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The status of water in soil and vegetation was monitored in a stand of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) and a nearby shortgrass steppe during a growing season. This was done to determine if water use and losses were similar among two very different communities in a similar climate. Precipitation was similar throughout the study period for both the crested wheatgrass and native shortgrass communities. However, the native shortgrass community with greater root biomass had consistently greater soil water depletion in the deeper soil horizons than was found in the crested wheatgrass community. Greater depletion of soil water by native shortgrass species suggests that they might be more competitive than crested wheatgrass in a water-limited environment.Crested wheatgrass maintained high leaf water potential early in the season, but lower water potential during the latter part of the growing season as compared with the major species of the shortgrass steppe, blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) and western wheatgrass (Agropyron smithii). Leaf conductance was lower for crested wheatgrass than for the native grasses during the later part of the growing season. Consequently, seasonal transpiration for crested wheatgrass was lower when compared with blue grama or western wheatgrass. Lower conductance allowed crested wheatgrass to maintain relatively high internal water potential and may have accounted for less soil water use at deeper soil depths during the latter part of the growing season.Water loss through transpiration was less for western wheatgrass than for either blue grama or crested wheatgrass because western wheatgrass had less leaf area. However, western wheatgrass was as efficient as the other species in its use of water. Crested wheatgrass transpired more water than blue grama early in the growing season, but less than either native species for the remainder of the growing season. Estimated seasonal transpiration loss was greater in the shortgrass ecosystem than in the established crested wheatgrass stand.  相似文献   

Summary The daily course of stomatal conductance and transpiration was monitored on each separate face of vertical phyllodes of various acacias. The selected phyllodes had a north-south orientation so that one side faced eastwards and the other westwards. The principal measurements were made on Acacia longifolia and A. melanoxylon in Portugal in late summer and autumn, and additional measurements were made on A. ligulata and A. melanoxylon in Australia. In Portugal, irrespective of soil moisture status, conductance showed on early morning maximum with a subsequent gradual decline and sometimes a subsidiary peak in the late afternoon. Maximum conductances appeared to be a function of soil moisture status, whereas the decline in conductance in the late morning and afternoon was correlated with changes in phyllode-to-air vapour pressure deficits rather than changes in phyllode water status. The relationship of transpiration to phyllode water potential did not appear to be influenced by soil moisture status, although transpiration was less in drier soils and in the afternoons, this latter factor contributing to a marked hysteresis in the relationship. The opposing faces of the phyllodes exhibited a high degree of synchrony, showing parallel stomatal opening and closing, despite their large differences in irradiance. Stomatal conductance tended to be higher on the eastern faces in the morning and lower in the afternoon. In A. longifolia the daily average of relative conductance was much the same for both faces, but in A. melanoxylon that of the eastern face was higher and was retained even when the normal orientation of the phyllodes was reversed by turning them through 180°. Synchrony must be achieved by the stomata of both sides responding to common environmental or endogenous signals which are perceived by both surfaces with equal sensitivity.  相似文献   

James JJ  Richards JH 《Oecologia》2007,152(4):721-727
Soil nutrients in arid systems are supplied to plants in brief pulses following precipitation inputs. While these resource dynamics have been well documented, little is known about how this temporal heterogeneity influences competitive interactions. We examined the impacts of the temporal pattern of N supply on competitive intensity and ability in an N-limited desert shrub community. At our field site, the three codominant shrubs, Atriplex confertifolia, A. parryi, and Sarcobatus vermiculatus, differ in seasonal growth patterns, with A. confertifolia and S. vermiculatus achieving higher growth rates earlier in the growing season than A. parryi. We predicted that these timing differences in maximum growth rate may interact with temporal variation in N supply to alter competitive abilities over time. Seedlings of the two Atriplex species were planted either individually in field plots or as target plants surrounded by neighbor seedlings. After one year of establishment, the same amount of 15N was applied to plots either as early spring pulses, mid spring pulses or continuously through the second growing season. Competitive effects were observed under continuous and pulsed N supply. Averaged across all target–neighbor treatments, competitive intensity was ∼1.8-fold greater when N was pulsed compared to when N was supplied continuously, but overall, the outcome of competitive interactions was not influenced by N pulse timing. While the timing of resource supply did not differentially influence the competitive abilities of coexisting species in this system, the temporal pattern of resource supply did alter the intensity of competitive interactions among species. While additional studies in other systems are needed to evaluate the generality of these results, this study suggests that competitive intensity may not necessarily be a direct function of productivity or resource availability as traditionally assumed. Instead, the intensity of competitive interactions in resource-poor systems may depend upon the temporal pattern of resource supply.  相似文献   

Tielbörger  Katja  Kadmon  Ronen 《Plant Ecology》1997,130(2):191-201
A field study was designed to investigate the effect of shrubs on the dynamics and structure of annual plant communities in a sandy desert ecosystem. Densities of emerging and reproductive plants of all annual species were monitored in permanent quadrats located under shrubs and in open areas between shrubs during three successive years; a relatively dry one, a relatively wet one, and a very dry one. A total of 29 species were recorded in the study. Of these, 19 species did not show any evidence for differences in abundance between the two habitats. Nine species exhibited year-to-year variation in their responses to the shrub-opening gradient, being more common in a particular habitat during one year, and showing no response or even an opposite response during a different year. Only one species was consistently more abundant under shrubs throughout the whole study period, and no species was consistently more abundant in the openings. These findings contradict the hypothesis that annual species associated with desert shrub communities can be categorized into distinct groups based on their preference for shrubs vs. openings. Ordination analyses of community-level patterns indicated that annual communities inhabiting the openings were more stable than those inhabiting the shrub habitat. The main lesson from this study is the importance of long-term observations in studies attempting to characterize community-level responses to environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of low water supplementation and nutrients on the aboveground biomass production of annual plants was tested in the field by mimicking small rainfall events of 5mm per month and by adding fertilizers to experimental quadrats. Field measurements were made during an extremely dry year, so the potential additional effects of rainfall probably had no important effect on plant responses. Biomass of non-native species was higher in irrigated than in non-irrigated quadrats. No significant responses to irrigation treatments were detected in native species. This lack of response may be due to higher thresholds of watering being required for either germination and/or growth. Because of the low water inputs, fertilizer additions did not promote any biomass response in either native or non-native species. Responses of non-native species to low and frequent pulses of water, which is characteristic of this arid system, may be important for the persistence of these species in this environment.This is a contribution of the Program of Arid zone Studies of Universidad de La Serena  相似文献   

Diurnal variation in leaf stomatal conductance (g s) of three xerophilous species (Buddleia cordata, Senecio praecox and Dodonaea viscosa) was measured over a 10-month period during the dry and wet seasons in a shrubland that is developing in a lava substratum in Mexico. Averaged stomatal conductances were 147 and 60.2 (B. cordata), 145 and 24.8 (D. viscosa) and 142.8 and 14.1 mmol m–2 s–1 (S. praecox) during the wet and dry season respectively. Leaf water potential () varied in a range of –0.6 to –1.2 (S. praecox), –0.6 to –1.8 (B. cordata) and –0.9 to –3.4 MPa (D. viscosa) during the same measurement periods. Stomata were more sensitive to changes in irradiance, air temperature and leaf–air vapour pressure difference in the rainy season than the dry season. Although stomatal responses to were difficult to distinguish in any season (dry or rainy), data for the entire period of measurement showed a positive correlation, stomata tending to open as increased, but there is strong evidence of isohydric behaviour in S. praecox and B. cordata. A multiplicative model relating g s to environmental variables and to accounted for 79%–83% of the variation of g s in three sites (pooled data); however, the performance of the model was poorer (60%–76%) for individual species from other sites not included in the pooled data.  相似文献   

白刺沙堆退化与土壤水分的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几十年来,我国西北干旱区白刺沙堆退化严重,导致固定沙丘活化,流沙掩埋绿洲,造成了严重危害。如何尽可能长期保持白刺沙堆的稳定、防止白刺沙堆活化成为绿洲保护和沙漠化防治急需解决的问题。在多年野外观察的基础上,提出了"土壤水分收支不平衡所导致的土壤水分减少是白刺沙堆退化的主要原因"的研究假设。但是,由于缺少长期的野外观测试验,这个假设一直未被很好地证明。为了证明这个假设,在甘肃民勤的绿洲外围选择了雏形、发育、稳定和死亡四个退化阶段的白刺沙堆,于2008年1月至2012年6月利用中子水分仪和土壤烘干称重法对土壤水分进行了长期观测。结果表明:各样地的土壤含水量均呈现出2008年最大,2009年和2011年次之,2010年最小的趋势。年内变化是春季土壤含水量最低,夏季逐渐增加,随后逐渐减小。在不同发育阶段,雏形阶段的土壤含水量最大,且降水容易下渗。稳定和死亡阶段的白刺沙堆土壤含水量很低,降水难以下渗,只有大的降水事件发生时,水分才可以下渗。因此,稳定和死亡阶段白刺沙堆的土壤水分经常在植物的凋萎点之下,是造成白刺沙堆退化重要原因。证明了"土壤水分减少是白刺沙堆退化的原因"的研究假设。研究结果对今后的植物固沙实践活动会有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

Summary In drier soils,Sclerotium rolfsii the prime pathogen responsible for the foot rot ofCapsicum annuum caused severe crop losses. Although sclerotia of the pathogen remain dormant at high water potentials they actively germinated in soil of low water potentials.  相似文献   

Stable isotope composition of water in desert plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey of the stable isotope content of tissue waters of plants from the Negev desert was conducted. Large differences were observed in the extent of enrichment of the heavy isotopes in leaf water relative to local precipitation among different plants. This is apparently caused by the species-dependent stratagems adopted by the plants to cope with water stress, primarily by differences in the depth of water uptake in the soil and through the timing of stomatal openings during the daily cycle. Salt stressed plants showed extreme variability in the isotopic composition of leaf–water. The results show that plants with adaptation to arid conditions can avoid the transpiration regime, which would lead to the strong isotopic enrichment in their leaf water expected under arid conditions. This has implications for the use of stable isotopes in plants as indicators of either plant ecophysiology or paleoclimate. Responsible Editor: Hans Lambers. G. Goodfriend is deceased.  相似文献   

Summary A study was done to evaluate the influence of soil moisture and rainfall on root and microbial biomass production under the canopy of the desert shrub Zygophyllum dumosum. During the study period the root biomass production increased following the early rains but subsequently declined, remaining fairly constant thoroughout the season. In contrast microbial biomass and soil organic matter increased during the rainy season and declined with the onset of the dry summer period. Based on our results we suggest that the moisture event and not the amount and the organic matter content regulate root and microbial biomass production at the 0 to 10 cm soil layer.Contribution of the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. paper no. 2617-E, 1989 series  相似文献   

Y. Lubin  J. Henschel 《Oecologia》1996,105(1):64-73
We tested the alternative hypotheses that foraging effort will increase (energy maximizer model) or decrease (due to increased costs or risks) when food supply increased, using a Namib desert burrowing spider, Seothyra henscheli (Eresidae), which feeds mainly on ants. The web of S. henscheli has a simple geometrical configuration, comprising a horizontal mat on the sand surface, with a variable number of lobes lined with sticky silk. The sticky silk is renewed daily after being covered by wind-blown sand. In a field experiment, we supplemented the spiders' natural prey with one ant on each day that spiders had active webs and determined the response to an increase in prey. We compared the foraging activity and web geometry of prey-supplemented spiders to non-supplemented controls. We compared the same parameters in fooddeprived and supplemented spiders in captivity. The results support the costs of foraging hypothesis. Supplemented spiders reduced their foraging activity and web dimensions. They moulted at least once and grew rapidly, more than doubling their mass in 6 weeks. By contrast, food-deprived spiders increased foraging effort by enlarging the diameter of the capture web. We suggest that digestive constraints prevented supplemented spiders from fully utilizing the available prey. By reducing foraging activities on the surface, spiders in a prey-rich habitat can reduce the risk of predation. However, early maturation resulting from a higher growth rate provides no advantage to S. henscheli owing to the fact that the timing of mating and dispersal are fixed by climatic factors (wind and temperature). Instead, large female body size will increase fitness by increasing the investiment in young during the period of extended maternal care.  相似文献   

Transpiration, xylem water potential and water channel activity were studied in developing stolons and leaves of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) subjected to drought or flooding, together with morphological studies of their stomata and other surface structures. Stolons had 0.12 stomata mm–2 and a transpiration rate of 0.6 mmol H2O m–2 s–1, while the leaves had 300 stomata mm–2 and a transpiration rate of 5.6 mmol H2O m–2 s–1. Midday water potentials of stolons were always less negative than in leaves enabling nutrient ion and water transport via or to the strawberry stolons. Drought stress, but not flooding, decreased stolon and leaf water potential from –0.7 to –1 MPa and from –1 to –2 MPa, respectively, with a concomitant reduction in stomatal conductance from 75 to 30 mmol H2O m–2 s–1. However, leaf water potentials remained unchanged after flooding. Similarly, membrane vesicles derived from stolons of flooded strawberry plants showed no change in water channel activity. In these stolons, turgor may be preserved by maintaining root pressure, an electrochemical and ion gradient and xylem differentiation, assuming water channels remain open. By contrast, water channel activity was reduced in stolons of drought stressed strawberry plants. In every case, the effect of flooding on water relations of strawberry stolons and leaves was less pronounced than that of drought which cannot be explained by increased ABA. Stomatal closure under drought could be attributed to increased delivery of ABA from roots to the leaves. However, stomata closed more rapidly in leaves of flooded strawberry despite ABA delivery from the roots in the xylem to the leaves being strongly depressed. This stomatal closure under flooding may be due to release of stress ethylene. In the relative absence of stomata from the stolons, cellular (apoplastic) water transport in strawberry stolons was primarily driven by water channel activity with a gradient from the tip of the stolon to the base, concomitant with xylem differentiation and decreased water transport potential from the stolon tip to its base. Reduced water potential in the stolons under drought are discussed with respect to reduced putative water channel activity.  相似文献   

Summary We tested the hypothesis that herbivorous insects on desert shrubs contribute to short-term nitrogen cycling, and increase rates of nitrogen flux from nutrient rich plants. Creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubs were treated with different combinations of fertilizer and water augmentations, resulting in different levels of foliage production and foliar nitrogen contents. Foliage arthropod populations, and nitrogen in canopy dry throughfall, wet throughfall and stemflow were measured to assess nitrogen flux rates relative to arthropod abundances on manipulated and unmanipulated shrubs over a one-month period during peak productivity. Numbers and biomass of foliage arthropods were significantly higher on fertilized shrubs. Sap-sucking phytophagous insects accounted for the greatest numbers of foliage arthropods, but leaf-chewing phytophagous insects represented the greatest biomass of foliage arthropods. Measured amounts of bulk frass (from leaf-chewing insects) were not significantly different among the various treatments. Amounts of nitrogen from dry and wet throughfall and stemflow were significantly greater under fertilized shrubs due to fine frass input from sap-sucking insects. Increased numbers and biomass of phytophagous insects on fertilized shrubs increased canopy to soil nitrogen flux due to increased levels of herbivory and excrement. Nitrogen excreted by foliage arthropods accounted for about 20% of the total one month canopy to soil nitrogen flux, while leaf litter accounted for about 80%.  相似文献   

The discovery of aquaporins has provided a new basis for studying and interpreting water relations in plants. However, slow progress has been made in elucidating the functional facets of the aquaporin-mediated water pathway in whole plant systems. While increasing experimental evidence suggests that these proteins are directly involved in mediating water homeostasis at varying environmental conditions, only a few attempts have been made to understand their contribution to overall water transport at different developmental stages. By using a chemical inhibitor (HgCl(2)) of aquaporins function, here we present in planta evidence for both diurnal and developmental regulation of aquaporin activity in wheat. We demonstrate that the greatest sensitivity of water flux to pharmacological blockage occurs at the stage of ear emergence and does not coincide with the phenological stage at which the greatest plant water uptake occurs (milky ripeness). The relationship transpiration flux (Q) vs. soil-leaf water potential difference (DeltaPsi(soil-leaves)) revealed a gradual decrease of plant resistance to water flux from tillering to milky ripeness, both in HgCl(2)-treated and untreated control plants. However, the mercury-inhibition of water flux began to gradually increase at ear emergence, suggesting that a larger portion of water moves through aquaporins from this developmental stage on. Although the intercept of the DeltaPsi(soil-leaves)/Q regression line, i.e. the DeltaPsi required to initiate the water flux through the soil-plant-air continuum, was generally not affected by mercury treatment, a significant mercury effect on the intercept was observed at the stage of ear formation. These findings may have important implications for predicting which strategy plants utilize to optimize water use during their life cycle.  相似文献   

Summary The relations between leaf conductance (gl) transpiration rate and root permeability to water (Rp) of three sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cultivars grown in a controlled environment cabinet are described.No differences in transpiration rates were found but it was shown that plants with low values of Rp have active stomatal closure with favourable consequences for water use efficiency under water limiting conditions.Rp was estimated by applying hydrostatic pressure on the root system. Values of Rp per unit root volume ranged from 0.34×10–5 to 16.75×10–5 (s MPa–1). There were significant inter-cultivar differences (P<0.05) in Rp and gl and an inverse correlation between Rp and the maximum values cf gl within cultivars.Pressure applied on the root system is proposed as a useful tool for the determination of differences in the root permeability to water amongst sunflower cultivars.  相似文献   

Y. Ayal  I. Izhaki 《Oecologia》1993,93(4):518-523
The effect of feeding of the mirid bug Capsodes infuscatus on fruit production of the geophyte Asphodelus ramosus was studied in a desert area in Israel. Plant and bug densities and percent loss of fruit production were measured in a relatively dry lower colluvial slope, an intermediate upper colluvial slope, and a relatively mesic wadi. Overall damage levels were very high, with 100% loss of fruit production in many plants. Within each habitat, the number of nymphs per plant clone was positively correlated with the number of ramets per clone and percent damage was positively correlated with number of nymphs per clone. However, percent damage was not correlated with number of plants per clone in any habitat. Although damage did significantly increase with plant density in the slope habitats, mean damage to fruit production per clone was lowest (50%) in the wadi where Asphodelus density was highest. As new ramets are tightly interwoven with their mother plants, occupation of new microsites depends on establishment of new clones from seeds. Therefore, the strong and density-dependent reduction in fruit production inflicted by Capsodes on the Asphodelus population on the slope has the potential to regulate the plant density in this habitat.  相似文献   

We examined the biomass-dependent effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality in 10 ponds at the Eagle Mountain Fish Hatchery, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Ponds contained 0–465 kg ha−1 of common carp. We measured limnological variables at weekly intervals for four weeks in early summer, after which ponds were drained and the biomass of fish and macrophytes was determined. Common carp biomass was significantly positively correlated with chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and Keratella spp. density and negatively correlated to bushy pondweed (Najas guadalupensis) biomass. In addition, we combined our data with data from comparable studies to develop more robust regression models that predict the biomass-dependent effects of common carp on water quality variables across a wide range of systems.  相似文献   

R. A. Newman 《Oecologia》1987,71(2):301-307
Summary The effects of density on growth and development of Scaphiopus couchi tadpoles in desert ponds were investigated, and sources of mortality over a three-year period were documented. In 16 of the 82 ponds monitored, predation was the principal cause of death, demonstrating that tadpoles in desert ponds may be exposed to high levels of predation, although the overall importance of predation is less here than in more mesic areas. Desiccation was the primary cause of mortality in 49 ponds. Growth and development were extremely slow in most high density ponds and as a result most tadpoles were unable to metamorphose before ponds dried. Only 8 ponds produced metamorphs, and mortality was high even in these. Food-supplementation resulted in some metamorphosis in high density ponds, although the effect was diminished by the extreme crowding in most ponds. In low density ponds, S. couchi tadpoles can develop very quickly and metamorphose. High mortality due to desiccation is largely a consequence of high density: tadpoles rarely completed development in high density ponds, regardless of pond duration.  相似文献   

为探明作物是否具有识别邻株身份的能力以及这种能力是否受到环境因子的调控,通过大田试验,研究邻株身份(亲缘株、非亲缘株和陌生株)、种植密度和土壤养分水平的交互效应对谷子(Setaria italica)地上部分生物量分配的影响。结果表明,谷子与亲缘株为邻时的净繁殖生物量分配和种子生物量分配,比与非亲缘株为邻时显著提高,且营养生物量分配显著降低(P<0.05)。在高种植密度条件下,亲缘组谷子的穗长、净繁殖生物量分配和种子生物量分配显著大于非亲缘组,而营养生物量分配显著小于非亲缘组(P<0.05)。随着土壤养分水平提高,亲缘组谷子的种子生物量分配显著增加,营养生物量分配显著减少(P<0.05)。由此推断,谷子具有对亲缘邻株的识别能力,且这种能力受种植密度和土壤养分水平的调控,在高种植密度和高土壤养分水平条件下,谷子的亲缘邻株识别能力较强。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic gas exchange characteristics of two common boreal forest mosses, Sphagnum (section acutifolia) and Pleurozium schreberi, were measured continuously during the time required for the moss to dry out from full hydration. Similar patterns of change in CO2 assimilation with variation in water content occurred for both species. The maximum rates of CO2 assimilation for Sphagnum (approx. 7 mol m–2 s–1) occurred at a water content of approximately 7 (fresh weight/dry weight) while for Pleurozium the maximum rate (approx. 2 mol m–2 s–1) occurred at a water content of approximately 6 (fresh weight/dry weight). Above and below these water contents CO2 assimilation declined. In both species total conductance to water vapour (expressed as a percentage of the maximum rates) remained nearly constant at a water content above 9 (fresh weight/dry weight), but below this level declined in a strong linear manner. Short-term, on-line 13CO2 and C18O16O discrimination varied substantially with changes in moss water content and associated changes in the ratio of chloroplast CO2 to ambient CO2 partial pressure. At full hydration (maximum water content) both Sphagnum and Pleurozium had similar values of 13CO2 discrimination (approx. 15). Discrimination against 13CO2 increased continuously with reductions in water content to a maximum of 27 in Sphagnum and 22 in Pleurozium. In a similar manner C18C16O discrimination increased from approximately 30 at full hydration in both species to a maximum of 150 in Sphagnum and 90 in Pleurozium, at low water content. The observed changes in C18O16O were strongly correlated to predictions of a mechanistic model of discrimination processes. Field measurements of moss water content suggested that photosynthetic gas exchange by moss in the understory of a black spruce forest was regularly limited by low water content.  相似文献   

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