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Nuclear proteins typically contain short stretches of basic amino acids (nuclear localization sequences; NLSs) that bind karyopherin α family members, directing nuclear import. Here, we identify CTNNBL1 (catenin-β-like 1), an armadillo motif-containing nuclear protein that exhibits no detectable primary sequence homology to karyopherin α, as a novel, selective NLS-binding protein. CTNNBL1 (a single-copy gene conserved from fission yeast to man) was previously found associated with Prp19-containing RNA-splicing complexes as well as with the antibody-diversifying enzyme AID. We find that CTNNBL1 association with the Prp19 complex is mediated by recognition of the NLS of the CDC5L component of the complex and show that CTNNBL1 also interacts with Prp31 (another U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated splicing factor) through its NLS. As with karyopherin αs, CTNNBL1 binds NLSs via its armadillo (ARM) domain, but displays a separate, more selective NLS binding specificity. Furthermore, the CTNNBL1/AID interaction depends on amino acids forming the AID conformational NLS with CTNNBL1-deficient cells showing a partial defect in AID nuclear accumulation. However, in further contrast to karyopherin αs, the CTNNBL1 N-terminal region itself binds karyopherin αs (rather than karyopherin β), suggesting a function divergent from canonical nuclear transport. Thus, CTNNBL1 is a novel NLS-binding protein, distinct from karyopherin αs, with the results suggesting a possible role in the selective intranuclear targeting or interactions of some splicing-associated complexes.  相似文献   

Structural studies showed that Dnmt3a has two interfaces for protein-protein interaction in the heterotetrameric Dnmt3a/3L C-terminal domain complex: the RD interface (mediating the Dnmt3a-3a contact) and the FF interface (mediating the Dnmt3a-3L contact). Here, we demonstrate that Dnmt3a-C forms dimers via the FF interface as well, which further oligomerize via their RD interfaces. Each RD interface of the Dnmt3a-C oligomer creates an independent DNA binding site, which allows for binding of separate DNA molecules oriented in parallel. Because Dnmt3L does not have an RD interface, it prevents Dnmt3a oligomerization and binding of more than one DNA molecule. Both interfaces of Dnmt3a are necessary for the heterochromatic localization of the enzyme in cells. Overexpression of Dnmt3L in cells leads to the release of Dnmt3a from heterochromatic regions, which may increase its activity for methylation of euchromatic targets like the differentially methylated regions involved in imprinting.  相似文献   

The mammalian HRD1-SEL1L complex provides a scaffold for endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD), thereby connecting luminal substrates for ubiquitination at the cytoplasmic surface after their retrotranslocation through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In this study the stability of the mammalian HRD1-SEL1L complex was assessed by performing siRNA-mediated knockdown of each of its components. Although endogenous SEL1L is a long-lived protein, the half-life of SEL1L was greatly reduced when HRD1 is silenced. Conversely, transiently expressed SEL1L was rapidly degraded but was stabilized when HRD1 was coexpressed. This was in contrast to the yeast Hrd1p-Hrd3p, where Hrd1p is destabilized by the depletion of Hrd3p, the SEL1L homologue. Endogenous HRD1-SEL1L formed a large ERAD complex (Complex I) associating with numerous ERAD components including ERAD lectin OS-9, membrane-spanning Derlin-1/2, VIMP, and Herp, whereas transiently expressed HRD1-SEL1L formed a smaller complex (Complex II) that was associated with OS-9 but not with Derlin-1/2, VIMP, or Herp. Despite its lack of stable association with the latter components, Complex II supported the retrotranslocation and degradation of model ERAD substrates α1-antitrypsin null Hong-Kong (NHK) and its variant NHK-QQQ lacking the N-glycosylation sites. NHK-QQQ was rapidly degraded when SEL1L was transiently expressed, whereas the simultaneous transfection of HRD1 diminished that effect. SEL1L unassociated with HRD1 was degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, which suggests the involvement of a ubiquitin-ligase other than HRD1 in the rapid degradation of both SEL1L and NHK-QQQ. These results indicate that the regulation of the stability and assembly of the HRD1-SEL1L complex is critical to optimize the degradation kinetics of ERAD substrates.  相似文献   

SK1 (sphingosine kinase 1) plays an important role in many aspects of cellular regulation. Most notably, elevated cellular SK1 activity leads to increased cell proliferation, protection from apoptosis, and induction of neoplastic transformation. We have previously shown that translocation of SK1 from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane is integral for oncogenesis mediated by this enzyme. The molecular mechanism mediating this translocation of SK1 has remained undefined. Here, we demonstrate a direct role for CIB1 (calcium and integrin-binding protein 1) in this process. We show that CIB1 interacts with SK1 in a Ca2+-dependent manner at the previously identified “calmodulin-binding site” of SK1. We also demonstrate that CIB1 functions as a Ca2+-myristoyl switch, providing a mechanism whereby it translocates SK1 to the plasma membrane. Both small interfering RNA knockdown of CIB1 and the use of a dominant-negative CIB1 we have generated prevent the agonist-dependent translocation of SK1. Furthermore, we demonstrate the requirement of CIB1-mediated translocation of SK1 in controlling cellular sphingosine 1-phosphate generation and associated anti-apoptotic signaling.  相似文献   

Misfolded proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are retrotranslocated to the cytosol and degraded by the proteasome via a process termed ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The precise mechanism of retrotranslocation is unclear. Here, we use several lumenal ERAD substrates targeted for degradation by the ubiquitin ligase HRD1 including SHH (sonic hedgehog) and NHK (null Hong Kong α1-antitrypsin) to study the geometry, organization, and regulation of the HRD1-containing ERAD machinery. We report a new HRD1-associated membrane protein named HERP2, which is homologous to the previously identified HRD1 partner HERP1. Despite sequence homology, HERP2 is constitutively expressed in cells, whereas HERP1 is highly induced by ER stress. We find that these proteins are required for efficient degradation of both glycosylated and nonglycosylated SHH proteins as well as NHK. In cells depleted of HERPs, SHH proteins are largely trapped inside the ER with a fraction of the stabilized SHH protein bound to the HRD1-SEL1L ligase complex. Ubiquitination of SHH is significantly attenuated in the absence of HERPs, suggesting a defect in retrotranslocation. Both HERP proteins interact with HRD1 through a region located in the cytosol. However, unlike its homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, HERPs do not regulate HRD1 stability or oligomerization status. Instead, they help recruit DERL2 to the HRD1-SEL1L complex. Additionally, the UBL domain of HERP1 also seems to have a function independent of DERL2 recruitment in ERAD. Our studies have revealed a critical scaffolding function for mammalian HERP proteins that is required for forming an active retrotranslocation complex containing HRD1, SEL1L, and DERL2.  相似文献   

Initial rates of E1-catalyzed E2 transthiolation have been used as a reporter function to probe the mechanism of 125I-ubiquitin transfer between activation and ligation half-reactions of ubiquitin conjugation. A functional survey of 11 representative human E2 paralogs reveals similar Km for binding to human Uba1 ternary complex (Km(ave)=121±72 nm) and kcat for ubiquitin transfer (kcat(ave)=4.0±1.2 s(-1)), suggesting that they possess a conserved binding site and transition state geometry and that they compete for charging through differences in intracellular concentration. Sequence analysis and mutagenesis localize this binding motif to three basic residues within Helix 1 of the E2 core domain, confirmed by transthiolation kinetics. Partial conservation of the motif among E2 paralogs not recognized by Uba1 suggests that another factor(s) account for the absolute specificity of cognate E2 binding. Truncation of the Uba1 carboxyl-terminal β-grasp domain reduces cognate Ubc2b binding by 31-fold and kcat by 3.5×10(4)-fold, indicating contributions to E2 binding and transition state stabilization. Truncation of the paralogous domain from the Nedd8 activating enzyme has negligible effect on cognate Ubc12 transthiolation but abrogates E2 specificity toward non-cognate carrier proteins. Exchange of the β-grasp domains between ubiquitin and Nedd8 activating enzymes fails to reverse the effect of truncation. Thus, the conserved Helix 1 binding motif and the β-grasp domain direct general E2 binding, whereas the latter additionally serves as a specificity filter to exclude charging of non-cognate E2 paralogs in order to maintain the fidelity of downstream signaling.  相似文献   

COP9 signalosome (CSN) mediates deconjugation of the ubiquitin-like protein Nedd8 from the cullin subunits of SCF and other cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases (CRLs). This process is essential to maintain the proper activity of CRLs in cells. Here, we report a detailed kinetic characterization of CSN-mediated deconjugation of Nedd8 from SCF. CSN is an efficient enzyme, with a k(cat) of ~1 s(-1) and K(m)for neddylated Cul1-Rbx1 of ~200 nm, yielding a k(cat)/K(m) near the anticipated diffusion-controlled limit. Assembly with an F-box-Skp1 complex markedly inhibited deneddylation, although the magnitude varied considerably, with Fbw7-Skp1 inhibiting by ~5-fold but Skp2-Cks1-Skp1 by only ~15%. Deneddylation of both SCF(Fbw7) and SCF(Skp2-Cks1) was further inhibited ~2.5-fold by the addition of substrate. Combined, the inhibition by Fbw7-Skp1 plus its substrate cyclin E was greater than 10-fold. Unexpectedly, our results also uncover significant product inhibition by deconjugated Cul1, which results from the ability of Cul1 to bind tightly to CSN. Reciprocally, CSN inhibits the ubiquitin ligase activity of deneddylated Cul1. We propose a model in which assembled CRL complexes engaged with substrate are normally refractory to deneddylation. Upon consumption of substrate and subsequent deneddylation, CSN can remain stably bound to the CRL and hold it in low state of reduced activity.  相似文献   

Type IV P-type ATPases (P4-ATPases) are putative phospholipid flippases that translocate phospholipids from the exoplasmic (lumenal) to the cytoplasmic leaflet of lipid bilayers and are believed to function in complex with CDC50 proteins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five P4-ATPases are localized to specific cellular compartments and are required for vesicle-mediated protein transport from these compartments, suggesting a role for phospholipid translocation in vesicular transport. The human genome encodes 14 P4-ATPases and three CDC50 proteins. However, the subcellular localization of human P4-ATPases and their interactions with CDC50 proteins are poorly understood. Here, we show that class 5 (ATP10A, ATP10B, and ATP10D) and class 6 (ATP11A, ATP11B, and ATP11C) P4-ATPases require CDC50 proteins, primarily CDC50A, for their exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and final subcellular localization. In contrast, class 2 P4-ATPases (ATP9A and ATP9B) are able to exit the ER in the absence of exogenous CDC50 expression: ATP9B, but not ATP11B, was able to exit the ER despite depletion of CDC50 proteins by RNAi. Although ATP9A and ATP9B show a high overall sequence similarity, ATP9A localizes to endosomes and the trans-Golgi network (TGN), whereas ATP9B localizes exclusively to the TGN. A chimeric ATP9 protein in which the N-terminal cytoplasmic region of ATP9A was replaced with the corresponding region of ATP9B was localized exclusively to the Golgi. These results indicate that ATP9B is able to exit the ER and localize to the TGN independently of CDC50 proteins and that this protein contains a Golgi localization signal in its N-terminal cytoplasmic region.  相似文献   

The YidC/Oxa1/Alb3 family of membrane proteins controls the insertion and assembly of membrane proteins in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. Here we describe the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction of Alb3 with the chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP). The Alb3 C-terminal domain (A3CT) is intrinsically disordered and recruits cpSRP to the thylakoid membrane by a coupled binding and folding mechanism. Two conserved, positively charged motifs reminiscent of chromodomain interaction motifs in histone tails are identified in A3CT that are essential for the Alb3-cpSRP43 interaction. They are absent in the C-terminal domain of Alb4, which therefore does not interact with cpSRP43. Chromodomain 2 in cpSRP43 appears as a central binding platform that can interact simultaneously with A3CT and cpSRP54. The observed negative cooperativity of the two binding events provides the first insights into cargo release at the thylakoid membrane. Taken together, our data show how Alb3 participates in cpSRP-dependent membrane targeting, and our data provide a molecular explanation why Alb4 cannot compensate for the loss of Alb3. Oxa1 and YidC utilize their positively charged, C-terminal domains for ribosome interaction in co-translational targeting. Alb3 is adapted for the chloroplast-specific Alb3-cpSRP43 interaction in post-translational targeting by extending the spectrum of chromodomain interactions.  相似文献   

We recently reported that the small G-protein Rhes has the properties of a SUMO-E3 ligase and mediates mutant huntingtin (mHtt) cytotoxicity. We now demonstrate that Rhes is a physiologic regulator of sumoylation, which is markedly reduced in the corpus striatum of Rhes-deleted mice. Sumoylation involves activation and transfer of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) from the thioester of E1 to the thioester of Ubc9 (E2) and final transfer to lysines on target proteins, which is enhanced by E3s. We show that E1 transfers SUMO from its thioester directly to lysine residues on Ubc9, forming isopeptide linkages. Conversely, sumoylation on E1 requires transfer of SUMO from the thioester of Ubc9. Thus, the process regarded as “autosumoylation” reflects intermolecular transfer between E1 and Ubc9, which we designate “cross-sumoylation.” Rhes binds directly to both E1 and Ubc9, enhancing cross-sumoylation as well as thioester transfer from E1 to Ubc9.  相似文献   

The NEDD8 protein and neddylation levels in cells are modulated by NUB1L or NUB1 through proteasomal degradation, but the underlying molecular mechanism is not well understood. Here, we report that NUB1L down-regulated the protein levels of NEDD8 and neddylation through specifically recognizing NEDD8 and P97/VCP. NUB1L directly interacted with NEDD8, but not with ubiquitin, on the key residue Asn-51 of NEDD8 and with P97/VCP on its positively charged VCP binding motif. In coordination with the P97-UFD1-NPL4 complex (P97UFD1/NPL4), NUB1L promotes transfer of NEDD8 to proteasome for degradation. This mechanism is also exemplified by the canonical neddylation of cullin 1 for SCF (SKP1-cullin1-F-box) ubiquitin E3 ligases that is exquisitely regulated by the turnover of NEDD8.  相似文献   

Chk1 plays a key role in regulating the replication checkpoint and DNA damage response. Recent evidence suggests that mammalian Chk1 regulates both the nuclear and cytoplasmic checkpoint events. However, mechanisms regulating cellular mobilization of Chk1 were not well understood. Here, we report the identification of regions of human Chk1 that regulate its protein cellular localization and checkpoint function. We demonstrate that the two highly conserved motifs (CM1 and CM2) at the C terminus of Chk1 function as a nuclear export signal and nuclear localization signal, respectively. Mutating five highly conserved residues within these two motifs of Chk1 resulted in its accumulation mainly in the cytoplasm. These cytoplasmic Chk1 mutants were less stable and exhibited significantly reduced phosphorylation by DNA damage treatment, yet they retained, at least partially, checkpoint function. Using an adenovirus-mediated gene targeting technique, we attempted to create an HCT116 cell line in which endogenous Chk1 is mutated so that it is expressed exclusively in the cytoplasm. However, we failed to obtain homozygous mutant cell lines. We found that even the heterozygous mutant cell lines showed cell survival defects accompanied by spontaneous cell death. Together, these results reveal novel regulatory mechanisms that couple protein cellular localization with the checkpoint response and cell viability of Chk1.  相似文献   

The important roles of a nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) are widely accepted in various biological processes as well as metabolic diseases. Despite the worldwide quest for pharmaceutical manipulation of PPARγ activity through the ligand-binding domain, very little information about the activation mechanism of the N-terminal activation function-1 (AF-1) domain. Here, we demonstrate the molecular and structural basis of the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of PPARγ activity by a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase, Pin1. Pin1 interacts with the phosphorylated AF-1 domain, thereby inhibiting the polyubiquitination of PPARγ. The interaction and inhibition are dependent upon the WW domain of Pin1 but are independent of peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase activity. Gene knockdown experiments revealed that Pin1 inhibits the PPARγ-dependent gene expression in THP-1 macrophage-like cells. Thus, our results suggest that Pin1 regulates macrophage function through the direct binding to the phosphorylated AF-1 domain of PPARγ.  相似文献   

In autophagy, a cup-shaped membrane called the isolation membrane is formed, expanded, and sealed to complete a double membrane-bound vesicle called the autophagosome that encapsulates cellular constituents to be transported to and degraded in the lysosome/vacuole. The formation of the autophagosome requires autophagy-related (Atg) proteins. Atg8 is a ubiquitin-like protein that localizes to the isolation membrane; a subpopulation of this protein remains inside the autophagosome and is transported to the lysosome/vacuole. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Atg1 is a serine/threonine kinase that functions in the initial step of autophagosome formation and is also efficiently transported to the vacuole via autophagy. Here, we explore the mechanism and significance of this autophagic transport of Atg1. In selective types of autophagy, receptor proteins recognize degradation targets and also interact with Atg8, via the Atg8 family interacting motif (AIM), to link the targets to the isolation membrane. We find that Atg1 contains an AIM and directly interacts with Atg8. Mutations in the AIM disrupt this interaction and abolish vacuolar transport of Atg1. These results suggest that Atg1 associates with the isolation membrane by binding to Atg8, resulting in its incorporation into the autophagosome. We also show that mutations in the Atg1 AIM cause a significant defect in autophagy, without affecting the functions of Atg1 implicated in triggering autophagosome formation. We propose that in addition to its essential function in the initial stage, Atg1 also associates with the isolation membrane to promote its maturation into the autophagosome.  相似文献   

Yeast Yih1 protein and its mammalian ortholog IMPACT, abundant in neurons, are inhibitors of Gcn2, a kinase involved in amino acid homeostasis, stress response, and memory formation. Like Gcn2, Yih1/IMPACT harbors an N-terminal RWD domain that mediates binding to the Gcn2 activator Gcn1. Yih1 competes with Gcn2 for Gcn1 binding, thus inhibiting Gcn2. Yih1 also binds G-actin. Here, we show that Yih1-actin interaction is independent of Gcn1 and that Yih1-Gcn1 binding does not require actin. The Yih1 RWD (residues 1-132) was sufficient for Gcn2 inhibition and Gcn1 binding, but not for actin binding, showing that actin binding is dispensable for inhibiting Gcn2. Actin binding required Yih1 residues 68-258, encompassing part of the RWD and the C-terminal "ancient domain"; however, residues Asp-102 and Glu-106 in helix3 of the RWD were essential for Gcn1 binding and Gcn2 inhibition but dispensable for actin binding. Thus, the Gcn1- and actin-binding sites overlap in the RWD but have distinct binding determinants. Unexpectedly, Yih1 segment 68-258 was defective for inhibiting Gcn2 even though it binds Gcn1 at higher levels than does full-length Yih1. This and other results suggest that Yih1 binds with different requirements to distinct populations of Gcn1 molecules, and its ability to disrupt Gcn1-Gcn2 complexes is dependent on a complete RWD and hindered by actin binding. Modeling of the ancient domain on the bacterial protein YigZ showed peculiarities to the eukaryotic and prokaryotic lineages, suggesting binding sites for conserved cellular components. Our results support a role for Yih1 in a cross-talk between the cytoskeleton and translation.  相似文献   

Protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane occurs via a "translocon" channel formed by the Sec61p complex. In yeast, two channels exist: the canonical Sec61p channel and a homolog called Ssh1p. Here, we used trapped translocation intermediates to demonstrate that a specific signal recognition particle-dependent substrate, Sec71p, is targeted exclusively to Ssh1p. Strikingly, we found that, in the absence of Ssh1p, precursor could be successfully redirected to canonical Sec61p, demonstrating that the normal targeting reaction must involve preferential sorting to Ssh1p. Our data therefore demonstrate that Ssh1p is the primary translocon for Sec71p and reveal a novel sorting mechanism at the level of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane enabling precursors to be directed to distinct translocons. Interestingly, the Ssh1p-dependent translocation of Sec71p was found to be dependent upon Sec63p, demonstrating a previously unappreciated functional interaction between Sec63p and the Ssh1p translocon.  相似文献   

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