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ABSTRACT Fleshy fruit is a key food resource for both game and nongame wildlife, and it may be especially important for migratory birds during fall and for resident birds and mammals during winter. Land managers need to know how land uses affect the quantities and species of fruit produced in different forest types and how fruit production varies seasonally and as young stands mature. During June 1999-April 2004, we quantified fleshy fruit abundance monthly in 31 0.1-ha plots in 2 silvicultural treatments: 1) young 2-age stands with low basal area retention, created by shelterwood-with-reserves regeneration cuts (R; harvested 1998–1999); and 2) uncut mature closed-canopy stands (M) in 2 common southern Appalachian, USA, forest types (upland hardwood and cove hardwood [CH] forests). Over the 5-year study period, total dry pulp biomass production was low and relatively constant in both M forest types (x̄ = 0.5-2.0 kg/ha). In contrast, fruit production increased each year in R, and it was 5.0 to 19.6 times greater in R than in M stands beginning 3–5 years postharvest. Two disturbance-associated species, pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) and blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis), produced a large proportion of fruit in R but showed different patterns of establishment and decline. Huckleberry (Gaylussacia ursina) recovered rapidly after harvest and was a major producer in both silvicultural treatments and forest types each year. Several herbaceous species that are not associated with disturbance produced more fruit in CHR. Few species produced more fruit in M than in R. Fruit production by most tree species was similar between R and M, due to fruiting by stump sprouts in R within 1–3 years postharvest. Fruit availability was highest during summer and early fall. American holly (Ilex opaca), sumac (Rhus spp.), and greenbriar (Smilax spp.) retained fruit during winter months but were patchy in distribution. In the southern Appalachians, young recently regenerated stands provide abundant fruit compared to mature forest stands and represent an important source of food for wildlife for several years after harvest. Fruit availability differs temporally and spatially because of differences in species composition, fruiting phenology, and the dynamic process of colonization and recovery in recently harvested stands. Land managers could enhance fruit availability for many game and nongame species by creating or maintaining young stands within forests.  相似文献   

Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and other edible mushrooms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pleurotus ostreatus is the second most cultivated edible mushroom worldwide after Agaricus bisporus. It has economic and ecological values and medicinal properties. Mushroom culture has moved toward diversification with the production of other mushrooms. Edible mushrooms are able to colonize and degrade a large variety of lignocellulosic substrates and other wastes which are produced primarily through the activities of the agricultural, forest, and food-processing industries. Particularly, P. ostreatus requires a shorter growth time in comparison to other edible mushrooms. The substrate used for their cultivation does not require sterilization, only pasteurization, which is less expensive. Growing oyster mushrooms convert a high percentage of the substrate to fruiting bodies, increasing profitability. P. ostreatus demands few environmental controls, and their fruiting bodies are not often attacked by diseases and pests, and they can be cultivated in a simple and cheap way. All this makes P. ostreatus cultivation an excellent alternative for production of mushrooms when compared to other mushrooms.  相似文献   

Wildfires are an increasing threat to tropical rainforests, yet little is known about their effects on fruit production and forest wildlife. We examined the effects of both single and recurrent wildfires on fruit production and large vertebrate abundance in a central Amazonian terra firme forest for 3 years following a large fire event. The estimated mortality of 42 and 74% of stems ≥10 cm in once- and twice-burnt forest led to a substantial loss of fruiting tree basal area (29 and 62% were lost in once- and twice-burnt forest, respectively) and crown coverage of fruiting woody lianas (89 and 97% were lost in once- and twice-burnt forest, respectively). Some important tree families producing fleshy fruits were less abundant than expected in once- and twice-burnt forest, suggesting that tree mortality was non-random in terms of species composition. Asynchronous fruit production was affected, and burnt forest transects sustained a much lower fruiting basal area, and fewer fruiting species during the dry season period of fruit scarcity. The number of fruiting trees in once- and twice-burnt forest was higher than the number predicted from actual levels of tree mortality recorded in each fire disturbance treatment, suggesting some surviving trees which may have benefited from higher irradiance levels and lower competition for resources. Many large frugivores and other vertebrate species declined in response to single fires, and most primary forest specialists were extirpated from twice-burnt forest, which sustained a higher number of species associated with second growth and other disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

We identified species‐ and community‐level dietary characteristics for a species‐rich Amazonian parrot assemblage to determine relationships among dietary metrics and use of geophagy sites. Previous studies suggest that soil is consumed at geophagy sites in this region mainly to supplement dietary sodium. We accumulated 1400 feeding records for 16 parrot species over 2 yr and found that seeds, flowers, and fruit pulp featured prominently in diets, while bark, insects, and lichen were consumed in small quantities. Food availability across 1819 trees was measured, and we found that flower availability was highest in the dry season and fruit production peaked in the wet season, but that phenology patterns of the 20 most commonly foraged plant species suggest no serious food bottlenecks. Partitioning of available food resources among the 13 most commonly encountered parrots is suggested by an ordination analysis (DCA), which placed the large macaws (Ara) with the Amazona parrots at the ‘primary forest’ end of a dietary resource axis and four smaller species at the ‘successional forest’ end of the axis. Parrot species associated with successional forest also consumed less plant species overall. Furthermore, these parrot species consuming successional forest resources had higher claylick visitation rates than those consuming primary forest resources suggesting they derive the greatest benefits from soil consumption.  相似文献   



Various studies have shown that the population densities of a number of forest vertebrates, such as orangutans, are higher on Sumatra than Borneo, and that several species exhibit smaller body sizes on Borneo than Sumatra and mainland Southeast Asia. It has been suggested that differences in forest fruit productivity between the islands can explain these patterns. Here we present a large-scale comparison of forest fruit production between the islands to test this hypothesis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Data on fruit production were collated from Sumatran and Bornean sites. At six sites we assessed fruit production in three forest types: riverine, peat swamp and dryland forests. We compared fruit production using time-series models during different periods of overall fruit production and in different tree size classes. We examined overall island differences and differences specifically for fruiting period and tree size class. The results of these analyses indicate that overall the Sumatran forests are more productive than those on Borneo. This difference remains when each of the three forest types (dryland, riverine, and peat) are examined separately. The difference also holds over most tree sizes and fruiting periods.


Our results provide strong support for the hypothesis that forest fruit productivity is higher on Sumatra than Borneo. This difference is most likely the result of the overall younger and more volcanic soils on Sumatra than Borneo. These results contribute to our understanding of the determinants of faunal density and the evolution of body size on both islands.  相似文献   

The Caatinga dry forest poses a series of ecological challenges for mammals in general and primates in particular. The erratic rainfall pattern impacts on plant diversity and phenological patterns; from year to year there is marked variability in fruit production and failure to fruit is common. The harshness apparently accounts for the impoverished mammalian fauna. However, data on primate abundance, distribution, and possible environmental effects on primate density are lacking in this type of dry forest. I censused the primate community in 3 habitats of the Serra da Capivara National Park, Piaui, NE Brazil, over a total distance of 318 km. Overall, the abundance of primates in the Caatinga dry forest is very low as a consequence of low abundance of food resources both in space and time. Alouatta caraya (predominantly folivorous) occurs at extremely low density, and during the dry season are apparently confined to canyon areas, where trees retain their leaves. Callithrix jacchus has morphological feeding specializations for gum-eating, and gum is an important resource during food bottleneck periods. Nonetheless, Callithrix jacchus occurs at comparatively low densities. Group sizes for howlers and marmosets in the Caatinga are significantly smaller than in other forest types. Contrarily, Cebus apella libidinosus had an average group size within the range reported for Amazonian and Atlantic forests. Researchers consider the generalized diet of capuchins as the explanation for their similar abundance in different habitats, indicating relative independence from ecological constraints. However, I suggest that capuchin foraging style and cognitive abilities are important factors accounting for their unreduced group size and density even under extreme conditions.  相似文献   

We provide total vascular plant species counts for three 1-ha plots in deciduous, semi-deciduous and evergreen forests in central Bolivia. Species richness ranged from 297 species and 22,360 individuals/ha in the dry deciduous forest to 382 species and 31,670 individuals/ha in the evergreen forest. Orchidaceae, Pteridophyta and Leguminosae were among the most species-rich major plant groups in each plot, and Peperomia (Piperaceae), Pleurothallis (Orchidaceae) and Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), all epiphytes, were the most species-rich genera. This dominance of a few but very diverse and/or widespread taxa contrasted with the low compositional similarity between plots. In a neotropical context, these Central Bolivian forest plots are similar in total species richness to other dry deciduous and humid montane forests, but less rich than most Amazonian forests. Nevertheless, lianas, terrestrial herbs and especially epiphytes proved to be of equal or higher species richness than most other neotropical forest inventories from which data are available. We therefore highlight the importance of non-woody life-forms (especially epiphytes and terrestrial herbs) in Andean foothill forest ecosystems in terms of species richness and numbers of individuals, representing in some cases nearly 50% of the species and more than 75% of the individuals. These figures stress the need for an increased inventory effort on non-woody plant groups in order to accurately direct conservation actions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Early forest gap regeneration may be generated by postdisturbance seed rain and by seed, seedling or bud banks (i.e., resprouting). The relative importance of each process may depend on several factors (e.g., fruit/seed production, abundance and behavior of seed dispersers, gap characteristics, etc.). We experimentally compared the importance of seed-bank and seed-rain affecting early recruitment of seedlings in an Amazonian forest (Zafire Biological Station, Colombia), using soil transplants from forests to gaps and seed rain enclosures. We found that, during the 8-mo study, the seed-bank contributed with a larger number of individuals and species than seed-rain. The low seedling recruitment rates may be associated with reduced populations of animal seed-dispersers due to hunting and/or low levels of forest fruit production.  相似文献   

Stenocereus quevedonis (‘pitire’) is a columnar cactus endemic to central Mexico, grown for its edible fruit. Phenology, pollination biology and behaviour of flower visitors of this species were compared in six conserved and disturbed sites, hypothesising that: (i) pitire pollination is self‐incompatible, requiring animal vectors; (ii) higher incidence of radiation on plants in cleared forest may lead to a higher number of flowers per pitire plant and longer blooming season, and disturbing and differential spatial availability of flower resources may determine differential attraction of pollinators to conserved and disturbed areas; (iii) if pitire pollination system is specialised, reproductive success would decrease with pollinator scarcity, or other species may substitute for main pollinators. In all sites, pitire reproduction started in January, flowering peak occurring in April, anthesis duration was 15 h and predominantly nocturnal (9 h), pollen was released at 23:00 h, nectar was produced throughout anthesis, and breeding system was self‐incompatible. Flower production per plant was similar in disturbed and conserved sites, but flower availability was higher (because of higher tree density) and longer in disturbed sites. Pollination is nocturnal, the most frequent legitimate pollinator being the bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae; diurnal pollination is rare but possible, carried out by bee species. Fruit and seed set in control and nocturnal pollination treatments at disturbed sites were higher than in conserved sites. Frequency of L. yerbabuenae visits was similar among site types, but more visits of complementary nocturnal and diurnal pollinators were recorded in disturbed sites, which could explain differences in reproductive success.  相似文献   

van Dulmen  Arthur 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):73-85
The main objective of this investigation was to study the pollination characteristics of two types of Amazonian rain forest at plant community level. Seasonally inundated forest was compared with upland (tierra firme) forest. The study focused on plant species in the canopy. The pollination spectra show that in both forests most canopy trees and lianas are pollinated by small bees, large bees, butterflies or by small, relatively unspecialized insects. In the upland forest small bees are the most important pollinators (32% of all species of trees and lianas are pollinated by them), whereas large bees are predominant in the floodplain (22%). Other pollinators, like hummingbirds, bats, moths, and beetles are less common (>10%), but always somewhat more important in the flood plain than in the upland forest. Bees are the most common pollinators of epiphytes. In the flood plain forest, flies are also important as epiphyte pollinators (19%), whereas in the upland forest hummingbirds pollinate more epiphytes. The phenological patterns are quite similar in both the upland and the flood plain. We found a peak in flowering in the transition period between the wet and the dry season. Flowering activity was lowest during the wet season. Differentiation in sexual systems was correlated with life form. Dioecy and monoecy were found mostly among tree species. Most species of all life forms though were hermaphroditic. No difference with respect to the relative importance of sexual systems was found between the two forest types.  相似文献   

A survey of the biodiversity of wild macrofungi, including edible species yields, was carried out from 1 May to 30 September 2007 at four different forest types (in mainly Miang tea forest). The plots 100 m2, comprised a tea garden with a few planted canopy tree species (37.2% canopy cover), a cultivated sustainable tea forest (80.2% canopy cover), an abandoned sustainable tea forest (89.8% canopy cover), and an abandoned sustainable tea forest that had suffered fire damage (72.9% canopy cover). All visible mushrooms were collected during weekly forays. Macro-characters of the fungi were annotated and photographed by digital camera and the fungi were identified to genera and morphospecies (e.g. Agaricus sp.1, Agaricus sp.2). The fresh weight of wild edible mushrooms produced in the plots was also recorded during this period. The biodiversity of macrofungi in abandoned sustainable tea forest was highest with 115 species in 47 genera, followed by cultivated sustainable tea forest with 85 species in 42 genera and fire damaged abandoned sustainable tea forest with 48 species in 25 genera, while only 19 species belonging to 15 genera were found in the tea garden. Twenty-one species belonging to nine genera with a total of 60.9 kg of edible fungi were collected throughout this study. The fresh weight of edible mushrooms was recorded with the highest fresh weight (25.3 kg) collected from the abandoned sustainable tea forest, followed by 18.2 kg in the cultivated sustainable tea forest, while in the fire damaged sustainable tea forest 16.4 kg were collected and only 1 kg was collected in the tea garden. Abandoned sustainable tea forest contained a greater shade tree biodiversity and higher canopy cover than other plots. This area has a generally higher humidity, a greater ground litter cover, a greater number of microhabitats, a greater number of trees that can form mycorrhizal associations and this probably accounts for the higher diversity of macrofungi and production of edible mushrooms. The fire damaged sustainable tea forest had lower mushroom diversity and edible mushroom production possibly due to the loss of litter and lower tree diversity. The tea garden supported a poor diversity of mushrooms and almost no edible mushrooms. Shade tea forest (Miang tea forest) is a good method to produce tea in a sustainable way as it maintains diversity of mushrooms and other organisms and could be developed as an alternative to shade coffee.  相似文献   

Comprehending the size distribution within a population and grasping its connection to tree maturation (onset of reproductive phase) is pivotal for formulating sustainable management strategies and conserving numerous tree species. The objective of this study was to compare the structure and probability of fruit production of Carapa guianensis in two types of forest (varzea, or floodplain, vs. terra firme, or upland) in the northeastern Amazon, Brazil. The study was conducted in four permanent plots of 300 × 300 m (two for each type of forest). All individuals ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height (DBH) were mapped and measured for DBH, height, and canopy characteristics (shape and position), and liana infestation. Sixty-seven trees were inventoried in the upland forest and 297 in the floodplain forest. The trees were larger in the upland (33.36 ± 1.84 cm) than in the floodplain (21.92 ± 1.5 cm) and more than half (56%) of the upland trees and more than two thirds (67%) of floodplain trees were reproductive. The minimum diameter for fruit production in the floodplain (10.2 cm of DBH) was more than two times smaller than in the upland (25.5 cm of DBH). The probability of fruit production of a tree of the same size was twice as high in the floodplain compared with the upland, and trees with rounded canopies had a higher probability of fruit production in the upland. Our results showed that the probability of fruit production can be modeled with variables of tree size and canopy shape, and that intrinsic factors of the forests influence the reproductive maturity of C. guianensis which presents greater precocity and productive potential of seeds in the estuarine floodplain forest of the Amazon River.  相似文献   

Thymelaea velutina (Thymelaeaceae) is a dioecious shrub that presents a unique type of heterocarpy which consists of the simultaneous production of dry and fleshy fruits. It is endemic to the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) and is found both in dunes and mountain areas. The goal of this study was to identify which factors influence the production of both fruit types, examining the variation of their effects at a spatio-temporal scale (comparing two localities in different years). Specifically, we investigated (1) whether pollen limitation influences the type of fruit produced, and (2) the possible differences in seed size, mass, dispersal capacity, seed predation, germination patterns and seedling survival between fruit types. We also examined if the production of fleshy fruits was modified with the application of gibberellins to reproductive branches. Although fleshy fruits were consistently more abundant than dry ones at both populations, their proportion was significantly higher at the site with greater precipitation. The addition of either pollen or gibberellins did not affect the proportion of each fruit type. Seeds in fleshy fruits are consistently larger, heavier and more likely to be dispersed than seeds in dry fruits, but germinability, germination rate and seedling survival was similar among fruit types. Heterocarpy in this species is currently maintained as there is no apparent factor that exerts any strong selective pressure on either fruit type. The two fruit types might even have different `functions', one serving especially for dispersal and population expansion and the other for producing a seed bank that ensures an eventual germination.  相似文献   

Phenology of Tree Species in Bolivian Dry Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenological characteristics of 453 individuals representing 39 tree species were investigated in two dry forests of the Lomerío region, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The leaf, flower, and fruit production of canopy and sub–canopy forest tree species were recorded monthly over a two–year period. Most canopy species lost their leaves during the dry season, whereas nearly all sub–canopy species retained their leaves. Peak leaf fall for canopy trees coincided with the peak of the dry season in July and August. Flushing of new leaves was complete by November in the early rainy season. Flowering and fruiting were bimodal, with a major peak occurring at the end of the dry season (August–October) and a minor peak during the rainy season (January). Fruit development was sufficiently long in this forest that fruiting peaks actually tended to precede flowering peaks by one month. A scarcity of fruit was observed in May, corresponding to the end of the rainy season. With the exception of figs (Ficus), most species had fairly synchronous fruit production. Most canopy trees had small, wind dispersed seeds or fruits that matured during the latter part of the dry season, whereas many sub–canopy tree species produced larger animal– or gravity–dispersed fruits that matured during the peak of the rainy season. Most species produced fruit annually. Lomerio received less rainfall than other tropical dry forests in which phenological studies have been conducted, but rainfall can be plentiful during the dry season in association with the passage of Antarctic cold fronts. Still, phenological patterns in Bolivian dry forests appear to be similar to those of other Neotropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Information on the use of space, activity patterns, diet, and social interactions were recorded for a group of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) during 13 months at Tinigua National Park, Macarena, Colombia. In this region, fruit abundance changes throughout the year with a peak during March–April (beginning of the rainy season) and less fruit during September-November (end of rainy season). Woolly monkeys spent most of their time in mature forest where fruit abundance is higher than in opendegraded or flooded forests. Changes in habitat used by monkeys were coupled with changes in fruit supply across vegetation types. On an annual basis, woolly monkeys spent 24% of point samples locomoting, 36% resting, 36% feeding, and 4% on other activities. However, these proportions varied across the year depending on fruit availability. Based on instantaneous samples, the diet consisted mostly of fruits (60%), arthropods (23%), vegetative parts and flowers (17%), and other items (1%). Non-lactating females and juveniles spent more time eating insects than adult males and lactating females; however, significant differences between classes were detected only during the period of fruit scarcity. These differences are probably due to the high extent to which non-lactating females and juveniles were excluded from fruiting trees by males. The high proportion of arthropods in their diet is unusual for primates with large body size and is a possible factor influencing group cohesiveness in woolly monkeys. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Amazonian white-water (várzea) floodplains harbor many commercially important timber species which in Brazil are harvested following regulations of the Federal Environmental Agency (IBAMA). Although it is well-known that tree physiology, growth, and species distribution of Amazonian floodplain trees is linked to the heights and durations of the periodical inundations, information about timber stocks and population dynamics is lacking for most tree species. We investigated timber stocks and the population structure of four intensely logged tree species in a western Brazilian várzea forest on an area totaling 7.5 ha. Spatial distribution was investigated in all trees as a function of inundation height and duration and the distance to the river channel, and additionally for saplings (trees <10 cm diameter at breast height––DBH) as a function of the relative photosynthetically active radiation (rPAR). The diameter-class distribution in Hura crepitans and Ocotea cymbarum indicated that populations are subject to density variations that possibly are traced to small-scale flood variability. In all species, saplings concentrated at higher topographic elevations than the mature tree populations, which suggest that the physical ‘escape’ from a flooded environment is an important acclimation to flooding. While Ocotea cymbarum and Guarea guidonia were high-density wood species characterized by random dispersion and a pronounced shade-tolerance, Hura crepitans and Sterculia apetala presented lower wood density, aggregated dispersion, and were more light-demanding. All species presented exploitable stems according to the current harvest regulations, with elevated abundances in comparison to other Amazonian forest types. However, stem densities are below the harvest rates indicating that the harvest regulations are not sustainable. We recommend that the forest management in várzea forests should include specific establishment rates of timber species in dependence of the peculiar site conditions to achieve sustainability.  相似文献   

An inventory was made of 50 ha of primary lowland rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia, in which ca. 340,000 trees 1 cm dbh or larger were measured and identified to species. Out of a total plot tree flora of 820 species, 76 species are known to bear edible fruit. Especially diverse were the wild species of mango (Mangifera, Anacardiaceae, 12 spp.), mangosteen (Garcinia, Clusiaceae, 13 spp.), breadfruit (Artocarpus, Moraceae, 10 spp.) and rambutan (Nephelium, Sapindaceae, 5 spp.). Median population size for all species of fruit trees was 3.0 trees per ha and 0.2 adult trees per ha. Direct economic value of wild fruit trees was small; only one species has been very much collected and sold, Parkia speciosa (Fabaceae), amounting to less than US$20 per ha per year. The potential value of the species as genetic resources is very large: 24 species are cultivated, 38 edible species are congeneric with cultivated crops and at least 10 other species bear inedible fruit but are related to cultivated crops. We conclude that the Peninsular Malaysian rain forest is exceedingly rich in wild fruit trees, that these normally live at low densities, and that their principal economic value is as genetic resources.  相似文献   

Atriplex sagittata is a heterocarpic species producing three types of fruits which differ in morphology and ecological properties. This study focused on variation in biomass allocation into particular fruit types under different density and fertilization levels. The reduction in total weight under stressful conditions was accompanied by a reduction of reproductive structures in terms of both total fruit production and mean fruit weight. Allocation of biomass to particular fruit types under different density-fertilization treatments showed considerable variation. The non-dormant, bracteolate fruit type (termed C) contributed 80–90% to the total fecundity and its production was not affected by density-fertilization treatments. The production of this fruit type is higher in the upper part of the maternal plant stem. Production of the very dormant ebracteate fruit type (termed A) increased under favourable conditions and was greater on the lower part of the stem, whereas more of the so-called type B fruit (covered by bracteoles and exhibiting dispersal and dormancy characteristics intermediate between types A and C) was produced under suboptimal conditions and was concentrated in the middle part of the plant body. This pattern contradicts to some extent the theory that deeply dormant and less dispersible fruits will be produced under stressful conditions and may be considered a new model for the behaviour of plants with more than two heterocarpic fruits. The type B fruit, intermediate in both morphology and ecological behaviour, provides a continuum between extreme strategies. Received: 8 February 1998 / Accepted: 19 November 1998  相似文献   

Dietary overlap of sympatric apes is complex and understudied, but its examination is essential to further our understanding of species distribution, abundance, and community ecology. Over 3 yr we studied food availability and dietary composition of central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Loango National Park, Gabon. We predicted that living in a habitat dominated by mature forest with sparse terrestrial herbaceous vegetation would lead to an increase in frugivory by gorillas, resulting in increased dietary overlap between the 2 ape species vs. other sites, but that chimpanzees would remain more frugivorous than gorillas. Through fecal analysis we measured overlap in fruit consumption between the 2 species on a bimonthly basis using the Renkonens method. Mean overlap was 27.5% but varied greatly seasonally, ranging between 0.3% and 69%, indicating that when examined on a finer scale, the degree of overlap appears much lower than at other study sites. In contrast to studies elsewhere, there was not a positive correlation between rainfall and fruit availability in Loango, and the long dry season was a period of high fruit production. As observed elsewhere, we found a positive correlation between fruit consumption and fruit availability for both chimpanzees and gorillas and we found that chimpanzees were more frugivorous than gorillas. A very low availability of herbs did not lead to increased frugivory by gorillas nor increased overlap between the 2 ape species vs. other field sites. We conclude that forest composition, fruit availability, and dietary variability of sympatric species can vary greatly between locations, and that chimpanzees and gorillas can adapt to primary forest with little undergrowth, where they concentrate their diet on fruit and leaves.  相似文献   

In tropical forest communities, seedling recruitment can be limited by the number of fruit produced by adults. Fruit production tends to be highly unequal among trees of the same species, which may be due to environmental factors. We observed fruit production for ~2,000 trees of 17 species across 3 years in a wet tropical forest in Costa Rica. Fruit production was modeled as a function of tree size, nutrient availability, and neighborhood crowding. Following model selection, tree size and neighborhood crowding predicted both the probability of reproduction and the number of fruit produced. Nutrient availability only predicted only the probability of reproduction. In all species, larger trees were more likely to be reproductive and produce more fruit. In addition, number of fruit was strongly negatively related to presence of larger neighboring trees in 13 species; presence of all neighboring trees had a weak‐to‐moderate negative influence on reproductive status in 16 species. Among various metrics of soil nutrient availability, only sum of base cations was positively associated with reproductive status, and for only four species. Synthesis Overall, these results suggest that direct influences on fruit production tend to be mediated through tree size and crowding from neighboring trees, rather than soil nutrients. However, we found variation in the effects of neighbors and nutrients among species; mechanistic studies of allocation to fruit production are needed to explain these differences.  相似文献   

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