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This, the last of a series of three papers, deals with the final events which lead to the incorporation of the spermatozoon with the egg. The material used consisted of moderately polyspermic eggs of Hydroides hexagonus, osmium-fixed at various times up to five minutes after insemination. The first direct contact of sperm head with egg proper is by means of the acrosomal tubules. These deeply indent the egg plasma membrane, and consequently at the apex of the sperm head the surfaces of the two gametes become interdigitated. But at first the sperm and egg plasma membranes maintain their identity and a cross-section through the region of interdigitation shows these two membranes as a number of sets of two closely concentric rings. The egg plasma membrane rises to form a cone which starts to project into the hole which the spermatozoon earlier had produced in the vitelline membrane by means of lysis. But the cone does not literally engulf the sperm head. Instead, where they come into contact, sperm plasma membrane and egg plasma membrane fuse to form one continuous membranous sheet. At this juncture the two gametes have in effect become mutually incorporated and have formed a single fertilized cell with one continuous bounding membrane. At this time, at least, the membrane is a mosaic of mostly egg plasma membrane and a patch of sperm plasma membrane. The evidence indicates that the fusion of the two membranes results from vesiculation of the sperm and egg plasma membranes in the region at which they come to adjoin. Once this fusion of membranes is accomplished, the egg cytoplasm intrudes between the now common membrane and the internal sperm structures, such as the nucleus, and even extends into the flagellum; finally these sperm structures come to lie in the main body of the egg. The vesiculation suggested above appears possibly to resemble pinocytosis, with the difference that the vesicles are formed from the plasma membranes of two cells. At no time, however, is the sperm as a whole engulfed and brought to the interior of the egg within a large vesicle.  相似文献   

An earlier paper showed that in Saccoglossus the acrosomal tubule makes contact with the egg plasma membrane. The present paper includes evidence that the sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse to establish the single continuous zygote membrane which, consequently, is a mosaic. Contrary to the general hypothesis of Tyler, pinocytosis or phagocytosis plays no role in zygote formation. Contact between the gametes is actually between two newly exposed surfaces: in the spermatozoon, the surface was formerly the interior of the acrosomal vesicle; in the egg, it was membrane previously covered by the egg envelopes. The concept that all the events of fertilization are mediated by a fertilizin-antifertilizin reaction seems an oversimplification of events actually observed: rather, the evidence indicates that a series of specific biochemical interactions probably would be involved. Gamete membrane fusion permits sperm periacrosomal material to meet the egg cytoplasm; if an activating substance exists in the spermatozoon it probably is periacrosomal rather than acrosomal in origin. The contents of the acrosome are expended in the process of delivering the sperm plasma membrane to the egg plasma membrane. After these membranes coalesce, the sperm nucleus and other internal sperm structures move into the egg cytoplasm.  相似文献   

This paper describes in some detail the structure of the acrosomal region of the spermatozoon of Hydroides as a basis for subsequent papers which will deal with the structural changes which this region undergoes during fertilization. The material was osmium-fixed and mild centrifugation was used to aggregate the spermatozoa from collection to final embedding. The studies concern also the acrosomal regions of frozen-thawed sperm prepared by a method which previously had yielded extracts with egg membrane lytic activity. The plasma membrane closely envelops four readily recognizable regions of the spermatozoon: acrosomal, nuclear, mitochondrial, and flagellar. The acrosome consists of an acrosomal vesicle which is bounded by a single continuous membrane, and its periphery is distinguishable into inner, intermediate, and outer zones. The inner and intermediate zones form a pocket into which the narrowed apex of the nucleus intrudes. Granular material adjoins the inner surface of the acrosomal membrane, and this material is characteristically different for each zone. Centrally, the acrosomal vesicle is spanned by an acrosomal granule: its base is at the inner zone and its apex at the outer zone. The apex of the acrosomal granule flares out and touches the acrosomal membrane over a limited area. In this limited area the adjoining granular material of the outer zone is lacking. The acrosomal membrane of the inner zone is invaginated into about fifteen short tubules. The acrosomal membrane of the outer zone is closely surrounded by the plasma membrane. At the apex of the acrosomal region a small apical vesicle is sandwiched between the plasma membrane and the acrosomal membrane. Numerous frozen-thawed specimens and occasional specimens not so treated show acrosomal regions at the apex of which there is a well defined opening or orifice. Around the rim or lip of this orifice plasma and acrosomal membranes may even be fused into a continuum. The evidence indicates that the apical vesicle and the parts of the plasma and acrosomal membranes which surround it constitute a lid, and the rim of this lid constitutes a natural "fracture line" or rim of dehiscence. Should fracture occur, the lid would be removed and the acrosomal vesicle would be open to the exterior.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼成熟卵结构及精子入卵早期的电镜观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
黄永松 《动物学报》1990,36(3):227-230
用扫描电镜观察尼罗罗非鱼(Tilopia nilotica)成熟卵卵膜孔结构和精子入卵的早期情况,用透射电镜观察成熟卵皮质,可见卵膜孔包括前庭和精孔管两部分,前庭壁及壳膜外表面上有许多小孔洞,精孔管壁呈阶梯状。卵膜孔下的卵皮质是一凹陷区,这一区域存在着皮质小泡。本实验见到5种形态的皮质小泡,其中大的皮质小泡靠近质膜。  相似文献   

In the previous paper the structure of the acrosomal region of the spermatozoon was described. The present paper describes the changes which this region undergoes during passage through the vitelline membrane. The material used consisted of moderately polyspermic eggs of Hydroides hexagonus, osmium-fixed usually 9 seconds after insemination. There are essentially four major changes in the acrosome during passage of the sperm head through the vitelline membrane. First, the acrosome breaks open apically by a kind of dehiscence which results in the formation of a well defined orifice. Around the lips of the orifice the edges of the plasma and acrosomal membranes are then found to be fused to form a continuous membranous sheet. Second, the walls of the acrosomal vesicle are completely everted, and this appears to be the means by which the apex of the sperm head is moved through the vitelline membrane. The lip of the orifice comes to lie deeper and deeper within the vitelline membrane. At the same time the lip itself is made up of constantly changing material as first the material of the outer zone and then that of the intermediate zone everts. One is reminded of the lip of an amphibian blastopore, which during gastrulation maintains its morphological identity as a lip but is nevertheless made up of constantly changing cells, with constantly changing outline and even constantly changing position. Third, the large acrosomal granule rapidly disappears. This disappearance is closely correlated with a corresponding disappearance of a part of the principal material of the vitelline membrane from before it, and the suggestion is made that the acrosomal granule is the source of the lysin which dissolves this part of the vitelline membrane. Fourth, in the inner zone the fifteen or so short tubular invaginations of the acrosomal membrane, present in the normal unreacted spermatozoon, lengthen considerably to become a tuft of acrosomal tubules. These tubules are the first structures of the advancing sperm head to touch the plasma membrane of the egg. It is notable that the surface of the acrosomal tubules which once faced into the closed acrosomal cavity becomes the first part of the sperm plasma membrane to meet the plasma membrane of the egg. The acrosomal tubules of Hydroides, which arise simply by lengthening of already existing shorter tubules, are considered to represent the acrosome filaments of other species.  相似文献   

The ultrastructur of spermatozoa and the changes through which they are differentiated during sperm formation in an echiuroid were observed under the electron microscope. Many spermatids are connected to one central cytoplasmic mass and the sperm differentiation proceeds synchronously in one sperm-ball. Dense plate-like structures appear in the cytoplasm of early spermatids and disappear soon. In the process of nuclear condensation, many electron-dense aggregates appear in homogeneously textured chromonema and the aggregates are packed together to form a uniformly dense nucleus. Near the centriole at the opposite side from the central mass, the mitochondria fuse together to form one large middle-piece mitochondrion and the acrosomal vesicle is formed from the Golgi-complex. The differentiating acrosome in the late spermatid moves to the anterior tip of the head. In the completed acrosome, a flocculent substance accumulates in the conspicuously expanded invaginated pocket of the acrosomal vesicle and two kinds of material of different electron density fill the inside of the acrosomal vesicle. The spermatozoa remain connected to the central mass at the lateral side of the head until they become fully mature and are packed into the nephridia before spawning.  相似文献   

The course of spermiogenesis in arenicola brasiliensis was observed with the electron microscope. The spermatogonia floating in the body cavity seem to proliferate and differentiate to mature spermatozoa in the coelomic fluid. More than a hundred spermatids are connected to one large central mass of cytoplasm and spermiogenesis proceeds synchronously in one cluster, which changes into a sperm-disc during maturation. The pre-acrosomal vesicle originates from the Golgi-body and gradually changes into the acrosomal vesicle of peculiar structure like a cup upside down. In the process of differentiation of the acrosome, a part of the material in the acrosomal vesicle is transferred into the space between the vesicle and the nucleus. The posterior one-third of the cylindrical nucleus is surrounded by four middle-piece mitochondria. The flagellar axoneme originates from one of the centrioles, which is located near a posterior pit in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Previous electron microscope studies of sperm-egg association in the annelid Hydroides revealed novel aspects with respect to the acrosomal region. To determine whether these aspects were unique, a comparable study was made of a species belonging to a widely separated phylum, Hemichordata. Osmium tetroxide-fixed polyspermic material of the enteropneust, Saccoglossus, was used. The acrosomal region includes the membrane-bounded acrosome, with its large acrosomal granule and shallow adnuclear invagination, and the periacrosomal material which surrounds the acrosome except at the apex; here, the acrosomal membrane lies very close to the enclosing sperm plasma membrane. After reaching the egg envelope, the spermatozoon is activated and undergoes a series of changes: the apex dehisces and around the resulting orifice the acrosomal and sperm plasma membranes form a continuous mosaic membrane. The acrosomal granule disappears. Within 7 seconds the invagination becomes the acrosomal tubule, spans the egg envelopes, and meets the egg plasma membrane. The rest of the acrosomal vesicle everts. The periacrosomal mass changes profoundly: part becomes a fibrous core (possibly equivalent to a perforatorium); part remains as a peripheral ring. The basic pattern of structure and sperm-egg association in Saccoglossus is the same as in Hydroides. Previous evidence from four other phyla as interpreted here also indicates conformity to this pattern. The major role of the acrosome is apparently to deliver the sperm plasma membrane to the egg plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The cells of brains of 2- and 3-day old mice infected with street rabies virus were examined in the electron microscope. It was observed that characteristic rod-like or elongated particles were found within a "matrix" in the cytoplasm of nerve cells and of astrocytes. These rod-like particles can be separated into two types, on the basis of slightly different morphological features. One particle is 110 to 120 mµ wide and has double-membraned coats; the other is 120 to 130 mµ wide and is covered by a single limiting membrane. The former is closely associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The biological relationship between the two types is unknown, but both types of particles are considered to be street rabies viruses because of their structural features. It is believed that segmentation and branching of elongated particles may play a role in virus multiplication. Negri bodies appear as dense round bodies containing various coarse structures but no virus particles.  相似文献   

The genera of the Opuntioideae are surveyed for certain spine and glochid structures. Retrorse scabrosity of both spines and glochids is regarded as characteristic of the subfamily. Critical differences are noted in the bases of the glochids, flattened fish-tail forms being found in Opuntia, Nopalea, Cylindropuntia, Tephrocactus, and Tacinga, and enlarged, rounded, hollow forms in Pterocactus and Grusonia. Small unflattened bases are found in Pereskiopsis and Quiahentia. Minor variations of the flattened form of glochid base are noted in Cylindropuntia, Austrocylindropuntia, and Opuntia brasiliensis; and the possible significance of the structures is discussed.  相似文献   

应用扫描和透射电镜观察鸡疟原虫在白纹伊蚊体内发育的成孢子细胞和子孢子形成过程的形态特征。扫描电镜观察,成孢子细胞形状多样,呈长形、圆形、椭圆形,常为不规则形。子孢子较其他疟原虫短粗、稍弯曲。透射电镜观察可见在成孢子细胞形成初期,首先在卵囊被膜下层出现许多液泡,这些液泡逐渐增大且伸入卵囊的胞质内,而形成许多裂缝;继之,裂缝互相连接,而将卵囊胞质割裂为许多团块状成孢子细胞。子孢子芽从成孢子细胞体表面长出,逐渐发育成长形子孢子,此时可见其前端内部出现棒状体和微线体等细胞器。  相似文献   

1. Observations on the morphological changes of mitochondria preparatory to the formation of the nebenkern, as well as changes within the nebenkern, are reported. 2. Mitochondria enlarge and divide during the meiotic divisions. 3. The mitochondria of the spermatid elongate, become filamentous, form a crescent, and partially encircle the nucleus. 4. Nodes which develop on either end of the crescent become entwined as they move toward each other. 5. The two nodes coalesce to form a filamentous or early type nebenkern which is described by others as chromophilic. 6. Internal rearrangement and partial dissolution of the filaments result in the development of the late or chromophobic nebenkern which separates into two distinct bodies. 7. The nebenkern moieties send out processes toward the centrosome, and after making contact, elongate and occupy part of the space between the tail filaments and sheath of the spermatozoon.  相似文献   

Scott , Flora Murray , Virginia Sjaholm, and Edwin Bowler (U. California, Los Angeles.) Light and electron microscope studies of the primary xylem of Ricinus communis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(3) : 162-173. Illus. 1960.–The development of annular and spiral vessels in Ricinus communis has been examined under light and electron miscroscopes. Under the light microscope it is seen that spiral elements make up the bulk of the primary xylem. Pits and plasmodesmata are ubiquitous and are demonstrable in vertical and end walls. Plasmodesmata are evident in spiral thickenings. During tissue growth, intercellular spaces are formed between surrounding cells and developing vessels. These circum-vessel spaces are first lined with and later occluded by suberinlike substances. Traces of a material similar in microchemical reaction are laid down in the middle lamella. A suberin-like lining, termed in this paper the lipid lining, stainable with dimethylaminoazobenzene, occurs in mature living vessel elements. Innumerable minute fat-like droplets, refringent, and stainable with Sudan III, Sudan Black and also with osmic acid, occur in the outer cytoplasm and appear to be attached to the vessel lining by fine protoplasmic strands. They presumably are the source of the wall deposits. After the death of the protoplast, the vessel walls appear completely suberized. When contiguous cells are removed by treatment with I2ki-H2SO4, their site and the site of the intercellular spaces remain marked by linear suberized ridges on the vessel wall. Annular and spiral thickenings arise as cellulose strands and begin to lignify only when the vessel reaches maximum diameter. In transverse section, the broken end of an extracted spiral thickening appears stratified. Under the electron microscope, pits and plasmodesmata are evident in procambial and in differentiating xylem elements in all walls. Annular and spiral thickening are distinguishable first as closely woven microfibrillar cellulose bands. As lignin is deposited in the microfibrillar mesh, the thickenings become dense to the electron beam. Irradiation with the full strength of the electron beam distinguishes between spiral thickenings in younger and older vessels. Older spirals remain apparently unchanged. Younger spirals instantly swell, volatilize in part, and assume a moniliform outline. The bead-like swellings consist of a matrix partly transparent to the electron beam and an internal framework of a material comparatively dense to the electron beam. Similar intense irradiation differentiates between younger and older vessel linings. Older linings appear unchanged, while the younger react violently, volatilize in part and stabilize as an irregular coagulum set in a basic mesh. The volatilized substances appear as granules on lining surface or on substrate. The changing microfibrillar pattern of the cell wall is observed from the procambial stage to the final deposition of the lipid vessel lining.  相似文献   

An equation of Lighthill's is used to calculate sperm thrusts. They have values in the range 5–350 pN, depending on species. The limitations of this approach are discussed and comparison is made with the measured thrust for human sperm. The effect of sperm thrusts of this magnitude on covalent bonds and reversible bonds is discussed. Sperm cannot break covalent bonds, but can reduce the lifetime of reversible bonds.
The structure and physical properties of the zona pellucida are examined in relation to sperm penetration. The evidence suggests that sperm cannot penetrate it solely by force. A model for sperm penetration is elaborated in which the conjunctive application of thrust and a soluble enzyme leads to strain-induced proteolysis and the formation of the penetration slit. The potential mechanism of the zona block is discussed, as is the site of the acrosome reaction. The effects of other mechanical inputs into fertilization such as stirring and swimming are examined briefly. Evidence suggests that sperm penetration of the cumulus oophorus and cervical mucus is mechanical, but that in the case of cervical mucus, it is affected by changes in the physical properties of the mucus.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹消化道组织学及扫描电镜研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对中华绒螯蟹成蟹消化道各段进行了光镜组织学结构的观察;应用扫描电镜技术,观察了中华绒螯蟹消化道各段黏膜上皮表面超微结构特征。结果表明:除中肠及后盲囊外,整个消化道黏膜上皮表面均有较厚的分泌物层和较发达的纤毛层。纤毛形态结构各异;以食道和后肠分布最密,胃和肠球次之。消化道各段黏膜上皮细胞表面均形成大小不一、形态各异的多级皱褶和嵴。仅中肠表面具典型微绒毛结构。各消化道段黏膜上皮表面均未见杯状细胞,上皮下基膜发达,黏膜下层明显,消化腺分布其间。整个消化道壁的肌层均为横纹肌,且排列疏松,外膜多为浆膜。  相似文献   

Developing oocytes, ranging from approximately 0.1 to 1.0 mm in diameter, in Necturus were studied with the electron microscope. The outer layer of the nuclear envelope is actively engaged in the formation of vesicular elements along most of its surface, especially in smaller oocytes. Groups of vesicles appear to be released into the ooplasm at about the same time, resulting in long chains of individual vesicles immediately adjacent to the nuclear membrane. This process is repeated so that chains of vesicles grouped in rather ordered ranks extend progressively into the surrounding cytoplasm. Eventually, the cytoplasm becomes more concentrated with chains of vesicles and the distance between the individual rows becomes less. Very soon after a chain of vesicles has been budded off from the nuclear membrane, fine intervesicular connections appear between certain of the vesicles comprising the rows. Several of the vesicles in a row may then fuse, forming short, flattened cisternae. Fusion of vesicles continues, individual rows of vesicles become more closely packed and, finally, regions appear in the cytoplasm which have the appearance of annulate lamellae. Further growth of the lamellae appears to occur by the progressive fusion of vesicles at the ends of those lamellae already present, as well as by the addition of other fusing rows of vesicles.  相似文献   

Microvilli of HeLa cells cultured in vitro were preserved for electron microscopic examination at different stages of routine cultivation procedures. By a double-embedding technique, vertical sectioning for electron microscopy was possible. It revealed that, although the microvilli were present on all sides of the cell in the dispersed stage and in the attached stage, they were not present on the bottom of the cell when it was stretched on the surface of the dish. When the cells were grown in dense colonies, they were found on top of each other, and microvilli were present on all sides, except on the bottom surface of those cells in contact with the dish. We achieved a more dramatic demonstration of the microvilli by developing a surface-replica technique which retains their spatial arrangement and permits characterization of the distribution of their number, length, and diameter.  相似文献   

透射电子显微镜(TEM)在孢粉学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
透射电子显微镜作为常规的显微镜工具,已被广泛运用于观察研究生物组织超微构造,20世纪60年代开始在生物化石的研究中得到应用,特别是孢粉学,如大孢子、花粉、疑源类等的研究。通过对处理后的化石样品进行超薄切片,可观察到生物组织中保存下来的有机质壁及内含物的显微构造,对孢粉系统分类学及个体发育学的研究有重要的作用。即使是古生代的或更早期的生物样品也有一些保存下来的有价值的组织可供于超微构造的研究,只是样品在进行前期处理及超薄切片过程中会遇到一些技术问题。文章简要阐述这些具体技术问题。  相似文献   

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