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Detection of homologous proteins by an intermediate sequence search   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We developed a variant of the intermediate sequence search method (ISS(new)) for detection and alignment of weakly similar pairs of protein sequences. ISS(new) relates two query sequences by an intermediate sequence that is potentially homologous to both queries. The improvement was achieved by a more robust overlap score for a match between the queries through an intermediate. The approach was benchmarked on a data set of 2369 sequences of known structure with insignificant sequence similarity to each other (BLAST E-value larger than 0.001); 2050 of these sequences had a related structure in the set. ISS(new) performed significantly better than both PSI-BLAST and a previously described intermediate sequence search method. PSI-BLAST could not detect correct homologs for 1619 of the 2369 sequences. In contrast, ISS(new) assigned a correct homolog as the top hit for 121 of these 1619 sequences, while incorrectly assigning homologs for only nine targets; it did not assign homologs for the remainder of the sequences. By estimate, ISS(new) may be able to assign the folds of domains in approximately 29,000 of the approximately 500,000 sequences unassigned by PSI-BLAST, with 90% specificity (1 - false positives fraction). In addition, we show that the 15 alignments with the most significant BLAST E-values include the nearly best alignments constructed by ISS(new).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Sequence alignment techniques have been developed into extremely powerful tools for identifying the folding families and function of proteins in newly sequenced genomes. For a sufficiently low sequence identity it is necessary to incorporate additional structural information to positively detect homologous proteins. We have carried out an extensive analysis of the effectiveness of incorporating secondary structure information directly into the alignments for fold recognition and identification of distant protein homologs. A secondary structure similarity matrix based on a database of three-dimensionally aligned proteins was first constructed. An iterative application of dynamic programming was used which incorporates linear combinations of amino acid and secondary structure sequence similarity scores. Initially, only primary sequence information is used. Subsequently contributions from secondary structure are phased in and new homologous proteins are positively identified if their scores are consistent with the predetermined error rate. RESULTS: We used the SCOP40 database, where only PDB sequences that have 40% homology or less are included, to calibrate homology detection by the combined amino acid and secondary structure sequence alignments. Combining predicted secondary structure with sequence information results in a 8-15% increase in homology detection within SCOP40 relative to the pairwise alignments using only amino acid sequence data at an error rate of 0.01 errors per query; a 35% increase is observed when the actual secondary structure sequences are used. Incorporating predicted secondary structure information in the analysis of six small genomes yields an improvement in the homology detection of approximately 20% over SSEARCH pairwise alignments, but no improvement in the total number of homologs detected over PSI-BLAST, at an error rate of 0.01 errors per query. However, because the pairwise alignments based on combinations of amino acid and secondary structure similarity are different from those produced by PSI-BLAST and the error rates can be calibrated, it is possible to combine the results of both searches. An additional 25% relative improvement in the number of genes identified at an error rate of 0.01 is observed when the data is pooled in this way. Similarly for the SCOP40 dataset, PSI-BLAST detected 15% of all possible homologs, whereas the pooled results increased the total number of homologs detected to 19%. These results are compared with recent reports of homology detection using sequence profiling methods. AVAILABILITY: Secondary structure alignment homepage at http://lutece.rutgers.edu/ssas CONTACT: anders@rutchem.rutgers.edu; ronlevy@lutece.rutgers.edu Supplementary Information: Genome sequence/structure alignment results at http://lutece.rutgers.edu/ss_fold_predictions.  相似文献   

Shan Y  Wang G  Zhou HX 《Proteins》2001,42(1):23-37
A homology-based structure prediction method ideally gives both a correct fold assignment and an accurate query-template alignment. In this article we show that the combination of two existing methods, PSI-BLAST and threading, leads to significant enhancement in the success rate of fold recognition. The combined approach, termed COBLATH, also yields much higher alignment accuracy than found in previous studies. It consists of two-way searches both by PSI-BLAST and by threading. In the PSI-BLAST portion, a query is used to search for hits in a library of potential templates and, conversely, each potential template is used to search for hits in a library of queries. In the threading portion, the scoring function is the sum of a sequence profile and a 6x6 substitution matrix between predicted query and known template secondary structure and solvent exposure. "Two-way" in threading means that the query's sequence profile is used to match the sequences of all potential templates and the sequence profiles of all potential templates are used to match the query's sequence. When tested on a set of 533 nonhomologous proteins, COBLATH was able to assign folds for 390 (73%). Among these 390 queries, 265 (68%) had root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) of less than 8 A between predicted and actual structures. Such high success rate and accuracy make COBLATH an ideal tool for structural genomics.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Adding more distant homologs to a multiple alignment and thus increasing its diversity may eventually deteriorate the numerical profile constructed from this alignment. Here, we addressed the question whether such a diversity limit can be reached in the alignments of confident homologs found by PSI-BLAST, and we analyzed the dependence of the quality of the profile-profile comparison made by COMPASS on the sequence diversity within these alignments. RESULTS: Protein families that have a greater number of diverse confident homologs in the current sequence databases provide an increased quality of similarity detection in profile databases, but produce on average less accurate profile-profile alignments with their remote relatives. This lower alignment accuracy cannot be improved when the most distant members of these families are excluded from their profiles. On the contrary, the presence of more diverse members results in more accurate alignments. For families with a high diversity of confident homologs, the lower quality of profile alignments with their remote relatives seems to be an attribute of these families or their alignments, rather than to be caused by the large number of diverse sequences itself. Our results suggest that at any level of profile diversity, one should include in the multiple alignment as many confident sequence homologs as possible in order to produce the most accurate results.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction by comparative modeling benefits greatly from the use of multiple sequence alignment information to improve the accuracy of structural template identification and the alignment of target sequences to structural templates. Unfortunately, this benefit is limited to those protein sequences for which at least several natural sequence homologues exist. We show here that the use of large diverse alignments of computationally designed protein sequences confers many of the same benefits as natural sequences in identifying structural templates for comparative modeling targets. A large-scale massively parallelized application of an all-atom protein design algorithm, including a simple model of peptide backbone flexibility, has allowed us to generate 500 diverse, non-native, high-quality sequences for each of 264 protein structures in our test set. PSI-BLAST searches using the sequence profiles generated from the designed sequences ("reverse" BLAST searches) give near-perfect accuracy in identifying true structural homologues of the parent structure, with 54% coverage. In 41 of 49 genomes scanned using reverse BLAST searches, at least one novel structural template (not found by the standard method of PSI-BLAST against PDB) is identified. Further improvements in coverage, through optimizing the scoring function used to design sequences and continued application to new protein structures beyond the test set, will allow this method to mature into a useful strategy for identifying distantly related structural templates.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment programs such as BLAST and PSI-BLAST are used routinely in pairwise, profile-based, or intermediate-sequence-search (ISS) methods to detect remote homologies for the purposes of fold assignment and comparative modeling. Yet, the sequence alignment quality of these methods at low sequence identity is not known. We have used the CE structure alignment program (Shindyalov and Bourne, Prot Eng 1998;11:739) to derive sequence alignments for all superfamily and family-level related proteins in the SCOP domain database. CE aligns structures and their sequences based on distances within each protein, rather than on interprotein distances. We compared BLAST, PSI-BLAST, CLUSTALW, and ISS alignments with the CE structural alignments. We found that global alignments with CLUSTALW were very poor at low sequence identity (<25%), as judged by the CE alignments. We used PSI-BLAST to search the nonredundant sequence database (nr) with every sequence in SCOP using up to four iterations. The resulting matrix was used to search a database of SCOP sequences. PSI-BLAST is only slightly better than BLAST in alignment accuracy on a per-residue basis, but PSI-BLAST matrix alignments are much longer than BLAST's, and so align correctly a larger fraction of the total number of aligned residues in the structure alignments. Any two SCOP sequences in the same superfamily that shared a hit or hits in the nr PSI-BLAST searches were identified as linked by the shared intermediate sequence. We examined the quality of the longest SCOP-query/ SCOP-hit alignment via an intermediate sequence, and found that ISS produced longer alignments than PSI-BLAST searches alone, of nearly comparable per-residue quality. At 10-15% sequence identity, BLAST correctly aligns 28%, PSI-BLAST 40%, and ISS 46% of residues according to the structure alignments. We also compared CE structure alignments with FSSP structure alignments generated by the DALI program. In contrast to the sequence methods, CE and structure alignments from the FSSP database identically align 75% of residue pairs at the 10-15% level of sequence identity, indicating that there is substantial room for improvement in these sequence alignment methods. BLAST produced alignments for 8% of the 10,665 nonimmunoglobulin SCOP superfamily sequence pairs (nearly all <25% sequence identity), PSI-BLAST matched 17% and the double-PSI-BLAST ISS method aligned 38% with E-values <10.0. The results indicate that intermediate sequences may be useful not only in fold assignment but also in achieving more complete sequence alignments for comparative modeling.  相似文献   

Protein sequences predicted from metagenomic datasets are annotated by identifying their homologs via sequence comparisons with reference or curated proteins. However, a majority of metagenomic protein sequences are partial-length, arising as a result of identifying genes on sequencing reads or on assembled nucleotide contigs, which themselves are often very fragmented. The fragmented nature of metagenomic protein predictions adversely impacts homology detection and, therefore, the quality of the overall annotation of the dataset. Here we present a novel algorithm called GRASP that accurately identifies the homologs of a given reference protein sequence from a database consisting of partial-length metagenomic proteins. Our homology detection strategy is guided by the reference sequence, and involves the simultaneous search and assembly of overlapping database sequences. GRASP was compared to three commonly used protein sequence search programs (BLASTP, PSI-BLAST and FASTM). Our evaluations using several simulated and real datasets show that GRASP has a significantly higher sensitivity than these programs while maintaining a very high specificity. GRASP can be a very useful program for detecting and quantifying taxonomic and protein family abundances in metagenomic datasets. GRASP is implemented in GNU C++, and is freely available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/grasp-release.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: For large-scale structural assignment to sequences, as in computational structural genomics, a fast yet sensitive sequence search procedure is essential. A new approach using intermediate sequences was tested as a shortcut to iterative multiple sequence search methods such as PSI-BLAST. RESULTS: A library containing potential intermediate sequences for proteins of known structure (PDB-ISL) was constructed. The sequences in the library were collected from a large sequence database using the sequences of the domains of proteins of known structure as the query sequences and the program PSI-BLAST. Sequences of proteins of unknown structure can be matched to distantly related proteins of known structure by using pairwise sequence comparison methods to find homologues in PDB-ISL. Searches of PDB-ISL were calibrated, and the number of correct matches found at a given error rate was the same as that found by PSI-BLAST. The advantage of this library is that it uses pairwise sequence comparison methods, such as FASTA or BLAST2, and can, therefore, be searched easily and, in many cases, much more quickly than an iterative multiple sequence comparison method. The procedure is roughly 20 times faster than PSI-BLAST for small genomes and several hundred times for large genomes. AVAILABILITY: Sequences can be submitted to the PDB-ISL servers at http://stash.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/PDB_ISL/ or http://cyrah.ebi.ac.uk:1111/Serv/PDB_ISL/ and can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/contrib/jong/PDB_+ ++ISL/ CONTACT: sat@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk and jong@ebi.ac.uk  相似文献   

Protein homology detection by HMM-HMM comparison   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
MOTIVATION: Protein homology detection and sequence alignment are at the basis of protein structure prediction, function prediction and evolution. RESULTS: We have generalized the alignment of protein sequences with a profile hidden Markov model (HMM) to the case of pairwise alignment of profile HMMs. We present a method for detecting distant homologous relationships between proteins based on this approach. The method (HHsearch) is benchmarked together with BLAST, PSI-BLAST, HMMER and the profile-profile comparison tools PROF_SIM and COMPASS, in an all-against-all comparison of a database of 3691 protein domains from SCOP 1.63 with pairwise sequence identities below 20%.Sensitivity: When the predicted secondary structure is included in the HMMs, HHsearch is able to detect between 2.7 and 4.2 times more homologs than PSI-BLAST or HMMER and between 1.44 and 1.9 times more than COMPASS or PROF_SIM for a rate of false positives of 10%. Approximately half of the improvement over the profile-profile comparison methods is attributable to the use of profile HMMs in place of simple profiles. Alignment quality: Higher sensitivity is mirrored by an increased alignment quality. HHsearch produced 1.2, 1.7 and 3.3 times more good alignments ('balanced' score >0.3) than the next best method (COMPASS), and 1.6, 2.9 and 9.4 times more than PSI-BLAST, at the family, superfamily and fold level, respectively.Speed: HHsearch scans a query of 200 residues against 3691 domains in 33 s on an AMD64 2GHz PC. This is 10 times faster than PROF_SIM and 17 times faster than COMPASS.  相似文献   

Virtually every molecular biologist has searched a protein or DNA sequence database to find sequences that are evolutionarily related to a given query. Pairwise sequence comparison methods--i.e., measures of similarity between query and target sequences--provide the engine for sequence database search and have been the subject of 30 years of computational research. For the difficult problem of detecting remote evolutionary relationships between protein sequences, the most successful pairwise comparison methods involve building local models (e.g., profile hidden Markov models) of protein sequences. However, recent work in massive data domains like web search and natural language processing demonstrate the advantage of exploiting the global structure of the data space. Motivated by this work, we present a large-scale algorithm called ProtEmbed, which learns an embedding of protein sequences into a low-dimensional "semantic space." Evolutionarily related proteins are embedded in close proximity, and additional pieces of evidence, such as 3D structural similarity or class labels, can be incorporated into the learning process. We find that ProtEmbed achieves superior accuracy to widely used pairwise sequence methods like PSI-BLAST and HHSearch for remote homology detection; it also outperforms our previous RankProp algorithm, which incorporates global structure in the form of a protein similarity network. Finally, the ProtEmbed embedding space can be visualized, both at the global level and local to a given query, yielding intuition about the structure of protein sequence space.  相似文献   

Profile-based sequence search procedures are commonly employed to detect remote relationships between proteins. We provide an assessment of a Cascade PSI-BLAST protocol that rigorously employs intermediate sequences in detecting remote relationships between proteins. In this approach we detect using PSI-BLAST, which involves multiple rounds of iteration, an initial set of homologues for a protein in a 'first generation' search by querying a database. We propagate a 'second generation' search in the database, involving multiple runs of PSI-BLAST using each of the homologues identified in the previous generation as queries to recognize homologues not detected earlier. This non-directed search process can be viewed as an iteration of iterations that is continued to detect further homologues until no new hits are detectable. We present an assessment of the coverage of this 'cascaded' intermediate sequence search on diverse folds and find that searches for up to three generations detect most known homologues of a query. Our assessments show that this approach appears to perform better than the traditional use of PSI-BLAST by detecting 15% more relationships within a family and 35% more relationships within a superfamily. We show that such searches can be performed on generalized sequence databases and non-trivial relationships between proteins can be detected effectively. Such a propagation of searches maximizes the chances of detecting distant homologies by effectively scanning protein "fold space".  相似文献   

An automatic sequence search and analysis protocol (DomainFinder) based on PSI-BLAST and IMPALA, and using conservative thresholds, has been developed for reliably integrating gene sequences from GenBank into their respective structural families within the CATH domain database (http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/cath_new). DomainFinder assigns a new gene sequence to a CATH homologous superfamily provided that PSI-BLAST identifies a clear relationship to at least one other Protein Data Bank sequence within that superfamily. This has resulted in an expansion of the CATH protein family database (CATH-PFDB v1.6) from 19,563 domain structures to 176,597 domain sequences. A further 50,000 putative homologous relationships can be identified using less stringent cut-offs and these relationships are maintained within neighbour tables in the CATH Oracle database, pending further evidence of their suggested evolutionary relationship. Analysis of the CATH-PFDB has shown that only 15% of the sequence families are close enough to a known structure for reliable homology modeling. IMPALA/PSI-BLAST profiles have been generated for each of the sequence families in the expanded CATH-PFDB and a web server has been provided so that new sequences may be scanned against the profile library and be assigned to a structure and homologous superfamily.  相似文献   

Seven protein structure comparison methods and two sequence comparison programs were evaluated on their ability to detect either protein homologs or domains with the same topology (fold) as defined by the CATH structure database. The structure alignment programs Dali, Structal, Combinatorial Extension (CE), VAST, and Matras were tested along with SGM and PRIDE, which calculate a structural distance between two domains without aligning them. We also tested two sequence alignment programs, SSEARCH and PSI-BLAST. Depending upon the level of selectivity and error model, structure alignment programs can detect roughly twice as many homologous domains in CATH as sequence alignment programs. Dali finds the most homologs, 321-533 of 1120 possible true positives (28.7%-45.7%), at an error rate of 0.1 errors per query (EPQ), whereas PSI-BLAST finds 365 true positives (32.6%), regardless of the error model. At an EPQ of 1.0, Dali finds 42%-70% of possible homologs, whereas Matras finds 49%-57%; PSI-BLAST finds 36.9%. However, Dali achieves >84% coverage before the first error for half of the families tested. Dali and PSI-BLAST find 9.2% and 5.2%, respectively, of the 7056 possible topology pairs at an EPQ of 0.1 and 19.5, and 5.9% at an EPQ of 1.0. Most statistical significance estimates reported by the structural alignment programs overestimate the significance of an alignment by orders of magnitude when compared with the actual distribution of errors. These results help quantify the statistical distinction between analogous and homologous structures, and provide a benchmark for structure comparison statistics.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, many ingenious efforts have been made in protein remote homology detection. Because homologous proteins often diversify extensively in sequence, it is challenging to demonstrate such relatedness through entirely sequence-driven searches. Here, we describe a computational method for the generation of 'protein-like' sequences that serves to bridge gaps in protein sequence space. Sequence profile information, as embodied in a position-specific scoring matrix of multiply aligned sequences of bona fide family members, serves as the starting point in this algorithm. The observed amino acid propensity and the selection of a random number dictate the selection of a residue for each position in the sequence. In a systematic manner, and by applying a 'roulette-wheel' selection approach at each position, we generate parent family-like sequences and thus facilitate an enlargement of sequence space around the family. When generated for a large number of families, we demonstrate that they expand the utility of natural intermediately related sequences in linking distant proteins. In 91% of the assessed examples, inclusion of designed sequences improved fold coverage by 5-10% over searches made in their absence. Furthermore, with several examples from proteins adopting folds such as TIM, globin, lipocalin and others, we demonstrate that the success of including designed sequences in a database positively sensitized methods such as PSI-BLAST and Cascade PSI-BLAST and is a promising opportunity for enormously improved remote homology recognition using sequence information alone.  相似文献   



BLAST is a commonly-used software package for comparing a query sequence to a database of known sequences; in this study, we focus on protein sequences. Position-specific-iterated BLAST (PSI-BLAST) iteratively searches a protein sequence database, using the matches in round i to construct a position-specific score matrix (PSSM) for searching the database in round i?+?1. Biegert and S?ding developed Context-sensitive BLAST (CS-BLAST), which combines information from searching the sequence database with information derived from a library of short protein profiles to achieve better homology detection than PSI-BLAST, which builds its PSSMs from scratch.


We describe a new method, called domain enhanced lookup time accelerated BLAST (DELTA-BLAST), which searches a database of pre-constructed PSSMs before searching a protein-sequence database, to yield better homology detection. For its PSSMs, DELTA-BLAST employs a subset of NCBI??s Conserved Domain Database (CDD). On a test set derived from ASTRAL, with one round of searching, DELTA-BLAST achieves a ROC5000 of 0.270 vs. 0.116 for CS-BLAST. The performance advantage diminishes in iterated searches, but DELTA-BLAST continues to achieve better ROC scores than CS-BLAST.


DELTA-BLAST is a useful program for the detection of remote protein homologs. It is available under the ??Protein BLAST?? link at http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.


This article was reviewed by Arcady Mushegian, Nick V. Grishin, and Frank Eisenhaber.  相似文献   

Koike R  Kinoshita K  Kidera A 《Proteins》2007,66(3):655-663
Dynamic programming (DP) and its heuristic algorithms are the most fundamental methods for similarity searches of amino acid sequences. Their detection power has been improved by including supplemental information, such as homologous sequences in the profile method. Here, we describe a method, probabilistic alignment (PA), that gives improved detection power, but similarly to the original DP, uses only a pair of amino acid sequences. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis demonstrated that the PA method is far superior to BLAST, and that its sensitivity and selectivity approach to those of PSI-BLAST. Particularly for orphan proteins having few homologues in the database, PA exhibits much better performance than PSI-BLAST. On the basis of this observation, we applied the PA method to a homology search of two orphan proteins, Latexin and Resuscitation-promoting factor domain. Their molecular functions have been described based on structural similarities, but sequence homologues have not been identified by PSI-BLAST. PA successfully detected sequence homologues for the two proteins and confirmed that the observed structural similarities are the result of an evolutional relationship.  相似文献   

Qian B  Goldstein RA 《Proteins》2003,52(3):446-453
It is often desired to identify further homologs of a family of biological sequences from the ever-growing sequence databases. Profile hidden Markov models excel at capturing the common statistical features of a group of biological sequences. With these common features, we can search the biological database and find new homologous sequences. Most general profile hidden Markov model methods, however, treat the evolutionary relationships between the sequences in a homologous group in an ad-hoc manner. We hereby introduce a method to incorporate phylogenetic information directly into hidden Markov models, and demonstrate that the resulting model performs better than most of the current multiple sequence-based methods for finding distant homologs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The deluge of biological information from different genomic initiatives and the rapid advancement in biotechnologies have made bioinformatics tools an integral part of modern biology. Among the widely used sequence alignment tools, BLAST and PSI-BLAST are arguably the most popular. PSI-BLAST, which uses an iterative profile position specific score matrix (PSSM)-based search strategy, is more sensitive than BLAST in detecting weak homologies, thus making it suitable for remote homolog detection. Many refinements have been made to improve PSI-BLAST, and its computational efficiency and high specificity have been much touted. Nevertheless, corruption of its profile via the incorporation of false positive sequences remains a major challenge. RESULTS: We have developed a simple and elegant approach to resolve the problem of model corruption in PSI-BLAST searches. We hypothesized that combining results from the first (least-corrupted) profile with results from later (most sensitive) iterations of PSI-BLAST provides a better discriminator for true and false hits. Accordingly, we have derived a formula that utilizes the E-values from these two PSI-BLAST iterations to obtain a figure of merit for rank-ordering the hits. Our verification results based on a 'gold-standard' test set indicate that this figure of merit does indeed delineate true positives from false positives better than PSI-BLAST E-values. Perhaps what is most notable about this strategy is that it is simple and straightforward to implement.  相似文献   

Enzyme function conservation has been used to derive the threshold of sequence identity necessary to transfer function from a protein of known function to an unknown protein. Using pairwise sequence comparison, several studies suggested that when the sequence identity is above 40%, enzyme function is well conserved. In contrast, Rost argued that because of database bias, the results from such simple pairwise comparisons might be misleading. Thus, by grouping enzyme sequences into families based on sequence similarity and selecting representative sequences for comparison, he showed that enzyme function starts to diverge quickly when the sequence identity is below 70%. Here, we employ a strategy similar to Rost's to reduce the database bias; however, we classify enzyme families based not only on sequence similarity, but also on functional similarity, i.e. sequences in each family must have the same four digits or the same first three digits of the enzyme commission (EC) number. Furthermore, instead of selecting representative sequences for comparison, we calculate the function conservation of each enzyme family and then average the degree of enzyme function conservation across all enzyme families. Our analysis suggests that for functional transferability, 40% sequence identity can still be used as a confident threshold to transfer the first three digits of an EC number; however, to transfer all four digits of an EC number, above 60% sequence identity is needed to have at least 90% accuracy. Moreover, when PSI-BLAST is used, the magnitude of the E-value is found to be weakly correlated with the extent of enzyme function conservation in the third iteration of PSI-BLAST. As a result, functional annotation based on the E-values from PSI-BLAST should be used with caution. We also show that by employing an enzyme family-specific sequence identity threshold above which 100% functional conservation is required, functional inference of unknown sequences can be accurately accomplished. However, this comes at a cost: those true positive sequences below this threshold cannot be uniquely identified.  相似文献   

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