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A new species of microsporidium, Nolleria pulicis, is described and named here from the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The genus Nolleria is created and placed within the family Chytridiopsidae. The family is slightly modified to accommodate certain features of intracellular development seen in N. pulicis, which is otherwise very similar to other species in the family Chytridiopsidae. Sporulation is described from ultrastructural analysis of infected midgut epithelial cells of adult C. felis. The term “multiple division by vacuolation” is proposed for describing sporogony as it occurs in this species and certain related species of microsporidia. The probable mode of transmission and apparent absence of merogony are discussed.  相似文献   

Specimens of fleas Ctenocephalides felis felis (1052 female symbol/448 male symbol), obtained from 150 dogs in Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were dissected and examined for endosymbionts. Three protozoan, Nolleria pulicis, a gregarine (Actinocephalidae) and Leptomonas sp., together with one cestode, Dipylidium caninum were identified. Infections by N. pulicis and Leptomonas sp. occurred mainly in the warm-rainy period. The prevalence and distribution of these endosymbionts in fleas derived from Brazil and South America, and the their variation according to sex and season, are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

A new sand-dwelling ciliate, Discotricha papillifera n.g., n.sp., is described and allocated to the trichostome family Trichopelmidae. The species seems to be one of the most highly differentiated members of the family. The peculiar type of its body ciliature and of its buccal structures suggests affinities with certain other major groups of ciliated protozoa; from an evolutionary point of view the organism appears to show close relationship to the gymnostome family Chlamydodontidae.  相似文献   

Babesia leo, a small piroplasm isolated from lions in South Africa is described as a distinct species based on a phylogenetic analysis of the 18S rRNA gene. Intraerythrocytic trophozoite and merozoite stages of B. leo are morphologically indistinguishable from other small piroplasms of felids. Previous studies showed that B. leo was biologically and antigenically distinct from B. felis, which is known to infect wild and domestic felids in South Africa. Molecular characterization showed strong support for the phylogenetic seperation of B. leo as a distinct species from B. felis and other felid piroplasms. Phylogenetic analysis also showed that Babesia microti and all of the felid piroplasms from Africa with known 18S rRNA gene sequences available, including B. leo, formed a single, separate clade, sister to the other babesial and theilerial piroplasm parasites.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of belid weevils, Pleurambus strongylus Poinar and Legalov, n. gen., n. sp. (Coleoptera: Belidae) in the tribe Allocorynini is described from Dominican amber. Belid fossils are quite rare and the new species is the first fossil member of the family from the Neotropics. This discovery suggests that belid diversity in Hispaniola during the Tertiary was higher than at present since no extant belids have been reported from the West Indies.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DF79FF39-634D-4BD7-AD0B-F5FB3BBE1081  相似文献   

Acanthotrema felis n. sp. (Digenea: Heterophyidae) is described from adult flukes recovered in the small intestine of stray cats caught in the southwestern part of the Republic of Korea. The worms were characterized by minute body size, the presence of a bipartite seminal vesicle, and a ventral sucker associated with a ventrogenital sac, which enclosed 3 sclerites (2 long and pointed, and I short and thumblike), and an unarmed gonotyl. They were assigned to Acanthotrema Travassos, 1928, which currently contains 4 species. The new species resembles A. acanthotrema, the type species, because both have 3 sclerites on the ventrogenital sac. However, all 3 sclerites in the new species are armed with minute spines on their base, whereas only 2 sclerites in A. acanthotrema have minute spines near their tips. Three species of Stictodora Looss, 1899, namely,Stictodora tridactyla Martin and Kuntz, 1955, S. cursitans Kinsella and Heard, 1974, and S. tanayensis Velasquez, 1973, are transferred to Acanthotrema, and the new species is distinguished from them particularly in terms of the number and shape of its sclerites. The generic diagnosis of Acanthotrema is emended.  相似文献   

Amphyllodomus incurvaria gen. et sp.n. is described and figured. The species lives among hydroids and algae and has a remarkable domiciliary biology in that it carries around a house built of two oval pieces of brown algae cut out by the animal itself. The species is placed in the Amphithoidae, but certain deviations from that family place it in an isolated position.  相似文献   

Synopsis. Facieplatycauda pratti gen. n., sp. n. and Myxobolus kozloffi sp. n., from the Klamath Lake sucker, Catostomus luxatus (Cope), are described. The new genus is placed in the family Myxobolidae between Henneguya and Myxobolus. The spore valves beyond the sporoplasmic space are broad and long but not attenuated as an inverted triangle as in certain species of Myxobolus with tails, or of Henneguya with sometimes bifurcated tails. An organism resembling Myxobolus insidiosus (Wyatt & Pratt) was found in the muscle of the body of Salmo clarki (Richardson). Differences in spore structure and site of infection suggest this is a subspecies of the previous form which should be designated Myxobolus insidiosus clarki. A previously unreported species of Myxobolus from Cottus aleuticus (Gilbert) is also described.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent a protein family with a wide range of functions. Approximately 30% of human drug targets are GPCRs, illustrating their pharmaceutical relevance. In contrast, the knowledge about invertebrate GPCRs is limited and is mainly restricted to model organisms like Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. Especially in ectoparasites like ticks and fleas, only few GPCRs are characterised. From the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis, a relevant parasite of cats and dogs, no GPCRs are known so far. Thus, we performed a bioinformatic analysis of available insect GPCR sequences from the honeybee Apis mellifera, the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and genomic sequences from insect species. Aim of this analysis was the identification of highly conserved GPCRs in order to clone orthologs of these candidates from Ctenocephalides felis. It was found that the dopamine receptor family revealed highest conservation levels and thus was chosen for further characterisation. In this work, the identification, full-length cloning and functional expression of the first GPCR from Ctenocephalides felis, the dopamine receptor II (CfDopRII), are described.  相似文献   

A new species of planorbid mollusc, Plesiophysa dolichomastix (Greek dolichos = long, mastix = flagellum), collected from Lagoa da Pedra, municipality of Santa Rosa, state of Goiás, Brazil (15 degrees 01'S, 47 degrees 13'W) is described. It is indistinguishable by the shell characters from the five congeneric species described so far: P. striata (Orbigny, 1841), P. granulata ("Shuttleworth" Sowerby, 1873), P. guadeloupensis ("Fischer" Mazé, 1883), P. ornata (Haas, 1938) and P. hubendicki Richards & Ferguson, 1962. It differs from the anatomically studied species in the following characters: about 50 ovotestis diverticula, against 12 in granulata, 100 in ornata, unstated in hubendicki; and length of flagella - about as long as the penial complex -, against about 1/3 to 1/6 in the other three.  相似文献   

A new species of the order Anaspidacea, Psammaspides williamsi gen.n., sp.n., is described from Australia. It belongs to a family of its own, Psammaspididae fam.n. This family seems to bridge the gap between the Stygocarididae and the Anaspidacea. The new species was found in gravel along a stream in northern New South Wales extending the range of distribution of the Anaspidacea far beyond its known limits to the north. It is the first fully interstitial species within the Anaspidacea.


Eine neue Art der Ordnung Anaspidacea, Psammaspides williamsi gen.n., sp.n. wird aus Australien beschrieben. Sie gehört zu einer neuen Familie, den Psammaspididae. Diese Familie scheint zwischen den Stygocarididae und den Anaspidacea zu vermitteln. Die neue Art wurde im Schotter eines Baches im nördlichen New South Wales entdeckt und dehnt das Verbreitungsareal der Anaspidacea weit über seine bisher bekannten Grenzen nach Norden aus. Es ist die erste echt mesopsammale Art innerhalb der Anaspidacea.  相似文献   

Heptamegacanthus niekerki n. g., n. sp. is described from the giant golden mole Chrysospalax trevelyani (Günther, 1875) from south-east Africa. It differs from other genera and species in the family mainly by its smaller size, and the number and greater size of hooks in the anterior ring. The family Oligacanthorhynchidae is briefly discussed and a host-parasite list is given for the family Chrysochloridae.  相似文献   

Macrosiagon deuvei n. sp., the second fossil representative of this extant genus of Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini is described from the lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). The new species is compared with the extant species of the genus. Taxonomic position of other two fossil representatives of the family described from France by Perrichot et al. (2004) is discussed. The genus Paleoripiphorus Perrichot et al. 2004 is tentatively transferred from Ripiphorinae to Ripidiinae.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila felis (Chlamydia psittaci feline pneumonitis agent) is a worldwide spread pathogen for pneumonia and conjunctivitis in cats. Herein, we determined the entire genomic DNA sequence of the Japanese C. felis strain Fe/C-56 to understand the mechanism of diseases caused by this pathogen. The C. felis genome is composed of a circular 1,166,239 bp chromosome encoding 1005 protein-coding genes and a 7552 bp circular plasmid. Comparison of C. felis gene contents with other Chlamydia species shows that 795 genes are common in the family Chlamydiaceae species and 47 genes are specific to C. felis. Phylogenetic analysis of the common genes reveals that most of the orthologue sets exhibit a similar divergent pattern but 14 C. felis genes accumulate more mutations, implicating that these genes may be involved in the evolutional adaptation to the C. felis-specific niche. Gene distribution and orthologue analyses reveal that two distinctive regions, i.e. the plasticity zone and frequently gene-translocated regions (FGRs), may play important but different roles for chlamydial genome evolution. The genomic DNA sequence of C. felis provides information for comprehension of diseases and elucidation of the chlamydial evolution.  相似文献   

The Javan ferret-badger Melogale orientalis (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Helictidinae) is a small carnivore endemic to Indonesia. In the family Mustelidae, 10 Eimeria, 12 Cystoisopora, one Isospora, and one Hammondia species are known, but no eimeriid coccidia has been yet described in the subfamily Helictinidae (ferret badgers). Coproscopic examination of Javan ferret-badgers imported into the Czech Republic revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts. Sporulated oocysts differ from other Eimeria known in the family Mustelidae by their small size (12.4–16.1 × 10.4–13.4 μm) and ovoidal shape. Morphological data and phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and COI genes indicated a new species of Eimeria found in faecal samples of Javan ferret badgers. The species is described as E. melogale n. sp.  相似文献   

A new species of aseptate gregarine, Sphinctocystis phyllodoces gen. n., sp. n., from the gut of a polychaete Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 from White Sea is described. The electron and light microscopic data on trophozoits are presented. Taxonomy of the described species is discussed. Certain ultrastructural characters are included in generic and specific diagnoses. Order Eugregarinida Leger, 1900; suborder Aseptata Chakravarty, 1960; family Lecudinidae Kamm, 1922. GENUS: Sphinctocystis gen. n. TYPE SPECIES: Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the family. Free trophozoits elongated, often with several annular constrictions. Anterior end asymmetric, without hooks, not separated from the body, with small apical papilla encircled by smooth area. Epicyte "classical", without additional axial formations at the tops of folds; epicytic folds high, monomorphic in cross sections, finger-shaped, with parallel sidewalls. In the gut of polychaetes. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The new genus differs from Lecudina by having asymmetric anterior end, developed smooth area around the apical papilla, and monomorphic epicytic folds looking finger-shaped in cross sections. It also differs from Lankesteria by the absence of additional axial formations at the tops of the epicytic folds. It differs from both named genera by presence of annular constrictions on the trophozoit body. Sphinctocystis phyllodoces sp. n. DIAGNOSIS: Characters of the genus. Free trophozoits elongated, large, up to 617 x x 77 um. The average height of epicytic folds 976 nm, thickness 194 nm; there are 6-8 apical filaments and rippled dense structures per fold. Nucleus spherical (ellipsoid after fixation), 24-52 microm along longest axis, localised in anterior third of the body, carries several karyosomes of various size; 25-30 nm thick fibrils (possible fragments of nucleolonema) may be present in karyolymph. Other stages unknown. TYPE SERIES: Microscope preparation with 7 trophozoits, Karacci's haematoxylin stained, is kept in the Zoological museum of the Moscow State University (collection number: Z-1). TYPE HOST: Phyllodoce citrina Malmgren, 1865 (Polychaeta: Phyllodocidae). LOCALISATION: Mid-gut. TYPE LOCALITY: White Sea Biological Station of the Moscow State University, Yeremeyevsky Rapid, Velikaya Salma Strait, Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea.  相似文献   

A new dracunculoid genus and species, Moravecia australiensis, is described from gill-filaments of the green porcupine fish Tragulichthys jaculiferus (Cuvier) (Tetraodontiformes: Diodontidae) from Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Abundant mobile larvae and a few adult males with females occurred in the gill-filament between the epithelial basement membrane and efferent artery. Gills of all 69 fish examined contained larvae. Eleven harboured adult nematodes of a previously undescribed species belonging to the family Guyanemidae. The new species is placed within a newly proposed genus because it differs from the four existing genera in the family in possessing fine cuticular transverse striations, two forward protruding cephalic elevations, a circumoral elevation, a small triangular mouth surrounded by six cephalic papillae arranged in two lateral clusters of three each and a pair of large lateral amphids. Males have two pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae supporting the caudal alae. A key to the genera of the Guyanemidae is presented.  相似文献   

Two species of Digenea are recorded from the intestine of Percichthys trucha (Percichthydae) from Patagonian water bodies. Polylekithum percai n. sp. (Allocreadiidae) is distinguished by its body size, the relative size of the suckers, the anterior extension of the vitelline fields, the number of eggs in the uterus and the different species of fish host from the two previously described species of Polylekithum. Homalometron (= Austrocreadium) papilliferum (Szidat, 1956) n. comb. is redescribed. Due to its spined tegument and the absence of a cirrus-sac, this species is considered a member of the family Apocreadiidae.  相似文献   

Abstract. Tertiapatus dominicanus n.g., n.sp. (Tertiapatidae n.fam.) and Succinipatopsis balticus n.gen., n.sp. (Succinipatopsidae n.fam.) (Lobopodia: Onychophora), the first Tertiary fossils of the Lobopodia, are described from Dominican and Baltic amber, respectively. Both families are characterized by the presence of simple legs lacking foot portions with claws and pads. Tertiapatidae is further characterized by soluble body pigments and oral papillae shorter than the legs. Succinipatopsidae is characterized by non-soluble body pigments and oral papillae longer than the legs. Nomenclatural changes include the erection of the class Udeonychophora n. nom. for terrestrial onychophorans with a ventral mouth, the order Ontonychophora n.nom. for extant onychophorans possessing legs with a differentiated "foot" portion, and the family Helenodoridae n.nom. for the genus Helenodora from the Carboniferous. The biogeographical significance of these fossils and their phylogenetic relationship with previously described onychophorans are discussed.  相似文献   

Truyolsodontos estauni n. gen., n. sp. is described based on fossil teeth from the middle and upper Cenomanian of northern Spain. The species Protoscyliorhinus magnusLandemaine, 1991 is withdrawn from the genus Protoscyliorhinus and placed in this new one. For the new genus, the new family Truyolsodontidae is proposed.  相似文献   

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