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The phylogenetic diversity of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes occurring in active deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney structures was characterized based on the deduced amino acid sequence analysis of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DSR) gene. The DSR genes were successfully amplified from microbial assemblages of the chimney structures, derived from three geographically and geologically distinct deep-sea hydrothermal systems in the Central Indian Ridge (CIR), in the Izu-Bonin Arc (IBA), and the Okinawa Trough (OT), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed seven major phylogenetic groups. More than half of the clones from the CIR chimney structure were related to DSR amino acid sequences of the hyperthermophilic archaeal members of the genus Archaeoglobus, and those of environmental DSR clones within the class Thermodesulfobacteria. From the OT chimney structure, a different group was obtained, which comprised a novel, deep lineage associated with the DSRs of the thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium Thermodesulfovibrio. Most of the DSR clones from the IBA chimney structure were phylogenetically associated with the delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria represented by the genus Desulfobulbus. Sequence analysis of DSR clones demonstrated a diverse sulfate-reducing prokaryotic community in the active deep-sea hydrothermal chimney structures.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the cosmopolitan diatom Skeletonema costatum sensu lato is composed of several morphologically and genetically distinct species. To assess whether the separate species have a cosmopolitan distribution, we analysed 184 strains from marine and estuarine sites worldwide. We identified the strains using light and electron microscopy, and we sequenced the hyper-variable region of nuclear LSU rDNA. All recently described species were genetically distinct, and all but two were morphologically distinct. Variability was found for the only ultrastructural character used to distinguish Skeletonema dohrnii and S. marinoi, which cannot be identified based on morphology alone. Furthermore, multiple genetically distinct taxa, which may represent cryptic species, were found within the S. menzelii and S. tropicum clades. We found that all currently recognized species of Skeletonema are widespread, however, gaps seem to occur in their geographical ranges. For example, some species are found in both the northern and southern temperate latitudes whereas other species appear to have only subtropical to tropical ranges. Skeletonema pseudocostatum and S. grethae seem to have more restricted geographical ranges because the former was not found along American coasts and the latter was encountered only in US waters. A taxonomic update is provided for Skeletonema strains currently available in several culture collections, which could aid reinterpretation of results obtained in comparative studies using these strains.  相似文献   

An environmental source of cholera was hypothesized as early as the late nineteenth century by Robert Koch, but not proven because of the ability of Vibrio cholera, the causative agent of cholera, to enter a dormant phase between epidemics. Standard bacteriological procedures for isolation of the vibrios from the environmental samples, including water, between epidemics generally were unsuccessful. Vibrio cholera, a marine vibrio requiring salt for growth, enters into a dormant 'viable but non-culturable' stage when conditions are unfavourable for growth and reproduction. The association of V. cholera with plankton, notably copepods, provides evidence for the environmental origin of cholera, as well as an explanation for the sporadic and erratic nature of cholera epidemics. Thus, the association of V. cholera with plankton was established only recently, allowing analysis of epidemic patterns of cholera, especially in those countries where cholera is endemic. The sporadic and erratic nature of cholera epidemics can now be related to climate and climate events, such as El Ni?o. Since zooplankton have been shown to harbour the bacterium and zooplankton blooms follow phytoplankton blooms, remote sensing can be employed to determine the relationship of cases of cholera with chlorophyll, as well as sea surface temperature (SST), ocean height, and turbidity. Cholera occurs seasonally in Bangladesh with two annual peaks in the number of cases occurring each year. From the data obtained and analysed to date, when the height of the ocean is high and sea surface temperature is also elevated, cholera cases are numerous. When the height is low and sea surface temperature is also low, little or no cholera is recorded. From the examination of data for the 1992-1993 cholera epidemic in India, preliminary comparisons of cholera data for Calcutta show a similar relationship between cholera cases, ocean height and SST. In conclusion, from results of studies of SST, phytoplankton and zooplankton, and their relationships to incidence of cholera, correlation of selected climatological factors and incidence of V. cholera appears to be significant, bringing the potential of predicting conditions conducive to cholera outbreaks closer to reality.  相似文献   

The general composition and diversity of the diets of the 43 most commonly caught pelagic and demersal fish of the Rockall Trough, north-eastern Atlantic Ocean, are assessed. The fish are divided into three Groups. The 8 species in Group I consist of both pelagic and demersal species feeding on relatively few prey-classes and having a diet of low diversity and few items per meal. Group II contains 22 pelagic and demersal species with more diverse diets, less restricted dietary composition, but still consuming relatively few items per meal. Group III is the 12 demersal macrourid species with the most diverse diets, a variable dietary composition and the greatest mean number of items per meal. One species, Maurolicus muelleri , had too many unidentified components in its diet to allow classification in terms of Groups I, II or III. All diets contained dominant items, the diversity within diets offish in Groups II and III arising from the inclusion of subdominants and rare items. The diets of species in Groups I and II can be defined in terms of ecological constitution, trophic diversity and prey-species composition. Those of the Group III macrourids differ in that their definition is liable to be a compromise between the situation where ecological constitution and trophic diversity are adequately defined but not species composition.  相似文献   

Hadrosaurids were the most derived ornithopods and amongst the most diverse herbivore dinosaurs during the Late Cretaceous of Europe, Asia, and the two Americas. Here, their biogeographical history is reconstructed using dispersal‐vicariance analysis (DIVA). The results showed that Hadrosauridae originated in North America and soon after dispersed to Asia no later than the Late Santonian. The most recent common ancestor of Saurolophidae (= Saurolophinae + Lambeosaurinae) is inferred to have been widespread in North America and Asia. The split between saurolophines and lambeosaurines occurred in response to vicariance no later than the Late Santonian: the former clade originated in North America, whereas the latter did so in Asia. Saurolophine biogeographical history included a minimum of five dispersal events followed by vicariance. Four of these dispersals were inferred to have occurred from North America to Asia during the Campanian and Early Maastrichtian, whereas a fifth event represented a southward dispersal from North to South America no later than the Late Campanian. The historical biogeography of lambeosaurines was characterized by an early evolution in Asia, with a Campanian dispersal to the European archipelago followed by vicariance. Reconstruction of the ancestral areas for the deepest nodes uniting the more derived lambeosaurines clades (‘hypacrosaurs’, ‘corythosaurs’, and ‘parasaurolophs’) is ambiguous. The split between North American and Asian clades of ‘hypacrosaurs’ and ‘parasaurolophs’ occurred in response to vicariance during the Campanian. The evolutionary history of North American ‘hypacrosaurs’ and ‘parasaurolophs’ was characterized by duplication events. The latter also characterized the Late Campanian ‘corythosaurs’, which remained restricted to North America. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 503–525.  相似文献   

Recent extensive quantitative sampling of the deep-sea bottom has revealed communities much richer in species than previously thought. In situ experiments and more precise sampling using free-vehicle instruments and submersibles have provided a more accurate assessment of spatial and temporal variation on the sea floor. These studies have demonstrated the importance of small patches (millimeters to meters) of biogenic disturbance and food input separated on spatial scales of meters to kilometers. In this respect, the processes maintaining deep-sea diversity are similar to those in other species-rich environments such as rain forests.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous SAR11 bacterial clade is the most abundant type of organism in the world's oceans, but the reasons for its success are not fully elucidated. We analysed 128 surface marine metagenomes, including 37 new Antarctic metagenomes. The large size of the data set enabled internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to be obtained from the Southern polar region, enabling the first global characterization of the distribution of SAR11, from waters spanning temperatures ?2 to 30°C. Our data show a stable co‐occurrence of phylotypes within both ‘tropical’ (>20°C) and ‘polar’ (<10°C) biomes, highlighting ecological niche differentiation between major SAR11 subgroups. All phylotypes display transitions in abundance that are strongly correlated with temperature and latitude. By assembling SAR11 genomes from Antarctic metagenome data, we identified specific genes, biases in gene functions and signatures of positive selection in the genomes of the polar SAR11—genomic signatures of adaptive radiation. Our data demonstrate the importance of adaptive radiation in the organism's ability to proliferate throughout the world's oceans, and describe genomic traits characteristic of different phylotypes in specific marine biomes.  相似文献   

16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library analysis was conducted to assess prokaryotic diversity and community structural changes within a surficial sediment core obtained from an Antarctic continental shelf area (depth, 761 m) within the Mertz Glacier Polynya (MGP) region. Libraries were created from three separate horizons of the core (0- to 0.4-cm, 1.5- to 2.5-cm, and 20- to 21-cm depth positions). The results indicated that at the oxic sediment surface (depth, 0 to 0.4 cm) the microbial community appeared to be dominated by a small subset of potentially r-strategist (fast-growing, opportunistic) species, resulting in a lower-than-expected species richness of 442 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). At a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 cm, the species richness (1,128 OTUs) was much higher, with the community dominated by numerous gamma and delta proteobacterial phylotypes. At a depth of 20 to 21 cm, a clear decline in species richness (541 OTUs) occurred, accompanied by a larger number of more phylogenetically divergent phylotypes and a decline in the predominance of Proteobacteria. Based on rRNA and clonal abundance as well as sequence comparisons, syntrophic cycling of oxidized and reduced sulfur compounds appeared to be the dominant process in surficial MGP sediment, as phylotype groups putatively linked to these processes made up a large proportion of clones throughout the core. Between 18 and 65% of 16S rDNA phylotypes detected in a wide range of coastal and open ocean sediments possessed high levels of sequence similarity (>95%) with the MGP sediment phylotypes, indicating that many sediment prokaryote phylotype groups defined in this study are ubiquitous in marine sediment.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetics has an important role in conservation biogeography. However, there are few data on the phylogenetic diversity of African primates. The phylogenetic diversity (PD) of a species is a measure of its taxonomic distinctness and can be estimated by looking at the phylogenetic relationships among taxa. Species‐specific metrics on PD can then be used to determine conservation priorities at various biogeographical scales. We used PD metrics to rank 55 African primate species according to their conservation priorities at the country level and within six African biogeographical regions. We also addressed the following question: are there differences in conservation rankings between the IUCN Red List and our PD metrics? Location Africa. Methods We created a consensus phylogeny for all African primate clades based on genetic studies. Analyses of species distributions were determined using presence/absence scores at two levels: country and biogeographical region. A node‐based method that standardizes for widespread taxa and endemicity was used to calculate PD indices. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to convert one of the standardized, phylogenetic indices into three clusters that could be ranked and compared with the main IUCN conservation rankings of endangered, vulnerable, and lower risk. Results At the country and region levels, the top‐priority species in terms of PD are Pan paniscus, Macaca sylvanus, Arctocebus calabarensis, Gorilla beringei, Arctocebus aureus, Allenopithecus nigroviridis, Gorilla gorilla, Procolobus verus, Cercopithecus solatus, Cercocebus galeritus, Colobus angolensis, Theropithecus gelada, Galagoides zanzibaricus, Galagoides granti, and Procolobus (Piliocolobus) badius. Geographic rankings were highest for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (country level) and Central Africa (region level). Although there were no overall differences between IUCN conservation ranks and the PD rankings, there were significant differences between the two systems for vulnerable and endangered primate taxa. Main conclusions There are few ecological and behavioural data on populations of some of the African primates that represent the highest levels of phylogenetic diversity. Studies of primate taxa with high PD rankings should focus on identifying sites suitable for intensive studies of population densities, feeding ecology, and reproductive behaviour. We suggest that PD metrics can serve as an important, complementary data set in the IUCN ranking system for primates.  相似文献   

The interplay among microorganisms profoundly impacts biogeochemical cycles in the ocean. Culture-based work has illustrated the diversity of diatom–prokaryote interactions, but the question of whether these associations can affect the spatial distribution of microbial communities is open. Here, we investigated the relationship between assemblages of diatoms and of heterotrophic prokaryotes in surface waters of the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean in early spring. The community composition of diatoms and that of total and active prokaryotes were different among the major ocean zones investigated. We found significant relationships between compositional changes of diatoms and of prokaryotes. In contrast, spatial changes in the prokaryotic community composition were not related to geographic distance and to environmental parameters when the effect of diatoms was accounted for. Diatoms explained 30% of the variance in both the total and the active prokaryotic community composition in early spring in the Southern Ocean. Using co-occurrence analyses, we identified a large number of highly significant correlations between abundant diatom species and prokaryotic taxa. Our results show that key diatom species of the Southern Ocean are each associated with a distinct prokaryotic community, suggesting that diatom assemblages contribute to shaping the habitat type for heterotrophic prokaryotes.  相似文献   

In 1847, Karl Bergmann proposed that temperature gradients are the key to understanding geographic variation in the body sizes of warm-blooded animals. Yet both the geographic patterns of body-size variation and their underlying mechanisms remain controversial. Here, we conduct the first assemblage-level global examination of 'Bergmann's rule' within an entire animal class. We generate global maps of avian body size and demonstrate a general pattern of larger body sizes at high latitudes, conforming to Bergmann's rule. We also show, however, that median body size within assemblages is systematically large on islands and small in species-rich areas. Similarly, while spatial models show that temperature is the single strongest environmental correlate of body size, there are secondary correlations with resource availability and a strong pattern of decreasing body size with increasing species richness. Finally, our results suggest that geographic patterns of body size are caused both by adaptation within lineages, as invoked by Bergmann, and by taxonomic turnover among lineages. Taken together, these results indicate that while Bergmann's prediction based on physiological scaling is remarkably accurate, it is far from the full picture. Global patterns of body size in avian assemblages are driven by interactions between the physiological demands of the environment, resource availability, species richness and taxonomic turnover among lineages.  相似文献   

Major areas covered at the Bacterial Locomotion and Signal Transduction (BLAST) meeting included the clustering of chemoreceptors and its significance to signal amplification, organelle biogenesis, motility, developmental responses mediated by "chemotaxis" operons, and advances in two-component signaling mechanisms.  相似文献   

Remains of earlyHomo andParanthropus have been recovered from two contemporaneous sites (Uraha and Malema) in the “Hominid Corridor” in Northern Malawi (Chiwondo Beds). Faunal dating suggests an age of 2.5–2.3 Ma for both hominids. The two specimens, a mandible attributed toHomo rudolfensis (UR 501 from Uraha), and a maxillary fragment ofParanthropus boisci. (RC 911 from Malema) known only from eastern Africa, represent the southernmost known distribution of these taxa. The biogeographic significance of these hominids from the Malawi-Rift lay in their association with the eastern African endemic animal group. Biogeographic variation in south-eastern Africa may be linked to habitat change occurring due to climate change, with maximum change occurring around 2.5 Ma.  相似文献   

Global patterns in the biogeography of bacterial taxa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bacteria control major nutrient cycles and directly influence plant, animal and human health. However, we know relatively little about the forces shaping their large-scale ecological ranges. Here, we reveal patterns in the distribution of individual bacterial taxa at multiple levels of phylogenetic resolution within and between Earth's major habitat types. Our analyses suggest that while macro-scale habitats structure bacterial distribution to some degree, abundant bacteria (i.e. detectable using 16S rRNA gene sequencing methods) are confined to single assemblages. Additionally, we show that the most cosmopolitan taxa are also the most abundant in individual assemblages. These results add to the growing body of data that support that the diversity of the overall bacterial metagenome is tremendous. The mechanisms governing microbial distribution remain poorly understood, but our analyses provide a framework with which to test the importance of macro-ecological environmental gradients, relative abundance, neutral processes and the ecological strategies of individual taxa in structuring microbial communities.  相似文献   

Over the past 35 years, researchers have explored deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments around the globe and studied a number of archaea, their unique metabolic and physiological properties, and their vast phylogenetic diversity. Although the pace of discovery of new archaeal taxa, phylotypes and phenotypes in deep-sea hydrothermal vents has slowed recently, bioinformatics and interdisciplinary geochemistry-microbiology approaches are providing new information on the diversity and community composition of archaea living in deep-sea vents. Recent investigations have revealed that archaea could have originated and dispersed from ancestral communities endemic to hydrothermal vents into other biomes on Earth, and the community structure and productivity of chemolithotrophic archaea are controlled primarily by variations in the geochemical composition of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

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