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Wing and leg precursors of Drosophila are recruited from a common pool of ectodermal cells expressing the homeobox gene Dll. Induction by Dpp promotes this cell fate decision toward the wing and proximal leg. We report here that the receptor tyrosine kinase EGFR antagonizes the wing-promoting function of Dpp and allows recruitment of leg precursor cells from uncommitted ectodermal cells. By monitoring the spatial distribution of cells responding to Dpp and EGFR, we show that nuclear transduction of the two signals peaks at different position along the dorsoventral axis when the fates of wing and leg discs are specified and that the balance of the two signals assessed within the nucleus determines the number of cells recruited to the wing. Differential activation of the two signals and the cross talk between them critically affect this cell fate choice.  相似文献   

Teleman AA  Cohen SM 《Cell》2000,103(6):971-980
The secreted signaling protein Dpp acts as a morphogen to pattern the anterior-posterior axis of the Drosophila wing. Dpp activity is required in all cells of the developing wing imaginal disc, but the ligand gradient that supports this activity has not been characterized. Here we make use of a biologically active form of Dpp tagged with GFP to examine the ligand gradient. Dpp-GFP forms an unstable extracellular gradient that spreads rapidly in the wing disc. The activity gradient visualized by MAD phosphorylation differs in shape from the ligand gradient. The pMAD gradient adjusted to compartment size when this was experimentally altered. These observations suggest that the Dpp activity gradient may be shaped at the level of receptor activation.  相似文献   

Decapentaplegic (Dpp), a Drosophila TGF beta/bone morphogenetic protein homolog, functions as a morphogen to specify cell fate along the anteroposterior axis of the wing. Dpp is a heparin-binding protein and Dpp signal transduction is potentiated by Dally, a cell-surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan, during assembly of several adult tissues. However, the molecular mechanism by which the Dpp morphogen gradient is established and maintained is poorly understood. We show evidence that Dally regulates both cellular responses to Dpp and the distribution of Dpp morphogen in tissues. In the developing wing, dally expression in the wing disc is controlled by the same molecular pathways that regulate expression of thick veins, which encodes a Dpp type I receptor. Elevated levels of Dally increase the sensitivity of cells to Dpp in a cell autonomous fashion. In addition, dally affects the shape of the Dpp ligand gradient as well as its activity gradient. We propose that Dally serves as a co-receptor for Dpp and contributes to shaping the Dpp morphogen gradient.  相似文献   

The wing of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, with its simple, two-dimensional structure, is a model organ well suited for a systems biology approach. The wing arises from an epithelial sac referred to as the wing imaginal disc, which undergoes a phase of massive growth and concomitant patterning during larval stages. The Decapentaplegic (Dpp) morphogen plays a central role in wing formation with its ability to co-coordinately regulate patterning and growth. Here, we asked whether the Dpp signaling activity scales, i.e. expands proportionally, with the growing wing imaginal disc. Using new methods for spatial and temporal quantification of Dpp activity and its scaling properties, we found that the Dpp response scales with the size of the growing tissue. Notably, scaling is not perfect at all positions in the field and the scaling of target gene domains is ensured specifically where they define vein positions. We also found that the target gene domains are not defined at constant concentration thresholds of the downstream Dpp activity gradients P-Mad and Brinker. Most interestingly, Pentagone, an important secreted feedback regulator of the pathway, plays a central role in scaling and acts as an expander of the Dpp gradient during disc growth.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the function of the Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathways in partitioning the dorsal head neurectoderm of the Drosophila embryo. This region, referred to as the anterior brain/eye anlage, gives rise to both the visual system and the protocerebrum. The anlage splits up into three main domains: the head midline ectoderm, protocerebral neurectoderm and visual primordium. Similar to their vertebrate counterparts, Hh and Dpp play an important role in the partitioning of the anterior brain/eye anlage. Dpp is secreted in the dorsal midline of the head. Lowering Dpp levels (in dpp heterozygotes or hypomorphic alleles) results in a 'cyclops' phenotype, where mid-dorsal head epidermis is transformed into dorsolateral structures, i.e. eye/optic lobe tissue, which causes a continuous visual primordium across the dorsal midline. Absence of Dpp results in the transformation of both dorsomedial and dorsolateral structures into brain neuroblasts. Regulatory genes that are required for eye/optic lobe fate, including sine oculis (so) and eyes absent (eya), are turned on in their respective domains by Dpp. The gene zerknuellt (zen), which is expressed in response to peak levels of Dpp in the dorsal midline, secondarily represses so and eya in the dorsomedial domain. Hh and its receptor/inhibitor, Patched (Ptc), are expressed in a transverse stripe along the posterior boundary of the eye field. As reported previously, Hh triggers the expression of determinants for larval eye (atonal) and adult eye (eyeless) in those cells of the eye field that are close to the Hh source. Eya and So, which are induced by Dpp, are epistatic to the Hh signal. Loss of Ptc, as well as overexpression of Hh, results in the ectopic induction of larval eye tissue in the dorsal midline (cyclopia). We discuss the similarities between vertebrate systems and Drosophila with regard to the fate map of the anterior brain/eye anlage, and its partitioning by Dpp and Hh signaling.  相似文献   

We use the Dpp morphogen gradient in the Drosophila wing disc as a model to address the fundamental question of how a gradient of a growth factor can produce uniform growth. We first show that proper expression and subcellular localization of components in the Fat tumor-suppressor pathway, which have been argued to depend on Dpp activity differences, are not reliant on the Dpp gradient. We next analyzed cell proliferation in discs with uniformly high Dpp or uniformly low Fat signaling activity and found that these pathways regulate growth in?a complementary manner. While the Dpp mediator Brinker inhibits growth in the primordium primarily in the lateral regions, Fat represses growth mostly in the medial region. Together, our results indicate that the activities of both signaling pathways are regulated in a parallel rather than sequential manner and that uniform proliferation is achieved by their complementary action on growth.  相似文献   

Maintaining a proportionate body plan requires the adjustment or scaling of organ pattern with organ size. Scaling is a general property of developmental systems, yet little is known about its underlying molecular mechanisms. Using theoretical modeling, we examine how the Dpp activation gradient in the Drosophila wing imaginal disc scales with disc size. We predict that scaling is achieved through an expansion-repression mechanism [1] whose mediator is the widely diffusible protein Pentagone (Pent). Central to this mechanism is the repression of pent expression by Dpp signaling, which provides an effective size measurement, and the Pent-dependent expansion of the Dpp gradient, which adjusts the gradient with tissue size. We validate this mechanism experimentally by demonstrating that scaling requires Pent and further, that scaling is abolished when pent is ubiquitously expressed. The expansion-repression circuit can be readily implemented by a variety of molecular interactions, suggesting its general utilization for scaling morphogen gradients during development.  相似文献   

The Drosophila eye field that gives rise to the visual system and dorsal head epidermis forms an unpaired anlage located in the dorsal head ectoderm. The eye field expresses and requires both Dpp and EGFR signaling for its development. As shown in previous studies, EGFR is required for cell maintenance in the developing visual system. Dpp initially switches on the early eye genes so and eya in the eye field. Consecutively, high levels of Dpp in the dorsal midline inhibit these genes and promote development of head epidermis. We show that Dpp negatively regulates EGFR signaling, thereby increasing the amount of cell death in the dorsal midline. By this mechanism, Dpp controls the formation of a bilateral visual system and indirectly modulates cell death, which is essential for normal head morphogenesis. Loss of either Dpp or its downstream target, Zen, abolishes head epidermis fate and leads to the misexpression of dp-ERK in the dorsal midline. The resulting morphological phenotype consists of cyclopia, reduction of cell death, and failure of head involution. Ectopic expression of activated EGFR inhibits the Dpp target race and thereby causes cyclopia and defective head involution. We discuss possible mechanisms of Dpp and EGFR interaction in the embryo.  相似文献   

The wing of Drosophila melanogaster has long been used as a model system to characterize intermolecular interactions important in development. Implicit in our understanding of developmental processes is the proper trafficking and sorting of signaling molecules, although the precise mechanisms that regulate membrane trafficking in a developmental context are not well studied. We have therefore chosen the Drosophila wing to assess the importance of SNARE-dependent membrane trafficking during development. N-Ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein (NSF) is a key component of the membrane-trafficking machinery and we constructed a mutant form of NSF whose expression we directed to the developing wing margin. This resulted in a notched-wing phenotype, the severity of which was enhanced when combined with mutants of VAMP/Synaptobrevin or Syntaxin, indicating that it results from impaired membrane trafficking. Importantly, we find that the phenotype is also enhanced by mutations in genes for wingless and components of the Notch signaling pathway, suggesting that these signaling pathways were disrupted. Finally, we used this phenotype to conduct a screen for interacting genes, uncovering two Notch pathway components that had not previously been linked to wing development. We conclude that SNARE-mediated membrane trafficking is an important component of wing margin development and that dosage-sensitive developmental pathways will act as a sensitive reporter of partial membrane-trafficking disruption.  相似文献   

The subdivision of the Drosophila wing imaginal disc into dorsoventral (DV) compartments and limb-body wall (wing-notum) primordia depends on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) signaling, which heritably activates apterous (ap) in D compartment cells and maintains Iroquois Complex (Iro-C) gene expression in prospective notum cells. We examine the source, identity and mode of action of the EGFR ligand(s) that specify these subdivisions. Of the three known ligands for the Drosophila EGFR, only Vein (Vn), but not Spitz or Gurken, is required for wing disc development. We show that Vn activity is required specifically in the dorsoproximal region of the wing disc for ap and Iro-C gene expression. However, ectopic expression of Vn in other locations does not reorganize ap or Iro-C gene expression. Hence, Vn appears to play a permissive rather than an instructive role in organizing the DV and wing-notum segregations, implying the existance of other localized factors that control where Vn-EGFR signaling is effective. After ap is heritably activated, the level of EGFR activity declines in D compartment cells as they proliferate and move ventrally, away from the source of the instructive ligand. We present evidence that this reduction is necessary for D and V compartment cells to interact along the compartment boundary to induce signals, like Wingless (Wg), which organize the subsequent growth and differentiation of the wing primordium.  相似文献   

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