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Sialuria is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by coarse face, hepatomegaly and recurrent respiratory tract infections. The genetic defect in this disorder results in a loss of feedback control of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine-kinase by CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-NeuAc) resulting in a substantial overproduction of cytoplasmic free sialic acid. This study addresses fibroblast CMP-NeuAc levels and N- and O-glycan sialylation of serum proteins from Sialuria patients. CMP-NeuAc levels were measured with HPLC in fibroblasts. Isoelectric focusing (IEF) of serum transferrin and of apolipoprotein C-III (apoC-III) was performed on serum of three Sialuria patients. Isoforms of these proteins can be used as specific markers for the biosynthesis of N- and core 1 O-glycans. Furthermore, total N- and O-linked glycans from serum proteins were analyzed by HPLC. HPLC showed a clear overproduction of CMP-NeuAc in fibroblasts of a Sialuria patient. Minor changes were found for serum N-glycans and hypersialylation was found for core 1 O-glycans on serum apoC-III and on total serum O-glycans in Sialuria patients. HPLC showed an increased ratio of disialylated over monosialylated core 1 O-glycans. The hypersialylation of core 1 O-glycans is due to the increase of NeuAcalpha2,6-containing structures (mainly NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3[NeuAcalpha2-6]GalNAc). This may relate to KM differences between GalNAc-alpha2,6-sialyltransferase and alpha2,3-sialyltransferases. This is the first study demonstrating that the genetic defect in Sialuria results in a CMP-NeuAc overproduction. Subsequently, increased amounts of alpha2,6-linked NeuAc were found on serum core 1 O-glycans from Sialuria patients. N-glycosylation of serum proteins seems largely unaffected. Sialuria is the first metabolic disorder presenting with hypersialylated O-glycans.  相似文献   

Purification of β-glucosidase from the seeds of Japanese cycad, and properties of the purified preparation are described. The enzyme activity was determined by colorimetry using ONPG as substrate. Crude preparation was obtained easily by adsorption on fibrous CMC pulp. It was further purified by chromatography on CMC powder, and a preparation which showed an activity of 135-folds of the original extract was obtained. Influences of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration upon the enzyme activity were examined. Michaelis constant of the enzyme for ONPG was 3.3×10–3M.  相似文献   

The chemical analyses showed that inositol deficiency caused especially the increase in content of glucan fraction and the decrease in contents of inositol, phospholipids and free-pool fraction. Other components, however, did not change in contents in inositol deficiency. More mannan fraction and free-pool substances were found to be released from the cells in inositol deficiency than in sufficiency. The respiratory and fermentative activities were lost in inositol deficient cells of 24 hr culture, which was considered to be the consequence of unbalanced growth death. But the respiratory activity did not so much decrease in inositol deficient cells of 8 hr culture as the fermentative activity, especially the aerobic fermentative activity, did. The release of mannan fraction and the decrease in intracellular free-pool fraction were accompanied with the loss of viability.

These results suggest that inositol deficiency caused the abnormality of the cell structure and permeability, and that this abnormality may be the possible cause of loss of viability due to inositol deficiency.  相似文献   

Polysaccharides were separated from mycelia and culture filtrates of the filamentous fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum, and purified by column chromatography on Sephadex G-50, DEAE- and CM-cellulose, successively. No nitrogen and phosphorus were detected in the polymer, and the sugar components were observed to be galactose and mannose. The polysaccharides were confirmed to be galactomannans which were easily hydrolyzed by weak acid, liberating galactofuranose and oligosugar in dialyzable fractions.  相似文献   

Crude mannans extracted from Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae by autoclaving yeast cells in citrate buffer (pH 7.0) according to Peat's method, were fractionated repeatedly by column chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex, acetate form, yielding neutral and acidic mannans. The former fraction showed a single peak by boundary electrophoresis and ultracentrifugal analysis, while the latter contained small amounts of phosphorus and protein. Using purified mannans as controls, various serological experiments were carried out with mannan antigens extracted from C. albicans with 45% phenol water and with 3% NaOH. No remarkable differences were observed in the antigenic activity of 4 mannan antigens from C. albicans, and the purified mannan exhibited very high antigenic activity. It was found that the mannan of S. cerevisiae was antigenically less specific than that of C. albicans mannan. The difference in serological specificity between mannans of both species may reflect not only differences in mannopyranose linkages but differences in the structure of the macromolecules.  相似文献   

Two kinds of polysaccharides, glucan and glycopeptide (galactomannan-peptide), were obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus (IFO 5840) by extraction with 50% pyridine and were purified by fractional precipitation with acetone, by a column chromatography on Dowex-50 and DEAE-cellulose and by the gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and G-200. The glycopeptide, designated APSK-66 fraction, showed both an Arthus and delayed type (tuberculin type) skin reactions in sensitized rabbits and guinea pigs. By treatment with proteolytic enzymes, the delayed type skin reactivity of APSK-66 fraction was reduced but the Arthus type skin reactivity was not affected. However, the Arthus type skin reactivity of APSK-66 fraction was completely lost by periodate oxidation, and the delayed type skin reactivity of APSK-66 fraction was retained. The APSK-66 fraction showed precipitation, complement fixation and passive hemagglutination reactions with rabbit antisera against A. fumigatus. Glucan, designated as APSK-33 fraction, did not show any immunological activity when tested in the present experiment. The chemical structures of the glucan and galactomannan were discussed.  相似文献   

The active transport process, so important in cell function, has been studied in the past with intact cells. Models which have arisen from this work all depend on: first, a specific protein to recognize the substrate; second, translocation of the substrate across the cell membrane; third, release of substrate within the cell and restoration of the system to its initial state. These steps are adequate for facilitated transport, but in active transport an energy input is required to maintain a concentration gradient. Parts of transport systems have been isolated recently. A protein which specifically recognizes β-galactosides has been partially purified. In another case, a protein that appears to be the recognition part of the sulfate transport system of Salmonella typhimurium has been crystallized, and many of its properties have been described. The role of this protein in recognition and in translocation is discussed. Also proteins that phosphorylate a variety of sugars as they enter the cell''s interior provide a mechanism for concentrating sugars as their phosphates, against a gradient.  相似文献   

It has been shown that Piricularia oryzae could grow in the presence of amino acid, even in the absence of a proper carbon source and that the first step of utilization was the formation of the corresponding α-keto acid by deamination in the medium. For further confirmation of this process, DL-valine was used as the amino acid to be tested in the current experiment. In each of the three cases, that is, DL-valine alone, DL-valine plus arsenite and DL-valine plus sucrose, the dimethlpyruvic acid formed was identified as its 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazone. Even in the presence of a sufficient amount of sucrose, some parts of DL-valine added were found to be utilized as a carbon source through the conversion to its α-keto analog.  相似文献   

Biochemical Studies of Chilling Injury in Sweetpotatoes   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

An anoerxiant, mazindol suppresses food intake by 1)stimulating β-adrenergic receptors, 2)inhibiting the feeding center and, 3)stimulating the satiety center in the hypothalamus. In Japan, mazindol is available for clinical use. We examined the effects of mazindol on 1) body weight, appetite, and abnormalities of obesity-related diseases in long-term use 2)maintenance of the reduced body weight after very-low-calorie diet (VLCD) therapy 3)combined use with VLCD therapy and, 4)inhibition of body weight gain in Prader-Willi syndrome. In long-term effects of mazindol, the average reduction of individual body weight was around 6.8 kg. The appetite of 59% of obese subjects was moderately suppressed. Systolic blood pressure, serum GOT, serum triglyceride, serum cholesterol, and glucose tolerance were also improved. With mazindol, 53.3% of obese subjects kept the reduced body weight after VLCD, in contrast, 20.0% of them kept it without mazindol. Combined use of mazindol with VLCD made the VLCD therapy more effective in out patients. Two of 3 patients with Prader-Willi syndrome inhibited their body weight gain with mazindol. Thus, mazindol produced positive effects in these studies, although the effects were limited.  相似文献   

Preincubation with spermine, of λ T 7 and P 465 phages which were sensitive to oxidized spermine, resulted in a decrease of their susceptibility to the action of oxidized spermine. Phages resistant to oxidized spermine such as T 4 and ?X 174 became susceptible to this agent after dialysis.

The mechanism of phagocidal action of oxidized spermine was examined with 32P-labelled λ phage. Oxidized spermine interfered neither with the absorption of λ phage, nor with the injection of its DNA into the host cells. The injected DNA, however, did not lead to the formation of mature phage.

The interaction of oxidized spermine with the DNA of phages T 4 and T 7 was investigated by thermal denaturation studies. DNA treated with oxidized spermine showed the same Tm as untreated DNA. However, the treated DNA was decreased in its hyperchromicity and was renatured to a great extent, even after rapid cooling. These facts are explained by the formation of cross-links which prevents the separation of complementary DNA strands.  相似文献   

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