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Hypothetically either decreased nitric oxide (NO) or increased O(2) could initiate 20-HETE-mediated vasoconstriction associated with hemoglobin-based blood substitutes (HBOC). To test this hypothesis, we infused Tm-Hb, an HBOC with low O(2) affinity, into isoflurane-anesthetized Wistar (W) and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats after exchanging 20% of their blood with Ringer lactate. For comparison we infused an equal amount of BSA or BSA with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (BSA + NAME). Tm-Hb increased blood pressure (BP) and renal vascular resistance (RVR) equally in W and SD rats. Renal blood flow (RBF; Doppler ultrasound) decreased. BSA decreased RVR and raised glomerular filtration rate. BSA + NAME raised BP, RVR, and GFR. HET0016, an inhibitor of 20-HETE production, blunted BP and RVR responses to Tm-Hb and BSA+NAME in SD but not W rats. Arterial O(2) content with BSA was lower than with Tm-Hb but O(2) delivery was 60% higher with BSA because of higher RBF. BSA raised Po(2) (Oxylite) in cortex and medulla and reduced RVR. Tm-Hb decreased Po(2) and increased RVR. Switching rats from breathing air to 100% O(2) raised intrarenal Po(2) two- to threefold and increased BP and RVR. HET0016 did not alter hyperoxic responses. In conclusion, 20-HETE contributes to vasoconstriction by Tm-Hb in SD but not in W rats, and increased 20-HETE activity results primarily from decreased NO.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of shift in the natural light/dark regimen (desynchronosis) and treatment with melatonin on behavioral characteristics of rats with different activity in the open-field test. Experiments were performed on 172 Wistar rats kept under conditions of the natural or shifted light/dark regimen. Some animals were intraperitoneally treated with 1 ml physiological saline or melatonin in doses of 1 and 2 mg/kg, while others did not receive the injections. Desynchronosis altered the normal rhythm of locomotor activity and abolished the differences between daytime and nighttime activity rats not receiving the injections. The influence of melatonin on locomotor activity of rats maintained under normal or shifted light/dark conditions depended on its dose, time of treatment, and initial behavioral characteristics of animals. Our results indicate that the use of melatonin for treatment of disturbances produced by a shift in the light/dark conditions should be performed taking into account individual behavioral characteristics of the organism.  相似文献   

Resch GE  Simpson CW 《Peptides》2008,29(3):430-439
Peptide inhibitors of ethanol consumption have shown promise. The purpose of this study was to test the cyclized form of the opioid-derived dipeptide, glycyl-L-glutamine to reduce ethanol consumption after either peripheral injections or site-specific injections into the nucleus accumbens (NAC) of high drinking and low drinking rats. Following I.P. cyclo-glycyl-glutamine (c-GQ), the data show a mean decrease in ethanol intake of 34.4% in P rats, and 39.4% in Sprague-Dawley rats at doses between 5 and 25mg/kg. The data show that peripherally administered c-GQ is effective in reducing ethanol consumption in both high (P) and low (SD) drinking strains of rats and suggests a therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

T W Gong  B A Horwitz  J S Stern 《Life sciences》1990,46(14):1037-1044
Central administration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) decreases brown fat thermogenesis. This effect is suggested to be mediated via a central control mechanism. Our study was designed to determine the importance of the sympathetic nervous system in the response of brown fat to intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of 2-DG. Unilateral denervation of interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) was performed on male Sprague-Dawley rats (300 g body weight). Nine days after surgery, rats were injected i.p. with either saline vehicle (0.9% sodium chloride) or 2-DG (360 mg/kg wt) and then killed one hour later. Sympathetic denervation resulted in 50% decreases in total IBAT protein and in mitochondrial protein recovered. In the denervated lobes, mitochondrial GDP binding (expressed as nmol/mg mitochondrial protein and as total activity recovered) was decreased to 36% and 18%, respectively. Injection of 2-DG did not change mitochondrial protein content in either the innervated or denervated IBAT. In the innervated lobes, 2-DG significantly lowered GDP binding to 55% of that in saline-treated animals, whether expressed per mg mitochondrial protein or as total recovered activity. In contrast, 2-DG did not further decrease GDP binding in the denervated lobes. In conclusion, the effects of i.p. injection of 2-DG on brown fat thermogenesis (as evidenced by GDP binding) appear to be primarily mediated via the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

Ciliary activity under normal conditions and under viscous load   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Gheber  Z Priel 《Biorheology》1990,27(3-4):547-557
Ciliary metachronism and motility were examined optically in muco-ciliary tissue cultures from three different systems: a) frog's palate epithelium, b) frog's oesophagus, and c) human nasal polyps. In addition, lateral cilia of Mytilus edulis (water transporting cilia) were examined. It was revealed that the degree of synchronization between muco-ciliary systems is lower than that of water transporting cilia. There are no significant differences between different muco-ciliary systems, within the accuracy of our measurement although relatively large statistical ensembles were used. In addition the wavelength and wave direction of the metachronal wave was examined. All four systems exhibit similar wavelength. The metachronal parameters of muco-ciliary systems exhibit fluctuations (as was demonstrated by the degree of synchronization), however, the magnitude and repetitivity of these fluctuations, is dependent on the loading of the ciliary system. We have loaded the system by increasing the viscosity of the medium. Under viscous load the frequency of the beating decreased. The metachronal wavelength became longer and the metachronal coordination type more orthoplectic.  相似文献   

Notch signaling is essential for the appropriate differentiation of many cell types during development and, furthermore, is implicated in a variety of human diseases. Previous studies have shown that although the Notch1, -2, and -3 receptors are expressed in developing and injured rodent teeth, Notch2 expression was predominant after a lesion. To pursue the role of the Notch pathway in tooth development and disease, we have analyzed the expression of the Notch2 protein in embryonic and adult wounded human teeth. During the earlier stages of tooth development, the Notch2 protein was expressed in the epithelium, but was absent from proliferating cells of the inner enamel epithelium. At more advanced stages, Notch2 was expressed in the enamel-producing ameloblasts, while it was absent in mesenchyme-derived odontoblasts that synthesize the dentin matrix. Although Notch2 was not expressed in the pulp of adult intact teeth, it was reexpressed during dentin repair processes in odontoblasts and subodontoblastic cells. Transforming growth factor beta-1, which stimulates odontoblast differentiation and hard tissue formation after dental injury, downregulated Notch2 expression in cultured human dental slices, in vitro. These observations are consistent with the notion that Notch signaling is an important element in dental physiological and pathogenic conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of endogenous pyrogen (EP, from rabbit) and endotoxin (Salmonella typhosa) on rectal temperature (Tre) was investigated in normal and dehydrated rats of both sexes. Intraperitoneal injection of either EP or endotoxin did not affect body temperature. In addition, no changes in Tre were observed when endotoxin was injected intravenously in normally hydrated male rats, but significant falls in Tre occurred in normal female rats. However, intravenous injection of EP produced fever in both sexes, but females generally showed smaller responses. A second intravenous injection of endotoxin, given 3 days after the first injection, always produced fever in normally hydrated rats. The pattern of this febrile response was monophasic. In contrast to the response in normal rats, intravenous endotoxin produced significant fevers with a biphasic pattern in dehydrated rats of either sex, but the febrile responses of male rats were greater than those of female rats. On the other hand, there were no significant differences between febrile responses to intravenous EP exhibited by normal and dehydrated animals. These results show that rats of both sexes possess physiological mechanisms capable of producing a fever following intravenous injections of EP.  相似文献   

Role of central alpha2-adrenoceptors in the regulation of hypothalamic magnocellular cells was studied under hyperosmotic challenge elicited by hypertonic saline (HS). Rats pretreated with receptor agonist, xylazine (XYL), were injected intraperitoneally with different (low: 0.375, moderate: 0.75, high: 1.5 M) HS 30 min later. The activity of the paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) vasopressin and oxytocin perikarya was established by Fos-dual-immunohistochemistry 60 min after HS administration. Results showed that 1/XYL is a potent stimulus for oxytocin but not vasopressin magnocellular cells under basal and weak hyperosmotic conditions 2/highHS completely overlaps the effect of XYL. In addition, XYL partially suppressed Fos expression in the parvocellular PVN cells activated by highHS. The data suggest that alpha2-adrenoceptors may play an important role in the regulation of oxytocinergic PVN and SON neurons under basal and weak hyperosmotic conditions and that alpha2-adrenoceptors may also participate in the control of PVN parvocellular cells under intense osmotic challenge.  相似文献   

Agroclavine is a natural, clavine type of ergot alkaloid with D1 dopamine and a-adrenoceptor agonistic properties. We showed previously that in vitro agroclavine enhances natural killer (NK) cell activity, increases interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma production and prolongs the survival time of tumor-bearing mice. The aim of this study was 1) to test the effect of agroclavine on NK activity in vivo, and 2) to assess the potential toxicity of high doses of agroclavine on cardiac and liver functions using creatine kinase MB (CKMB) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) as biochemical markers in normal and stressed animals. The effect of stress was studied because we examined promising anticancer properties of agroclavine and malignant diseases are supposed to be a potent stressful event for patients. In our experiments 3-month-old male rats of the Wistar-Kyoto strain were used. Agroclavine was injected intraperitoneally (0.5 mg/kg or 0.05 mg/kg) 30 min before stress (four hours' restraint and immersion in 23 degrees C water). The animals were killed 30 min after stress, blood was collected and the spleen was removed. Non-stressed animals treated with agroclavine were killed 5 h after the drug administration. The results confirmed our previous in vitro results and showed that also in vivo agroclavine increases NK cell activity under non-stress conditions. Agroclavine only slightly increased CKMB and had no influence on ALT in non-stressed animals. These promising results are limited by the fact that agroclavine (0.5 mg/kg) diminished NK cell activity and significantly increased ALT and CKMB under stress conditions.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the optimal conditions for successful in vitro fertilization (IVF) in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. The IVF of oocytes from SD and Wistar rats was compared in different fertilization media (mR1ECM, IVF-20, and modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution [mKRB]), and IVF conditions were then optimized for oocytes of the SD strain. Results showed that in mR1ECM medium, fertilization rates were markedly lower in SD rats (15%) than in the Wistar strain (73%), although this response was significantly improved by increasing the NaCl concentration. In addition, fertilization rates in SD rats were higher in modified IVF-20 (73%) than in IVF-20 (18%) and mKRB (53%). In contrast, fertilization rates in Wistar rats were higher in IVF-20 and modified IVF-20 than in mKRB (78%, 74%, and 36%, respectively). Further investigation concerning the effects of the NaCl supplementation (10- 40 mM) in IVF-20 on the fertilization of oocytes in the SD strain indicated that significantly higher percentages of oocytes were fertilized in IVF-20 supplemented with 30 mM NaCl (66%) and developed to the blastocyst stage (47%) in vitro. After transfer, embryos derived from this IVF system developed to term at a percentage comparable to that of in vivo-fertilized controls. In conclusion, differences exist in optimal IVF conditions between rat strains, and a modified culture medium has been successfully developed for assessment of the developmental competence of oocytes in SD rats.  相似文献   

The peculiarities of gene expression in line and hybrid rats in the normalcy and after partial hepatectomy were studied. It was shown that the relationship between the RNA synthesis rate in chromatin and RNA transport in the cytoplasm as well as the correlation between the RNA transport rate and the activity of the protein-synthesizing mechanism vary in animals with different genotypes. After partial hepatectomy the hybrids have their S-period of the cell cycle earlier than the line animals. The hybrids do not differ from the parental forms in the rate of RNA chromatin synthesis; however, the newly synthesized RNA of the hybrids in transported into the cytoplasm 5.7 and 5 times faster than that of the lines Vistar and August. The rapidly transported RNA of hybrids is likely to have a more prolonged life as compared to the line animals. After partial hepatectomy an activation of the whole gene expression system occurs. The differences in the gene expression system of hepatocytes of inbred and hybrid animals in the regenerating liver become less pronounced.  相似文献   

The antitussive effect codeine and 1-propoxyphene have been studied in non-anaesthetized healthy cats and cats with respiratory tract inflammation elicited by undiluted croton oil. The drugs were administered intraperitoneally in doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg body weight. The antitussive effect was studied on the 4th day, after inflammation had set in. Cough induced in nonanaesthetized cats by mechanical irritation of the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial areas was evaluated by changes of the lateral tracheal pressure. Experimentally induced inflammatory changes of the respiratory tract due to the antitussive activity of 1-porpoxyphene were significantly reduced, but that of codeine had not changed at all.  相似文献   

Using SDS electrophoresis and subsequent densitometry, the link proteins (LP) of proteoglycan aggregates of the knee joint hyaline cartilage, rib and/or the iliac crest cartilage were investigated. Both the control and experimental samples (n = 9 and n = 16, respectively) contained three LP with Mr 48.0 (LP-1), 44.0 (LP-2) and 41.5 KD (LP-3); however, their ratio varied within very broad limits. Low molecular weight forms of LP were also observed in the infundibulum-like deformation of the thorax. The considerable decrease of LP-3 and the elevated content of LP-2 were observed in lethal osteochondrodysplasias, which probably reflects the genetically determined disorder of limb morphogenesis, eventually resulting in the maintenance of embryonic ratio of LP. Almost all the preparations contained a protein with Mr 52 KD that was previously unknown for the LP system. The content of this protein was the highest in the exostose cartilage and in newborns. Possible mechanisms of LP heterogeneity and the significance of this parameter for the regulation of chondrogenesis and realization of certain physical properties of cartilages from different parts of the skeleton are discussed.  相似文献   

Dimethylcyclosiloxanes (DMCS) are components of silicone gel containing implants and are known inducers of human drug metabolizing enzymes. The effects of the major DMCS, octamethyltetracyclosiloxane (D4) on cytochrome P450 (CYP) induction were examined in young adult, mature, and pregnant female Sprague-Dawley rats. Also, the ability of D4 administered to pregnant dams to affect CYP expression in fetal liver was examined. Female young, mature, and pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were administered 0, 5, 20, and 100 mg/kg D4 daily by gavage for 8 days. Liver microsomal CYP (CYP2B, CYP3A, CYP1A) concentrations were evaluated by Western blots using specific antisera, and CYP activities were assayed using CYP selective assays. D4 treatment resulted in a significant induction of CYP2B and CYP3A isoforms. CYP induction was dose and age dependent. A comparison of the inducibility of CYP3A protein by D4 in rats from different age groups showed that the degree of increase was the highest in the pregnant rats at doses of 20 mg/kg D4 or higher. The mature rats had a lesser degree of responsiveness than did the young rats at the dose of 100 mg/ kg D4. Significant increases in CYP2B immunoreactive protein concentrations were observed in young and mature rats given D4 at doses >5 mg/kg and in pregnant rats at doses >20 mg/kg. Maximal CYP2B induction detected with blotting was more than 90-fold in mature rats; however, no significant changes were detected in CYP1A expression. There was a 20% increase of liver to body weight ratio in the mature rats treated with 100 mg/kg D4. D4 has different inductive properties in female rats of different ages and reproductive status. Also, D4 administered to the pregnant dam is capable of inducing CYP expression in fetal liver as well as decreasing fetal body weight.  相似文献   

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