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D. Banerji  V. Sharma 《Phytochemistry》1979,18(10):1767-1768
Pigment compositions and Hill activities of red-leafy bracts, red-green leaves and green leaves of E. pulcherrima were studied. Interestingly enough, the chloroplasts from anthocyanidin-containing leaves are intrinsically more active than those from green leaves.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,27(2):203-206
The antioxidants L-cysteine, ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione and mercaptoethanol in concentrations of 10−3–10−5 M arrested senescence by increasing chlorophyll and protein contents, and by delaying the decline in Hill activity over the control in leaves of three submerged aquatic plants, Potamogeton pectinatus L., Vallisneria spiralis L. and Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle. The most effective concentration of all antioxidants in increasing these parameters over control values was 10−4 M during the induction of senescence in these species. The greatest increase in these parameters was observed with glutathione in Potamogeton, with mercaptoethanol in Vallisneria and with ascorbic acid in Hydrilla. The least increase was observed with cysteine in Potamogeton and Vallisneria and with glutathione in Hydrilla. In general, the four antioxidants increased these parameters most in Vallisneria, followed by Potamogeton and Hydrilla. In conclusion, the decline in chlorophyll and protein contents, and Hill activity during senescence may be delayed in these species by antioxidant treatment.  相似文献   

喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶玉华  白丽蓉 《广西植物》2018,38(8):1062-1069
所研究的风水林和荒山属于喀斯特地貌。喀斯特森林是一种脆弱的低生物量生态系统,土壤贫瘠,自我修复能力低,易受人为因素干扰。风水林指人们居住地附近的一片茂盛的森林,认为有神居住而崇拜,严禁被砍伐和破坏。荒山是喀斯特森林植被在人为干扰后出现岩石裸露产生的石漠化现象。该研究通过野外调查、实验室分析、数理统计等对广西罗城喀斯特风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量进行对比性研究。结果表明:喀斯特风水林植被、土壤和枯落物碳储量分别是荒山的7.42倍、5.9倍和1.1倍,风水林和荒山生态系统碳储量分别为137.06、93.73 t·hm~(-2),其中土壤碳库贡献率最高,而林下植被和枯落物却较低,表明风水林森林生态系统碳储量明显高于荒山。通过风水林和荒山的碳储量比较研究,为评价风水林碳汇提供依据,为制定森林管理政策、保护村社水平的植被提供数据参考。此外,还探讨了少数民族朴素的生态伦理思想在保护森林和增汇方面的作用,丰富了生态伦理学内容,对传承和弘扬少数民族传统文化、恢复生态具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The protein moiety of the Chenopodium chlorophyll protein CP668is indispensable in the formation of a water-soluble complexwith chlorophyll and in the photo-oxidation of chlorophyll.The phototransforming activity of CP668 into CP743 was completelypreserved even after drastic heat treatment at 100°C. Theabsorbance ratio of the 743-nm band peak to the 668-nm bandpeak somewhat increased after heat treatment. Initial velocitiesof the increase in the 743-nm band peak and the decrease inthe 668-nm band peak were not appreciably influenced by heattreatment. Viscosity measurement suggested that the heat-treatedCP668 was much smaller in particle size than the untreated one. (Received September 3, 1971; )  相似文献   

Hill activity (photoreduction of 2,6,dichlorophenol indophenol) of heat inactivated (40°C, 3 min) and Tris-washed (0.8M, pH 8.3) thylakoids of Beta vulgaris (beet-spinach) was partially restored if they were incubated with 150 mM MgCl2 prior to the assay. Mg(NO3)2 or MgSO4 were unable to restore this activity. The extent of this reactivation was dependent upon the degree of inactivation by heating and upon the composition of the isolation and the resuspension buffer used during the heat treatment. Washing of heat-treated thylakoids with phosphate-EDTA buffer prior to incubation with MgCl2 did not affect the extent of this reactivation. Chloride ions seem to be required for the reactivation of Hill activity damaged either by heat or by Tris.Most commonly used chloroplast isolation and resuspension media, except for Tris-HCl as resuspension medium, were suitable for restoration of Hill activity in heat-damaged thylakoids by preincubation with 150 mM MgCl2 prior to the assay. Pretreatment with MgCl2 stimulated Hill activity in Tris-treated and heat-damage thylakoids if phosphate buffer was used for their resuspension. However, the same pretreatment inhibited Hill activity in unheated thylakoids isolated in Tris medium and resuspended in the same medium. On the other hand, MgCl2 pretreatment induced restoration of the Hill activity of the heated thylakoids when Tricine or Hepes was used as the resuspension medium. It appears that the presence of Tris somehow hampers the Cl induced reactivation. The stimulation of Hill activity by MgCl2 treatment in unheated (control) thylakoids is possibly induced by Mg2+ ions and not by Cl ions.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DCMU 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1. 1-dimethyl-urea - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - Hepes N-2 hydroxyethyl piperazine-N, 2 ethano-sulfonic acid - HT heat-treated - PS II photosystem II - Tricine N-tri (hydroxymethyl) methyl glycine - Tris Tris-(hydroxymethyl) amino-methane  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of chlorophyll b and the chlorophyll cycle   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

In experiments with fodder cabbage and sugar beet the influences were tested which restrict the finding of a uniform linear dependence between the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate. The main factor is most probably the irradiation during the growth of plants and the measuring of photosynthetic rate. Changes in the density and length of irradiation with the proceeding spring season are reflected in the decrease of unit chlorophyll activity in all leaves of the plant. Such differences were not observed in plants grown in winter months at a low greenhouse irradiation density. High irradiation density during the measurement of photosynthesis ensures the finding of high correlation of photosynthetic rate with the chlorophyll amount per unit area of leaf. With a low irradiation density, or in thick leaves, the lower layers of chloroplasts are not saturated with radiation, and hence a higher correlation coefficient is found by relating photosynthetic rate to the percentage of chlorophyll in dry weight than to the quantity of chlorophyll per unit area of leaf blade. In some experiments higher activity of chlorophylls was found in young leaves before they have reached the state of “photosynthetic maturity” than after this turning point. This difference diminished by relating the photosynthetic rate to chlorophylla content instead of the total amount of chlorophylls (a+b). High activity of chlorophylls in very young leaves and great individual variability within the experimental plant groups caused by uneven cultivation conditions are the basis of apparent sigmoid character of average curves for the chlorophyll-photosynthesis relation.  相似文献   

The differences in pigment levels and photosynthetic activity of green sun and shade leaves of ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) are described. Sun leaves of both tree species possessed higher levels in chlorophylls (Chl) and carotenoids on a leaf area basis, higher values for the ratio Chl a/b and lower values for the ratio Chl/carotenoids (a+b)/(x+c) in comparison to shade leaves. The higher photosynthetic rates P(N) of sun leaves (ginkgo 5.4+/-0.9 and beech 8.5+/-2.1 micromol m(-2)s(-1)) were also reflected by higher values for the Chl fluorescence decrease ratios R(F)(d) 690 and R(F)(d) 735. In contrast, the shade leaves had lower P(N) rates (ginkgo 2.4+/-0.3 and beech 1.8+/-1.2 micromol m(-2)s(-1)). In both tree species the stomatal conductance G(s) was significantly higher in sun (range: 70-19 1 mmol m(-2)s(-1)) as compared to shade leaves (range: 5-55 mmol m(-2)s(-1)). In fact, at saturating light conditions there existed a close correlation between G(s) values and P(N) rates. Differences between sun and shade leaves also existed in several other Chl fluorescence ratios (F(v)/F(m), F(v)/F(o), and the stress adaptation index Ap). The results clearly demonstrate that the fan-shaped gymnosperm ginkgo leaves show the same high and low irradiance adaptation response as the angiosperm beech leaves.  相似文献   

The distribution of photosynthetic activity over the area of a leaf and its change with time was determined (at low partial pressure of O2) by recording images of chlorophyll fluorescence during saturating light flashes. Simultaneously, the gas exchange was being measured. Reductions of local fluorescence intensity quantitatively displayed the extent of nonphotochemical quenching; quench coefficients, qN, were computed pixel by pixel. Because rates of photosynthetic electron transport are positively correlated with (1 − qN), computed images of (1 − qN) represented topographies of photosynthetic activity. Following application of abscisic acid to the heterobaric leaves of Xanthium strumarium L., clearly delineated regions varying in nonphotochemical quenching appeared that coincided with areoles formed by minor veins and indicated stomatal closure in groups.  相似文献   

Summary Thirteen spontaneously occurring chlorophyll deficient phenotypes have been described and their genetic basis was established. Ten of these — white, white tipped green, patchy white, white virescent, white striping 1, white striping 2, white striping 4, fine striping, chlorina and yellow virescent showed monogenic recessive inheritance and the remaining three — yellow striping, yellow green and light green seedling phenotypes showed digenic recessive inheritance. The genes for (i) white tipped green (wr) and yellow virescent (yv) and (ii) patchy white (pw) and white striping 1 (wst 1) showed independent assortment. Further, the genes for white (w), white tipped green (wr) and yellow virescent (yv) were inherited independently of the gene for hairy leaf margin (Hm).In the mutants — white tipped green, patchy white, white striping 1, white striping 2, fine striping, chlorina, yellow virescent, yellow striping, yellow green and light green phenotypes total quantity of chlorophyll was significantly less than that in the corresponding controls, while in white virescent there was no reduction in the mature stage. For nine of the mutants the quantity of chlorophyll was also estimated in F1's (mutant x control green). In F1's of six of the mutants — white tip, patchy white, chlorina, yellow virescent, fine striping and yellow striping the quantity of chlorophyll was almost equal to the wild type. In the F1's of three of the mutants — white striping 1, white striping 2 and light green an intermediate value between the mutant and wild types was observed. In yellow virescent retarded synthesis of chlorophyll, particularly chlorophyll a was observed in the juvenile stage. Reduced quantity of chlorophyll was associated with defective chloroplasts. In the mutants — white tipped green, white virescent, fine striping, chlorina, yellow striping, yellow green and light green defective plastids were also observed. In patchy white secondary destruction of chlorophylls and the presence of defective plastids were found to be associated with reduced chlorophyll quantity at maturity.Paper chromatographic studies of leaf flavonoids revealed some variation between the inbreds, but there were three common spots, 7, 8 and 9, except for PDP in which the spot 8 was absent. Chlorophyll deficient mutants differed from their respective controls in the absence of one or more of the spots present in the controls and in the presence of new spots in some of the mutants.Most of the chlorophyll mutants showed higher survival rate in the Kharif season than in Rabi season which was attributed to the higher mean day temperature and longer day light period in the Kharif season than in Rabi season.  相似文献   

D. Huppert  P.M. Rentzepis  G. Tollin 《BBA》1976,440(2):356-364
The mechanism of quenching by quinones of the lowest excited singlet state of chlorophyll has been investigated using picosecond laser spectroscopy. With chlorophyll alone, laser excitation resulted in immediate (< 10 ps) bleaching of the 665 nm band and production of new absorption bands in the regions 460–550 and 800–830 nm. The lifetimes of these changes were greater than 500 ps. Addition of 2,6-dimethyl-benzoquinone caused quenching of these absorbance changes. No indication of chlorophyll cation radical formation was obtained. Thus, the interaction between quinone and the chlorophyll excited singlet state results in energy dissipation without measurable formation of radical species having lifetimes longer than 10 ps. This is in marked contrast to the quenching of the chlorophyll lowest triplet state by quinones, during which easily detectable stable radical formation has been observed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the tradition of Dr Arom, who had many interests in his clinical and research career, I will touch on three things that will impact the practice of clinical cardiac surgery over the next several years: use of bilateral internal mammary arteries, use of external mesh support to improve saphenous vein graft patency, and anticoagulation of mechanical heart valves. The remainder of the presentation goes into depth on the development of a bloodless heart surgery program, which is contemporary and timely as it encompasses some thoughts of this society.  相似文献   

The effects of Mn nutrition of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings on Mn-, Fe- and CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC enzymatic activities, metal translocation, chlorophyll concentration, and plant growth were tested using a bioassay system consisting of chelator-buffered nutrient culture with Mn2+ activities set to pMn (-log activity of Mn2+) of 6.6, 7.6, 8.6, and 9.6. The two middle levels resulted in optimal plant growth, whereas the two extreme levels resulted in a gradual decrease in chlorophyll concentration and slower plant growth. At the end of the experiment, 26 days after transfer to the Mn treatments, significant differences in shoot Mn concentration were manifested, from 10.5 mg kg(-1) in plants grown in pMn 9.6 to 207.4 mg kg(-1) in plants grown in pMn 6.6. Other element concentrations in the leaf suggest that growth inhibition and chlorophyll synthesis were affected primarily by manganese deficiency and excess. Twenty days after transfer of plants to the Mn treatments Mn-, Fe- and CuZn-SOD activities were assayed in young expanded leaf tissues by electrophoresis running gel. Whereas chloroplastic CuZn-SOD activity did not differ among Mn treatments, the cytosolic CuZn-SOD and mitochondrial Mn-SOD activities increased in both Mn-excess and Mn-deficient plants.  相似文献   

Excitation kinetics based on feedback regulation of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence of leaves measured with the chlorophyll fluorometer, FluoroMeter Modul (FMM), are presented. These kinetics showed the variation of excitation light (laser power, LP) regulated by the feedback mechanism of the FMM, an intelligent Chl fluorometer with embedded computer, which maintains the fluorescence response constant during the 300-s transient between the dark- and lightadapted state of photosynthesis. The excitation kinetics exhibited a rise of LP with different time constants and fluctuations leading to a type of steady state. The variation of excitation kinetics were demonstrated using the example of primary leaves of etiolated barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Barke) during 48 h of greening in the light with gradual accumulation of Chl and development of photosynthetic activity. The excitation kinetics showed a fast rise followed by a short plateau at ca. 30 s and finally a slow constant increase up to 300 s. Only in the case of 2 h of greening in the light, the curve reached a stable steady state after 75 s followed by a slight decline. The final LP value (at 300 s of illumination) increased up to 12 h of greening and decreased with longer greening times. The active feedback mechanism of the FMM adjusted the excitation light during the measurement to the actual photosynthetic capacity of the individual leaf sample. In this way, the illumination with excessive light was avoided. The novel excitation kinetics can be used to characterize health, stress, disease, and/or product quality of plant material.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll fluorescence was used to estimate profiles of absorbed light within chlorophyll solutions and leaves. For chlorophyll solutions, the intensity of the emitted fluorescence declined in a log–linear manner with the distance from the irradiated surface as predicted by Beer's law. The amount of fluorescence was proportional to chlorophyll concentration for chlorophyll solutions given epi‐illumination on a microscope slide. These relationships appeared to hold for more optically complex spinach leaves. The profile of chlorophyll fluorescence emitted by leaf cross sections given epi‐illumination corresponded to chlorophyll content measured in extracts of leaf paradermal sections. Thus epifluorescence was used to estimate relative chlorophyll content through leaf tissues. Fluorescence profiles across leaves depended on wavelength and orientation, reaching a peak at 50–70 µm depth. By infiltrating leaves with water, the pathlengthening due to scattering at the airspace : cell wall interfaces was calculated. Surprisingly, the palisade and spongy mesophyll had similar values for pathlengthening with the value being greatest for green light (550 > 650 > 450 nm). By combining fluorescence profiles with chlorophyll distribution across the leaf, the profile of the apparent extinction coefficient was calculated. The light profiles within spinach leaves could be well approximated by an apparent extinction coefficient and the Beer–Lambert/Bouguer laws. Light was absorbed at greater depths than predicted from fibre optic measurements, with 50% of blue and green light reaching 125 and 240 µm deep, respectively.  相似文献   

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