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Summary The Dutch potato cultivar Bintje has been transformed by Agrobacterium strain LBA1060KG, which contains two plasmids carrying three different DNAs (TL- and TR-DNA on the Agrobacterium rhizogenes plasmid and TKG-DNA on the pBI121 plasmid). Several transformed root clones were obtained after transformation of leaf, stem, and tuber segments, and plants were then regenerated from these root clones. The expression of the various marker genes [rol, opine, -glucuronidase (GUS), and neomycin phosphotransferase (NPTII)] was determined in several root clones and in regenerated plants. The selection of vigorously growing root clones was as efficient as selection for kanamycin resistance. In spite of the location of NPTII and GUS genes on the same T-DNA, 17% of the root clones did not show GUS activity. Nevertheless, Southern blot analysis showed that these root clones contained at least three copies of the GUS gene. Sixty-four per cent of the root clones contained opines. The expression of these genes, however, was negatively correlated with plant regeneration capacity and normal plant development. The differential expression of the marker genes in the transgenic potato tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction of freezing tolerance by abscisic acid (ABA) or cold treatment in suspension cultured cells of Solanum commersonii was studied. Both ABA (50–100 μ M ) at 23°C and low temperature (4°C) increased freezing tolerance in cultured Solanum commersonii cells from a LT50 (freezing temperature at which 50% cells were killed) of —5°C (control) to —11.5°C in 2 days. Cold-induced freezing tolerance reached its maximum at 2 days and remained constant throughout the cold acclimation period of 11 days. The freezing tolerance induced by ABA, however, showed a rapid decline 2 to 5 days after initiation of ABA treatments. Addition of ABA (100 μ M ) to the culture medium at the inception of low temperature treatment did not enhance freezing tolerance of the cells beyond the level attainable by either treatment singly. Poly(A+)-RNA was isolated from the respective treatments, translated in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell free system, and the translation products were resolved by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (ID-PAGE). Analysis of the in vitro translated products revealed changes in the abundance of approximately 26 products (encoding for polypeptides with M, of 14 to 69 kDa and pl of 4.90 to 6.60) in ABA-treated cells 12 h after treatment, and 20 (encoding for polypeptides with Mr of 12 to 69 kDa, with pl of 4.80 to 6.42) in cells exposed to 4°C for 12 h. There were only 5 novel translation products observed when the ABA-treated cells reached the highest level of freezing tolerance (2 days after the initiation of ABA treatment). Changes in translatable RNA populations during the induction of freezing tolerance in cells treated with either ABA or low temperature are discussed.  相似文献   

Free and conjugated abscisic acid (ABA) levels in stem-cultured plantlets of potato ( Solanum commersonii Dun, PI 458317) during cold acclimation were measured. The levels of free and conjugated ABA were measured by an enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with rabbit anti-ABA-serum. The use of immunoglobulin G fraction purified from rabbit antiserum and the methylated form of ABA resulted in an improved measuring range (0.01 to 10 pmol ABA) and precision (slope of logit-log plot, −1.35) of EIA, compared to the use of antiserum and free ABA. Estimates of the EIA were consistent with those resulting from a commercial EIA. Under a 4/2°C (day/night) temperature regime, the potato plantlets increased cold hardiness from −5°C (warm-grown control) to −10°C by the 7th day. During the same period, there were two transitory increases in free ABA, the first one three-fold from 1.5 to 5.3 nmol (g dry weight)−1 on the 2nd day and the second one five-fold from 1.5 to 7.6 nmol (g dry weight)−1 on the 6th day. Each increase in ABA concentration was followed by an increase in cold hardiness. There was no significant change in conjugated ABA content (4.2±0.6 nmol [g dry weight]−1) throughout the cold acclimation period. The lack of an interrelationship between levels of free and conjugated ABA suggested that the transitory increase in free ABA during cold acclimation was not a result of the conversion of conjugated ABA. The increase in free ABA due to biosynthesis of ABA during potato cold acclimation is discussed.  相似文献   

We intended to examine the expression of the T-cell growth factor (human interleukin-2) so that a binary vector, pSSK-1, carrying the IL-2 gene was constructed and transferred intoA. tumefaciens for the purpose of the transformation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Superior). All of theAgrobacterium-infected potato explants were regenerated to shoots in modified MS medium and 81% of them rooted on the medium containing kanamycin (200 mg/L). Southern and Northern analysis were performed to verify the transformation events. EL-ISA test indicated that IL-2 protein was produced from IL-2-transformed potatoes. These results suggested expression and production of the IL-2 protein from the transgenic potato.  相似文献   

Plants of Solanum tuberosum L. potato do not cold acclimate when exposed to low temperature such as 5°C, day/night. When ABA (45 M) was added to the culture medium, stem-cultured plantlets of S. tuberosum, cv. Red Pontiac, either grown at 20°C/15°C, day/night, or at 5°C, increased in cold hardiness from –2°C (killing temperature) to –4.5°C. The increase in cold hardiness could be inhibited in both temperature regimes if cycloheximide (70 M) was added to the culture medium at the inception of ABA treatment. Cycloheximide did not inhibit cold hardiness development, however, when it was added to the culture medium 3 days after ABA treatment.When pot-grown plants were foliar sprayed with mefluidide (50 M), ABA content increased from 10 nmol to 30 nmol g–1 dry weight and plants increased in cold hardiness from –2°C to about –3.5°C. The increases in free ABA and cold hardiness occurred only in plants grown at 20°C/15°C; neither ABA nor cold hardiness increased in plants grown at 5°C.The results suggest that an increase in ABA and a subsequent de novo synthesis of proteins are required for the development of cold hardiness in S. tuberosum regardless of temperature regime, and that the inability to synthesize ABA at low temperature, rather than protein synthesis, appears to be the reason why S. tuberosum does not cold acclimate.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone corresponding to a novel low-temperature-induced Arabidopsis thaliana gene, named lti140, was employed for studies of the environmental signals and the signal pathways involved in cold-induced gene expression. The single-copy lti140 gene encodes a 140 kDa cold acclimation-related polypeptide. The lti140 mRNA accumulates rapidly in both leaves and roots when plants are subject to low temperature or water stress or are treated with the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA), but not by heat-shock treatment. The low-temperature induction of lti140 is not mediated by ABA, as shown by normal induction of the lti140 mRNA in both ABA-deficient and ABA-insensitive mutants and after treatment with the ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone. The effects of low temperature and exogenously added ABA are not cumulative suggesting that these two pathways converge. The induction by ABA is abolished in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi-1 indicating that the abi-1 mutation defines a component in the ABA response pathway. Accumulation of the lti140 mRNA in plants exposed to water stress was somewhat reduced by treatment with fluridone and in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi-1 suggesting that the water stress induction of lti140 could be partly mediated by ABA. It is concluded that three separate but converging signal pathways regulate the expression of the lti140 gene.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to examine environmental control of expression, at the mRNA level, of cold-inducible genes and to test the relationship of the expression of the genes to cold acclimation. Barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Igri) at the three- to four-leaf stage were (a) grown in different temperature environments between 20/15°C and +4/-4°C or (b) transferred between 20/15°C and 6/2°C or (c) grown under drought or nutrient stress conditions. Frost hardiness (using a regrowth method) and mRNA levels for three cold-induced genes, blt4-9, blt14 and blt101, from meristematic crown tissue (vegetative shoot meristem plus subtending stem and associated root initials) were measured. Hardiness and levels of blt4-9, blt14 and blt101 mRNAs increased with lower growth temperatures, below a maximum inductive temperature. Prior temperature environment and plant age affected the rate of change in mRNA levels of these genes in response to a change of temperature environment. Hardiness was strongly correlated with mRNA levels of these genes in plants grown in different temperature environments. This correlation did not extend to plants exposed to drought or nutrient stresses. Implications are drawn for plant responses to a warmer climate.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of metabolite transporters in cold acclimation by comparing the responses of wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis thaliana (Heynh.) with that of transgenic plants over-expressing sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPSox) or with that of antisense repression of cytosolic fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPas). Plants were grown at 23 degrees C and then shifted to 5 degrees C. We compared the leaves shifted to 5 degrees C for 3 and 10 d with new leaves that developed at 5 degrees C with control leaves on plants at 23 degrees C. At 23 degrees C, ectopic expression of SPS resulted in 30% more carbon being fixed per day and an increase in sucrose export from source leaves. This increase in fixation and export was supported by increased expression of the plastidic triose-phosphate transporter AtTPT and, to a lesser extent, the high-affinity Suc transporter AtSUC1. The improved photosynthetic performance of the SPSox plants was maintained after they were shifted to 5 degrees C and this was associated with further increases in AtSUC1 expression but with a strong repression of AtTPT mRNA abundance. Similar responses were shown by WT plants during acclimation to low temperature and this response was attenuated in the low sucrose producing FBPas plants. These data suggest that a key element in recovering flux through carbohydrate metabolism in the cold is to control the partitioning of metabolites between the chloroplast and the cytosol, and Arabidopsis modulates the expression of AtTPT to maintain balanced carbon flow. Arabidopsis also up-regulates the expression of AtSUC1, and to lesser extent AtSUC2, as down-stream components facilitate sucrose transport in leaves that develop at low temperatures.  相似文献   

During cold acclimation of potato plantlets ( Solanum commersonii Dun, PI 458317), there are two transitory increases in free ABA content corresponding to a three-fold increase on the 2nd day and a five-fold increase on the 6th day (Ryu and Li 1993). During this period, plantlets increased in cold hardiness from −5°C (killing temperature, control grown at 22/18°C, day/night) to −10°C by the 7th day of exposure to 4/2°C (day/night). This increase in free ABA was not found when cycloheximide (CHI), an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis, was added to the culture medium 6 h before exposure to low temperatures. Plantlets treated with CHI did not acclimate to cold, maintaining a hardiness level (−5°C) similar to that of the 22/18°C-grown plantlets. When the CHI-treated plantlets were exposed to low temperatures for 3 days, transferred to CHI-free culture medium and grown at low temperatures, the plantlets showed a transitory increase in free ABA 2 days later. This increase was followed by the development of cold hardiness (−8°C). Application of CHI to the culture medium after 3 days of cold acclimation, when the first ABA peak and a partial development of cold hardiness (−8°C) had occurred, blocked the second transitory increase in free ABA and resulted in no further development of cold hardiness. These results suggest that de novo synthesis of proteins is required for these transitory increases in free ABA during cold acclimation of potato plantlets.  相似文献   

分析了6种木兰科植物对低温胁迫的生理响应及耐寒相关调控基因HSP90和WRKY33的差异表达,为木兰科植物抗寒机理的研究和抗寒品种的选育提供理论基础。结果表明,6种木兰科植物的低温LT50在-10.64—-22.06℃,从高到低依次为红花深山含笑、峨眉含笑、杂交含笑、阔瓣含笑、六瓣含笑和乐东拟单性木兰;低温过程中,6种木兰科植物叶片可溶性蛋白(SP)、游离脯氨酸(Pro)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物歧化酶(POD)活性呈先升高后降低的趋势,可溶性糖(SS)和丙二醛含量(MDA)则不断积累;筛选出REC、MDA、SP、SS和Pro作为6种木兰科植物抗寒性评价的关键指标;聚类分析将6种木兰科植物在抗寒性能上分为强、中、弱三类,分别为乐东拟单性木兰和六瓣含笑,阔瓣含笑、杂交含笑和峨眉含笑,以及红花深山含笑。对HSP90、WRKY33基因的差异表达分析表明,2个基因在6种木兰科植物中的相对表达量呈先升高后降低的趋势,在临近各树种LT 50时,2个基因的表达被强烈抑制且后期表达量不可逆。0℃时,2个基因的表达量差异不显著;-5℃时,2个基因开始被激活,表达量增加;-10℃时,HSP90、WRKY33基因在红花深山含笑叶片中的表达量较-5℃时分别下调了0.76倍和0.68倍,而在其他5个树种中的表达被进一步激活;-15℃时,HSP90和WRKY33基因在抗寒性中等的阔瓣含笑、杂交含笑、峨眉含笑中亦被强烈抑制,较-10℃时分别下调了0.38倍、0.33倍、0.32倍和0.71倍、0.72倍、0.74倍,在抗寒性强的乐东拟单性木兰和六瓣含笑中的表达被进一步激活;-20℃以后,2个基因在6个树种中的表达均被强烈抑制,但在抗寒性最强的乐东拟单性木兰中的表达量仍高于其他5个树种。抗寒基因的激活与表达是影响植物抗寒性的重要因素,抗寒性不同的树种对低温的应答机制明显不同。抗寒性越强的树种越能快速启动低温应答机制,激活抗寒相关基因的表达,进而调整生理生化活动以抵御和适应冷应力。不抗寒树种中抗寒基因的表达则受到抑制,降低了其对低温逆境的耐受能力。  相似文献   

Wound‐induced suberin deposition involves the temporal and spatial coordination of phenolic and fatty acid metabolism. Phenolic metabolism leads to both soluble metabolites that accumulate as defense compounds as well as hydroxycinnamoyl derivatives that form the basis of the poly(phenolic) domain found in suberized tissue. Fatty acid metabolism involves the biosynthesis of very‐long‐chain fatty acids, 1‐alkanols, ω‐hydroxy fatty acids and α,ω‐dioic acids that form a poly(aliphatic) domain, commonly referred to as suberin. Using the abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis inhibitor fluridone (FD), we reduced wound‐induced de novo biosynthesis of ABA in potato tubers, and measured the impact on the expression of genes involved in phenolic metabolism (StPAL1, StC4H, StCCR, StTHT), aliphatic metabolism (StCYP86A33, StCYP86B12, StFAR3, StKCS6), metabolism linking phenolics and aliphatics (StFHT) or acyl chains and glycerol (StGPAT5, StGPAT6), and in the delivery of aliphatic monomers to the site of suberization (StABCG1). In FD‐treated tissue, both aliphatic gene expression and accumulation of aliphatic suberin monomers were delayed. Exogenous ABA restored normal aliphatic suberin deposition in FD‐treated tissue, and enhanced aliphatic gene expression and poly(aliphatic) domain deposition when applied alone. By contrast, phenolic metabolism genes were not affected by FD treatment, while FD + ABA and ABA treatments slightly enhanced the accumulation of polar metabolites. These data support a role for ABA in the differential induction of phenolic and aliphatic metabolism during wound‐induced suberization in potato.  相似文献   

 Selfed and backcross progenies developed from tetraploid somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum (tbr) and S. commersonii (cmm) were characterized for nonacclimated freezing tolerance (NA) and acclimation capacity (ACC) (two independent genetic components of freezing tolerance) under controlled environments. The segregation covered 28% and 71% of the parental range for NA and ACC, respectively, with the distribution skewed toward the tbr parent. Therefore, ACC appeared to be relatively easier to recover in the segregating generation. Some first backcross progeny had greater freezing tolerance than the cultivated parent primarily through the increase in ACC. When grown in the field, the improved freezing tolerance observed in the selfed progeny under controlled conditions was confirmed. Among NA, ACC, and freezing tolerance after acclimation (AA, which is the cumulative performance of NA and ACC), AA exhibited the highest correlation coefficient with field frost tolerance. In addition to freezing tolerance, vine maturity and tuber traits including tuber yield, tuber number per plant, mean tuber weight, and specific gravity were also segregating. No significant correlation between undesirable tuber traits and freezing tolerance was detected. Vine maturity and freezing tolerance were significantly correlated, so more careful selection for earliness was necessary in incorporating freezing tolerance. Yield comparable or superior to the backcross parent Wis AG 231 and an early Canadian cultivar, ‘Sable’, was found in many backcross progeny and some selfed progeny. The observed high yield can be attributed to the increase in mean tuber weight as well as tuber number. Moreover, a high portion of progeny had a specific gravity higher than 1.085, and some greater than 1.1. The implications derived from this study in breeding for freezing tolerance and further use of these materials are discussed. Received: 22 August 1998 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

Stem node culture of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Sante was used to examine the phenotypical alterations due to different levels of endogenous cytokinins. The altered phenotype, which dramatically deviates from the control phenotype, was induced after treatment of plantlets with 1 m jasmonic acid. Plantlets grown on the medium supplemented with jasmonic acid were taller, with well developed root systems, expanded leaves, thickened stems, and they showed hyperhydric symptoms. Their cytokinin content was about half that of the control plantlets. Morphologic characteristics corresponding to transgenic plants that overproduce cytokinins, including release of axillary buds and inhibited rooting, correlated with the high cytokinin levels in control plants.Abbreviations JA jasmonic acid - Z trans-zeatin - ZR trans-zeatin riboside - ZRMP zeatin riboside 5-monophosphate - Z-9-G trans-zeatin N-9-glucoside - DHZ dihydrozeatin - DHZR dihydrozeatin riboside - DHZRMP dihydrozeatin riboside 5-monophosphate - DHZ-9-G dihydrozeatin 9-glucoside - iP iso-pentenyladenine - iPA iso-pentenyladenosine - iP-9-G iso-pentenyladenine 9-glucoside - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Abstract: Potato tubers ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje and Désirée) were stored for 12 months under three different storage conditions: 4 °C, 20 °C with sprout inhibitor and 20 °C without sprout inhibitor. Independent of the storage conditions, our results show that the increase of membrane permeability, as revealed by electrolyte leakage, is not correlated with the lipid saturation status. Moreover, there is no simple correlation between cold sweetening and membrane permeability or lipid saturation status. During storage at 20 °C without sprout inhibitor, the increase in membrane permeability is inversely correlated to sucrose accumulation, but this is not the case when tubers were stored with sprout inhibitors. Lipoxygenase (LOX) is often proposed as responsible for peroxidative damage to membrane lipids. The gradual peroxidation resulting in double bond index decrease is regarded as a cause of senescence sweetening. Our results revealed that the role of LOX in aging and senescence of potato tubers is far from clear. LOX activity and gene expression are not correlated with the fatty acids composition of the membrane. Moreover, LOX activity and fatty acid hydroperoxide content are low in older tubers, whatever the storage conditions or the varieties. On the basis of our results, the correlation between sugar accumulation (low temperature and senescence sweetening) and peroxidative damage occurring during storage of potato tubers is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In search of establishing a system for genetic transformation of Brazilian potato cultivars, Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the plasmid pGV1040, was used to transform leaf discs of three cultivars of local importance, i.e., Aracy, Baronesa and Mantiqueira. This plasmid contains marker genes for resistance to kanamycin and phosphinothricin plus the gene for the enzyme -glucuronidase. A two step regeneration/selection procedure produced shoots of potato cultivar Mantiqueira with in vitro resistance to kanamycin and to phosphinothricin. After transfer to the greenhouse, the potentially transgenic plants, sprayed with the herbicide Finale® (20% a.i.; Hoechst®) remained green as compared to control clones that died immediately afterwards. Southern blot analysis and histochemical and fluorimetric assay for -glucuronidase indicated that the gene coding for the enzyme was integrated in the potato genome and could be expressed in potato tissues. No success was obtained for transformation of cultivars Aracy and Baronesa using this procedure.Abbreviations NAA Naphthalene Acetic Acid - BAP Benzyl-aminopurine - GA3 Gibberellic Acid - PPT Phosphinothricin - PAT Phosphinothricin Acetyl Transferase  相似文献   

To examine the effect of the T-cell growth factor (human interleukin-2), we constructed a binary vector, pSSK-1, carrying the recombinant human interleukin-2 (rhlL-2) gene, and transferred it intoAsrobacterium tumefaciens. Using this construct, we then transformed potato explants(Solanum tuberosum cv. Superior), achieving 100% regeneration of shoots on a modified MS medium. Of the putative transformed shoots, 81% rooted and were selected on 200 ms/L kanamycin. Both Southern and northern analyses verified the transformation events. An ELISA test also indicated that the rhlL-2 protein was produced from rhlL-2-transformed potatoes. To determine whether this protein was biologically active in the potato cells, we performed a biological assay using the 11.-2 dependent cell line, CTLL-2. The suspension containing extract from the transformants showed significant proliferation of the 11.-2 dependent CTLL-2 cells, whereas cells did not proliferate in the nontransformed potato. We then grew the verified rhlL-2 transgenic potatoes in soil, and compared their performance with that of nontransgenic potatoes as well as those that had been transformed with GUS. Growth rates, as calculated from plant heights, were up to 50% higher than for either the nontrans-genic or the GUS-transformed potatoes. Similar patterns were found withArabidopsis thaliana plants treated in the same manner. All of these results suggest that rhlLo2 may function as a growth factor in potato.  相似文献   

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