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《Seminars in Virology》1993,4(6):357-361
Transgenic tobacco plants (CP +) that express the coat protein gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-Y strain were highly protected from infection with either CMV virions or CMV RNA, while transgenic protoplasts were also protected from infection with CMV virions but not with CMV RNA. CP + plants showed greater susceptibility to infection with satellite RNA-free CMV-Y than CMV-Y containing satellite RNA. At temperatures above 30°C, CP + plants did not or poorly resist infection with CMV. Elevated temperature affected the accumulation of CP rather than its mRNA, suggesting that CP molecules are mainly involved in virus resistance in CP + plants.  相似文献   

Coat protein-mediated resistance (CP-MR) has been widely used to protect transgenic plants against virus diseases. To characterize the mechanisms of CP-MR to tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV) we developed mutants of the coat protein that affected subunit-subunit interactions. Mutant CPs were expressed during TMV replication as well as in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants. The mutation T42-->W increased protein aggregation and T28-->W abolished aggregation and assembly, while the mutations T28-->W plus T42-->W and T89-->W altered normal CP subunit-subunit interactions. The mutant T28W was unable to assemble virus-like particles (VLPs) during infection and in transgenic plants failed to aggregate; this protein conferred no protection against challenge of transgenic plants by TMV. The mutant T42W had strong CP subunit-subunit interactions and formed VLPs but not infectious virions. Transgenic lines with this protein exhibited stronger protection against TMV infection than transgenic plants that contained the wild-type (wt) CP. It is proposed that increased resistance conferred by the T42W mutant results from strong interaction between transgenic CP subunits and challenge virus CP subunits. CP carrying the mutation T89-->W formed flexuous and unstable VLPs whereas the double mutant T28W:T42W formed open helical structures that accumulated as paracrystalline arrays. In transgenic plants, T89W and the double mutant CPs showed reduced ability to aggregate and provided lower protection against TMV infection than wt CP. A strong correlation between normal CP subunit-subunit interactions and CP-MR is observed, and a model for CP-MR involving interactions between the transgenic CP and the CP of the challenge virus as well as interference with virus movement is discussed.  相似文献   

To gain more insight into the mechanisms of heating-induced irreversible macroscopic aggregation of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP), the effects of pH and ionic strength on this process were studied using turbidimetry, CD spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectroscopy. At 42 degrees C, the TMV CP passed very rapidly (in less than 15s) into a slightly unfolded conformation, presumably because heating disordered a segment of the subunit where the so-called hydrophobic girdle of the molecule resides. We suppose that the amino acid residues of this girdle are responsible for the aberrant hydrophobic interactions between subunits that initiate macroscopic protein aggregation. Its rate increased by several thousands of times as the phosphate buffer molarity was varied from 20 to 70 mM, suggesting that neutralization of strong repulsive electrostatic interactions of TMV CP molecules at high ionic strengths is a prerequisite for amorphous aggregation of this protein.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc) plants were regenerated after cocultivation of leaf explants withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a plasmid that contained the coat protein (CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-As). PCR and Southern blot analyses revealed that the CMV CP gene was successfully introduced into the genomic DNA of the transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic plants (CP+) expressing CP were obtained and used for screening the virus resistance. They could be categorized into three types after inoculation with the virus: virus-resistant, delay of symptom development, and susceptible type. Most of the CP+ transgenic tobacco plants failed to develop symptoms or showed systemic symptom development delayed for 5 to 42 days as compared to those of nontransgenic control plants after challenged with the same virus. However, some CP+ transgenic plants were highly susceptible after inoculation with the virus. Our results suggest that the CP-mediated viral resistance is readily applicable to CMV disease in other crops.  相似文献   

Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) lines transformedwith the coat protein (CP) gene of Turnip mosaic virus(TuMV) were used to determine the effectiveness of resistance to TuMV mediatedby CP RNA or coat protein. Lines with one, two, or more copies of transgeneswere produced. T2 and T3 lines containing the CP genewitha functional start codon synthesised coat protein and showed high, but variablelevels of resistance to TuMV (21–96% resistant plants per line). TheT1 and T2 progeny of all lines carrying the CP gene withamutated start codon so that RNA but not protein was expressed, were assusceptible to TuMV as controls. Thus, in these experiments we were able toinduce CP-mediated resistance, but not RNA-mediated resistance.  相似文献   

The kinetics of thermal aggregation of coat protein (CP) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) have been studied at 42 and 52°C in a wide range of protein concentrations, [P]0. The kinetics of aggregation were followed by monitoring the increase in the apparent absorbance (A) at 320 nm. At 52°C the kinetic curves may be approximated by the exponential law in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.02 to 0.30 mg/ml, the first order rate constant being linearly proportional to [P]0 (50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). The analogous picture was observed at 42°C in the range of TMV CP concentrations from 0.01 to 0.04 mg/ml (100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 8.0). At higher TMV CP concentrations the time of half-conversion approaches a limiting value with increasing [P]0 and at sufficiently high protein concentrations the kinetic curves fall on a common curve in the coordinates {A/A lim; t} (t is time and A lim is the limiting value of A at t ). According to a mechanism of aggregation of TMV CP proposed by the authors at rather low protein concentrations the rate of aggregation is limited by the stage of growth of aggregate, which proceeds as a reaction of the pseudo-first order, whereas at rather high protein concentrations the rate-limiting stage is the stage of protein molecule unfolding.  相似文献   

Trichoderma spp. are well-known biocontrol agents because of their antimicrobial activity against bacterial and fungal phytopathogens. However, the biochemical mechanism of their antiviral activity remains largely unknown. In this study, we found that Trichokonins, antimicrobial peptaibols isolated from Trichoderma pseudokoningii SMF2, could induce defense responses and systemic resistance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun NN) against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection. Local Trichokonin (100 nM) treatment led to 54% lesion inhibition, 57% reduction in average lesion diameter and 30% reduction in average lesion area in systemic tissue of tobacco compared with control, indicating that Trichokonins induced resistance in tobacco against TMV infection. Trichokonin treatment increased the production of reactive oxygen species and phenolic compounds in tobacco. Additionally, application of Trichokonins significantly increased activities of pathogenesis-related enzymes PAL and POD, and upregulated the expression of several plant defense genes. These results suggested that multiple defense pathways in tobacco were involved in Trichokonin-mediated TMV resistance. We report on the antivirus mechanism of peptaibols, which sheds light on the potential of peptaibols in plant viral disease control.  相似文献   

Calcium ion titrations were performed on solutions of tobacco mosaic virus coat protein using a calcium-specific ion-exchange electrode. Isolated coat protein was found incapable of binding calcium ions under equilibrium conditions at pH values above its iso-ionic point (pH 4.3 to 4.6). However, calcium ions were found to bind to coat protein under non-equilibrium conditions, which suggests that the isolated coat protein has the proper conformation to bind calcium ions at the iso-ionic point.  相似文献   

We present a statistical mechanical model based on the principle of mass action that explains the main features of the in vitro aggregation behavior of the coat protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). By comparing our model to experimentally obtained stability diagrams, titration experiments, and calorimetric data, we pin down three competing factors that regulate the transitions between the different kinds of aggregated state of the coat protein. These are hydrophobic interactions, electrostatic interactions, and the formation of so-called "Caspar" carboxylate pairs. We suggest that these factors could be universal and relevant to a large class of virus coat proteins.  相似文献   

Coat protein (CP) -mediated resistance against an Indian isolate of the Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroup IB was demonstrated in transgenic lines of Nicotiana benthamiana through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Out of the fourteen independently transformed lines developed, two lines were tested for resistance against CMV by challenge inoculations. The transgenic lines exhibiting complete resistance remained symptomless throughout life and showed reduced or no virus accumulation in their systemic leaves after virus challenge. These lines also showed virus resistance against two closely related strains of CMV. This is the first report of CP-mediated transgenic resistance against a CMV subgroup IB member isolated from India.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants expressing a transgene encoding the coat protein (CP) of a subgroup I strain of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), I17F, were not resistant to strains of either subgroup I or II. In contrast, the expression of the CP of a subgroup II strain, R, conferred substantial resistance, but only towards strains of the same subgroup. When protection was observed, the levels of resistance were similar when plants were inoculated with either virions or viral RNA, but resistance was more effective when plants were inoculated with viruliferous aphids. Resistance was not dependent on inoculum strength and was expressed as a recovery phenotype not yet described for plants expressing a CMV CP gene. Recovery could be observed either early in infection (less than one week after inoculation) or later (4 to 5 weeks after inoculation). In plants showing early recovery, mild symptoms were observed on the inoculated leaves, and in some cases symptoms developed on certain lower systemically infected leaves, but the upper leaves were symptomless and virus-free. Late recovery corresponded to the absence of both symptoms and virus in the upper leaves of plants that were previously fully infected. Northern blot analyses of resistant plants suggested that a gene silencing mechanism was not involved in the resistance observed.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, EDS1 is essential for disease resistance conferred by a structural subset of resistance (R) proteins containing a nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich-repeats and amino-terminal similarity to animal Toll and Interleukin-1 (so-called TIR-NBS-LRR proteins). EDS1 is not required by NBS-LRR proteins that possess an amino-terminal coiled-coil motif (CC-NBS-LRR proteins). Using virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) of a Nicotiana benthaminana EDS1 orthologue, we investigated the role of EDS1 in resistance specified by structurally distinct R genes in transgenic N. benthamiana. Resistance against tobacco mosaic virus mediated by tobacco N, a TIR-NBS-LRR protein, was EDS1-dependent. Two other R proteins, Pto (a protein kinase), and Rx (a CC-NBS-LRR protein) recognizing, respectively, a bacterial and viral pathogen did not require EDS1. These data, together with the finding that expression of N. benthamiana and Arabidopsis EDS1 mRNAs are similarly regulated, lead us to conclude that recruitment of EDS1 by TIR-NBS-LRR proteins is evolutionarily conserved between dicotyledenous plant species in resistance against bacterial, oomycete and viral pathogens. We further demonstrate that VIGS is a useful approach to dissect resistance signaling pathways in a genetically intractable plant species.  相似文献   

The expression of viral coat protein (CP) in transgenic plants has been shown to be very effective in virus plant protection. However, the introduction of CP genes into plants presents the potential risk of the encapsidation of a superinfecting viral genome in the transgenic protein, an event which could change the epidemiology of the disease. To detect the potential heterologous encapsidation of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome by alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) CP expressed in transgenic tobacco plants, a system of immunocapture (IC) and amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was optimized. This provided high sensitivity and reliable selection of the heterologously encapsidated CMV genome in the presence of natural CMV particles. As little as 2 pg of virus could be detected by immunocapture/polymerase chain reaction (IC/PCR) technique. Evidence for heterologous encapsidation of the CMV genome was found in 11 of the 33 transgenic plants tested two weeks after CMV inoculation. This demonstrates a significant rate of heterologous encapsidation events between two unrelated viruses in transgenic plants. Since CP is involved in the interactions of the virus particle with its vector, the release in the field of such transgenic plants could alter the transmission properties of some important viruses.  相似文献   

Treatment of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA with T1 RNase under mild conditions cuts the RNA molecule into a large number of fragments, only a few of which may be specifically recognized by disks of TMV protein. It has been shown elsewhere that these specifically recognized RNA fragments are a part of the coat protein cistron, the portion coding for amino acids 95 to 129 of the coat protein. It is reported that different size classes of partially uncoated virus particles were prepared by limited reconstitution between TMV RNA and protein or by partial stripping of intact virus with DMSO. Both procedures produce nucleoprotein rods in which the 5'-terminal portion of the RNA is encapsidated and the 3'-terminal region is free. The free and the encapsidated portions of the RNA were each tested for the ability to give rise to the aforesaid specifically recognized fragments of the coat protein cistron upon partial T1 RNase digestion. It was found that only the 3'-terminal third of the virus particle need to be uncoated in order to expose the portion of the RNA molecule from which these fragments are derived. We conclude, therefore, that the coat protein cistron is situated upon the 3'-terminal third of the RNA chain, i.e. within 2000 nucleotides of the 3'-end.  相似文献   

The strobilurin class of fungicides comprises a variety of synthetic plant-protecting compounds with broad-spectrum antifungal activity. In the present study, we demonstrate that a strobilurin fungicide, F 500 (Pyraclostrobin), enhances the resistance of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv Xanthi nc) against infection by either tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) or the wildfire pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv tabaci. F 500 was also active at enhancing TMV resistance in NahG transgenic tobacco plants unable to accumulate significant amounts of the endogenous inducer of enhanced disease resistance, salicylic acid (SA). This finding suggests that F 500 enhances TMV resistance in tobacco either by acting downstream of SA in the SA signaling mechanism or by functioning independently of SA. The latter assumption is the more likely because in infiltrated leaves, F 500 did not cause the accumulation of SA-inducible pathogenesis-related (PR)-1 proteins that often are used as conventional molecular markers for SA-induced disease resistance. However, accumulation of PR-1 proteins and the associated activation of the PR-1 genes were elicited upon TMV infection of tobacco leaves and both these responses were induced more rapidly in F 500-pretreated plants than in the water-pretreated controls. Taken together, our results suggest that F 500, in addition to exerting direct antifungal activity, may also protect plants by priming them for potentiated activation of subsequently pathogen-induced cellular defense responses.  相似文献   

Bacillus pumilus strain EN16 and Bacillus subtilis strain SW1 were tested for their systemic resistance and protection abilities against tobacco mosaic virus disease under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that strain EN16 and SW1 treatment significantly reduced mosaic symptoms and disease severity, resulting in 52 and 71% protection at 14 days of inoculation, respectively. A decreased amount of virus was detected in EN16- or SW1-treated tobacco plants by ELISA. Moreover, 5- and 7-day intervals between inducer treatment and pathogen inoculations were respectively required for strain EN16 and SW1 to induce optimal resistance. Further analysis on phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins in tobacco showed that the amounts of defense enzymes and PR proteins significantly increased in Bacillus-treated plants challenged with pathogen when compared to control.  相似文献   

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