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Organic material transport in the New River, Virginia, was investigated over a 12 month period. Collections were made using drift nets and grab water samples from bridges at two sites about 210 km apart. About midway between the two sampling sites is a 1920 ha impoundment used for flood control and power generation. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) ranged 1–50 mg l–1 at Site 1, upstream from the impoundment, and 11–19 mg l–1 at Site 2 and was the most abundant form of organic matter at both sites during most periods of the year. Fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) ranged 1–45 mg l–1 at Site 1 and 1–9 mg l–1 at Site 2. Concentration of coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) ranged 0.1–0.7 mg l–1 at Site 1 and 0.1–0.2 mg l–1 at Site 2. On an annual basis, the organic matter loads at Site 1 and Site 2 were computed to be 67 000 and 76 800 T y–1, respectively, suggesting that the impoundment trapped and processed POM, and that municipal and industrial treatment facilities between the study sites supplemented DOM in the river.  相似文献   

A headwater river-reservoir system was studied from March–November, 1982 to determine effects of impoundment on seston quality. We used epifluorescent microscopy to compate and contrast microbial colonization of seston and abundance of free microbes. There was a significant relationship between colonization density and particle size at all sites. Smaller particles were colonized more densely by bacteria than larger particles. Total counts of bacteria (free plus attached) did not differ significantly beween sites. However there were significantly more free bacteria (# ml–1) in the reservoir and 5 km below the dam than upstream of the impoundment. Density of attached bacteria (# µm–2) was similar upstream and downstream of the reservoir but slightly higher at lentic sites. Proportionally, attached bacteria were more important upstream (mean 42–45% of total counts) than in the reservoir and downstream (19–31%). We concluded that reservoir seston was of higher quality than riverine seston and major downstream effects included decreases in seston concentration (due to sedimentation) and shifts in proportional abundance of free and attached bacteria. Seston consumers capable of using ultrafine particles (<25 µm), including free bacteria, had higher quality food resources below the dam than in upstream areas.  相似文献   

1. Dams, ubiquitous features in many lotic ecosystems, are believed to have many broad‐ranging and predominantly negative effects on stream biota. Whereas the impacts of larger dams are well studied, few studies have quantified effects of small dams on streams. 2. Recent surveys found numerous locations where mussels were abundant and larger in reaches immediately downstream from small dams. We examined mussel shell growth and resource conditions in Sandy Creek, a small (third‐order) tributary of the Tallapoosa River in east‐central Alabama (U.S.A.), to determine whether larger populations and individuals result from more rapid growth or longer lifespans of mussels downstream from the dam. 3. Growth rates for populations occurring immediately downstream from the dam (mill reach), c. 5 km downstream from the dam (downstream reach) and upstream from the impoundment (upstream reach) were compared with environmental conditions (seasonal measures of nutrient concentrations and water chemistry) and food availability [total suspended solids (TSS)]. Water temperature was continuously monitored using data loggers. 4. Analysis of length‐at‐age data using multiple growth models found that mill reach mussels grew faster than both up‐ and downstream populations. This dam appears to substantially increase water temperatures and may extend the shell growth period in the mill reach. TSS quantity varied seasonally between sites but was generally highest in the impoundment and mill reach during spring and autumn. TSS quality was highest in the upstream reach from spring through autumn but was highest in the impoundment and mill reach during winter. 5. Our data suggest that some small impoundments enhance conditions for freshwater mussel growth in downstream reaches. However, we do not know how far downstream this subsidy extends or how different species respond to mill dam augmentation. Regardless, mounting evidence suggests that this phenomenon is geographically and taxonomically widespread in eastern North America. Heretofore, undocumented positive effects of small dams suggest that some older dams may warrant protection or restoration if downstream reaches support imperilled mussel populations. Further, some small dams may prove useful conservation tools for natural resource managers attempting to identify sites for mussel culture facilities or translocation refugia.  相似文献   

Transport of coarse particulate organic matter in an Idaho river,USA   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ted R. Angradi 《Hydrobiologia》1991,211(3):171-183
I investigated organic matter transport in the Henry's Fork of the Snake River, Idaho, USA, from August 1987 to November 1988. Mean discharge during the study was 15 m3 s–1. Screens were used to sample very coarse (> 6 mm) transported aquatic macrophyte material (VCTMM). Drift nets were used to sample coarse (1–6 mm) and fine (0.25–1 mm) transported particulate organic matter (CTOM and FTOM). Mean monthly concentration of VCTMM was 0.064 mg AFDWl–1 and was significantly higher than CTOM (0.024 mg AFDW l–1) and FTOM (0.036 mg AFDW l–1). VCTMM concentration was highest in December (0.163 mg AFDW l–1) and lowest in May (0.018 mg AFDW l–1). The sample position along a transect across the channel had a significant effect on the amount of transported organic matter collected in many months. The concentration of debris from individual species tracked the standing stock of that species during the growing season. In Fall, a dramatic increase in VCTMM corresponded to a decrease in macrophyte standing stock. FTOM and CTOM concentrations were highest in January (CTOM: 0.048; FTOM: 0.111 mg AFDW l–1), lowest in November 1988 (<0.006 mg AFDW l–1), were not correlated with discharge, and were inversely correlated with the standing stocks of macrophytes upstream, probably because macrophyte beds influenced the retentiveness of the channel. Standing stock of aquatic macrophytes was highest in September–October (5.2 kg wet weight m –2) and lowest in February (1.7 kg wet weight m–2). Annual movement of particulate organic matter past the sampling point was about 45 000 kg AFDW, of which 21 000 kg was VCTMM, 8 000 kg was CPOM, and 16 000 kg was FPOM.  相似文献   

Meanders are complex aquatic environments exhibiting different flow and sediment characteristics that influence macroinvertebrate distribution. Differences in macroinvertebrate composition, freshwater mussel density (mainly Castalia ambigua Lamarck, 1819) and habitat variables were investigated, using uni‐ and multivariate analyses, in two zones, the margin and thalweg, of the meanders of a 7‐km stretch of a morphologically unaltered tropical alluvial lowland river. Clear differences were found between meander zones, with greater taxonomic and functional diversity of macroinvertebrates and greater freshwater mussel densities in the meander margin. A total of 12 families of macroinvertebrates were exclusive to the meander margin, and macroinvertebrate indicators of zones were Philopotamidae and Leptoceridae (meander margin) and Chironomidae and Elmidae (meander thalweg). In the meander margin, there were no differences in macroinvertebrate abundance, and taxonomic and functional group diversity among areas with low, medium and high mussel density. Macroinvertebrate abundance did not vary between zones, but in both, abundance was associated with lower pH and higher electrical conductivity. Low shear velocity, which stabilises the river bed, high organic matter content and percentage silt in the meander margin were associated with higher taxonomic and functional macroinvertebrate diversity, as well as the presence of freshwater mussels. Natural unaltered meanders are spatially heterogeneous in both habitat and biodiversity and, similar to restored meanders, support greater macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional diversity, as well as maintain freshwater mussel beds, mainly by stabilising the river bed. The meander margin may also be important for attracting mussel host fish that feed on macroinvertebrates and aid mussel dispersal. Thus, the meander margins, and other similar riparian habitats with low shear velocity, for example, side channels and pools, have potentially high conservation value and should be afforded due protection.  相似文献   

An annual organic matter budget for a 1700 m segment of Fort River (Massachusetts, USA) is presented. Primary production in this fourth order stream exceeds litter input annually, however ecosystem P/R is 0.5. Respiration in excess of gross primary production is supported by allochthonous organic matter imported from upstream reaches. The relative contribution of organic matter size fractions to stream consumers depends upon biologic lability, rate of input, and residence time in the ecosystem. Particles of seston size (1 μm to 1 mm) are most heavily used by consumers, however dissolved organic matter represents the largest input component. Microorganisms are the predominant consumers in this soft-water, nutrient-poor stream ecosystem. A conceptual model for assessing the processing efficiency of stream ecosystems is presented and discussed in terms of several headwater to estuary gradients.  相似文献   

The influence of physical habitat variables and suspended particulate organic matter (seston) on the distribution and production of eight species of larval Hydropsychidae was studied along a 6.4 km section of a southern Appalachian stream. Samples were collected at six stations encompassing stream orders 1–4 and an elevation range of 610 m. Multivariate analysis of covariance (using time as the covariable) and discriminant function analysis were used to examine habitat differences between the sampling stations due to the following variables: current velocity; coarse benthic detritus; substrate composition (by particle size); substrate heterogeneity; degree-days; and diel temperature fluctuation. The associations of these variables with the abundance (and production) of larval hydropsychids was also examined using the same statistical procedures. The six sampling stations represented three or four distinct habitats based on patterns of change in the variables along the stream continuum. Diel temperature fluctuation, median substrate particle size, the proportion of sand substrate, and substrate heterogeneity were most closely associated with the overall difference between the sampling stations. Hydropsychid species distribution along the stream system followed subfamily lines, i.e., Arctopsychinae and Diplectroninae were more abundant and productive in the upper 4.5 km of the stream, while Hydropsychinae were dominant in the lower 1.9 km. Diel temperature fluctuation was the habitat variable most highly correlated with patterns of hydropsychid abundance and production. The longitudinal pattern of species distribution, i.e., larger particle feeding Arctopsychinae being replaced downstream by smaller particle feeding Hydropsychinae, also coincided with the distribution of seston particle size classes along the stream. Mean seston particle size generally declined downstream, as particles <42 µm increased in relative abundance while those between 43 µm and 5 mm decreased. Temperature, seston, and substrate composition all undoubtedly exerted an important influence on the distribution and production of Hydropsychidae and other filter feeding insects in this stream. The validity and generality of these results depend upon the scope of the sampling effort. Conclusions drawn from data collected over the entire range (and limits) of a species' distribution are more sound than those based on data from a limited area.  相似文献   

We compared processing rates (k d) for leaves of the native willow (Salix exigua Nutt.) and cottonwood (Populus fremontii Wats.) to those of the non-native salt cedar (Tamarix chinensis Lour.) in the regulated Colorado River, U.S.A. Leaf packs of each species were incubated at Lees Ferry, approximately 26 km below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Leaf packs were processed at 2, 21, 46, 84 and 142-d intervals. Water temperatures remained relatively constant (10 °C, SE ± 1 °C) during the study. There were significant differences in processing rates between species, with P. fremontii showing the fastest breakdown. After 142 d, only 20% of the P. fremontii leaf mass remained, whereas 30% and 52% of leaf masses remained for T. chinensis and S. exigua, respectively. The k d value for P. fremontii was 0.0062 compared to 0.0049 and 0.0038 for T. chinensis and S. exigua, respectively. Invertebrate colonization was not significantly different between native and non-native plant species with oligochaetes the most abundant animal colonizing the leaf packs. Dual stable isotope analysis showed that leaf material was not the primary food for invertebrates associated with leaf packs. Processing rates for all leaf types were slow in the regulated Colorado River compared to rates reported in many other systems. This is likely due to the lack of caddisfly and stonefly shredders and perhaps slow metabolic rates by microbes.  相似文献   

The influence of the biochemical composition of particles originating from surface waters of the Gironde estuary on egg production rates of Eurytemora affinis zooplanktonic population was studied. In the high turbidity zone, suspended particulate matter had a low nutritional quality because the easily available organic fraction represented less than 15% of the overall particulate organic matter. In waters located seaward of the high turbidity zone, a slight increase in nutritional quality was observed. As a result, the sum of easily extractable organic macromolecules represented 15 to 33% of the overall particulate organic matter. The present study suggests that the low egg-production rate of Eurytemora affinis, occurring in the high turbidity zone, results from combined effects of temperature and bad feeding conditions in the area. Low copepod production can be explained by little phytoplankton growth due to light limitation and, therefore, restricted food availability, as well as difficulties in food selection, non-living particle may being dominant.  相似文献   

Food quality of the natural food (seston) from Lake Monte Alegre was evaluated throughout a series of life-table experiments with cladocerans from the same lake carried out in summer and autumn. Experiments were performed using cohorts of newborns originated from ovigerous females cultured for several generations in the lab or taken directly from the lake. For these tests of food limitation, juveniles of different species were submitted to one of the following treatments: (1) lake seston and (2) lake seston + green algae. The age at first reproduction, mean clutch size, total offspring and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) were estimated. Cladocerans responded to both seasonal changes in food resources and to additions of green algae. In summer, food levels were higher and cladocerans grew better than in autumn. The low fecundity and population growth rates of Daphnia gessneri, together with high C:P ratios (>500) in the seston in summer, suggested P limitation. The other cladocerans (Moina micrura, Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Simocephalus mixtus) were apparently less sensitive than D. gessneri to P-limitation in summer. However, energy limitation cannot be disregarded even in summer, although in a lower degree compared to autumn. In this season, the predominance of large diatoms and dinophyceans of low nutritional value and the low food concentration suggested both quantitative and qualitative food limitation. Phytoplankton composition, nutritional value and particle size appeared to be important factors in determining cladocerans reproduction rates with seston diets.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that temperate stream fishes alter habitat use in response to changing water temperature and stream discharge was evaluated over a 1 year period in the Neosho River, Kansas, U.S.A. at two spatial scales. Winter patterns differed from those of all other seasons, with shallower water used less frequently, and low‐flow habitat more frequently, than at other times. Non‐random habitat use was more frequent at the point scale (4·5 m2) than at the larger reach scale (20–40 m), although patterns at both scales were similar. Relative to available habitats, assemblages used shallower, swifter‐flowing water as temperature increased, and shallower, slower‐flowing water as river discharge increased. River discharge had a stronger effect on assemblage habitat use than water temperature. Proportion of juveniles in the assemblage did not have a significant effect. This study suggests that many riverine fishes shift habitats in response to changing environmental conditions, and supports, at the assemblage level, the paradigm of lotic fishes switching from shallower, high‐velocity habitats in summer to deeper, low‐velocity habitats in winter, and of using shallower, low‐velocity habitats during periods of high discharge. Results also indicate that different species within temperate river fish assemblages show similar habitat use patterns at multiple scales in response to environmental gradients, but that non‐random use of available habitats is more frequent at small scales.  相似文献   

1. Kroll, Hayes & MacCracken (in press) Concerns regarding the use of amphibians as metrics of critical biological thresholds: a comment on Welsh and Hodgson 2008 . Freshwater Biology, criticised our paper [ Welsh & Hodgson (2008) Amphibians as metrics of critical biological thresholds in forested headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest. Freshwater Biology, 53 , 1470–1488] proposing the use of headwater stream amphibians as metrics of stream status in the Pacific Northwest (PNW). They argued that our analysis of previously published data reflected circular reasoning because we reached the same conclusions as the earlier studies. In fact, we conducted a meta‐analysis to address new questions about the optimum values and thresholds (based on animal densities) for abiotic stream attributes that were found to be important to these amphibians in earlier studies. This is analogous to determining blood pressure thresholds or fat‐to‐weight ratios that facilitate predicting human health based on meta‐analyses of earlier data from studies that found significant correlations between these variables and relative health. 2. Kroll et al. argued that we should not make inference to environmental conditions across the PNW from data collected in California. We collected data from northern California and southern Oregon, the southern extent of the PNW. We made inference to the Klamath‐Siskiyou and North Coast bioregions, and argued that available research on these headwater species indicates that our results have the potential to be applied throughout the PNW with minimal regional adjustments. 3. Kroll et al. contended that we need reproductive success, survival estimates and density estimates, corrected for detection probabilities, to establish relationships between animal density and stream attributes. Reproductive success and survival estimates are important for demographic modelling and life tables, but they are not necessary to demonstrate meaningful relationships with abiotic conditions. Both corrected occupancy estimates and individual detection probabilities are unnecessary, and take multiple sampling efforts per site, or onerous mark release and re‐capture studies, respectively, to determine accurately. 4. Kroll et al. questioned the use of stream amphibians as a surrogate for measuring physical parameters, such as water temperature, claiming that measuring the physical parameters directly is more efficient. Here they misinterpreted the main point of our paper: stream organisms are integrators of what happens in a catchment, and carefully selected species can serve as surrogates for the biotic community and the relative condition of the network environment. 5. Kroll et al. claimed that we demonstrated weak inferences regarding ecosystem processes. We argue that by relating densities of stream amphibians with changes along abiotic environmental gradients that are commonly affected by anthropogenic activities, we are establishing biological links to gradients that represent important ecosystem processes and identifying biometrics that can be used to quantify the status (health) of these gradients.  相似文献   

Measurements of suspended matter, particulate organic carbon and dissolved organic carbon were made over a three year period at stations spanning 150 km of the tidal freshwater Hudson River. Suspended matter concentrations varied from year-to-year and were not related to freshwater discharge. The increase in suspended matter with depth in vertical profiles suggests that, during medium to low flow conditions, resuspension of bottom sediments was as important a source of sediment as loadings from tributaries. Particulate organic carbon showed significant variability among stations, and both autochthonous primary production and detrital organic matter are contributing to POC standing stocks. Dissolved organic carbon represented over half of the total organic carbon in the water column and showed little variation among stations.Examining downstream changes in transport showed that there was significant production of both suspended matter and POC within the study reach during the ice-free season. Tributary loadings within the study reach do not appear to be the cause of these increases in downstream transport. Dissolved organic carbon behaved conservatively in that there was no evidence for net production or net consumption within the river.The spatial/temporal patterns and analyses of transport suggest that suspended matter and POC, but not DOC, were controlled to a significant extent by processes occurring within the river and were not simply related to loadings from outside.  相似文献   

1. The single station diel oxygen curve method was used to determine the response of system metabolism to backfilling of a flood control canal and restoration of flow through the historic river channel of the Kissimmee River, a sub‐tropical, low gradient, blackwater river in central Florida, U.S.A. Gross primary productivity (GPP), community respiration (CR), the ratio of GPP/CR (P/R) and net daily metabolism (NDM) were estimated before and after canal backfilling and restoration of continuous flow through the river channel. 2. Restoration of flow through the river channel significantly increased reaeration rates and mean dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations from <2 mg L−1 before restoration of flow to 4.70 mg L−1 after flow was restored. 3. Annual GPP and CR rates were 0.43 g O2 m−2 day−1 and 1.61 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively, before restoration of flow. After restoration of flow, annual GPP and CR rates increased to 3.95 O2 m−2 day−1 and 9.44 g O2 m−2 day−1 respectively. 4. The ratio of P/R (mean of monthly values) increased from 0.29 during the prerestoration period to 0.51 after flow was restored, indicating an increase in autotrophic processes in the restored river channel. NDM values became more negative after flow was restored. 5. After flow was restored, metabolism parameters were generally similar to those reported for other blackwater river systems in the southeast U.S.A. Postrestoration DO concentrations met target values derived from free flowing, minimally impacted reference streams.  相似文献   

Data on macroinvertebrate functional groups and benthic and suspended organic matter were examined using polar ordination techniques to test for distribution patterns in relation to stream size along an extended section of the Salmon River, Idaho (U.S.A.). Responses over a 200-km 8th-order section were studied in autumn 1978 and the succeeding summer. Overall trends and those of individual parameters comprising the three categories studied were used to examine aspects of the River Continuum Concept of Vannoteet al. (1980). Community composition of functional groups changed in an orderly fashion as a function of stream size (measured as link magnitude) along the 8th-order section in autumn but not in summer.Likewise, the composition of transported and combined (benthic plus transported) organic matter was a statistically significant function of stream size in autumn but not in summer. Only selected, individual functional groups and organic matter parameters demonstrated significant river continuum patterns; again, these were more prevalent in autumn than in summer. We conclude that continuum relationships within a segment of a given order are discerned better through analysis of compositional trends based on polar ordination than a focus on individual parameters.  相似文献   

Activity profiles of bacterioplankton in a eutrophic river   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The significance of microbial diversity in processing dissolved organic matter (DOM) is largely unknown. We investigated the range of functional diversity in the bacterioplankton from a eutrophic river by profiling extracellular enzyme activities (EEA) and substrate-induced respiration (SIR) patterns.
2. The EEA profiles consisted of assays for 21 hydrolases, measured using fluorogenic substrates arrayed on 96-well microplates. Commercially available BiOLOG® GN and ECO plates, which contained 120 different substrates, were used for the SIR profiles.
3. The EEA data were more dynamic than the SIR. Five enzymes, leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminopeptidase, arginine aminopeptidase and β-glucosidase, showed consistently high activity; ten others were ubiquitous at lower activity levels; the remainder were detected intermittently. The SIR data showed less temporal variability. With one exception (citrate), the 20 substrates that generated the largest responses were all saccharides or their derivatives.
4. The EEA and SIR data did not generally correlate. Both methods were effective for ordinating bacterioplankton although, unlike the SIR, the EEA ordination followed a clear temporal trajectory.
5. Because the SIR profiles are based on a culture response, whilst the EEA profiles measure activity of the extant community, the latter appear to be more directly linked to the mechanics of DOM processing.  相似文献   

Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. We investigated linkages between fishes and fluvial geomorphology in 31 wadeable streams in the Etowah River basin in northern Georgia, U.S.A. Streams were stratified into three catchment sizes of approximately 15, 50 and 100 km2, and fishes and geomorphology were sampled at the reach scale (i.e. 20–40 times stream width). 2. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) identified 85% of the among‐site variation in fish assemblage structure and identified strong patterns in species composition across sites. Assemblages shifted from domination by centrarchids, and other pool species that spawn in fine sediments and have generalised food preferences, to darter‐cyprinid‐redhorse sucker complexes that inhabit riffles and runs, feed primarily on invertebrates, and spawn on coarser stream beds. 3. Richness and density were correlated with basin area, a measure of stream size, but species composition was best predicted (i.e. |r| between 0.60–0.82) by reach‐level geomorphic variables (stream slope, bed texture, bed mobility and tractive force) that were unrelated to stream size. Stream slope was the dominant factor controlling stream habitat. Low slope streams had smaller bed particles, more fines in riffles, lower tractive force and greater bed mobility compared with high slope streams. 4. Our results contrast with the ‘River Continuum Concept’ which argues that stream assemblages vary predictably along stream size gradients. Our findings support the ‘Process Domains Concept’, which argues that local‐scale geomorphic processes determine the stream habitat and disturbance regimes that influence stream communities.  相似文献   

Particulate elemental ratios (C:N, N:P and C:Chl a) of seston in hypersaline (70–90 g kg–1) Mono Lake, California, were examined over an 11-year period (1990–2000) which included the onset and persistence of a 5-year period of persistent chemical stratification. Following the onset of meromixis in mid-1995, phytoplankton and dissolved inorganic nitrogen were substantially reduced with the absence of a winter period of holomixis. C:N, N:P and C:Chl a ratios ranged from 5 to 18 mol mol–1, 2 to 19 mol mol–1 and 25 to 150 g g–1, respectively, and had regular seasonal patterns. Deviations from those expected of nutrient-replete phytoplankton indicated strong nutrient limitation in the summer and roughly balanced growth during the winter prior to the onset of meromixis. Following the onset of meromixis, winter ratios were also indicative of modest nutrient limitation. A 3-year trend in C:N and N:P ratios toward more balanced growth beginning in 1998 suggest the impacts of meromixis weakened due to increased upward fluxes of ammonium associated with weakening stratification and entrainment of ammonium-rich monimolimnetic water. A series of nutrient enrichment experiments with natural assemblages of Mono Lake phytoplankton conducted during the onset of a previous episode of meromixis (1982–1986) confirm the nitrogen will limit phytoplankton before phosphorus or other micronutrients. Particulate ratios of a summer natural assemblage of phytoplankton collected under nitrogen-depleted conditions measured initially, following enrichment, and then after return to a nitrogen-depleted condition followed those expected based on Redfield ratios and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Impoundment of rivers affects the mayfly (Ephemeroptera) fauna inhabiting such water bodies, especially with respect to their distribution and abundance. A two‐year study of the mayfly fauna and some of the physicochemical parameters of the Opa stream–reservoir revealed that there are two mayfly genera inhabiting it, Cloeon and Caenis. The number of Cloeon larvae collected was 10,930 while the number of Caenis larvae was 450. It was observed that although both genera occurred at all the sampling stations, their numbers were reduced in the stream below the dam due to increased water current velocity. There were significant differences in the abundance of Cloeon among the stations, but none for Caenis. Submerged aquatic plants and water current velocity were found to be the major factors responsible for the significant differences. There were significant correlations between the number of Cloeon larvae and pH as well as between dissolved oxygen concentration and Caenis. These findings are discussed with reference to inter‐specific differences in patterns of response to environmental parameters. A species‐specific approach is suggested for studies on the strategies that enable mayfly species maintain their populations in stressed and unstable aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Allochthonous inputs of detritus represent an important energy source for streams in forested regions, but dynamics of these materials are not well studied in neotropical headwater streams. As part of the tropical amphibian declines in streams (TADS) project, we quantified benthic organic matter standing stocks and organic seston dynamics in four Panamanian headwater streams, two with (pre-amphibian decline) and two without (post-decline) healthy amphibian assemblages. We also measured direct litterfall and lateral litter inputs in two of these streams. Continuous litterfall and monthly benthic samples were collected for 1 year, and seston was collected 1–3 times/month for 1 year at or near baseflow. Direct litterfall was similar between the two streams examined, ranging from 934–1,137 g DM m−2 y−1. Lateral inputs were lower, ranging from 140–187 g DM m−1 y−1. Dead leaves (57–60%), wood (24–29%), and green leaves (8–9%) contributed most to inputs, and total inputs were generally higher during the rainy season. Annual habitat-weighted benthic organic matter standing stocks ranged from 101–171 g AFDM m−2 across the four study reaches, with ∼4 × higher values in pools compared to erosional habitats. Total benthic organic matter (BOM) values did not change appreciably with season, but coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM, >1 mm) generally decreased and very fine particulate organic matter (VFPOM, 1.6–250 μm) generally increased during the dry season. Average annual seston concentrations ranged from 0.2–0.6 mg AFDM l−1 (fine seston, <754 μm >250 μm) and 2.0–4.7 mg AFDM l−1 (very fine, <250 μm >1.6 μm), with very fine particles composing 85–92% of total seston. Quality of fine seston particles in the two reaches where tadpoles were present was significantly higher (lower C/N) than the two where tadpoles had been severely reduced (P = 0.0028), suggesting that ongoing amphibian declines in this region are negatively influencing the quality of particles exported from headwaters. Compared to forested streams in other regions, these systems receive relatively high amounts of allochthonous litter inputs but have low in-stream storage. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

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