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Honey bee colonies consist of tens of thousands of workers and a single reproductive queen that produces a pheromone blend which maintains colony organization. Previous studies indicated that the insemination quantity and volume alter queen mandibular pheromone profiles. In our 11-month long field study we show that workers are more attracted to high-volume versus low-volume inseminated queens, however, there were no significant differences between treatments in the number of queen cells built by workers in preparation for supersedure. Workers exposed to low-volume inseminated queens initiated production of queen-like esters in their Dufour's glands, but there were no significant difference in the amount of methyl farnesoate and juvenile hormone in worker hemolymph. Lastly, queen overwintering survival was unexpectedly lower in high-volume inseminated queens. Our results suggest that the queen insemination volume could ultimately affect colony health and productivity.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae, a microsporidian parasite originally described in the Asian honey bee Apis cerana, has recently been found to be cross-infective and to also parasitize the European honey bee Apis mellifera. Since this discovery, many studies have attempted to characterize the impact of this parasite in A. mellifera honey bees. Nosema species can infect all colony members, workers, drones and queens, but the pathological effects of this microsporidium has been mainly investigated in workers, despite the prime importance of the queen, who monopolizes the reproduction and regulates the cohesion of the society via pheromones. We therefore analyzed the impact of N. ceranae on queen physiology. We found that infection by N. ceranae did not affect the fat body content (an indicator of energy stores) but did alter the vitellogenin titer (an indicator of fertility and longevity), the total antioxidant capacity and the queen mandibular pheromones, which surprisingly were all significantly increased in Nosema-infected queens. Thus, such physiological changes may impact queen health, leading to changes in pheromone production, that could explain Nosema-induced supersedure (queen replacement).  相似文献   

The presence of the honey bee queen reduces worker ovary activation. When the queen is healthy and fecund, this is interpreted as an adaptive response as workers can gain fitness from helping the queen raise additional offspring, their sisters. However, when the queen is absent, workers activate their ovaries and lay unfertilized eggs that become males. Queen pheromones are recognised as a factor affecting worker ovary activation. Recent work has shown that queen mandibular pheromone composition changes with queen mating condition and workers show different behavioural responses to pheromone extracts from these queens. Here, we tested whether workers reared in colonies with queens of different mating condition varied in level of ovary activation. We also examined the changes in the chemical composition of the queen mandibular glands to determine if the pheromone blend varied among the queens. We found that the workers activated their ovaries when queens were unmated and had lower ovary activation when raised with mated queens, suggesting that workers detect and respond adaptively to queens of differing mating status. Moreover, variation in queen mandibular gland’s chemical composition correlated with the levels of worker ovary activation. Although correlative, this evidence suggests that queen pheromone may act as a signal of queen mating condition for workers, in response to which they alter their level of ovary activation.  相似文献   

Summary Emergency queen cell production was examined in honey bee colonies of mixed European races. Thirteen colonies were dequeened and followed on a daily basis until after queen emergence. Observations were made on the number of cells, the temporal sequence of queen cell construction, cell location within the nest, the age of larvæ selected for queen rearing, mortality of immature queens and the scenting behavior of workers in queenless colonies.Queen loss was detected within 6–12 hours and was first indicated by an increase in scenting behavior (on colony disturbance) and queen cup construction. The number of scenting workers reached a peak in 12–24 hours and then declined, as queen cell numbers increased. The time of queen cell initiation varied from 12–48 hours in different colonies. Emergency queen cells were usually started over worker larvæ less than 2 days of age (64.7%), but cells were built over 3 (25.3%) and 4 (10.0%) day old larvæ. Only 2 of 268 cells (0.8 %) were started over eggs; one survived and developed into a drone larva. In 6 colonies emergency queen cells were started over drone larvæ but these were destroyed immediately before or shortly after capping. The overall rate for queen cell construction over drone larvæ was 9.3%.The rate at which new queen cells were started after queen loss was high for two to four days, but then declined although new queen cells were started as late as eight or nine days after queen removal. The number of cells produced by a colony usually peaked by the third or fourth day and then leveled. Slight declines in total cell number often occurred because of cell mortality. The number of queen cells started by colonies varied from 11–49 with a mean of 20.4; cell mortality averaged 39.1%. Queen cells were well distributed throughout the brood nest but placement was biased toward the bottom of the frames and away from the entrance.
Production de cellules royales après orphelinage accidentel dans des colonies d'abeilles à miel
Resume La production de cellules royales après orphelinage accidentel fut examinée dans des colonies d'abeilles de différentes races européennes. Treize colonies ont été quotidiennement placées dans un orphelinat expérimental après l'apparition d'une nouvelle reine. Des observations ont été faites sur le nombre de cellules, le timing de la reconstruction des cellules royales, l'emplacement des cellules à l'intérieur du nid, l'âge des larves sélectionnées en vue de l'élevage des reines, le taux de mortalité des cellules et le phénomène d'exhibition de la glande de Nassanoff des ouvrières dans les colonies orphelines.On a pu détecter la perte d'une reine après 6 à 12 heures; celle-ci fut tout d'abord indiquée par le fait qu'un certain nombre d'abeilles exhibent leur organe odorant lors de l'ouverture de la ruche, et l'élaboration de la cupule royale. Le nombre des ouvrières exposées a atteint son record entre 12 et 24 heures puis s'est mis à décroître, alors que les cellules royales augmentaient. Le temps requis pour l'initiation des cellules royales a varié entre 12 et 48 heures, selon les colonies. Les cellules royales de remplacement ont commencé ordinairement à se former sur des larves d'ouvrières de moins de 2 jours (64,7%), mais des cellules se sont développées sur des larves âgées de 3 (25,3%) à 4 jours (10,0%). Sur 268 cellules, 2 étaient uniquement formées à partir d'ufs, dont un seul survivait et devenait une larve mâle. Dans six des colonies, des cellules royales se sont développées à partir de larves mâles, mais celles-ci furent immédiatement détruites soit avant, soit juste après l'operculation. Le taux de développement de cellules royales était de 9,3% par rapport aux cellules mâles.Le taux de développement de nouvelles cellules royales après la perte d'une reine a été assez élevé pendant une période de 2 à 4 jours, mais s'est mis à décroître bien que de nouvelles cellules royales se formaient entre 8 et 9 jours après le début de l'orphelinage. Nous avons noté un taux record de cellules produites par une colonie vers le 3e ou 4e jour, qui s'est ensuite réparti de façon plus égale. Le taux de mortalité des cellules a alors provoqué la baisse du nombre total des cellules. Le nombre des cellules royales des colonies a varié entre 11 et 49, c'est-à-dire une moyenne de 20,4; le taux de mortalité des cellules s'est avéré de 39,1%. Les cellules royales étaient bien distribuées dans tout le nid à couvain, mais surtout vers le fond du cadre, et loin de l'entrée de la ruche.

Queen substances from the abdomen of the honey bee queen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The secretion of the mandibular glands of a honey bee queen enables the worker bees to react to the presence of their queen. Extirpating the mandibular glands of the queen does not prevent that she is accepted by her colony. Hitherto this was attributed to contamination of the queen's body by mandibular gland substances during or preceding the extirpation. When, however, these glands are extirpated before they have secreted any material and the queens are inseminated artificially, the colonies still accept these queens. A normal-sized retinue, the absence of emergency cell building and the absence of activation of the worker's ovaries indicate that such a queen is still able to maintain her social position. This supports Verheijen-Voogd's (1959) conclusion that the queen's influence on her workers has a behavioural basis (chemoreception) rather than a biochemical one.Laboratory experiments reveal that apart from the mandibular gland substances other queen pheromones are produced in glands on the abdomen, most probably in the glands described by Renner and Baumann (1964).  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the temporal control of behavior of honey bee queens under natural conditions. To determine if mated honey bee queens possess diel rhythmicity in behavior, we observed them in glass-sided observation hives, employing two focal studies involving continuous observations of individual queens as well as a scan-sampling study of multiple queens. In all cases, all behaviors were observed at all times of the day and night. In four of the five queens examined in focal studies, there were no consistent occurrences of diel periodicity for any of the individual behaviors. A more encompassing measure for periodicity, in which the behaviors were characterized as active (walking, inspecting, egg-laying, begging for food, feeding, and grooming self) or inactive (standing), also failed to reveal consistent diel rhythmicity. Furthermore, there were no consistent diel differences in the number of workers in the queen's retinue. Behavioral arrhythmicity persisted across seasons and despite daily changes in both light and temperature levels. Both day and night levels of behavioral activity were correlated with daytime, but not with nighttime, ambient temperatures. The behavior of the one exceptional queen was not consistent: diurnal activity patterns were present during two 24-h observation sessions but arrhythmicity during another. Based on the behavior observed by all but one of the queens examined in this work, the arrhythmic behavior by the mated honey bee queen inside the colony appears to be similar to that exhibited by worker bees before they approach the age of onset of foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Summary. Foragers inhibit the behavioural development of young adult worker honey bees, delaying the age at onset of foraging. But the similar effect caused by pheromones produced by both the queen and brood raised the possibility that some of the previously attributed forager effects might be due to queen, brood, or both. Here we studied whether physical contacts between young bees and old foragers can inhibit behavioural development while controlling for queen and brood effects. Results demonstrated that foragers inhibit the behavioural development of young adult worker bees independent of the queen and brood, via a mechanism that requires physical contact.Received 24 November 2003; revised 27 March 2004; accepted 21 April 2004.  相似文献   

史晶亮  江武军  颜伟玉  吴小波 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1279-1285
【目的】本实验旨在研究王台中残留啶虫脒对西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera蜂王培育质量的影响。【方法】通过融化蜂蜡并添加啶虫脒药液制作王台,使各王台中分别含4个不同剂量的啶虫脒(0, 10, 100和1 000 μg/kg蜂蜡)。同时,控制蜂王产卵6 h, 3 d后,将孵化为1日龄的幼虫分别移入各组王台中,并放入蜂群哺育。移虫后第3和6天分别统计各组王台中幼虫的接受率和封盖率,待蜂王出房时,计算其出房率,测定蜂王个体初生重、胸重和胸宽指标;采用实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)技术测定蜂王卵巢中卵黄原蛋白基因(Vg)、储存蛋白基因(hex110和hex70b)的相对表达量。【结果】100 μg/kg蜂蜡和1 000μg/kg蜂蜡这两个啶虫脒剂量组西方蜜蜂蜂王的出房率都显著低于0 μg/kg蜂蜡和10 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组,而0 μg/kg蜂蜡与10 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组之间及100 μg/kg蜂蜡与1 000 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组之间出房率 均差异不显著;这4个剂量组的王台幼虫接受率和封盖率以及蜂王的初生重、胸重和胸宽均无显著差异。qPCR结果显示,Vg基因的相对表达量随啶虫脒浓度的增加而下降,其中,1 000 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组Vg基因的相对表达量显著低于10 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组和0 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量组,其余各剂量组之间差异不显著;这4个剂量组之间hex110和hex70b基因的表达量差异不显著。【结论】西方蜜蜂王台中啶虫脒残留超过100 μg/kg蜂蜡剂量时,会对蜂王培育产生不利影响。  相似文献   

Reproduction in species of eusocial insects is monopolized by one or a few individuals, while the remaining colony tasks are performed by the worker caste. This reproductive division of labor is exemplified by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), in which a single, polyandrous queen is the sole colony member that lays fertilized eggs. Previous work has revealed that the developmental fate of honey bee queens is highly plastic, with queens raised from younger worker larvae exhibiting higher measures in several aspects of reproductive potential compared to queens raised from older worker larvae. Here, we investigated the effects of queen reproductive potential (“quality”) on the growth and winter survival of newly established honey bee colonies. We did so by comparing the growth of colonies headed by “high-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from young worker larvae, which are more queen-like morphologically) to those headed by “low-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from older worker larvae, which are more worker-like morphologically). We confirmed that queens reared from young worker larvae were significantly larger in size than queens reared from old worker larvae. We also found a significant positive effect of queen grafting age on a colony’s production of worker comb, drone comb, and stored food (honey and pollen), although we did not find a statistically significant difference in the production of worker and drone brood, worker population, and colony weight. Our results provide evidence that in honey bees, queen developmental plasticity influences several important measures of colony fitness. Thus, the present study supports the idea that a honey bee colony can be viewed (at least in part) as the expanded phenotype of its queen, and thus selection acting predominantly at the colony level can be congruent with that at the individual level.  相似文献   

Anarchistic queen honey bees have normal queen mandibular pheromones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. Anarchistic honey bees are a line developed by recurrent selection in which workers frequently lay eggs. In unselected colonies, workers refrain from reproduction in response to pheromonal signals that indicate the presence of brood and a queen. We show that queen type (anarchistic or wild type) has no effect on rates of ovary activation of anarchistic or wild type workers. In addition, we show that an important component of the queens signalling system, the queen mandibular gland pheromone, is similar in wild type and anarchistic queens. Anarchistic larvae do not inhibit worker ovary development to the same degree as wild type larvae, however all colonies in this experiment contained only wild type larvae. Anarchistic workers had greater rates of ovary activation than wild type workers in colonies headed by either queen type. We therefore conclude that there must be differences in the transmission or reception of queen pheromones, or worker sensitivity to these compounds. These results clearly demonstrate that anarchy is a complex syndrome, not simply the result of reduced pheromone production by anarchist queens and larvae.Received 23 December 2003; revised 14 May 2004; accepted 1 June 2004.  相似文献   

Mortalities in 68 populations, of about 100 bees each, confined to small cages containing a piece of comb were tabulated daily and symptoms of the disease were observed until all bees had died. Various experimental treatments were administered, the most important of which was the presence or absence of a queen in each population. Queenless populations usually showed some bees chewing and nibbling upon others (a symptom of the disease) in 3–5 days, whereas queenright units usually did not show this symptom for 10 days or longer. Average length of life in queenless units was about three-fourths as long as in queenright units. Some confirmation of these results was obtained from larger populations allowed to fly in a flight cage.  相似文献   

The “reproductive ground plan” hypothesis (RGPH) proposes that reproductive division of labour in social insects had its antecedents in the ancient gene regulatory networks that evolved to regulate the foraging and reproductive phases of their solitary ancestors. Thus, queens express traits that are characteristic of the reproductive phase of solitary insects, whereas workers express traits characteristic of the foraging phase. The RGPH has also been extended to help understand the regulation of age polyethism within the worker caste and more recently to explain differences in the foraging specialisations of individual honey bee workers. Foragers that specialise in collecting proteinaceous pollen are hypothesised to have higher reproductive potential than individuals that preferentially forage for nectar because genes that were ancestrally associated with the reproductive phase are active. We investigated the links between honey bee worker foraging behaviour and reproductive traits by comparing the foraging preferences of a line of workers that has been selected for high rates of worker reproduction with the preferences of wild-type bees. We show that while selection for reproductive behaviour in workers has not altered foraging preferences, the age at onset of foraging of our selected line has been increased. Our findings therefore support the hypothesis that age polyethism is related to the reproductive ground plan, but they cast doubt on recent suggestions that foraging preferences and reproductive traits are pleiotropically linked.  相似文献   

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