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Several hydration models for peptides and proteins based on solvent accessible surface area have been proposed previously. We have evaluated some of these models as well as four new ones in the context of near-native conformations of a protein. In addition, we propose an empirical site-site distance-dependent correction that can be used in conjunction with any of these models. The set of near-native structures consisted of 39 conformations of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) each of which was a local minimum of an empirical energy function (ECEPP) in the absence of solvent. Root-mean-square (rms) deviations from the crystallographically determined structure were in the following ranges: 1.06-1.94 A for all heavy atoms, 0.77-1.36 A for all backbone heavy atoms, 0.68-1.33 A for all alpha-carbon atoms, and 1.41-2.72 A for all side-chain heavy atoms. We have found that there is considerable variation among the solvent models when evaluated in terms of concordance between the solvation free energy and the rms deviations from the crystallographically determined conformation. The solvation model for which the best concordance (0.939) with the rms deviations of the C alpha atoms was found was derived from NMR coupling constants of peptides in water combined with an exponential site-site distance dependence of the potential of mean force. Our results indicate that solvation free energy parameters derived from nonpeptide free energies of hydration may not be transferrable to peptides. Parameters derived from peptide and protein data may be more applicable to conformational analysis of proteins. A general approach to derive parameters for free energy of hydration from ensemble-averaged properties of peptides in solution is described.  相似文献   

Continuum solvation models that estimate free energies of solvation as a function of solvent accessible surface area are computationally simple enough to be useful for predicting protein conformation. The behavior of three such solvation models has been examined by applying them to the minimization of the conformational energy of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The models differ only with regard to how the constants of proportionality between free energy and surface area were derived. Each model was derived by fitting to experimentally measured equilibrium solution properties. For two models, the solution property was free energy of hydration. For the third, the property was NMR coupling constants. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of applying these solvation models to the nonequilibrium conformations of a protein arising in the course of global searches for conformational energy minima. Two approaches were used: (1) local energy minimization of an ensemble of conformations similar to the equilibrium conformation and (2) global search trajectories using Monte Carlo plus minimization starting from a single conformation similar to the equilibrium conformation. For the two models derived from free energy measurements, it was found that both the global searches and local minimizations yielded conformations more similar to the X-ray crystallographic structures than did searches or local minimizations carried out in the absence of a solvation component of the conformational energy. The model derived from NMR coupling constants behaved similarly to the other models in the context of a global search trajectory. For one of the models derived from measured free energies of hydration, it was found that minimization of an ensemble of near-equilibrium conformations yielded a new ensemble in which the conformation most similar to the X-ray determined structure PTI4 had the lowest total free energy. Despite the simplicity of the continuum solvation models, the final conformation generated in the trajectories for each of the models exhibited some of the characteristics that have been reported for conformations obtained from molecular dynamics simulations in the presence of a bath of explicit water molecules. They have smaller root mean square (rms) deviations from the experimentally determined conformation, fewer incorrect hydrogen bonds, and slightly larger radii of gyration than do conformations derived from search trajectories carried out in the absence of solvent.  相似文献   

D R Ripoll  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1988,27(8):1283-1303
A new approach to the multiple-minima problem in protein folding is presented. It is assumed that the molecule is driven toward the native structure by three types of mechanism. The first one involves an optimization of the electrostatic interactions, whereby the molecule evolves toward conformations in which the charge distribution becomes energetically more favorable. The second mechanism involves a Monte Carlo–energy minimization approach, and the third one is a backtrack mechanism that acts in the opposite direction, increasing the energy—the third type of movement provides a means to perturb the molecule when it is trapped in a stable but energetically unfavorable local energy minimum. This paper describes the implementation of a model based on these mechanisms, and illustrates its effectiveness by computations on different arbitrary starting conformations of a terminally blocked 19-residue chain of poly(L -alanine) for which the global minimum apparently corresponds to the right-handed α-helix. In all cases, the global minimum was attained, even when the starting conformation was a left-handed α-helix. In the latter case, the trajectory of conformations passed through partially melted forms of the left-handed α-helix (because of electrostatic defects at the ends), and then through the formation of structures leading to the more stable right-handed α-helix.  相似文献   

D R Ripoll  H A Scheraga 《Biopolymers》1990,30(1-2):165-176
The conformational space of the membrane-bound portion of melittin has been searched using the electrostatically driven Monte Carlo (EDMC) method with the ECEPP/2 (empirical conformational energy program for peptides) algorithm. The former methodology assumes that a polypeptide or protein molecule is driven toward the native structure by the combined action of electrostatic interactions and stochastic conformational changes associated with thermal movements. The algorithm produces a Monte Carlo search in the conformational hyperspace of the polypeptide using electrostatic predictions and a random sampling technique, combined with local minimization of the energy function, to locate low-energy conformations. As a result of 8 test calculations on the 20-residue membrane-bound portion of melittin, starting from six arbitrary and two completely random conformations, the method was able to locate a very low-energy region of the potential with a well-defined structure for the backbone. In all of the cases under study, the method found a cluster of similar low-energy conformations that agree well with the structure deduced from x-ray diffraction experiments and with one computed earlier by the build-up procedure.  相似文献   

D Amir  S Krausz  E Haas 《Proteins》1992,13(2):162-173
The structure of BPTI and reduced BPTI in concentrated guanidinium HCl (GUHCl) in the presence of glycerol has been probed by measurements of dynamic nonradiative excitation energy transfer between probes attached to its amino groups. Interprobe distance distributions were obtained from analysis of donor fluorescence decay curves and used to characterize local structures in unordered states of the protein. Site specifically fluorescently labeled BPTI derivatives (1-n)BPTI (n = 15, 20, 41, 46) were used, each carrying a 2-methoxy-naphthyl-1-methylenyl group (MNA) at the N-terminal amino group of arg1 and 7-(dimethylamino)-coumarin-4-yl-acetyl residue (DA-coum) at one of its epsilon-NH2 groups of the lysine side chains. Analysis of donor fluorescence decay kinetics gave the interprobe distance distributions in the native and denatured states. The N-terminal-segment, residues 1-15, is in an extended conformation (with an average interprobe distance of 34 +/- 2 A) in the native state. Upon unfolding by reduction with DTT or beta-mercapto ethanol in 6 M GUHCl/glycerol mixture, the conformation of this segment relaxed to a state characterized by a reduced average interprobe distance and a larger width of the distances distribution. The average distance between residues 1 and 26, i.e., between the N-terminus and the turn of the twisted beta sheet element (residues 18-35), increased upon unfolding. At -30 degrees C in the above solvent, the distribution between these two sites was probably composed of two conformational subpopulations. About 45 +/- 20% of the molecules were characterized by a short interprobe distance (like the native state) representing a compact conformation, and 55 +/- 20% of the molecules showed large interprobe distances representing an expanded (unfolded) conformation. Thus local structures seem to exist in reduced denatured BPTI even under denaturing conditions in 6 M GUHCl/glycerol mixtures. Some of those structures are unstable in guanidinium isothiocyanate (GUSCN). The method introduced here is suitable for probing local structures and very long range interactions in unfolded proteins and for search for folding initiation sites (FISs) and early folding intermediates.  相似文献   

Four mutants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) with replacements in the rigid core result in the creation of deep crevices on the surface of the protein. Other than crevices at the site of the mutation, few other differences are observed in the crystal structures of wild-type BPTI and the mutants F22A, Y23A, N43G, and F45A. These mutants are highly destabilized relative to wild type (WT). The differences between WT and mutants in the free energy change associated with cooperative folding/unfolding, delta delta G0 (WT-->mut), have been measured by calorimetry, and they are in good agreement with delta delta G0(WT-->mut) values from hydrogen exchange rates. For F22A the change in free energy difference is about 1.7 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C; for the other three mutants it is in the range of 5-7 kcal/mol at 25 degrees C. The experimental delta delta G0(WT-->mut) values of F22A, Y23A, and F45A are reasonably well accounted for as the sum of two terms: the difference in transfer free energy change, and a contribution from exposure to solvent of new surface (Eriksson, A.E., et al., 1992, Science 255, 178-183), if the recently corrected transfer free energies and surface hydrophobicities (De Young, L. & Dill, K., 1990, J. Phys. Chem. 94, 801-809; Sharp, K.A., et al., 1991a, Science 252, 106-109) are used and only nonpolar surface is taken into account. In N43G, three protein-protein hydrogen bonds are replaced by protein-water hydrogen bonds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The rates of folding and disulfide bond formation in reduced BPTI were measured in vitro in the presence and absence of total protein from the endoplasmic reticulum. The rates were increased substantially by the endoplasmic reticulum proteins, but only to the extent expected from the known content and activity of protein-disulfide-isomerase. No effects of added ATP or Ca2+ were observed, even though protein-disulfide-isomerase binds Ca2+ tightly.  相似文献   

In the folding of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), the single-disulfide intermediate [30-51] plays a key role. We have investigated a recombinant analog of [30-51] using a 2-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-NMR). This recombinant analog, named [30-51]Ala, contains a disulfide bond between Cys-30 and Cys-51, but contains alanine in place of the other cysteines in BPTI to prevent the formation of other intermediates. By 2D-NMR, [30-51]Ala consists of 2 regions-one folded and one predominantly unfolded. The folded region resembles a previously characterized peptide model of [30-51], named P alpha P beta, that contains a native-like subdomain with tertiary packing. The unfolded region includes the first 14 N-terminal residues of [30-51] and is as unfolded as an isolated peptide containing these residues. Using protein dissection, we demonstrate that the folded and unfolded regions of [30-51]Ala are structurally independent. The partially folded structure of [30-51]Ala explains many of the properties of authentic [30-51] in the folding pathway of BPTI. Moreover, direct structural characterization of [30-51]Ala has revealed that a crucial step in the folding pathway of BPTI coincides with the formation of a native-like subdomain, supporting models for protein folding that emphasize the formation of cooperatively folded subdomains.  相似文献   

A genetic screening procedure has been developed to identify mutant forms of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) that can fold to an active conformation but are inactivated more rapidly than the wild-type protein. Small cultures of Escherichia coli containing plasmids with mutagenized BPTI genes were grown in microtiter plates, lysed, and treated with dithiothreitol (DTT). Under these conditions, unfolding and inactivation of the wild-type protein has a half-time of about 10 hours. Variants of BPTI that are inactivated within 1 hour were identified by adding trypsin and a chromogenic substrate. Approximately 11,000 mutagenized clones were screened in this way and 75 clones that produce proteins that can fold but are inactivated by DTT were isolated. The genes coding for 68 "DTT-sensitive" mutant proteins were sequenced, and 25 different single amino acid substitutions at 15 of the 58 residues of the protein were identified. Most of the altered residues are largely buried in the core of the native wild-type structure and are highly conserved among proteins homologous to BPTI. These results indicate that a large fraction of the sequence of the protein contributes to the kinetic stability of the active conformation, but it also appears that substitutions can be tolerated at most sites without completely preventing folding. Because this genetic screen is based on changes in folding energetics, further studies of the isolated mutants are expected to provide information about the roles of the altered residues in folding and unfolding.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient NMR was used to measure the hydrodynamic behavior of unfolded variants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The unfolded BPTI species studied were [R]Abu, at pH 4.5 and pH 2.5, and unfolded [14-38]Abu, at pH 2.5. These were prepared by chemical synthesis. [R]Abu is a model for reduced BPTI; all cysteine residues are replaced by alpha-amino-n-butyric acid (Abu). [14-38]Abu retains cysteines 14 and 38, which form a disulfide bond, while the other cysteine residues are replaced by Abu. In the PFG experiments, the diffusion coefficient is measured as a function of protein concentration, and the value of D degree -the diffusion coefficient extrapolated to infinite dilution-is determined. From D degree, a value of the hydrodynamic radius. Rh, is computed from the Stokes-Einstein relationship. At pH 4.5, [R]Abu has an Rh value significantly less than the value calculated for a random coil, while at pH 2.5 the experimental Rh value is the same as for a random coil. In view of the changes in NMR detected structure of [R]Abu at pH 4.5 versus pH 2.5 (Pan H, Barbar E, Barany G, Woodward C. 1995. Extensive non-random structure in reduced and unfolded bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Biochemistry 34:13974-13981), the collapse of reduced BPTI at pH 4.5 may be associated with the formation of non-native hydrophobic clusters of pairs of side chains one to three amino acids apart in sequence. The diffusion constant of [14-38]Abu was also measured at pH 4.5, where the protein is partially folded. An increase in hydrodynamic radius of partially folded [14-38]Abu, relative to native BPTI, is similar to the increase in radius of gyration measured for other proteins under "molten globule" conditions.  相似文献   

The hierarchy of lattice Monte Carlo models described in the accompanying paper (Kolinski, A., Skolnick, J. Monte Carlo simulations of protein folding. I. Lattice model and interaction scheme. Proteins 18:338–352, 1994) is applied to the simulation of protein folding and the prediction of 3-dimensional structure. Using sequence information alone, three proteins have been successfully folded: the B domain of staphylococcal protein A, a 120 residue, monomeric version of ROP dimer, and crambin. Starting from a random expanded conformation, the model proteins fold along relatively well-defined folding pathways. These involve a collection of early intermediates, which are followed by the final (and rate-determining) transition from compact intermediates closely resembling the molten globule state to the native-like state. The predicted structures are rather unique, with native-like packing of the side chains. The accuracy of the predicted native conformations is better than those obtained in previous folding simulations. The best (but by no means atypical) folds of protein A have a coordinate rms of 2.25 Å from the native Cα trace, and the best coordinate rms from crambin is 3.18 Å. For ROP monomer, the lowest coordinate rms from equivalent Cαs of ROP dimer is 3.65 Å. Thus, for two simple helical proteins and a small α/β protein, the ability to predict protein structure from sequence has been demonstrated. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunochemical methods have been used to examine the conformational properties of the entire polypeptide chain in the various trapped intermediate states which are kinetically important in the unfolding and refolding of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. The interactions of each of the trapped intermediates, having their disulphide bonds frozen, with antibodies specific for either the native, folded or the reduced, unfolded states of the entire protein have been used to determine the probabilities of the various segments of the polypeptide chain adopting either conformation recognized by the antibodies.The results are considered with regard to the kinetic roles of the various species and to their conformational properties during folding and unfolding inferred from the observed propensities of each of the six cysteine residues to participate in disulphide bond formation, interchange, or breakage. It is concluded that no segment of the polypeptide chain adopts a stable native-like conformation until the entire polypeptide chain is able to do so simultaneously. The best correlation of conformation with the kinetic role in refolding of the intermediates is observed not with their propensity to adopt native-like conformation, but with their stability to full unfolding as measured by their interaction with antibodies against the reduced protein.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional conformation of Met-enkephalin, corresponding to the lowest minimum of the empirical potential energy function ECEPP/2 (empirical conformational energy program for peptides), has been determined using a new algorithm, viz. the Electrostatically Driven Monte Carlo Method. This methodology assumes that a polypeptide or protein molecule is driven toward the native structure by the combined action of electrostatic interactions and stochastic conformational changes associated with thermal movements. These features are included in the algorithm that produces a Monte Carlo search in the conformational hyperspace of the polypeptide, using electrostatic predictions and a random sampling technique to locate low-energy conformations. In addition, we have incorporated an alternative mechanism that allows the structure to escape from some conformational regions representing metastable local energy minima and even from regions of the conformational space with great stability. In 33 test calculations on Met-enkephalin, starting from arbitrary or completely random conformations, the structure corresponding to the global energy minimum was found inall the cases analyzed, with a relatively small search of the conformational space. Some of these starting conformations wereright orleft-handed -helices, characterized by good electrostatic interactions involving their backbone peptide dipoles; nevertheless, the procedure was able to convert such locally stable structures to the global-minimum conformation.On leave from the National University of San Luis, Faculty of Sciences and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Instituto de Matemática Aplicada, San Luis, Ejército de los Andes 950, 5700 San Luis, Argentina.  相似文献   

Structural and dynamic properties of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) in aqueous solution are investigated using two molecular dynamics (MD) simulations: one of 1.4 ns length and one of 0.8 ns length in which atom-atom distance bounds derived from NMR spectroscopy are included in the potential energy function to make the trajectory satisfy these experimental data more closely. The simulated properties of BPTI are compared with crystal and solution structures of BPTI, and found to be in agreement with the available experimental data. The best agreement with experiment was obtained when atom-atom distance restraints were applied in a time-averaged manner in the simulation. The polypeptide segments found to be most flexible in the MD simulations coincide closely with those showing differences between the crystal and solution structures of BPTI. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Refinement of distance geometry (DG) structures of EETI-II (Heitz et al.: Biochemistry 28:2392-2398, 1989), a member of the squash family trypsin inhibitor, have been carried out by restrained molecular dynamics (RMD) in water. The resulting models show better side chain apolar/polar surface ratio and estimated solvation free energy than structures refined "in vacuo." The consistent lower values of residual NMR constraint violations, apolar/polar surface ratio, and solvation free energy for one of these refined structures allowed prediction of the 3D folding and disulfide connectivity of EETI-II. Except for the few first residues for which no NMR constraints were available, this computer model fully agreed with X-ray structures of CMTI-I (Bode et al.: FEBS Lett. 242:285-292, 1989) and EETI-II complexed with trypsin that appeared after the RMD simulation was completed. Restrained molecular dynamics in water is thus proved to be highly valuable for refinement of DG structures. Also, the successful use of apolar/polar surface ratio and of solvation free energy reinforce the analysis of Novotny et al. (Proteins 4:19-30, 1988) and shows that these criteria are useful indicators of correct versus misfolded models.  相似文献   

Verkhivker GM 《Proteins》2005,58(3):706-716
The relationship between folding mechanism coupled to binding and structure prediction of the tertiary complexes is studied for the p27(Kip) (1) protein which has an intrinsically disordered unbound form and undergoes a functional folding transition during complex formation with the phosphorylated cyclin A-cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) binary complex. Hierarchy of p27(Kip1) structural loss determined in our earlier studies from temperature-induced Monte Carlo simulations and subsequent characterization of the transition state ensemble (TSE) for the folding reaction have shown that simultaneous ordering of the p27(Kip1) native intermolecular interface for the beta-hairpin and beta-strand secondary structure elements is critical for nucleating a rapid kinetic transition to the native tertiary complex. In the present study, we investigate the effect of forming specific intermolecular interactions on structure prediction of the p27(Kip1) tertiary complex. By constraining different secondary structure elements of p27(Kip1) in their native bound conformations and conducting multiple simulated annealing simulations, we analyze differences in the success rate of predicting the native structure of p27(Kip1) in the tertiary complex. In accordance with the nucleation-condensation mechanism, we have found that further stabilization of the native intermolecular interface for the beta-hairpin and beta-strand elements of p27(Kip1), that become ordered in the TSE, but are hardly populated in the unbound state, results in a consistent acquisition of the native bound structure. Conversely, the excessive stablization of the local secondary structure elements, which are rarely detected in the TSE, has a detrimental effect on convergence to the native bound structure.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of three peptides corresponding to the two beta-hairpins and the alpha-helix of the protein L B1 domain have been analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). In aqueous solution, the three peptides show low populations of native and non-native locally folded structures, but no well-defined hairpin or helix structures are formed. In 30% aqueous trifluoroethanol (TFE), the peptide corresponding to the alpha-helix adopts a high populated helical conformation three residues longer than in the protein. The hairpin peptides aggregate in TFE, and no significant conformational change occurs in the NMR observable fraction of molecules. These results indicate that the helical peptide has a significant intrinsic tendency to adopt its native structure and that the hairpin sequences seem to be selected as non-helical. This suggests that these sequences favor the structure finally attained in the protein, but the contribution of the local interactions alone is not enough to drive the formation of a detectable population of native secondary structures. This pattern of secondary structure tendencies is different to those observed in two structurally related proteins: ubiquitin and the protein G B1 domain. The only common feature is a certain propensity of the helical segments to form the native structure. These results indicate that for a protein to fold, there is no need for large native-like secondary structure propensities, although a minimum tendency to avoid non-native structures and to favor native ones could be required.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of four mutants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (F22A, Y23A, N43G, and F45A), engineered to alter their stability properties, have been determined. The mutated residues, which are highly conserved among Kunitz-type inhibitors, are located in the rigid core of the molecule. Replacement of the partially buried bulky residues of the wild-type protein with smaller residues resulted in crevices open to the exterior of the molecule. The overall three-dimensional structure of these mutants is very similar to that of the wild-type protein and only small rearrangements are observed among the atoms lining the crevices.  相似文献   

Using information‐theoretic concepts, we examine the role of the reference state, a crucial component of empirical potential functions, in protein fold recognition. We derive an information‐based connection between the probability distribution functions of the reference state and those that characterize the decoy set used in threading. In examining commonly used contact reference states, we find that the quasi‐chemical approximation is informatically superior to other variant models designed to include characteristics of real protein chains, such as finite length and variable amino acid composition from protein to protein. We observe that in these variant models, the total divergence, the operative function that quantifies discrimination, decreases along with threading performance. We find that any amount of nativeness encoded in the reference state model does not significantly improve threading performance. A promising avenue for the development of better potentials is suggested by our information‐theoretic analysis of the action of contact potentials on individual protein sequences. Our results show that contact potentials perform better when the compositional properties of the data set used to derive the score function probabilities are similar to the properties of the sequence of interest. Results also suggest to use only sequences of similar composition in deriving contact potentials, to tailor the contact potential specifically for a test sequence. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present Simple Intrasequence Difference (SID) analysis, a novel bioinformatic technique designed to help comprehend the properties of protein fold topologies. The analysis grades numerically every residue position in a given protein 3D structure according to the topological situation of the position in the folded chain. This results in an expression of the potential contribution of each residue position and its vicinity towards the integrity of the molecular conformation. Contiguous highly graded residues delineate the sub-structural interfaces that arise from the presence within the molecular fold of discrete domains and sub-domains. This comprehensive rendering of the internal arrangement of chain interfacing helps predict the potential for site-specific inductions (e.g. via mutations or ligand binding) of conformational change in the fold. Whereas SID analysis of single folds can convey an idea of the basic potential for topological adjustment in the protein family, comparative SID analysis of related folds focuses attention on those areas of the family fold where evolutionary changes, activation events and ligand binding have had the most topological impact. For demonstration, SID analysis is applied to the folds of pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz), phospholipase A(2), chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase A. We find that many of the potentially vulnerable sub-structural interfaces tend to be protected in the fold interior, in many cases stabilised by disulfide bridges spanning the interface. However, the most prominent interfaces tend to be externally accessible, without remedial stabilisation by disulfide bridges. These latter interfaces are associated so closely with the known functional sites that alterations to the interfacial juxtapositions should influence recognition and catalytic behaviour directly. This shows how side chain mutations, chemical modifications and binding events remote from the sites can nevertheless adjust, via interfacial realignment, the conformations and emergent properties of the sites. The close association also provides clear opportunities for interfacial rearrangements to follow intermolecular recognition events in the sites, facilitating translation of the binding into adjustment of the molecular conformation in areas distant from the sites. As a direct consequence of the topological arrangements, a large proportion of the molecular structure has the capacity to shape the character of the functional sites and, conversely, binding at these sites has the potential to radiate influence to the rest of the molecule. For the enzymes considered, the evidence is consistent with the possibility that primary and secondary binding by the substrate enhances catalytic efficiency by imposing conformational change upon the catalytic centre via adjustments to the fold. This influence may be expressed as favourable adjustment of the catalytic geometry, transition state ensemble, energy propagation pathway, or as a physical strain exerted on the substrate bond to be cleaved. The scale of the adjustments, and their importance to the mechanisms, may have been seriously underestimated.  相似文献   

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