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Acetylene reduction activity (ARA) and leghemoglobin (Lb) content in nodules were sigificantly reduced when pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Lincoln) plants were subjected to 50 m M sodium chloride stress for 3 weeks. C2H2 reduction activity by bacteriods isolated from pea nodules was drastically inhibited by saline stress, and malate appeared to be a more appropriate substrate than glucose or succinate in maintaining this activity. Salt added directly to the incubation mixture of bacteriods or to the culture medium of plants inhibited O2 uptake by bacteroids. Nodule cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC and bacteriod malate dehydrogenase (MDH; EC activities were strongly enhanced by salt stress. Under these conditions, malate concentration was depressed in bacteroids and cytosol, whereas total soluble sugar (TSS)content slightly increased in both fractions. The effect of salt stress on TSS and malate content suggests that the utilization of carbohydrate within nodules could be inhibited during salt stress. The inhibitory effect of NaCl on N2 fixation activity of bacteroids and to the decrease in bacteroid respiration. The stimulation of fermentative metabolism induced by salinity suggests some reduction in O2 availability within the nodule. Salt stress was also responsible for a decrease of the cytosolic protein content, specifically of leghemoglobin, in the nodules.  相似文献   

A two‐week salt treatment (NaCl, 100 m M ) induced a 50% inhibition of acetylene reduction activity (ARA) of faba bean ( Vicia faba L. var. minor cv. Soravi) nodules, associated with a large increase in the nodule pool of amino acids. The concentration of proline in the different nodule compartments was determined after calculating their respective volumes from their areas on electron micrographs. The proline concentration exhibited a large increase, especially in the cytosol where its amount was 8‐fold enhanced under salt stress, whereas the low proline content of bacteroids was less affected. Increase of proline concentration in faba bean nodules subjected to salt stress was correlated with an enhancement of the cytosolic Δ1‐pyrroline‐5‐carboxylate synthetase (EC + EC; P5CS) activity. Experiments with purified symbiosome preparations showed that the greatest proline content occurred in the peribacteroid space (PBS), where proline was the most abundant amino acid, with a concentration reaching 15.3 m M under salt stress. Proline accumulation in the PBS resulted both from a diffusive transport from the host cell to the symbiosomes through the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) and from the very low rate of uptake by faba bean bacteroids. This accumulation could be partly responsible for the 1.7‐fold enlargement of the symbiosome volume observed in salt‐stressed nodules. In incubations of bacteroids, isolated from salt‐stressed or unstressed plants and supplied with O2 by purified oxyleghemoglobin, addition of proline stimulated neither O2 consumption nor ARA. These results were consistent with proline playing a role as osmoticum, rather than energy source for bacteroid N2 fixation in amide‐exporting legumes such as faba bean.  相似文献   

The fate of radioactive glycine betaine was investigated in 31-day-old alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L. cv Europe) plants nodulated by Rhizobium meliloti 102 F 34. Radioactive [methyl-14C]- or [1,2-14C]glycine betaine was fed for 6 h to plants subjected or not to stress by 0.2 M NaCl. A 36% decrease in glycine betaine uptake was observed in salinized plants. No loss of radioactivity in the gas phase or the growth medium was ever observed from either stressed or unstressed plants, even after a 4-day chase period. Glycine betaine catabolism was negligible in shoots of both control and salinized plants, but it was important in roots and even more significant in nodules of unstressed plants. In unstressed nodules, 52% of the labelled betaine was metabolized after 4 days, and the half-life of glycine betaine was estimated at ca 4 days. On the contrary, catabolism was dramatically reduced in stressed roots and, particularly, nodules in which the half-life of glycine betaine increased to at least 16 days. Analysis of the redistribution of radioactivity among plant organs during the chase period shows that glycine betaine was translocated from the roots to the nodules of salinized plants, so that during this period salinization resulted in a 91% increase in nodule radioactivity, whereas a 34% decrease was observed in control plants. Altogether, reduced catabolism and increased translocation of glycine betaine to stressed nodules favored its accumulation in these organs. The high level of glycine betaine might contribute to maintain a better water status in the nodule and, thus, protect the nitrogen fixation activity against the deleterious effects of elevated osmolarity in the nutrient solution.  相似文献   

In addition to its role in protein synthesis and the plant cells'' response to environmental stresses, circumstantial evidence suggest that proline may also play a role in flowering and development both as a metabolite and as a signal molecule. Although there is a growing consensus that proline is of special importance throughout the reproductive phase (from flower transition to seed development) a general agreement on the molecular and genetic mechanisms proline is involved in, is yet to be established. In this paper we shall review and critically discuss most of the evidence supporting a role for proline in plant development, paying special attention to the recently reported role of proline in flower transition.Key words: proline, flower transition, embryo development, P5CS1, P5CS2  相似文献   

Proline (Pro) and glycine betaine (GB) contents were determined in two Mediterranean halophytes, Plantago crassifolia and Inula crithmoides, to assess their possible role in salt tolerance of both taxa. Plant material was collected in a littoral salt marsh under different environmental conditions, and from plants subjected to salt treatments in a growth chamber. Relative growth inhibition by NaCl indicated that I. crithmoides is more salt-tolerant than P. crassifolia, in agreement with the distribution of the two species in nature. Field and laboratory data confirmed GB as the major osmolyte responsible for osmotic adjustment in I. crithmoides, but with only a minor role – if any – as “osmoprotectant” in the salt tolerance of P. crassifolia. Under natural conditions, Pro contents were very low in both taxa, but increased to levels high enough to contribute significantly to osmotic balance when plants were artificially treated with 450–600 mM NaCl – higher salt concentrations than those they would normally encounter in their natural habitats. These data suggest that halophytes possess built-in mechanisms, such as accumulation of additional osmolytes, to rapidly adapt to increasing salinity levels in their natural ecosystems; for example, those expected to be caused by climate change in salt marshes in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

The production of malondialdehyde (MDA) was higher in cotyledons from NaCl-raised Brassica juncea seedlings than in control seedlings. Light accelerated the MDA-producing capacity of thylakoids isolated from both control and treated seedlings. When exposed to strong white light (920 mol photons m-2 s-1) the thylakoids from NaCl seedlings produced nearly 5 times more MDA than control thylakoids. In the cotyledons of NaCl seedlings, the proline level was 24-fold higher than in controls. The presence of proline during exposure of thylakoids to white light decreased MDA levels. The reduction in MDA production was higher in the thylakoids of NaCl seedlings than of controls. It is proposed that proline accumulation has an adaptive significance as it lowers the generation of free radicals and thus reduces the lipid peroxidation linked membrane deterioration under stress.  相似文献   

The behaviour of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism, as well as oxidative stress generation and heme oxygenase gene and protein expression and activity, were analysed in soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules exposed to 50, 100 and 200 mM NaCl concentrations. A significant increase in lipid peroxidation was found with 100 and 200 mM salt treatments. Moreover, superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase activities were decreased under 100 and 200 mM salt. Nitrogenase activity and leghemeoglobin content were diminished and ammonium content increased only under 200 mM NaCl. At 100 mM NaCl, glutamine synthetase (GS) and NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities were similar to controls, whereas a significant increase (64%) in NADH-glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activity was observed. GS activity did not change at 200 mM salt treatment, but GOGAT and GDH significantly decreased (40 and 50%, respectively). When gene and protein expression of GS and GOGAT were analysed, it was found that they were positively correlated with enzyme activities. In addition, heme oxygenase (HO) activity, protein synthesis and gene expression were significantly increased under 100 mM salt treatment. Our data demonstrated that the up-regulation of HO, as part of antioxidant defence system, could be protecting the soybean nodule nitrogen fixation and assimilation under saline stress conditions.  相似文献   

The physiological responses of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Gilboa) to salinity (100 mM NaCl) and some inorganic nutrients (K+, Ca2+ and N as NO3-) were investigated. Salinity caused a substantial reduction in biomass, carbon assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency, leaf area, relative growth rate, NO3- content and nitrate reductase activity, whereas, transpiration rate was slightly affected. Inclusion of K+, Ca2+ and N as NO3- in plant nutrient medium in combination or alone brought about a marked stimulation in control plants and moderated the salinity caused reductions in NaCl treated plants. In addition, plants also exhibited differences in these parameters at two growth stages. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering for betaine accumulation in microbes and plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants accumulate a variety of osmoprotectants that improve their ability to combat abiotic stresses. Among them, betaine appears to play an important role in conferring resistance to stresses. Betaine is synthesized via either choline oxidation or glycine methylation. An increased betaine level in transgenic plants is one of the potential strategies to generate stress-tolerant crop plants. Here, we showed that an exogenous supply of serine or glycine to a halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica, which synthesizes betaine from glycine by a three-step methylation, elevated intracellular accumulation of betaine under salt stress. The gene encoding 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PGDH), which catalyzes the first step of the phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis, was isolated from A. halophytica. Expression of the Aphanothece PGDH gene in Escherichia coli caused an increase in levels of betaine as well as glycine and serine. Expression of the Aphanothece PGDH gene in Arabidopsis plants, in which the betaine synthetic pathway was introduced via glycine methylation, further increased betaine levels and improved the stress tolerance. These results demonstrate that PGDH enhances the levels of betaine by providing the precursor serine for both choline oxidation and glycine methylation pathways.  相似文献   

The glycine betaine which accumulated in shoots of young barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L.) during an episode of water stress did not undergo net destruction upon relief of stress, but its distribution among plant organs changed. During stress, betaine accumulated primarily in mature leaves, whereas it was found mainly in young leaves after rewatering. Well-watered, stressed, and stressed-rewatered plants were supplied with [methyl-14C]betaine (8.5 nmol) via an abraded spot on the second leaf blade, and incubated for 3 d. In all three treatments the added 14C migrated more or less extensively from the second leaf blade, but was recovered quantitatively from various plant organs in the form of betaine; no labeled degradation products were found in any organ. When 0.5 mol of [methyl-14C]betaine was applied via an abraded spot to the second leaf blades of well-watered, mildly-stressed, and stressed-rewatered plants, 14C was translocated out of the blades at velocities of about 0.2–0.3 cm/min which were similar to velocities found for applied [14C]sucrose. Heat-girdling of the sheath prevented export of [14C]betaine from the blade. When 0.5 mol [3H]sucrose and 0.5 mol [14C]betaine were suppled simultaneously to second leaf blades, the 3H/14C ratio in the sheath tissue was the same as that of the supplied mixture. After supplying tracer [14C]betaine aldehyde (the immediate precursor of betaine) to the second leaf blade, the 14C which was translocated into the sheath was in the form of betaine. Thus, betaine synthesized by mature leaves during stress behaves as an inert end product and upon rewatering is translocated to the expanding leaves, most probably via the phloem. Accordingly, it is suggested that the level of betaine in a barley plant might serve as a useful cumulative index of the water stress experienced during growth.  相似文献   

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) plants were exposed to drought to examine the involvement of carbon metabolism and oxidative stress in the decline of nitrogenase (N(2)ase) activity. Exposure of plants to a moderate drought (leaf water potential of -1.3 MPa) had no effect on sucrose (Suc) synthase (SS) activity, but caused inhibition of N(2)ase activity (-43%), accumulation of succinate (+36%) and Suc (+58%), and up-regulation of genes encoding cytosolic CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), plastid FeSOD, cytosolic glutathione reductase, and bacterial MnSOD and catalases B and C. Intensification of stress (-2.1 MPa) decreased N(2)ase (-82%) and SS (-30%) activities and increased malate (+40%), succinate (+68%), and Suc (+435%). There was also up-regulation (mRNA) of cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase and down-regulation (mRNA) of SS, homoglutathione synthetase, and bacterial catalase A. Drought stress did not affect nifH mRNA level or leghemoglobin expression, but decreased MoFe- and Fe-proteins. Rewatering of plants led to a partial recovery of the activity (75%) and proteins (>64%) of N(2)ase, a complete recovery of Suc, and a decrease of malate (-48%) relative to control. The increase in O(2) diffusion resistance, the decrease in N(2)ase-linked respiration and N(2)ase proteins, the accumulation of respiratory substrates and oxidized lipids and proteins, and the up-regulation of antioxidant genes reveal that bacteroids have their respiratory activity impaired and that oxidative stress occurs in nodules under drought conditions prior to any detectable effect on SS or leghemoglobin. We conclude that a limitation in metabolic capacity of bacteroids and oxidative damage of cellular components are contributing factors to the inhibition of N(2)ase activity in alfalfa nodules.  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms of two rape (Brassica napus L.) genotype adaptation to chlorine salinity were investigated. The plants of two cultivars (Olga and Westar) differing in salt tolerance were grown in the pots filled with Perlite on the Hoagland and Snyder’s medium under controlled conditions. At a stage of 3–4 true leaves, the plants experienced 7-day-long salinity induced by a single addition of NaCl to the nutrient medium in order to attain desired final salt concentration (from 50 to 400 mM). The obtained results showed that a greater salt tolerance of cv. Olga plants (as compared with cv. Westar) could be accounted for by a capability of their root cells to uptake water under high salinity (300–400 mM NaCl), which is evident from a greater content of water in the tissues of cv. Olga. This was ensured by a sharp fall of the osmotic potential of the cellular contents (down to −2.3 MPa) at a low water potential of nutrient solution owing to more active uptake of Na+ (57–61 μeq/g fr wt) and K+ (210–270 μeq/g fr wt) as well as active accumulation of proline (30–50 μmol/g fr wt). The latter is caused by a reduced activity of proline dehydrogenase and retarded degradation of this osmolyte. It is important that, in contrast to less tolerant genotype, the rape plants of salt-resistant cultivar were able to maintain the K+/Na+ ratio at a rather high level at salinity of different degree, which made it possible to preserve ionic homeostasis under adverse conditions. Original Russian Text ? A.M. Mokhamed, G.N. Raldugina, V.P. Kholodova, Vl.V. Kuznetsov, 2006, published in Fiziologiya Rastenii, 2006, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 732–738.  相似文献   

Nitrogen metabolism in plants under low oxygen stress   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Proline accumulation in two different bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars, one drought-sensitive (Canario 60) and one drought-resistant (Pinto Villa) was investigated. Both tolerated salt concentrations up to 150 mM NaCl, but the sensitive Canario 60 did not survive at 400 mM NaCl. In response to salt stress, both cvs. accumulated proline in all the analyzed tissues, the lowest contents were detected in roots. Pinto Villa accumulated higher proline concentrations than Canario 60 only at 400 mM NaCl. The addition of polyamines or ornithine increased proline content in plant tissues without stress, while they decreased it under salt stress.  相似文献   

Callus cultures of Brassica napus L. cv. Westar were selected which contained 5 – 6 times more proline than unselected callus. Callus pieces from these cultures were able to survive much better after subculture to medium containing 105 mM Na2SO4 than unselected callus, or unselected callus cultured on exogenous proline before or during transfer to the salt. Exogenous proline was rapidly absorbed. In unselected callus there was a peak in proline accumulation ca. 2 days after transfer to Na2SO4, followed by a decline. In contrast proline accumulation in tolerant callus was linear with time, reaching maximum levels at 8 days. Proline levels induced by exposure to salt were maintained in the absence of stress.Abbreviations DW Dry weight - FW Fresh weight  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to examine the relationship between proline metabolism and NAD kinase activity in greenbeans submitted to cold-shock. For this, 15-day-old greenbean plants were subjected to a temperature of 4 degrees C (cold shock) for 180 min. Our results indicate that the plants showed foliar accumulation of proline, with the enzymes ornithine-delta-aminotransferase (OAT) and proline dehydrogenase (PDH) appearing as determinant in this accumulation under cold-shock. Also, we found a close relationship between the Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent NAD kinase activity and proline metabolism, suggesting that the adaptive responses or acclimation of plants to cold stress are preceded by increased [Ca(2+)](cyt).  相似文献   

Summary. The effect of different doses of cadmium and copper was studied in relation to growth and polyamine (Pas) metabolism in shoots of sunflower plants. Cadmium accumulated to higher levels than copper and shoot length was reduced by 0.5 and 1 mM Cd, but only by 1 mM Cu. At 1 mM of Cd or Cu, Put content increased 270% and 160% with Cd2+ and Cu2+, respectively. Spermidine (Spd) was modified only by 1 mM Cd, while spermine (Spm) declined after seeds germinated, increasing thereafter but only with 1 mM Cd or Cu (273% over the controls for Cd and 230% for Cu at day 16). Both ADC and ODC activities were increased by 1 mM Cd, whereas 1 mM Cu enhanced ADC activity, but reduced ODC activity at every concentration used. The role of Pas as markers of Cd or Cu toxicity is discussed.  相似文献   

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