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1. Migratory birds integrate information from a wide array of environmental sources. As our knowledge of migratory orientation depends heavily upon the results of cage-experiments with nocturnal migrants, it is essential that the results of these cage studies be interpreted in the light of field observations of migratory behaviour and experiments with free-flying migrants. When this is done, the impression emerges that night-migrating birds integrate directional information prior to departure, probably during the transition between daylight and darkness. At this time, information gained from the sun, in conjunction with other references, becomes especially valuable. 2. Despite intensive work with a few species, how migrants integrate information in the selection and maintenance of a direction is not well understood. The relationship between magnetic stimuli and solar cues at sunset in the selection process, for example, remains to be resolved, as does the contribution of skylight polarization patterns at sunset. Once a migratory heading is selected, birds probably use the stars or winds aloft to maintain that direction. How migrants integrate information is largely a matter of unravelling the complex causal relations among the different environmental stimuli that serve as orientation cues. Imagine a hypothetical migrant that departs on a migratory flight around the time of sunset. Given the uncertain relationship among variables (orientation cues) that might influence her migratory orientation, a path diagram is a useful device for displaying graphically the pattern of causal relations among the set of variables (see Fig. 1). This technique is adopted from path analysis, which is a statistical method developed by Sewall Wright for studying the direct and indirect causal relations among variables (see Kerlinger & Pedhazur, 1973). The pattern depicted in the figure is less a specific model of causal relations than it is a summary of possible relationships among the several cues based on current understanding. Causal flow in this ‘model’ is unidirectional, i.e. at any given point in time a variable cannot be both a cause and an effect of another variable. For example, variable 3 is dependent on variables 1 and/or 2, and is one of the independent variables in relation to variable 5 (orientation of migratory activity). Although the value of path analysis to the study of migratory orientation may be largely heuristic at this point, ‘one virtue of the method is that in order to apply it the researcher is required to make explicit the theoretical framework within which he operates’ (Kerlinger & Pedhazur, 1973). For instance, path diagrams (and path analysis, to the degree that correlations between variables can be specified) would help researchers study (i) the apparent redundancy built into the orientation process (see Fig. 1), (ii) alternative or competing causal models of orientation and navigation, or (iii) the ontogenetic changes that affect the relationship among orientation variables. Imagine, for example, how path coefficients might change in value with migratory experience. 3. Migrants probably redetermine preferred directions soon after landing or shortly before their next departure rather than while aloft. Cage-orientation results as well as observations of free-flying migrants suggest that solar-related information is involved in the morning orientation of ongoing migratory flight and possibly the re-determination of direction following night-time displacement. 4. Evidence is not clear on whether migrants respond to sunset by constant-angle orientation (menotaxis) or constant-azimuth orientation. 5. How migrants correctly identify sunset as a reference stimulus is an unresolved question. Identification might be based upon the characteristic spectral distribution of sunset, its pattern of illumination, or some other feature, such as the characteristic pattern of skylight polarization at sunset. 6. Several lines of evidence suggest that migrants learn to use the setting sun and associated skylight features as orientation cues. 7. The setting sun functions not only as a source of directional information but also as an environmental stimulus that influences the likelihood of migratory activity.  相似文献   

迁飞过程中昆虫的行为:对风温场的适应与选择   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1993,13(4):356-363
本文综述了昆虫在迁飞过程中对大气物理环境的各种行为反应,有边界层气象的理论重新审视迁飞种群的时空分布,提出了“边界层顶现象”的概念。即边界层顶的低空逆温和低空急流为迁飞种群提供了最适宜的风温场,迁飞种群在边界层顶集聚成层,并通过定向理一步修饰其位移方位,表现出对风温场的主动选择能力和对大气结构和运动的高度复杂的适应性反应。进一步深化对“边界层顶现象”的认识,对迁飞性害虫的异地预测具有重要的理论意义  相似文献   

J. P. Croxall 《Ibis》1977,119(2):113-146
Fifty species of insectivorous warblers Sylviidae, flycatchers Muscicapidae and whistlers Pachycephalidae were studied in primary rainforest at various localities in New Guinea. The structure of the various forest types is described and the birds' feeding ecology and behaviour analysed by recognizing three main foraging techniques and five horizontal and three vertical basic structural divisions of the habitats. Altitudinal ranges of the species are assessed to determine potential co-existence and they are divided into lowland and lower montane groups (either side of the main avifaunal discontinuity at 1500 m) with a third small group occurring in both areas and a fourth group of 12 lower montane species that occur also in the structurally much simpler Upper Montane forest. The feeding behaviour and ecology of the species within each major habitat are compared, with particular attention to taxonomically related and ecologically similar species. Other important considerations—additional behavioural differences, notable morphological distinctions, altitudinal separation of ranges within the habitat—are also noted. The likely importance of differences in foraging behaviour and feeding sites for reducing competition between related species is amply demonstrated, members of several pairs and groups of species have nearly mutually exclusive preferences. The overall pattern of habitat utilization is, however, extremely complex with nearly all stations used, in a variety of ways, by several species and there are many instances of substantial similarity between pairs of species, often involving congeners. The calculation of information theory derived indices of foraging diversity and overlap enables more general comparisons between the altitudinally graded habitats to be made and differences related to current ideas on tropical species diversity. Between Lowland and Lower Montane forest there is a fairly general trend of reduction in foraging diversity and decrease in the mean overlap between species in many genera and groups. The 12 species that continue into the simpler Upper Montane forest show very significantly reduced foraging diversity (compared with their values in lower montane forest) and also less overlap, indicating a different relationship between these species in the absence of the other Lower Montane forest birds. Together these results suggest that the most tropical (i.e., lowland) species show greatest overlap but do not necessarily have smaller niches. In progressively higher habitats there is a bias to the disappearance of generalist (high diversity index) species. These mainly use flycatcher-gleaning techniques supporting suggestions that the increase in insectivorous species in the tropics is partly due to exploitation of feeding strategies related to hovering. Habitat and ecological factors influencing this are assessed. The importance of altitudinal isolating mechanisms is also discussed and, amongst the species studied, both on average and in specific cases, those with the greatest similarities in foraging behaviour and ecology are segregated altitudinally and do not co-exist. It is suggested, however, that substantial overlap between many co-existing tropical species may not be abnormal, but rather an adaptation for ensuring maximum efficiency of habitat utilization in the prevailing environmental conditions of tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

Bernard  Stonehouse 《Ibis》1967,109(4):600-605
Records of the duration of the dives and resting periods of two species of Shags, which fish in the coastal waters of New Zealand's South Island, show the existence of an ecological segregation whereby each species is working within the limits of its greatest physiological efficiency. The smaller species hunts only in shallow water, the larger maintains efficient dive/rest ratios in deeper off-shore water.  相似文献   

鱼类摄食行为的感觉基础   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
鱼类摄食行为的感觉基础是研究鱼类行为和感觉的一个基本方向,自Wunder(1927)系统开展该领域研究工作以来,至今已积累大量研究资料。特别是在前苏联,鱼类行为与感觉的研究在其鱼类学学科中占有显著地位。目前,虽然已有不少综述论及某一种感觉在鱼类摄食行为中的作用,但缺乏对多种感觉在鱼类摄食行为中共同作用及其相互关系的系统总结。flHB。OB和KBCyM。H论述鱼类觅食过程中远距离感觉、近距离感觉的先后替代及食物识别、定位可靠性的保证机制。本文着重介绍不同生态习性鱼类摄食行为的感觉基础及其感觉模式的一般规律。    相似文献   

Theodore H.  Fleming 《Ibis》1981,123(4):463-476
This study presents data on the roosting and feeding behaviour of Pied Wagtails around Oxford, England. During the winter of 1977–78, from two to 1200 wagtails roosted in a Phragmites reed-bed. Use of this roost was greatest during mild, windless weather and the birds apparently used alternate roosts during harsh weather. Movement between roosts sometimes occurred between sunset and sunrise. Morning ‘departure group’ size, number leaving per unit time and diversity of departure directions increased with roost size. Wagtails quickly left the vicinity in the morning. In the afternoon, they joined one or more pre-roost gatherings before entering the roost for the night. Behaviour upon arrival at the roost was variable: birds might enter the reeds quickly or circle in large groups before landing. Aerial revolutions and generally ‘restless’ behaviour often accompanied increases in roost size. Wagtail feeding rates varied significantly between and within habitats. Number of wagtails feeding on the flooded Port Meadow, located 2–3 km south of the main roost, varied from about five to over 60 on different days; these numbers were not correlated with feeding rates. In contrast, the number of birds feeding at a sewage farm was nearly constant all winter. Some wagtails show high fidelity to feeding areas but others do not. Five short-term food supplementation experiments indicated that wagtails knowledgeable about a dense food source are not followed in the morning by naive birds. Results of this study are discussed in relation to the predation, physiology and information centre hypotheses that have been suggested to explain communal roosting in birds. I conclude that the communal roosting system of Pied Wagtails has physiological and anti-predator functions. Wagtails appear to choose certain roosts because of the protection that they provide from adverse climate and predation.  相似文献   

豆蚜在不同品种扁豆上的取食行为   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
韩文智 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):28-34
在温室栽培不同品种的扁豆(Dolichos lablab),采用接蚜,光暗对照,隔离饲育,离体饲育,蜡膜人工饲液饲育以及用昆虫取食行为自动测试仪对其取食行为进行测试等方法来鉴定不同扁豆品种对豆蚜(Aphis craccivora Koch)的抗性,确认紫色品种对豆蚜具有拒食作用.分离,提取了扁豆所含的色素成分并对豆蚜进行生物测定,确定扁豆的红色“色素”是抗蚜的物质基础.用进一步提纯的红色“色素”对豆蚜进行取食行为测试,得出拒食强度的初步数据.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetic variance‐covariance structures (G), describing genetic constraints on microevolutionary changes of populations, have a central role in the current theories of life‐history evolution. However, the evolution of Gs in natural environments has been poorly documented. Resource quality and quantity for many animals and plants vary seasonally, which may shape genetic architectures of their life histories. In the mountain birch‐insect herbivore community, leaf quality of birch for insect herbivores declines profoundly during both leaf growth and senescence, but remains stable during midsummer. Using six sawfly species specialized on the mountain birch foliage, we tested the ways in which the seasonal variation in foliage quality of birch is related to the genetic architectures of larval development time and body size. In the species consuming mature birch leaves of stable quality, that is, without diet‐imposed time constraints for development time, long development led to high body mass. This was revealed by the strongly positive phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits. In the species consuming growing or senescing leaves, on the other hand, the rapidly deteriorating leaf quality prevented the larvae from gaining high body mass after long development. In these species, the phenotypic and genetic correlations between development time and final mass were negative or zero. In the early‐summer species with strong selection for rapid development, genetic variation in development time was low. These results show that the intuitively obvious positive genetic relationship between development time and final body mass is a probable outcome only when the constraints for long development are relaxed. Our study provides the first example of a modification in guild‐wide patterns in the genetic architectures brought about by seasonal variation in resource quality.  相似文献   

T.R Royama 《Ibis》1966,108(3):313-347
SUMMARY Observations were made on feeding rates and food-consumption of nestling Great Tits Parus major mainly in Larch plantations at lake Yamanaka, Japan. Feeding frequencies were recorded by an automatic recorder. There were marked differences between early and late broods; the feeding frequencies were twice as great in early than in late broods of the same size. No clear tendency was observed in the variations of feeding frequencies in relation to brood size. There was, however, a clear inverse relationship between the frequencies and the average size of food brought to the nests. The males' share in terms of feeding frequencies is described. These figures, however, did not follow the males' contribution in terms of weight of food, which was nearly always higher than the females'. It is pointed out that feeding frequencies are far too variable to be used as a true index of food consumption by nestlings, and are not reliable. Attempts were made to measure the weight of food; the method is described. The average weight of food brought by males was lighter in early than in later broods. The total weight of food was estimated. The trend of daily food consumption per chick was similar to that of the chick's growth curve. It was found that up to about the tenth day of the nestling period daily food-intake per chick increased linearly as body weight increased. At some nests, rate of defaecation was observed. This was at first low, but it increased steeply on the third day, with a steady increase thereafter. By comparing the rates of food intake, faeces output, and weight increment of a chick, it was found that only 20–30% of digested matter (the difference between food-intake and faeces-output was used up daily (for body temperature regulation various external effort, etc.). The factors responsible for this high efficiency of growth in nestlings are discussed. There was a clear inverse relationship between the total weight of food brought per chick per day and the brood size. This is largely because the heat-loss is greater in small than in large broods, so that a chick from a small brood in fact needs more energy to maintain its body temperature after a certain age than one from a large brood. This is discussed in detail. Factors which caused variations in size of food are discussed in relation to feeding frequencies. It is pointed out that, because of the inverse relationship between energy requirement by each chick and brood size, the total food requirement by a brood as a whole did not vary directly in proportion to the brood size. An estimation showed that a b/3 still required about 75% of the total food required by a b/8. A smaller brood is less advantageous than expected to parents feeding nestlings when they encounter adverse conditions, e.g. food shortage in the habitat, or a lack of help by their mates, etc. On the other hand, it is suggested that once they have left the nest, the food-demand by a brood of fledglings the parents have to feed, so that, in the fledging period, in times of food shortage it would certainly be advantageous to have fewer young. It is suggested that, although fledglings may consume three to four times as much food as nestlings, the parents, in providing this food, would not work proportionately harder, since the parents' efficiency of providing food could be higher in feeding the fledglings, which always follow the parents as they are hunting, than in feeding the nestlings to which food has to be brought. On this basis, the adaptive significance of the length of the nestling period in nidicolous species is discussed in relation to clutch size, brood size and food requirement.  相似文献   

G. L. Maclean 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):254-261
Maclean, G. L. 1973. The Sociable Weaver, Part 5: Food, feeding and general behaviour. Ostrich 44:254-261.

The food of the Sociable Weaver during the study period consisted of 78,9% animal material by weight; the rest was mainly seeds, mostly of green grasses. The young are fed entirely on animal food. The most important single source of animal food in the Kalahari is the harvester termite Hodotermes mossambica. Sociable Weavers are independent of drinking water under natural conditions. Members of a colony do not usually feed more than about 1,5 km from the nest mass.

Maintenance activities and other general behaviour patterns of the Sociable Weaver are described; they are typically passerine.  相似文献   

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