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治疗性单克隆抗体药物已成为生物医药领域市场最主要的产品类别。蛋白A亲和层析作为第一步捕获抗体蛋白最为有效的手段仍然在现有单克隆抗体纯化平台中占据主导地位。在本研究中,首先开发了一种基于低p H处理抗体细胞回收液的新型细胞液回收技术,该技术能有效去除宿主相关污染物(非组蛋白宿主杂质蛋白、组蛋白、DNA、蛋白聚合物等),同时保证较高的抗体回收率。通过该技术有效预处理后,蛋白A纯化效率可提高10倍左右,并且有效避免了抗体洗脱液中和后浊度的上升,大大减轻了后续蛋白纯化的压力。同时我们也对酸性处理中各种宿主杂质去除机制进行了研究。然后,预处理的洗脱液再经一步Capto adhere色谱纯化,非组蛋白宿主杂质蛋白降低至5 ppm、DNA小于1 ppb、组蛋白降低至检测限以下、蛋白聚合物小于0.01%。总过程抗体蛋白收率87%。该两步法抗体纯化技术可有效集成至当前主流抗体纯化平台,具有良好的大规模应用价值。  相似文献   

The interaction between two different monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) and their corresponding bispecific antibodies (Babs) with immobilized antigens was investigated using an optical biosensor (IAsys). The analyzed panel of affinity-purified antibodies included two parental Mabs (one of which was specific to human IgG (hIgG), and another one to horseradish peroxidase (HRP)), as well as Babs derived thereof (anti-hIgG/HRP). Babs resulting from the fusion of parental hybridomas bear two antigen-binding sites toward two different antigens and thus may interact with immobilized antigen through only one antigen-binding site (monovalently). Using an IAsys biosensor this study shows that the bivalent binding of Mabs predominates over the monovalent binding with immobilized HRP, whereas anti-hIgG parental Mabs were bound monovalently to the immobilized hIgG. The observed equilibrium association constant (K ass) values obtained in our last work [1] by solid-phase radioimmunoassay are consistent with those constants obtained by IAsys. The K ass of anti-HRP Mabs was about 50 times higher than that of anti-HRP shoulder of Babs. The dissociation rate constant (k diss) for anti-HRP shoulder of Babs was 21 times higher than k diss for anti-HRP Mabs. The comparison of the kinetic parameters for bivalent anti-HRP Mabs and Babs derived from anti-Mb/HRP and anti-hIgG/HRP, allowed to calculate that 95% of bound anti-HRP Mabs are bivalently linked with immobilized HRP, whereas only 5% of bound anti-HRP Mabs are monovalently linked. In general, the data obtained indicate that Babs bearing an enzyme-binding site may not be efficiently used instead of traditional antibody–enzyme conjugates in the case of binding of bivalent Mabs.  相似文献   

A technique based on fluorescence polarization (anisotropy) was used to measure the binding of antibodies to DNA under a variety of conditions. Fluorescein-labeled duplexes of 20 bp in length were employed as the standard because they are stable even at low ionic strength yet sufficiently short so that both arms of an IgG cannot bind to the same duplex. IgG Jel 274 binds duplexes in preference to single-stranded DNA; in 80 mM NaCl Kobs for (dG)20.(dC)20 is 4.1x10(7) M-1 compared with 6.4x10(5) M-1 for d(A5C10A5). There is little sequence specificity, but the interaction is very dependent on ionic strength. From plots of log Kobs against log[Na+] it was deduced that five or six ion pairs are involved in complex formation. At low ionic strength,Kobs is independent of temperature and complex formation is entropy driven with DeltaH degrees obs and DeltaC degrees p,obs both zero. In contrast, in 80 mM NaCl DeltaC degrees p,obs is -630 and -580 cal mol-1K-1 for [d(TG)]10.[d(CA)]10 and (dG)20.(dC)20 respectively. IgG Jel 241 also binds more tightly to duplexes than single-stranded DNA, but sequence preferences were apparent. The values for Kobs to [d(AT)]20 and [d(GC)]20 are 2.7x10(8) and 1.3x10(8) M-1 respectively compared with 5.7x10(6) M-1 for both (dA)20. (dT)20 and (dG)20.(dC)20. As with Jel 274, the binding of Jel 241 is very dependent on ionic strength and four or five ionic bonds are involved in complex formation with all the duplex DNAs which were tested. DeltaC degrees p,obs for Jel 241 binding to [d(AT)]20 was negative (-87 cal mol-1K-1) in 80 mM NaCl but was zero at high ionic strength (130 mM NaCl). Therefore, for duplex-specific DNA binding antibodies DeltaC degrees p,obs is dependent on [Na+] and a large negative value does not correlate with sequence-specific interactions.  相似文献   

C S Raman  R Jemmerson  B T Nall  M J Allen 《Biochemistry》1992,31(42):10370-10379
The kinetic and spectroscopic changes accompanying the binding of two monoclonal antibodies to the oxidized form of horse heart cytochrome c have been investigated. The two epitopes recognized by the antibodies are distinct and noninteracting: antibody 2B5 binds to native cytochrome c near a type II turn (residue 44) while antibody 5F8 binds on the opposite face of the protein near the amino terminus of an alpha-helical segment (residue 60). Antibody-cytochrome c binding obeys a simple bimolecular reaction mechanism with second-order rate constants approaching those expected for diffusion-limited protein-protein interactions. The association rate constants have small activation enthalpies and are inversely dependent on solvent viscosity, as expected for diffusion-controlled reactions. There is a moderate ionic strength dependence of the rate of association between the 2B5 antibody and cytochrome c, with the rate constant increasing about 4-fold as the ionic strength is varied between 0.14 and 0 M. Comparison of the rates for antibody-cytochrome c complex formation for binding to the reduced-native, oxidized-native, and alkaline conformations shows that for MAb 2B5 the forward rate constant depends slightly on cytochrome c conformation. Investigation of the pH-induced transition between the native and alkaline conformational states for free cytochrome c and for antibody-cytochrome c complexes shows that antibody binding stabilizes the native form of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of PHI-like immunoreactivity in the guinea pig gallbladder has been analysed by radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemistry. Chromatography of gallbladder extracts by gel permeation and high-performance liquid chromatography revealed that guinea pig PHI-like immunoreactivity is of a similar size to that of porcine PHI but may differ in its amino acid sequence. Immunocytochemistry showed PHI-immunoreactivity to be localised to nerves found predominantly in the ganglionated plexus and the mucosal plexus of the gallbladder. Pure natural porcine PHI induced a dose-dependent relaxation of the isolated guinea pig gallbladder muscle which was not blocked by antagonists to acetylcholine, catecholamines, histamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine. PHI may thus be one of the local factors involved in controlling gallbladder function.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of two monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (PIP) were examined: a murine IgM mAb to PIP; and a human IgG mAb (4E10) that binds both to HIV-1 envelope protein and also to neutral and anionic phospholipids, including PIP. Binding of each mAb to pure PIP was inhibited by Ca(2+) as determined by ELISA. When studied by surface plasmon resonance, liposomes containing PIP could be stripped (i.e., removed) by either Ca(2+) or phosphorylated haptens after binding of the liposomes to the murine anti-PIP antibody attached to a BIAcore chip. In contrast, the binding of liposomal PIP to 4E10 was irreversible and could not be stripped. We therefore conclude that Ca(2+) and phosphate can modulate the initial binding of both types of antibodies to PIP. However, 4E10 binds to liposomal PIP in a two-stage process involving first Ca(2+)-modulated binding to the PIP polar headgroup, followed by irreversible binding to liposomal hydrophobic groups.  相似文献   

Mammary prolaction (PRL) receptors in 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]propanesulfonic acid (Chaps) extract were immobilized on a nitrocellulose (NC) filter, and a binding assay using the filter-bound receptors was carried out in the absence of detergent. PRL binding to the receptors was dependent on the quantity of the receptors and the PRL added to the filters. The filter-bound receptors retained the specificity of binding to peptide hormones. Scatchard analysis showed that the number of PRL receptors and the dissociation constant for PRL binding are essentially unchanged after immobilization on a NC filter, indicating that the PRL binding site does not participate in the binding to the NC filter and is equally available for PRL binding. The monoclonal antibody (MAb) against the PRL receptor was able to bind specifically to the Chaps-solubilized and filter-bound PRL receptors, as shown by curvilinear Scatchard plots. Immobilization on NC filters permits direct detection and characterization of the soluble PRL receptor using labeled PRL or MAb.  相似文献   

Transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (TRNOE) was used to observe changes in a ligand's conformation upon binding to its specific antibody. The ligands studied were methyl O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl(1----6)-4-deoxy-4-fluoro-beta-D-galactopyra nos ide (me4FGal2) and its selectively deuteriated analogue, methyl O-beta-D-galactopyranosyl(1----6)-4-deoxy-2-deuterio-4-fluoro-beta -D- galactopyranoside (me4F2dGal2). The monoclonal antibody was mouse IgA X24. The solution conformation of the free ligand me4F2dGal2 was inferred from measurements of vicinal 1H-1H coupling constants, long-range 1H-13C coupling constants, and NOE cross-peak intensities. For free ligand, both galactosyl residues adopt a regular chair conformation, but the NMR spectra are incompatible with a single unique conformation of the glycosidic linkage. Analysis of 1H-1H and 1H-13C constants indicates that the major conformer has an extended conformation: phi = -120 degrees; psi = 180 degrees; and omega = 75 degrees. TRNOE measurements on me4FGal2 and me4F2dGal2 in the presence of the specific antibody indicate that the pyranose ring pucker of each galactose ring remains unchanged, but rotations about the glycosidic linkage occur upon binding to X24. Computer calculations indicate that there are two sets of torsion angles that satisfy the observed NMR constraints, namely, phi = -152 +/- 9 degrees; psi = -128 +/- 7 degrees; and omega = -158 +/- 6 degrees; and a conformer with phi = -53 +/- 6 degrees; psi = 154 +/- 10 degrees; and omega = -173 +/- 6 degrees. Neither conformation is similar to any of the observed conformations of the free disaccharide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The thermodynamic characteristics of oligosaccharide binding to an antibody binding site that is dominated by aromatic amino acids suggest that the hydrophobic effect contributes substantially to complex formation as well as hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions. A detailed titration microcalorimetric study on the temperature dependence of the binding of a trisaccharide, representing the epitope of a Salmonella O-antigen, showed that its maximum binding to the monoclonal antibody Se155-4 occurs just below room temperature and both enthalpy and entropy changes are strongly dependent on temperature in a mutually compensating manner. The heat capacity change also shows an unusually strong temperature dependence being large and negative above room temperature and positive below. van't Hoff analysis of the temperature dependence of the binding constant yielded a biphasic curve with two apparent intrinsic enthalpy estimations (approximately -100 kJ mol-1 above 18 degrees C and approximately +100 kJ mol-1 below), each very different from the calorimetrically determined enthalpies (ranging from about -60 kJ mol-1 to -20 kJ mol-1). This was interpreted as being due to large enthalpy contributions from concomitant reactions, most notably changes in solvation. Linear plots, -delta H0 versus -T delta S0, observed for temperature-dependent measurements mirror the behavior seen for a series of functional group replacements, suggesting that the molecular and physical origin of these phenomena are closely related and linked to the role of water in complex formation. The thermodynamic results are compared to the mode of binding determined from a 2.05-A resolution structure of the Fab-oligosaccharide complex, and with literature data for the heat capacities of sugars in aqueous solution and for the thermodynamics of carbohydrate binding to transport proteins and lectins.  相似文献   

The DNA base sequence specificity of the 64M-1 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes ultraviolet (UV)-induced (6-4)photoproducts, was characterized. The 64M-1 antibody strongly bound to UV-poly(dU) as well as to UV-poly(dT), and weakly to UV-poly(dC), UV-poly(me5dC) and UV-poly(rU). A competitive inhibition assay using UV-oligo(dT)8, UV-oligo(dTdC)4, UV-oligo(dC)8, UV-PvuI linker (GCGATCGC) and UV-PvuII linker (GCAGCTGC) indicated that the main (6-4)photoproducts detected by the 64M-1 antibody in UV-irradiated DNA are TT(6-4)photoproducts and TC(6-4)photoproducts. Comparison between dTpdT(6-4)photoproduct and dTpdC(6-4)photoproduct showed that the affinity of the 64M-1 antibody for dTpdT(6-4)photoproduct was about 5 times higher than that for dTpdC(6-4)photoproduct. The antibody also binds to isolated TT(6-4)photoproducts.  相似文献   

The nitrocellulose model and microphotometry were used to investigate whether in immunoperoxidase cytochemical methods the amount of final reaction product reflects the amount of cell surface antigen. The results obtained with four cytochemical peroxidase methods, i.e., those using diaminobenzidine/H2O2 (DAB/H2O)2, DAB/H2O2/COCl2, DAB/H2O2/imidazole, and silver intensification of the DAB end product, were compared first. The quantitative DAB/H2O2/imidazole method proved to be the most sensitive and was selected for further studies. Cell surface antigens prepared by solubilization of peritoneal macrophages with octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside were immobilized on nitrocellulose. Monoclonal antibody binding to these cell antigens was detected by peroxidase immunocytochemistry. Comparison of the sensitivity of the indirect immunoperoxidase and the biotin-(strept)avidin immunoperoxidase methods on the basis of the highest detectable dilution of a cell lysate showed that these methods were equally sensitive. A linear relationship between the absorbance of the peroxidase reaction product and the amount of cell lysate immobilized on nitrocellulose was found for all three indirect immunoperoxidase methods. This proves that the amount of final immunocytochemical peroxidase reaction product is proportional to the amount of antigen in cell lysates. However, the relative expression of antigens in intact cells differs from that in cell lysates. Therefore, the present method to solubilize cells and immobilize cell antigens cannot be used to quantitate the antigen content of cells.  相似文献   

Highly specific ligand receptor interactions generally characterize molecular recognition at cell surfaces and other biological systems. In this study we simulate a membrane receptor by fusing a monoclonal antibody fragment to a phospholipid. A sulfhydryl group in the hinge region of a monoclonal antibody fragment, was covalently linked to derivatives of phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylserine via three different hydrophilic spacer arms. We investigated and characterized these lipid-anchored Fab-fragments which we have named 'Fab-lipids' in liposomal and monolayer systems. Methods for the monomolecular assembling of such films at the air/water interface and techniques used for their manipulation are outlined. We describe two possibilities for building a monomolecular receptor layer, consisting of two-dimensional pattern of oriented Fab-fragments with their artificial hydrophobic anchor embedded in a lipid matrix. In the first method a monomolecular film at the air/water interface was allowed to form from a vesicular suspension and driven into a phase separation, resulting in protein rich domains embedded in a protein depleted phase. This film was transferred onto a solid support in such a way that the established pattern was preserved. Alternatively, a recognition pattern was formed by directly cross-linking the Fab-fragments to preformed planar membranes composed of the reactive spacer-lipids and an inert matrix lipid. Specificity as well as contrast of the binding activity of the receptor layers were qualified using micro-fluorimetry.  相似文献   

The mAb AI206 (IgG1) is an anti-Id antibody of mAb YH206 (IgM) to adenocarcinoma-associated carbohydrate Ag and inhibits the reaction of mAb YH206 to YH206 Ag at low concentrations. By Western blot analysis, mAb AI206 only reacted with unreduced mAb YH206, whereas it did not react with reduced mAb YH206. Furthermore, mAb AI206 reacted with IgM subunit (180 kDa), F(ab')2 (110 kDa), and F(ab) (50 kDa) of pepsin-treated unreduced mAb YH206. Thus, mAb AI206 recognized the structure of F(ab) of mAb YH206. The mAb YH206 reacted with unreduced mAb AI206, F(ab')2 (110 kDa), and F(ab) (50 kDa) of pepsin-treated unreduced mAb AI206. It is presumed that mAb YH206 and mAb AI206 recognize each other in an unreduced condition but not a reduced condition. The recognition of such a conformational Id on F(ab) is important. Because mAb YH206 recognized the carbohydrate on YH206 Ag as well as the peptide on mAb AI206, the conformation on F(ab) of mAb AI206 may mimic the carbohydrate structure on YH206 Ag. In fact, YH206 antibody activity was induced in syngeneic mouse serum immunized with mAb AI206. These observations suggest that the internal image of YH206 carbohydrate Ag is preserved within the conformational Id on F(ab) of mAb AI206.  相似文献   

Antibody engineering represents a promising area in biotechnology. Recombinant antibodies can be easily manipulated generating new ligand and effector activities that can be used as prototype magic bullets. On the other hand, an extensive knowledge of recombinant antibody binding and stability features are essential for an efficient substitution. In this study, we compared the stability and protein binding properties of two recombinant antibody fragments with their parental monoclonal antibody. The recombinant fragments were a monomeric scFv and a dimeric one, harboring human IgG1 CH2-CH3 domains. We have used fluorescence titration quenching to determine the thermodynamics of the interaction between an anti-Z-DNA monoclonal antibody and its recombinant antibody fragments with Z-DNA. All the antibody fragments seemed to bind DNA similarly, in peculiar two-affinity states. Enthalpy-entropy compensation was observed for both affinity states, but a marked entropy difference was observed for the monomeric scFv antibody fragment, mainly for the high affinity binding. In addition, we compared the stability of the dimeric antibody fragment and found differences favoring the monoclonal antibody. These differences seem to derive from the heterologous expression system used.  相似文献   

A stable mouse hybridoma cell line has been developed that produces monoclonal antibody to human plasma apolipoprotein B. This antibody was proven to be specific for apolipoprotein B immunoblotting and an enzyme immunoassay using apolipoprotein B and other apolipoproteins. The antibody bound with comparable affinities to soluble apolipoprotein B, chylomicrons, very-low-density (VLDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Coupled to agarose, this antibody allowed complete removal of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins from normolipidemic, hypertriglyceridemic and hypercholesterolemic plasma. Desialyzation and deglycosylation had no effect on its binding to LDL. The described antibody had no effect on the receptor-mediated binding of radiolabeled LDL to the human hepatoma cells (HepG2) in culture. Analysis of 25 different samples of human plasma indicated identical expression of the corresponding epitope in these individuals. The described monoclonal antibody, most likely, binds to a rather stable domain of apolipoprotein B that is not altered by the interaction with lipids or polymorphism of the apolipoprotein B. We propose that this antibody be called 'Pan B' antibody.  相似文献   

A monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibody (H10E4C9F) that interacts with the aldosterone receptors was generated using an auto-anti-idiotypic approach by immunizing a mouse with a 3-O-carboxymethyloxime of aldosterone coupled to bovine serum albumin. This antibody, an IgG1, displayed internal image properties of aldosterone and was considered as an Ab2 beta according to the following criteria. (i) H10E bound to Fab fragments of affinity-purified rabbit anti-aldosterone antibody that had high affinity for aldosterone (Kd = 5 x 10(-10) M). Binding was inhibited by aldosterone but not by estradiol. (ii) H10E inhibited [3H]aldosterone binding to rabbit polyclonal antibodies and also to murine monoclonal antibodies raised during the same fusion. Inhibition was concentration-dependent. These results are consistent with the antibody recognizing an interspecies cross-reacting epitope involved in the aldosterone combining site. (iii) The antibody could be affinity-purified on an immobilized monoclonal anti-aldosterone antibody. (iv) It inhibited [3H]aldosterone binding to rabbit kidney cytosolic aldosterone receptors but had no effect on glucocorticoid receptors. Additional evidence for the interaction of H10E with aldosterone receptors was provided by glycerol gradients analyses: the anti-idiotypic antibody displaced [3H]aldosterone and [3H]corticosterone from the native untransformed 9 S aldosterone receptor in the presence of RU 26988, a specific marker of glucocorticoid receptors. All of the above are consistent with the first successful production of a monoclonal antibody that mimics aldosterone and interacts specifically with the steroid binding domain of aldosterone receptors.  相似文献   

Multiple-component regulatory protein systems function through a generalized mechanism where a single regulatory protein or ligand binds to a variety of receptors to modulate specific functions in a physiologically sensitive context. Muscle contraction is regulated by the interaction of actin with troponin I (TnI) or myosin in a Ca(2+)-sensitive manner. Actin utilizes a single binding domain (residues 1-28) to bind to residues 104-115 of TnI (Van Eyk JE, Sönnichsen FD, Sykes BD, Hodges RS, 1991, In: Rüegg JC, ed, Peptides as probes in muscle research, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp 15-31) and to myosin subfragment 1 (S1, an enzymatic fragment of myosin containing both the actin and ATP binding sites) (Van Eyk JE, Hodges RS, 1991, Biochemistry 30:11676-11682) in a Ca(2+)-sensitive manner. We have utilized an anti-TnI peptide (104-115) monoclonal antibody, Mab B4, that binds specifically to TnI, to image the common binding domain of actin and thus mimic the activity of actin including activation of the S1 ATPase activity and TnI-mediated regulation of the S1 ATPase. Mab B4 has also been utilized to identify a receptor binding domain on myosin (residues 633-644) that is recognized by actin. Interestingly, Mab B4 binds to the native protein receptors TnI and S1 with relative affinities of 100- and 25,000-fold higher than the binding affinity to the 12-residue peptide immunogen. Thus, anti-peptide monoclonal antibodies prepared against a receptor binding domain can mimic the ligand binding domain and be utilized as a powerful tool for the detailed analysis of complex multiple-component regulatory systems.  相似文献   

Serotherapy, an approach currently used to protect humans against animal bites or stings, is often too specific. To broaden antiserum paraspecificity, use of antibodies directed against areas shared by all members of a toxin family was previously proposed. MST2 is a mAb that recognizes all long-chain curaremimetic toxins (Charpentier et al. (1990) J. Mol. Recog. 3, 74-81). It binds to toxin residues that make contact with the toxin's target, e.g., the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR). We now show that MST2 also recognizes (-) nicotine, an agonist of AcChoR. Binding properties of MST2 therefore mimick, at least partially, binding properties of AcChoR. Injection in rabbits of MST2 mixed with adjuvant, elicited anti-idiotypic (anti-Id) antibodies that inhibited binding of the toxin to AcChoR. A proportion of these anti-Id antibodies specifically bound AcChoR and thereby mimicked the toxin. Furthermore, rabbits immunized with MST2 elicited auto-anti-anti-Id antibodies capable of binding the toxin. Our data provide a molecular explanation for the previously reported signs of myasthenia gravis as triggered by antibodies raised against cholinergic antagonists. Implications in the design of antisera to toxic proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

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