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An experiment was conducted to test the effect of repeated transcervical (non-surgical) uterine flushing and a prostaglandin analogue (PG) on the estrous cycle of pony mares. Uteri in group A were trancervically flushed for embryos 7 to 9 days post ovulation. In addition, group B mares were given 5 ml of PG by intramuscular injection on the day of flushing. Group C served as controls and were not flushed or given PG but were allowed to cycle normally. All mares (except controls) were bred A.I. every other day during estrus. There was no effect on embryo recovery rate from repeated flushing or PG administration. The number of days in estrus was greater for groups A and B than for group C (P<0.05). Length of diestrus was longer for group C than for the other two groups. The total estrous cycle length was similar for all three groups (P>0.05).  相似文献   

To test the efficacy and clinical safety of a low and high dose of the GnRH antagonist, acyline, on estrous cycle interruption and anovulation in female dogs, 20 proestrous (<3 d) bitches were randomly assigned to one of the following pharmacological protocols (given sc): acyline 110 μg/kg (ACY-L; n = 6); acyline 330 μg/kg (ACY-H; n = 8); or placebo (PLACE, n = 6). The animals were monitored (clinical and vaginal cytology examinations) daily for 60 d. Blood samples for serum progesterone serum concentrations were collected 14 d after treatment to determine if ovulation had occurred. Appearance of side effects and days to the onset of the first spontaneous estrous cycle after treatment were also recorded. In both ACY groups, but not the PLACE group, estrous cycles were interrupted after treatment (P < 0.05). The interval from treatment to estrus interruption in ACY-L and ACY-H groups was 3.0 ± 0.6 and 3.2 ± 0.2 d, respectively (LSM ± SEM; P > 0.05). In the PLACE bitches, physical, behavioral and cytological proestrus slowly progressed to estrus and diestrus. Ovulation was absent in all ACY, but not in PLACE bitches (P < 0.05). None of the females manifested side effects related to the treatments (P > 0.05). Spontaneous return to a normal estrous cycle during the study period occurred in all ACY (ACY-L 19.5 ± 2.7 d vs ACY-H 24.8 ± 2.0 d; P > 0.05), but in none of the PLACE bitches (P < 0.05). In conclusion, acyline efficiently, safely and reversibly interrupted an early phase of the estrous cycle in bitches by preventing ovulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to reproductively assess the clinical and hormonal effects of a GnRH agonist (AG) and an antagonist (AN) administered during the postnatal period in domestic cats. Forty-eight male and female postnatal kittens were randomly assigned to deslorelin acetate 1.6 mg subcutaneous (AG; n = 16), acyline 33 μg/100 g subcutaneous weekly for 3 months (AN; n = 16), or control (CO; n = 16) which remained untreated. The cats were followed up (behavioral observation, physical examination, fecal sexual steroid determinations, mating test, and pregnancy diagnosis) up to puberty. Puberty was delayed (weeks) in the AG animals (62.9 ± 3.5; P < 0.01) but not in the AN (15.5 ± 1.7; P > 0.05) when they were compared with CO kittens (13.4 ± 0.4). Fifteen (15/16) of the AN and CO animals, and only 11 of 16 cats of the AG group were fertile (P > 0.1). No differences were found in body weight (P > 0.1) and measurements (P > 0.1), libido (P > 0.1) and in the appearance of side effects (P > 0.1; except a pyometra in an AG female) among groups. In both AG- and AN-treated males (testosterone; P < 0.01) and females (estradiol-17β; P < 0.01) fecal hormone concentrations were lower than in CO group during the first five postnatal weeks but not later. It is concluded that the neonatal administration of these AG and AN decreased fecal sexual steroids during the first postnatal weeks causing, the agonists but not the antagonist, a significant, reversible delay in puberty appearance.  相似文献   

The effects of thymulin and GnRH on FSH and LH release were studied in suspension cultures of anterior pituitary cells from female adult rats sacrificed on each day of the estrous cycle. The spontaneous release of gonadotropins by pituitaries, as well as their response to GnRH or thymulin addition, fluctuated during the estrous cycle. Adding thymulin to pituitary cells from rats in diestrus 1 increased the concentration of FSH; while in cells from rats in estrus, FSH level decreased. Thymulin had a stimulatory effect on the basal concentration of LH during most days of the estrous cycle. Adding GnRH increased FSH release in cells from rats in diestrus 1, diestrus 2, or proestrus, and resulted in higher LH levels in cells obtained from rats in all days of the estrous cycle. Compared to the GnRH treatment, the simultaneous addition of thymulin and GnRH to cells from rats in diestrus 1, diestrus 2, or proestrus resulted in lower FSH concentrations. Similar results were observed in the LH release by cells from rats in diestrus 1, while in cells from rats in proestrus or estrus, LH concentrations increased. A directly proportional relation between progesterone serum levels and the effects of thymulin on FSH release was observed. These data suggest that thymulin plays a dual role in the release of gonadotropins, and that its effects depend on the hormonal status of the donor's pituitary.  相似文献   

In marmosets, social synchrony between circadian profiles of activity is stronger in animals that cohabit in a family. The activity of three breeding pairs was recorded by actiwatches to investigate the mechanisms involved in the synchrony between the circadian activity profiles during cohabitation in marmoset reproductive pairs. The dyads were submitted to LD 12:12 (21 days) and LL: 1) cohabitation (24 days), 2) removal of the cage mate (20 days), 3) reintroduction of the mate into the cage of the 1st situation (30 days) and 4) removal of the cage mate (7 days). Next, they were rejoined and maintained in LD 12:12 (11 days). In conditions involving cohabitation of pair, the general and maximum correlation indexes between circadian profiles were higher in cage mates compared to animals of the same or different sex with which they maintain only acoustic and olfactive contact. This strong synchrony between rhythms was accompanied by a stable phase relationship at the activity onset and offset, with identical circadian periods between mates. When the pairs were separated, there was a break in stability in the phase relationships between activity profiles with different circadian periods and a greater phase angle difference between rhythms of cage mates. During separation, two females and one male progressively anticipated the activity onset and offset in a phase similar to that in previous conditions, expressing entrainment to the mate. During the first reintroduction, two pairs exhibited signs of masking in rhythm. Although modulation in the rhythm of some animals has been observed through acoustic cues from animals outside the colony, we suggest that cohabitation favors strong synchrony between the circadian activity profiles of marmoset reproductive pairs involving synchronization by entrainment and masking. Further studies in the absence of external social cues are necessary to clarify the role of these mechanisms on social synchronization in marmosets.  相似文献   

We characterized the reproductive cycle of Octodon degus to determine whether reproductive maturation is spontaneous in juveniles and if ovarian cyclicity and luteal function are spontaneous in adults. Laboratory-reared prepubertal and adult females were monitored for vaginal patency and increased wheel-running. Sexual receptivity was assessed by pairing adult females with a male 1) continuously, 2) at the time of vaginal patency, or 3) following estradiol treatment. Blood samples were assayed for estradiol and progesterone concentrations on Days 1, 4, 8, and 16 relative to vaginal opening. Ovarian tissues were collected 6 and 16 days after behavioral estrus and 6 days after copulation for histology. In juveniles, the onset of cyclic vaginal patency and increased wheel-running activity was spontaneous, occurred in the absence of proximal male cues, and appeared at regular intervals (17.5 ± 1.4 days). In adults, vaginal patency and increased wheel-running occurred cyclically (21.2 ± 0.6 days) in the absence of proximal male cues, and these traits predicted the time of sexual receptivity. Corpora lutea develop spontaneously and are maintained for 12-14 days. The ovaries had well-developed corpora lutea 6 days after mating and 6 days after estrus without mating. Progesterone concentrations were highest in the second half of the cycle when corpora lutea were present and estradiol concentrations peaked on the day of estrus. Thus, female degus appear to exhibit a spontaneous reproductive cycle consistent with other Hystricognathi rodents. Octodon degus is a novel model with which to examine the mechanisms underlying different reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

A recently developed mechanistic mathematical model of the bovine estrous cycle was parameterized to fit empirical data sets collected during one estrous cycle of 31 individual cows, with the main objective to further validate the model. The a priori criteria for validation were (1) the resulting model can simulate the measured data correctly (i.e. goodness of fit), and (2) this is achieved without needing extreme, probably non-physiological parameter values. We used a least squares optimization procedure to identify parameter configurations for the mathematical model to fit the empirical in vivo measurements of follicle and corpus luteum sizes, and the plasma concentrations of progesterone, estradiol, FSH and LH for each cow. The model was capable of accommodating normal variation in estrous cycle characteristics of individual cows. With the parameter sets estimated for the individual cows, the model behavior changed for 21 cows, with improved fit of the simulated output curves for 18 of these 21 cows. Moreover, the number of follicular waves was predicted correctly for 18 of the 25 two-wave and three-wave cows, without extreme parameter value changes. Estimation of specific parameters confirmed results of previous model simulations indicating that parameters involved in luteolytic signaling are very important for regulation of general estrous cycle characteristics, and are likely responsible for differences in estrous cycle characteristics between cows.  相似文献   

While much is known about adult obesity in nonhuman primates, very little is known regarding development of childhood adiposity. As small monkeys that are easy to handle and have a relatively fast life history, common marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus) offer interesting opportunities to examine the question of fat versus lean mass growth in a nonhuman primate. This article provides an overview of our understanding of early life growth in mass in marmoset monkeys, based primarily upon our past 20 years of research, culminating in our recent findings on early life obesity in this species. Common marmosets display variance in early life growth patterns that is related to both pre‐ and postnatal factors and the marmoset uterine environment is exquisitely designed to reflect resources available for the gestation of multiple offspring, making them an interesting model of developmental programming. We have demonstrated that obesity can be generated in very early life in captive marmosets, with excess adiposity evident by one month of age, making this species a potentially valuable model in which to study pediatric obesity and its sequelae. Birth weight is associated with adiposity in animals vulnerable to obesity. Early life exposure to higher fat diets enhances the chances of postweaning obesity development. However, overall higher food consumption is also associated with obesity development at later ages. One unexpected finding in our studies has been the relatively high body fat percentage of neonatal (12–18%) marmosets suggesting that hypotheses regarding the uniqueness of high human neonatal adiposity merit further examination. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Callithrix jacchus, the common marmoset, is particularly suitable for immunological studies in vivo and in vitro since many antibodies directed against epitopes of human cells do also react with their analogues from this non-human primate. We studied the reactivity of antibodies against human epitopes on primary cultures of thymic epithelial cells from marmosets and humans by flow-cytometry after different culture periods. The antibodies against integrins, including CD61, reacted with thymic epithelial cells from both humans and marmosets, as did anti-CD44 and anti-CD106. Antibodies specific for thymic epithelial cells (TE-3, TE-4, TE-8, TE-15, TE-16, TE-19) also bound to cells from marmosets but expression of all epitopes was not observed in all cultures studied. The expression of CD51, CD54, CD58 and CD106 on human cells declined after 4 weeks of culture. Our findings indicate that marmosets are a valuable model for immunological studies of effects of xenobiotics on the thymic epithelium.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in the canine endometrium during the estrous cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apoptotic cell death in the endometria of 58 female dogs in different stages of the estrous cycle was assessed (in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections) with both the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and immunohistochemical detection of caspase-3 activity. For both techniques, the apoptotic index was determined in the surface epithelium, stroma, crypts, and basal glands by counting the percentage of stained cells in a total of 500 cells in each category. In the surface epithelium and stroma, TUNEL- and caspase-3-positive cells were rare (apoptotic index<1) throughout the estrous cycle. However, caspase-3 detection showed a significant increase in the apoptotic index in the stroma during anestrus as well as an increase in the index in both the stroma and surface epithelium in late metestrus. The apoptotic index increased during late metestrus and anestrus in the crypts and basal glands; in the crypts, this increase was significant only when caspase-3 detection was used, whereas in basal glands, significant differences were found for both techniques. In conclusion, apoptosis was present in canine endometrial cells during the estrous cycle, but caspase-3 detection showed more significant differences than the TUNEL assay. Furthermore, a high apoptotic index (suggestive of endometrial desquamation) was not detected in the surface epithelium and there was no significant correlation between the apoptotic index in any cell group and serum progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of weekly injections of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist (GnRHa) ([N-acetyl-DβNal1-D-pCl-Phe2-D-Phe3-D-Arg6-Phe7-Arg8D-Ala10] NH2 GnRH) on pituitary and ovarian function were examined in the marmoset monkey, Callithrix jacchus. In experiment 1, five cyclic females were given weekly injections of vehicle (50% propylene glycol in saline) for 6 weeks followed by GnRHa for 20 weeks, animals receiving either 200 μg GnRHa/injection (n = 2) or 67 μg GnRHa/injection (n = 3) for 10 weeks, after which the treatment was reversed. Bioactive luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone (Po) were measured in blood samples (0.2–0.4 ml) collected twice weekly until at least 8 weeks after the last GnRHa injection. GnRHa treatment, timed to begin in the midluteal phase, caused a rapid decline in LH and Po and luteal regression after a single injection (both doses). Po levels were consistently low (<10 ng/ml), and ovulation was inhibited throughout 200 μg treatment in all animals. Short periods of elevated Po (>10 ng/ml) were, however, occasionally seen during 67 μg treatment, indicating incomplete ovarian suppression. Mean LH levels were significantly lower during GnRHa treatment compared with the period of vehicle injection (all animals 200 μg; three animals 67 μg), and there were significant differences in LH levels between GnRHa treatments (200 μg vs. 67 μg) in four animals. Four animals resumed normal ovarian cycles after the end of GnRHa treatment (15/16 days, three animals; 59 days, one animal); the fifth animal died of unknown causes 32 days after the last GnRHa injection. In a second experiment, pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH was tested 1 day after a single injection of vehicle or antagonist (200 or 67 μg). Measurement of bioactive LH indicated that pituitary response to 200 ng native GnRH was significantly suppressed in animals receiving the antagonist, the degree of suppression being dose related. A third experiment examined the effect of four weekly injections of 200 μg GnRHa on follicular size and granulosa cell responsiveness to human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) in vitro. Follicular development beyond 1 mm was inhibited by GnRHa treatment (preovulatory follicles normally 2-4 mm) although granulosa cell responsiveness to FSH during 48 hr of culture was not impaired. These results suggest that the GnRHa-induced suppression of follicular development and ovulation was mediated primarily by an inhibition of pituitary gonadotropin secretion and not by a direct action at the level of the ovary.  相似文献   

Concentrations of estradiol (E2) are high in the urine of male marmosets, and links between E2 and paternal behavior have been proposed in black tufted-ear marmosets, Callithrix kuhlii. However, it is not clear whether urinary E2 in male marmosets: 1) represents production of E2 associated with testicular activity, 2) is associated with adrenal steroid production, or 3) merely reflects peripheral conversion of T to E2 prior to excretion. We tested the hypothesis that urinary E2 in male marmosets represents estrogen production-associated activity in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis. We treated adult male marmosets with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), and used saline-treated males as controls. We collected blood and urine samples from males before and after treatment, and assayed them for testosterone (T), estradiol (E2), and cortisol (CORT). Treatment with GnRH increased circulating T and E2, and prevented decreases in levels of urinary T and E2. Moreover, changes in plasma and urinary E2 after treatment were positively correlated with post-treatment changes in T. Thus, our data are consistent with both plasma and urinary E2 in male marmosets increasing as a result of testicular stimulation. However, treatment with GnRH did not affect plasma or urinary CORT concentrations of males, suggesting that the E2 excreted by males is not of adrenal origin. We also compared urinary T, E2, and CORT levels between intact and castrated male common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Urinary concentrations of T and E2, but not CORT, were significantly lower in castrated than in intact males, further suggesting that E2 in male marmosets varies with testicular activity.  相似文献   

Role of ovulation in the regulation of the estrous cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In higher primates, increased circulating follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) levels seen during late menstrual cycle and during menstruation has been suggested to be necessary for initiation of follicular growth, recruitment of follicles and eventually culminating in ovulation of a single follicle. With a view to establish the dynamics of circulating FSH secretion with that of inhibin A (INH A) and progesterone (P4) secretions during the menstrual cycle, blood was collected daily from bonnet monkeys beginning day 1 of the menstrual cycle up to 35 days. Serum INH A levels were low during early follicular phase, increased significantly coinciding with the mid cycle luteinizing hormone (LH) surge to reach maximal levels during the mid luteal phase before declining at the late luteal phase, essentially paralleling the pattern of P4 secretion seen throughout the luteal phase. Circulating FSH levels were low during early and mid luteal phases, but progressively increased during the late luteal phase and remained high for few days after the onset of menses. In another experiment, lutectomy performed during the mid luteal phase resulted in significant decrease in INH A concentration within 2 hr (58.3±2 vs. 27.3±3 pg/mL), and a 2‐ to 3‐fold rise in circulating FSH levels by 24 hr (0.20±0.02 vs. 0.53±0.14 ng/mL) that remained high until 48 hr postlutectomy. Systemic administration of Cetrorelix (150 µg/kg body weight), a gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor antagonist, at mid luteal phase in monkeys led to suppression of serum INH A and P4 concentrations 24 hr post treatment, but circulating FSH levels did not change. Administration of exogenous LH, but not FSH, significantly increased INH A concentration. The results taken together suggest a tight coupling between LH and INH A secretion and that INH A is largely responsible for maintenance of low FSH concentration seen during the luteal phase. Am. J. Primatol. 71:817–824, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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