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The decline of tissue regenerative potential with the loss of stem cell function is a hallmark of mammalian aging. We study Botryllus schlosseri, a colonial chordate which exhibits robust stem cell-mediated regeneration capacities throughout life. Larvae, derived by sexual reproduction and chordate development, metamorphose to clonal founders that undergo weekly formation of new individuals by budding from stem cells. Individuals are transient structures which die through massive apoptosis, and successive buds mature to replicate an entire new body. As a result, their stem cells, which are the only self-renewing cells in a tissue, are the only cells which remain through the entire life of the genotype and retain the effects of time. During aging, a significant decrease in the colonies’ regenerative potential is observed and both sexual and asexual reproductions will eventually halt. When a parent colony is experimentally separated into a number of clonal replicates, they frequently undergo senescence simultaneously, suggesting a heritable factor that determines lifespan in these colonies. The availability of the recently published B. schlosseri genome coupled with its unique life cycle features promotes the use of this model organism for the study of the evolution of aging, stem cells, and mechanisms of regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary The caudal musculature of the free-swimming tadpole of the ascidian, B. schlosseri consists of cylindrical mononucleated cells connected in longitudinal rows flanking the axial notochord. During resorption of the larval tail, which is apparently induced by the contraction of the epidermis, muscle cells are dissociated and pushed into the body cavity where most of them are rapidly engulfed by phagocytes. In the initial stages of tail withdrawal muscle cells display surface alterations due to the disruption of intercellular junctions and disarrangement of myofibrils. Extensive degenerative changes, with shrinkage of mitochondria and disintegration of the contractile material are subsequently observed. Lysosomes and autophagic vacuoles are rarely seen and appear to play a secondary role in the degradation of the muscle cells, which occurs predominantly within the phagocytes. Myofilaments and myofibrils have never been observed within autophagic vacuoles. Clumps of muscle fragments and degenerated phagocytes undergo eventual dissolution in the blood lacunae, concomitantly with the differentiation of the young oozooid.This investigation was supported in part by a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America and by CNR contract No. 7100396/04115542 from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venice. We gratefully acknowledge the skillful assistance of Mr. G. Gallian, Mr. M. Fabbri and Mr. G. Tognon. We also thank the staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica at Chioggia for collecting the colonies.  相似文献   

Eighteen compounds were identified by GC-MS of their trimethylsilyl derivatives in n-butanolic extract from the biomass of Botryllus schlosseri. Three of them, 5-oxoproline, 5-hydroxyhydantoin, and kinurenic acid, were found in marine invertebrates for the first time. In addition to cellulose, the biomass was also shown to contain complex water-soluble sulfated polysaccharides. These were extracted and fractionated, and sulfate content and monosaccharide composition were determined in the fractions; fucose, xylose, galactose, mannose, glucose, glucosamine, galactosamine, and uronic acids were found. Unlike several other tunicate species, Botryllus schlosseri does not seem to contain any simple galactan sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of circulatory blood cells from the colonial tunicateBotryllus schlosseri were cultivated in 96-well plates for up to 3 mo. in a medium based on Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, supplemented with salts to the botryllid ascidian hemolymph osmolarity, HEPES buffer,l-glutamin, fetal bovine serum, and antibiotics. Intercellular bridges between granular pigment cells were established within 24 h. The viability of these cells decreased slowly, and most died within 1 mo. without any sign of cell proliferation. Other cell types remained in an arrested state and were subjected to a weekly medium exchange. Spontaneous cell proliferation was randomly recorded in 6 to 10% of the wells from 2 wk to 1 mo. This proliferation was followed by the formation of masses of cell clumps, from which uniform hemocytes (5 μm, lymphocytelike cells) migrated peripherally. Stress conditions, which included longer intervals between medium exchanges and partial medium replacement, increased the probability of cell proliferation. From each proliferating primary culture, we successfully performed up to 10 plating cycles over a period of 15 wk, during which the cells differentiate in size but are uniformly structured. This produced the firstBotryllus lymphocytelike cell line. From this stage, cell numbers remained constant for up to 6 mo. without increase in cell number. Several mitogenic factors were employed on primary cultures.Botryllus and sea cucumber hemolymphs and mixed interleukins were found to augment significantly proliferation of at least one specific cell size, whereas cells were not markedly responsive to lectins (Concavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin,Ulex europaeus agglutinin), insulin, and retinoic acid. The results are discussed with respect to future efforts in the development of tunicate blood cell cultures.  相似文献   

Botryllus schlosseri is a colonial urochordate composed of coexisting modules of three asexually derived generations, the zooids and two cohorts of buds, each at disparate developmental stage. Functional zooids are replaced weekly by the older generation of buds through a highly synchronized developmental cycle called blastogenesis (which is, in turn, divided into four major stages, A to D). In this study, we examined the mode of expression of BS-cadherin, a 130-kDa transmembrane protein isolated from this species, during blastogenesis. BS-Cadherin is expressed extensively in internal organs of developing buds, embryos, ampullae and, briefly, in the digestive system of zooids at early blastogenic stage D (in contrast to low mRNA expression at this stage). In vitro trypsin assays on single-cell suspensions prepared from blastogenic stage D zooids, confirmed that BS-cadherin protein is expressed on cell surfaces and is, therefore, functional. BS-Cadherin expression is also upregulated in response to various stress conditions, such as oxidative stress, injury and allorecognition. It plays an important role in colony morphogenesis, because siRNA knockdown during D/A blastogenic transition causes chaotic colonial structures and disrupts oocytes homing onto their bud niches. These results reveal that BS-cadherin protein functions are exerted through a specific spatiotemporal pattern and fluctuating expression levels, in both development/regular homeostasis and in response to various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The following five cell types have been recognized and defined on the basis of their fine structure in the gastric epithelium of B. schlosseri: vacuolated and zymogenic cells (described in a previous paper); ciliated mucous, endocrine and plicated cells. The ciliated mucous cells are distributed at the apex and the bottom of the gastric folds and along the dorsal groove. The mucus droplets appear to form from the Golgi complex as secretory granules of variable density and texture, which are released from the cell after fusion of their membranes with the apical plasma membrane. Holocrine or apocrine secretion has not been observed. The endocrine cells are scattered and are characterized by electron dense granules, especially numerous in the basal region of the cell. Finally, the plicated cells, present in the pyloric caecum, show rod-like microvilli, a well developed Golgi complex and abundant, deep infoldings of the basal plasma membrane, which are associated with numerous mitochondria. The possible role of the gastric cell types is discussed taking into account information concerning morphologically similar cells in other animals, as well as previously reported data on the biochemistry and physiology of digestion and excretion in ascidians.The authors are grateful to Mr. G. Tognon for technical help and to the Staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia for their assistance in collecting material. Work supported by a C.N.R. Grant from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia, Contract n. 71.00396/04.115.542.  相似文献   

The blastogenic cycle of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri concludes in a phase of selective cell and zooid death called takeover. Every week, all asexually derived parental zooids synchronously regress over a 30-h period and are replaced by a new generation. Here we document the sequential ultrastructural changes which accompany cell death during zooid degeneration. The principal mode of visceral cell death during takeover occurred by apoptosis, the majority of cells condensing and fragmenting into multiple membrane-bounded apoptotic bodies. Cytoplasmic organelles (mitochondria, basal bodies, striated rootlets) within apoptotic bodies retained ultrastructural integrity. Dying cells and fragments were then swiftly ingested by specialized blood macrophages or intraepithelial phagocytes and subsequently underwent secondary necrotic lysis. Certain organs (stomach, intestine) displayed a combination of necrotic and apoptotic changes. Lastly, the stomach, which demonstrated some of the earliest regressive changes, exhibited intense cytoplasmic immunostaining with a monoclonal antibody to ubiquitin at the onset of takeover. Affinity-purified rabbit antiserum against sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured ubiquitin detected a characteristic 8.6-kDa mono-ubiquitin band by Western blot analysis. Collectively, these findings raise the possibility that cell death during takeover is a dynamic process which requires active participation of cells in their own destruction.  相似文献   

Niemann–Pick disease, type C1 (NPC1) is a fatal, autosomal recessive, neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the NPC1 gene. As a result of the genetic defect, there is accumulation of unesterified cholesterol and sphingolipids in the late endosomal/lysosomal system causing both visceral and neurological defects. These manifest clinically as hepatosplenomegaly, liver dysfunction, and neurodegeneration. While significant progress has been made to better understand NPC1, the downstream effects of cholesterol storage and the major mechanisms that drive these pathologies remains less understood. In this study, it is sought to investigate free fatty acid levels in Npc1?/? mice with focus on the polyunsaturated ω‐3 and ω‐6 fatty acids. Since fatty acids are the main constituents of numerous lipids species, a discovery based lipidomic study of liver tissue in Npc1?/? mice is also performed. To this end, alterations in fatty acid synthesis, including the ω‐3 and 6 fatty acids, are reported. Further, alterations in enzymes that regulate the synthesis of ω‐3 and 6 fatty acids are reported. Analysis of the liver lipidome reveals alterations in both storage and membrane lipids including ceramides, fatty acids, phosphatidylcholamines, phosphatidylglycerols, phosphatidylethanolamines, sphingomyelins, and triacylglycerols in Npc1?/? mice at a late stage of disease.  相似文献   

The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is a recent new introduction to the Qilian Mountains of China. An outbreak of these beetles has infested over 0.03 million hectares of spruce forests in this area. Although primary attraction to volatiles has been clearly demonstrated for I. typographus, the existence and role of attraction to insect‐produced pheromones have been widely debated. Currently, commercial lures for I. typographus include only the volatiles ipsdienol, cis‐verbenol, trans‐verbenol, 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol and 2‐phenylethanol in Europe. Several potential pheromone candidates have been identified for I. typographus. Our GC–MS and GC–FID analyses volatiles from hindgut extracts of I. typographus in different attack phases demonstrated that the 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol, ipsdienol, cis‐verbenol and trans‐verbenol as major hindgut components, and ipsenol, 2‐phenylethanol, trans‐ myrtenol and verbenone as minor components. We tested various combinations of semiochemical candidates, to determine an optimal blend. Our results suggest that addition of 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol to either ipsenol alone, or to blends of ipsenol and other semiochemical candidates, significantly enhanced attraction of I. typographus. Therefore, a simple lure consisting of ipsenol and 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol would be an optimal blend of I. typographus in the Qilian Mountains, China. We conclude that this optimal semiochemical blend may provide an effective biological pest control method for use in forest ecosystem against I. typographus.  相似文献   


Analysis of developmental patterns of Botryllus schlosseri colonies from the eastern Mediterranean coast has been performed on 143 genets under different temperature regimens (15,20,27 °C) for up to 22 weeks. While the average maximal size as the length of the blastogenic cycle (BC) varied in respect to water temperature, ontogeny at all temperatures was characterized by 4 developmental stages: 1. the lag phase (the first 1–3 BCs, 1 bud/BC), 2. the exponential growth phase (5.5–7.8 BCs, up to 3 buds/BC), 3. the plateau phase, (7.4–8.2 BCs, 1 bud/BC), 4. the degenerative or the variable phase. Many (40.6%) colonies were not sexually reproductive, the others were male only (30.1%) or hermaphrodites. Colonies at the peak of reproduction develop 1.2 oocytes/zooid, and up to 57.7% produced >4 clutches. Analysing onset of reproduction with maximal colony size revealed 4 patterns, two for “male only” colonies and two for hermaphrodites that varied at different sea water temperatures. In two patterns, the onset of reproduction precedes colony maximal size, and in the others it starts at the peak size or thereafter. Zooids at the colony's periphery developed almost twice as many buds as did zooids at the center, but produced significantly lower numbers of eggs. Fragmentation was recorded in large colonies and was temperature dependent. Results are compared with the data available on populations from other localities indicating for dramatically different developmental modes characteristic to this cosmopolitan species.  相似文献   

Colonies of the cosmopolitan urochordate Botryllus schlosseri that share one or both alleles at a single allorecognition locus (Fu/HC) and come into tissue contacts, may fuse and form a mixed entity, a chimera. Botryllus populations worldwide exhibit unprecedented extensive polymorphism at this locus, a result that restricts fusions to kin encounters. This study aims to compare spatiotemporal configurations in source and introduced B. schlosseri populations, residing on natural and man-made substrata, respectively. By using four microsatellite loci, we tested genetic consanguinity of colonies settled naturally along spatial vectors on both, natural (native populations) and man-made (introduced) substrates. Four populations were studied. Results revealed that B. schlosseri colonies, on both substrate types, assemble in groups of relatives that share similar microsatellite profiles. We suggest that this pattern of settlement promotes the formation of chimeras, which evoke conflicting interactions: cooperation between different somatic cell lines that constitute the colonial soma and competition between germ cells that inhabit the chimera gonads. Under natural conditions, the chimera may allow genetic flexibility that depends on joint genomic fitness of its partners. This is probably one of the life history characteristics that led to the worldwide distribution success of this species.  相似文献   

Telomerase is critical for the protection of germ line and stem cell chromosomes from fatal shortening during replication. In most organisms, telomerase activity is suppressed in progressively committed cells and falls to basal rates in terminally differentiated lineages. The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri propagates asexually and sexually, presumably from pools of stem cells that self-renew throughout the 2- to 5-year colony life span. Asexual budding takes place continuously from the parental body wall. When the colony reaches a critical size, sexual reproduction commences with the generation of gonads. Here, we establish the existence of 6-15 kb telomeres on the ends of Botryllus chromosomes. We develop a real-time quantitative PCR telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay that reliably detects 0.2-100 TPG units in cells and tissues. We find highest levels of enzymatic activity in the gonads, developing embryos, and tissues containing the earliest asexual buds. Telomerase activity appears to be suppressed in later buds during organogenesis and falls to basal rates in mature zooids. We postulate that this pattern reflects maximum telomere restoration in somatic stem cells of early buds and suppression of telomerase activity in progenitors and terminally differentiated cells, indicative of an alternate role for stem cells as repeated body regenerators in colonial life histories.  相似文献   

Leptocybe invasa is an insect pest causing gall formation on oviposited shoot tips and leaves of Eucalyptus trees leading to leaf deformation, stunting, and death in severe cases. We previously observed different constitutive and induced terpenes, plant specialized metabolites that may act as attractants or repellents to insects, in a resistant and susceptible clone of Eucalyptus challenged with Linvasa. We tested the hypothesis that specific terpenes are associated with pest resistance in a Eucalyptus grandis half‐sib population. Insect damage was scored over 2 infestation cycles, and leaves were harvested for near‐infrared reflectance (NIR) and terpene measurements. We used Bayesian model averaging for terpene selection and obtained partial least squares NIR models to predict terpene content and Linvasa infestation damage. In our optimal model, 29% of the phenotypic variation could be explained by 7 terpenes, and the monoterpene combination, limonene, α‐terpineol, and 1,8‐cineole, could be predicted with an NIR prediction ability of  .67. Bayesian model averaging supported α‐pinene, γ‐terpinene, and iso‐pinocarveol as important for predicting Linvasa infestation. Susceptibility was associated with increased γ‐terpinene and α‐pinene, which may act as a pest attractant, whereas reduced susceptibility was associated with iso‐pinocarveol, which may act to recruit parasitoids or have direct toxic effects.  相似文献   

The effects of various solvents, including phenol, ethylene glycol (EG) and ethylene carbonate (EC), and different liquid ratios on the liquefaction of bamboo, have been studied systematically in this paper. The processes were catalyzed by hydrochloride acid at 180 °C in autoclaves for different reaction times. The results show that phenol is the optimum solvent for bamboo liquefaction with a yield up to 99%. The Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) analyses of the residues show that cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin are almost decomposed when using phenol as solvent. The gel permeation chromatography (GPC) results of the liquid products show that the high molecular weight of bamboo decreases significantly to around 1800 g mol−1 after liquefaction. The gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis shows that low boiling point products of liquefied bamboo are similar regardless of the type of solvent used.  相似文献   

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