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Regurgitated pellets and food remains were collected near nest sites, and from a club site, of south polar skuas Catharacta maccormicki in the eastern Larsemann Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica, during the skuas' presence in the area. The samples indicated that the snow petrel Pagodroma nivea, the most abundant seabird species breeding locally, formed the major dietary component, comprising some 66% of food items identified in pellets and 80% of the food remains obtained. Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae (which do not breed in the Larsemann Hills), other seabirds, fish and marine foods were rarely found as remains or in pellets. However, refuse (meat, fish and vegetable remains) taken as food by skuas from nearby stations occurred in pellets at all sites and formed about 12% of the food remains collected and identified. In this study, foods taken by skuas were related both to the local breeding distribution of snow petrels, and to the possession of a feeding territory. Birds without feeding territories took somewhat fewer snow petrels and included more refuse from local stations in their diet, as did those at the club site. Future monitoring of the influence of anthropogenic foods (and inedible waste materials) on the species' ecology is considered important.  相似文献   

The feeding of the cladoceran Daphniopsis studeri on algae and bacteria was investigated under ice in an ultra-oligotrophic Antarctic lake from late autumn (May) to early spring (October) in 2004. D. studeri fed on both algae and bacteria with estimated filtering rates of 0.048 and 0.061 l ind−1 day−1), respectively. Algae seemed to be the major food resource for the D. studeri population, however at times of low algal densities the bacterioplankton represented an important alternative food resource. The D. studeri grazing impact on the algal and bacterial standing stock was in general low (0.6–4.6% removed per day), but during the winter period this organism can remove up to 34% of the bacterial production (BP). At times D. studeri grazing can temporarily have a significant impact on the BP rates, though their impact was relatively low when compared to viral-induced bacterial mortality in the lake.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial community dynamics in the meromictic Lake Cadagno   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The seasonal and spatial variations in the community structure of bacterioplankton in the meromictic alpine Lake Cadagno were examined by temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments. Two different amplifications were performed, one specific for the domain Bacteria (Escherichia coli positions 8-536) and another specific for the family Chromatiaceae (E. coli positions 8-1005). The latter was followed by semi-nested reamplification with the bacterial primer set, allowing comparison of the two PCR approaches by TTGE. The TTGE patterns of samples from the chemocline and the anoxic monimolimnion were essentially identical, whereas the oxic mixolimnion displayed distinctively different banding patterns. For samples from the chemocline and the monimolimnion, dominant bands in the Bacteria-specific TTGE profiles comigrated with bands obtained by the semi-nested PCR approach specific for Chromatiaceae. This observation suggested that Chromatiaceae are in high abundance in the anoxic water layer. All dominant bands were excised and sequenced. Changes in the community structure, as indicated by changes in the TTGE profiles, were observed in samples taken at different times of the year. In the chemocline, Chomatium okenii was dominant in the summer months, whereas Amoebobacter purpureus populations dominated in autumn and winter. This change was confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass and community structure of phytoplankton,bacterioplankton and protozooplankton in a maritime Antarcticlake were determined at approximately monthly intervals fromDecember 1994 to February 1996 and compared with data from earlierstudies. Heywood Lake has become significantly eutrophic duringthe last three decades because of excreta from the expandingfur seal population in its catchment. Marked seasonal variationsin the abundance, composition and productivity of biota werecorrelated with the seasonality of both physical factors andnutrient levels. Protozooplankton were abundant, diverse andusually dominated by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), withHNF abundance peaking at 2.35 x 107 l–1 in summer. Highnumbers of naked amoebae were sometimes present, reaching amaximum of 4.8 x 103 l–1 in March. An estimated 89 speciesof protozoa were observed during the study, indicating substantiallymore diversity than is found in continental Antarctic lakes.Diversity was highest in spring and lowest in winter, when theentire water column became anoxic and the plankton were dominatedby bacteria and a few species of relatively large anaerobicflagellates. The current status of the lake is compared withdata for continental Antarctic and lower latitude lakes. Earlierstudies of biota and physical/chemical parameters in HeywoodLake are used to examine the effects of eutrophication overthree decades. Observed changes include increased microbialabundance and changes in both community structure and seasonalpatterns.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycle of the microbial plankton in Crooked Lake,Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Changes in the abundance of the components of the microbial plankton between July 1990 and March 1991 in Crooked Lake, one of the largest and deepest freshwater lakes in Antarctica, are described. Chlorophyll a concentration is low (0.2–0.4g·1–1) and there is no discernable spring increase. The phytoplankton is largely dominated by flagellates. Bacterioplankton exhibits a seasonal pattern of abundance ranging from 1.0 × 108·1–1 in July to 3.25 × 108·1–1 in September. Changes in bacterial abundance probably relate to temperature and grazing by heterotrophic and mixotrophic flagellates. Total flagellated protozoan concentrations ranged between 25–136 × 102·l–1. Autotrophic and heterotrophic flagellate abundances were coupled and peaks in their abundance oscillated with peaks in bacterioplankton concentration. Four species of ciliated protozoa, dominated by oligotrichs, particularly the plastidic Strombidium, inhabit the lake. The plankton is characterised by the presence of floes which act as loci for bacteria, flagellates and amoebae and feeding sites for the ciliates and the two sparce metazoan components of the plankton. Crooked Lake is extremely oligotrophic but nonetheless supports a plankton community with a low species diversity and simple trophodynamics.  相似文献   

1. This study investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of benthic invertebrate communities located close to the mouths of the Kalambo and Lunzua Rivers, at the southern end of Lake Tanganyika, and subject to varying degrees of sediment load. 2. Metrics of exposure to riverine sediments were associated inversely with abundance and diversity of benthic organisms at sampling locations adjacent to both river mouths, indicating a major effect of riverine sediments on the structure of near‐shore benthic communities. 3. A lower abundance of benthos was found at the mouth of the Lunzua River, which exports significantly higher sediment loads than the Kalambo. 4. Seasonal cycles of abundance and diversity in the benthos varied with distance from river mouths. This has important implications for monitoring programmes investigating benthic communities close to the mouths of rivers. 5. Our findings suggest that recent increases in the sediment loading of Lake Tanganyika, owing to anthropogenic catchment disturbance, impact significantly on biological diversity throughout the lake littoral, which provides habitat for the majority of species in the lake.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations in perennially ice-covered Lake Bonney, Antarctica grow in a unique non-turbulent environment. The absence of turbulence generated by winds or major streams, combined with strong vertical gradients in temperature and nutrients, create vertically stratified environmental conditions that support three discrete phytoplankton populations in the east lobe of this lake. Phytoplankton biomass and photosynthesis were measured in the east lobe of Lake Bonney during the winter-spring transicion (September) to mid-summer (January). During this period, irradiance beneath the ice increased from 0.03 to 1.9 mol quanta m−2 d−1. Chlorophylla concentrations ranged from 0.03 to 3.8 μl−1 within the trophogenic zone (just beneath the permanent ice cover to 20 m) and photosynthesis ranged from below detection to 3.2 μg Cl−1 d−1. Our results indicate: (1) phytoplankton photosynthesis began in late winter (before 9 September, our earliest sampling date); (2) maxima for phytoplankton biomass and production developed sequentially in time from the top to the bottom of the trophogenic zone, following the seasoral increase in irradiance; and (3) the highest photosynthetic efficiencies occurred in early spring, then decreased over the remainder of the phytoplankton growth season. The spring decrease in photosynthetic rates for shallower phytoplankton appeared to be related to nutrient availability, while photosynthesis in the deeper populations was solely lightdependent.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton were collected over five austral summers (1987–88through 1991–92) to examine seasonal and annual fluctuationsin species composition and biovolume in Lake Fryxell, a perenniallyice-covered lake located in the Dry Valleys of South VictoriaLand, Antarctica. Lake Fryxell has perennial gradients of salinity,dissolved oxygen and nutrients. We found that algal speciesdiversity was low (56 taxa were collected), confirming the resultsof previous short-term studies. The phytoplankton consistedprimarily of cryptophyte and chlorophyte flagellates, and filamentouscyanobacteria. The presence of filamentous cyanobacteria, whichhave not been reported as abundant in this lake by previousworkers, may represent a significant ecological change. Eachaustral summer, one dominant species contributed >70% ofthe total biovolume; Chroomonas lacustris was dominant in 1987–88,while Cryptomonas sp. dominated the phytoplankton in the remaining4 years. No species succession occurred during the austral summer.Some common taxa were vertically stratified (Oscillatoria limnetica,Phormidium angustissimum, Pyramimonas sp., Oscillatoria sp.),while others showed no distinct vertical stratification (Chlamydomonassubcaudata, Cryptomonas sp.). The stratification of the phytoplanktonreflects the gradients of nutrients and light, and the stabilityof the water column.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the importance of the microbial food chainin relation to the grazing food chain in the Oyashio region,western subarctic Pacific, the biomass of component organismsin the two food chains was investigated during July and Octoberin 1997, and January, March and May in 1998. Carbon flows withinthe plankton food chains, as established from biomass data combinedwith published experimental data (Shinada et al., 2000), suggestthat primary production is largely channelled through the microbialfood chain throughout the year. The grazing food chain is functionalalong with the microbial food chain only during the spring phytoplanktonbloom.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of picophytoplankton in Lake Kinneret, Israel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Picophytoplankton (picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes) communities in Lake Kinneret were studied from 1988 to 1992. No prochlorophytes were observed in the lake. 2. Picocyanobacteria were a prominent and ubiquitous component of the phytoplankton, being present at all depths throughout the year, with concentrations ranging from 2 ± 10–8 ± 105 cells ml?1. Low cell numbers in winter and spring were followed at the end of the annual dinoflagellate bloom by maximal abundances in summer-autumn in the epilimnion. High cell numbers (> 104 cells ml?1) were sometimes also found in the anaerobic hypolimnion. Net growth rates for picocyanobacteria ranged from 0.29 to 0.60 divisions day?1. 3. Picoeukaryotes were a very minor constituent of the picoplankton, mostly present in winter and spring, and sometimes at the end of autumn, with concentrations ranging from 44 to 5700 cells ml?1. Higher cell numbers tended to occur in the near surface water layers. In August-September, picoeukaryotes were found only in the hypolimnion. In December, the occurrence of picoeukaryotes in the deep water layers probably resulted from advection with cold water currents from the Jordan river. Net growth rates for picoeukaryotes ranged from 0.26 to 0.43 divisions day?1. 4. Overall, the contribution of picophytoplankton to the phytoplankton standing crop in Lake Kinneret was limited; picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes accounted for no more than 7.0 and 0.1% of total algal biomass (semiannual average), respectively. 5. Picophytoplankton cell numbers in pelagic waters were usually similar to those in shallower lake stations. 6. Picocyanobacteria appear to be an autochthonous population, whereas picoeukaryotes are probably brought annually by the Jordan River and do not maintain themselves in the lake.  相似文献   

本研究利用水产试验所研究船“水试一号”于2006年冬(1月)夏(7月)两季在台湾海峡海域进行水文探测及浮游动物采样, 以探讨浮游翼足类群聚组成与丰度之时空分布及其与水文环境的相关性。结果发现浮游翼足类夏季的丰度及多样性指数明显较冬季高, 而种类数则差异不大; 两季间优势种类组成相似但优势排名略有不同, 夏季主要优势种为棒笔帽螺(Creseis clava)、尖笔帽螺(C. acicula)和马蹄螔螺(Limacina trochiformis), 合占所有翼足类丰度的97%, 其中仅棒笔帽螺就占了总丰度的62%; 冬季主要优势种为胖螔螺(Limacina inflata), 占翼足类丰度的72%。翼足类丰度在空间上的分布亦有明显的季节差异, 夏季时以台湾海峡北部较高, 冬季则以南部较高。种类数与物种多样性指数则均以海峡南部较高。由水文站群分析及各站群生物及水文特征结果显示, 台湾海峡季节性水团的消长与翼足类群聚分布有十分密切的关联。  相似文献   

Simčič  Tatjana  Brancelj  Anton 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):319-328
Seasonal changes of the community composition, oxygen consumption (R) and respiratory electron transport system (ETS)-activity of the Daphnia community living in Lake Bled (Slovenia) were studied between January and December 1998. The ETS activity of ovigerous Daphnia females at in situ temperature ranged from 3.27 l O2 mg dw–1 h–1 in February to 20.91 l O2 mg dw–1 h–1 in July. Respiration rates at in situ temperature varied from 4.04 l O2 mg dw–1h–1 in December to 18.68 l O2 mg dw–1 h–1in July. The influence of four factors (temperature, body size, fecundity, genetic differences) on the metabolism were investigated. Both ETS activity and respiration rate significantly correlated with temperature. The proportion of hybrid D. cucullata× galeata in Daphnia community correlated significantly with respiration rate at in situtemperature and ETS activity at standard temperature also. ETS activity and respiration rate showed no significant correlation with body size and the fecundity of Daphnia, whereas ETS activity in D. hyalina × galeata and D. cucullata× galeataseparately correlated with body size. ETS activity of D. hyalina × galeata also was correlated with fecundity. Hybrid D. hyalina× galeata had up to one third lower ETS activity than D. cucullata× galeata. The mean ETS/R ratio in the Daphnia community was 1.16±0.28 (N= 12). The ETS/R ratio did not correlate significantly with temperature, body size, fecundity or the proportion of D. cucullata× galeatain the Daphnia community. Laboratory experiments showed that both hybrids had similar ETS/R ratios.  相似文献   

Twenty species of planktonic rotifers were important in Lake Biel during 1978. Eight species were present throughout the year, four species occurred only in spring and eight species in summer or autumn. Rotifer numbers attained two major maxima, one in May (19.3 106 ind. m?2) and one in August (16.5 106 ind. m?2). Predominant genera were Synchaeta, Polyarthra, Conochilus, Asplanchna and Keratella. Within the genus Synchaeta a succession of different species was observed.  相似文献   

Biotic communities and ecosystem dynamics in terrestrial Antarctica are limited by an array of extreme conditions including low temperatures, moisture and organic matter availability, high salinity, and a paucity of biodiversity to facilitate key ecological processes. Recent studies have discovered that the prokaryotic communities in these extreme systems are highly diverse with patchy distributions. Investigating the physical and biological controls over the distribution and activity of microbial biodiversity in Victoria Land is essential to understanding ecological functioning in this region. Currently, little information on the distribution, structure and activity of soil communities anywhere in Victoria Land are available, and their sensitivity to potential climate change remains largely unknown. We investigated soil microbial communities from low- and high-productivity habitats in an isolated Antarctic location to determine how the soil environment impacts microbial community composition and structure. The microbial communities in Luther Vale, Northern Victoria Land were analysed using bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries and were related to soil geochemical parameters and classical morphological analysis of soil metazoan invertebrate communities. A total of 323 16S rRNA gene sequences analysed from four soils spanning a productivity gradient indicated a high diversity (Shannon-Weaver values > 3) of phylotypes within the clone libraries and distinct differences in community structure between the two soil productivity habitats linked to water and nutrient availability. In particular, members of the Deinococcus/Thermus lineage were found exclusively in the drier, low-productivity soils, while Gammaproteobacteria of the genus Xanthomonas were found exclusively in high-productivity soils. However, rarefaction curves indicated that these microbial habitats remain under-sampled. Our results add to the recent literature suggesting that there is a higher biodiversity within Antarctic soils than previously expected.  相似文献   

The planktonic protozoans (Ciliata and Testacea) of Cayuga Lake were studied from September 1974 through July 1975. Monthly collections were taken at four depths (surface, 15,31 and 92 m) at each of seven stations along the 125 m depth contour. All samples were collected with a 6-liter Van Dorn bottle sampler. Densities and biomass were determined for total protozoans and total zooplankton at each depth on each sampling date. Temperature profiles at one-meter intervals were also determined on or within a few days of the zooplankton sampling.The vertical distribution of the total protozoans was directly related to temperature; maximum densities corresponded to high summer surface temperatures. Dominant protozoan taxa included Didinium nasutum, Stokesia vernalis, Codonella cratera, Strobilidium gyrans, Strobilidium sp., Strombidium viride, Paradileptus canellai, Difflugia limnetica, and unidentified ciliates belonging to the families Halteriidae, Holophryidae, Epistylidae, and Vorticellidae. Protozoans composed 69% or more of the total zooplankton density on nine of eleven dates. Protozoan dominance was most evident during winter and spring, corresponding to the near absence of rotifers and microcrustaceans. Protozoans accounted for 30% or more of the zooplankton biomass from April through June, reaching 47% in May.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes in the Lake Fryxell Basin (Victoria Land,Antarctica)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Major ion, nutrient, transition metal, and cadmium concentrations are presented for nine meltwater streams flowing into Lake Fryxell, a permanently stratified lake with an anoxic hypolimnion in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. For the major ions, stream compositions are considered in terms of dissolution of marine-derived salts and chemical weathering of local rocks. Although Lake Fryxell has undergone significant evaporative concentration, only calcite, of the simple salts, is predicted to precipitate. Geochemical budgets indicate, however, that large quantities of K, Mg, and SO4 have also been removed from the lake. Reverse weathering may be an important sink for K and Mg, although magnesium removal with calcium carbonate phases is also likely. Assuming constancy of composition over recent geologic time, all of the salts in the Fryxell water column could have been delivered under present flows in about three thousand years (chloride age).Comparison of nutrient concentrations in these meltwater streams with other flowing waters in the world reveals that the Fryxell streams are strikingly deficient in NO3-N but not PO4-P. The apparent nitrogen deficiency in Lake Fryxell itself can be attributed to the low annual stream loadings of this nutrient.Stream concentrations and loadings are also presented for Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Cd. Dissolved metal concentrations correlate roughly with average crustal abundances, suggesting that chemical weathering is the major source for these elements. Vertical metal profiles within Lake Fryxell itself appear to be governed by the formation of insoluble sulfide phases, or, in the case of Mn, by MnHPO4. However, dissolved nickel levels in sulfide-bearing waters are much higher than can be explained in terms of metal-sulfide equilibria, and we suspect that significant organic complexing of this metal is occurring in the deeper waters.  相似文献   

1. Lake Fryxell, situated in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, offers the opportunity to study microbial loop processes in the absence of crustacean zooplankton and other higher organisms. This is the first study of Lake Fryxell to provide detailed temporal and vertical variations of microbial loop organisms.
2. Protozoan communities are concentrated around the chemocline (9–10 m) in Lake Fryxell. Phototrophic nanoflagellates (PNAN), heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNAN) and ciliates formed deep maxima of 14 580, 694 and 58 cells mL−1 respectively. Although abundance and biomass at the chemocline was high, diversity of protozoa was low, Plagiocampa accounting for> 80% of the total ciliate biomass.
3. In the mixolimnion (4.5–8 m), protozoa were less abundant, but more diverse, with 24 ciliate morphotypes being identified within this region of the water column. Inter-annual variability of protozoan biomass and abundance was greater in the mixolimnion than at the chemocline due to more variable nutrient and prey concentrations.
4. Physicochemical gradients in Lake Fryxell were very stable because the perennial ice cover reduced wind driven currents. As a consequence, ciliate species occurred in distinct depth strata, Monodinium being most abundant directly beneath the ice cover, Askenasia having maximum abundance at 8 m and Plagiocampa dominating ciliate biomass at the chemocline. The lack of vertical mixing reduced seasonal successions of PNAN and ciliate species. Three cryptophyte species dominated the PNAN community at all times (>79% of total biomass).  相似文献   

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