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Neurofilament (NF) proteins are distributed in a diminishing proximodistal gradient along rat sciatic nerve when compared with total noncollagen or other proteins in nerve. About a twofold decline of NF proteins can be detected by quantitating nerve proteins that have been separated by gel electrophoresis. A similar decrease of immunoreactivity to each NF subunit is seen in distal nerve segments when noncollagen nerve proteins are immunoblotted. Parallel decreases occur in all three NF proteins, thereby maintaining neurofilament subunit stoichiometry along the neuraxis. The same NF gradient can be detected when the NF contents in nerve branches to the gluteus and gastrocnemius muscles are compared with each other and with those in nerve segments taken from the same proximodistal levels of the parent sciatic nerve. The gradient of NF proteins increases during postnatal development and is readily detected by postnatal day 16. During the same period of development, the heavy NF subunit appears for the first time and is rapidly incorporated throughout the sciatic nerve. Hence, the NF gradient becomes manifest during the development and maturation of the adult form of the axonal cytoskeleton. The basis for the proximodistal gradient of NF proteins in peripheral nerve is presently unknown. The extent of the gradient cannot be accounted for on the basis of diminishing numbers of nerve fibers or increasing amounts of other nerve proteins, e.g., collagen, in distal nerve. An alternative interpretation is that the gradient reflects a low level of NF protein turnover during axonal transport.  相似文献   

Neurofilament Proteins Are Synthesized in Nerve Endings from Squid Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: It is generally believed that the proteins of the nerve endings are synthesized on perikaryal polysomes and are eventually delivered to the presynaptic domain by axoplasmic flow. At variance with this view, we have reported previously that a synaptosomal fraction from squid brain actively synthesizes proteins whose electrophoretic profile differs substantially from that of the proteins made in nerve cell bodies, axons, or glial cells, i.e., by the possible contaminants of the synaptosomal fraction. Using western analyses and immunoabsorption methods, we report now that (a) the translation products of the squid synaptosomal fraction include neurofilament (NF) proteins and (b) the electrophoretic pattern of the synaptosomal newly synthesized NF proteins is drastically different from that of the IMF proteins synthesized by nerve cell bodies. The latter results exclude the possibility that NF proteins synthesized by the synaptosomal fraction originate in fragments of nerve cell bodies possibly contaminating the synaptosomal fraction. They rather indicate that in squid brain, nerve terminals synthesize NF proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract: After the goldfish optic nerve was crushed, the total amount of protein in the nerve decreased by about 45% within 1 week as the axons degenerated, began to recover between 2 and 5 weeks as axonal regeneration occurred, and had returned to nearly normal by 12 weeks. Corresponding changes in the relative amounts of some individual proteins were investigated by separating the proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and performing a quantitative analysis of the Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining patterns of the gels. In addition, labelling patterns showing incorporation of [3H]proline into individual proteins were examined to differentiate between locally synthesized proteins (presumably produced mainly by the glial cells) and axonal proteins carried by fast or slow axonal transport. Some prominent nerve proteins, ON1 and ON2 (50–55 kD, pI ~6), decreased to almost undetectable levels and then reappeared with a time course corresponding to the changes in total protein content of the nerve. Similar changes were seen in a protein we have designated NF (~130 kD, pI ~5.2). These three proteins, which were labelled in association with slow axonal transport, may be neurofilament constituents. Large decreases following optic nerve crush were also seen in the relative amounts of α- and β-tubulin, which suggests that they are localized mainly in the optic axons rather than the glial cells. Another group of proteins, W2, W3, and W4 (35–45 kD, pI 6.5–7.0), which showed a somewhat slower time course of disappearance and were intensely labelled in the local synthesis pattern, may be associated with myelin. A small number of proteins increased in relative amount following nerve crush. These included some, P1 and P2 (35–40 kD, pIs 6.1–6.2) and NT (~50 kD, pI ~5.5), that appeared to be synthesized by the glial cells. Increases were also seen in one axonal protein, B (~45 kD, pI ~4.5), that is carried by fast axonal transport, as well as in two axonal proteins, HA1 and HA2 (~60 and 65 kD respectively, pIs 4.5–5.0), that are carried mainly by slow axonal transport. Other proteins, including actin, that showed no net changes in relative amount (but presumably changed in absolute amount in direct proportion to the changes in total protein content of the nerve), are apparently distributed in both the neuronal and nonneuronal compartments of the nerve.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, neuronal and Schwann cell marker proteins were used to biochemically characterize the spatiotemporal progress of degeneration/regeneration in the silicone chamber model for nerve regeneration. Rat sciatic nerves were transected and the proximal and distal stumps were inserted into a bridging silicone chamber with a 10-mm interstump gap. Using dot immunobinding assays, S-100 protein and neuronal intermediate filament polypeptides were measured in different parts of the nerve 0–30 days after transaction. In the most proximal nerve segment, all the measured proteins were transiently increased. In the proximal and distal stumps adjacent to the transection, the studied proteins were decreased indicating degeneration of the nerve. Within the silicone chamber, the regenerating nerve expressed the Schwann cell S-100 protein already at 7 days, whereas the neurofilament polypeptides appeared later. These observations are corroborated by previous morphological studies. The biochemical method described provides a new and fast approach to the study of nerve regeneration.  相似文献   

High resolution 2DGE (two-dimensional gel electrophoresis) was used to characterize neuronal and glial proteins of the rat optic nerve, to examine the phases of intraaxonal transport with which the neuronal proteins are associated, and to identify the ribosomal populations on which these proteins are synthesized. Neuronal proteins synthesized in the retinal ganglion cells were identified by injecting the eye with L-[35S]methionine, followed by 2DGE analysis of fast and slow axonally transported proteins in particulate and soluble fractions. Proteins synthesized by the glial cells were labeled by incubating isolated optic nerves in the presence of L-[35S]methionine and then analyzed by 2DGE. A number of differences were seen between filamentous proteins of neurons and glia. Most strikingly, proteins in the alpha- and beta-tubulin region of the 2D gels of glial proteins were distinctly different than was observed for axonal proteins. As expected, neurons but not glia expressed neurofilament proteins, which appeared among the slow axonally transported proteins in the particulate fraction; significant amounts of the glial filamentous protein, GFA, were also labeled under these conditions, which may have been due to transfer of amino acids from the axon to the glial compartment. The fast axonally transported proteins contained relatively large amounts of high-molecular-weight acidic proteins, two of which were shown to comigrate (on 2DGE) with proteins synthesized by rat CNS rough microsomes; this finding suggests that rough endoplasmic reticulum may be a major site of synthesis for fast transported proteins. In contrast, the free polysome population was shown to synthesize the principal components of slow axonal transport, including tubulin subunits, actin, and neurofilament proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract : We have shown previously that phosphate groups on the amino-terminal head domain region of the middle molecular mass subunit of neurofilament proteins (NF-M) are added by second messenger-dependent protein kinases. Here, we have identified Ser23 as a specific protein kinase A phosphorylation site on the native NF-M subunit and on two synthetic peptides, S1 (14RRVPTETRSSF24) and S2 (21RSSFSRVSGSPSSGFRSQSWS41), localized within the amino-terminal head domain region. Ser23 was identified as a phosphorylation site on the 32P-labeled α-chymotryptic peptide that carried >80% of the 32P-phosphates incorporated into the NF-M subunit by protein kinase A. The synthetic peptides S1 and S2 were phosphorylated 18 and two times more efficiently by protein kinase A than protein kinase C, respectively. Neither of the peptides was phosphorylated by casein kinase II. The sequence analyses of the chemically modified phosphorylated serine residues showed that Ser23 was the major site of phosphorylation for protein kinase A on both S1 and S2 peptides. Low levels of incorporation of 32P-phosphates into Ser22, Ser28, and Ser32 by protein kinase A were also observed. Protein kinase C incorporated 32P-phosphates into Ser22, Ser23, Ser25, Ser28, Ser32, and a threonine residue, but none of these sites could be assigned as a major site of phosphorylation. Analyses of the phosphorylated synthetic peptides by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry also showed that protein kinase A phosphorylated only one site on peptide S1 and that ions with up to four phosphates were detected on peptide S2. Analysis of the data from the tandem ion trap mass spectrometry by using the computer program PEPSEARCH did not unequivocally identify the specific sites of phosphorylation on these serine-rich peptides. Our data suggest that Ser23 is a major protein kinase A-specific phosphorylation site on the amino-terminal head region of the NF-M subunit. Phosphorylation of Ser23 on the NF-M subunit by protein kinase A may play a regulatory role in neurofilament assembly and/or the organization of neurofilaments in the axon.  相似文献   

Rat sciatic nerve segments were incubated in five different media. Disappearance of neurofilament (NF) triplet proteins (200K, 160K, and 68K MW) occurred in medium containing Ca2+ and was inhibited by the addition of E-64-c or leupeptin. Therefore, the presence in the peripheral nerve of an enzyme whose properties are similar to those of Ca2+-activated neutral protease (CANP) is suggested. The extraction of crude CANP from rat sciatic nerve was performed. CANP activity was completely recovered (0.129 ± 0.008 U/g) in the precipitate salted out by the addition of 0 to 50% saturated ammonium sulfate to the soluble fraction of the peripheral nerve (crude CANP). Properties of the crude CANP were examined using NF as a substrate and were found to be similar to those of the CANP extracted from skeletal muscle. Identification of the crude CANP with the CANP extracted from rat skeletal muscle was performed using the immunoreplica method. Bands corresponding to 73K were detected in both CANPs.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation and proteolysis of squid neurofilament proteins by endogenous kinase and calcium-activated protease activities, respectively, were studied. When axoplasm was incubated in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP, most of the phosphate was incorporated into two neurofilament proteins: a 220-kilodalton (NF-220) and a high-molecular-weight (HMW) protein. When this phosphorylated axoplasm was subjected to endogenous calcium-activated proteolysis, two significant phosphorylated fragments were generated, i.e., a soluble 110K fragment and a pelletable 100K fragment. Immunochemical and other analyses suggest that the pelletable 100K fragment contains the common helical neurofilament rod region and that the soluble 110K protein is the putative side arm of the NF-220. In contrast, neither the HMW or the NF-220 was detected in the region of the stellate ganglion which contains the cell bodies of the giant axon. However, this region did contain a number of proteins that were sensitive to calcium-activated proteolysis and reacted with a monoclonal intermediate filament antibody. This intermediate filament antibody reacts with most of the axoplasmic proteins that copurify with neurofilaments, i.e., in the order of their intermediate filament antibody staining intensity, a 60K, 65K, 220K, and 74K protein. In the cell body preparation, the intermediate filament antibody labeled, in order of their staining intensity, a 65K, 60K, 74K, and 180K protein. In both the axoplasmic and cell body preparations, endogenous calcium-activated proteolysis generated characteristic fragments that could be labeled with the anti-intermediate filament antibody.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Proteins in Normal and Regenerating Goldfish Optic Nerve   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Within 6 h after radiolabeled phosphate was injected into the eye of goldfish, labeled acid-soluble and acid-precipitable material began to appear in the optic nerve and subsequently also in the lobe of the optic tectum, to which the optic axons project. From the rate of appearance of the acid-precipitable material, a maximal velocity of axonal transport of 13-21 mm/day could be calculated, consistent with fast axonal transport group II. Examination of individual proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis revealed that approximately 20 proteins were phosphorylated in normal and regenerating nerves. These ranged in molecular weight from approximately 18,000 to 180,000 and in pI from 4.4 to 6.9. Among them were several fast transported proteins, including protein 4, which is the equivalent of the growth-associated protein GAP-43. In addition, there was phosphorylation of some recognizable constituents of slow axonal transport, including alpha-tubulin, a neurofilament constituent (NF), and another intermediate filament protein characteristic of goldfish optic axons (ON2). At least some axonal proteins, therefore, may become phosphorylated as a result of the axonal transport of a phosphate carrier. Some of the proteins labeled by intraocular injection of 32P showed changes in phosphorylation during regeneration of the optic axons. By 3-4 weeks after an optic tract lesion, five proteins, including protein 4, showed a significant increase in labeling in the intact segment of nerve between the eye and the lesion, whereas at least four others (including ON2) showed a significant decrease. When local incorporation of radiolabeled phosphate into the nerve was examined by incubating nerve segments in 32P-containing medium, there was little or no labeling of the proteins that showed changes in phosphorylation during regeneration. Segments of either normal or regenerating nerves showed strong labeling of several other proteins, particularly a group ranging in molecular weight from 46,000 to 58,000 and in pI from 4.9 to 6.4. These proteins were presumably primarily of nonneuronal origin. Nevertheless, if degeneration of the axons had been caused by removal of the eye 1 week earlier, most of the labeling of these proteins was abolished. This suggests that phosphorylation of these proteins depends on the integrity of the optic axons.  相似文献   

Abstract: To understand the assembly characteristics of the high-molecular-weight neurofilament protein (NF-H), carboxyl- and amino-terminally deleted NF-H proteins were examined by transiently cotransfecting mutant NF-H constructs with the other neurofilament triplet proteins, low- and middle-molecular-weight neurofilament protein (NF-L and NF-M, respectively), in the presence or absence of cytoplasmic vimentin. The results confirm that NF-H can coassemble with vimentin and NF-L but not with NF-M into filamentous networks. Deletions from the amino-terminus show that the N-terminal head is necessary for the coassembly of NF-H with vimentin, NF-L, or NF-M/vimentin. However, headless NF-H or NF-H from which the head and a part of the rod is removed can still incorporate into an NF-L/vimentin network. Deletion of the carboxyl-terminal tail of NF-H shows that this region is not essential for coassembly with vimentin but is important for coassembly with NF-L into an extensive filamentous network. Carboxyl-terminal deletion into the α-helical rod results in a dominant-negative mutant, which disrupts all the intermediate filament networks. These results indicate that NF-L is the preferred partner of NF-H over vimentin and NF-M, the head region of NF-H is important for the formation of NF-L/NF-H filaments, and the tail region of NF-H is important to form an extensive network of NF-L/NF-H filaments.  相似文献   

We evaluated the validity of anti-D2-40 and anti-LYVE-1 (antibodies against lymphatic endothelium) for IHC diagnosis and semiquantification of lymphatic vessels in the dura mater of the intraorbital portion of the human optic nerve (ON). Fourteen specimens were analyzed using light microscopy within 12 hr postmortem. We found in all specimens that both D2-40 and LYVE-1 stained lymphatic vessels as well as venules and arterioles. Our findings show lymphatic vessels in the meninges of the intraorbital portion of the human ON. Anti-D2-40 and anti-LYVE-1 antibodies, however, are not found to be exclusively specific to the endothelial layer of lymphatics because they also stain the endothelial layer of venules and arterioles. For the unequivocal identification of lymphatics, additional morphological criteria are necessary. Nevertheless, D2-40 and LYVE-1 staining allows rapid identification of endothelial layers. (J Histochem Cytochem 56:1087–1092, 2008)  相似文献   

The predominant proteins (58K) of the intermediate filament complex in the goldfish visual pathway consist of a series of isoelectric variants. Previous biochemical studies have shown that proteins ON1 and ON2 are of neuronal origin, whereas ON3 and ON4 are of nonneuronal origin. Polyclonal antibodies, purified by affinity chromatography, that are specific for ON1 and ON2 or ON3 and ON4 have been used to localize histologically the ON proteins within the normal and crushed optic nerve. Anti-ON1/ON2 antiserum presented a pattern consistent with intraaxonal staining. A nonneuronal staining pattern was observed with anti-ON3/ON4 antiserum. The two patterns were distinct from and complementary to each other. The data suggest that ON3 and ON4 represent a novel glial fibrillary acidic protein. The results are discussed in terms of the function of these proteins in development, plasticity, and regeneration.  相似文献   

In vivo phosphorylation of axonal proteins was investigated in normal and regenerating optic nerves of goldfish by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. By 6-24 h after intraocular injection of H3(32)PO4, approximately 20 optic nerve proteins ranging in size from 19 to 180 kilodaltons and in pI from 4.4 to 6.8 were seen to have incorporated radiolabel. Five of these proteins showed a robust increase in incorporation of phosphate during regeneration. Among the latter was an acidic (pI 4.5) 45-kilodalton protein, which has previously been shown to be conveyed by fast axonal transport and to increase dramatically in its rate of synthesis during regeneration of goldfish optic axons.  相似文献   

The optic nerve of the bullfrog was transected and the regeneration process was investigated. We previously reported that alpha-tubulin mRNA in the retina increased to a maximum 1-2 h after optic nerve transection with no specific change in actin mRNA. In the present investigation, we examined the long-term effect of optic nerve transection. Northern blot analysis revealed that alpha-tubulin mRNA increased again gradually after the rapid and transient increase and actin mRNA increased to a maximum at 7 days (more than twofold compared to the control retinas). The period during which actin mRNA reaches a maximal increase almost corresponds to the time lag between the axotomy and the initiation of axonal outgrowth. The main cytoskeletons of neuronal growth cones have been shown to consist of actin-containing microfilaments. Therefore, the transient increase of actin mRNA may have a relationship to the initial outgrowth of axons. On the other hand, the rapid and transient increase of alpha-tubulin mRNA observed in our previous studies is probably one of the initial responses of retinal ganglion cells to the axotomy, and the gradual increase in alpha-tubulin mRNA observed in this study can probably be interpreted as provision of the structural materials necessary for axonal elongation.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term regulation of the phosphorylation of the mid-sized neurofilament subunit (NF-M) by kinases which were activated in rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells by nerve growth factor (NGF) and/or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). We found that NGF and TPA, alone or in combination, increased (a) the incorporation of [32P]Pi into NF-M and (b) the rate of conversion of NF-M from a poorly phosphorylated to a more highly phosphorylated form. This was not due to increased synthesis of NF-M, because NGF alone did not increase NF-M synthesis and TPA alone or TPA and NGF together inhibited the synthesis of NF-M. Further, an increase in calcium/phospholipid-dependent kinase (PKC) activity resulting from the treatment of PC12 cells with NGF and TPA was observed concomitant with the increased phosphorylation of NF-M. This PKC activity was determined to be derived from the PKC alpha and PKC beta isozymes. Finally, when PC12 cells were rendered PKC-deficient by treatment with 1 muM TPA for 24 h, NGF maintained the ability to induce an increase in NF-M phosphorylation, though not to the level attained in cells which were not PKC-deficient. These data suggest that NGF with or without TPA stimulates NF-M phosphorylation as a result of a complex series of events which include PKC-independent and PKC-dependent pathways.  相似文献   

The distribution of intermediate filament proteins in optic nerve and spinal cord from rat, hamster, goldfish, frog, and newt were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. General as well as specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were reacted against putative intermediate filament proteins. In vitro incubations of excised optic nerve in the presence of [35S]methionine distinguished between neuronal and nonneuronal intermediate filament proteins. The proteins of the intermediate filament complex in the two tissues for rat and hamster were similar. The typical neurofilament triplet and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were observed. Vimentin was more concentrated in the optic nerve than in the spinal cord. The goldfish, newt, and frog contained neurofilament proteins in the 145-150K range and in the 70-85K range. In addition, predominant neurofilament proteins in the 58-62K molecular-weight range were found in all three species. In contrast to mammalian species, the goldfish, newt, and frog displayed extensive heterogeneity between optic nerve and spinal cord in the expression of both neuronal and nonneuronal intermediate filament proteins. The distinctive presence of low-molecular-weight intermediate filament proteins and their high concentration in the optic nerve and spinal cord of these nonmammalian vertebrates is discussed in terms of neuronal development and regeneration.  相似文献   

The predominant intermediate filament proteins of the goldfish optic nerve have molecular weights of 58K. They can be separated into a series of four major isoelectric variants of neuronal (ON1 and ON2) and nonneuronal (ON3 and ON4) origin. The extent of homology between the goldfish 58K intermediate filament proteins themselves and to rat optic nerve vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was investigated. Unlabeled and [32P]orthophosphate-labeled proteins were subjected to partial hydrolysis by V8 protease, chymotrypsin, and CNBr. The results show that the goldfish intermediate filament proteins share with vimentin and GFAP a 40K chymotrypsin-resistant core fragment. Phosphorylated moieties appear to be located outside the core region since they are preferentially cleaved off by chymotrypsin and not found associated with the 40K core. In addition, the goldfish ON proteins contain the antigenic site within the core that is common to most intermediate filaments. V8 or CNBr digestion indicates that many fragments that are common to ON1 and ON2 are clearly distinct from fragments that are common to ON3 and ON4. In addition, structural variability is observed between the goldfish intermediate filament proteins and vimentin and GFAP. The results are discussed in terms of intermediate filament structure and their possible role in nerve growth.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactivity for the neurofilament protein triplet was investigated in neurons of the dorsal root ganglia of the guinea-pig by using a battery of antibodies. In unfixed tissue, nearly all neurons in these ganglia demonstrated some degree of neurofilament protein triplet immunoreactivity. Large neurons generally displayed intense immunoreactivity, whereas most small to medium-sized neurons showed faint to moderate immunoreactivity. Double-labelling immunofluorescence demonstrated that most antibodies to the individual subunits of the neurofilament protein triplet had the same distribution and intensity of labelling in sensory neurons. Increasing durations of tissue fixation in aldehyde solutions selectively diminished neurofilament protein triplet immunoreactivity in small to medium-sized neurons. Double-labelling with neurofilament protein triplet antibodies in combination with antibodies to other neuronal markers, such as neuron-specific enolase, substance P and tyrosine hydroxylase, showed that tissue processing conditions affect the degree of co-localization of immunoreactivity to the neurofilament protein triplet and to these other neuronal markers. These results indicate that, with a judicious manipulation of the duration of tissue fixation, neurofilament protein triplet immunoreactivity can be used in combination with other neuronal markers to distinguish groups of neurons according to their size and chemical coding.  相似文献   

The rodent visual system encompasses retinal ganglion cells and their axons that form the optic nerve to enter thalamic and midbrain centers, and postsynaptic projections to the visual cortex. Based on its distinct anatomical structure and convenient accessibility, it has become the favored structure for studies on neuronal survival, axonal regeneration, and synaptic plasticity. Recent advancements in MR imaging have enabled the in vivo visualization of the retino-tectal part of this projection using manganese mediated contrast enhancement (MEMRI). Here, we present a MEMRI protocol for illustration of the visual projection in mice, by which resolutions of (200 µm)3 can be achieved using common 3 Tesla scanners. We demonstrate how intravitreal injection of a single dosage of 15 nmol MnCl2 leads to a saturated enhancement of the intact projection within 24 hr. With exception of the retina, changes in signal intensity are independent of coincided visual stimulation or physiological aging. We further apply this technique to longitudinally monitor axonal degeneration in response to acute optic nerve injury, a paradigm by which Mn2+ transport completely arrests at the lesion site. Conversely, active Mn2+ transport is quantitatively proportionate to the viability, number, and electrical activity of axon fibers. For such an analysis, we exemplify Mn2+ transport kinetics along the visual path in a transgenic mouse model (NF-κB p50KO) displaying spontaneous atrophy of sensory, including visual, projections. In these mice, MEMRI indicates reduced but not delayed Mn2+ transport as compared to wild type mice, thus revealing signs of structural and/or functional impairments by NF-κB mutations.In summary, MEMRI conveniently bridges in vivo assays and post mortem histology for the characterization of nerve fiber integrity and activity. It is highly useful for longitudinal studies on axonal degeneration and regeneration, and investigations of mutant mice for genuine or inducible phenotypes.  相似文献   

Abstract: The biosynthesis of brain intermediate filament proteins [neurofilament proteins and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA)] was studied with cell-free systems containing either rat spinal cord polysomes (free polysomes or rough microsomes) and rabbit reticulocyte factors or wheat germ homogenate containing spinal cord messenger RNA. The products of translation were isoated by immunoaffinity chromatography and then analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DGE) followed by fluorography. The free polysome population was found to synthesize two neurofilament proteins (MW 145K, p15.4, and MW 70K, pl 5.3) and three isomers of GFA (α, β, and γ) that differ in isoelectric point. Wheat germ homogenate containing messenger RNA extracted from free cord polysomes synthesized two proteins that comigrated with neurofilament protein standards at 145K 5.4 and 70K 5.3; these proteins were partially purified by neurofilament affinity chromatography. The wheat germ system also synthesized the α, β, and γ isomers of GFA as characterized by immunoaffinity chromatographic purification and comigration with standards in 2DGE analysis. Our data are consistent with the conclusion that synthesis of neurofilament proteins requires multiple messenger RNAs. Also, synthesis of intermediate filament proteins occurs in the free polysome population; detectable amounts of these proteins were not synthcsized by the rough microsomes.  相似文献   

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