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The application of freeze-substitution (FS) and freeze-drying (FD) techniques and the protein A-gold-antibody complex immunocytochemical methods are described. The two tissue-preparation techniques produced excellent ultrastructure and topographical fixation of antigens when compared with conventional tissue-preparation techniques. In the FS preparation, however, occasional extragranular immunolabeling was recognized. This may suggest the leakage of antigens from the secretory granules. The FD procedure was considered the best, since such labeling was almost negligible. The protein A-gold-antibody complexes are easily prepared and label the antigens clearly. If the protein A-coated gold particles are saturated with antibodies, there is no interaction between gold particles. Thus, multiple antigens can be determined even in single secretory granules. In fact, we demonstrated intragranular colocalization of immunoreactive oxytocin, labeled with 50-nm gold particles, and immunoreactive methionine-enkephalin, labeled with 15-nm gold particles, in the axonal terminals of the FD-prepared rat neurohypophysis. This study demonstrates the value of the use of gold-antibody complexes for immunocytochemical labeling on FS- or FD-treated tissues.  相似文献   

The amount of immunolabeling over a cell compartment of an average cell was estimated by use of an adaptation of the double disector method introduced by Gundersen. The first and last sections of a stack of ultra-thin sections formed a disector in which cell number could be estimated and related to a defined reference volume to give the cell density. Another stack section, selected at random, was immunolabeled and the number of gold particles associated with unit volume reference space (gold "density") estimated in quadrats placed systematically across the section. The ratio of gold density to cell density was used to estimate the number of gold particles lying over a chosen compartment of an average cell, N(gold)/N(cell). Such estimates required neither cell volume nor section thickness measurement and were reproducible. By combining the number of gold particles per cell with estimates of the number of protein antigens per cell, the number of gold particles associated with each antigen could be found (labeling efficiency).  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of a protein A-gold complex (pAg3) using 3 nm gold particles and its application for labelling of intracellular antigens on thin sections is reported. The 3 nm gold particle is the smallest metal particle currently available for cytochemistry and permits a higher resolution of the pAg technique. Furthermore, it can be used in double labelling experiments in conjunction with a pAg complex prepared from 15 nm gold particles. For double labelling, the pAg3 complex must be used for staining of the first antigen since otherwise a non-specific co-labelling of the two pAg complexes results.  相似文献   

The present study describes the ultrastructural localization of two important circulating schistosome antigens--the circulating anodic antigen (CAA) and the circulating cathodic antigen (CCA)--in livers of mice at various time intervals after infection with Schistosoma mansoni. For the demonstration of these antigens at the electron microscope level use was made of a direct, double immunogold labeling procedure, in which CAA-specific monoclonal antibodies, labeled with 5-nm gold particles, and CCA-specific monoclonal antibodies, labeled with 15-nm gold particles, were used. Both antigens were localized in granules and in inclusion bodies of Kupffer cells and granuloma macrophages and it was found that in these compartments the degree of 5- and 15-nm gold labeling increased with the duration of the infection. Sometimes gold particles were also encountered on the cell surface and in endocytotic vesicles of these cells, in endothelial cells, and in the space of Disse. From these data it was concluded that in the liver CAA and CCA were primarily accumulated in granules and inclusion bodies of Kupffer cells and granuloma macrophages. It is discussed whether at these locations both antigens are degraded by lysosomal enzymes and whether these antigens are complexed with antibodies.  相似文献   

Summary A triple ultrastructural immunogold staining method for the simultaneous demonstration of three surface antigens of peripheral blood mononuclear cells at the electron microscope level is described. A six-step pre-embedding immunoelectron microscopy procedure was developed, using commercially available reagents. The CD11b antigen was first detected, through a two-step (indirect) method with 40 nm-sized gold particles; after a blocking step, the HLA-DR surface antigen was subsequently detected, through a two-step (biotin-streptavidin) method with 20 nm-sized gold particles; the CD4 antigen was finally detected, through a one-step (direct) method, using 5 nm-sized gold particles. Electron microscopic examination revealed firstly the presence of a triple-labelled cell subpopulation, which showed gold granules of the three sizes simultaneously decorating the cell membrane. Thus, the cells of such a subset simultaneously expressed the three antigens investigated. In contrast, either gold particles of only one size or no gold particles were observed on the cell surface of other subpopulations. This technique is a model demonstrating the importance of varying the size of particles in pre-embedding gold immunoelectron microscopy for a better analysis of the expression of surface antigens in isolated cells.  相似文献   

A simple method is described allowing the enhancement of the visibility of small gold probes for the electron microscopy. This method, which allows the silver intensification of gold directly on epon-embedded ultrathin sections, was used for the electron microscopic localization of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) antigens in cultured cells derived from GR and BALB/cfRIII mouse mammary tumors. After the immunostaining with the preembedding protein A-gold technique, the ultrathin sections, placed on 200 mesh copper grids, were rehydrated and exposed to a photographic developer containing silver nitrate. During this physical development gold particles are incapsulated in growing shells of metallic silver, which gradually become more and more visible. We were able to obtain a heavy labelling of the viral particles, well visible even at low magnification, with a negligeable background staining. The present technique can be useful whenever it is necessary to use the smallest gold probes today available.  相似文献   

The detecting sensitivities of different-sized gold particles were compared in the localization of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in rat atria. The secondary antibodies were goat antirabbit labeled with 5, 15, 30, or 40 nm colloidal gold diluted 1:2 to 1:100 in Tris buffer. The relative quantity of alpha-ANP immunoreactivity in specific granules was determined by subtracting the number of gold particles in 1 micron 2 nongranule area from that in 1 micron 2 granule area measured with a computerized image analyzer. The optimal dilution that achieved the maximal contrast between specific and background label was influenced by the particle size. Optimal dilutions were 1:80, 1:30, 1:20, and 1:5 for 5, 15, 30, and 40 nm gold, respectively. At optimal dilutions, the maximal detecting sensitivity (MDS) was in inverse proportion to the gold particle size; however, this relationship is not entirely linear. The ratio among the MDSs of 5, 15, 30, and 40 nm gold particles was approximately 34:9:3:2. A double immunogold staining was performed to localize alpha- and beta-ANPs with 15 and 5 nm gold, respectively. Both antigens were detected in the same granules. If the ratios established from the single staining data were used, the ratio between the alpha- and the beta-ANP antigens in the same granules was approximately 2.8:1. The data obtained in this study provide a useful reference for applications of immunogold electron microscopy in a quantitative manner, particularly for double immunogold labeling.  相似文献   

Here we show that ultrathin cryosections of placental tissue can be used as a substrate in immunofluorescence experiments. A high degree of spatial resolution can be achieved in these preparations because there is essentially no out-of-focus fluorescence. Therefore, immunofluorescence microscopy using ultrathin cryosections provides a very useful method for determining the precise subcellular localization of antigens in tissues. In addition, ultrathin cryosections of placenta also serve as a substrate for correlative immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy using FluoroNanogold as the detection system. In correlative microscopy, the exact same structures in the same ultrathin section were observed by both fluorescence and electron microscopy. Using a particle counting procedure and electron microscopy, we compared the labeling obtained with colloidal gold and FluoroNanogold and found a higher number of particles with silver-enhanced FluoroNanogold than with colloidal gold.  相似文献   

Summary A simple method is described allowing the enhancement of the visibility of small gold probes for the electron microscopy.This method, which allows the silver intensification of gold directly on epon-embedded ultrathin sections, was used for the electron microscopic localization of Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus (MMTV) antigens in cultured cells derived from GR and BALB/cfRIII mouse mammary tumors. After the immunostaining with the preembedding protein A-gold technique, the ultrathin sections, placed on 200 mesh copper grids, were rehydrated and exposed to a photographic developer containing silver nitrate. During this physical development gold particles are incapsulated in growing shells of metallic silver, which gradually become more and more visible. We were able to obtain a heavy labelling of the viral particles, well visible even at low magmfication, with a negligeable background staining.The present technique can be useful whenever it is necessary to use the smallest gold probes today available.Supported by contract No. 85.02038.44 from the National Research Council, Rome, Progetto Finalizzato Oncologia  相似文献   

Quantitative immunoelectron microscopy uses ultrathin sections and gold particle labelling to determine distributions of molecules across cell compartments. Here, we review a portfolio of new methods for comparing labelling distributions between different compartments in one study group (method 1) and between the same compartments in two or more groups (method 2). Specimen samples are selected unbiasedly and then observed and expected distributions of gold particles are estimated and compared by appropriate statistical procedures. The methods can be used to analyse gold label distributed between volume-occupying (organelle) and surface-occupying (membrane) compartments, but in method 1, membranes must be treated as organelles. With method 1, gold counts are combined with stereological estimators of compartment size to determine labelling density (LD). For volume-occupiers, LD can be expressed simply as golds per test point and, for surface-occupiers, as golds per test line intersection. Expected distributions are generated by randomly assigning gold particles to compartments and expressing observed/expected counts as a relative labelling index (RLI). Preferentially-labelled compartments are identified from their RLI values and by Chi-squared analysis of observed and expected distributions. For method 2, the raw gold particle counts distributed between compartments are simply compared across groups by contingency table and Chi-squared analysis. This identifies the main compartments responsible for the differences between group distributions. Finally, we discuss labelling efficiency (the number of gold particles per target molecule) and describe how it can be estimated for volume- or surface-occupiers by combining stereological data with biochemical determinations.  相似文献   

The potential of ultrasmall gold particles for the light microscopical detection of leukocyte cell surface differentiation antigens was investigated. Suspensions and cytocentrifuge preparations of peripheral blood leukocytes were first incubated with monoclonal antibodies and then with goat antimouse antibodies coupled to colloidal gold particles of 1-nanometer diameter. Cytocentrifuge preparations were made from the cell suspensions. Silver enhancement was performed on all preparations. Then they were counterstained with May-Grünwald Giemsa and examined in light microscopy. The immunostaining appeared as fine dark granules on the surface membrane of the cells. Labeling conditions were determined which gave a dense specific immunostaining and a low background. High dilutions of the ultrasmall gold probe could be used to detect all antigen expressing cells in the samples. The labeling efficiency of the IGSS method with the 1 nanometer probe was comparable to that described earlier for 5 nanometer gold particles. Lymphocyte subsets enumerated with this method in normal peripheral blood were similar to those found with immunofluorescence microscopy. We concluded that one nanometer probes do not offer a major advantage in comparison with 5 nanometer probes for the study of cell surface antigens.  相似文献   

Summary The potential of ultrasmall gold particles for the light microscopical detection of leukocyte cell surface differentiation antigens was investigated. Suspensions and cytocentrifuge preparations of peripheral blood leukocytes were first incubated with monoclonal antibodies and then with goat antimouse antibodies coupled to colloidal gold particles of 1-nanometer diameter. Cytocentrifuge preparations were made from the cell suspensions. Silver enhancement was performed on all preparations. Then they were counterstained with May-Grünwald Giemsa and examined in light microscopy. The immunostaining appeared as fine dark granules on the surface membrane of the cells. Labeling conditions were determined which gave a dense specific immunostaining and a low background. High dilutions of the ultrasmall gold probe could be used to detect all antigen expressing cells in the samples. The labeling efficiency of the IGSS method with the 1 nanometer probe was comparable to that described earlier for 5 nanometer gold particles. Lymphocyte subsets enumerated with this method in normal peripheral blood were similar to those found with immunofluorescence microscopy. We concluded that one nanometer probes do not offer a major advantage in comparison with 5 nanometer probes for the study of cell surface antigens.  相似文献   

In quantitative immunoelectron microscopy, subcellular compartments that are preferentially labelled with colloidal gold particles can be identified by estimating labelling densities (LDs) and relative labelling indices (RLIs). Hitherto, this approach has been limited to compartments which are either surface occupying (membranes) or volume occupying (organelles) but not a mixture of both (membranes and organelles). However, some antigens are known to translocate between membrane and organelle compartments and the problem then arises of expressing gold particle LDs in a consistent manner (e.g., as number per compartment profile area). Here, we present one possible solution to tackle this problem. With this method, each membrane is treated as a volume-occupying compartment and this is achieved by creating an acceptance zone at a fixed distance on each side of membrane images. Gold signal intensity is then expressed as an LD within the membrane profile area so created and this LD can be compared to LDs found in volume-occupying compartments. Acceptance zone width is determined largely by the expected dispersion of gold labelling. In some cases, the zone can be applied to all visible membrane images but there is a potential problem when image loss occurs due to the fact that membranes are not cut orthogonal to their surface but are tilted within the section. The solution presented here is to select a subset of clear images representing orthogonally sectioned membranes (so-called local vertical windows, LVWs). The fraction of membrane images forming LVWs can be estimated in two ways: goniometrically (by determining the angle at which images become unclear) or stereologically (by counting intersections with test lines). The fraction obtained by either method can then be used to calculate a factor correcting for membrane image loss. In turn, this factor is used to estimate the total gold labelling associated with the acceptance zone of the entire (volume-occupying) membrane. However calculated, the LDs over the chosen (membrane and organelle) compartments are used to obtain observed and expected gold particle counts. The observed distribution is determined simply by counting gold particles associated with each compartment. Next, an expected distribution is created by randomly superimposing test points and counting those hitting each compartment. LDs of the chosen compartments are used to calculate RLI and chi-squared values and these serve to identify those compartments in which there is preferential labelling. The methods are illustrated by synthetic and real data.  相似文献   

A renewable, site-selective immobilization platform of microelectrode array (MEA) for multiplexed immunoassays has been initially developed using pencil graphite particles coated with gold layers as microelectrodes. The graphite particles available on the common pencil were utilized for directing the electro-deposition of gold layers with uniform microstructures which displayed a well-defined sigmoidal voltammetric response. In the concept-of-proof experiments, the resulting MEA platform was modified with functionalized monolayer, on which anti-human IgG antibodies could be stably immobilized in a site-selective way through binding chemistry to selectively capture human IgG antigens from the sample media. The subsequent introduction of anti-human IgG antibodies conjugated with 15 nm electro-active gold nanoparticles to recognize the captured IgG proteins resulted in a significant decrease in the interfacial electron-transfer resistance. High sensitive electrochemical quantification by gold nanoparticle-amplified impedance responses could thus be achieved. Experimental results show that the developed MEA sensor can allow for the detection of human IgG with wide linear range (0.05–100 ng ml−1) and sensitivity over 103 larger than that of the conventional, bulk gold electrode. The rapid regeneration of the used MEA platform can additionally be realized by a simple electrochemical treatment. The high selectivity of four individually addressable MEA platforms for multiple antigens in a single sample has been further demonstrated in the multiplexed immunoassay experiments. Such a site-selective immobilization strategy of MEA platform may open a new door towards the development of various simple, sensitive, cost-effective, and reusable biological sensors and biochips.  相似文献   

Labelling of colloidal gold with protein A. A quantitative study   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Colloidal gold complexes with protein A are extensively used in immunocytochemistry as secondary reagents for the localization of antigens. However detailed information on the process and extent of adsorption of protein A onto gold particles, the optimal condition of preparation and the stability of such complexes are lacking. The adsorption isotherm of 125I-protein A onto gold particles (11.2 nm in diameter) was studied quantitatively with gold sols buffered at pH 4-7. At low coverage of the particles, the isotherm was independent of pH. However in the presence of a large excess of protein A, the highest coverage was obtained with a gold sol buffered at pH 5.1, the isoelectric point of the protein. The association constant was decreased at high coverage of the particles. Maximum binding of the complex to immobilized IgG occurred with particles labelled with at least 9 molecules of protein A. The complex was stable under storage with up to 12 molecules adsorbed per particle. At high coverage (26 molecules per particle), a progressive loss of protein A was observed. The optimum condition for preparing the complex are reported.  相似文献   

Freeze-drying technique in electron microscopic immunohistochemistry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Postembedding immunocytochemical labeling was performed on sections of rat neurohypophysis prepared by either freeze-drying, vapor fixation and Spurr resin embedding, or conventional aqueous fixation and Spurr resin embedding. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OXT) were immunolabeled with protein A-gold-anti-AVP and protein A-gold-anti-OXT complexes, respectively. The freeze-drying procedure (FD) resulted in excellent preservation of ultrastructure and greater antigenicity than the conventional procedure (Con). More gold particles were seen over secretory granules in FD sections than in Con sections. In addition, in FD sections, the gold label was restricted to secretory granules while in Con sections, both the granules and the extragranular axoplasm exhibited label. The two antigens in FD sections could be labeled simultaneously with protein A-small gold particle-anti-OXT complex and protein A-large gold particles-anti-AVP complex. In this way the two antigens were seen to be present in secretory granules within different axon terminals. Thus FD preparations should be useful for demonstrating the presence of multiple antigens in the same granules of nerve terminals.  相似文献   

We describe a new automatic technique for the study of intracellular mobility. It is based on the visualization of colloidal gold particles by video-enhanced contrast light microscopy (nanometer video microscopy) combined with modern tracking algorithms and image processing hardware. The approach can be used for determining the complete statistics of saltatory motility of a large number of individual moving markers. Complete distributions of jump time, jump velocity, stop time, and orientation can be generated. We also show that this method allows one to study the characteristics of random motion in the cytoplasm of living cells or on cell membranes. The concept is illustrated by two studies. First we present the motility of colloidal gold in an in vitro system of microtubules and a protein extract containing a kinesin-like factor. The algorithm is thoroughly tested by manual tracking of the videotapes. The second study involves the motion of gold particles microinjected in the cytoplasm of PTK-2 cells. Here the results are compared to a study using the spreading of colloidal gold particles after microinjection.  相似文献   

The localization of scarce antigens in thin sections of biological material can be accomplished by pre-embedment labeling with ultrasmall immuno-gold labels. Moreover, with this method, labeling is not restricted to the section surface but occurs throughout the section volume. Thus, when combined with electron tomography, antigens can be localized in three dimensions in relation to the 3D (three-dimensional) ultrastructure of the cell. However, for visualization in a transmission electron microscope, these labels need to be enlarged by silver or gold enhancement. The increase in particle size reduces the resolution of the antigen detection and the large particles obscure ultrastructural details in the tomogram. In this paper we show for the first time that these problems can be avoided and that ultrasmall gold labels can be localized in three dimensions without the need for gold or silver enhancement by using HAADF-STEM (high angular annular dark-field-scanning transmission electron microscopy) tomography. This method allowed us to three-dimensionally localize Aurion ultrasmall goat anti-rabbit immuno-gold labels on sections of Epon-embedded, osmium-uranium-lead-stained biological material. Calculations show that a 3D reconstruction obtained from HAADF-STEM projection images can be spatially aligned to one obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM) projections with subpixel accuracy. We conclude that it is possible to combine the high-fidelity structural information of TEM tomograms with the ultrasmall label localization ability of HAADF-STEM tomograms.  相似文献   

The availability of 1-nm gold particles permits the use of a particulate label with standard pre-embedding electron microscopic immunocytochemical techniques. We have employed these particles to localize a synaptic vesicle protein, p65, and a growth-associated protein, GAP-43, in neuron cell cultures. To be detected by standard transmission electron microscopy, these ultra-small gold particles must be enlarged. We have applied a commercially available silver development kit (IntenseM), the method of Danscher, and a neutral pH development procedure which we developed to effect this enlargement. Although IntenseM permits development with good preservation of morphology, it is limited by lack of reproducibility and by variability of final particle size. The method of Danscher provides well-controlled and reproducible enlargement, but is limited with respect to preservation of ultrastructural details. The neutral pH development procedure reproducibly enlarges gold particles with superior preservation of morphology. The use of this development procedure in conjunction with 1-nm gold probes should permit precise ultrastructural localization of a variety of intracellular antigens.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural localization of four immunodominant antigens of Toxoplasma gondii was investigated quantitatively on thin sections and replicas by an immunogold technique using four monoclonal antibodies (Mab). On immunoblot Mab IV47, GII9, II38 and IE10 identified proteins of 28, 30, 45 and 66-70 kDa, respectively. Use of digital image analyzer and a semi-automatic procedure developed by us, the patterns of label distribution were compared in three cell structures: cell surface, submembrane area and rhoptries. On the whole cell surface, protein P28 and P30 were 2.5 and 4 times more abundant than P66-70 respectively. The protein P28 was essentially concentrated in the submembrane area with a labeling of 195.4 +/- 46.7 gold particles/microns 2 that follows a decreasing gradient from this area to the cell centre. In the rhoptries, all four antigens were detected, P45 and P66-70 being major with a labeling of 97.1 +/- 31.1 gold particles/microns 2 and 155.1 +/- 39.3 gold particles/microns 2 respectively. The results support the hypothesis that rhoptries are the essential site for antigen storage.  相似文献   

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