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Early in its development, the chick embryo hindbrain manifests an axial series of bulges, termed rhombomeres. Rhombomeres are units of cell lineage restriction, and both they and their intervening boundaries form a series that reiterates various features of neuronal differentiation, cytoarchitecture, and molecular character. The segmented nature of hindbrain morphology and cellular development may be related to early patterns of cell division. These were explored by labeling with BrdU to reveal S-phase nuclei, and staining with basic fuchsin to visualise mitotic cells. Whereas within rhombomeres, S-phase nuclei were located predominantly toward the pial surface of the neuroepithelium, at rhombomere boundaries S-phase nuclei were significantly closer to the ventricular surface. The density of mitotic figures was greater toward the centres of rhombomeres than in boundary regions. Mitotic cells did not show any consistent bias in the orientation of division, either in the centres of rhombomeres, or near boundaries. Our results are consistent with the idea that rhombomeres are centres of cell proliferation, while boundaries contain populations of relatively static cells with reduced rates of cell division.  相似文献   

The hindbrain of the chick embryo contains three classes of motor neurons: somatic, visceral, and branchial motor. During development, somata of neurons in the last two classes undergo a laterally directed migration within the neuroepithelium; somata translocate towards the nerve exit points, through which motor axons are beginning to extend into the periphery. All classes of motor neuron are immunopositive for the SC1/DM-GRASP cell surface glycoprotein. We have examined the relationship between patterns of motor neuron migration, axon outgrowth, and expression of the SC1/DM-GRASP mRNA and protein, using anterograde or retrograde axonal tracing, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization. We find that as motor neurons migrate laterally, SC1/DM-GRASP is down-regulated, both on neuronal somata and axonal surfaces. Within individual motor nuclei, these lateral, more mature neurons are found to possess longer axons than the young, medial cells of the population. Labelling of sensory or motor axons growing into the second branchial arch also shows that motor axons reach the muscle plate first, and that SC1/DM-GRASP is expressed on the muscle at the time growth cones arrive. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity regulates many aspects of central nervous system development. We demonstrate that in the embryonic chick hindbrain, spontaneous activity is expressed between embryonic days (E) 6–9. Over this period the frequency of activity decreases significantly, although the events maintain a consistent rhythm on the timescale of minutes. At E6, the activity is pharmacologically dependent on serotonin, nACh, GABAA, and glycine input, but not on muscarinic, glutamatergic, or GABAB receptor activation. It also depends on gap junctions, t‐type calcium channels and TTX‐sensitive ion channels. In intact spinal cord‐hindbrain preparations, E6 spontaneous events originate in the spinal cord and propagate into lateral hindbrain tissue; midline activity follows the appearance of lateral activity. However, the spinal cord is not required for hindbrain activity. There are two invariant points of origin of activity along the midline, both within the caudal group of serotonin‐expressing cell bodies; one point is caudal to the nV exit point while the other is caudal to the nVII exit point. Additional caudal midline points of origin are seen in a minority of cases. Using immunohistochemistry, we show robust differentiation of the serotonergic raphe near the midline at E6, and extensive fiber tracts expressing GAD65/67 and the nAChR in lateral areas; this suggests that the medial activity is dependent on serotonergic neuron activation, while lateral activity requires other transmitters. Although there are differences between species, this activity is highly conserved between mouse and chick, suggesting that developmental event(s) within the hindbrain are dependent on expression of this spontaneous activity. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

Interkinetic nuclear migration was totally inhibited in the neural cells of early chicken embryos cultured for 3 hr on media containing 5 μg/ml cytochalasin B. After this treatment the arrangement of apically situated bands of cytoplasmic microfilaments was disturbed although the filaments themselves were not entirely disrupted.  相似文献   

Prior to rhombomere development, structures called prorhombomeres appear in the mammalian hindbrain. This study clarifies the developmental relationship between prorhombomeres and their descendent rhombomeres and hindbrain crest cells in mouse embryos by focal dye injections at various levels of prorhombomere A (proRhA), proRhB, and proRhC, as well as at their boundaries. ProRhA gives rise to two rhombomeres, rhombomeres 1 and 2 (r1 and r2), as well as to crest cells that migrate into the first pharyngeal arch, including the trigeminal ganglion. ProRhB develops into r3 and r4 and produces crest cells populating the second arch and acousticofacial ganglion. The anterior portion of proRhC gives rise to r5 and r6 and to crest cells migrating into the third pharyngeal arch and the IXth ganglion; its posterior portion develops into r7 and releases crest cells into the fourth pharyngeal arch region as well as the Xth ganglion. These results suggest that the boundaries between prorhombomeres serve as lineage restrictions for both hind-brain neuroepithelial cells and for segmental origins of crest cell populations in mouse embryos. The Hox code of the mouse head can be schematized in a much simpler way based on this prorhombomeric organization of the hind-brain, suggesting that prorhombomeres primarily underlie mammalian hind-brain segmentation.  相似文献   

A hallmark of neurogenesis in the vertebrate brain is the apical-basal nuclear oscillation in polarized neural progenitor cells. Known as interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), these movements are synchronized with the cell cycle such that nuclei move basally during G1-phase and apically during G2-phase. However, it is unknown how the direction of movement and the cell cycle are tightly coupled. Here, we show that INM proceeds through the cell cycle-dependent linkage of cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. During S to G2 progression, the microtubule-associated protein Tpx2 redistributes from the nucleus to the apical process, and promotes nuclear migration during G2-phase by altering microtubule organization. Thus, Tpx2 links cell-cycle progression and autonomous apical nuclear migration. In contrast, in vivo observations of implanted microbeads, acute S-phase arrest of surrounding cells and computational modelling suggest that the basal migration of G1-phase nuclei depends on a displacement effect by G2-phase nuclei migrating apically. Our model for INM explains how the dynamics of neural progenitors harmonize their extensive proliferation with the epithelial architecture in the developing brain.  相似文献   

In flies, the zinc-finger protein Teashirt promotes trunk segmental identities, in part, by repressing the expression and function of anterior hox paralog group (PG) 1-4 genes that specify head fates. Anterior-posterior patterning of the vertebrate hindbrain also requires Hox PG 1-4 function, but the role of vertebrate teashirt-related genes in this process has not been investigated. In this work, we use overexpression and structure-function analyses to show that zebrafish tshz3b antagonizes Hox-dependent hindbrain segmentation. Ectopic Tshz3b perturbs the specification of rhombomere identities and leads to the caudal expansion of r1, the only rhombomere whose identity is specified independently of Hox function. This overexpression phenotype does not require the homeodomain and C-terminal zinc fingers that are unique to vertebrate Teashirt-related proteins, but does require that Tshz3b function as a repressor. Together, these results argue that the negative regulation of Hox PG 1-4 function is a conserved characteristic of Teashirt-related proteins.  相似文献   

Changes in fine structure of cells associated with interkinetic nuclear migration in the developing chick neuroepithelium were investigated. Interphase cells are elongated and span the entire thickness of the neuroepithelium. As cells round up in preparation for mitosis, they sever their contacts with the basement membrane, but retain their apical junctions. Meanwhile, microtubules lose their apico-basal orientation and the apical microfilament bundle relaxes to allow broadening of the luminal surface. These changes in the cytoarchitecture together with an increased cytoplasmic viscosity may cause rounding of mitotic cells and their juxtaluminal position. Mitotic cells remain at the lumen from late prophase through early telophase. By late telophase, daughter cells start to elongate toward the base of the neuroepithelium. The ultrastructural changes during elongation recapitulate, in a reverse order, the events of rounding up in preparation for mitosis. Daughter cells are connected for some time after mitosis by a thread of cytoplasm. The thread is filled with microtubules representing a remnant of the spindle complex and has an electron-dense midbody at about the middle of its length. During the final stage of separation of daughter cells, the thread is split at the level of the midbody.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2021,31(22):4946-4955.e4
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In developing retina, the nucleus of the elongated neuroepithelial cells undergoes interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), that is it migrates back and forth across the proliferative layer during the cell cycle. S-phase occurs at the basal side, while M-phase occurs at the apical margin of the retinal progenitors. G1 and G2-phases occur along the nuclear migration pathway. We tested whether this feature of the retinal cell cycle is controlled by CK2, which, among its many substrates, phosphorylates both molecular motors and cytoskeletal components. Double immunolabeling showed that CK2 is contained in BrdU-labeled retinal progenitors. INM was examined after pulse labeling the retina of newborn rats with BrdU, by plotting nuclear movement from basal to apical sides of the retinal progenitors during G2. The CK2 specific inhibitor 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole inhibited the activity of rat retinal CK2, and blocked nuclear movement proper in a dose-dependent way. No apoptosis was detected, and total numbers of BrdU-labeled nuclei remained constant following treatment. Immunohistochemistry showed that, following inhibition of CK2, the tubulin cytoskeleton is disorganized, with reduced acetylated and increased tyrosinated tubulin. This indicates a reduction in stable microtubules, with accumulation of free tubulin dimers. The results show that CK2 activity is required for INM in retinal progenitor cells.  相似文献   

How regional patterning of the neural tube in vertebrate embryos may influence the emergence and the function of neural networks remains elusive. We have begun to address this issue in the embryonic mouse hindbrain by studying rhythmogenic properties of different neural tube segments. We have isolated pre‐ and post‐otic hindbrain segments and spinal segments of the mouse neural tube, when they form at embryonic day (E) 9, and grafted them into the same positions in stage‐matched chick hosts. Three days after grafting, in vitro recordings of the activity in the cranial nerves exiting the grafts indicate that a high frequency (HF) rhythm (order: 10 bursts/min) is generated in post‐otic segments while more anterior pre‐otic and more posterior spinal territories generate a low frequency (LF) rhythm (order: 1 burst/min). Comparison with homo‐specific grafting of corresponding chick segments points to conservation in mouse and chick of the link between the patterning of activities and the axial origin of the hindbrain segment. This HF rhythm is reminiscent of the respiratory rhythm known to appear at E15 in mice. We also report on pre‐/post‐otic interactions. The pre‐otic rhombomere 5 prevents the emergence of the HF rhythm at E12. Although the nature of the interaction with r5 remains obscure, we propose that ontogeny of fetal‐like respiratory circuits relies on: (i) a selective developmental program enforcing HF rhythm generation, already set at E9 in post‐otic segments, and (ii) trans‐segmental interactions with pre‐otic territories that may control the time when this rhythm appears. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Effects of concanavalin A (Con A) were tested in chick embryos explanted at stages 4–7 and cultured for 24 hr. Con A (12–24 μg/ml) blocked neural tube formation by inhibiting interkinetic nuclear migration, irrespective of the stage at explanation. Somites, although less numerous than controls, were almost normal in appearance. Blastodermal expansion, heart development, and blood island formation usually were unaffected. Light microscopic and autoradiographic studies showed that the application of Con A (16 μg/ml or lower) caused no obvious variations in cell morphology, mitotic activity, and uptake of [3H]thymidine and [3H]uridine. The grafting experiments showed that Con A (16 μg/ml) strongly inhibited the differentiation of Hensen's node grafts, but not their neural inducing capacity. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of Con A was reversible, i.e., embryos retained the ability to recover from sublethal effects of Con A when, after 4–5 hr of treatment, subcultured on plain nutrient medium.  相似文献   

A vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest migration in the chick embryo has provided a positional fate map of greater resolution than has been possible using labelled graft techniques. Focal injections of the fluorescent membrane probe DiI were made into the cranial neural folds at stages between 3 and 16 somites. Groups of neuroepithelial cells, including the premigratory neural crest, were labelled by the vital dye. Analysis of whole-mount embryos after 1-2 days further development, using conventional and intensified video fluorescence microscopy, revealed the pathways of crest cells migrating from mesencephalic and rhombencephalic levels of the neuraxis into the subjacent branchial region. The patterns of crest emergence and emigration correlate with the segmented disposition of the rhombencephalon. Branchial arches 1, 2 and 3 are filled by crest cells migrating from rhombomeres 2, 4 and 6 respectively, in register with the cranial nerve entry/exit points in these segments. The three streams of ventrally migrating cells are separated by alternating regions, rhombomeres 3 and 5, which release no crest cells. Rostrally, rhombomere 1 and the caudal mesencephalon also contribute crest to the first arch, primarily to its upper (maxillary) component. Both r3 and r5 are associated with enhanced levels of cell death amongst cells of the dorsal midline, suggesting that crest may form at these levels but is then eliminated. Organisation of the branchial region is thus related by the dynamic process of neural crest immigration to the intrinsic mechanisms that segment the neuraxis.  相似文献   

Summary We have shown previously that hemoglobin greatly stimulates chick embryo cell proliferation in Eagle's minimal essential medium supplemented with horse serum. In the present study we compared the effects of horse serum plus 10 μM hemoglobin to those of fetal bovine serum on subcultures of chick embryo cells serially propagated at high cell densities. The cells became elongated in the presence of fetal bovine serum and their rate of proliferation progressively decreased, whereas they became polygonal in the presence of horse serum plus hemoglobin and proliferated well in successive cell passages. The polygonal cell obtained in the presence of horse serum plus hemoglobin rapidly elongated if cultured at low cell densities in the presence of fetal bovine serum, but, in contrast, elongated cells did not yield polygonal cells if cultured at low densities in the presence of horse serum plus hemoglobin. It is possible that the polygonal and elongated cells are undifferentiated cells and differentiating myogenic cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms regulate cell numbers and cell fate by using asymmetric cell division (ACD) and symmetric cell division (SCD) during their development and to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. A stem cell self-renews and generates differentiated cells. In plants, various types of cells are produced by ACD or SCD; however, the molecular mechanisms of ACD or SCD and the cell division mode switch are largely unknown. The moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens is a suitable model to study plant stem cells due to its simple anatomy. Here, we report the cell division mode switch induced by abscisic acid (ABA) in P. patens. ABA is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses and induces round-shape cells, called brood cells, from cylindrical protonemal cells. Although two daughter cells with distinct sizes were produced by ACD in a protonemal stem cell on ABA-free media, the sizes of two daughter cells became similar with ABA treatment. Actin microfilaments were spatially localized on the apices of apical stem cells in protonemata on ABA-free media, but the polar accumulation was lost under the condition of ABA treatment. Moreover, ABA treatment conferred an identical cell fate to the daughter cells in terms of cell division activity. Collectively, the results indicate ABA may suppress the ACD characteristics but evoke SCD in cells. We also noticed that ABA-induced brood cells not only self-renewed but regenerated protonemal cells when ABA was removed from the media, suggesting that brood cells are novel stem cells that are induced by environmental signals in P. patens.  相似文献   

As the spindle fiber attachment region of the chromosome, the centromere has been investigated in a variety of contexts. Here, we will review current knowledge about this unique chromosomal region and its relevance for proper cell division, speciation, and disease. Understanding the three-dimensional organization of centromeres in normal and tumor cells is just beginning to emerge. Multidisciplinary research will allow for new insights into its normal and aberrant nuclear organization and may allow for new therapeutic interventions that target events linked to centromere function and cell division.  相似文献   

Spinal motoneurons that normally die during early development can be rescued by a variety of purified growth or neurotrophic factors and target tissue extracts. There is also indirect evidence that brain or supraspinal afferent input may influence lumbar motoneuron survival during development and that this effect may be mediated by central nervous system–derived trophic agents. This report examines the biological and biochemical properties of motoneuron survival activity obtained from extracts of the embryonic chick brain. Treatment with an ammonium sulfate (25% to 75%) fraction of embryonic day 16 (E16) or E10 brain extracts rescued many spinal motoneurons that otherwise die during the normal period of cell death in vivo (E6 to E10). The same fractions also enhanced lumbar motoneuron survival following deafferentation. There were both similarities and differences between the active fractions derived from brain extracts (BEX) when compared with extracts derived from target muscles (MEX) or with purified neurotrophic factors. Survival activity from E10 BEX was as effective in promoting motoneuron survival as E10 MEX and more effective than astrocyte-conditioned media. Unlike MEX, the active fractions from BEX also rescued placode-derived nodose ganglion cells. In addition, unlike nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, active BEX fractions did not rescue neural crest-derived dorsal root ganglion cells or sympathetic ganglion neurons. Interestingly, among many cranial motor and other brainstem nuclei examined, only the survival of motoneurons from the abducens nucleus was enhanced by BEX. Active proteins obtained from BEX were further separated by gel filtration chromatography and by preparative isolelectric focusing techniques. Activity was recovered in a basic (pI8) and an acidic (pI5) small molecular weight protein fraction (20 kD or less). The specific activity of the basic fraction was increased ×66 when compared with the specific activity of crude BEX, and the basic fraction had a slightly higher specific activity than the acidic fraction. The biological and biochemical properties of these fractions are discussed in the context of known neurotrophic factors and their effects on normal and lesion-induced motoneuron death during development. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Development of the central nervous system is coordinated by intercellular signalling centres established within the neural tube. The isthmic organizer (IsO), located between the midbrain and anterior hindbrain, is one such centre. Important signal molecules secreted by the IsO include members of the fibroblast growth factor and Wnt families. These signals are integrated with dorsally and ventrally derived signals to regulate development of the midbrain and rhombomere 1 of the hindbrain. The IsO is operational for a remarkably long period of time. Depending on the developmental stage, it controls a variety of processes such as cell survival, cell identity, neural precursor proliferation, neuronal differentiation and axon guidance. This review focuses on the fibroblast growth factor signalling, its novel molecular regulatory mechanisms and how this pathway regulates multiple aspects of cell behaviour in the developing midbrain and anterior hindbrain.  相似文献   

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