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Abstract:Amphorothecium occultum P. M. McCarthy, Kantvilas & Elix gen. et sp. nov. is described from deeply shaded, saxicolous bryophytes in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. This genus is characterized by a trentepohlioid photobiont, distinctive thallus chemistry, pale, simple perithecia, largely unbranched paraphyses and periphyses, thin-walled, non-amyloid asci and very large, multiseptate ascospores. Its systematic position is uncertain.  相似文献   

Four new foliicolous lichen species are described from the Ivory Coast (Tropical West Africa): Bapalmuia ivoriensis sp. nov., Chroodiscus africanus sp. nov., C. verrucosus sp. nov., and Lasioloma inexspectatum sp. nov. In addition, the new combination Calenia inconspicua comb, nova [Bas.: Heterothecium inconspicuum] is introduced. Lasioloma inexspectatum is the first species in the genus characterized by transversely septate ascospores and provides additional evidence for phylogenetic lines regarding the evolution of ascospore types in the lichen family Ectolechiaceae. In addition, 61 new records for the Ivory Coast and seven for Guinea are presented, increasing the number of species known in these areas to 161 and 124, respectively. Five species are new for tropical Africa, and six new for the Paleotropics. Further taxonomical and ecogeographical notes on the foliicolous lichen flora of tropical West Africa are provided.  相似文献   

Musaespora kalbii sp. nov. is a foliicolous lichen distinguished by its unilocular, blackish brown ascocarps and campylidia. It is known from Costa Rica, French Guiana, the West Indies, Madagascar, and Papua New Guinea. The species is most common at medium elevations (500–1500 m) and prefers semi-open situations. The genus Musaespora seems to be related to the genera Architrypethelium. Megalotremis and Anisomeridium . Its campylidia are assumed to be derived from pycnidia.  相似文献   

An updated list of foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi known from Kenya (East Africa), chiefly based on a collection by the second author at three different localities, is presented. The new collections yielded 77 species, including three lichenicolous fungi, and two species and one subspecies are described as new: Arthonia pocsii Lücking & Kalb sp. nov. , Asterothyrium septemseptatum subsp. africanum Lücking & Kalb ssp. nov. and Aulaxina aggregata Lücking & Kalb sp. nov. . The latter has also been found in material from Costa Rica and is the first known lichenicolous species in the genus. Porina atropunctata Lücking & Vezda is placed into synonymy with P. karnatakensis Makhija et al. and P. multiloculata Makhija et al. into synonymy with P. lucida R. Sant. Furthermore, the following two new combinations are proposed: Coenogonium tanzanicum (Vezda & Farkas) Lücking & Kalb comb. nov. [Bas. Dimerella tanzanica Vezda & Farkas] and Sporopodium pilocarpoides (Zahlbr.) Lücking & Kalb comb. nov. [ Lopadium pilocarpoides Zahlbr.]. Byssoloma discordans (Nyl.) Vain., Calenia bullatinoides Lücking, Porina karnatakensis Makhija et al. Sporopodium citrinum (Zahlbr.) Elix, Lumbsch & Lücking, Sporopodium pilocarpoides (Zahlbr.) Lücking & Kalb, Strigula nigrocarpa Lücking, and the lichenicolous fungi Arthonia atropunctata Vain. and Gyalideopsis parvula Haf. & Vezda are new for the African continent (excluding Madagascar). The number of foliicolous lichen species known from Kenya is raised from 27 to 92, together with five lichenicolous fungi growing on them.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 171–180.  相似文献   

Pyrenothrix mexicana Herrera-Campos, Huhndorf & Lücking spec. nova is described from leaves in the upper montane rainforest of Oaxaca State, Mexico. It is the second species in the genus Pyrenothrix Riddle, established at the beginning of the twentieth century for the single species, P. nigra Riddle, a corticolous lichen restricted to southeastern United States. Both taxa have the same thallus and perithecial morphology and anatomy, but P. mexicana differs by its longer, transversally septate ascospores. The perithecial anatomy of Pyrenothrix is documented and its systematic affinities are discussed, and we conclude that the family Pyrenothrichaceae Zahlbr. should be placed in the order Chaetothyriales.  相似文献   

One genus and four species of foliicolous lichens are described as new from Western Europe and Macaronesia: Bapalmuia, B. kakouettae, Byssoloma aptrootii, Gyalecti-dium setiferum , and Scoliciosporum curvaturn . The following combinations are introduced: Bapalmuia marginalis, B. palmularis, B. rubicunda, Byssoloma lambino-nii , and Fellhanera michaeliana .  相似文献   

任昭杰  田雅娴  赵遵田 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1420-1424
该研究通过对采自山东的苔藓植物标本进行鉴定,首次发现裂齿藓[ Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp.]和粗疣藓[ Fauriella tenuis (Mitt.) Cardot]在山东的分布,这也是昂氏藓科(Aongstroemiaceae)裂齿藓属( Dichodontium Schimp.)和粗疣藓属( Fauriella Besch.)的苔藓植物在山东的首次发现。文中还详细描述了裂齿藓和粗疣藓的形态特征,绘制了墨线图,并进行了相应的讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract:Two new species belonging to the lichen families Pilocarpaceae andEctolechiaceae are described from tropical Africa: Calopadia lucida sp. nov. (Ectolechiaceae) from Tanzania, being similar to C. puiggarii but differing in the UV fluorescent thallus and the pruinose apothecia, andFellhanera ivoriensis sp. nov. (Pilocarpaceae) from the Ivory Coast, differing from the related F. rhapidophylli by the sorediate thallus and from other sorediate taxa by the combination of pale soralia, dark brown apothecia, and the ellipsoid-bacillar conidia. A key to the nine sorediate species of Fellhanera is provided.  相似文献   

S. B. McDowell   《Journal of Zoology》1969,159(4):443-511
Toxicocalamus is expanded to include Apistocalamus and Ultrocalamus as subgenera. Pseudapistocalamus nymani, Apistocalamus pratti, A. loennbergi, and A. lamingtoni are considered geographic variations of Toxicocalamus ( Apistocalamus ) loriae. Toxicocalamus ( Ultrocalamus ) buergersi, synonymized with T. ( U. ) preussi by previous workers, is recognized as a distinct species because of many structural peculiarities (most notably, extension of the venom gland back within the body cavity nearly to the heart, as in Maticora ). Three species are described as new: T. ( Apistocalamus ) spiblepidotus, characterized by large size and peculiar colouration; T. ( A. ) holopelturus, characterized by entire subcaudals and hemi-penial structure; and T. ( Toxicocalamus ) misimae, differing from the related T. longissimus in much lower ventral count and in having only 15 scale rows. A population from Garaina (Morobe Division) is believed to be of recent origin from hybridization between T. ( A. ) loriae and T. ( T. ) stanleyanus. Toxicocalamus is most closely related to the Australian genera called Brachyurophis, Melwardia, Narophis, Rhinelaps, and Rhynchoelaps by Worrell, but here all grouped in the genus Rhynchoelaps. This Australian genus and Toxicocalamus make up the Rhynchoelaps group, which does not include the genera Vermicella (for V. annulata only), Ogmodon, or Parapistocalamus. The lack of a diastema behind the fang in the elapid genera Kerilia, Ogmodon, and Toxicocalamus is not a primitive, but a specialized, feature, probably developed independently in each of these genera as a mechanism for coordinating the replacement rhythm of the fangs with that of solid teeth behind. It is suggested that the solid maxillary teeth of Toxicocalamus are neomorphs, formed by backward extension of the fang-forming portion of the dental lamina.  相似文献   

Origins and ecology of the tropicalpine flora of Mt Wilhelm, New Guinea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Floristic elements within the tropicalpine flora of Mt Wilhelm are defined on taxonomic and distributional criteria, and are compared ecologically. The hypothesis that elements of apparently most recent immigration would retain to the largest degree characteristics appropriate to colonists of insular locations and to plants of temperate zone environments is confirmed. Good colonizing ability, rapid growth rate, continuous flowering and growth in the field, successful flowering in cultivation, vulnerability to frost, lack of preference for slopes of particular aspect, and wide and generally low altitudinal range were all present to a greater extent in more recently immigrant floristic elements. Dispersal ability was not significantly correlated with floristic elements. It is concluded that the tropicalpine flora is a youthful one consisting largely of the descendants of immigrant herbs which arrived by dispersal over long distances in Plio-Pleistocene times. A few forest plants of ancient status in New Guinea have become adapated to the tropicalpine environment, and several established aliens provide indications of migration ability lost to varying extents by elements within the native flora.  相似文献   

The Australian snakes that have been included in Aspidomorphus differ markedly from that genus, particularly in hemipenial morphology and in the absence of a muscular slip from the quadrate bone to the venom gland; the genus Aspidomorphus is therefore restricted to the New Guniea species. Aspidomorphus (as here restricted) is closely related to Demansia (in the restricted sense of Worrell, essentially D. psammophis, D. torquata , and D. olivacea ), but the Australian species generally referred to Aspidomorphus seem to be related to Glyphodon . The genera Aspidomorphus, Demansia, Rhinhoplocephalus and Drepanodontis form a natural group. Aspidomorphus contains three species, each identifiable by hemipenial features as well as by details of colouration: A. muelleri (= A. mülleri mülleri and A. m. interruptus of Brongersma's revision); A. lineaticollis (= A. mülleri lineaticollis and A. m. lineatus of Brongersma); and A. schlegeli. The last species differs from the others in the form of the maxillary bone and the anterior mandibular dentition; it seems to be confined to northwestern New Guinea and adjacent islands, since specimens from the eastern end of New Guinea that had been referred to schlegeli are actually A. lineaticollis. In all three species some geographical variation can be demonstrated, at least in ventral count, but it is not considered necessary to use trinomials to indicate that geographical variation exists. Pseudonaja textilis is recorded from New Guinea for the first time. (McDowell.)
Examination reveals Demansia ornaticeps is properly referred to Demansia. (Cogger.)  相似文献   

Abstract:Based on collections gathered by H. Streimann and J. A. Elix in Papua New Guinea, Australia (including Tasmania), and Vanuatu, five new foliicolous lichen species are described: Calenia bullatinoides Lücking, Eremothecella cyaneoides Lücking, Fellhanera tasmanica Lücking & Elix,Fellhaneropsis australiana Lücking, and Porina vanuatuensis Lücking. In addition, the following new combinations are proposed: Coenogonium isidiiferum (Lücking) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella isidiifera Lücking], Coenogonium lisowskii (Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella lisowskii Vězda], Coenogonium queenslandicum (Kalb & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella queenslandica Kalb & Vězda], Echinoplaca tetrapla (Zahlbr.) Lücking [Bas.: Gonolecania tetrapla Zahlbr.], and Porina subepiphylla var. australiensis (Lücking & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Porina lucida var. australiensis Lücking & Vězda]. Coenogonium piliferum (Vězda) Kalb & Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella pilifera Vězda] is placed into synonymy with Coenogonium epiphyllum Vain. An updated checklist of foliicolous lichens from Australia includes 202 species and excludes five previously reported taxa.  相似文献   

The genus Punctelia Krog gen. nov., comprising subgen. Punctelia (the Parmelia borreri group) and subgen. Flavopunctelia Krog subgen. nov. (the Parmelia flaventior group), is here segregated from Parmelia s. str. The main differences between the two genera lie in the development of the pseudocyphellae, the chemical properties of the medulla, and the centres of distribution. Parmelia s. str. has its highest number of species in East Asia and the Australian region, Punctelia in the Americas and Africa.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):329-337

This paper lists the noteworthy bryophytes collected by the authors in 1980 and 1992 on five of the nine islands of the Azores. Twenty-one species are new to the Azores three of these (Riccia beyrichiana, Dicranella schreberiana and Ephemerum cohaerens) being new to Macaronesia. Reasons are given for regarding Ptychomitrium azoricum as a synonym of P. polyphyllum and Tortella cirrifolia as a variety or subspecies of T. nitida.  相似文献   

本文补充报道太白山地区的地衣9种,其中中国新记录3个:棕色雪花衣Anaptychia runcinata、橡皮肺衣Lobaria quercizans、美国大孢蜈蚣衣Physconia americana。简要介绍了这3个中国新记录的鉴别特征。  相似文献   

A population of leaves of the rainforest shrub Wilkiea macrophylla was studied for a period of 3 years. Survival curves for three subsamples were constructed. The estimated proportion of leaves initiated during the study that survived for the length of the study period (1150 days) was 79.7% and, by extrapolating in time, their mean half life was estimated to be 6.8 years. Those leaves present at the inception of the programmes but without lichen cover at that time, showed 80.1% survival over the subsequent 1150 days, whereas only 55.2% of those with lichen cover survived for 1150 days. Leaf growth and fall was concentrated in the period September-December, suggesting cool temperate affinities. Leaves of W. macrophylla are so long-lived that it cannot be assumed that foliicolous lichens are ruderals: only comparative studies will establish their nature.  相似文献   

Punctelia constantimontium Sérusiaux, a species present in South America and in southern Africa, is described as new. Punctelia riograndensis is reported for the first time for Africa.  相似文献   

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