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Kritskyia n. g. is proposed for K. moraveci n. sp. from the urinary bladder and ureters of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824), a pimelodid fish from the reservoir of the Hydroelectric Power Station of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The new genus is most closely related to Acolpenteron Fischthal & Allison, 1940, from which it differs by having a male copulatory complex composed of a coiled cirrus and a bipartite accessory piece, a sinistral vagina, and an antero-ventrally concave haptor which possesses 14 ventrally directed marginal hooks, but lacks an anterior rim and 4A hooks.Research fellow Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, Brasil.  相似文献   

The female of Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) is described from the gills of the "jundiá," Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Pimelodidae), from fish ponds in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species has a falciform semipinnate terminal seta on the first exopod, which suggests phylogenetic affinity to 10 other congeners, all from fishes of the Amazon Basin. Based on general morphology, the new species shows great similarity to E. callophysus Thatcher and Boeger, 1984, a parasite of another pimelodid fish Callophysus macropterus. Ergasilus thatcheri n. sp., however, can be easily differentiated from E. callophysus in its possession of a more distal sensillum not located on a cuticular elevation, and a row of spinules on the inner margin of the second antennal segment (first endopodal segment).  相似文献   

We made a cytogenetic study of the fish Rhamdia quelen collected from the Bodoquena Plateau, an isolated national park region in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The diploid number was 2n = 58, with 36 metacentric + 16 submetacentric + 6 subtelocentric chromosomes. We found one to three B chromosomes, which were metacentric and submetacentric and of medium size, showing both intra- and interindividual variation. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was located in the terminal region of the short arm of submetacentric pair 20. Staining with CMA3 fluorochrome revealed the NOR location, while there was no evidence of fluorescent staining with DAPI. C banding revealed heterochromatin mainly in the terminal regions of the chromosome arms, including the NOR pair. In addition, metacentric pair 2 showed three heterochromatic blocks in the terminal portions and in the pericentromeric region. The B chromosomes appeared euchromatic. The CB + CMA3 staining combination demonstrated only one chromosome pair with fluorescence, probably the NOR-bearing one, while CB + DAPI gave various fluorescent signals, including metacentric pair 2, indicating that these heterochromatic regions are AT-rich in this population of R. quelen. The R. quelen population in this isolated region of Brazil is chromosomally distinct from that of other populations that have been studied.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) megachiropterorum sp. n. from the flying fox, Pteropus tonganus Quoy & Gaimard, from the Kingdom of Tonga, is described. The trypomastigotes measure 32 ± 1.74 (here and below S.D.) (27–37.5) × 3.6 ± 0.23 (3–4.5) μm and has a flagellum averaging in length 6.4 ± 0.92 (4.5–10) μm. Their nuclear index is 1.2 ± 0.16 (0.7–1.6) and their kinetoplastic index equals 6.2 ± 0.32 (5.5–7.1). This is the first report of a member of the subgenus Megatrypanum from bats outside the American and African continents and also the first record of a trypanosome from bats in the Pacific area.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus gvozdevi n. sp. (Gyrodactylidae: Monogenea) is described from the skin of the freshwater fish Noemacheilus dorsalis (Kessler) (Cobitidae: Cypriniformes) from Kazakhstan. This species is most closely related to G. pseudonemachili Ergens & Bykhovsky, 1967 in the shape and size of the anchors and both the ventral and dorsal bars, but can be distinguished from it by the shape and size of the hookproper of the marginal hooks.  相似文献   

Five helminths, including a new echinorhynchid acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus longiacanthus n. sp., are described based on specimens from the giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard caught in a small river, western Japan. The new acanthocephalan is distinguished from the other congeners in terms of hook arrangement (8–9 longitudinal rows with 5–6 hooks per row) on proboscis, maximum length of hook blade (81–95 μm in male, 150–190 μm in female), lemnisci being longer than proboscis receptacle, and small-sized eggs (80–83 μm). Two monogeneans, Pseudodactylogyrus anguillae (Yin & Sproston, 1948) and P. bini (Kikuchi, 1929), and two acanthocephalans, Acanthocephalus gotoi Van Cleave, 1925 and Southwellina hispida (Van Cleave, 1925), were also found; this new material is described. The monogeneans are notorious as invasive parasites spreading worldwide via anthropogenic transportations of anguillid eels, but in Japanese waters A. marmorata appears to be an indigenous host for these parasites. Anguilla marmorata is a new host record for the acanthocephalans A. gotoi and S. hispida.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily rhythm of locomotor activity in Rhamdia quelen (R. quelen). A total of 30 fish were enrolled in the study and were equally divided in 10 groups and maintained in 100 liters tanks. The locomotor activity was measured in fish maintained under the LD 12:12 photoperiod regime; thereafter, the LD cycle was reversed to DL in order to study the resynchronization and to explore the endogenous pacemaker. Subsequently, the fish were subjected to constant conditions of light to test whether or not locomotor rhythms are regulated by the endogenous circadian clock. The effect of increasing light length and intensity was studied on daily rhythm of locomotor activity of fish. Our results showed that the R. quelen is a strictly diurnal species, the rhythm of locomotory activity resynchronized quickly after inverting the LD cycle and persist under free course LL, suggesting a circadian origin. The light showed a significant masking effect often blocking the expression of the biological rhythm. The strictly diurnal behavior is controlled directly by the photoperiod and maintained even under very dim light (30 lux).  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus gemini n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) is described from the surface of the body and fins of the fish Semaprochilodus taeniurus (Steindachner) imported into Britain from the Venezuelan Amazon. The new species differs from other species of the genus, including those described from South and Central America, by having: (i) stout hamuli with straight shafts and diverging roots; (ii) marginal hooks with the sickle length larger than the width; (iii) a dorsal bar without a medial constriction; (iv) a rectangular ventral bar with short processes; (v) a triangular ventral bar membrane; and, most obviously, (vi) at least two generations which can develop two embryos simultaneously. This is the first known species of the genus Gyrodactylus from the Venezuelan Amazon and the first record of the subgenus Gyrodactylus (Gyrodactylus) from South America.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus longipes n. sp. (Monogenea, Gyrodactylidae) is described from the gills of farmed juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) from two sites located in Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina and represents the second species of Gyrodactylus to be described from S. aurata. Gyrodactylus orecchiae Paladini, Cable, Fioravanti, Faria, Di Cave et Shinn, 2009 was the first gyrodactylid to be described from S. aurata, from populations cultured in Albania and Croatia. In the current study, G. longipes was found in a mixed infection with G. orecchiae on fish maintained in Latina Province, Italy, thus extending the reported distribution of the latter throughout the Mediterranean. The morphology of the opisthaptoral hard parts of G. longipes is compared to those of G. orecchiae, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Gyrodactylus longipes is characterised by having larger, elongated ventral bar processes and long, triangular-shaped toe region to their marginal hook sickles which, by comparison, are rhomboid in G. orecchiae. The marginal hook sickles of G. longipes are almost double the size of G. orecchiae which allows for their rapid discrimination from each other in mixed infections. A comparison of the DNA sequence of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of G. longipes with the corresponding sequence from G. orecchiae and with those available in GenBank, supports the separate species status of G. longipes. Part of this study necessitated an overview of the existing Gyrodactylus fauna from Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina; a summary from each country is provided here to assist future investigations.  相似文献   

The jundiá (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy and Gaimard) is an endemic South American fish species. Because this species supports cold winters and grows faster during warm months, it has begun to be viewed as an ideal species for fish production in southern South America. In the present study, jundiá oocytes used were obtained by extrusion from females after hormone injection. Soon after hydration, the eggs were transferred to 50 L conic glass incubators, with constant and controlled water influx. Samples of fertilized eggs were transferred to Petri dishes and, examined under a stereoscopic microscope, were spherical, demersal, and non-adhesive with defined perivitelline space and resistant chorion. Cleavage stages occurred during the first 3.5 h. After hatching, larvae were transferred to 200 L glass fiber incubators. First signs of embryo movement were observed 21 h after fertilization; larval eclosion occurred 30.5 h after fertilization. Present findings may provide a basis for studies aimed at determining the complete ontogeny of jundiá and may be useful in eco-toxicological studies.  相似文献   


A new genus and a new species are described for nematodes removed from the genital tract of Athoracophorus bitentaculatus in New Zealand. Hugotdiplogaster neozelandia n. gen., n. sp. is different from other genera in the Diplogasteridae by the shape of the stoma and by possessing a very robust and large gubernaculum. It is the first time that a diplogasterid has been reported associated with a mollusc. The localisation of the nematode in the genital tract of slugs raises questions about its life cycle and effect on the host.  相似文献   

Henneguya rhamdia n. sp. is described in the gill filaments of the teleost fish Rhamdia quelen, collected from the Peixe Boi River, State of Pará, Brazil. This myxosporean produced spherical to ellipsoidal plasmodia, up to 300 microm in diameter, which contained developmental stages, including spores. Several dense bodies up to 2 microm in diameter were observed among the spores. The spore body was ellipsoidal (13.1 microm in length, 5.2 microm in width, and 2.5 microm in thickness) and each of the two valves presented a tapering tail (36.9 microm in length). These valves surrounded the binucleated sporoplasm cell and two equal ellipsoidal polar capsules (4.7 x 1.1 microm), which contained 10-11 (rarely 12) polar filament coils. The sporoplasm contained sporoplasmosomes with a laterally eccentric dense structure with a half-crescent section. Based on the data obtained by electron microscopy and on the host specificity, the spores differed from previously described Henneguya species, mainly in their shape and size, number and arrangement of the polar filament coils, and sporoplasmosome morphology.  相似文献   

The gyrodactylid monogeneans Gyrodactylus anarhichatis n. sp. and G. microanchoratus n. sp. are reported from the skin and fins of wild Atlantic wolf-fish Anarhichas lupus L. caught off the coast of northern Norway. G. anarhichatis n. sp. is also reported from farmed Atlantic wolf-fish and spotted wolf-fish A. minor Olafsen. G. anarhichatis n. sp. most closely resembles G. corti Mizelle & Kritsky, 1967, but is also similar to G. perlucidus Bychowsky & Poljansky, 1953 and G. errabundus Malmberg, 1970, while G. microanchoratus n. sp. differs from most other Gyrodactylus spp. by having marginal hooks longer than anchors and a peculiar lump on the marginal hook sickle toe pointing towards the sickle point.  相似文献   

A new species of Gyrodactylus was described on the body surface of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in China. Basing on morphological characteristics and ITS sequence, we identified the parasite as a new member of the Gyrodactylus-wageneri group. Morphologically, Gyrodactylus sp. nov. is greatly similar to “G. zebrae”, another species parasitic on zebrafish: both have moderately stout hamulus, marginal hook sickle with a prominent heel and toe, as well as a curved blade. However, distinct haptoral shape differences were detected between these two species. The dorsal bar is straight in Gyrodactylus sp. nov. but strongly curved in “G. zebrae”, and the sickle shaft in Gyrodactylus sp. nov. is approximately perpendicular to the base, but in “G. zebrae” it is slanted downwards. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequence also indicate that Gyrodactylus sp. nov. exhibits the highest similarity to “G. zebrae”: 95.7% sequence identity suggests interspecific differentiation. Phylogenetic analysis of the ITS1-ITS2 sequence showed that Gyrodactylus sp. nov. formed a sister clade with “G. zebrae”, and exhibited a relatively close phylogenetic relationship with G. kobayashii, G. gurleyi, and G. longoacuminatus, all of which parasitise on goldfish, Carassius auratus. To test the susceptibility of zebrafish and goldfish to the Gyrodactylus sp. nov., ten gyrodactylids were inoculated to the caudal fin of zebrafish and goldfish. The gyrodactylids exhibited the ability to attach themselves to the goldfish, and some gyrodactylids reproduced a few days after the inoculation. On day 9, however, the mean abundance sharply decreased to zero on goldfish and increased to more than 30 on zebrafish. The result suggested that golfish is an unsuitable host for Gyrodactylus sp. nov. Therefore, on the basis of morphology, molecular sequence similarity, and host susceptibility, we conclude that the gyrodactylid found on the zebrafish is a new species, which we named Gyrodactylus banmae.  相似文献   

A new species Gyrodactylus mulli sp. n. is described from the thorax fins of blunt-snouted mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus by the collections of B. E. Bychowsky made in 1947 near Karadag on the Black Sea. Gyrodactylus mulli sp. n. differs from G. alviga Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 (described from blunt-snouted mullet too) in having another morphotype of the marginal hooks. The new species differs from G. proterorhini Ergens, 1967, which has the identical type of the marginal hooks, in having longer membrane of the ventral connective bar, longer point of the anchors, shorter marginal hooks, and lesser size of the cirrus.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing taxonomic revision of the genus Heptapterus from the Laguna dos Patos and Uruguay River drainages and Atlantic coastal streams of southern Brazil and Uruguay, two new species closely related to Heptapterus mustelinus were identified. Both species are endemic to small tributaries of the Uruguay River. The two new species are distinguished from each other and from other species of Heptapterus by arrangement of cephalic and trunk laterosensory systems, number of vertebrae and number of dorsal, pectoral and anal-fin rays. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA (coI and cytb) sequence data further supports distinctiveness of the two new species.  相似文献   


Ascarophisnema hoiae n. sp. (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) is described from the stomach of the trumpeter whiting, Sillago maculata Quoy & Gaimard (Perciformes: Sillaginidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. It differs morphologically from the only other valid congener, A. tridentatum Moravec & Justine, 2010 in the shape of the sub-labium and in the lengths of the spicules and the morphology of their distal tips (bifid). It represents the first record of this genus from Australia and appears to be highly oioxenous, having been found only in this host species among 133 other species of fish examined at the same locality.


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