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Performance of a glucose fed periodic anaerobic baffled reactor under increasing organic loading conditions: 1. Experimental results 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The influence of the organic loading rate on the performance of an innovative reactor, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) was examined. A laboratory-scale PABR of four compartments being fed with a glucose based synthetic medium performed with high stability while the feed organic load was doubled from 12.5 to 25 and then to 50 gCOD/l. Finally the feed concentration was increased to 75 gCOD/l. The successive step changes in the feed concentration lasted for 20, 15, and 7 d, respectively. The COD removal efficiency of the PABR was satisfactory in the first two transitions (approximately 97.5 and 96%). In the third transition (OLR=18.75 gCOD/l/d) the reactor failed as the pH dropped to 4. The concentrations of butyric and valeric acids increased as the organic loading was increased and eventually they became greater than the concentration of acetic and propionic acids. 相似文献
Performance of a glucose fed periodic anaerobic baffled reactor under increasing organic loading conditions: 2. Model prediction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A model was developed for the anaerobic digestion of a glucose-based medium in an innovative high-rate reactor, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR). The model considers each PABR compartment as two variable volume interacting sections, of constant total volume, one with high solids and one with low solids concentration, with the gas and liquid flows influencing the material flows between the two sections. For the simulation of glucose degradation, the biomass was divided into acidogenic, acetogenic and methanogenic groups of microorganisms. The kinetic part of the model accounted for possible inhibition of acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis by volatile fatty acids. The model succeeded in predicting the reactor performance upon step increases in the organic loading rate. 相似文献
Performance and characteristics of an anaerobic baffled reactor 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
The performance and the characteristics of a laboratory scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) were investigated using synthetic wastewater. The experimental results showed that among different volatile fatty acids (VFAs), acetate was the main intermediate of acidogenic degradation of glucose. The VFA concentration decreased longitudinally down the reactor. The analysis of the biogas composition revealed that methane concentration increased steadily from compartment 1 to 5, while hydrogen content decreased in the first compartments. There was no detectable hydrogen in the last two compartments. The methane-producing activity of anaerobic sludge in different compartments depended on the substrate, which suggests that the proper anaerobic consortium in each separate compartment was developed according to the substrate(s) availability and the specific environmental conditions. The ABR has the potential to provide a higher efficiency at higher loading rates and be applicable for extreme environmental conditions and inhibitory compounds. 相似文献
Alper Bayrakdar Erkan SahinkayaMurat Gungor Sinan UyanikA. Dilek Atasoy 《Bioresource technology》2009,100(19):4354-4360
The applicability of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was investigated for the treatment of acidic (pH 4.5–7.0) wastewater containing sulfate (1000–2000 mg/L) and Zn (65–200 mg/L) at 35 °C. The ABR consisted of four equal stages and lactate was supplemented (COD/SO42− = 0.67) as carbon and energy source for sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). The robustness of the system was studied by decreasing pH and increasing Zn, COD, and sulfate loadings. Sulfate-reduction efficiency quickly increased during the startup period and reached 80% within 45 days. Decreasing feed pH, increasing feed sulfate and Zn concentrations did not adversely affect system performance as sulfate reduction and COD removal efficiencies were within 62–90% and 80–95%, respectively. Although feed pH was steadily decreased from 7.0 to 4.5, effluent pH was always within 6.8–7.5. Over 99% Zn removal was attained throughout the study due to formation of Zn-sulfide precipitate. 相似文献
An anaerobic baffled reactor with four compartments (C1-C4) was successfully used for treatment of acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation wastewater and methane production. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 88.2% with a CH4 yield of 0.25 L/(g CODremoved) when organic loading rate (OLR) was 5.4 kg COD m−3 d−1. C1 played the most important role in solvents (acetone, butanol and ethanol) and COD removal. Community structure of C2 was similar to that in C1 at stage 3 with higher OLR, but was similar to those in C3 and C4 at stages 1-2 with lower OLR. This community variation in C2 was consistent with its increased role in COD and solvent removal at stage 3. During community succession from C1 to C4 at stage 3, abundance of Firmicutes (especially OTUs ABRB07 and ABRB10) and Methanoculleus decreased, while Bacteroidetes and Methanocorpusculum became dominant. Thus, ABRB07 coupled with Methanoculleus and/or acetogen (ABRB10) may be key species for solvents degradation. 相似文献
In this study, the effect of increasing p-nitrophenol (PNP) concentrations on the performance of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) (chemical oxygen demand (COD), removals, volatile fatty acid (VFA), p-aminophenol (PAP) and methane gas productions) was investigated through 240 days. The PNP concentrations were raised to 700 from 10 mg/L corresponding to PNP loading rates of 0.97 and 67.9 g/m3 day. The PNP and COD removal efficiencies were 99 and 90% at PNP loading rates as high as 33.9 g/m3 day, respectively, through the acclimation of anaerobic granular sludge. After this loading rate, the removal efficiencies decreased to 79%. The COD removal efficiencies were high in compartment 1 (E = 78–93%) while a small amount of COD removal was achieved in compartments 2 and 3. The PNP removal efficiencies were approximately 90% in all PNP loading rates except for loading rate of 0.97 g/m3 day. The maximum PNP removal efficiency was measured as 99% at a loading rate of 8.32 g/m3 day. The optimum PNP loading rate for maximum COD, PNP removals and methane yield was 8.32 g/m3 day. The total, methane gas productions and methane percentages were approximately 2160–2400 mL/day and 950–1250 mL/day and 44–52% for the PNP loading rates varying between 4.36 and 33.9 g/m3 day, respectively. For PNP loading rates varying between 33.9 and 67.9 g/m3 day, the total, methane gas productions and methane percentages were approximately 2160 and 960 mL/day and 44%, respectively. The highest total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) concentrations were found in the first compartment with fluctuated values varied between 50 and 200 mg/L indicating the acidogenesis. p-Aminophenol was found as the main intermediate through anaerobic degradation of PNP which later was broken down to phenol and ammonia. 相似文献
Granule development in a split-feed anaerobic baffled reactor 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Operating anaerobic reactors at high organic loading rates during start-up can lead to instability, accumulation of volatile fatty acids and low pH, such problems being exacerbated in reactors that exhibit plug-flow characteristics. Moreover, plug-flow conditions increase the exposure of biomass to any toxic components in the feed. To overcome these limitations, an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), a reactor exhibiting partial plug-flow characteristics, was modified by splitting the feed between the individual compartments to produce the split-feed ABR (SFABR). Consequently, more favourable conditions were created in the initial compartments, such as lower, longer hydraulic retention time and longer cell retention time; conditions in the final compartments were also improved by the increased food availability for microorganisms. Other benefits included better gas mixing characteristics as a result of the more balanced gas production across the reactor. Granule development was compared in SFABR and normally fed ABR by analysing sludge samples, taken during start-up and continuous operation, using scanning electron microscopy. Photomicrographs allowed tentative conclusions to be made concerning the effect of split-feeding on the distribution of bacterial populations within the granule architecture and the role of extracellular polymers on granule formation. 相似文献
Biotreatment of acidic zinc- and copper-containing wastewater using ethanol-fed sulfidogenic anaerobic baffled reactor 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The treatment of acidic (pH 6.5–3), sulfate- (2–3 g/L), Zn- and Cu- (total metal 0–500 mg/L) containing wastewater was studied
in a four-stage anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) at 35 °C for 250 days. Ethanol was supplemented (COD/SO4
2− = 0.67) as carbon and electron source for sulfate reducing bacteria. Sulfate reduction, COD oxidation and metal precipitation
efficiencies were 70–92, 80–94 and >99%, respectively. The alkalinity produced from sulfidogenic ethanol oxidation increased
the wastewater pH from 3.0 to 7.0–8.0. The electron flow from organic oxidation to sulfate averaged 87%. Decreasing feed pH
to 3 and increasing total metal concentrations to 500 mg/L did not adversely affect the performance of ABR and sufficient
alkalinity was produced to increase the effluent pH to neutral values. More than 99% of metals were precipitated in the form
of metal-sulfides. Accumulation of precipitated metals in the first compartment allowed metal recovery without disturbing
reactor performance seriously. 相似文献
Performance of the anaerobic baffled reactor under steady-state and shock loading conditions 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
The anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) contains a granulated, mixed anaerobic culture segregated into compartments. Operation of four reactors under a range of hydraulic retention times showed that this novel reactor design offers highly efficient performance in the conversion of carbon in the feed stream to methane and carbon dioxide. The design parameter varied was the number of compartments. COD removal at 20 h retention time was routinely over 95% in all reactors, with low washout of biomass. Very high specific reaction rates were achievable (although with a loss of efficiency) at low biomass concentrations and high loading rates. In order to optimize volumetric reaction rates, a tradeoff has to be made between high biomass concentration, granule size, and the resulting mass transfer limitations. Formate is shown to be an important intermediate in the process under conditions of high loading. 相似文献
Treatment of low strength complex wastewater using an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Treatment of a low strength complex wastewater of chemical oxygen demand (COD) around 500mg/L was studied in a 10L capacity laboratory scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR). It was operated at hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 20, 15, 10, 8 and 6h. Corresponding organic loading rates (OLRs) were 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.5 and 2kg COD/m(3)d. At every HRT (or OLR), pseudo steady state (PSS) was achieved. Even at maximum OLR of 2kg COD/m(3)d, COD and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removals exceeded 88%. Removal of particulate fraction of organics was found to be greater than soluble fraction. Compartment-wise studies of various parameters revealed that if the OLR was larger, the number of initial compartments played significant role in the removal of organics. The values of volatile fatty acids (VFA) demonstrated that hydrolysis and acidogenesis were the main biochemical activities in the initial few compartments. Based on the tracer studies, dead space in the ABR was found to range from 23% to 34%. The flow pattern in the ABR was classified as intermediate between plug flow and perfectly mixed flows. Observations from scanning electron micrographs (SEM) also suggested that distinct phase separation takes place in an ABR. Study of organic and hydraulic shock loads revealed that ABR was capable of sustaining the type of shock loads generally experienced at a sewage treatment plant (STP). 相似文献
Comparison of startup and anaerobic wastewater treatment in UASB, hybrid and baffled reactor 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
M. Hutňan M. Drtil L. Mrafková J. Derco J. Buday 《Bioprocess and biosystems engineering》1999,21(5):439-445
An experimental study was carried out to compare the performance of selected anaerobic high rate reactors operated simultaneously at 37?°C. The three reactors, namely upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactor (UASB), hybrid of UASB reactor and anaerobic filter (anaerobic hybrid reactor – AHR) and anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), were inoculated with the anaerobic digested sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant and tested with synthetic wastewater. This wastewater contained sodium acetate and glucose with balanced nutrients and trace elements (COD 6000?mg?·?l?1). Organic loading rate (B v ) was increased gradually from an initial 0.5?kg?·?m?3?·?d?1 to 15?kg?·?m?3?·?d?1 in all the reactors. From the comparison of the reactors' performance, the lowest biomass wash-out resulted from ABR. In the UASB, significant biomass wash-out was observed at the B v 6?kg?·?m?3?·?d?1, and in the AHR at the B v 12?kg?·?m?3?·?d?1. The demand of sodium bicarbonate for pH maintenance in ABR was two times higher as for UASB and AHR. The efficiency of COD removal was comparable for all three reactors – 80–90%. A faster biomass granulation was observed in the ABR than in the other two reactors. This fact is explained by the kinetic selection of filamentous bacteria of the Methanotrix sp. under a high (over 1.5?g?·?l?1) acetate concentration. 相似文献
The study was aimed at treating the complex, combined wastewater generated in Mangolpuri industrial cluster. It was considered as a low strength wastewater with respect to its organic content. Anaerobic treatment of this wastewater was studied using an anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) which combined the best features of both the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and anaerobic fluidized bed rector (AFBR). The performance of the reactor under different organic and hydraulic loading rates were studied. The COD removal reached 94% at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 2.08 kg COD m(-3)d(-1) at an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6.0 h. The granules developed were characterized in terms of their diameter and terminal settling velocity. 相似文献
The performance and phase separated characteristics of an anaerobic baffled reactor treating soybean protein processing wastewater 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
A laboratory-scale anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) with four compartments using soybean protein processing wastewater as organic loading rates (OLRs) was investigated for the performance and phase separated characteristics. It was found that the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were 92-97% at 1.2-6.0kgCOD/m(3)d feeding. The dominated species, propionate and butyrate, were found in the 1st compartment. Acetate was dominated in the 2nd compartment and then decreased in the 3rd and 4th. Meanwhile, 93% volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were removed in the 3rd and 4th compartments. In the 1st compartment, biogas revealed carbon dioxide (CO(2)) and hydrogen (H(2)). The highest H(2) yield was found in the 2nd compartment, thereafter decreased from the 2nd to 4th which corresponded to the increased of the methane (CH(4)) yield. It indicated that the proper anaerobic consortium in each separate compartment was developed along with substrate availability and specific environmental conditions. 相似文献
Microbial populations associated with treatment of an industrial dye effluent in an anaerobic baffled reactor. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using 16S and 23S rRNA-targeted probes together with construction of an archaeal 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library was used to characterize the microbial populations of an anaerobic baffled reactor successfully treating industrial dye waste. Wastewater produced during the manufacture of food dyes containing several different azo and other dye compounds was decolorized and degraded under sulfidogenic and methanogenic conditions. Use of molecular methods to describe microbial populations showed that a diverse group of Bacteria and Archaea was involved in this treatment process. FISH enumeration showed that members of the gamma subclass of the class Proteobacteria and bacteria in the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides phylum, together with sulfate-reducing bacteria, were prominent members of a mixed bacterial population. A combination of FISH probing and analysis of 98 archaeal 16S rDNA clone inserts revealed that together with the bacterial population, a methanogenic population dominated by Methanosaeta species and containing species of Methanobacterium and Methanospirillum and a relatively unstudied methanogen, Methanomethylovorans hollandica, contributed to successful anaerobic treatment of the industrial waste. We suggest that sulfate reducers, or more accurately sulfidogenic bacteria, together with M. hollandica contribute considerably to the treatment process through metabolism of dye-associated sulfonate groups and subsequent conversion of sulfur compounds to carbon dioxide and methane. 相似文献
对厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理精对苯二甲酸(IOTA)生产废水的启动及相分离过程进行研究。结果表明:经过62d的运行,反应器在(35±1)℃、水力停留时间40h、容积负荷3.60kg/(m3·d)的条件下,最大COD去除率达到80%以上,ABR启动成功。沿着水流方向,不同格室中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)浓度依次减小,CH4含量不断增加,且污泥中挥发性悬浮固体浓度(VSS)及其与总悬浮固体浓度(弼)之比、产甲烷活性和辅酶F420不断增大,ABR中显示出显著的厌氧微生物相分离特性。 相似文献
A study on pretreatment of textile dyeing wastewater was carried out using an anoxic baffled reactor (ABR) at wastewater temperatures of 5-31.1 degrees C. When hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 8h, the color of outflow of ABR was only 40 times at 5 degrees C and it could satisfy the professional discharge standard (grade-1) of textile and dyeing industry of China (GB4287-92). The total COD removal efficiency of ABR was 34.6%, 47.5%, 50.0%, 53.3%, 54.7% and 58.1% at 5, 9.7, 14.9, 19.7, 23.5 and 31.1 degrees C, respectively. Besides, after the wastewater being pre-treated by ABR when HRT was 6h and 8h, the BOD5/COD value rose from 0.30 of inflow to 0.46 of outflow and from 0.30 of inflow to 0.40 of outflow, respectively. Experimental results indicated that ABR was a very feasible process to decolorize and pre-treat the textile dyeing wastewater at ambient temperature. Moreover, a kinetic simulation of organic matter degradation in ABR at six different wastewater temperatures was carried through. The kinetic analysis showed the organic matter degradation was a first-order reaction. The reaction activation energy was 19.593 kJ mol(-1) and the temperature coefficient at 5-31.1 degrees C was 1.028. 相似文献
Performance of a thermophilic sulfate and sulfite reducing high rate anaerobic reactor fed with methanol 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Thermophilic sulfate and sulfite reduction was studied in lab-scale Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) reactors operated at 65°C and pH 7.5 with methanol as the sole carbon and energy source for the sulfate- and sulfite-reducing bacteria. At a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 h, maximum sulfite and sulfate elimination rates of 5.5 gSO3
2- L-1 day-1 (100 % elimination) and 5.7 gSO4
-1 day-1 (55% elimination) were achieved, resulting in an effluent sulfide concentration of approximately 1800 mgS L-1. Sulfate elimination was limited by the sulfide concentration, as stripping of H2S from the reactor with nitrogen gas was found to increase the sulfate elimination rate to 9.9 gSO4
2- L-1 day-1 (100 % elimination). At a HRT of 3 h, maximum achievable sulfite and sulfate elimination rates were even 18 gSO3
2- L-1 day-1 (100% elimination) and 11 gSO4
2- L-1 day-1(50% elimination). At a HRT of 3 h, the elimination rate was limited by the biomass retention of the system. 5.5 ± 1.8% of the consumed methanol was converted to acetate, which was not further degraded by sulfate reducing bacteria present in the sludge. The acetotrophic activity of the sludge could not be stimulated by cultivating the sludge for 30 days under methanol-limiting conditions. Omitting cobalt as trace element from the influent resulted in a lower acetate production rate, but it also led to a lower sulfate reduction rate. Sulfate degradation in the reactor could be described by zeroth order kinetics down to a threshold concentration of 0.05 g L-1, while methanol degradation followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km of 0.037 gCOD L-1. 相似文献
On the behavior of the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) during the transition from carbohydrate to protein-based feedings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The influence of the organic substrate composition in the feed of an innovative reactor, the periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) is examined. A laboratory-scale PABR fed on a synthetic medium composed of mixtures of glucose (a carbohydrate) and gelatin (a protein) in various ratios performed well. The PABR seemed to be minimally affected during the gradual substitution of glucose by gelatin. In fact, the reactor performance remained at an optimal level (approximately 98%), while operated under an organic loading rate of 3.125 gCOD/l/d. 相似文献
Bolle WL van Breugel J van Eybergen GC Kossen NW van Gils W 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》1986,28(4):542-548
As a part of the development of an integral mathematical model describing the up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, the kinetics of the conversion of organic wastes has to be known. We compared the Monod model with the model proposed by Andrews et al. Together with the assumption that the substrate for the anaerobic bacteria is formed by nonionized, volatile fatty acids, the Andrews model is able to describe substrate inhibition and reactor failure due to pH changes.From four batch experiments, with different concentrations of microorganisms, it could be concluded with a reliability of over 95% that the monod model was inadequate and Andrews' model was adequate to describe the measurements. Standard statistical techniques like the X2- and the F-test were used for this purpose.From a parameter sensitivity analysis for the Andrews model it followed that the maximum specific growth rate mu(A) (max) of the bacteria and the inhibition constant K(1) are the parameters which influence the system most. Thus, these parameter were determined experimentally and most accurately. The results are: \documentclass{article}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$$\mu;{A}_{\max} = 16*10;{-4}{\rm h};{-1}\pm 2\%\quad {\rm and}\quad K_l = 0.0158\,{\rm g}\,{\rm HAc/L}\pm 2.5\%$$\end{document} The other parameters were taken from literature. From calculation of the Thiele modulus for the particles it follows that transport limitation of the substrate in the flocus is not significant. The efficiency eta is 0.85 in the worst case. 相似文献