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In mammals that use gut-associated lymphoid tissues for expansion and somatic diversification of the B cell repertoire, B lymphopoiesis occurs early in ontogeny and does not appear to continue throughout life. In these species, including sheep, rabbit, and cattle, little is known about the pathway of B cell development and the time at which B lymphopoiesis wanes. We examined rabbit bone marrow by immunofluorescence with anti-CD79a and anti-mu and identified both proB and preB cells. The proB cells represent the vast majority of B-lineage cells in the bone marrow at birth and by incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, they appear to be a dynamic population. PreB cells reach maximum levels in the bone marrow at 3 wk of age, and B cells begin to accumulate at 7 wk of age. We cloned two VpreB and one lambda5 gene and demonstrated that they are expressed within B-lineage cells in bone marrow. VpreB and lambda5 coimmunoprecipitated with the mu-chain in lysates of 293T cells transfected with VpreB, lambda5, and mu, indicating that VpreB, lambda5, and mu-chains associate in a preB cell receptor-like complex. By 16 wk of age, essentially no proB or preB cells are found in bone marrow and by PCR amplification, B cell recombination excision circles were reduced 200-fold. By 18 mo of age, B cell recombination excision circles were reduced 500- to 1000-fold. We suggest that B cell development in the rabbit occurs primarily through the classical, or ordered, pathway and show that B lymphopoiesis is reduced over 99% by 16 wk of age.  相似文献   

Activated B cells express high levels of class II MHC and costimulatory molecules and are nearly as effective as dendritic cells in their APC ability. Yet, their importance as APC in vivo is controversial and their role, if any, in the development of CD4 memory is unknown. We compared responses of CD4 cells from normal and B cell-deficient mice to keyhole limpet hemocyanin over 6 mo and observed diminished IL-2 production by cells primed in the absence of B cells. This was due to lower frequencies of Ag-responsive cells and not to decreased levels of IL-2 secretion per cell. The absence of B cells did not affect the survival of memory CD4 cells since frequencies remained stable. Despite normal dendritic cell function, multiple immunizations of B cell-deficient mice did not restore frequencies of memory cells. However, the transfer of B cells restored memory cell development. Ag presentation was not essential since B cells activated in vitro with irrelevant Ag also restored frequencies of memory cells. The results provide unequivocal evidence that B cells play a critical role in regulating clonal expansion of CD4 cells and, as such, are requisite for the optimal priming of memory in the CD4 population.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells have the potential to develop into multipotent and different lineage-restricted progenitor cells that subsequently generate all mature blood cell types. The classical model of hematopoietic lineage commitment proposes a first restriction point at which all multipotent hematopoietic progenitor cells become committed either to the lymphoid or to the myeloid development, respectively. Recently, this model has been challenged by the identification of murine as well as human hematopoietic progenitor cells with lymphoid differentiation capabilities that give rise to a restricted subset of the myeloid lineages. As the classical model does not include cells with such capacities, these findings suggest the existence of alternative developmental pathways that demand the existence of additional branches in the classical hematopoietic tree. Together with some phenotypic criteria that characterize different subsets of multipotent and lineage-restricted progenitor cells, we summarize these recent findings here.  相似文献   

(CBA X C57BL/6)F1 mice were immunized with 5 X 10(7) sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Seven days later plastic non-adherent B cells were prepared from spleens. They were designated as antigen-induced B-suppressors (AIBs). In double syngeneic transfer system AIBs stimulated the development of memory B cells (Bm) and suppressed the development of carrier-specific helper T cells (Th) and antibody-forming cells (AFC). AIBs possessing a surface Fc-receptor for human serum IgG (FcR+) inhibited the formation of all these cells. FcR- -AIBs failed to affect the development of Th and AFC, but stimulated the formation of Bm. In vitro preincubation of FcR+ -AIBs with mitomycin C or in vivo irradiation with 8 Gy abrogated the inhibitory effect on Bm and Th, but not AFC. It is suggested that FcR+ -AIBs suppress proliferation of Bm, Th and AFC precursors.  相似文献   

The infundibulum links the nervous and endocrine systems, serving as a crucial integrating centre for body homeostasis. Here we describe that the chick infundibulum derives from two subsets of anterior ventral midline cells. One set remains at the ventral midline and forms the posterior-ventral infundibulum. A second set migrates laterally, forming a collar around the midline. We show that collar cells are composed of Fgf3(+) SOX3(+) proliferating progenitors, the induction of which is SHH dependent, but the maintenance of which requires FGF signalling. Collar cells proliferate late into embryogenesis, can generate neurospheres that passage extensively, and differentiate to distinct fates, including hypothalamic neuronal fates and Fgf10(+) anterior-dorsal infundibular cells. Together, our study shows that a subset of anterior floor plate-like cells gives rise to Fgf3(+) SOX3(+) progenitor cells, demonstrates a dual origin of infundibular cells and reveals a crucial role for FGF signalling in governing extended infundibular growth.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the gamma-herpesviruses maintain lifelong latency in B cells by gaining entry into the memory B cell pool and taking advantage of host mechanisms for maintaining these cells. We directly tested this hypothesis by kinetically monitoring viral latency in CD40(+) and CD40(-) B cells from CD40(+)CD40(-) mixed bone marrow chimera mice after infection with a murine gamma-herpesvirus, MHV-68. CD40(+) B cells selectively entered germinal centers and differentiated into memory B cells. Importantly, latency was progressively lost in the CD40(-) B cells and preferentially maintained in the long-lived, isotype-switched CD40(+) B cells. These data directly demonstrate viral exploitation of the normal B cell differentiation pathway to maintain latency.  相似文献   

Preparation and analysis of antigen-specific memory B cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A procedure has been developed for the enrichment of TNP-binding memory B cells (TNP-MABC) from spleens of immunized mice. More than 75% of the cells expressed surface IgM (sIgM) and IgD (sIgD) and about 9% expressed surface IgG (sIgG). The TNP-MABC consisted of small resting lymphocytes with high affinity antigen-binding receptors. These cells expressed increased densities of Ia antigens and decreased densities of sIgD. Adoptive transfer of the cells into irradiated, carrier-primed syngeneic recipients resulted in their differentiation into IgG anti-TNP antibody-secreting cells. TNP-MABC secreted high affinity IgG anti-TNP antibodies when cultured in vitro with carrier-primed T cells and antigen. Limiting dilution analysis revealed that TNP-MABC contained a relatively low frequency of precursors for IgG-secreting cells that had an exceptionally large clone size. These results show that a highly enriched population of antigen-specific memory B cells can now be prepared and used to analyze their activation requirements.  相似文献   

Tolerance susceptibility of newly generating memory B cells   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Newly generating memory B cells rapidly accumulate somatic mutations that can alter their Ag-combining sites and potentially engender recognition of self determinants. To investigate the possibility that, during their emergence secondary B cells pass through a window of tolerance susceptibility, we have examined the in vitro generation of memory B cells in the presence or absence of tolerogen. The findings indicate that, before antigenic stimulation, precursors to memory B cells are resistant to tolerance induction. However, 2 to 7 days after T cell-dependent antigenic stimulation, newly emerging hapten-specific secondary B cells can be inactivated by the presence of hapten on a carrier not recognized by available Th cells. This inactivation can be blocked by the presence of free hapten and can be competed by the presence of immunogen. Inactivation of newly generating secondary B cells appears less specific than the tolerance induction of immature neonatal or bone marrow B cells because inactivation can be accomplished by cross-reactive determinants. Interestingly, the presence of tolerogen after primary stimulation did not preclude the generation of cells responsive to a third in vitro stimulation. Therefore, whereas newly emerging memory B cells are highly susceptible to inactivation, the progression of the clones of progenitors to memory B cells appears resistant to tolerance induction.  相似文献   

A microassay for human committed progenitor cells (CFU-c) has been developed using 24-well, 16 mm diameter culture dishes. Comparisons were made of simultaneous cultures of 21 samples in both 35 mm and 16 mm culture dishes employing two sources of colony-stimulating factor (CSF). The microassay does not differ significantly from the standard 1 ml 35 mm assay, apart from some enhancement of colony numbers in the 16 mm dish. Other advantages of the microassay are that it is economical with respect to cells, media, and space; and it is possible to increase the number of experiments fivefold which can be performed with the same number of cells.  相似文献   

For immune diagnostic purposes it would be critical to be able to distinguish between ongoing immune processes, such as active infections, and long-term immune memory, for example imprinted by infections that have been cleared a long time ago or by vaccinations. We tested the hypothesis that the secretion of granzyme B, as detected in ex vivo ELISPOT assays, permits this distinction. We studied EBV-, flu- and CMV-specific CD8(+) cells in healthy individuals, Vaccinia virus-reactive CD8(+) cells in the course of vaccination, and HIV-specific CD8(+) cells in HIV-infected individuals. Antigen-specific ex vivo GzB production was detected only transiently after Vaccinia immunization, and in HIV-infected individuals. Our data suggest that ex vivo ELISPOT measurements of granzyme B permit the identification of actively ongoing CD8(+) cell responses-a notion that is pertinent to the immune diagnostic of infections, transplantation, allergies, autoimmune diseases, tumors and vaccine development.  相似文献   

Memory B cells play essential roles in the maintenance of long-term immunity and may be important in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease, but how these cells are distinguished from their naive precursors is poorly understood. To address this, it would be important to understand how gene expression differs between memory and naive B cells to elucidate memory-specific functions. Using model systems that help overcome the lack of murine memory-specific markers and the low frequency of Ag-specific memory and naive cells, we undertook a global comparison of gene expression between memory B cells and their naive precursors. We identified genes with differential expression and confirmed the differential expression of many of these by quantitative RT-PCR and of some of these at the protein level. Our initial analysis revealed differential expression patterns of genes that regulate signaling. Memory B cells have increased expression of genes important in regulating adenosine signaling and in modulating cAMP responses. Furthermore, memory B cells up-regulate receptors that are essential for embryonic stem cell self-renewal. We further demonstrate that one of these, leukemia inhibitory factor receptor, can initiate functional signaling in memory B cells whereas it does not in naive B cells. Thus, memory and naive B cells are intrinsically wired to signal differently from one another and express a functional signaling pathway that is known to maintain stem cells in other lineages.  相似文献   

Wei B  Han XY  Qi CL  Zhang S  Zheng ZH  Huang Y  Chen TF  Wei HB 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39069
Although some studies described the characteristics of colon cancer stem cells (CSCs) and the role of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) in neovascularization, it is still controversial whether an interaction exists or not between CSCs and EPCs. In the present study, HCT116 and HT29 sphere models, which are known to be the cells enriching CSCs, were established to investigate the roles of this interaction in development and metastasis of colon cancer. Compared with their parental counterparts, spheroid cells demonstrated higher capacity of invasion, higher tumorigenic and metastatic potential. Then the in vitro and in vivo relationship between CSCs and EPCs were studied by using capillary tube formation assay and xenograft models. Our results showed that spheroid cells could promote the proliferation, migration and tube formation of EPCs through secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Meanwhile, the EPCs could increase tumorigenic capacity of spheroid cells through angiogenesis. Furthermore, higher microvessel density was detected in the area enriching cancer stem cells in human colon cancer tissue. Our findings indicate that spheroid cells possess the characteristics of cancer stem cells, and the coaction of CSCs and EPCs may play an important role in the development of colon cancer.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with sheep red blood cells (SRBC) or Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the appearance of B memory cells in the thymus. In this paper the origin of these B memory cells was investigated. Therefore, mice primed with either SRBC or LPS 6 months previously and nonprimed mice were joined for parabiosis. Four weeks later the parabiotic mice were separated from each other. Another 3 weeks later thymus cells from the primed and nonprimed mice were transferred separately into lethally irradiated mice in order to determine the adoptive PFC response. It was found that the 4-week period of parabiosis could account for the appearance of a distinct population of B memory cells in the thymus of the nonprimed mice. This result suggest that the B memory cells which appear in the thymus belong to the pool of potentially circulating memory cells.  相似文献   

The secondary immune response is one of the most important features of immune systems. During the secondary immune response, the immune system can eliminate the antigen, which has been encountered by the individual during the primary invasion, more rapidly and efficiently. Both T and B memory cells contribute to the secondary response. In this paper, we only concentrate on the functions of memory B cells. We explore a model describing the memory contributed by the specific long-lived clone which is maintained by continued stimulation with a small amount of antigens sequestered on the surfaces of the follicular dendritic cells (FDC). The behavior of the secondary response provided by the model can be compared with experimental observations. The model shows that memory B cells indeed play an important role in the secondary response. It is found that a single memory cell in a long-lived clone may not be long-lived. In the present note, the influences of relevant parameters on the secondary response are also explored.  相似文献   

The cellular interactions involved in maintaining CD4+ T-cell memory have hitherto not been identified. In this report, we have investigated the role played by B cells in this process. We show that that long-lasting helper T-cell memory depends on the presence of B cells, but that direct antigen presentation by B cells is not required. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms which underlie helper T-cell memory. They also suggest that the efficacy of future vaccines will depend critically on the inclusion of B- as well as T-cell epitopes.  相似文献   

Human monoclonal antibodies by immortalization of memory B cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The administration of hyper immune sera to prevent or treat life-threatening infections is a remarkable milestone in medicine and biotechnology that has been achieved more than a century ago. Yet, the therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies in this field has developed slowly over the last decades. Here we compare and contrast current methods to generate human monoclonal antibodies and highlight the advantages of exploiting the human antibody repertoire using a novel method that allows efficient immortalization and cloning of human memory B cells. This method, which has been successfully applied to isolate broadly neutralizing antibodies against SARS and H5N1 influenza viruses, is expected to accelerate the development of therapeutics in the field of infectious diseases not only by providing neutralizing antibodies for passive serotherapy, but also by generating relevant information for vaccine design.  相似文献   

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