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Systematic Parasitology - Shortly after publication it was brought to authors’ attention that two of the cox1 sequences reported in the study, those of Neoechinorhynchus tylosuri...  相似文献   

One important component of almost all theoretical models in fishery is a fish transfer function. However, most of the current fish transfer functions have significant shortcomings. This paper contributes to the literature on fishery management by (1) showing some of shortcomings of commonly used fish transfer functions and proposing a new fish transfer function that is more appropriate to model net amount of fish transfer from one marine area to another; and (2) applying the proposed transfer function in an optimal harvest problem to assess the economic payoff from a switching reserve versus a fixed marine reserve. The findings indicate that a switching marine reserve appears to provide fishers with higher economic benefits than a fixed marine reserve. The payoff gain from a switching reserve appears to increase when the fish move less because of bio-ecological and territorial factors that impede the fish dispersal between marine areas.  相似文献   

We present a mitochondrial gene tree for representative species of all the genera in the subfamily Myobatrachinae, with special emphasis on Crinia and Geocrinia. This group has been the subject of a number of long-standing taxonomic and phylogenetic debates. Our phylogeny is based on data from approximately 780 bp of 12S rRNA and 676 bp of ND2, and resolves a number of these problems. We confirm that the morphologically highly derived monotypic genera Metacrinia, Myobatrachus, and Arenophryne are closely related, and that Pseudophryne forms the sister group to these genera. Uperoleia and the recently described genus Spicospina are also part of this clade. Our data show that Assa and Geocrinia are reciprocally monophyletic and together they form a well-supported clade. Geocrinia is monophyletic and the phylogenetic relationships with the genus are fully resolved with two major species groups identified: G. leai, G. victoriana, and G. laevis; and G. rosea, G. alba, and G. vitellina (we were unable to sample G. lutea). We confirm that Taudactylus forms the sister group to the other myobatrachine genera, but our data are equivocal on the phylogenetic position of Paracrinia. The phylogenetic relationships among Crinia species are well resolved with strong support for a number of distinct monophyletic clades, but more data are required to resolve relationships among these major Crinia clades. Crinia tasmaniensis and Bryobatrachus nimbus form the sister clade to the rest of Crinia. Due to the lack of generic level synapomorphies for a Bryobatrachus that includes C. tasmaniensis, we synonymize Bryobatrachus with Crinia. Crinia georgiana does not form a clade distinct from other Crinia species and so our data do not support recognition of the genus Ranidella for other Crinia species. Crinia subinsignifera, C. pseudinsignifera, and C. insignifera are extremely closely related despite differences in male advertisement call. A preliminary investigation of phylogeographic substructure within C. signifera revealed significant divergence between samples from across the range of this species.  相似文献   

Osteological and myological characters of the genus Perryena are described and the phylogenetic position of the genus is inferred cladistically on the basis of 89 character transformation series, with Perryena representing a branch off a clade comprising the Tetrarogidae, Synanceiidae, Aploactinidae, Congiopodidae, Gnathanacanthidae and Pataecidae, following an initial divergence of the family Apistidae. Perryena is not closely related to Congiopodidae, despite its historical referral to that family. In keeping with the familial rankings given to successive branches of the remaining ingroup, the new family name Perryenidae is proposed for Perryena, here designated as the type genus of the family.  相似文献   

We report four new species of monorchiids infecting teleost fishes from Australian waters. Two new species of Paralasiotocus Wee, Cutmore, Pérez-del-Olmo & Cribb, 2020, Pa. abstrusus n. sp. and Pa. tectus n. sp., are described from haemulids of the Great Barrier Reef. The two species are morphologically cryptic and occur in sympatry but differ significantly in cox1 mtDNA and ITS2 rDNA sequence data. Paralasiotocus tectus n. sp. is found only in Plectorhinchus albovittatus (Rüppell) whereas Pa. abstrusus n. sp. infects Pl. albovittatus, Plectorhinchus flavomaculatus (Cuvier) and Plectorhinchus lineatus (Linnaeus). The two species differ from all known species of Paralasiotocus in the possession of a clear gap in the spines of the terminal organ. A new species is described from a mullid, Parupeneus spilurus (Bleeker), from off Heron Island and Moreton Bay. The new species is morphologically broadly consistent with the concept of Paralasiotocus in the possession of an unspined genital atrium, bipartite terminal organ, and lobed ovary. However, it possesses a highly lobed cirrus and is phylogenetically widely separated from the two species of Paralasiotocus characterized here, and thus we propose Lobucirruatus infloresco n. g., n. sp. Proctotrema prominens n. sp., is described from Pl. albovittatus. It is differentiated from all other species of Proctotrema in the combination of a prominent metraterm, slightly fusiform body, slightly funnel-shaped oral sucker, elongate cirrus-sac, unlobed ovary, and caeca that terminate in the post-testicular region.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of subgenus Cyathophora and representatives of its closely related taxa within Allium were reconstructed based on nrDNA ITS and two plastid fragments (trnL-F and rpl32-trnL). The constructed phylogenies indicated that subgenus Cyathophora was not monophyletic and to be split in three parts positioned in different clusters. Allium kingdonii was unequivocally placed within subgenus Amerallium and formed an immediate sister relationship with New World Amerallium clade, suggesting an unexpected intercontinental disjunct distribution. For another, Allium trifurcatum was firmly nested within subgenus Butomissa next to A. tuberosum and A. ramosum, but it is distinctly different morphologically from the latter by thinly leathery bulb tunics, uniovulate locule and obviously 3-cleft stigma. Based on the geographic features, morphological and molecular evidences, two new sections, Kingdonia X.J.He et D.Q.Huang for A. kingdonii and Trifurcatum X.J.He et D.Q.Huang for A. trifurcatum, were proposed. The remaining three species of subgenus Cyathophora formed a well-defined clade, and the phylogenetic relationships among them recovered were consistent with previous findings. In addition, A. weschniakowii and A. subtilissimum were proven to be a member of subgenera Rhizirideum sensu stricto (s. str.) and Cepa, respectively, rather than subgenera Cepa and Polyprason previously proposed. Section Rhizomatosa represented by A. caespitosum should be subsumed within section Caespitosoprason of subgenus Rhizirideum s. str.  相似文献   

Zeacarpa leiomorpha is a crustose brown alga endemic to South Africa. The species has been tentatively placed in Ralfsiaceae, but its ordinal assignment has been uncertain. The molecular phylogeny of brown algae based on concatenated DNA sequences of seven chloroplast and mitochondrial gene sequences (atpB, psaA, psaB, psbA, psbC, rbcL, and cox1) of taxa covering most of the orders revealed the most related phylogenetic relationship of Z. leiomorpha to Nemoderma tingitanum (Nemodermatales) rather than Ralfsiaceae (Ralfsiales). Morphologically, Zeacarpa and Nemoderma share crustose thallus structure and multiple discoidal chloroplasts without pyrenoids in each cell, however, the formation of lateral unilocular zoidangia in tufts in loose upright filaments in Zeacarpa is distinctive in brown algae. Considering the relatively distant genetic divergence between the two taxa, comparable to that among families or orders in representative brown algae, in addition to the above‐mentioned unique morphological features, we propose the classification of Zeacarpa in a new family Zeacarpaceae in the order Nemodermatales.  相似文献   

HIN-200 proteins are interferon-inducible proteins capable of regulating cell growth, senescence, differentiation and death. Using a combination of in silico analysis of NCBI EST databases and screening of murine C57BL/6 cDNA libraries we isolated novel murine HIN-200 cDNAs designated Ifi206S and Ifi206L encoding two putative mRNA splice variants. The p206S and p206L protein isoforms have a modular domain structure consisting of an N-terminal PAAD/DAPIN/Pyrin domain, a region rich in serine, threonine and proline residues and a C-terminal 200 B domain characteristic of other HIN-200 proteins. Ifi206 mRNA was detected only in the spleen and lung of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice and expression was up-regulated by both types I and II IFN subtypes. p206 protein was predominantly expressed in the cytoplasm and addition of LMB, a CRM1 dependent nuclear export inhibitor, caused p206 to accumulate in the nucleus. Unlike other human and mouse HIN-200 proteins that contain only a single 200 amino acid domain, overexpression of p206 impaired the clonogenic growth of tumour cell lines. Thus, p206 represents the newest HIN-200 family member discovered. It has distinct and restricted pattern of expression however maintains many of the hallmarks of HIN-200 proteins including the presence of a characteristic 200 X domain, induction by interferon and an ability to suppress tumour cell growth.  相似文献   

A mesophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaeon, strain Z-7105T, was isolated from the bottom sediments of a collector in the vicinity of a soda lake Tanatar II (Altai, Russia). The cells were motile, irregular cocci 0.2–1.2 μm in diameter. The organism was an obligate alkaliphile, growing within a pH range from 8.0 to 10.2, with the optimum at pH 9.0–9.5. It was obligately dependent on carbonates, growing at 0.5 to 1.6 M total carbonates with the optimum at 0.7–0.9 M. Sodium ions were also obligately required at concentrations from 0.9 to 3.3 M Na+ (optimum at 1.4–1.9 M). The organism was halotolerant, but Clions were not required. Hydrogen and formate were used as electron donors. Acetate was required for anabolism. The DNA G+C content was 50.2 mol %. According to the results of its 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate belonged to the genus Methanocalculus, being the first known alkaliphilic member of this genus. Its similarity to the neutrophilic and halotolerant Methanocalculus species (M. halotolerans, M. taiwanensis, M. pumilus, and M. chunghsingensis) was 98.2–97.1%, which is within the interspecific range for this genus. The level of DNA-DNA hybridization between strain Z-7105T and the Methanocalculus type species M. halotolerans DSM 14092T was 32%. The genus Methanocalculus, including the new isolate and the previously described species, is distant from other genera of methanogens (<90% 16S rRNA gene similarity). Based on significant phenotypic differences and the results of phylogenetic analysis, including DNA-DNA hybridization, it is proposed to assign strain Z-7105T (=DSM 25006T, =VKM B-2765T) to the new species Methanocalculus natronophilus sp. nov., and to incorporate the genus into the new family Methanocalculaceae fam. nov.  相似文献   

Best known for aquatic colonial algae such as Hydrodictyon, Pediastrum, or Scenedesmus, the order Sphaeropleales also contains numerous coccoid taxa from aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Recent findings indicate that coccoid lineages in this order are very diverse genetically and may be the prevalent form, although their diversity is often hidden morphologically. This study characterizes coccoid algae recently discovered from desert soil crusts that share morphological and ecological features with the genera Bracteacoccus, Pseudomuriella, and Chromochloris. Analyses of a multi‐gene data set that includes members from all sphaeroplealean families are used to examine the monophyly of these morphologically similar taxa, which are shown instead to be phylogenetically distinct and very divergent. We propose new generic names for these lineages: Bracteamorpha, Rotundella, and Tumidella. In addition, we propose an updated family‐level taxonomy within Sphaeropleales that includes ten new families of coccoid algae to accommodate the newly presented genera and many incertae sedis taxa in the order: Bracteamorphaceae, Chromochloridaceae, Dictyococcaceae, Dictyochloridaceae, Mychonastaceae, Pseudomuriellaceae, Rotundellaceae, Schizochlamydaceae, Schroederiaceae, and Tumidellaceae.  相似文献   

A new species of Podocotyloides is described from Sillago bassensis caught off the coast of Western Australia. This is the second report of a species of this genus from Australian waters but the first of a new species. P. victori n. sp. is one of four species whose vitelline follicles extend into the forebody. It is distinguished from the other three species with vitelline follicles in the forebody by its relatively shorter forebody, smaller eggs and bipartite seminal vesicle. Pedunculotrema Fischthal & Thomas, 1970 is reduced to synonymy with Podocotyloides Yamaguti, 1934.  相似文献   

A new lectin, named UPL1, was purified from a green alga Ulvapertusa by an affinitychromatography on the bovine-thyroglobulin-Sepharose 4B column. The molecular mass of the algal lectinwas about 23 kD by SDS-PAGE, and it specifically agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes. The hemagglutinatingactivity for rabbit erythrocytes could be inhibited by bovine thyroglobulin and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Thelectin UPL1 required divalent cations for maintenance of its biological activity, and was heat-stable, and hadhigher activity within pH 6-8. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified lectin was determined(P83209) and a set of degenerate primers were designed. The full-length cDNA of the lectin was cloned byrapid amplification ofcDNA ends (RACE) method (AY433960). Sequence analysis of upll indicated it was! 084 bp long, and encoded a premature protein of 203 amino acids. The N-terminal sequence of the matureUPL1 polypeptide started at amino acid 54 of the deduced sequence from the cDNA, indicating 53 aminoacids lost due to posttranslational modification. The primary structure of the Ulva pertusa lectin did not showamino acid sequence similarity with known plant and animal lectins. Hence, this protein may be the paradigmof a novel lectin family.  相似文献   

The upper dentition of two Australian early Miocene mystacinids, Icaropsparadox and I. aenae, from Riversleigh, Queensland, are described for the first time. Also recognised is a late Oligocene mystacinid from Lake Palankarinna, South Australia. The new fossils help refine understanding about the evolutionary history of mystacinids in Australia, including their temporal and geographical range, possible dietary and roosting habits, and likely separation time of New Zealand mystacinids.  相似文献   

A novel mosquitocidal bacterium was isolated from marine soil. 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment depicted that this isolate belonged to the strain, Enterobacter cloacae VCRC-B519 (NCBI: KC119193). Biochemical studies such as bacterial growth, biomass production and protein (toxin) synthesis showed that the strain is plausibly useful for mosquito control. It showed an increasing pattern of toxicity for Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi and Aedes aegypti, without negative effects for non-targeted organisms Chironomus riparius, Daphnia cephalata and Notonecta glauca. The qualitative analysis of the E. cloacae showed that three polypeptides (M.wt: 25, 30 and 50 kDa) were associated to the toxicity observed. The characterisation of these polypeptides (M/S MALDI-TOF)showed that they are enzymatic in nature. Consequently, the peptide sequences are identified to be polysugar degrading enzymes (25 kDa), cell wall associated hydrolases (30 kDa) and amino peptidase (50 kDa). Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rDNA gene sequence of E. cloacae revealed the occurrence of homology with closely related Enterobacter species. Therefore, it is concluded that the marine bacterium (Enterobacter cloacae)is possibly of use for the biological control of mosquito immatures.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1616-1622
A putative haloalkane dehalogenase has been identified in a marine Rhodobacteraceae and subsequently cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme has highest activity towards the substrates 1,6-dichlorohexane, 1-bromooctane, 1,3-dibromopropane and 1-bromohexane. The crystal structures of the enzyme in the native and product bound forms reveal a large hydrophobic active site cavity. A deeper substrate binding pocket defines the enzyme preference towards substrates with longer carbon chains. Arg136 at the bottom of the substrate pocket is positioned to bind the distal halogen group of extended di-halogenated substrates.  相似文献   

Three mutanase (alpha-1,3-glucanase)-producing microorganisms isolated from soil samples were identified as a relatives of Paenibacillus. A mutanase was purified to homogeneity from cultures of each, and the molecular masses of the purified enzymes were approximately 132, 141, and 141kDa, respectively. The corresponding three genes for mutanases were cloned by PCR using primers designed from each N-terminal amino acid sequence. Another mutanase-like gene from one strain was also cloned by PCR using primers designed from conserved amino acid sequences among known mutanases. Consequently, four mutanase-like genes were sequenced. The genes contained long open reading frames of 3411 to 3915bp encoding 1136 to 1304 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequences of the mutanases showed relatively high similarity to those of a mutanase (E16590) from Bacillus sp. RM1 with 46.9% to 73.2% identity and an alpha-1,3-glucanase (AB248056) from Bacillus circulans KA-304 with 46.7% to 70.4% identity. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of the enzymes showed bacterial mutanases form a new family between fungal mutanases (GH family 71) and Streptomycetes mycodextranases (GH family 87).  相似文献   

An updated list is given of new bacterial names published in 1994, that are of interest for medical and/or veterinary bacteriologists.  相似文献   

Recent collections from marine and freshwater locations have enabled the investigation of diversity of Prasiola in Japan. Sequence data from the rbc L and tuf A markers revealed the presence of three marine species and one freshwater species. Prasiola delicata was confirmed to occur on Daikokujima, Prasiola calophylla was found for the first time in Japan from Hokkaido, and a species within the P. meridionalis/linearis/stipitata complex was found on both Hokkaido and Daikokujima. Collections from a range of populations of freshwater Prasiola, identified here as P. japonica, were found to be conspecific and identical in rbc L and tuf A sequences to freshwater collections from Nepal, Korea, and China.  相似文献   

Pseudophyllidea van Beneden in Carus, 1863, a well recognised order of tapeworms (Platyhelminthes: Eucestoda), is suppressed because it is composed of two phylogenetically unrelated groups, for which the new names Bothriocephalidea and Diphyllobothriidea are proposed. The new orders differ from each other in the following characters: (i) position of the genital pore: on the dorsal, dorso-lateral or lateral aspects and posterior to the ventral uterine pore in the Bothriocephalidea versus on the ventral aspect of segments and anterior to the uterine pore in the Diphyllobothriidea; (ii) the presence of a muscular external seminal vesicle in the Diphyllobothriidea, which is absent in the Bothriocephalidea; (iii) the presence of a uterine sac in the Bothriocephalidea, which is absent in the Diphyllobothriidea; and (iv) the spectrum of definitive hosts: mainly teleost fishes, never homoiothermic vertebrates in the Bothriocephalidea, versus tetrapods, most frequently mammals, in the Diphyllobothriidea, with species of Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra and Diplogonoporus parasitic in humans. The Diphyllobothriidea, which includes 17 genera in four families (Digramma is synonymised with Ligula), is associated with cestode groups that have a range of plesiomorphic characters (Haplobothriidea and Caryophyllidea), whereas the Bothriocephalidea, consisting of 41 genera grouped in four families, is the sister-group to the 'acetabulate' or 'tetrafossate' cestodes, which are generally regarded as having derived characters.  相似文献   

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