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The Gram-negative genus Bartonella comprises arthropod-borne pathogens that typically infect mammals in a host-specific manner. Bartonella bacilliformis and Bartonella quintana are human-specific pathogens, while several zoonotic bartonellae specific for diverse animal hosts infect humans as an incidental host. Clinical manifestations of Bartonella infections range from mild symptoms to life-threatening disease. Following transmission by blood-sucking arthropods or traumatic contact with infected animals, bartonellae display sequential tropisms towards endothelial and possibly other nucleated cells and erythrocytes, the latter in a host-specific manner. Attachment to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and to nucleated cells is mediated by surface-exposed bacterial adhesins, in particular trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs). The subsequent engulfment of the pathogen into a vacuolar structure follows a unique series of events whereby the pathogen avoids the endolysosomal compartments. For Bartonella henselae and assumingly most other species, the infection process is aided at different steps by Bartonella effector proteins (Beps). They are injected into host cells through the type IV secretion system (T4SS) VirB/D4 and subvert host cellular functions to favour pathogen uptake. Bacterial binding to erythrocytes is mediated by Trw, another T4SS, in a strictly host-specific manner, followed by pathogen-forced uptake involving the IalB invasin and subsequent replication and persistence within a membrane-bound intra-erythrocytic compartment.  相似文献   

Several intracellular pathogens are internalized by host cells via multiple endocytic pathways. It is no different with Trypanosoma cruzi. Evidences indicate that T. cruzi entry may occur by endocytosis/phagocytosis or by an active manner. Although macropinocytosis is largely considered an endocytic process where cells internalize only large amounts of solutes, several pathogens use this pathway to enter into host cells. To investigate whether T. cruzi entry into peritoneal macrophages and LLC-MK2 epithelial cells can be also mediated through a macropinocytosis-like process, we used several experimental strategies presently available to characterize macropinocytosis such as the use of different inhibitors. These macropinocytosis' inhibitors blocked internalization of T. cruzi by host cells. To further support this, immunofluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques were used. Field emission scanning electron microscopy revealed that after treatment, parasites remained attached to the external side of host cell plasma membrane. Proteins such as Rabankyrin 5, tyrosine kinases, Pak1 and actin microfilaments, which participate in macropinosome formation, were localized at T. cruzi entry sites. We also observed co-localization between the parasite and an endocytic fluid phase marker. All together, these results indicate that T. cruzi is able to use multiple mechanisms of penetration into host cell, including macropinocytosis.  相似文献   

The uptake of bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, Y and CL stocks, by mouse peritoneal macrophages and their intracellular differentiation and multiplication has been compared in vitro. After 48 h the number of macrophages showing intracellular amastigote forms was higher when the Y stock was used. The number of parasitized cells increased with the time of contact between parasites and macrophages. Prior treatment of the parasites with anti-T. cruzi antibodies and/or complement increased the number of infected macrophages, but did not interfere with their subsequent differentiation within the macrophages. The number of parasitized cells was greater when macrophages were obtained from mice previously treated with lipopolysaccharide, peptone or thioglycollate. Uptake was not appreciably affected when macrophages were pre-treated with trypsin or anti-macrophage serum, or when the parasites and macrophages were incubated in the presence of cytochalasin B. In the same experimental conditions, epimastigotes of T. cruzi when not able to differentiate into amastigotes. Their uptake was potentiated by previous treatment with specific antibodies and/or complement and was blocked by cytochalasin B. These results confirm that epimastigotes derived from T. cruzi cultures are phagocytosed and suggest that bloodstream forms penetrate actively into macrophages.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi invades a diversity of nucleated cells in the mammalian host. Macrophages are among the first cells to be parasitized and, after activation by inflammatory stimuli, they participate in the control of infection. However, some parasites manage to evade the immune response and establish a chronic infection in differentiated cells. L-arginine is located at the crossroads of divergent routes that produce metabolites, including nitric oxide and polyamines, which influence the outcome (i.e. resolution or progression) of infection. This article discusses the fate and actions of L-arginine-derived biomolecules formed both in the host and in the parasite during T. cruzi-host-cell interactions.  相似文献   

The role of cytosolic Ca2+ and cytoplasmic calcium movement during the parasitization of HeLa cells by T. cruzi were studied. The level of calcium in parasitized cells increased compared to the control cells. Our experiments demonstrate that this cytosolic calcium originates from the release of the intracellular calcium deposits, especially from the mitochondria of the host cell. The parasitization rates decreased after the cells were treated with drugs to increase the cytosolic Ca2+ levels to inhibit the host-cell calmodulin.  相似文献   

The etiologic agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, infects mammalian cells activating a signal transduction cascade that leads to the formation of its parasitophorous vacuole. Previous works have demonstrated the crucial role of lysosomes in the establishment of T. cruzi infection. In this work we have studied the possible relationship between this parasite and the host cell autophagy. We show, for the first time, that the vacuole containing T. cruzi (TcPV) is decorated by the host cell autophagic protein LC3. Furthermore, live cell imaging experiments indicate that autolysosomes are recruited to parasite entry sites. Interestingly, starvation or pharmacological induction of autophagy before infection significantly increased the number of infected cells whereas inhibitors of this pathway reduced the invasion. In addition, the absence of Atg5 or the reduced expression of Beclin1, two proteins required at the initial steps of autophagosome formation, limited parasite entry and reduced the association between TcPV and the classical lysosomal marker Lamp-1. These results indicate that mammalian autophagy is a key process that favors the colonization of T. cruzi in the host cell.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi has a complex biological cycle that involves vertebrate and invertebrate hosts. In mammals, the infective trypomastigote form of this parasite can invade several cell types by exploiting phagocytic-like or nonphagocytic mechanisms depending on the class of cell involved. Morphological studies showed that when trypomastigotes contact macrophages, they induce the formation of plasma membrane protrusions that differ from the canonical phagocytosis that occurs in the case of noninfective epimastigotes. In contrast, when trypomastigotes infect epithelial or muscle cells, the cell surface is minimally modified, suggesting the induction of a different class of process. Lysosomal-dependent or -independent T. cruzi invasion of host cells are two different models that describe the molecular and cellular events activated during parasite entry into nonphagocytic cells. In this context, we have previously shown that induction of autophagy in host cells before infection favors T. cruzi invasion. Furthermore, we demonstrate that autophagosomes and the autophagosomal protein LC3 are recruited to the T. cruzi entry sites and that the newly formed T. cruzi parasitophorous vacuole has characteristics of an autophagolysosome. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of T. cruzi invasion in nonphagocytic cells. Based on our findings, we propose a new model in which T. cruzi takes advantage of the upregulation of autophagy during starvation to increase its successful colonization of host cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial adhesion and entry into host cells   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Pizarro-Cerdá J  Cossart P 《Cell》2006,124(4):715-727
Successful establishment of infection by bacterial pathogens requires adhesion to host cells, colonization of tissues, and in certain cases, cellular invasion-followed by intracellular multiplication, dissemination to other tissues, or persistence. Bacteria use monomeric adhesins/invasins or highly sophisticated macromolecular machines such as type III secretion systems and retractile type IV pili to establish a complex host/pathogen molecular crosstalk that leads to subversion of cellular functions and establishment of disease.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of Salmonella entry into host cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salmonella enterica is an enteric bacterial pathogen that causes a variety of food and water-borne diseases ranging from gastroenteritis to typhoid fever. Ingested bacteria colonize the intestinal epithelium by triggering their own phagocytosis, using a sophisticated array of effector proteins that are injected into the host cell cytoplasm through a type III secretion apparatus. The synergistic action of these secreted effectors leads to a dramatic reorganization of the host actin cytoskeleton, resulting in vigorous membrane protrusion and the engulfment of attached bacteria. Analysis of these effector proteins and identification of their cellular targets has provided insight into the molecular mechanisms by which bacteria can subvert the host signalling and cytoskeletal machinery for their own purposes. This review is intended to summarize our current understanding of the tools used by Salmonella to enter host cells, with a focus on effectors that modulate the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease, is an adequate model for studies on the evolution of signal transduction pathways. These pathways involve molecular entities such as membrane receptors, transduction G proteins, protein kinases and second messengers (Ca(2+), cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, nitric oxide). In this article, Mirtha M. Flawiá, María T. Téllez-I?ón and Héctor N. Torres describe the studies performed on T. cruzi transduction pathways and their role in the control of metacyclogenesis and cell motility.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria have developed various mechanisms to evade host immune defense systems. Invasion of pathogenic bacteria requires interaction of the pathogen with host receptors, followed by activation of signal transduction pathways and rearrangement of the cytoskeleton to facilitate bacterial entry. Numerous bacteria exploit specialized plasma membrane microdomains, commonly called membrane rafts, which are rich in cholesterol, sphingolipids and a special set of signaling molecules which allow entry to host cells and establishment of a protected niche within the host. This review focuses on the current understanding of the raft hypothesis and the means by which pathogenic bacteria subvert membrane microdomains to promote infection.  相似文献   

Parasite-containing endocytic vacuoles are formed during the process of in vitro interiorization of the trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi by primary culture of mouse fibroblasts, heart and skeletal muscle cells. Fusion of these vacuoles with host cell lysosomes takes place. The process of T. cruzi-muscle cell interaction was analysed by ultrastructural cytochemistry. Two lysosomal enzymes, acid phosphatase and aryl sulphatase and the fusion of peroxidase-labeled secondary lysosomes with the parasitophorus vacuoles were studied. These finding indicate that the basic mechanism of interaction of T. cruzi with the so called non phagocytic cells is similar to that which occurs with phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

Regulation of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis was characterized in epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi using the fluorescence probe Fura-2. Despite an increase in extracellular Ca2+, [Ca2+]o, from 0 to 2 mM, cytosolic Ca2+, [Ca2+]i, increased only from 85 +/- 9 to 185 +/- 21 nM, indicating the presence of highly efficient mechanisms for maintaining [Ca2+]i. Exposure to monovalent Na+ (monensin)-, K+ (valinomycin, nigericin)-, and divalent Ca2+ (ionomycin)-specific ionophores, uncouplers of mitochondrial respiration (oligomycin), inhibitors of Na+/K(+)-ATPase (ouabain), and Ca(2+)-sensitive ATPase (orthovanadate) in 0 or 1 mM [Ca2+]o resulted in perturbations of [Ca2+]i, the patterns of which suggested both sequestration and extrusion mechanisms. Following equilibration in 1 mM [Ca2+]o, incubation with orthovanadate markedly increased [Ca2+]i, results which are compatible with an active uptake of [Ca2+]i by endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, equilibration in 0 or 1 mM [Ca2+]o did not influence the relatively smaller increase in [Ca2+]i following incubation with oligomycin, suggesting a minor role for the mitochondrial compartment. In cells previously equilibrated in 1 mM [Ca2+]o, exposure to monensin or ouabain, conditions known to decrease the [Na+]o/[Na+]i gradient, upon which the Na+/Ca2+ exchange pathways are dependent, markedly increased [Ca2+]i. In a complementary manner, decreasing the extracellular Na+ gradient with Li+ increased [Ca2+]i in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, the calcium channel blockers verapamil and isradipine inhibited the uptake of Ca2+ by greater than 50%, whereas diltiazem, nifedipine, and nicardipine were ineffective. The results suggest that epimastigote forms of T. cruzi maintain [Ca2+]i by uptake, sequestration, and extrusion mechanisms, with properties common to eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

We have identified four surface 83 kDa proteins of pI values 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 in T. cruzi trypomastigotes which specifically bind to rat heart myoblasts. These proteins were purified by isoelectric focusing and anion-exchange chromatography in an FPLC system. These 83 kDa proteins inhibit the attachment of trypomastigotes to myoblasts in a concentration-dependent manner, indicating that these trypomastigote proteins mediate the attachment of trypomastigotes to heart myoblasts.  相似文献   

L Li  X Liu  Y Zhou  J Wang 《Biophysical journal》2012,102(9):2230-2233
In this article, we adopt a continuum model from Sun and Wirtz (2006. Biophys. J. 90:L10-L12) to show that, for the enveloped virus entry into host cells, the binding energy of the receptor-ligand complex can drive the engulfment of the viral particle to overcome the resistance alternatively dominated by the membrane deformation and cytoskeleton deformation at a different engulfing stage. This is contrary to the conclusions by Sun and Wirtz that the cytoskeleton deformation is always dominant. This discrepancy occurs because the energy of membrane deformation in their article is incorrect. Such an unfortunate small error has led to a severe underestimation of the contribution from membrane deformation to the total energy of the system, which then led them to improperly conclude that the cytoskeleton deformation plays the dominant role in the virus entry into host cell. By using the correct energy expression, our conclusion is justified by energy comparisons under a large range of virus sizes and Young's moduli of cytoskeleton. We even find that a critical radius of virus exists, beyond which the resistance to the virus engulfment becomes dominated by the membrane deformation during the whole stage, contrary to the point of view of Sun and Wirtz.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses such as HIV-1 enter their hosts by first establishing a contact region at the cell surface, which is stabilized by the formation of receptor-ligand complexes. We show that the favorable contact energy stemming from the formation of the receptor complexes in the interaction zone is sufficient to drive the engulfment of the virus by the cell. Using a continuum model, we show that the equilibrium engulfment depth and the force driving the engulfment are functions of the virus size and the complex formation energy. Resistance to engulfment is dominated by the elastic deformation of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the kinetoplastid protozoan parasite that causes human Chagas disease, a chronic disease with complex outcomes including severe cardiomyopathy and sudden death. In mammalian hosts, T. cruzi colonises a wide range of tissues and cell types where it replicates within the host cell cytoplasm. Like all intracellular pathogens, T. cruzi amastigotes must interact with its immediate host cell environment in a manner that facilitates access to nutrients and promotes a suitable niche for replication and survival. Although potentially exploitable to devise strategies for pathogen control, fundamental knowledge of the host pathways co‐opted by T. cruzi during infection is currently lacking. Here, we report that intracellular T. cruzi amastigotes establish close contact with host mitochondria via their single flagellum. Given the key bioenergetic and homeostatic roles of mitochondria, this striking finding suggests a functional role for host mitochondria in the infection process and points to the T. cruzi amastigote flagellum as an active participant in pathogenesis. Our study establishes the basis for future investigation of the molecular and functional consequences of this intriguing host–parasite interaction.  相似文献   

Chagas disease, caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi, is a complicated and devastating disease. It is hypothesized that an important target of infection may be the endothelial cell and that both the acute and chronic forms of the disease involve abnormalities in the microcirculation. Stephen Morris and colleagues suggest that endothelial cell dysfunction occurs as a consequence of amastigote-associated interference in host cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Signal transduction events triggered in mammalian host cells by the obligate intracellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi are required for invasion. Infective T. cruzi trypomastigotes elicit Ca2+ signaling in mammalian host cells and activate transforming growth factor-beta receptor signaling pathways. The elevation of Ca2+ in T. cruzi, induced by host-cell contact, is also required for invasion, extending the concept of host-pathogen 'cross-talk' to invasive protozoan pathogens.  相似文献   

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