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The primary purpose of this study was to determine the fitness variables with the highest capability for predicting hockey playing potential at the elite level as determined by entry draft selection order. We also examined the differences associated with the predictive abilities of the test components among playing positions. The secondary purpose of this study was to update the physiological profile of contemporary hockey players including positional differences. Fitness test results conducted by our laboratory at the National Hockey League Entry Draft combine were compared with draft selection order on a total of 853 players. Regression models revealed peak anaerobic power output to be important for higher draft round selection in all positions; however, the degree of importance of this measurement varied with playing position. The body index, which is a composite score of height, lean mass, and muscular development, was similarly important in all models, with differing influence by position. Removal of the goalies' data increased predictive capacity, suggesting that talent identification using physical fitness testing of this sort may be more appropriate for skating players. Standing long jump was identified as a significant predictor variable for forwards and defense and could be a useful surrogate for assessing overall hockey potential. Significant differences exist between the physiological profiles of current players based on playing position. There are also positional differences in the relative importance of anthropometric and fitness measures of off-ice hockey tests in relation to draft order. Physical fitness measures and anthropometric data are valuable in helping predict hockey playing potential. Emphasis on anthropometry should be used when comparing elite-level forwards, whereas peak anaerobic power and fatigue rate are more useful for differentiating between defense.  相似文献   

Eight methods were evaluated for assessment of the likely soil S-supply to a crop and in particular to identify likely deficiencies in this supply. Of the methods, only sulphate production from incubated soil amended both with a S-containing amino acid and elemental S correlated with field response of grass yield to S-fertilizer applications. Tissue S-concentrations in plants grown for a short-term bioassay also correlated with field S-fertilizer response. Neither sulphate extracted by 3 different salt extractions, nor sulphate production from unamended incubated soil, nor soil arylsulphatase activity, correlated with field fertilizer response.  相似文献   

Leg power is an important component in assessing both performance-related and health-related fitness. The Lewis equation and nomogram have been used for years to estimate leg power. A recent evaluation of the Lewis equation and further research led to the development of the Sayers equation. This equation provides an estimate of peak leg power, which has greater relevance than average power. Our purpose was to provide a simple and effective nomogram for calculating peak leg power output. The Sayers equation was transformed to an alignment nomogram and evaluated for facility of use and accuracy. The resultant alignment nomogram is easy to use and generates values for peak leg power in the vertical jump, which are well within the precision of the regression equation (r > 0.9999, CV < 0.2%). Interobserver error was less than 0.3% with a correlation of 0.9999. The Keir nomogram provides a simple and effective representation of the Sayers equation for use in both performance-related and health-related fitness assessments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the concurrent validity of a commonly used electronic switch mat (ESM), or jump mat, compared with force plate (FP) data. The efficiency of collection and accuracy of data are paramount to athlete and player field testing for the strength and conditioning coach who often has access only to a jump mat. Ten subjects from 5 different sporting backgrounds completed 3 squat jumps (SJs), 3 countermovement jumps (CMJs), and 3 drop jumps (DJs). The jumps were performed on an AMTI FP operating at 1,000 Hz with an ESM positioned on top of the platform. All the subjects were experienced with the protocols involved with jump testing. The resulting absolute errors between FP and ESM data were 0.01, 0.02, and 0.01 m for CMJ, SJ, and DJ heights, respectively. However, the coefficient of variation for the DJ contact time (CT) was 57.25%, CMJ (r = 0.996), and SJ (r = 0.958) heights correlated very strongly with force platform data, and DJ data were not as strong (r = 0.683). Confidence interval tests revealed bias toward CMJ and SJ (p < 0.05). The jump mat can accurately calculate the CMJ height, SJ height, and reactive strength index for all the 3 jump protocols. However, the faster CTs and rapid movements involved in a DJ may limit its reliability when giving measures of CT, flight time, and height jumped for DJs. Strength and conditioning coaches can use such a jump mat device with the confidence that it is accurately producing valid measurements of their athlete's performance for CMJ and SJ slow SSC protocols.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 6 warm-up protocols, with and without stretches, on 2 different power maneuvers: a 30-m sprint run and a vertical countermovement jump (CJ). The 6 protocols were: (a) walk plus run (WR); (b) WR plus exercises including small jumps (EJ); (c) WR plus dynamic active stretch plus exercises with small jumps (DAEJ); (d) WR plus dynamic active stretch (DA); (e) WR plus static stretch plus exercises with small jumps (SSEJ); and (f) WR plus static stretch (SS). Twenty-six college-age men (n = 14) and women (n = 12) performed each of 6 randomly ordered exercise routines prior to randomly ordered sprint and vertical jump field tests; each routine and subsequent tests were performed on separate days. A 2 x 6 repeated measures analysis of variance revealed a significant overall linear trend (p < or = 0.05) with a general tendency toward reduction in jump height when examined in the following analysis entry order: WR, EJ, DAEJ, DA, SSEJ, and SS. The post hoc analysis pairwise comparisons showed the WR protocol produced higher jumps than did SS (p = 0.003 < or = 0.05), and DAEJ produced higher jumps than did SS (p = 0.009 < or = 0.05). There were no significant differences among the 6 protocols on sprint run performance (p > or = 0.05). No significant interaction occurred between gender and protocol. There were significant differences between men and women on CJ and sprint trials; as expected, in general men ran faster and jumped higher than the women did. The data indicate that a warm-up including static stretching may negatively impact jump performance, but not sprint time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between vertical jumps (VJ) and various on-ice skating performances of junior ice hockey players (n = 19). The three modes of VJ or off-ice measures were countermovement jump with arm swing (CMJ), squat jump (SJ) and depth drop jump (DDJ). The on-ice skating performance was measured by the skating multistage aerobic test (SMAT), forward and backward acceleration test, top speed test, and repeated sprint ability (RSA) test. The relationships between the variables were quantified using Pearson’s product-moment correlation. DDJ showed a significant positive correlation with forward average skating speed (FASS) (r = 0.62) and strong correlations with backward average skating speed (BASS) (r = 0.81), and maximum skating speed (MSS) (r = 0.71). SJ was found to be strongly correlated with BASS (r = 0.82) and MSS (r = 0.76), whereas the only on-ice performance that significantly correlated with CMJ was BASS (r = 0.68). All three modes of VJ were inversely and non-significantly correlated with performance decrement index and fatigue index, as determined by the RSA test. SMAT was not significantly correlated with either VJ or RSA. Correlations between all three modes of VJ tests were significant. Therefore, this study concludes that: (1) DDJ can be used as a predictor of all the ice skating speed tests, whereas SJ can predict BASS and MSS. CMJ, on the other hand, can predict the performance of only BASS. (2) RSA performance cannot be predicted from CMJ, SJ, or DDJ tests, and (3) neither any of the VJ nor RSA can predict skating endurance of junior ice hockey players.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether modifying the standing long jump test would enhance its ability to be a better predictor of anaerobic performance compared to other common anaerobic power tests. Three modified box long jump (MBLJ) tests were performed using 1, 2, or 3 boxes. Subjects consisted of 38 healthy males (age, 21.7 +/- 1.7 years) who performed all the testing procedures. All 3 variations of the MBLJ test showed significant correlations (p < 0.05) with the vertical jump (VJ); standing long jump (SLJ); 50-, 100-, 200-, 400-m runs; long jump; triple jump; and shot put ability (r = 0.362-0.891). All 3 variations of the MBLJ test also showed significant correlations with isokinetic peak torque knee extension and flexion, Wingate mean power (W), and Wingate mean power per kilogram (W/kg) (r = 0.357-0.504). Generally, correlations of the 3 MBLJ tests were stronger than correlations between VJ and SLJ ability to the same measure of power. Generally, the 3-box MBLJ tests showed stronger correlations with measures of power than the 1- and 2-box MBLJ tests. Multiple linear regression models indicated that the 3-box MBLJ test is a major predictor of the track and field performances compared to the other tests of anaerobic power. Along with other independent variables, the 3-box MBLJ test explained 55%, 44%, 51%, 61%, 52%, and 72% of the variance of 50-, 100-, 200-, and 400-m runs; long jump; and triple jump performance, respectively. In conclusion, due to the significant correlations between the MBLJ tests, especially the 3-box version, and other measures of power, these tests are appropriate for testing lower body power.  相似文献   

Knee kinetic asymmetries are present during jump-landings in athletes returning to sport following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, and are associated with an increased risk for sustaining a second ACL injury. The loadsol® is a wireless load sensing insole that can be used in non-laboratory settings. The purpose of this study was to determine if the loadsol® could be used to predict knee extension moment and power symmetry during a bilateral stop jump task in healthy recreational athletes. Forty-two uninjured recreational athletes completed seven bilateral stop jumps. During each landing, the loadsol® (100 Hz) measured plantar load while 3D ground reaction forces (1920 Hz) and lower extremity kinematics (240 Hz) were collected simultaneously. Peak impact force, loading rate, and impulse were quantified using the loadsol® and peak knee extension moment, average knee extension moment, and total knee work was quantified using the laboratory instrumentation. Limb symmetry indices were quantified for each outcome measure. Multivariate backwards regressions were used to determine if loadsol® symmetry could predict knee kinetic symmetry. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and Bland-Altman plots were used to determine the agreement and error between predicted and actual knee kinetic symmetry. Loadsol® impulse and peak impact force symmetry significantly predicted kinetic knee symmetry and explained 42–61% of its variance. There was good agreement (ICCs = 0.742–0.862) between predicted and actual knee kinetic symmetry, and the error in the predicted outcomes range from ±18 to ±43. These results support using the loadsol® to screen for kinetic symmetries during landing in athletes following ACL reconstruction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the prognostic factors in uncomplicated venous leg ulcer healing. DESIGN--Randomised parallel group controlled trial with subjects stratified by initial ulcer diameter and four months'' maximum duration of follow up. SETTING--Assessment at Northwick Park Hospital vascular unit with community based treatment. PATIENTS--200 patients with clinical and objective evidence of uncomplicated venous leg ulceration and an initial ulcer diameter > 2 cm. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Time to complete healing of the ulcer. RESULTS--In the presence of graduated compression healing occurred more rapidly in patients with a smaller initial ulcer area (relative risk of healing 1.92 associated with halving of ulcer area (95% confidence interval 1.58 to 2.33)), shorter duration of ulceration (relative risk 1.35 associated with halving duration (1.17 to 1.56)), younger age (relative risk 1.34 associated with 10 year decrease (1.12 to 1.59)), and no deep vein involvement (relative risk 1.8 (1.19 to 2.78)). CONCLUSION--These prognostic factors used in a simple scoring system predict time to healing.  相似文献   

Changes in total mechanical work, its partitioning into different energy states, mechanical power, force-time characteristics, force impulses of body segments and mass center's pathway characteristics during long jump take-off were investigated on four national and six ordinary level athletes. Both cinematographic and force-platform techniques were used. The data showed that the national level jumpers had higher run-up and higher take-off (release) velocities in horizontal and vertical directions. In addition, they were able to utilize efficiently the elastic energy stored in the leg extensor muscles at take-off impact. This was seen in high support leg eccentric and concentric forces, which were produced in short contact times. The ordinary level athletes had greater variability in the investigated attributes, and they reached their maximum length of jumps in many different ways. Cinematically the greatest difference between the subject groups was observed in the timing of the various body segment movements. In better athletes all the body parts (arms, trunk, and legs) had decelerating horizontal impulses, but in all ordinary level athletes the horizontal impulse of the swing leg was accelerating during take-off.  相似文献   

Measurement of power output during resistance training is becoming ubiquitous in strength and conditioning programs, but there is great variation in the methods used. The main purposes of this study were to compare the power output values obtained from 4 different methods and to examine the relationships between these values. Male semiprofessional Australian rules football players (n = 30) performed hang power clean and weighted jump squat while ground reaction force (GRF)-time data and barbell displacement-time data were sampled simultaneously using a force platform and a linear position transducer attached to the barbell. Peak and mean power applied to the barbell was obtained from barbell displacement-time data (method 1). Peak and mean power applied to the system (barbell + lifter) was obtained from 3 other methods: (a) using GRF-time data (method 2), (b) using barbell displacement-time data (method 3), and (c) using both barbell displacement-time data and GRF-time data (method 4). The peak power values (W) obtained from methods 1, 2, 3, and 4 were (mean +/- SD) 1,644 +/- 295, 3,079 +/- 638, 3,821 +/- 917, and 4,017 +/- 833 in hang power clean and 1,184 +/- 115, 3,866 +/- 451, 3,567 +/- 494, and 4,427 +/- 557 in weighted jump squat. There were significant differences between power output values obtained from method 1 vs. methods 2, 3, and 4, as well as method 2 vs. methods 3 and 4. The power output applied to the barbell and that applied to the system was significantly correlated (r = 0.65-0.81). As a practical application, it is important to understand the characteristics of each method and consider how power output should be measured during the hang power clean and the weighted jump squat.  相似文献   

The incidence of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury remains high, and there is a need for simple, cost effective methods to identify athletes at a higher risk for ACL injury. Wearable measurement systems offer potential methods to assess the risk of ACL injury during jumping tasks. The objective of this study was to assess the capacity of a wearable inertial-based system to evaluate ACL injury risk during jumping tasks. The system accuracy for measuring temporal events (initial contact, toe-off), jump height, and sagittal plane angles (knee, trunk) was assessed by comparing results obtained with the wearable system to simultaneous measurements obtained with a marker-based optoelectronic reference system. Thirty-eight healthy participants (20 male and 18 female) performed drop jumps with bilateral and unilateral support landing. The mean differences between the temporal events obtained with both systems were below 5 ms, and the precisions were below 24 ms. The mean jump heights measured with both systems differed by less than 1 mm, and the associations (Pearson correlation coefficients) were above 0.9. For the discrete angle parameters, there was an average association of 0.91 and precision of 3.5° for the knee flexion angle and an association of 0.77 and precision of 5.5° for the trunk lean. The results based on the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) also demonstrated that the proposed wearable system could identify movements at higher risk for ACL injury. The area under the ROC plots was between 0.89 and 0.99 for the knee flexion angle and between 0.83 and 0.95 for the trunk lean. The wearable system demonstrated good concurrent validity with marker-based measurements and good discriminative performance in terms of the known risk factors for ACL injury. This study suggests that a wearable system could be a simple cost-effective tool for conducting risk screening or for providing focused feedback.  相似文献   

Women's handball is a sport, which has seen an accelerated development over the last decade. Although anthropometric and physical characteristics have been studied for male sports teams, in women's handball, studies are scarce. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to describe the anthropometric characteristics, throwing velocity, hand grip, and muscular power of the lower limbs in female handball players and second, to identify the possible differences in these parameters in terms of individual playing positions (center, back, wing, pivot, and goalkeeper). A total of 130 elite female Spanish handball players participated in the study (age 25.74 ± 4.84 years; playing experience 14.92 ± 4.88 years). Anthropometric assessment was performed for all the subjects following the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry protocols. Furthermore, all the subjects performed a vertical jump test (squat jump and countermovement jump). Hand grip and throwing velocity in several situations were also assessed. A 1-way analysis of variance and a Tukey post hoc test were used to study the differences among individual playing positions. Wings were less heavy, shorter, and showed a smaller arm span than did goalkeepers, backs and pivots (p ≤ 0.001). Additionally, pivots were heavier than centers. Backs and pivots exhibited higher muscular mass than did wings. Total players' somatotype was mesomorphy endomorphy (3.89-4.28-2.29). Centers showed higher throwing velocity levels than did wings in 9-m throws from just behind the line, with a goalkeeper. Backs exhibited higher hand-grip values than did wings. Statistical differences have been established between wings and other specific playing positions, especially with pivot and backs. Coaches can use this information to select players for the different specific positions.  相似文献   

We aimed to verify whether the static phase after a single leg drop jump (DJ) landing on a force plate may serve as a proxy for a single leg stance (SLS) balance task, as this would increase the application possibilities of landing tasks in the evaluation of sensorimotor function in relation to injury rehabilitation or performance assessment.  相似文献   

We tested the ability of a Euclidean algorithm to predict attraction to potential mates—a relatively upstream domain in the temporal sequence of the mating process. Participants in two studies reported their ideal mate preferences using a 23-item preference instrument. Separately, they rated their attraction to profiles of potential mates that varied on those 23 dimensions. Study 1 (N = 522) found that Euclidean distances predicted attraction to potential mates both in terms of (1) overall mate value and (2) unique mate value. Study 2 (N = 411) replicated these effects and further found that Euclidean mate values discriminatively predict between short- and long-term attraction. Across both studies, a Euclidean model outperformed a variety of alternative models for predicting attraction to potential mates. These results suggest that a Euclidean algorithm is a good model for how multiple preferences are integrated in mate choice.  相似文献   

Predicting ecosystem response to climate change is a dynamic version of the classic problem of understanding vegetation-climate interrelations. Computer models can synthesize current knowledge and are important tools for understanding possible ecosystem dynamics under changed conditions. Models based on individual plant biology and natural history have been tested with respect to their ability to simulate vegetation response to changed climate, and are being applied to assess the potential effects of future climate change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a regression equation to estimate peak power (PP) using a large sample of athletic youths and young adults. Anthropometric and vertical jump ground reaction forces were collected from 460 male volunteers (age: 12-24 years). Of these 460 volunteers, a stratified random sample of 45 subjects representing 3 different age groups (12-15 years [n = 15], 16-18 years [n = 15], and 19-24 years [n = 15]) was selected as a validation sample. Data from the remaining 415 subjects were used to develop a new equation ("Novel") to estimate PP using age, body mass (BM), and vertical jump height (VJH) via backward stepwise regression. Independently, age (r = 0.57), BM (r = 0.83), and VJ (r = 0.65) were significantly (p < 0.05) correlated with PP. However, age did not significantly (p = 0.53) contribute to the final prediction equation (Novel): PP (watts) = 63.6 × VJH (centimeters) + 42.7 × BM (kilograms) - 1,846.5 (r = 0.96; standard error of the estimate = 250.7 W). For each age group, there were no differences between actual PP (overall group mean ± SD: 3,244 ± 991 W) and PP estimated using Novel (3,253 ± 1,037 W). Conversely, other previously published equations produced PP estimates that were significantly different than actual PP. The large sample size used in this study (n = 415) likely explains the greater accuracy of the reported Novel equation compared with previously developed equations (n = 17-161). Although this Novel equation can accurately estimate PP values for a group of subjects, between-subject comparisons estimating PP using Novel or any other previously published equations should be interpreted with caution because of large intersubject error (± >600 W) associated with predictions.  相似文献   

Decreases in mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) have been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction that could lead to cell death. The MMP is generated by an electrochemical gradient via the mitochondrial electron transport chain coupled to a series of redox reactions. Measuring the MMP in living cells is commonly used to assess the effect of chemicals on mitochondrial function; decreases in MMP can be detected using lipophilic cationic fluorescent dyes. To identify an optimal dye for use in a high-throughput screening (HTS) format, we compared the ability of mitochondrial membrane potential sensor (Mito-MPS), 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3' tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide, rhodamine 123, and tetramethylrhodamine to quantify a decrease in MMP in chemically exposed HepG2 cells cultured in 1,536-well plates. Under the conditions used, the optimal dye for this purpose is Mito-MPS. Next, we developed and optimized a homogenous cell-based Mito-MPS assay for use in 1,536-well plate format and demonstrated the utility of this assay by screening 1,280 compounds in the library of pharmacologically active compounds in HepG2 cells using a quantitative high-throughput screening platform. From the screening, we identified 14 compounds that disrupted the MMP, with half-maximal potencies ranging from 0.15 to 18 μM; among these, compound clusters that contained tyrphostin and 3'-substituted indolone analogs exhibited a structure-activity relationship. Our results demonstrate that this homogenous cell-based Mito-MPS assay can be used to evaluate the ability of large numbers of chemicals to decrease mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

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