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Glycerol and other fermentation products of apiculate wine yeasts   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Ninety-six strains of apiculate wine yeasts were studied for their ability to produce glycerol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide in synthetic medium. Hanseniaspora guilliermondii produced smaller quantities of glycerol, acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulphide than Kloeckera apiculata , whereas the production of ethyl acetate and sulphur dioxide was found to be similar. Strains characterized by different capacities and properties were found for both species. The existence of apiculate strains differing in secondary compound production is of technological interest, as these yeasts constitute potential flavour producers. Selected strains of apiculate yeasts might favour an enhanced flavour formation and yield desirable characteristics to the final product.  相似文献   

Three strains out of thirty-one wine yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were selected for their good winemaking properties (fermentation rate, tolerance of sulfur dioxide, aroma productivity, wine quality) and genetic markers (KHR killer activity, galactose assimilation), and used for hybridization by spore to spore mating. Of the twelve hybrids produced, two, Hy17-108 (RIFY 1001 × RIFY 1067) and Hy41-308 (RIFY 1001 × RIFY 1065), were selected on the basis of a fermentation test. In experimental winemaking the two hybrids demonstrated improved aroma productivity for higher alcohols, aromatic esters and/or fatty acids, while their fermentation rate was nearly the same as that of the parental strains.  相似文献   

The growth of individual species of yeasts during wine fermentations was measured by plating wine samples on malt extract, ethanol sulphite and lysine agars. Colonies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae dominated on plates of malt extract agar and sometimes masked the presence of other non- Saccharomyces species. Lysine agar suppressed the growth of S. cerevisiae and enabled the enumeration of non- Saccharomyces species such as Kloeckera apiculata, Candida stellata and Saccharomycodes ludwigii. The growth of non- Saccharomyces yeasts on ethanol sulphite agar was variable.  相似文献   

葡萄酒发酵过程中酵母菌之间相互抑制作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的确定葡萄酒发酵过程中不同酵母间相互抑制作用产生的原因。方法采用透析袋发酵法通过单因素实验、上清液抑菌实验和双向电泳等方法,确立溶氧、酒精度、pH、氮源、生存空间以及分泌蛋白等因素对非酿酒酵母衰亡的诱导作用。结果溶氧、酒精、pH、氮源及生存空间的竞争并不是非酿酒酵母提前衰亡的主要原因,酿酒酵母菌产生的代谢产物对非酿酒酵母的提前衰亡具有很强的诱导作用。结论酿酒酵母分泌的分子量小于10kDa的代谢产物和一些分子量超过10 kDa的蛋白类物质均对克鲁维酵母等非酿酒酵母的衰亡具有诱导作用。  相似文献   

Construction and properties of K1 type killer wine yeasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary With the use of a protoplast fusion technique the killer character of K1 type was transferred into four industrial Saccharomyces wine yeasts. The prototrophic yeast strains active against standard sensitive and K2 killer Saccharomyces strains, resistant to K1 killer toxin were constructed with no changes in technological properties.  相似文献   

The flavour of fermented beverages such as beer, cider, saké and wine owe much to the primary fermentation yeast used in their production, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Where once the role of yeast in fermented beverage flavour was thought to be limited to a small number of volatile esters and higher alcohols, the discovery that wine yeast release highly potent sulfur compounds from non-volatile precursors found in grapes has driven researchers to look more closely at how choice of yeast can influence wine style. This review explores recent progress towards understanding the range of ??flavour phenotypes?? that wine yeast exhibit, and how this knowledge has been used to develop novel flavour-active yeasts. In addition, emerging opportunities to augment these phenotypes by engineering yeast to produce so-called grape varietal compounds, such as monoterpenoids, will be discussed.  相似文献   

Aim: To examine the growth and survival of Williopsis saturnus strains along with wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in grape must. Methods and Results: For this study, fermentations were performed in sterilized grape must at 18°C. Inoculum level was 5 × 106 cells per ml for each yeast. The results showed that W. saturnus yeasts exhibited slight growth and survival depending on the strain, but they died off by day 5. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, however, dominated the fermentation, reaching the population of about 8 log CFU ml?1. It was observed that ethanol formation was not affected. The concentrations of acetic acid, ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate were found higher in mixed culture experiments compared to control fermentation. The results also revealed that higher alcohols production was unaffected in general. Conclusion: Fermentations did not form undesirable concentrations of flavour compounds, but production of higher levels of acetic acid in mixed culture fermentations may unfavour the usage of W. saturnus in wine making. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides information on the behaviour of W. saturnus together with S. cerevisiae during the alcoholic fermentation.  相似文献   

A rapid screening method for the evaluation of the major fermentation products of Saccharomyces wine yeasts was developed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and principal component factor analysis. Calibration equations for the quantification of volatile acidity, glycerol, ethanol, reducing sugar and glucose concentrations in fermented Chenin blanc and synthetic musts were derived from the Fourier transform infrared spectra of small-scale fermentations. The accuracy of quantification of volatile acidity in both Chenin blanc and synthetic must was excellent, and the standard error of prediction was 0.07 g l(-1) and 0.08 g l(-1), respectively. The respective standard error of prediction in Chenin blanc and synthetic musts for ethanol was 0.32% v/v and 0.31% v/v, for glycerol was 0.38 g l(-1) and 0.32 g l(-1), for reducing sugar in Chenin blanc must was 0.56 g l(-1) and for glucose in synthetic must was 0.39 g l(-1). These values were in agreement with the accuracy obtained by the respective reference methods used for the quantification of the components. The screening method was applied to quantify the fermentation products of glycerol-overproducing hybrid yeasts and commercial wine yeasts. Principal component factor analysis of the fermentation data facilitated an overall comparison of the fermentation profiles (in terms of the components tested) of the strains. The potential of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a tool to rapidly screen the fermentative properties of wine yeasts and to speed up the evaluation processes in the initial stages of yeast strain development programs is shown.  相似文献   

田间施药对自然发酵葡萄酒酵母菌群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【背景】酵母菌是葡萄酒发酵过程中一类非常重要的微生物,其多样性及群体组成对葡萄酒的质量有重要贡献。影响葡萄酒中酵母菌组成的因素有很多,但目前尚未见葡萄园田管理对葡萄酒酵母菌群落结构影响方面的报道。【目的】探索田间施药对自然发酵葡萄酒酵母菌群落结构的影响。【方法】采用分离培养、常规分子生物学鉴定和Illumina MiSeq宏基因组测序结合的方法分析不同样品中的酵母菌群落结构情况。【结果】从不使用内吸收型化学农药的葡萄样品自然发酵液中分离鉴定出Pichia、Hanseniaspora、Schizosaccharomyces、Candida、Saccharomyces、Zygoascus、Issatchenkia等7个属8个种的酵母菌,宏基因组测序结果表明有Pichia(29.42%)、Saccharomyces(21.91%)、Issatchenkia(17.99%)、 Hanseniaspora(12.10%)、 Candida(7.47%)、 Zygosaccharomyces(5.32%)、Schizosaccharomyces (3.07%)、Aureobasidium (0.29%)等属的酵母菌参与发酵;使用常规化学农药的葡萄样品自然发酵液中分离鉴定出Pichia、Hanseniaspora、Schizosaccharomyces、Candida、Cryptococcus等5个属6个种的酵母菌,宏基因组测序结果表明有Pichia (41.66%)、Hanseniaspora (21.54%)、Candida(19.11%)、 Zygosaccharomyces(7.78%)、 Schizosaccharomyces(4.04%)、 Cryptococcus(3.21%)、Saccharomyces (1.12%)、Aureobasidium (0.49%)等属的酵母菌参与发酵。【结论】两样品中酵母菌比例有显著差异,表明在酿酒葡萄的园田管理中化学农药的使用对自然发酵葡萄酒的酵母菌群落结构有较大影响。  相似文献   

从八二酒曲及酿造崇明老白酒过程中分离纯化得到1株白色酵母菌和1株红色酵母菌,采用分子生物学方法进行鉴定,并对其酿造老白酒的特性进行了分析。结果显示,八二酒曲及崇明老白酒酿造过程中的优势酵母菌为酿酒酵母(Saccaromyces cerevisiae),从酿酒过程中分离的红色酵母菌为粘红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa)。采用粘红酵母和米根霉曲酿造的酒液的酒精度为11.9%vol,残余还原糖含量为11.2 g/100 m L,总酸含量为4.59 g/L,总酯含量为4.42 g/L。纯化的酿酒酵母和米根霉曲酿成的酒液口味醇和爽口,酒曲的纯化有助于开发出口感更爽口的老白酒。混合酵母和米根霉曲酿造的酒液呈典型的崇明老白酒风味,粘红酵母的参与对崇明老白酒口味风格的形成有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Homothallism in wine yeasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to improve by hybridisation strains of pure-culture wine yeasts it could be shown, that of the seven strains used five are homothallic. Evidence is presented suggesting that the remainder are also homothallic.This investigation was aided by New Zealand U.G.C. Grant No. 71/60.  相似文献   

The cryophilic wine yeasts Saccharomyces bayanus YM-84 and YM-126 were used for hybridization with the mesophilic wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae OC-2. All six hybrids were stable in tetrad analysis and pulsed field gel electrophoresis, even after twenty subcultures over two years. The fermentabilities of these hybrids at a low temperature of 7°C were superior to the mesophilic wine yeast and the same as the cryophilic wine yeasts. Conversely, their fermentabilities at the intermediate temperatures of 28 and 35°C were similar to the mesophilic wine yeast. For laboratory-scale wine-making using Koshu grape juice at 10°C, the fermentability of these hybrids was superior to the mesophilic wine yeast. They also produced higher amounts of malic acid and flavor compounds such as higher alcohols, β-phenylethyl alcohol, isoamyl acetate and β-phenylethyl acetate, and lower amounts of acetic acid than those of OC-2. These results suggest that the cryophilic wine yeast S. bayanus is useful for improving the low temperature fermentation ability of wine yeast strains.  相似文献   

The floc-forming ability of highly flocculent wine yeasts isolated from musts and wines was tested for susceptibility to heat and proteinase treatments. Four phenotypes were discriminated by treatments with pronase, proteinase K, trypsin and chymotrypsin. The most common phenotype was irreversibly lost only upon treatment with pronase, whereas the floc-forming ability was resistant to the action of proteinase K, trypsin and chymotrypsin. Another flocculent phenotype, represented by only one strain 6789, was resistant to the action of all proteolytic enzymes. The effect of high temperature on floc-forming ability in the presence or absence of Ca2+ions resulted in all the possible combinations and did not aid further general discrimination of flocculent phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains from wine.  相似文献   

Four strains of wine yeasts of two different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and S. bayanus) were investigated with respect to regulation of NADPH- and benzyl viologen-dependent sulfite reductases by various sulfur sources. The enzyme activity was followed over a growth period of 96 h. The low sulfite-producing strains showed an increased biosynthesis of NADPH-dependent sulfite reductase during the exponential growth phase in the presence of sulfate, sulfite and djencolic-acid. This increase was not observed in the high sulfite-producing strains. Methionine and cysteine prevented this derepression. At the end of the exponential growth phase, enzyme biosynthesis was repressed again, presumably by sulfur-containing amino acids which were produced during growth. The regulatory influence of the various sulfur sources on benzyl viologen dependent sulfitereductase activity is obviously much weaker.Abbreviation BV benzyl viologen  相似文献   

Eight different strains of wine yeasts were investigated phenomenologically with respect to their fermentation characteristics and sulfite production. It was established that the amount of produced sulfite is specific for each strain and proceeds parallel to the fermentation of sugar. A reduced production of biomass observed in the strongly sulfite-forming strains might be a result of an intracellular inhibition by the produced sulfite.  相似文献   

Four strains of wine yeasts of two different species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and Saccharomyces bayanus) were investigated with respect to the influence of various sulfur compounds on the formation of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase and serine sulfhydrase. The specific enzyme activities were followed over a growth period of 96 h.In the presence of sulfate, sulfite and djencolic acid during exponential growth, a moderate increase of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase and O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylase activities was recognized. In three strains cysteine and methionine prevented this derepression. At the end of the exponential growth phase, biosynthesis of these two enzymes was suppressed again. Serine sulfhydrase showed a modified regulation which indicates that its synthesis and the synthesis of O-acetylserine and O-acetylhomoserine sulfhydrylases are not coordinated.Abbreviations OAS O-acetylserine - OAHS O-acetylhomoserine  相似文献   

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