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The ability of Bacillus thuringiensis to produce septicaemia in Periplaneta americana and Blatta orientalis has been investigated. Spores and crystals from several wild-type strains as well as spores of a B. thuringiensis crystal-deficient mutant, were first orally administrated at high doses, and no significant mortality was recorded. Intrathoracic injection of spore suspensions in P. americana revealed that this species is not very susceptible to B. thuringiensis spores. B. orientalis, by contrast, was found to be very susceptible to B. thuringiensis, with a LD(50) of about 35,000 spores, that is similar to that reported on Lepidoptera challenged with parenterally injected B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

At 27 degrees C and 45% r.h. in the laboratory, the oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis (L.) developed to adulthood in seven to nine instars for males (66% had eight instars) and eight to ten instars for females (67% had nine instars) in mixed groups, with up to twelve instars for isolated females. Nymphal development lasted 185 +/- 2 days for males, 216 +/- 4 days for females, with 89% survival to adulthood. Adult longevity was significantly more for males than females in mixed groups. Virgin females lived for 135 +/- 6 days compared with 87 +/- 9 days for females kept with males. After an initial maturation time of 12.2-13.5 +/- 0.4 days for mated and unmated females, oothecae were produced, on average, every 6-7 (range 2-29) days. Ootheca viability was 68% from females kept with males, 32% from females kept apart from males. Numbers of nymphs emerging were 14.1 +/- 0.26 after 45 days from mated female oothecae 8.2 +/- 0.3 after 49 days from unmated females. With sexual reproduction the sex ratio of progeny reaching adulthood was 1.1 males per female (n = 443), whereas unmated females produced only female progency, which is consistent with parthenogenetic reproduction. Drawings of the ventral aspect of the terminalia are given to show features useful for instar determination and for distinguishing between male and female nymphs and adults of B. orientalis.  相似文献   

Nymphs of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis were exposed during the penultimate and final instars to vinyl tiles treated with the juvenile hormone analogue hydroprene. Adults moulting from these nymphs exhibited deformities such as twisted wings in both sexes and modified genitalia in females. Females with deformities were unable to produce viable oothecae. B.orientalis confined on tiles treated with hydroprene at rates of 25-100 mg/m2 did not reproduce. The treatment rate of 10 mg/m2 reduced fecundity and caused 47-57% of resultant adults to have deformities, but some adults reproduced successfully and population growth was not suppressed.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a laboratory study, groups of third-instar Blatta orientalis nymphs were reared to adulthood in arenas containing fenoxycarb (48 mg a.i./m2) treated ceramic or plywood tiles. The reproductive capacity of the emergent adults was assessed by pairing each individual with two untreated individuals of the opposite sex. Oothecal production, oothecal hatch and the numbers of nymphs emergent from each hatched ootheca were monitored. Exposure to 1-day-old deposits of fenoxycarb reduced adult emergence by 45–75% in comparison with an untreated control treatment. Substantial (>40%) mortality also resulted when nymphs were exposed to deposits up to 3 months old on plywood and up to 6 months old on ceramic. Exposure to fenoxycarb significantly extended the time taken to reach adulthood of males contacting 6-month-old deposits on both surfaces, and of females contacting 1-year-old deposits on ceramic. Adult females exposed as nymphs to fenoxycarb were unable to produce oothecae, except one female laid a non-viable ootheca. Untreated females paired with treated males produced large numbers of oothecae of normal appearance but very low viability, with only 0–7.1% hatching. With marked effects on both development and reproduction in B. orientalis , fenoxycarb is a promising agent for control of this species.  相似文献   

A new aporocotylid blood fluke is described, based on specimens from the ventricle of the Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis (Temminck et Schlegel), cultured in Wakayama and Nagasaki Prefectures, Japan. The new species is morphologically similar to the members of the genus Cardicola Short, 1953, but shows distinct differences in the body form, location of the testis and the orientation of the ootype. The body of the new species is long and slender, whereas other Cardicola species are small and generally lanceolate. The testis is mostly located posterior to the caeca and anterior to the ovary, occupying 31–45% of body length, in contrast to the known Cardicola species, whose testis is typically intercaecal. The ootype is oriented anteriorly, while in most congeners, it is directed posteriorly or horizontally. Phylogenetic analyses of this aporocotylid, together with Cardicola orientalis Ogawa, Tanaka, Sugihara et Takami, 2010 from the same host, were conducted based on DNA sequences of the ITS2 rDNA and the 28S region of ribosomal RNA. The analyses revealed that the new blood fluke belongs to the genus Cardicola despite the marked morphological differences. Thus, this aporocotylid is named Cardicola opisthorchis n. sp. and the generic diagnosis is emended in this paper. In addition, 100% identity among the ITS2 sequences from the present species, Cardicola sp. from T. orientalis in Mexico and Cardicola sp. from the northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus) in Spain suggests that C. opisthorchis n. sp. has a broad geographical distribution and that it infects both the Pacific and northern bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

Results are presented of a survey carried out by Rentokil Ltd on the distribution of the Oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis L. and the German cockroach Blattella germanica L. in the United Kingdom. The known ranges of both species are increased considerably by the findings of the survey, with several new vice-county records for Scotland (including the Western Isles), England and Wales. The frequency at which Blatta orientalis was observed in outdoor habitats may indicate that this species sometimes spreads to new areas without human assistance.  相似文献   

Appalachian species of Cryptocercus (Dictyoptera: Cryptocercidae) display considerable genetic variation, but little morphological variation has been reported. We employed light and scanning electron microscopy to investigate variation in male and female reproductive structures among four species of Cryptocercus. Our results indicated consistent, species-specific differences exist in the genitalia of the four species. Males exhibit moderate interspecific differences in the shape of the subgenital plate and third left phallomere hook. Females display consistent interspecific differences in the size of setae on the basivalvula and great differences in size, number, and pattern of setae on the base of the second valves. Together, the interspecific variation in female reproductive structures can be used to identify each of the four Cryptocercus species that occur in the Appalachian Mountains.  相似文献   

Twenty-six Rhizobium galegae strains, representing the center of origin of the host plants Galega orientalis and G. officinalis as well as other geographic regions, were used in a polyphasic analysis of the relationships of R. galegae strains. Phage typing, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) profiling, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiling and rep-PCR (use of repetitive sequences as PCR primers for genomic fingerprinting) with REP and ERIC primers investigated nonsymbiotic properties, whereas plasmid profiling and hybridisation with a nif gene probe, and with nodB, nodD, nod box and an IS sequence from the symbiotic region as probes, were used to reveal the relationships of symbiotic genes. The results were used in pairwise calculations of distances between the strains, and the distances were visualised as a dendrogram. Indexes of association were compared for all tests pooled, and for chromosomal tests and symbiotic markers separately, to display the input of the different categories of tests on the grouping of the strains. Our study shows that symbiosis related genetic traits in R. galegae divide strains belonging to the species into two groups, which correspond to strains forming an effective symbioses with G. orientalis and G. officinalis respectively. We therefore propose that Rhizobium galegae strains forming an effective symbiosis with Galega orientalis are called R. galegae bv. orientalis and strains forming an effective symbiosis with Galega officinalis are called R. galegae bv. officinalis.  相似文献   

Rickettsiella tipulae is an intracellular bacterial pathogen of larvae of the crane fly, Tipula paludosa (Diptera: Tipulidae) and has previously been claimed to represent an independent species within the genus Rickettsiella. Recently, this taxon has been reorganized and transferred as a whole from the α-proteobacterial order Rickettsiales to the γ-proteobacterial order Legionellales. Here we present the electron-microscopic identification of this rickettsial pathogen together with the first DNA sequence information for R. tipulae. The results of our 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic analysis demonstrate that the transfer to the order Legionellales is justified for R. tipulae. However, there is no phylogenetic basis to consider R. tipulae an independent species, but instead conclusive evidence substantiating its species level co-assignment with Rickettsiella melolonthae. Furthermore, implications of our results for a possible reorganization of the internal structure of the genus Rickettsiella are discussed.  相似文献   

The antennae of Lepidoptera Neopseustidae were examined with the scanning electron microscope. The studied species, Nematocentropus cfr. omeiensis, Neopseustis meyricki, Synempora andesae, Apoplania valdiviana and Apoplania penai possess nine types of antennal flagellum sensilla: multiporous large sensilla basiconica, multiporous thin sensilla basiconica, multiporous small sensilla basiconica, multiporous sensilla trichodea, multiporous sensilla coeloconica; uniporous sensilla chaetica; aporous sensilla chaetica, aporous stylus-shaped sensilla chaetica, aporous sensilla styloconica.The multiporous sensillum type here termed “multiporous large sensillum basiconicum” is unknown from other Lepidoptera and probably constitutes an autapomorphy of the family Neopseustidae. This sensillum type is remarkable by having a single base in female Apoplania and Synempora while in male Apoplania it has a bifid or trifid base, and in male Synempora it is composed of two or three incompletely separated hairs. This may be the first recorded example of a sexually dimorphic lepidopteran sensillum type. The stylus-shaped sensillum chaeticum is a primitive type which occurs only in some lower Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Summary Innervation of the antennal heart, an independent accessory circulatory motor in the head of insects, was investigated in the cockroach Periplaneta americana by use of axonal cobalt filling and transmission electron microscopy. The muscles associated with this organ are innervated by neurones located in a part of the suboesophageal ganglion, generally considered to be formed by the mandibular neuromere. Dorsal unpaired median (DUM) and paired contralateral neurones were stained. The axons of all these neurones run along the circumoesophageal connectives and through the paired nervus corporis cardiaci III into the corpora cardiaca. They pass through these organs forming fine arborizations there and exit anteriorly as a small pair of nerves which terminate at the antennal heart-dilator muscles. Numerous branches of these nerves extend beyond the lateral borders of the large transverse dilator muscle and terminate in the ampullar walls of the antennal heart. These neurosecretory fibres form neurohaemal areas which obviously release their products into the haemolymph, which is pumped into the antennae. The possible functions of the neurones associated with the antennal heart are discussed with respect to both, their role as a modulatory input for the circulatory motor and as a neurohormonal release site.  相似文献   

Virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin strain EAMa 01/121-Su against the German Cockroach, Blatella germanica (L.), was determined using four concentrations ranging from 4.2 x 10(6) to 4.2 x 10(9) spores per milliliter. The LD50 value was 1.4 x 10(7) spores per milliliter (56,000 spores per cockroach) and LT50 values were 14.8 days and 5.3 days for 4.2 x 10(8) and 4.2 x 10(9) spores per milliliter, respectively. An experiment was conducted to evaluate whether a fungal transmission could exist among infected and healthy cockroaches. Percentage mortality at a ratio of 1:10 of infected to unexposed cockroaches was 87.5% and LT50 was 12.2 days, which indicated the potential of this strain to be horizontally transmitted and to rapidly spread the infection in the insect population. The effect of a sublethal dose (ca. LD60) of M. anisopliae EAMa 01/121-Su strain, applied topically on German cockroaches, was studied by reciprocal crossing. Othecal production, oothecal hatchability, and nymphal production declined upon exposure to M. anisopliae EAMa 01/121-Su strain. The mean number of oothecae laid by female was progressively and significantly reduced by fungal treatment from second oviposition period onwards. Oothecal hatch of fungally challenged females was reduced by 46-49%, oothecal viability by 48-85%, and nymphal production by 22-35%. Only treated females showed an effect on oothecal production, oothecal hatch, and nymphal production, although oothecal hatch was also governed by treated males at a higher significance level. Our results on virulence and horizontal transmission of fungal conidia of M. anisopliae EAMa 01/121-Su strain and its sublethal reproductive effects on German cockroach females are discussed in terms of its potential to decrease the pest status of B. germanica in the short and long terms.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy of the cerci of a burrowing desert cockroach, Arenivaga sp., with particular emphasis on equilibrium receptors was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. Each cercus has two parallel rows of pendulous equilibrium receptors called tricholiths; the rows are parallel to the long axis of the cercus. The cerci and rows of tricholiths are orthogonally positioned with respect to the long axis of the insect at the posterior end of the abdomen and rotated laterally by about 25° from the horizontal plane. Tricholiths of each row are inserted in their sockets toward the midline of the cercus and their elliptical attachment to the gasket is parallel to the long axis of the cercus. The combination of these anatomical features constrains tricholith movements to 90° from the long axis of each cercus and accounts for the physiological findings that (1) interneurons receiving afference from tricholiths are maximally sensitive to displacements of the insect at 45°, 135°, 225°, and 315°, and (2) interneurons receiving input from the lateral rows respond to smaller displacements than those driven by medial rows (Walthall and Hartman 1981). First instar cockroaches have only one tricholith on each cercus. Subsequent molts result in the addition of tricholiths, usually paired. After six molts, the adult female bears six pairs; the adult male seven pairs of tricholiths. The additional afference is presumably required to drive the increasingly larger interneurons.  相似文献   

The presence of two species of Phthiraptera, Bovicola caprae (Gurlt, 1843) (Ischnocera: Bovicoliidae) and Solenopotes binipilosus (Fahrenholz, 1916) (Anoplura: Linognathidae), is reported for the first time from Pudu puda (Molina, 1782).  相似文献   

Observations on the vascular floral anatomy, carpel morphology and floral biology ofHeloniopsis orientalis are presented. The lower flowering pedicel has six large bundles which lack an enclosing sclerenchymatous sheath. At mid-pedicel, branch bundles originate via radial divisions from each of these bundles. Subsequently, there is a vascular ring of 12 bundles below the receptacle. The six smaller bundles which are derived from alternate pedicel bundles eventually establish all of the ventral gynoecium supply. The six larger bundles supply the tepals, stamens and dorsal gynoecial vasculature. The simple dorsals do not branch or fuse in their vertical ascent. The ventral and placental supplies are far more complex. Fusion occurs between paired sets of the six smaller pedicel bundles along the septal radii and results in a submarginal laminal ventral network. An independent ventral plexus is formed in each septum and from each plexus two septal axials, of which the innermost has a reversed xylem-phloem disposition, and four placental bundles are derived. Two placental bundles are associated with each septal axial. Basally the septa are fused centrally, but are freed at mid-gymoecial height. The broadly tri-lobed, tri-carpellate gynoecium is depressed terminally where the erect, hollow style with its capitate stigma is attached. Dorsal grooves are present: the fruit is loculicidally dehiscent. There are no septal glands due to complete lateral fusion of the septal wings. Basally each of the six equal tepals has a saccate nectary. The similarity in vascular anatomy and carpel morphology of the AsianHeloniopsis and eastern North American endemic,Helonias bullata, justifies their position in the same tribe. Research and publication supported in part by the M. Graham Netting Research Fund through a grant from the Cordelia Scaife May Charitable Trust, the U. S.—Japan Cooperative Science Program Grant GF-41367, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and Grant-in-Aid No. 934053 from the Ministry of Education, Japan.  相似文献   

Diterpenoids from the pericarp of Platycladus orientalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang YZ  Tang CP  Ke CQ  Weiss HC  Gesing ER  Ye Y 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(2):518-526
Eight labdane-type diterpenes, 7beta,13S-dihydroxylabda-8(17),14-dien-19-oic acid (1), 12R,15-dihydroxylabda-8(17),13E-dien-19-oic acid (3c), 12R,15-dihydroxylabda-8(17),13Z-dien-19-oic acid (3d), 12R,13R,14S-trihydroxylabda-12,15-epoxy-8(17)-en-19-oic acid (4a), 12S,13S,14R-trihydroxylabda-12,15-epoxy-8(17)-en-19-oic acid (4b), 15-hydroxy-12-oxolabda-8(17),13E-dien-19-oic acid (5), 14R,15-dihydroxylabda-8(17),12Z-dien-19-oic acid (7a) and 14S,15-dihydroxylabda-8(17),12Z-dien-19-oic acid (7b), along with 20 known diterpenoids, were isolated from the pericarp of Platycladus orientalis. Their structures were unambiguously elucidated by NMR spectroscopic and single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses, as well as via chemical correlation conversion. NMR spectroscopic data of known isomers 8c and 8d were reported as a supplement to existing data.  相似文献   

The medicinal leech is the most famous representative of the Hirudinea. It is one of few invertebrates widely used in medicine and as a scientific model object. It has recently been given considerable conservation effort. Despite all attention there is confusion regarding the taxonomic status of different morphological forms, with many different species described in the past, but only two generally accepted at present. The results of the phylogenetic analysis of a nuclear (ITS2+5.8S rRNA) and two mitochondrial gene sequences (12S rRNA, COI) suggest that the genus Hirudo is monophyletic. It consists, apart form the type Hirudo medicinalis and the East Asian Hirudo nipponia, of three other, neglected species. All of them have already been described either as species or morphological variety, and can readily be identified by their coloration pattern. The type species is in weakly supported sister relation with Hirudo sp. n. (described as variety orientalis) from Transcaucasia and Iran. Sister to them stands Hirudo verbana from southeastern Europe and Turkey, which is nowadays predominantly bred in leech farms and used as 'medicinal leech.' The North African Hirudo troctina is the sister taxon to this group of Western Eurasian species, whereas the basal split is between H. nipponia and the Western Palaearctic clade.  相似文献   

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