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The phosphatidylcholine-preferring phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus (PLC(Bc)) is a 28.5 kDa enzyme with three zinc ions in its active site. The roles that a number of amino acid residues play as zinc ligands and in binding and catalysis have been elucidated. Recent mechanistic studies indicate that the rate of the reaction is limited by a proton-transfer step during chemical hydrolysis and not substrate binding or product release. An X-ray structure of PLC(Bc) complexed with a phosphonate inhibitor related to phosphatidylcholine revealed that the three amino acid residues Glu4, Tyr56, and Phe66 comprise the choline binding pocket. However, because the contributions that these three residues make to substrate recognition and specificity were unknown, a series of site-specific mutants for Glu4, Tyr56, and Phe66 were constructed by PCR mutagenesis. On the basis of a comparison of their respective CD spectra and melting temperatures, it appears that the mutants adopt folded structures in solution that are virtually identical to that of wild-type PLC(Bc). The kinetic parameters k(cat) and K(m) for the hydrolysis of the three soluble substrates 1, 2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C6PC), 1, 2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (C6PE), and 1, 2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (C6PS) at concentrations below their corresponding critical micelle concentration (cmc) values were determined for each mutant. Replacement of Phe66 with a nonaromatic residue dramatically decreased k(cat) (approximately 200-fold) and reduced PLC(Bc) activity toward C6PC, C6PE, and C6PS, whereas changes to Glu4 and Tyr56 typically led to much more modest losses in catalytic efficiencies. Mutations of Glu4 had relatively little effect upon k(cat) and K(m) for C6PS, but they significantly influenced K(m) for C6PC and C6PE. Replacing Tyr56 with nonaromatic residues also affects catalytic efficiency, albeit to a much lesser degree than the corresponding changes at position 66. However, the presence of an aromatic residue at position 56 seems to confer some substrate selectivity for C6PC and C6PE, which bear a positive charge on the headgroup, relative to C6PS, which has no net charge on the headgroup; this increase in specificity arises largely from a reduced k(cat) for C6PS.  相似文献   

A synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide probe was used to clone the gene encoding the phosphatidylcholine-preferring phospholipase C of Bacillus cereus. The sequence of a 2050-bp restriction fragment containing the gene was determined. Analysis of the gene-derived amino acid (aa) sequence showed that this exoenzyme is probably synthesized as a 283-aa precursor with a 24-aa signal peptide and a 14-aa propeptide. The mature, secreted enzyme comprises 245 aa residues. Sonicates of Escherichia coli HB101 carrying the gene on a multicopy plasmid showed phospholipase C activity. This activity was inhibited by Tris, a known inhibitor of the B. cereus enzyme and also by antiserum raised against pure B. cereus phospholipase C. We conclude therefore that the gene is expressed in E. coli. The cloning and sequencing described here complete the first step toward using in vitro mutagenesis for investigations of the structure-function relationships of B. cereus phospholipase C.  相似文献   

The Lys80, Gly82 and Met101 residues of glutamate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis were mutated into a series of single mutants. The wild-type enzyme was highly specific for 2-oxoglutarate, whereas G82K and M101S dramatically switched to increased specificity for oxaloacetate with kcat values 3.45 and 5.68 s-1, which were 265-fold and 473-fold higher respectively than those for 2-oxoglutarate.  相似文献   

The bi-Zn2+-enzyme phospholipase C (Bacillus cereus) is readilly inhibited by univalent anions. N.m.r. studies on the 113Cd-substituted enzyme showed the presence of an inert and a perturbable metal, neither of which seemed affected by I-. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed the binding of one I- to the enzyme 4.8 A from the nearest metal (too far for a metal-halide bond). Phospholipase C contains an arginine residue apparently necessary for substrate binding and I- partially protected against inactivation by an arginine reagent. Thus an arginine residue may represent the binding site for univalent anions in the enzyme active centre.  相似文献   

Thiophosphate analogs of phosphatidylcholine have been synthesized with varying structural complexity. These analogs have been used in a continuous spectrophotometric assay for phospholipase C (Bacillus cereus) to estimate the minimal structural requirements associated with the non-polar portion of the substrate phospholipid. The analogs were of three types containing zero, one or two carboxylic acid ester functionalities. The analogs with one or two ester groups acted as substrates for phospholipase C, while those without an ester functionality were not hydrolyzed. The rac-phosphatidylcholine analog with two ester functionalities gave biphasic time-course results, and was subsequently resolved into enantiomers by selective hydrolysis with a sterospecific phospholipase A2 (Crotalus atrox). The enantiomer with R absolute configuration was rapidly hydrolyzed by the phospholipase C while the enantiomer with the S configuration was slowly hydrolyzed after a long induction period. The results suggest that the B. cereus phospholipase C is specific for an ester functionality and is stereoselective for the R absolute configuration at glycerol C-2.  相似文献   

S Stieger  U Brodbeck 《Biochimie》1991,73(9):1179-1186
We investigated the enzymatic properties of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) from Bacillus cereus towards glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchored acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from bovine erythrocytes and Torpedo electric organ as substrate. The conversion of membrane from AChE to soluble AChE by PI-PLC depended on the presence of a detergent and of phosphatidylcholine. In presence of mixed micelles containing Triton X-100 (0.05%) and phosphatidylcholine (0.5 mg/ml) the rate of AChE conversion was about 3 times higher than in presence of Triton X-100 alone. Furthermore, inhibition of PI-PLC occurring at Triton X-100 concentrations higher than 0.01% could be prevented by addition of phosphatidylcholine. Ca2+, Mg2+ and sodium chloride had no effect on PI-PLC activity in presence of phosphatidylcholine and Triton X-100, whereas in presence of Triton X-100 alone sodium chloride largely increased the rate of AChE conversion. Determination of kinetic parameters with three different substrates gave Km-values of 7 microM, 17 microM and 2 mM and Vmax-values of 0.095 microM.min-1, 0.325 microM.min-1 and 56 microM.min-1 for Torpedo AChE, bovine erythrocyte AChE and phosphatidylinositol, respectively. The low Km-values for both forms of AChE indicated that PI-PLC not only recognized the phosphatidylinositol moiety of the anchor but also other components thereof.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Bacillus cereus phospholipase C by univalent anions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The rate of phospholipid hydrolysis in erythrocyte ghosts by Bacillus cereus phospholipase C was markedly decreased by the presence of NaCl at concentrations between 25 and 200 mM. The inhibition seemed to be due to Cl- and was unaffected by the type of cation present. The larger univalent anions such as HCO3-, Br-, Cl-, NO3-, CNO- and I- seemed most effective, whereas the bivalent anion SO42- was relatively ineffective at 0.1 M, as were acetate and formate. Tris buffers at 0.1 M caused marked inhibition. With bovine brain myelin, phospholipid hydrolysis by phospholipase C was also much more strongly inhibited by I- and Cl- than by SO42- or acetate. NaCl inhibited the hydrolysis by the enzyme of the soluble substrate dihexanoylglycerophosphocholine, thereby suggesting that the inhibiton did not arise simply from substrate effects.  相似文献   

Martin SF  Hergenrother PJ 《Biochemistry》1999,38(14):4403-4408
The phosphatidylcholine-preferring phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus (PLCBc) is a 28.5 kDa enzyme with three zinc ions in its active site. Although much is known about the roles that various PLCBc active site amino acids play in binding and catalysis, there is little information about the rate-determining step of the PLCBc-catalyzed hydrolysis of phospholipids and the catalytic cycle of the enzyme. To gain insight into these aspects of the hydrolysis, solvent viscosity variation experiments were conducted to determine whether an external step (substrate binding or product release) or an internal step (hydrolysis) is rate-limiting. The data indicate that the PLCBc-catalyzed reaction is unaffected by changes in solvent viscosity. This observation is inconsistent with the notion of substrate binding or product release being rate-determining and supports the hypothesis that a chemical step is rate-limiting. Furthermore, a deuterium isotope effect of 1.9 and a linear proton inventory plot indicate one proton is transferred in the rate-determining step. These data may be used to formulate a comprehensive catalytic cycle that is for the first time based on experimental evidence. In this mechanism, Asp55 of PLCBc activates an active site water molecule for attack on the phosphodiester bond, the hydrolysis of which is rate-limiting. The phosphorylcholine product is the first to leave the active site, followed by diacylglycerol.  相似文献   

Purification of a phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Phospholipid degradation by native phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus and enzyme forms where one or both of the Zn2+ prosthetic groups had been replaced with Co2+ was studied in human erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) and resuspended freeze-dried bovine brain myelin. The rate of total phospholipid degradation was 2-9-fold more rapid with erythrocytes than with myelin. With both membrane systems the activity decreased in the order ZnZn-enzyme greater than ZnCo-enzyme greater than CoCo-enzyme. For all three enzyme forms with either membrane system, phosphatidylethanolamine (or the ethanolamine-containing phosphoglycerides) and phosphatidylcholine were hydrolysed most rapidly and sphingomyelin least. The relative rate of sphingomyelin degradation was highest with the ZnCo-enzyme. In myelin at low ionic strength there seemed to be a core of phospholipid that was very resistant to degradation by native phospholipase C but which was much more accessible to the Co2+-substituted forms. It is suggested that ZnCo-phospholipase C has potential applications in membrane studies.  相似文献   

Binding and hydrolysis of the beta-lactams cefotaxime, cephapirin, imipenem, and benzylpenicillin by the metallo-beta-lactamase from Bacillus cereus were studied by presteady state kinetic measurements. In all cases, the substrate was unmodified in the most populated reaction intermediate, and no chemically modified substrate species accumulated to a detectable amount. The cephalosporins tested showed similar formation rate constants for this intermediate, and they differed mostly in their decay rates. Formation of a non-productive enzyme.substrate complex was detected for imipenem. The substrate binding differences can be accounted for by considering the structural features of each substrate. The apoenzyme could not bind any of the substrates, but binding was restored when the apoenzyme was reconstituted with Zn(II), revealing that the metal ions are the main determinants of substrate binding. This evidence is in line with the lack of an optimized substrate recognition patch in B1 and B3 metallo-beta-lactamases that provides a broad substrate spectrum.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) cleaves phosphoinositides into two parts, lipid-soluble diacylglycerol and the water-soluble phosphorylated inositol. Two crystal forms of Bacillus cereus PI-PLC have been obtained by the vapor diffusion technique. Hexagonal crystals were grown from solutions containing polyethylene glycol (PEG; 4,000 to 8,000 D). The space group of these hexagonal crystals is P6(1)22 (or the enantiomorphic space group P6(5)22), with cell constants a = b = 133 A, and c = 231 A. The crystals diffract to 2.8 A. The second crystalline form was grown from a two-phase PEG (600 D)-sodium citrate solution. The phase diagram and PI-PLC distribution between phases has been determined. The enzyme crystallizes from the PEG-rich phase. The crystals are orthorhombic with space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (a = 45 A, b = 46 A, c = 160 A), and contain one PI-PLC monomer per asymmetric unit. The orthorhombic crystals diffract to 2.5 A. Both the hexagonal and orthorhombic forms are suitable for crystallographic studies.  相似文献   

Human aromatase is responsible for estrogen biosynthesis and is implicated, in particular, in reproduction and estrogen-dependent tumor proliferation. The molecular structure model is largely derived from the X-ray structure of bacterial cytochromes sharing only 15-20% identities with hP-450arom. In the present study, site directed mutagenesis experiments were performed to examine the role of K119, C124, I125, K130, E302, F320, D309, H475, D476, S470, I471 and I474 of aromatase in catalysis and for substrate binding. The catalytic properties of mutants, transfected in 293 cells, were evaluated using androstenedione, testosterone or nor-testosterone as substrates. In addition, inhibition profiles for these mutants with indane or indolizinone derivatives were obtained. Our results, together with computer modeling, show that catalytic properties of mutants vary in accordance with the substrate used, suggesting possible differences in substrates positioning within the active site. In this respect, importance of residues H475, D476 and K130 was discussed. These results allow us to hypothesize that E302 could be involved in the aromatization mechanism with nor-androgens, whereas D309 remains involved in androgen aromatization. This study highlights the flexibility of the substrate-enzyme complex conformation, and thus sheds new light on residues that may be responsible for substrate specificity between species or aromatase isoforms.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance studies showed that heavily inactivated phospholipase C (Bacillus cereus) initially caused line broadening in the 31P resonance from sphingomyelin thus indicating enzyme-lipid association.
  • 2.2. Using larger amounts of enzyme or longer preincubation caused a displacement of the 31P resonance to a position suggesting phosphorylcholine formation.
  • 3.3. Incubation of the heavily inactivated enzyme with a phosphonolipid caused a displacement of the 31 P resonance suggesting hydrolysis.

The inactivation of phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus at pH6 by diethyl pyrocarbonate parallelled the N-ethoxyformylation of a single histidine residue in the enzyme. The inactivation arose from a decrease in the maximum velocity of the enzymic reaction with no effect on the Km value. The inactivation did not apparently alter the ability of the enzyme to bind to a substrate-based affinity gel. The native enzyme contained only one reactive histidine residue. Removal of the two zinc atoms from the enzyme increased the number of reactive histidine residues to five, whereas in the totally denatured enzyme nearly eight such residues were available for reaction with diethyl pyrocarbonate. The enzyme thus appears to contain one histidine residue that is essential for catalytic activity and four that may be involved in co-ordinating the zinc atoms in the structure.  相似文献   

Sheu DS  Lee CY 《Journal of bacteriology》2004,186(13):4177-4184
The substrate specificity of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase 1 (PhaC1(Pp), class II) from Pseudomonas putida GPo1 (formerly known as Pseudomonas oleovorans GPo1) was successfully altered by localized semirandom mutagenesis. The enzyme evolution system introduces multiple point mutations, designed on the basis of the conserved regions of the PHA synthase family, by using PCR-based gene fragmentation with degenerate primers and a reassembly PCR. According to the opaqueness of the colony, indicating the accumulation of large amounts of PHA granules in the cells, 13 PHA-accumulating candidates were screened from a mutant library, with Pseudomonas putida GPp104 PHA- as the host. The in vivo substrate specificity of five candidates, L1-6, D7-47, PS-A2, PS-C2, and PS-E1, was evaluated by the heterologous expression in Ralstonia eutropha PHB(-)4 supplemented with octanoate. Notably, the amount of 3-hydroxybutyrate (short-chain-length [SCL] 3-hydroxyalkanoate [3-HA] unit) was drastically increased in recombinants that expressed evolved mutant enzymes L1-6, PS-A2, PS-C2, and PS-E1 (up to 60, 36, 50, and 49 mol%, respectively), relative to the amount in the wild type (12 mol%). Evolved enzyme PS-E1, in which 14 amino acids had been changed and which was heterologously expressed in R. eutropha PHB(-)4, not only exhibited broad substrate specificity (49 mol% SCL 3-HA and 51 mol% medium-chain-length [MCL] 3-HA) but also conferred the highest PHA production (45% dry weight) among the candidates. The 3-HA and MCL 3-HA units of the PHA produced by R. eutropha PHB(-)4/pPS-E1 were randomly copolymerized in a single polymer chain, as analytically confirmed by acetone fractionation and the 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum.  相似文献   

Purification of phospholipase C from Bac. cereus by chromatography on aminoalkylpolysaccharide adsorbents is described. The dependence of the degree of enzyme purification on the amount of ligant and effect of pH and buffer systems on the adsorption-desorption of phospholipase have been studied. At a pH below 9.0 phospholipase C is not retained by the adsorbents and is purified 4-5-fold and up to 23-fold, when aminoalkyl-Sepharose and hexamethylenediamine Sephadex are used respectively. With an increase in the pH value up to 10.0, the enzyme is bound by the adsorbent and is eluted with a 40-90% yield of activity and 7-10-fold purification. The resulting phospholipase C is highly purified and electrophoretically homogeneous. A mechanism of the enzyme-adsorbent interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Two active site histidine residues have been implicated in the catalysis of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). In this report, we present the first study of the pKa values of histidines of a PI-PLC. All six histidines of Bacillus cereus PI-PLC were studied by 2D NMR spectroscopy and site-directed mutagenesis. The protein was selectively labeled with 13C epsilon 1-histidine. A series of 1H-13C HSQC NMR spectra were acquired over a pH range of 4.0-9.0. Five of the six histidines have been individually substituted with alanine to aid the resonance assignments in the NMR spectra. Overall, the remaining histidines in the mutants show little chemical shift changes in the 1H-13C HSQC spectra, indicating that the alanine substitution has no effect on the tertiary structure of the protein. H32A and H82A mutants are inactive enzymes, while H92A and H61A are fully active, and H81A retains about 15% of the wild-type activity. The active site histidines, His32 and His82, display pKa values of 7.6 and 6.9, respectively. His92 and His227 exhibit pKa values of 5.4 and 6.9. His61 and His81 do not titrate over the pH range studied. These values are consistent with the crystal structure data, which shows that His92 and His227 are on the surface of the protein, whereas His61 and His81 are buried. The pKa value of 6.9 corroborates the hypothesis of His82 acting as a general acid in the catalysis. His32 is essential to enzyme activity, but its putative role as the general base is in question due to its relatively high pKa.  相似文献   

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