circumnutation. On the basis of a previous finding that tulip leaves give rise to an oscillating acidity pattern, we infer that vertical stalks also show such a pattern. This inference fits the model proposing the involvement of an internal oscillator in circumnutation. However, the ratio of the circumnutation period to the gravitropic lag phase in tulip peduncles is such as predicted by the gravitropic-feedback model of circumnutation.  相似文献   

In-vivo differential interference contrast microscopy was used to detect individual Golgi vesicles and a new structure in the tip of fast-growing rhizoids of Chara fragilis Desvaux. This structure is a spherical clear zone which is free of Golgi vesicles, has a diameter of 5 m and is positioned in the center of the apical Golgi-vesicle accumulation (Spitzenkörper). After glutaraldehyde fixation and osmium tetroxide-potassium ferricyanide staining of the rhizoid, followed by serial sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction, the spherical zone shows a tight accumulation of anastomosing endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. The ER membranes radiate from this aggregate towards the apical plasmalemma and to the membranes of the statolith compartments. Upon gravistimulation the ER aggregate changes its position according to the new growth direction, indicating its participation in growth determination. After treatment of the rhizoid with cytochalasin B or phalloidin the ER aggregate disappears and the statoliths sediment. It is concluded that the integrity of the ER aggregate is actin-dependent and that it is related to the polar organisation of the gravitropically growing cell tip.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - DIC differential interference contrast microscopy - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - ER endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

Abstract A ``double-water-film electrode technique' has been developed for the long-term characterization of the electrical properties across the interface between the nodal (N) and internodal (A or B) cells and the vacuole along the length of an internode of Chara as a function of time and temperature. The electrode unit consisted of a pair of the water-film electrodes described elsewhere (Chilcott 1988; Chilcott and others 1983; Coster and others 1984; Lucas 1985; and Ogata 1983). The distance between two water-film probes was fixed at 1.0 cm. By scanning the electrode unit, the spatial variations in electrical resistance and capacitance along the longitudinal axis of Chara were observed. Analysis was performed by applying an electrical equivalent circuit for the biomembrane (Philippson 1921). Across the internode (−A or −B)/central nodal cells interface, the specific parallel resistance (Rm) and the parallel capacitance (Cm) at 20°C were 30 ± 5 × 10−3Ωm2 and 1.5 ± 0.5 × 10−1Fm−2 (at 30 Hz), respectively. And the series resistance, corresponding to the vacuole of the internode was 8 × 10−3Ωm2. Study of temperature dependencies of Rm and Cm suggested that a dynamic homeostatic regulation was operating at the interface where numerous plasmodesmata were observed with an electron microscope (Pickett-Heaps 1967; Spanswick and Costerton 1967). Assuming that the individual cylinder of plasmodesma was filled only with cytoplasm, the number of plasmodesma per interface was estimated at 2.6 × 105. Received 19 January 2000; accepted 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Homeostasis of a cytosolic substrate (e.g. H+) can be achieved by transmembrane transport. Control theory implies that the involved activation and deactivation of a transport molecule (as observed in patch clamp experiments) requires input of energy. This energy can be provided by a so-called non-consuming binding site or by other sources and is necessary in order to achieve asymmetric rate-constants required for an efficient integral controller. Another important prediction of control theory is the involvement of two different binding sites for the substrate and its antagonist in order to define a non-zero set-point. The kinetic behavior of a homeostatic feed-back loop is calculated. The system can generate weakly damped oscillations or exponential responses. Numerical calculations using data from the pH-controller of Nitella show that a buffer is necessary in order to explain the observed long periods of 1 hour/cycle. Theoretically, the damping factor can originate from shunting transporters or from special terms of the biochemical reaction schemes. The effect of shunting transport systems is demonstrated in the case of data from the light-effect on H+-fluxes in Nitella.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that during root gravitropism some sort of growth-modifying signal moves from the cap to the elongation zone and that this signal ultimately induces the curvature that leads to reorientation of the root. However, there is disagreement regarding both the nature of the signal and the pathway of its movement from the root cap to the elongation zone. We examined the pathway of movement by testing gravitropism in primary roots of maize (Zea mays L.) from which narrow (0.5 mm) rings of epidermal and cortical tissue were surgically removed from various positions within the elongation zone. When roots were girdled in the apical part of the elongation zone gravitropic curvature occurred apical to the girdle but not basal to the girdle. Filling the girdle with agar allowed curvature basal to the girdle to occur. Shallow girdles, in which only two or three cell layers (epidermis plus one or two cortical cell layers) were removed, prevented or greatly delayed gravitropic curvature basal to the girdle. The results indicate that the gravitropic signal moves basipetally through the outermost cell layers, perhaps through the epidermis itself.  相似文献   

Björkman T  Cleland RE 《Planta》1988,176(4):513-518
In order to determine the role of the epidermis and cortex in gravitropic curvature of seedling roots of maize (Zea mays L. cv. Merit), the cortex on the two opposite flanks was removed from the meristem through the growing zone; gravitropic curvature was measured with the roots oriented horizontally with the cut flanks either on the upper and lower side, or on the lateral sides as a wound control. Curvature was slower in both these treatments (53° in 5 h) than in intact roots (82°), but there was no difference between the two orientations in extent and rate of curvature, nor in the latent time, showing that epidermis and cortex were not the site of action of the growth-regulating signal. The amount of cortex removed made no difference in the extent of curvature. Curvature was eliminated when the endodermis was damaged, raising the possibility that the endodermis or the stele-cortex interface controls gravitropic curvature in roots. The elongation rate of roots from which just the epidermis had been peeled was reduced by 0.01 mM auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) from 0.42 to 0.27 mm h-1, contradicting the hypothesis that only the epidermis responds to changes in auxin activity during gravistimulation. These observations indicate that gravitropic curvature in maize roots is not driven by differential cortical cell enlargement, and that movement of growth regulator(s) from the tip to the elongating zone is unlikely to occur in the cortex.Abbreviations df degrees of freedom - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide is transported into purified intestinal and renal brush border membrane vesicles from rabbit by an Na+-dependent mechanism and is accumulated inside the vesicles against the concentration gradient. Both in intestine and kidney, the rate of transport is enhanced with increasing concentrations of Na+ in the external medium. Increasing the Na+ gradient reduces the apparent Kt for methionine sulfoxide without causing any change in Vmax. With an outward K+ gradient (vesicle > medium), valinomycin stimulates the Na+-gradient-dependent transport of methionine sulfoxide in the kidney, showing the electrogenicity of the transport process. A number of amino acids inhibit methionine sulfoxide transport in both the intestine and kidney. An enzymatic activity capable of reducing methionine sulfoxide to methionine is present in the intestinal mucosa, renal cortex and liver. The activity is highest in renal cortex and lowest in intestine. The methionine sulfoxide-reducing activity is stimulated by NADH, NADPH, glutathione and dithiothreitol and the potency of the stimulation is in the order: dithiothreitol > NADPH > glutathione > NADH.  相似文献   

A possible role of the charasome in terms of chloride transport into Chara corallina Klein ex. Willd., em. R.D.W. is examined. The branches of Chara contain the most charasome material and are shown to be very effective in acquiring Cl- to support continued shoot growth. The early maturation of the branches, the rather large Cl- fluxes into these cells, and their ability of translocate Cl- to growing cells of the shoot indicate a special role of these branches in Cl- accumulation. The structure of the charasome, with its extensive periplasmic space, appears especially suited as a site for H+–Cl- cotransport (influx). We show, by histochemical assay, that the charasomes of mature cells contain ATPase activity; such activity is absent in growing charasomes of very young cells. ATPase activity is also associated with the plasmodesmata of C. corallina. Charasome ATPase activity and Cl- uptake are both inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid (1 mM) or diethylstibestrol (40 M; 45 min). The anion transport inhibitor, 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic acid stilbene (1 mM) had no effect on Cl- transport and inhibited ATPase activity only when applied after chemical fixation of the cells. Results of an attempt to demonstrate the presence of Cl- within the cytoplasmic tubules of the charasome, using a silver precipitation technique, proved difficult to interpret because of a reaction between the silver and a cellular substance produced in the light.Abbreviations CPW Chara pond water - DES diethylstilbestrol - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic acid stilbene - Mops 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Correlatively inhibited pea shoots (Pisum sativum L.) did not transport apically applied 14C-labelled indol-3yl-acetic acid ([14C]IAA), and polar IAA transport did not occur in internodal segments cut from these shoots. Polar transport in shoots and segments recovered within 24 h of removing the dominant shoot apex. Decapitation of growing shoots also resulted in the loss of polar transport in segments from internodes subtending the apex. This loss was prevented by apical applications of unlabelled IAA, or by low temperatures (approx. 2° C) after decapitation. Rates of net uptake of [14C]IAA by 2-mm segments cut from subordinate or decapitated shoots were the same as those in segments cut from dominant or growing shoots. In both cases net uptake was stimulated to the same extent by competing unlabelled IAA and by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. Uptake of the pH probe [14C]-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione from unbuffered solutions was the same in segments from both types of shoot. Patterns of [14C]IAA metabolism in shoots in which polar transport had ceased were the same as those in shoots capable of polar transport. The reversible loss of polar IAA transport in these systems, therefore, was not the result of loss or inactivation of specific IAA efflux carriers, loss of ability of cells to maintain transmembrane pH gradients, or the result of a change in IAA metabolism. Furthermore, in tissues incapable of polar transport, no evidence was found for the occurrence of inhibitors of IAA uptake or efflux. Evidence is cited to support the possibility that the reversible loss of polar auxin transport is the result of a gradual randomization of effluxcarrier distribution in the plasma membrane following withdrawal of an apical auxin supply and that the recovery of polar transport involves reestablishment of effluxcarrier asymmetry under the influence of vectorial gradients in auxin concentration.Abbreviations DMO 5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione - IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - TIBA 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid This work was supported by grant no. GR/D/08760 from the U.K. Science and Engineering Research Council. We thank Mrs. R.P. Bell for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Survival and death of Chara internodal cells were investigated in one of the alkali metal salts KCl, some of the alkali earth metal salts CaCl2, Ca(NO3)2, MgCl2, Mg(NO3)2, SrCl2, Sr(NO3)2, BaCl2 and Ba(NO3)2, potassium phosphate pH buffer solution (pH 7.0), Tris-maleate pH buffer solution (pH 7.0), HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N′-2-ethanesulphonic acid)-KOH (pH 7.0) pH buffer solution, calcium buffer solutions, and deionized water. Most of the internodal cells died within a day or a few days in KCl, MgCl2, Mg(NO3)2, BaCl2 and Ba(NO3)2 solutions of higher concentrations, calcium buffer solutions of pCa 6.0, 10.0 mol m-3 potassium phosphate pH buffer solution and 10.0 mol m-3 Trismaleate pH buffer solution. However, all of the internodal cells survived more than 10 d in deionized water, 80.0 mol m-3 CaCl2, 80.0 mol m-3 Ca(NO3)2, 80.0 mol m-3 SrCl2, 80.0 mol m-3 Sr(NO3)2 calcium buffer solutions of pCa 4.0 and pCa 5.0, and 10.0 mol m-3 HEPES-KOH (pH 7.0) pH buffer solution. Addition of Ca2+ or Sr2+ to K+, Mg2+ and Ba2+ salt solutions increased the survival rates of the internodal cells. Calcium release from the internodal cell wall was measured in deionized water, KCl, NaCl, MgCl2, CaCl2, SrCl2 and BaCl2 solutions. Except in deionized water and CaCl2 solution, most of the calcium binding to the cell wall was released within one or a few hours in respective electrolyte solutions. Thus, survival and death of the internodal cells in the electrolyte solutions tested were interpreted in terms of the calcium release from the cell wall and the cell membrane, and intrinsic ability of Sr2+ to maintain the cell membrane normal.  相似文献   

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