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Eleven microsatellite primer pairs were developed for the tropical African tree Milicia excelsa. Genomic DNA was enriched for dinucleotide (TCn and TGn) and tretranucleotide (GATAn), and 188 random clones were sequenced from both orientations. We designed and tested 44 oligonucleotide primer pairs, which were evaluated using genomic DNA from 30 M. excelsa mature trees collected from a natural population in Benin. Eleven of the 44 markers showed good amplification and were polymorphic. The number of putative alleles for polymorphic primer pairs varied from three to seven, with expected and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.10 to 0.64 and from 0.10 to 0.80, respectively. All 11 loci amplified the related species Milicia regia, indicating that these primers will be useful for population and ecology genetic studies in other species of the genus Milicia.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Population genetic structuring over limited timescales is commonly viewed as a consequence of spatial constraints. Indirect approaches have recently revealed reproductive isolation resulting from flowering time (so-called isolation by time, IBT). Since phenological processes can be subject to selection, the persistence of flowering asynchrony may be due to opposing selective pressures during mating, dispersal, and regeneration phases. Our study aimed to investigate phenology, fruit handling by animals, and their interaction in a timber tree species, Milicia excelsa. ? Methods: We analyzed phenological data collected over 6 years on 69 genotyped trees in a Cameroonian natural rainforest complemented by data from germination trials and field observations of dispersers. ? Key results: Initiation of flowering was correlated with variation in temperature and relative humidity, but was also affected by genetic factors: pairwise differences in flowering time between nearby individuals correlated with kinship coefficient, and earliness of flowering remained stable over time. A decrease in mean seed production per fruit with increasing flowering time suggests selection against late bloomers. However, germination rate was not affected by seed collection date, and the main seed disperser, the bat Eidolon helvum, seemed to increase in abundance at the end of the reproductive season and preferred trees in open habitats where early and late bloomers are expected. ? Conclusions: The pairwise approach performs well in detecting IBT. The persistence of different mating pools in such a case may result from a trade off between selective forces during the mating and seed dispersal processes.  相似文献   

The long generation time and large effective size of widespread forest tree species can result in slow evolutionary rate and incomplete lineage sorting, complicating species delimitation. We addressed this issue with the African timber tree genus Milicia that comprises two morphologically similar and often confounded species: M. excelsa, widespread from West to East Africa, and M. regia, endemic to West Africa. We combined information from nuclear microsatellites (nSSRs), nuclear and plastid DNA sequences, and morphological systematics to identify significant evolutionary units and infer their evolutionary and biogeographical history. We detected five geographically coherent genetic clusters using nSSRs and three levels of genetic differentiation. First, one West African cluster matched perfectly with the morphospecies M. regia that formed a monophyletic clade at both DNA sequences. Second, a West African M. excelsa cluster formed a monophyletic group at plastid DNA and was more related to M. regia than to Central African M. excelsa, but shared many haplotypes with the latter at nuclear DNA. Third, three Central African clusters appeared little differentiated and shared most of their haplotypes. Although gene tree paraphyly could suggest a single species in Milicia following the phylogenetic species concept, the existence of mutual haplotypic exclusivity and nonadmixed genetic clusters in the contact area of the two taxa indicate strong reproductive isolation and, thus, two species following the biological species concept. Molecular dating of the first divergence events showed that speciation in Milicia is ancient (Tertiary), indicating that long-living tree taxa exhibiting genetic speciation may remain similar morphologically.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed spatial genetic structure (SGS) patterns and estimated dispersal distances in Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C.C. Berg (Moraceae), a threatened wind-pollinated dioecious African tree, with typically low density (∼10 adults/km2). Eight microsatellite markers were used to type 287 individuals in four Cameroonian populations characterized by different habitats and tree densities. Differentiation among populations was very low. Two populations in more open habitat did not display any correlation between genetic relatedness and spatial distance between individuals, whereas significant SGS was detected in two populations situated under continuous forest cover. SGS was weak with a maximum S p-statistic of 0.006, a value in the lower quartile of SGS estimates for trees in the literature. Using a stepwise approach with Bayesian clustering methods, we demonstrated that SGS resulted from isolation by distance and not colonization by different gene pools. Indirect estimates of gene dispersal distances ranged from σ g = 1 to 7.1 km, one order of magnitude higher than most estimates found in the literature for tropical tree species. This result can largely be explained by life-history traits of the species. Milicia excelsa exhibits a potentially wide-ranging wind-mediated pollen dispersal mechanism as well as very efficient seed dispersal mediated by large frugivorous bats. Estimations of gene flow suggested no major risk of inbreeding because of reduction in population density by exploitation. Different strategy of seed collection may be required for reforestation programmes among populations with different extent of SGS.  相似文献   

Iroko trees (Milicia excelsa) in Ivory Coast and Cameroon are unusual because of their highly biomineralized tissues, which can virtually transform the trunk into stone. Oxalic acid (C2O4H2) and metal‐oxalate play important roles in their ecosystems. In this study, the various forms of oxalate and carbonate mineralization reactions are investigated by using scanning electron microscopy and X‐ray diffraction. Calcium oxalate monohydrate is associated with stem, bark and root tissues, whereas calcium oxalate dihydrate is found with wood rot fungi in soils, as well as in decaying wood. Laboratory cultures show that many soil bacteria are able to oxidize calcium oxalate rapidly, resulting in an increase in solution pH. In terms of Mexcelsa, these transformations lead to the precipitation of calcium carbonate, not only within the wood tissue, but also within the litter and soil. We calculate that c. 500 kg of inorganic carbon is accumulated inside an 80‐year‐old tree, and c. 1000 kg is associated with its surrounding soil. Crucially, the fixation of atmospheric CO2 during tree photosynthesis, and its ultimate transformation into calcite, potentially represents a long‐term carbon sink, because inorganic carbon has a longer residence time than organic carbon. Considering that calcium oxalate biosynthesis is widespread in the plant and fungal kingdoms, the biomineralization displayed by M. excelsa may be an extremely common phenomena.  相似文献   

1 Milicia excelsa (Moraceae) is an important timber tree in much of Africa and when grown in monocultural plantations has been subject to nearly complete destruction by gall-forming psyllids in the genus Phytolyma. 2 We tested the impact on susceptibility to Phytolyma spp. of planting Milicia excelsa in various densities and species mixtures. Replicated plantings consisting of 11, 25, 50 and 100% Milicia in mixtures with Terminalia superba (Combretaceae) were established at a site surrounded by natural forest and in an agricultural area. 3 In addition at the agricultural site, 50–50 mixtures of Milicia excelsa with Albizia adianthifolia (Mimosaceae), Tectona grandis (Verbenaceae), Khaya ivorensis. (Meliaceae), Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae) and a mixture combining all species were planted. 4 Two months after planting, gall numbers were significantly lower in the 11% Milicia mixtures at the forest site. Gall numbers were also significantly lower at the forest site than at the agricultural site, for all densities of Milicia. At 6 months, dieback of Milicia resulting from gall formation had taken place equally on all seedlings, but survival of seedlings at the forest site was 40% higher than at the agricultural site.  相似文献   

Cedrela odorata L. (Spanish cedar), an economically important timber species native to the American tropics, is the focus of increasing conservation concern due to high rates of deforestation within its native range. To assess the extent of the genetic diversity within and between populations of this species, samples were obtained from 10 widely dispersed populations within Costa Rica and analysed for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation. Fourteen 10-mer primers were used to generate 97 polymorphic RAPD bands. Presence/absence data for all bands were subjected to a pairwise genetic distance analysis, according to Jaccard's coefficient, then neighbour-joining cluster analysis was performed on these distances, as was an analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ), to assess levels of differentiation between populations and regions, and Shannon's Diversity Index was used to quantify levels of diversity within and between populations. Results indicated highly significant genetic differentiation ( P < 0.004, AMOVA ) between populations originating from the North Pacific and Atlantic/South Pacific regions of Costa Rica, with 35.3% of the total variation attributable to a difference between these areas. Little differentiation was recorded between populations from within the same region ( P = 0.757, AMOVA ), and 65.1% of the total variance was attributable to variation within populations. Estimated values for within-population diversity, calculated as H pop/ H sp by means of Shannon's Diversity Index, were found to vary greatly between primers, but the overall within-population component of genetic diversity was 0.45. Possible reasons for the high degree of intraspecific genetic variation within this species are discussed and the implications of these results for the conservation and use of its genetic resources are described.  相似文献   

Unveiling the genetic basis of local adaptation to environmental variation is a major goal in molecular ecology. In rugged landscapes characterized by environmental mosaics, living populations and communities can experience steep ecological gradients over very short geographical distances. In lowland tropical forests, interspecific divergence in edaphic specialization (for seasonally flooded bottomlands and seasonally dry terra firme soils) has been proven by ecological studies on adaptive traits. Some species are nevertheless capable of covering the entire span of the gradient; intraspecific variation for adaptation to contrasting conditions may explain the distribution of such ecological generalists. We investigated whether local divergence happens at small spatial scales in two stands of Eperua falcata (Fabaceae), a widespread tree species of the Guiana Shield. We investigated Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) and sequence divergence as well as spatial genetic structure (SGS) at four genes putatively involved in stress response and three genes with unknown function. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among sub‐populations within stands, and eight SNP loci showed patterns compatible with disruptive selection. SGS analysis showed genetic turnover along the gradients at three loci, and at least one haplotype was found to be in repulsion with one habitat. Taken together, these results suggest genetic differentiation at small spatial scale in spite of gene flow. We hypothesize that heterogeneous environments may cause molecular divergence, possibly associated to local adaptation in E. falcata.  相似文献   

Wood anatomy of five dipterocarp species endemic to the Philippines was studied with the goal to explore functional wood traits of ecological significance. Stem wood of 6-year-old trees grown under similar environmental conditions in a plantation (Leyte, Philippines) was used. Wood densities decreased in the following order Hopea plagata > Dipterocarpus kerriiParashorea malaanoman Shorea almon ≈ Shorea contorta. This was mainly caused by significantly thicker fiber cell walls of H. plagata and D. kerrii than those of the other three species. Wood density was negatively correlated with the abundance of axial parenchyma cells. Predicted conductance was independent from wood density and lowest in H. plataga and highest in D. kerrii and S. contorta. These results indicate that H. plagata and D. kerrii is woods have higher constructions costs in term of carbon per unit of biomass, and that H. plagata is probably better acclimated to varying soil moisture than the other species.  相似文献   

Hamrick  J. L.  Murawski  Darlyne A.  Nason  John D. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):281-297
Seed dispersal mechanisms should have a direct impact on the genetic structure of populations. Species whose seeds are dispersed near the maternal plant (e.g. gravity or wind dispersal) or species whose seeds are deposited in clumps or patches should have more fine-scale genetic structure than species whose seeds are dispersed singly by mobile animals. Furthermore, due to the overlap of seed shadows, species with high adult densities should have less genetic structure than species with lower densities. Allozyme analyses of three tropical tree species belonging to the moist tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama, were used to describe variation in the scale and intensity of genetic structure within their populations. The genetic structure of seedlings and immature trees in the low-density, wind-dispersed species (Platypodium elegans) was the coarsest and strongest whereas genetic structure in a population of Swartzia simplex var. ochnacea (high density, bird-dispersed) was both the finest and the weakest. The genetic structure of Alseis blackiana, a high-density, wind-dispersed species was intermediate in both degree and scale. In P. elegans and A. blackiana, which had J shaped size distributions, the significant genetic structure seen in the smaller and intermediate diameter classes disappeared in the largest diameter class. The loss of genetic structure was not observed in S. simplex, a species with a more even size distribution.  相似文献   

Drought‐related tree mortality is now a widespread phenomenon predicted to increase in magnitude with climate change. However, the patterns of which species and trees are most vulnerable to drought, and the underlying mechanisms have remained elusive, in part due to the lack of relevant data and difficulty of predicting the location of catastrophic drought years in advance. We used long‐term demographic records and extensive databases of functional traits and distribution patterns to understand the responses of 20–53 species to an extreme drought in a seasonally dry tropical forest in Costa Rica, which occurred during the 2015 El Niño Southern Oscillation event. Overall, species‐specific mortality rates during the drought ranged from 0% to 34%, and varied little as a function of tree size. By contrast, hydraulic safety margins correlated well with probability of mortality among species, while morphological or leaf economics spectrum traits did not. This firmly suggests hydraulic traits as targets for future research.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of the African tropical rainforests as a hotspot of biodiversity, their history and the processes that have structured their biodiversity are understood poorly. With respect to past demographic processes, new insights can be gained through characterizing the distribution of genetic diversity. However, few studies of this type have been conducted in Central Africa, where the identification of species in the field can be difficult. We examine here the distribution of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) diversity in Lower Guinea in two tree species that are difficult to distinguish, Erythrophleum ivorense and Erythrophleum suaveolens (Fabaceae). By using a blind-sampling approach and comparing molecular and morphological markers, we first identified retrospectively all sampled individuals and determined the limits of the distribution of each species. We then performed a phylogeographic study using the same genetic data set. The two species displayed essentially parapatric distributions that were correlated well with the rainfall gradient, which indicated different ecological requirements. In addition, a phylogeographic structure was found for E. suaveolens and, for both species, substantially higher levels of diversity and allelic endemism were observed in the south (Gabon) than in the north (Cameroon) of the Lower Guinea region. This finding indicated different histories of population demographics for the two species, which might reflect different responses to Quaternary climate changes. We suggest that a recent period of forest perturbation, which might have been caused by humans, favoured the spread of these two species and that their poor recruitment at present results from natural succession in their forest formations.  相似文献   

Microsatellites from the Amazonian tree Dinizia excelsa (Fabaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

 Seasonal drought may limit primary productivity in most of the tropics, but the determinants of tree growth are not well known. A 10-year study of the deciduous trees Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Spreng. (Cochlospermaceae) and Cnidoscolus spinosus Lundell (Euphorbiaceae) in southwestern México showed radial growth to be highly correlated (both r>0.85) only with precipitation during an interval of <2 months in the mid-wet season. Growth was not affected by total annual precipitation or by an early starting or late ending of the wet season, or by heavy rainfall in the dry season. Annual mean girth increments ranged from 0.03 to 3.31 cm and −0.1 to 2.01 cm, respectively. The best model for growth (r 2>0.85) was a linear combination of mid-summer precipitation (positive coefficient) and total precipitation over the previous 2 years (negative coefficient). Comparison with other species showed heterogeneous responses of wood production to climate variation, and suggests that the range of functional types of dry forest trees is still unknown. Received: 9 September 1996 / Accepted: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

Tropical forest management often focuses on a few high‐value timber species because they are thought to be the most vulnerable in logged forests. However, other tree species may be vulnerable to secondary effects of logging, like loss of vertebrate dispersers. We examined vulnerability of tree species to loss of vertebrate dispersers in Mabira, a heavily disturbed tropical rainforest in Uganda. Fruit characteristics and shade tolerance regimes of 269 tree species were compiled. Stem densities of tree species producing fruits of various sizes and having different shade tolerance regimes were computed for Mabira and compared with densities of conspecifics in Budongo, a less disturbed forest with similar floral composition. Seventy per cent of tree species in Mabira are animal‐dispersed, of which 10% are large‐fruited light demanders. These species are the most vulnerable because they rarely recruit beneath adult conspecifics and are exclusively dispersed by large vertebrates, also vulnerable in heavily disturbed forests. Comparison of densities between Mabira and Budongo showed that large‐fruited light demanders had a lower density in Mabira. Other categories of tree species had similar densities in both forests. It is plausible that the low density of large‐fruited light demanders is due to limited recruitment caused by dispersal limitations.  相似文献   

Leaf size and leaf display of thirty-eight tropical tree species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Poorter L  Rozendaal DM 《Oecologia》2008,158(1):35-46
Trees forage for light through optimal leaf display. Effective leaf display is determined by metamer traits (i.e., the internode, petiole, and corresponding leaf), and thus these traits strongly co-determine carbon gain and as a result competitive advantage in a light-limited environment. We examined 11 metamer traits of sun and shade trees of 38 coexisting moist forest tree species and determined the relative strengths of intra- and interspecific variation. Species-specific metamer traits were related to two variables that represent important life history variation; the regeneration light requirements and average leaf size of the species. Metamer traits varied strongly across species and, in contrast to our expectation, showed only modest changes in response to light. Intra- and interspecific responses to light were only congruent for a third of the traits evaluated. Four traits, amongst which leaf size, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf area ratio at the metamer level (LAR) showed even opposite intra- and interspecific responses to light. Strikingly, these are classic traits that are thought to be of paramount importance for plant performance but that have completely different consequences within and across species. Sun trees of a given species had small leaves to reduce the heat load, but light-demanding species had large leaves compared to shade-tolerants, probably to outcompete their neighbors. Shade trees of a given species had a high SLA and LAR to capture more light in a light-limited environment, whereas shade-tolerant species have well-protected leaves with a low SLA compared to light-demanding species, probably to deter herbivores and enhance leaf lifespan. There was a leaf-size-mediated trade-off between biomechanical and hydraulic safety, and the efficiency with which species can space their leaves and forage for light. Unexpectedly, metamer traits were more closely linked to leaf size than to regeneration light requirements, probably because leaf-size-related biomechanical and vascular constraints limit the trait combinations that are physically possible. This suggests that the leaf size spectrum overrules more subtle variation caused by the leaf economics spectrum, and that leaf size represents a more important strategy axis than previously thought. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Many tropical forest tree species have broad geographic ranges, and fossil records indicate that population disjunctions in some species were established millions of years ago. Here we relate biogeographic history to patterns of population differentiation, mutational and demographic processes in the widespread rainforest tree Symphonia globulifera using ribosomal (ITS) and chloroplast DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellite (nSSR) loci. Fossil records document sweepstakes dispersal origins of Neotropical S. globulifera populations from Africa during the Miocene. Despite historical long-distance gene flow, nSSR differentiation across 13 populations from Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador (east and west of Andes) and French Guiana was pronounced (F(ST)= 0.14, R(ST)= 0.39, P < 0.001) and allele-size mutations contributed significantly (R(ST) > F(ST)) to the divergences between cis- and trans-Andean populations. Both DNA sequence and nSSR data reflect contrasting demographic histories in lower Mesoamerica and Amazonia. Amazon populations show weak phylogeographic structure and deviation from drift-mutation equilibrium indicating recent population expansion. In Mesoamerica, genetic drift was strong and contributed to marked differentiation among populations. The genetic structure of S. globulifera contains fingerprints of drift-dispersal processes and phylogeographic footprints of geological uplifts and sweepstakes dispersal.  相似文献   

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