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(1) Electro-olfactogram recording was used to determine whether the olfactory epithelium of adult sea lamprey is specifically sensitive to bile acids, some of which have been hypothesized to function as pheromones. Ten bile acids were selected from 38 which had already been pre-screened for olfactory activity. These compounds were first tested on their own, then as adapting stimuli, and finally as components of mixtures (2) The lamprey-specific bile acids, petromyzonol sulfate and allocholic acid, were the most potent compounds tested. Five other bile acids were also detectable at picomolar concentrations. Petromyzonol sulfate had a distinctive dose-response curve. (3) Cross-adaptation demonstrated that sensitivity to bile acids is attributable to at least four independent classes of olfactory receptor sites and that both the nature and position of conjugating group(s) are critical to receptor specificity. Notably, petromyzonol sulfate has its own highly specific and independent receptor site. The situation for unconjugated bile acids was more complex and there appeared to be several sub-classes of receptor sites for these compounds. (4) Mixture studies largely confirmed the cross-adaptation results, describing receptor site independence for the same four sets of odorants. Mixture enhancement was also seen when expected and there was no evidence of mixture suppression. (5) Together, these data demonstrate that conspecific bile acids are discriminated by the olfactory epithelium of the sea lamprey, supporting the possibility that these compounds may function as migratory pheromones. Accepted: 23 November 1996  相似文献   

We measured microsomal low-K(m) outer-ring deiodination (ORD) and inner-ring deiodination (IRD) activities for thyroxine (T(4)) and 3, 5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)) in intestine and liver in nonmetamorphosing (undersized) larvae, immediately premetamorphic larvae, animals in stages 1-7 of metamorphosis, and immediately postmetamorphic sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). For intestine: T(4)ORD activity was relatively low in nonmetamorphosing larvae, increased in premetamorphic individuals, was highest in stages 1 and 2 and was very low during stages 3-7; T(4)IRD activity was negligible until stage 3 but increased 4.7-fold through stages 3 to 7 such that T(4)IRD activity was 14 times T(4)ORD activity at stage 6; T(3)ORD activity was undetectable; T(3)IRD activity was not measured through stages 3-7 but correlated with T(4)IRD activity at other stages. For liver: deiodination was only measured up to stage 2 and in postmetamorphic animals; in contrast to intestine, T(4)ORD activity fell to low levels at stage 2 and was low during postmetamorphosis; T(4)IRD and T(3)IRD activities were very low and uninfluenced by developmental stage; T(3)ORD activity was undetectable. We conclude that (1) deiodination activity is usually much higher in intestine than in liver, (2) intestinal ORD and IRD activities change reciprocally so that ORD predominates in early metamorphosis but IRD predominates in mid and late metamorphosis, and (3) changes in intestinal deiodination may contribute to the characteristic depression of plasma T(4) and T(3) levels during spontaneous metamorphosis. J. Exp. Zool. 286:305-312, 2000.  相似文献   

1. Somatostatin concentrations were measured in homogenates of the pancreas-intestinal tissues from each period of the life cycle of Petromyzon marinus using radioimmunoassay. 2. Levels were very low in larva (4.0 pg/mg wet weight) and in the first three stages of metamorphosis, but increased from stage 4 onwards and reached a high in upstream-migrating adults (210.0 ng/mg). 3. These data correlate well with our previous morphological and immunohistochemical observations on the morphogenesis of somatostatin-containing D-cells during the life cycle and indicate that the increased concentration of hormone accompanies the development of the endocrine pancreas in lampreys.  相似文献   

Changes in ovarian morphology, brain gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), plasma estradiol, and progesterone were examined during the 1988 and 1989 spawning migrations of the adult female sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. There were significant increases through time in brain GnRH (1989) and plasma estradiol (1988 and 1989), with progesterone levels fluctuating (1988 and 1989) during the freshwater phase of the spawning migrations. In 1989, brain GnRH and plasma estradiol levels gradually increased through time until just prior to spawning when levels decreased. During 1988, there were no significant changes in GnRH, which may reflect lower temperatures in that year. These data provide new information on brain GnRH during the final maturational processes in the female sea lamprey.  相似文献   

Summary Growth hormone, prolactin and somatostatinlike immunoreactivities were demonstrated in the brains of larval, young adult (parasitic) and upstream migrant adult sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus, by means of immunoperoxidase techniques. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) were observed within separate perikarya in the nucleus praeopticus, within fibers in the commissura praeinfundibularis, and in nerve endings within the neurohypophysis of larval and adult-stage lampreys. Cell bodies demonstrating immunoreactive growth hormone were more numerous than those reactive for prolactin. Unlike in the upstream migrant adult lamprey, no GH or PRL was demonstrated in the adenohypophysis of larval or parasitic lamprey.Somatostatin (SRIF)-like immunoreactive neurons were demonstrated in the nucleus commissurae praeinfundibularis, anterior and posterior pars ventralis hypothalami, pars dorsalis thalami, and the tegmentum motorium rhombencephali of larval, parasitic and upstream migrant adult lampreys. Many of the SRIF containing neurons within the hypothalamus were cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting cells. SRIF fibers were found throughout most of the brain predominating within the nucleus praeopticus, pars ventralis hypothalami, and the nucleus interpeduncularis. No SRIF immunoreactivity was found within the neurophyophysis. The possible functions of these peptides within the brain of the lamprey are discussed.  相似文献   

FIS, the Escherichia coli protein that stimulates the inversion of various DNA segments by binding to a recombinational enhancer, trans-activates a number of stable RNA operons and binds to the upstream activator sequence (UAS) of these operons (Nilsson et al. (1990) EMBO J. 9, 727). In a search for potential FIS-binding sites we have compared UASs of other stable RNA operons with a consensus FIS-binding sequence, compiled by comparing recombinational enhancers. Such sites can thus be recognized upstream of all rRNA and 13 tRNA operons. Matching with the consensus sequence varied, suggesting that the affinity of FIS for the sites differed. Accordingly, FIS binding to an upstream sequence of the metY(nusA) operon was found to be weaker than that to the UAS of the thrU(tufB) operon. No FIS binding sites were found upstream three tRNA operons.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormone involved in cardiovascular homeostasis through its natriuretic and vasodilator actions. The ANP receptor that mediates these actions is a glycosylated transmembrane protein coupled to guanylate cyclase. The role of glycosylation in receptor signaling remains unresolved. In this study, we determined, by a combination of HPLC/MS and Edman sequencing, the glycosylation sites in the extracellular domain of ANP receptor (NPR-ECD) from rat expressed in COS-1 cells. HPLC/MS analysis of a tryptic digest of NPR-ECD identified five glycosylated peptide fragments, which were then sequenced by Edman degradation to determine the glycosylation sites. The data revealed Asn-linked glycosylation at five of six potential sites. The type of oligosaccharide structure attached at each site was deduced from the observed masses of the glycosylated peptides as follows: Asn13 (high-mannose), Asn180 (complex), Asn306 (complex), Asn347 (complex), and Asn395 (high-mannose and hybrid types). Glycosylation at Asn180 and Asn347 was partial. The role of glycosyl moieties in ANP binding was examined by enzymatic deglycosylation of NPR-ECD followed by binding assay. NPR-ECD deglycosylated with endoglycosidase F2 and endoglycosidase H retained ANP-binding activity and showed an affinity for ANP similar to that of untreated NPR-ECD. Endoglycosidase treatment of the full-length ANP receptor expressed in COS-1 cells also had no detectable effect on ANP binding. These results suggest that, although glycosylation may be required for folding and transport of the newly synthesized ANP receptor to the cell surface, the oligosaccharide moieties themselves are not involved in hormone binding.  相似文献   

Regulation of follicular growth and ovulation as well as steroid production by the ovary depends principally on gonadotropins. However nonsteroid systemic hormones and autocrine and paracrine factors contribute to the regulation of ovarian function. The objectives of the present work were 1) to asses the presence of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) in fluid drawn from normal bovine ovarian follicles, cysts or cystic corpora lutea; 2) to relate the stage of luteinization of the cyst with the GH and PRL concentrations in fluids; and 3) to asses the feasibility of providing a defined nonsteroid hormone marker to distinguish between normal and pathological ovarian structures. Cysts were classified according to histological and morphological appearance as follicular or luteal. Concentrations of GH, PRL, estrogens (E2), progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T) were measured in follicular and cystic fluids. On the basis of the E2 to P4 ratio, ovarian formation classes were further divided into two subclasses (E2 dominant and P4 dominant). The results provide evidence of 1) the presence of immunoreactive GH and PRL in all the follicular and cystic fluids assayed, 2) an increasing concentration of GH correlated to the stage of luteinization of the cyst and a direct correlation between GH and P4 concentrations, 3) a significant variability of intraovarian fluid PRL concentration not related to the histological class of the cyst nor to the concentrations of steroid hormones examined, and 4) the possibility of distinguishing 6 different ovarian formation classes by merely measuring GH, P4, E2 and T concentrations in fluids. These data contribute to a better understanding of the endocrine milieu of bovine ovarian cystic degeneration.  相似文献   

The human gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor is evolutionarily configured for high affinity binding of GnRH I ([Tyr(5),Leu(7),Arg(8)]GnRH) but at lower affinity for GnRH II ([His(5),Trp(7),Tyr(8)]GnRH). GnRH I is more potent in the activation of the G(q/11) protein in the gonadotrope; however, GnRH II is more potent in the stimulation of apoptosis and antiproliferative effects through activating G(i) protein-mediated signaling, implying that GnRH I and II selectively stabilize different receptor-active conformations that preferentially couple to different signaling pathways. Receptor activation involves ligand induction or conformational selection, but the molecular basis of the communication between ligand-binding sites and receptor allosteric sites remains unclear. We have sought conformational coupling between receptor-ligand intermolecular interactions and intramolecular interaction networks in the human GnRH receptor by mutating remote residues that induce differential ligand binding affinity shifts for GnRH I and II. We have demonstrated that certain Ala mutations in the intracellular segments of transmembrane domains 3 (Met(132)), 5 (Met(227)), 6 (Phe(272) and Phe(276)), and 7 (Ile(322) and Tyr(323)) of the human GnRH receptor allosterically increased ligand binding affinity for GnRH II but had little effect on GnRH I binding affinity. We examined the role of the three amino acids that differ in these two ligands, and we found that Tyr(8) in GnRH II plays a dominant role for the increased affinity of the receptor mutants for GnRH II. We propose that creation of a high affinity binding site for GnRH II accompanies receptor conformational changes, i.e."induced fit" or "conformational selection," mainly determined by the intermolecular interactions between Tyr(8) and the receptor contact residues, which can be facilitated by disruption of particular sets of receptor-stabilizing intramolecular interactions. The findings suggest that GnRH I and II binding may selectively stabilize different receptor-active conformations and therefore different ligand-induced selective signaling described previously for these ligands.  相似文献   

We have analysed the binding of human IgM to fetal, normal adult and malignant colo-rectal tissues. Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique on sections of frozen tissues human IgM binds to all normal adult colo-rectal epithelia (n = 15) tested. By contrast, 9 out of 25 colo-rectal adenocarcinomas were negative, and in the remaining 16 the staining reaction varied from staining of all the cancer areas to focal staining of a few areas. Human IgM did not bind to 14 samples of fetal intestinal epithelium (gestational age of 6-14 weeks). The binding of IgM was found to be mediated by secretory component (SC) as anti-SC antibody (anti-SC) showed a similar staining pattern as IgM and the IgM binding could be blocked by anti-SC. SC was also demonstrated in glandular epithelia of sections of all normal breast epithelia but only in 10 out of 15 breast adenocarcinomas. The loss of IgM binding and SC could not be correlated to the morphology of the adenocarcinomas. The observations on fetal, normal adult and malignant tissue suggest that IgM binding and SC may be gradually lost during dedifferentiation of normal cells, to malignant colo-rectal or breast epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary We have analysed the binding of human IgM to fetal, normal adult and malignant colo-rectal tissues. Using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique on sections of frozen tissues human IgM binds to all normal adult colo-rectal epithelia (n=15) tested. By contrast, 9 out of 25 colo-rectal adenocarcinomas were negative, and in the remaining 16 the staining reaction varied from staining of all the cancer areas to focal staining of a few areas. Human IgM did not bind to 14 samples of fetal intestinal epithelium (gestational age of 6–14 weeks). The binding of IgM was found to be mediated by secretory component (SC) as anti-SC antibody (anti-SC) showed a similar staining pattern as IgM and the IgM binding could be blocked by anti-SC. SC was also demonstrated in glandular epithelia of sections of all normal breast epithelia but only in 10 out of 15 breast adenocarcinomas. The loss of IgM binding and SC could not be correlated to the morphology of the adenocarcinomas. The observations on fetal, normal adult and malignant tissue suggest that IgM binding and SC may be gradually lost during dedifferentiation of normal cells, to malignant colo-rectal or breast epithelia.  相似文献   

The beta subunit (beta c) of the receptors for human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin-3 (IL-3) and interleukin-5 (IL-5) is essential for high affinity ligand-binding and signal transduction. An important feature of this subunit is its common nature, being able to interact with GM-CSF, IL-3 and IL-5. Analogous common subunits have also been identified in other receptor systems including gp130 and the IL-2 receptor gamma subunit. It is not clear how common receptor subunits bind multiple ligands. We have used site-directed mutagenesis and binding assays with radiolabelled GM-CSF, IL-3 and IL-5 to identify residues in the beta c subunit involved in affinity conversion for each ligand. Alanine substitutions in the region Tyr365-Ile368 in beta c showed that Tyr365, His367 and Ile368 were required for GM-CSF and IL-5 high affinity binding, whereas Glu366 was unimportant. In contrast, alanine substitutions of these residues only marginally reduced the conversion of IL-3 binding to high affinity by beta c. To identify likely contact points in GM-CSF involved in binding to the 365-368 beta c region we used the GM-CSF mutant eco E21R which is unable to interact with wild-type beta c whilst retaining full GM-CSF receptor alpha chain binding. Eco E21R exhibited greater binding affinity to receptor alpha beta complexes composed of mutant beta chains Y365A, H367A and I368A than to those composed of wild-type beta c or mutant E366A. These results (i) identify the residues Tyr365, His367 and Ile368 as critical for affinity conversion by beta c, (ii) show that high affinity binding of GM-CSF and IL-5 can be dissociated from IL-3 and (iii) suggest that Tyr365, His367 and Ile368 in beta c interact with Glu21 of GM-CSF.  相似文献   

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