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Dynamic regulation of synaptic efficacy is one of the mechanisms thought to underlie learning and memory. Many of the observed changes in efficacy, such as long-term potentiation and long-term depression, result from the functional alteration of excitatory neurotransmission mediated by postsynaptic glutamate receptors. These changes may result from the modulation of the receptors themselves and from regulation of protein networks associated with glutamate receptors. Understanding the interactions in this synaptic complex will yield invaluable insight into the molecular basis of synaptic function. This review focuses on the molecular organization of excitatory synapses and the processes involved in the dynamic regulation of glutamate receptors.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relation between weight structure and input/output statistics is fundamental for understanding the computational capabilities of neural circuits. In this work, I study the problem of storing associations between analog signals in the presence of correlations, using methods from statistical mechanics. I characterize the typical learning performance in terms of the power spectrum of random input and output processes. I show that optimal synaptic weight configurations reach a capacity of 0.5 for any fraction of excitatory to inhibitory weights and have a peculiar synaptic distribution with a finite fraction of silent synapses. I further provide a link between typical learning performance and principal components analysis in single cases. These results may shed light on the synaptic profile of brain circuits, such as cerebellar structures, that are thought to engage in processing time-dependent signals and performing on-line prediction.  相似文献   

D A Moshkov  N R Tiras 《Tsitologiia》1987,29(2):156-160
The cytoskeleton of afferent chemical synapses, with various ultrastructure of contact zones, was examined in the Mauthner cells of the goldfish. The synapses with combined active zones and desmosome-like specialized contacts possessed a well developed cytoskeleton consisting of filaments and microtubules oriented towards the synaptic apposition. Regular arrays of synaptic vesicles oriented in the same direction were observed beyond and near the active zones. The cytoskeleton of the synapses lacking desmosome-like formations was diffusely organized throughout the boutons. The distribution of vesicles in the vicinity of active zones was also not ordered. The role of cytoskeleton in organization of the two morphologically distinct synapses is discussed. A special function of cytoskeleton as an intermediary between synaptoplasm and membrane is regarded as a necessary basis for plasticity of excitatory rather than inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   

Levinson JN  El-Husseini A 《Neuron》2005,48(2):171-174
Processing of neural information is thought to occur by integration of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs. As such, precise control mechanisms must exist to maintain an appropriate balance between each synapse type. Recent findings indicate that neuroligins and their synaptic binding partners modulate the development of both excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Here we highlight these findings and discuss a mechanism potentially involved in controlling the balance between excitation and inhibition.  相似文献   

Synaptogenesis is a highly controlled process, involving a vast array of players which include cell adhesion molecules, scaffolding and signaling proteins, neurotransmitter receptors and proteins associated with the synaptic vesicle machinery. These molecules cooperate in an intricate manner on both the pre- and postsynaptic sides to orchestrate the precise assembly of neuronal contacts. This is an amazing feat considering that a single neuron receives tens of thousands of synaptic inputs but virtually no mismatch between pre- and postsynaptic components occur in vivo. One crucial aspect of synapse formation is whether a nascent synapse will develop into an excitatory or inhibitory contact. The tight control of a balance between the types of synapses formed regulates the overall neuronal excitability, and is thus critical for normal brain function and plasticity. However, little is known about how this balance is achieved. This review discusses recent findings which provide clues to how neurons may control excitatory and inhibitory synapse formation, with focus on the involvement of the neuroligin family and PSD-95 in this process.  相似文献   

Silkis I 《Bio Systems》2000,54(3):141-149
The model of three-layer olivary-cerebellar neural network with modifiable excitatory and inhibitory connections between diverse elements is suggested. The same Hebbian modification rules are proposed for Purkinje cells, granule (input) cells, and deep cerebellar nuclei (output) cells. The inverse calcium-dependent modification rules for these cells and hippocampal/neocortical neurones or Golgi cells are conceivably the result of the involvement of cGMP and cAMP in postsynaptic processes. The sign of simultaneous modification of excitatory and inhibitory inputs to a cell is opposite and determined by the variations in pre- and/or postsynaptic cell activity. Modification of excitatory transmission between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells, mossy fibers and granule cells, and mossy fibers and deep cerebellar nuclei cells essentially depends on inhibition effected by stellate/basket cells, Golgi cells and Purkinje cells, respectively. The character of interrelated modifications of diverse synapses in all three layers of the network is influenced by olivary cell activity. In the absence (presence) of a signal from inferior olive, the long-term potentiation (depression) in the efficacy of a synapse between input mossy fiber and output cell can be induced. The results of the suggested model are in accordance with known experimental data.  相似文献   

Wang WG  Chen X  Jiang H  Jiang ZY 《Regulatory peptides》2008,146(1-3):169-175
Ghrelin has been identified as the endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R). Recent studies have shown that site-specific injection of ghrelin directly into the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) of rats is equally as sensitive in its orexigenic response to ghrelin as the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC). It is as yet unclear how circulating ghrelin would gain access to and influence the activity of the neurons in the DVC in which GHS receptors are expressed. In the present study, neuronal activity was recorded extracellularly in the DVC of anesthetized rats in order to examine the effects of ghrelin on the glucosensing neurons and the gastric distension (GD) sensitive neurons. The 82 neurons were tested with glucose, of which 26 were depressed by glucose and identified as glucose-inhibited (glucose-INH) neurons; 11 were activated and identified as glucose-excited (glucose-EXC) neurons. Of 26 glucose-inhibited neurons examined for response to ghrelin, 23 were depressed, 1 was activated, and 2 failed to respond to ghrelin. Nine of 11 glucose-excited neurons were suppressed by ghrelin application, and the responses are abolished by the pretreatment with the GHS-R antagonist, [D-Lys-3]-GHRP-6. In addition, of 47 DVC neurons examined for responses to gastric distension (GD), 25 were excited (GD-EXC), 18 were inhibited (GD-INH). 18 out of the 25 GD-EXC neurons were excited, whereas 15 out of 18 GD-INH neurons were suppressed by ghrelin. In conclusion, the activity of the glucosensing neurons in the DVC can be modulated by ghrelin, the primary effect of ghrelin on the glucose-INH and glucose-EXC neurons was inhibitory. Two distinct population of GD-sensitive neurons exist in the rat DVC: GD-EXC neurons are activated by ghrelin; the GD-INH neurons are suppressed by ghrelin. There is a diversity of effects of ghrelin on neuronal activity within the DVC, it is as yet unclear how this diversity in ghrelin's effects on cellular excitability contributes to ghrelin biological actions to influence food intake and gastric motility.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1997,91(3-5):209-213
To characterize the involvement of brainstem cyclooxygenase (COX) in the vagal control of gastric motor function, tolmetin, a reversible COX inhibitor, was applied to the surface of the dorsal medulla oblongata or microinjected into the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) in β-chloralose anesthetized rats, while intragastric pressure and contractile activity of the pyloric circular and greater curvature longitudinal muscle were monitored. Tolmetin, applied to the surface of the medulla oblongata, increased intragastric pressure and stimulated contractile activity of gastric smooth muscle. Comparable gastric motor effects were observed after microinjection of tolmetin into the DVC. All the effects of tolmetin were abolished by bilateral vagotomy at the midcervical level. These results demonstrate for the first time that COX inhibition evokes vagally-mediated gastric motor effects in the DVC of the rat and support a role for COX products in gastrointestinal regulation.  相似文献   

The anatomic relationship between neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive terminals and forebrain areas in the rat that contain neurons that project to the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) was examined. To accomplish this, the combined retrograde fluorescent tracer and immunofluorescent technique was used. Neurons projecting to the DVC within the parvocellular divisions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus were the most heavily innervated of the regions studied. A relatively high density of NPY-immunoreactive terminals innervated regions of the arcuate, dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamic areas that contained DVC efferent cells. Neurons that projected to the DVC within the medial division of the central nucleus of the amygdala and the lateral part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis were also innervated by NPY immunoreactive terminals. The results suggest an important role for NPY terminals in the modulation of neurons within the amygdala and hypothalamus that directly influence visceral-autonomic functions of the dorsal vagal complex. The source and possible function of NPY within these regions is discussed.  相似文献   

Medullary sites of action for bombesin-induced inhibition of gastric acid secretion were investigated in urethane-anesthetized rats with gastric fistula. Unilateral microinjection of bombesin or vehicle into the dorsal vagal complex was performed using a glass micropipet and pressure ejection of 100 nl volume; gastric acid output was measured every 10 min by flushing the stomach. Microinjection of vehicle into the dorsal vagal complex did not alter gastric acid secretion (1.9 +/- mumol/10) from preinjection levels (2.9 +/- 0.8 mumol/10 min). Microinjection of the stable thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog, RX 77368, at a 77 pmol dose into the dorsal vagal complex stimulated gastric acid secretion for 100 min with a peak response at 40 min (24.1 +/- 3.2 mumol/10 min). Concomitant microinjection of RX 77368 (77 pmol) with bombesin (0.6-6.2 pmol) into the dorsal vagal complex dose dependently inhibited by 35-86% the gastric acid response to the TRH analog. Bombesin (6.2 pmol) microinjected into the dorsal vagal complex inhibited by 17% pentagastrin infusion-induced stimulation of gastric acid secretion (13.2 +/- 0.8 mumol/10 min) whereas intracisternal injection induced a 69% inhibition of the pentagastrin response. These results demonstrate that the dorsal motor complex is a sensitive site of action for bombesin-induced inhibition of vagally stimulated gastric secretion. However, other medullary sites must be involved in mediating the inhibitory effect of intracisternal bombesin on pentagastrin-stimulated gastric acid secretion.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for circulating pancreatic polypeptide (PP) have been found within the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) in the caudal medulla oblongata. Therefore, the effects of rat PP on pancreatic hormone secretion upon its microinjection into the DVC in halothane-anesthetized rats at doses of 0.4–40 pmol were investigated. At this range of doses, the changes in plasma concentrations of insulin, glucagon and glucose over basal levels did not differ from those after vehicle microinjection. In a separate series of experiments, vehicle and PP at doses of 0.4 and 4 pmol were microinjected into the right DVC 40 min after the continuous infusion of -glucose had been started. In animals receiving continuous infusion of -glucose, PP microinjected into the DVC (4 pmol), resulted in markedly higher insulin levels at corresponding time points compared to those with vehicle microinjected into the DVC. These data indicate, for the first time, that microinjection of PP into the DVC may potentiate glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in halothane-anesthetized rats.  相似文献   

Neuroligins enhance synapse formation in vitro, but surprisingly are not required for the generation of synapses in vivo. We now show that in cultured neurons, neuroligin-1 overexpression increases excitatory, but not inhibitory, synaptic responses, and potentiates synaptic NMDAR/AMPAR ratios. In contrast, neuroligin-2 overexpression increases inhibitory, but not excitatory, synaptic responses. Accordingly, deletion of neuroligin-1 in knockout mice selectively decreases the NMDAR/AMPAR ratio, whereas deletion of neuroligin-2 selectively decreases inhibitory synaptic responses. Strikingly, chronic inhibition of NMDARs or CaM-Kinase II, which signals downstream of NMDARs, suppresses the synapse-boosting activity of neuroligin-1, whereas chronic inhibition of general synaptic activity suppresses the synapse-boosting activity of neuroligin-2. Taken together, these data indicate that neuroligins do not establish, but specify and validate, synapses via an activity-dependent mechanism, with different neuroligins acting on distinct types of synapses. This hypothesis reconciles the overexpression and knockout phenotypes and suggests that neuroligins contribute to the use-dependent formation of neural circuits.  相似文献   

Super‐resolution imaging has revealed that key synaptic proteins are dynamically organized within sub‐synaptic domains (SSDs). To examine how different inhibitory receptors are regulated, we carried out dual‐color direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) of GlyRs and GABAARs at mixed inhibitory synapses in spinal cord neurons. We show that endogenous GlyRs and GABAARs as well as their common scaffold protein gephyrin form SSDs that align with pre‐synaptic RIM1/2, thus creating trans‐synaptic nanocolumns. Strikingly, GlyRs and GABAARs occupy different sub‐synaptic spaces, exhibiting only a partial overlap at mixed inhibitory synapses. When network activity is increased by 4‐aminopyridine treatment, the GABAAR copy numbers and the number of GABAAR SSDs are reduced, while GlyRs remain largely unchanged. This differential regulation is likely the result of changes in gephyrin phosphorylation that preferentially occurs outside of SSDs. The activity‐dependent regulation of GABAARs versus GlyRs suggests that different signaling pathways control the receptors'' sub‐synaptic clustering. Taken together, our data reinforce the notion that the precise sub‐synaptic organization of GlyRs, GABAARs, and gephyrin has functional consequences for the plasticity of mixed inhibitory synapses.  相似文献   

How vesicular dynamics parameters depend on temperature and how temperature affects the parameter change during prolonged high frequency stimulation was determined by fitting a model of vesicular storage and release to the amplitudes of the excitatory post-synaptic currents (EPSC) recorded from CA1 neurons in rat hippocampal slices. The temperature ranged from low (13 °C) to higher and more physiological temperature (34 °C). Fitting the model of vesicular storage and release to the EPSC amplitudes during a single pair of brief high–low frequency stimulation trains yields the estimates of all parameters of the vesicular dynamics, and with good precision. Both fractional release and replenishment rate decrease as the temperature rises. Change of the underlying ‘basic’ parameters (release coupling, replenishment coupling and readily releasable pool size), which the model-fitting also yields is complex. The replenishment coupling between the readily releasable pool (RRP) and resting pool increases with temperature (which renders the replenishment rate higher), but this is more than counterbalanced by greater RRP size (which renders the replenishment rate lower). Finally, during long, high frequency patterned stimulation that leads to significant synaptic depression, the replenishment rate decreases markedly and rapidly at low temperatures (<22 °C), but at high temperatures (>28 °C) the replenishment rate rises with stimulation, making synapses better able to maintain synaptic efficacy.  相似文献   

Effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on motility of the proximal stomach was examined in anesthetized rats. Intragastric pressure was measured using a balloon situated in the proximal part of the stomach. Administration of NPY into the fourth ventricle induced relaxation of the proximal stomach in a dose-dependent manner. Administration of an Y1 receptor (Y1R) agonist [Leu31, Pro34]NPY induced a larger relaxation than NPY. The administration of an Y2 receptor agonist (NPY 13-36) did not induce significant changes in motility. Microinjections of [Leu31, Pro34]NPY into the caudal part of the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) induced relaxation of the proximal stomach. In contrast, similar injections into the intermediate part of the DVC increased IGP of the proximal stomach. Administration of NPY into the fourth ventricle did not induce relaxation after bilateral injections of the Y1R antagonist (1229U91) into the caudal DVC. These results indicate that NPY induces relaxation in the proximal stomach via Y1Rs situated in the DVC. Because bilateral vagotomy below the diaphragm abolished the relaxation induced by the administration of NPY into the fourth ventricle, relaxation induced by NPY is probably mediated by vagal preganglionic neurons. Intravenous injection of atropine methyl nitrate reduced relaxation induced by administration of NPY. Therefore, relaxation induced by NPY is likely mediated by peripheral cholinergic neurons.  相似文献   

Short-term synaptic depression mainly reflects the depletion of the readily releasable pool (RRP) of quanta. Its dynamics, and especially the replenishment rate of the RRP, are still not well characterized in spite of decades of investigation. Main reason is that the vesicular storage and release system is treated as time-independent. If it is time-dependent all parameters thus estimated become problematic. Indeed the reports about how prolonged stimulation affects the dynamics are contradictory. To study this, we used patterned stimulation on the Schaeffer collateral fiber pathway and model-fitting of the excitatory post-synaptic currents (EPSC) recorded from CA1 neurons in rat hippocampal slices. The parameters of a vesicular storage and release model with two pools were estimated by minimizing the squared difference between the ESPC amplitudes and simulated model output. This yields the ‘basic’ parameters (release coupling, replenishment coupling and RRP size) that underlie the ‘derived’ and commonly used parameters (fractional release and replenishment rate). The fractional release increases when [Ca++]o is raised, whereas the replenishment rate is [Ca++]o independent. Fractional release rises because release coupling increases, and the RRP becomes less able to contain quanta. During prolonged stimulation, the fractional release remains generally unaltered, whereas the replenishment rate decreases down to ~10 % of its initial value with a decay time of ~15 s, and this decrease in the replenishment rate significantly contributes to synaptic depression. In conclusion, the fractional release is [Ca++]o-dependent and stimulation-independent, whereas the replenishment rate is [Ca++]o-independent and stimulation-dependent.  相似文献   

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