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Rabbit antisera capable of detecting chicken fetal antigen (CFA) was prepared against 1-day chick red blood cells (RBCs) and made specific by exhaustive adsorption with adult chicken peripheral RBCs (PRBCs) from the same strain. Microcytotoxicity was used to study the incidence of CFA on lymphocytes obtained from several organs at different developmental stages in the chicken. Lymphocyte-associated CFA (LA-CFA) determinants and erythrocyte-specific CFA (ES-CFA) determinants were distinguished through the use of adsorption analysis. The high incidence of CFA-positive lymphocytes found in the fetal bursa and thymus was not equaled in the peripheral organs of the spleen, cecal tonsils, and gland of Harder. CFA expression on adult lymphocytes was restricted to the thymus and peripheral blood. It is suggested that these cells may represent a subpopulation of T lymphocytes. Adult spleen, cecal tonsils, and gland of Harder were virtually devoid of CFA-bearing lymphocytes. At fetal developmental stages when greater than 94% of the bursal B cells were CFA-positive, few, if any, of the highly differentiated Harderian B cells possessed CFA. It is suggested that LA-CFA expression is dependent upon B cell differentiation and/or the bursa (central) vs gland of Harder (peripheral) microenvironment. The pattern of CFA expression on bursacytes is discussed in light of the properties of age resistance and bursal-dependent target cells associated with virally induced lymphoid leukosis.  相似文献   

We have produced a panel of mAb to the endothelial activation Ag endothelial leucocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1), using both a conventional immunization protocol and one involving immunosuppression. By constructing ELAM-1 mutants we have demonstrated that seven of these antibodies recognize epitopes within the lectin domain of ELAM-1 and that one binds within the complement regulatory protein domains. These studies also suggest that the EGF-like domain is important in maintaining the conformation of the neighbouring lectin domain. In functional studies, U937 cells bound to Cos cells expressing either ELAM-1 or ELAM-1 with the complement regulatory protein domains deleted. No adhesion was observed to Cos cells expressing ELAM-1 mutants lacking either the lectin or EGF-like domains. The fact that antibodies directed against the lectin domain can inhibit adhesion suggest that this domain is directly involved in cell binding.  相似文献   

We previously found that murine leukemia cells of T cell, B cell, and erythroid ontogeny express a cell membrane antigen that cross-reacts with an idiotype of an anti-retroviral antibody. In the present study, the expression of this antigen (termed AVID, for anti-viral idiotype) by murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells was examined during chemically induced differentiation. AVID expression by MEL cells was found to be lost when they were treated with either dimethyl sulfoxide or hexamethylene bisacetamide, two chemicals that induce MEL cells to terminally differentiate. The kinetics of disappearance of AVID during inducer treatment reflected the kinetics with which the inducers caused MEL cell commitment to terminal differentiation. Loss of AVID expression by inducer-treated cells was inhibited by dexamethasone, which inhibits commitment and MEL cell differentiation. The subset of inducer-treated cells that expressed the least amount of AVID contained the greatest number of cells committed to differentiate. These results indicate that AVID identifies a novel differentiation antigen of MEL cells.  相似文献   

 Pigment cells in vertebrate embryos are formed in both the central and peripheral nervous system. The neural crest, a largely pluripotent population of precursor cells derived from the embryonic neural tube, gives rise to pigment cells which migrate widely in head and trunk.The retinal pigment epithelium is derived from the optic cup, which arises from ectoderm of the neural tube. We have generated an antibody, ips6, which stains an antigen common to pigment cells of retinal pigment epithelium and neural crest. Ips6 stains retinal pigment epithelium and choroid as well as a subset of crest cells that migrate in pathways typical of melanoblasts. Immunoreactivity is seen first in the eye and later in a subset of migrating crest cells. Crest cells in the amphibian embryo migrate along specific, stereotyped routes; ips6 immunoreactive cells are found in some but not all of these pathways. In older wild-type embryos, cells expressing ips6 appear coincident with pigment-containing cells in the flank, head, eye and embryonic gut. In older animals, staining in the eye extends to the intraretinal segment of optic nerve and interstices between photoreceptors and cells at the retinal periphery. We suggest that the ips6 antibody defines an antigen common to pigment cells of central and peripheral origin. Received: 22 January 1996/Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   

In cytotoxicity and indirect immunofluorescence tests an antiserum to ACA-1 (activated cell antigen) reacted with 58–100% of actively proliferating cells from tumors of lymphoid (EL-4 T lymphoma, MOPC 104E plasmacytoma) and nonlymphoid origin (AH-22 hepatoma, Sa-1 and MCh-11 sarcomas, F2 mammary cancer). Absorption of anti-ACA-1 serum with tumor cells sharply reduced its activity both against the cells of all these neoplasms and against normal activated T and B lymphocytes. Absorption with proliferating murine cells from the brain of embryos and the retina of neonates or with similar (nonproliferating) cells from adult mice did not affect the activity of the antiserum. It is concluded that ACA-1 is expressed on actively proliferating cells of the tumors studied.  相似文献   

Representational difference analysis ofthe glomerular endothelial cell response to transforming growthfactor-1 (TGF-1) revealed a novel gene, TIMAP (TGF--inhibitedmembrane-associated protein), which contains 10 exons and maps to humanchromosome 20.q11.22. By Northern blot, TIMAP mRNA is highly expressedin all cultured endothelial and hematopoietic cells. The frequency ofthe TIMAP SAGE tag is much greater in endothelial cell SAGE databasesthan in nonendothelial cells. Immunofluorescence studies of rat tissuesshow that anti-TIMAP antibodies localize to vascular endothelium.TGF-1 represses TIMAP through a protein synthesis- and histonedeacetylase-dependent process. The TIMAP protein contains five ankyrinrepeats, a protein phosphatase-1 (PP1)-interacting domain, aCOOH-terminal CAAX box, a domain arrangement similar to that of MYPT3,and a PP1 inhibitor. A green fluorescent protein-TIMAP fusion proteinlocalized to the plasma membrane in a CAAX box-dependent fashion.Hence, TIMAP is a novel gene highly expressed in endothelial andhematopoietic cells and regulated by TGF-1. On the basis of itsdomain structure, TIMAP may serve a signaling function, potentiallythrough interaction with PP1.


The alteration in the surface of endothelial cells (EC) in response to cytokines is likely to be of great importance to the regulation of cell migration and thereby to the evolution of inflammatory processes. We have generated three mAb against cytokine inducible Ag on EC. Whereas mAb 1.2B6 and 6.5B5 were found to react with ELAM-1 and ICAM-1, respectively, mAb 1.4C3 reacted with a novel molecule that showed a different pattern of expression from ELAM-1 or ICAM-1 after stimulation of EC by TNF, IL-1, or LPS. Like ELAM-1, the 1.4C3 Ag was minimally expressed on resting EC, whereas ICAM-1 was moderately expressed. After stimulation with IL-1, TNF, or LPS, ELAM-1 expression was maximal after 4 to 6 h, 1.4C3 Ag after 6 to 10 h, and ICAM-1 after 10 to 24 h. The duration of 1.4C3 expression was intermediate between ELAM-1 and ICAM-1, and was more prolonged in response to TNF than IL-1 or LPS. Whereas the expression of the three Ag showed a similar dose response to varying concentrations of IL-1 or LPS, EC required a 10-fold higher concentration of TNF for half maximal expression of ELAM-1 than for half maximal expression of 1.4C3 Ag or ICAM-1 (5 ng/ml compared to 0.5 ng/ml). Of the three Ag, only ICAM-1 was enhanced by IFN-gamma. SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions showed the 1.4C3 Ag to migrate as a single band with a relative molecular mass of approximately 95 kDa. mAb 1.4C3 adds to our understanding of the kinetics of the EC response to different cytokines and will be useful in studying the regulation of EC activation. Furthermore, the 1.4C3 molecule may have an important role in leukocyte-EC interactions.  相似文献   

Thymic shared Ag-2 (TSA-2) is a 28-kDa, glycophosphatidylinitosol-linked cell surface molecule expressed on various T cell and thymic stromal cell subsets. It is expressed on most CD3-CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, and CD3highCD4-CD8+ thymocytes but is down-regulated on approximately 40% of CD3highCD4+CD8- thymocytes. Expression on peripheral TCR-alphabeta+ T cells is similar to that of CD3+ thymocytes, although a transient down-regulation occurs with cell activation. Consistent with the recent hypothesis that emigration from the thymus is an active process, recent thymic emigrants are primarily TSA-2-/low. TSA-2 expression reveals heterogeneity among subpopulations of CD3highCD4+CD8- thymocytes and TCR-gamma delta+ T cell previously regarded as homogenous. The functional importance of TSA-2 was illustrated by the severe block in T cell differentiation caused by adding purified anti-TSA-2 mAb to reconstituted fetal thymic organ culture. While each CD25/CD44-defined triple-negative subset was present, differentiation beyond the TN stage was essentially absent, and cell numbers of all subsets were significantly below those of control cultures. Cross-linking TSA-2 on thymocytes caused a significant Ca2+ influx but no increase in apoptosis, unless anti-TSA-2 was used in conjunction with suboptimal anti-CD3 mAb. Similar treatment of mature TSA-2+ T cells had no effect on cell survival or proliferation. This study reveals TSA-2 to be a functionally important molecule in T cell development and a novel indicator of heterogeneity among a variety of developing and mature T cell populations.  相似文献   

Activation of T cells requires three signals from an antigen-presenting cell: antigen, Ia determinants (HLA-D region determinants in man), and interleukin 1 (IL-1). Recent evidence has suggested that macrophages, dendritic cells, epidermal Langerhan's cells, and endothelial cells can each function as antigen-presenting cells (APC). If these cell types can independently function as APC, they should synthesize Ia determinants and secrete IL-1. To determine if endothelial cells fulfill these requirements, we have propagated human umbilical vein endothelial cells by serial subculture for extended periods of time and assessed Ia expression and IL-1 secretion. The endothelial cells were subcultured for 8 months (approximately 20 subcultures) and were found to display classic morphology and immunofluorescent staining for the endothelial cell-specific marker Factor VIII-related antigen. In a separate paper we have shown that these subcultured endothelial cells can present antigen to T cells in a HLA-D region-restricted fashion (C. R. Wagner, R. M. Vetto, and D. R. Burger, Subcultured human endothelial cells can independently function as fully competent antigen-presenting cells, accepted for publication, Hum. Immunol.). In this paper we present evidence demonstrating that extensively subcultured endothelial cells biosynthesize both HLA-DR and HLA-DS molecules after exposure to T cells and antigen or to a supernatant from antigen-activated T cells. Evidence is also presented that when endothelial cells are cultured in the presence of lipopolysaccharide they secrete a molecule(s) with IL-1 activity as assayed by LBRM-33-IA5 cell line production of interleukin 2.  相似文献   

The action of human rIL-1 beta on confluent, quiescent monolayers of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) has been studied for the induction of new membrane proteins. Two approaches have been taken. The first is a quantitative two-dimensional gel analysis of [35S]cysteine-labeled membrane proteins of HUVEC with and without cytokine treatment. This analysis indicates that there are a restricted number of new membrane proteins synthesized in the first 6 h of IL-1 treatment, on the order of 19 out of a total of over 600 detectable proteins. Second, we have prepared two mAb (1E7 and 2G7) to different epitopes of a major inducible sialoglycoprotein with molecular mass of 114 kDa and an isoelectric point of 4.6 to 4.8. These antibodies were compared with two additional antibodies, 3B7 and 7A9, which were shown to react with the endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 (ELAM-1) protein as expressed in COS cells. The 1E7/2G7 protein is distinct from ELAM-1, based upon biochemical comparisons as well as the inability of the 1E7 and 2G7 antibodies to react with ELAM-1-transfected COS cells. The protein defined as 1E7/2G7 is neither expressed constitutively nor in an inducible manner on PBMC, granulocytes, platelets, fibroblasts, or keratinocytes. The 7A9 and 3B7 antibodies are shown to block granulocyte binding to IL-1-activated HUVEC. The 2G7 antibody is effective at inhibiting the binding of T cells but not granulocytes to IL-1-activated endothelium, suggesting this new protein is an adhesion protein that may be active in vivo in T cell-endothelial cell adhesion-related events such as inflammation or lymphocyte recirculation. In addition, T cells were shown to utilize the ELAM-1 protein in binding to cytokine-activated HUVEC. Antibodies directed to both proteins had additive effects on inhibition of T cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Conophylline: a novel differentiation inducer for pancreatic beta cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Reduction of the beta cell mass is critical in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. The discovery of agents, which induce differentiation of pancreatic progenitors to beta cells, would be useful to develop a new therapeutic approach to treat diabetes. To identify a new agent to stimulate differentiation of pancreatic progenitor cells to beta cells, we screened various compounds using pancreatic AR42J cells, a model of pancreatic progenitor cells. Among various compounds and extracts tested, we found that conophylline, a vinca alkaloid extracted from leaves of a tropical plant Ervatamia microphylla, was effective in converting AR42J into endocrine cells. Conophylline reproduces the differentiation-inducing activity of activin A. Unlike activin A, however, conophylline does not induce apoptosis. To induce differentiation of AR42J cells, conophylline increases the expression of neurogenin-3 by activating p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Conophylline also induces differentiation in cultured pancreatic progenitor cells obtained from fetal and neonatal rats. More importantly, conophylline is effective in reversing hyperglycemia in neonatal streptozotocin-treated rats, and both the insulin content and the beta cell mass are increased by conophylline. Histologically, conophylline increases the numbers of ductal cells positive for pancreatic-duodenal-homeobox protein-1 and islet-like cell clusters. Conophylline and related compounds are useful in inducing differentiation of pancreatic beta cells both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

To identify prostate cancer-associated Ags, tumor-reactive T lymphocytes were generated using iterative stimulations of PBMC from a prostate cancer patient with an autologous IFN-gamma-treated carcinoma cell line in the presence of IL-2. A CD8+ T cell line and TCR alphabeta+ T cell clone were isolated that secreted IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha in response to autologous prostate cancer cells but not to autologous fibroblasts or lymphoblastoid cells. However, these T cells recognized several normal and malignant prostate epithelial cell lines without evidence of shared classical HLA molecules. The T cell line and clone also recognized colon cancers, but not melanomas, sarcomas, or lymphomas, suggesting recognition of a shared epithelium-associated Ag presented by nonclassical MHC or MHC-like molecules. Although Ag recognition by T cells was inhibited by mAb against CD8 and the TCR complex (anti-TCR alphabeta, CD3, Vbeta12), it was not inhibited by mAb directed against MHC class Ia or MHC class II molecules. Neither target expression of CD1 molecules nor HLA-G correlated with T cell recognition, but beta2-microglobulin expression was essential. Ag expression was diminished by brefeldin A, lactacystin, and cycloheximide, but not by chloroquine, consistent with an endogenous/cytosolic Ag processed through the classical class I pathway. These results suggest that prostate cancer and colon cancer cells can process and present a shared peptidic Ag to TCR alphabeta+ T cells via a nonclassical MHC I-like molecule yet to be defined.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma-regulated expression of a differentiation antigen of human cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse mAb M111 identifies a cell surface glycoprotein of 115,000 to 135,000 Da. M111 was expressed constitutively in subsets of cells of multiple lineages at discrete stages of cell maturation, suggesting that M111 is a differentiation Ag of the three germ layers. Ag expression could be induced by IFN-gamma but not by IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, or TNF. Induction of M111 expression was maximal at 48 h of culture in 200 U/ml of IFN-gamma and was independent of induction of class II MHC Ag. Induction was dependent on the cell type used. Nine colon cancer cell lines of undifferentiated phenotype were constitutively M111-; IFN-gamma induced M111 expression in seven of them. In contrast, IFN-gamma failed to induce M111 expression in six of six M111- ovarian cancer cell lines. Eight normal fibroblast cultures tested were M111-; they could not be induced to express M111. Three of five sarcoma cell lines were M111+; culture in IFN-gamma induced an increase in M111 expression in all of them. Constitutive and IFN-gamma-induced expression of M111 was independent of constitutive and induced expression of HLA class I and II molecules. IFN-gamma-mediated induction of M111 expression was not accompanied by coordinate changes in the expression of other differentiation traits. These results suggest that expression of the M111 gene is controlled by two mechanisms, one related to differentiation and the other activated by IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

A surface antigen (SA) was detected on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-carrying lymphoid cell lines by indirect membrane immunofluorescence with an antiserum from a rabbit immunized with Raji cells; the antiserum had been extensively absorbed with normal human blood and tonsil cells. The SA was not detected on normal human umbilical cord and adult peripheral blood lymphocytes or EBV-negative cell lines. Incidences of the SA and EBV-determined membrane antigen (MA) on certain EBV-carrying cell lines were not compatible. Antibody against SA was differentially absorbed by the SA-positive MA-negative cell lines whereas MA antibody was absorbed by MA-positive SA-negative cell lines. The results of cross-absorption tests of antiserum against Raji cells or P3HR-1 cells suggested that SA may contain more than one antigenic determinant.  相似文献   

Airway eosinophilia plays a major role in the pathogenesis of asthma with the inhibition of apoptosis by GM-CSF and IL-5 proposed as a mechanism underlying prolonged eosinophil survival. In vivo and ex vivo studies have indicated the capacity of interventions that drive human eosinophil apoptosis to promote the resolution of inflammation. Far less is known about the impact of transendothelial migration on eosinophil survival, in particular, the capacity of endothelial cell-derived factors to contribute toward the apoptosis-resistant phenotype characteristic of airway-resident eosinophils. We examined the effects of conditioned medium from human pulmonary artery endothelial cells (HPAEC-CM) on eosinophil apoptosis in vitro. HPAEC-CM inhibited eosinophil, but not neutrophil apoptosis. This effect was specific to HPAECs and comparable in efficacy to the survival effects of GM-CSF and IL-5. The HPAEC survival factor was shown, on the basis of GM-CSF, IL-5, and IL-3 detection assays, Ab neutralization, and sensitivity to PI3K inhibition, to be clearly discrete from these factors. Gel filtration of HPAEC-CM revealed a peak of eosinophil survival activity at 8-12 kDa, and PCR confirmed the presence of mRNA for CCL5, CCL11, CCL24, CCL26, and CCL27 in the HPAECs. The CCR3 antagonist GW782415 caused a major inhibition of the HPAEC-CM-induced survival effect, and Ab neutralization of individual CCR3 chemokines revealed CCL11 as the major survival factor present in the HPAEC-CM. Furthermore, chemokine Ab arrays demonstrated up-regulation of CCL11 in HPAEC-CM. These data demonstrate the capacity of HPAECs to generate CCR3 agonists and the ability of CCL11 to inhibit human eosinophil apoptosis.  相似文献   

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