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Gaute Bø Grønstøl 《Ibis》2003,145(2):203-211
In this study bigamous female Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus received significantly less incubation relief from their males than monogamous females. On average, monogamous males spent 34.3% of their time incubating and bigamous males 29.9%. Bigamous males divided their effort between their nests, incubating on average 9.4% on primary nests and 20.5% on secondary nests. Bigamous females compensated for the lack of male relief. Primary females incubated for 71.8% of their time, secondary females for 64.2%, while monogamous females spent 52.7% of their time incubating. As a result, there was no significant difference in total nest attentiveness among nests of different status. Primary and secondary females received equivalent incubation relief from the male. Bigamous males increased their contribution to incubation significantly as the season progressed. A bigamous male's distribution of incubation relief between his females was unrelated to female body mass, or to the degree of asynchrony between primary and secondary females in arrival and laying. Incubation time was significantly, negatively, correlated with total nest attentiveness. Monogamous females spent most time, secondary females spent an intermediate time, and primary females spent the least time on maintenance behaviour (foraging, comfort behaviour, inactivity). No significant differences were found in hatching success among females of different mating status. However, the ratio of unhatched to hatched eggs (i.e. the eggs that remained in the nest at the time of hatching) differed significantly: secondary females hatched a smaller proportion of their eggs than monogamous and primary females.  相似文献   

Darwin devised sexual selection theory to explain sexual dimorphisms. Further developments of the theory identified the operational sex‐ratio (OSR) as one of its cornerstones, and it was commonly admitted that an OSR biased toward one sex would lead to stronger selection pressures toward that sex. Recent theoretical developments have challenged this view and showed that the OSR alone does not determine the direction of sexual selection, more particularly in mutually ornamented species exhibiting high and similar parental investment by both sexes. These developments, however, focused on mutual intersexual selection, and little is known about intrasexual selection of both males and females in species exhibiting such characteristics. The first aim of our study was to test the relative involvement of males and females in same‐sex contest over mates in the king penguin, a species exhibiting mutual ornamentation of the sexes, high parental investment by both sexes, and a male‐biased OSR. We investigated the sex composition of trio parades, which are groups of three individuals that compete for mates during pair formation. We found that these trios consist of a female trailed by two fighting males in 19 of 20 cases; the 20th trio was all male. The second aim of our study was to investigate the existence of within‐sex differences in colour ornaments between individuals involved in such trios and individuals already paired. While limited sample sizes precluded detection of statistically significant differences between trios vs. pairs, reflectance measurements suggested that the beak spot of males in trios were more strongly ultraviolet than the beak spot of males in pairs. We concluded that intrasexual selection in our colony follows the typical pattern of mate competition observed in species in which sexual dimorphisms and OSR are male biased, and discussed the ultraviolet difference within the framework of the king penguins' colour perception.  相似文献   

Hooded seal Cystophora cristata trios consist of an adult female, her pup, and an attending adult male. Using DNA fingerprinting, we excluded the possibility that the attending males within hooded seal trios were the fathers of the pups, proving that these hooded seals did not remain paired from one breeding season to the next. Behavioural observations of the trios after capture and release revealed that male hooded seals displace one another in attending nursing females. Mate guarding appears to be the preferred mating strategy available to male hooded seals given intense competition for females, a very brief nursing period, and oestrus occuring soon after weaning, but its effectiveness remains unclear.  相似文献   

Both sexes of the herbivorous damselfish Stegastes nigricans maintain individual feeding territories. These territories are distributed contiguously, forming distinct colonies. Females visit male territories to spawn, and eggs are guarded by males until hatching. Male-male competition and female mate choice were studied in two colonies of different size compositions. Only larger individuals bred in both colonies. Some males in the large colony, that were larger than the breeding males in the small colony, did not succeed in reproducing probably because of severe attacks by the larger males while courting. However, females did not choose large size among breeding males. The most important male characteristic in female choice was the frequency of courtship displays in both colonies. Females in the large colony chose males mainly on the basis of the frequency of displays conducted in the females' territories, whereas females in the small colony chose males on the basis of the frequency of displays conducted in the males' territories. This difference may be a result of the difference in colony size. The distances between females' and males' territories were much greater in the large colony, and, because females cannot see courtship displays conducted in distant male territories, males in the large colony may have had to visit female territories frequently in order to conduct courtship near the females.  相似文献   

In animal pairs, males are often more vigilant than females.This is generally assumed to result from mate guarding (eitheragainst predators or other males). However, when males haveconspicuous secondary sexual characteristics, they could beconstrained to be more vigilant because of a higher predationrisk than females. We attempted to distinguish between the "maleconstraint hypothesis" and two variations of the mate-guardinghypothesis by studying the vigilance behavior of the sexuallydimorphic wigeon during early winter, when some males are inbreeding plumage and some are not and when not all males arepaired. The proportion of time spent vigilant by paired malesin breeding plumage was five times higher than any other categoryof males or females. We found no significant differences betweenthe vigilance levels of unpaired male wigeon in cryptic andin breeding plumage and therefore rejected the male constrainthypothesis. As vigilance levels of paired and unpaired femalesdid not differ either, we rejected the hypothesis that pairedmales invest in vigilance to reduce their mate's need to bevigilant to predation risks. Paired females interacted lessfrequently with other wigeon than unpaired ones, and it is probablyto protect their female from other males that paired male wigeonincrease their vigilance times.  相似文献   

In Caribbean Panama, nonreproductive male and female stomatopods are solitary and defend their own coral-rubble cavities. When breeding pairs form, however, males assume all responsibility for cavity defense. To compare success in cavity defense and defensive tactics among paired and unpaired males, and to examine the tendency for paired stomatopods to exchange their present mates for larger (higher quality) individuals, we introduced same-sized and 15% larger male, and same-sized and 15% larger reproductive female intruders to paired and unpaired male residents in a balanced design. Paired males were more successful at cavity defense than unpaired males, evidently because paired males strike intruders more than unpaired males, and because intruders fight less intensely against paired males than against unpaired males. Paired males occasionally attempted extrapair copulations, but showed little tendency to abandon their mates in favor of larger females. Paired females, however, mated readily with intruder males that evicted resident males. Populationwide female breeding synchrony and prolonged female receptivity before oviposition reduce variance in male mating success and may force males to guard the breeding cavity to assure their paternity. Uncertainty about the reproductive condition of intruder females may prevent males from exchanging mates.  相似文献   

We studied the mating system in a local population of colour-ringed sedge warblers in south Central Sweden in 1990–92. Of 58 territorial males, 59% were socially monogamous, 14% socially polygynous and 27% unpaired. Socially polygynous males in general paired with two females: the only exception was one male that formed pair bonds with three females. Among the males that formed a pair bond, 38% resumed singing after their first female had started egg-laying or incubation and 50% of the paired males that resumed singing succeeded in attracting a second female. Hence, despite a consistently male-biased sex ratio in the population a large proportion of the males tried to become polygynous and they were often successful. The frequency of extra-pair matings did not differ between monogamous and polygynous males. Of 47 breeding females, 6.4% were sequentially socially polyandrous. In two out of three cases, the females fed the young of their first broods until independence before initiating the second brood. In the third case the female deserted her newly fledged young and these were instead cared for by a neighbouring male. DNA fingerprinting revealed that this male had not sired any of these young. Each of the sequentially polyandrous females successfully raised both their broods, and their annual reproductive success was slightly higher than the average for the polygynous males. When the sequentially socially polyandrous females initiated their second brood, their primary male (in all cases polygynous males), cared for young in their secondary female's nest. In all cases, the sequentially polyandrous females formed second pair bonds with unpaired males that were close neighbors. This suggests that females switched pair male for their second brood to obtain a mate that was more likely to provide them with direct benefits (e.g. parental care).  相似文献   

In many bird species, the female participates in defending a pair's breeding territory, however, the endocrine control mechanism of female aggressive behavior is largely unknown. The general statement that androgens are involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior is based on studies conducted only in males. Here, we tested whether paired female stonechats show a hormonal response to a simulated male territorial intruder. Since in males of territorial bird species androgen levels usually increase following a male-male encounter, we measured androgen-levels before and after a simulated male intrusion. In addition, we measured estradiol, the main gonadal hormone in females, and corticosterone, a stress hormone. The results show that a male intruder does not affect any of the measured hormones in females. In a second experiment, we also tested whether the endocrine state of the male partner affects the hormonal response of females to a male intruder by comparing the hormonal response of females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males. Females paired with pharmacologically castrated males had lower corticosterone levels both before and after the intrusion than females paired with control males. Additionally, in both groups, female corticosterone levels were increased following a male intrusion. We suggest that the differences found between females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males are due to differences in intra-pair interactions.  相似文献   

We designed three experiments to identify important cues asto how bigamous male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) apportionnestling feeding between their broods. Normally, males givepriority to their primary brood, that is, the brood of theirfirst-acquired mate. In the first experiment, we reversed thehatching order of primary and secondary broods by substitutingeggs. Males responded by reallocating their efforts in favorof secondary broods. Males thus favored the brood that hatchedfirst, irrespective of female mating order. In the second experiment,carried out on the same males when the younger brood was 4 or5 days old, we transferred the older brood to the nest of theyounger, and vice versa; the males changed their investmentpattern accordingly, still giving priority to the older brood.In the third experiment, primary and secondary broods were madeto hatch on the same day. In these cases, males divided theirnestling feeding efforts fairly equally between the broods.The results reveal a remarkable flexibility of male investmentdecisions, which is discussed in light of parental investmenttheory. The fact that the degree of male assistance to secondarymates is variable and that it is to a large extent predictablefrom the nest initiation asynchrony of the two females has importantimplications for our understanding of the polyterritorial matingsystem of this species.  相似文献   

Female decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus , obtain genetic benefits by mating with different males and, when given a choice, prefer novel males over previous mates. It is unknown, however, whether males exhibit a similar preference for novel females. Although female crickets control copulation, there are at least two ways in which males can exercise choice: (1) the amount of courtship directed towards prospective mates and (2) the size of the spermatophore transferred to the female at mating. To determine whether males devote more courtship effort to novel females while controlling for female behavioral cues, male courtship effort toward two dead females, one, a previous mate and the other, a novel female, was measured. To determine whether males manufacture larger spermatophores when paired with novel females, males were mated to novel or previous mates, and the different components of the spermatophore weighed. Males did not spend more time courting dead novel females than previous mates. There was no difference in the latency to remating of males confined with novel females and those paired with previous mates, and there was no difference in the mass of spermatophores transferred to novel and familiar females. Contrary to previous studies in other taxa, this study suggests that male crickets do not prefer novel mates and thus, are not subject to the Coolidge effect. Although mating with novel females may be beneficial to males, selection on males to identify and discriminate against previous mates may be relaxed because of a strong female preference for novel males.  相似文献   

A focus on the reproductive contributions of males displaying alternative life histories has neglected the role of size-dependent peripheral males in salmonine mating systems. We documented mating behaviour of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, including observations of spawning, over two breeding seasons to determine the mating costs of peripheral males to dominant males (kleptogamy) and females (egg cannibalism). For males and females, the mating costs of peripheral males were substantial because more than half (56%) of all observed brook trout spawnings involved peripheral males. Males that paired with large females experienced a greater incidence of kleptogamy due to increased numbers of peripheral males present. Large males face a conflict when mating in that they prefer to spawn with large females; however, these same females attract numerous males against which the dominant male cannot defend. From paternity studies, we estimated that males that had peripheral males participate in spawning may fertilize, on average, equal numbers of eggs compared to males spawning solely with a smaller female. Females that paired with relatively smaller males had significantly more eggs eaten by peripheral males than females that paired with relatively larger males. Latency to spawn by females increased when paired with a relatively small male, and resulted in females obtaining a larger spawning partner. The observed patterns of size-assortative mating, kleptogamy and cannibalism are discussed in relation to mate choice for this population of brook trout. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Termite primary reproductives may be exposed to pathogens when dispersing from their parental nest and establishing a new colony. Immunity and reproduction are investigated during colony foundation by implanting a nylon filament into the abdomen of mated and unmated female and male primary reproductives of the dampwood termite Zootermopsis angusticollis. Primary reproductives are paired in combinations of female/male, female/female and male/male and, using confocal microscopy, immune defence is assessed by measuring the degree of encapsulation of nylon implants during three periods of colony foundation: (I) shortly after pairing; (II) during copulation/oocyte maturation; and (III) during oviposition. There are differences in the encapsulation response of mated and unmated termites that are contingent on the period of colony foundation when termites are challenged. Mated females and males have significantly greater encapsulation responses than their unmated counterparts shortly after pairing, perhaps as a prophylactic measure against exposure to disease. The encapsulation response of mated and unmated males does not differ significantly during periods II and III. The onset of oviposition is significantly delayed in mated females that received implants during periods I and II. Mated females have a significantly reduced encapsulation response during the time of copulation and oocyte maturation, but not during oviposition. Overall, males have a significantly greater ability than females to encapsulate a nylon implant. The findings suggest that reproduction can reduce the immune response in female primary reproductives. The results are discussed in light of trade-offs between immunity and reproduction during the critical life-history phase of colony establishment in termites.  相似文献   

Fight theory predicts that asymmetries between contestants can be used to predict the winners and losers in fights. Using the monogamous convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciata), we examined whether being in a pair bond has an advantage in defeating a single same-sex individual. We hypothesize that the male and female members of a pair bond would defeat a same-sex single intruder because it is beneficial to form a pair bond prior to competing for mutual resources, such as a breeding site. To test our hypotheses, we allowed paired males to engage in contests with single males with and without the interaction of their mate. In addition, we allowed paired females to engage in contests with single females with and without the interaction of their mate. Our results indicate that the paired male gained no advantage in being paired; however, paired females seem to have an advantage over single females because they typically defeated them. To reduce the influence of the other pair member on the fight, we restrained one member and allowed the other pair member to confront the same-sex individual. The paired male was frequently defeated while the paired female typically won. These results suggest that forming a pair bond gives females, but not males an advantage in fights with same-sex competitors.  相似文献   

Alpha status may lead to physiological changes that enhance secondary sexual characteristics, which may serve as competitive signals to conspecific males, sexual signals to females, or possibly a combination of both. Here, we report measurements of secondary sexual characteristics in captive dominant and subordinate male tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus apella) with varying access to females. An adult male (who had previously been subordinate while housed with other males) was paired with an adult female. This male–female pair was introduced into a room that housed three other male–male pairs with stable hierarchy arrangements. We analyzed weight, body measurements, facial photographs, and hair cortisol before, during, and after introducing a female into the room. While there were no differences in weight or measurements between alphas and subordinates without physical access to the female prior to or during the female''s presence, we found that direct access to the female resulted in dramatic changes in facial appearance, body size, and testicular volume in the male who was paired with her. Overall, we found little evidence to suggest that alpha males advertise their status within all‐male groups via sexual secondary characteristics. However, direct physical access to females appears to trigger the development of such characteristics in alpha males. It remains of continued interest to identify the endocrine mechanisms responsible for the development, and possible loss, of secondary sexual characteristics.  相似文献   

The influence of male age on female mate preference and reproductive performance in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi was examined, using male and female adults of varying ages (young, middle-aged and old) after a single mating. In a simultaneous choice test, females of all age class preferentially mated with middle-aged males. Mating duration was positively related to male age. Longevity of females was not significantly affected by male age. Young females paired to middle-aged males had significantly higher egg production than those paired to old males, and the eggs of females paired to middle-aged males exhibited significantly higher hatching success than the eggs of females mated to young or old males. These results suggest that middle-aged males are more advantageous for female fitness than young and old males.  相似文献   

Direct benefits of female mate choice may concern female fertility and fecundity but also physiological status. In birds with biparental care, males may contribute to improve the condition and health of their pair‐mates through help in constructing nests, incubation or incubation feeding and nestling provisioning. They may also reduce harassment of females by non‐pair males. A consequence of these male activities could be expressed in terms of oxidative damage, which may depend on metabolic effort and social stress. Here, we have related male contribution to parental and territorial duties to female oxidative status in the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, a species where preferred males present darker dorsal plumage and, in Iberian populations, a large white forehead patch. Darker males were paired with females with high incubation attendance and reduced nestling provisioning rates, which may lead to reduced female exertion. These males owned nest boxes at which there were fewer visits by non‐pair males. Although females paired with dark mates worked less hard, they were able to raise more fledglings. Female oxidative damage measured as malondialdehyde (MDA) level in plasma declined with increasing incubation attendance and male incubation feeding. Moreover, levels of MDA in females declined with both darkness of male dorsal plumage and male forehead patch size when controlling for female forehead patch size and male age. The effect of male plumage darkness was especially strong. Females paired with middle‐aged males (2–3 yr) showed reduced levels of MDA compared with those paired with 1‐yr‐old and more than 3‐yr‐old males. Male age could not explain the effects of male attractiveness. Females paired with attractive males were more successful in reproduction while suffering reduced oxidative damage, possibly mediated by help during incubation and nestling rearing from their pair‐mates. Although correlative, the evidence suggests direct benefits of females paired with more attractive males.  相似文献   

Female sexual behavior displayed by androgenized female rhesus macaques   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Adult, prenatally androgenized female rhesus macaques (female pseudohermaphrodites) that had been ovariectomized were treated with estradiol benzoate (20 micrograms/day) and paired with males at weekly intervals for 4 weeks beginning on Day 12 of injection. Their sexual behavior was compared to that of a control group of females. The sexual behavior of the males toward the two groups of genetic females (control females with normal female genitalia and hermaphrodites with well-formed male genitalia) was also observed. Females and hermaphrodites were equally receptive to male invitations to copulate. Although there were some differences in the specific components of proceptive behavior displayed by the two groups, the overall differences were negligible. Earlier studies had shown that infant and juvenile hermaphrodites resemble males in patterns of play and sexual behavior. When treated with testosterone as adults and paired with receptive females, they displayed mounting patterns typical of males--one of seven hermaphrodites achieved intromission and ejaculated. It has now been demonstrated that when treated with estrogen and paired with males, they responded as females. Hence, the capacity to behave sexually as males is not incompatible with the capacity to respond sexually as females under certain hormonal and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that animals can acquire mate preferences through the use of public information, notably by observing (and copying) the mate preferences of others in the population. If females acquire preferences through social mechanisms, sexual selection could act very rapidly to spread the preference and drive elaboration of the preferred trait(s). Although there are reports of 'mate-choice copying' in polygynous species, there is no clear evidence for this process in monogamous species. Here, we investigated whether adult female zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata can socially acquire sexual preferences for individual males and, in a separate study, for a generalized trait (coloured leg bands) of males. In both studies, test females observed males in two simultaneous conditions: a ('chosen') mixed-sex situation in which a male was paired with a (model) female, and a ('unchosen') same-sex situation in which a male was paired with another male. In the first experiment, after two weeks of females observing males, test females significantly preferred individual males who had been paired with another female (i.e. chosen males). In the second experiment, test females significantly preferred novel males that were wearing the same leg band colour as the apparently chosen males. Our findings are consistent with the conclusion that female zebra finches' mate preferences are altered by public information. Our study implies that mate preferences can spread rapidly through populations by social mechanisms, affecting the strength of sexual selection in a monogamous species.  相似文献   

Most theoretical models of age-related mate choice predict that females should prefer older males because they have proven survival ability. An alternative view is that older males represent inferior mates because of negative genetic correlations between early and late fitness components, or because older males have traded off longevity against other fitness components, have accumulated deleterious germ-line mutations, or are less well adapted to current conditions than more recently born individuals. While numerous studies have reported female choice for older males, few have explicitly examined the fitness consequences of such a preference. We present evidence from a lekking sandfly, Lutzomyia longipalpis, showing that choosy females discriminate against older males and gain a fitness benefit from their choice. When permitted free choice from an aggregation consisting of males aged zero to two days (young), four to six days (middle-aged) and eight to ten days (old), females preferentially mated with middle-aged males, but all measures of female reproductive success were independent of male age. In contrast, when a second set of females was randomly assigned single virgin males of known age, the eggs of those paired to old mates exhibited lower hatching success than the eggs of females mated to young or middle-aged males. These results suggest that females avoid mating with older males because they represent poorer quality mates. Age-related differences in male quality may have a genetic basis, but could equally well arise through a phenotypic decline in sperm quality or sperm transfer ability with male age. The lack of evidence of female discrimination against older males from other studies may be because these did not explore the reproductive success of the full age range of males.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1987,14(3):267-276
The aggressive behavior of alpha male rats and lactating females were each examined toward an intact adult male rat, a castrated adult male rat, an anesthetized adult male rat, a nonlactating adult female rat, an adult albino guinea pig (male or female), or an albino mouse (male or female). When in their living colony, females displayed high levels of aggressiveness toward all stimulus objects except a mouse. The aggression toward the intruding males occurred whether the female's pups were present or not. Alpha males were aggressive toward the same stimuli except an intruding female rat and a mouse. When tested in an unfamiliar colony, the males but not the females (with or without pups present) were aggressive toward an adult male rat. Half of the females but none of the males displayed defensive burying toward an anesthetized intruder. It is suggested that the attack on an adult female, the absence of attack outside of the resident colony, and the tendency to display defensive burying are features of the aggressiveness of lactating females that are fundamentally different from the aggressiveness of alpha males. The form of the aggression (lateral attack vs. lunge attack) was only quantitatively different in males and females.  相似文献   

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