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Nuclear division and migration of cleavage nuclei in the embryos of Bradysia tritici (Diptera : Sciaridae) have been studied by light microscopy and nuclear staining. There are 8 cleavage cycles up to the syncytial blastoderm stage (4.5 hr), and during the 11th cycle cellularization begins (6.5 hr). The first 3 divisions take about 30 min each. During the 5th and 6th cycles, the maximum rate of division is reached (12 min/cycle at 22°C). After pole cell formation, the duration of the following mitotic cycles increases progressively. During nuclear migration, the presumptive germ line nuclei reach the egg cortex first, followed by anterior somatic nuclei and finally, posterior somatic nuclei reach the egg cortex. Possibly as a result of this region-specific nuclear migration, nuclear divisions become parasynchronous after 3 hr of embryogenesis (4th cycle). Several mitotic cycles later, between the 8th and 10th cycle in different embryos, X-chromosome elimination in somatic nuclei begins at the anterior egg pole and progresses in anteroposterior direction. Our observations suggest that the observed region-specific differences may be due to the activity of localized factors in the egg that control migration and nuclear cycle of the somatic nuclei.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of symbiotic prokaryotes (bacteroids) in ovarian follicles and young embryos of Bradysia ( Sciara ) was studied using light and electron microscopy. In mid-vitellogenic follicles (prior to oosome formation) isolated from 8-h-old midges, most symbionts were scattered in the ooplasm. Later, during oogenesis and concomitant with the formation of the oosome, symbionts aggregated at the posterior pole of the follicle. During early embryogenesis, large symbiont clusters were seen between the oolemma and oosome and lateral to the oosome. When the presumptive pole-cell nuclei moved into the oosome, the bacteroids became scattered in and around the prospective germ plasm, and many of them became incorporated into the pole cells. At the anterior pole, a nearly symbiontfree area could be recognized at first (anterior cone), but later on symbionts aggregated there (usually best seen in 1-h embryos). Thereafter, smaller symbiont clusters spread into more lateral parts of the thickened anterior cortex. Finally, the aggregates became dispersed when cleavage nuclei moved into the anterior egg cortex. The distribution of symbionts may reflect cytoplasmic streaming or other transport phenomena during development which could participate in oosome formation or in the histological differentiation of the anterior egg cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The development of follicles fromBradysia tritici (syn.Sciara ocellaris) during in vitro culture was studied. When follicles are isolated from 12-h-old females and placed in Robb's R-14 medium, their nurse cells regress with the same kinetics as in vivo and a histologically normal oosome forms at the posterior pole of the oocyte. Protein synthesis during in vitro development was studied by labelling follicles for 15 min and culturing them in vitro until the oosome had formed (28 h after eclosion of the donor). The time-course of protein labelling was defined by studying the incorporation kinetics of3H-amino acids into TCA-precipitable material; 50% of the radioactivity in the follicles was incorporated into TCA-precipitable material in less than 30 min. Autoradiographs of follicles labelled at different stages of oogenesis always showed a labelled oosome even if the labelling period was hours before oosome formation. These results indicate that the synthesis of oosome material starts long before the oosome forms at the end of vitellogenesis. Oosome formation can be inhibited by colchicine (20 g/ml) and is, therefore, likely to be dependent directly or indirectly on microtubule function.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and morphogenesis of the micropylar apparatus (MPA) have been studied in follicles of the fungus gnatBradysia tritici. The MPA is formed by a group of follicle cells located at the anterior pole of the single large nurse cell. In principle, the MPA consists of two thickened plates made of vitelline membrane material, the lower (LMP) and upper micropylar plate (UMP). The former is synthesized by 3 follicle cells, the latter by 4 different follicle cells. The micropylar channel system consists of a central channel with a single outer orifice and three branches which reach the plasma membrane of the oocyte. The branches are moulded by cellular extensions of the LMP-forming cells which are sandwiched between the two growing micropylar plates. Microtubuli and microfilaments were identified parallel to the long axis of the cellular extensions. At the time of MPA synthesis the nurse cell is still large and hence the MPA-forming cells have no contact to the oocyte. At the end of oogenesis when the regression of the nurse cell is completed, the MPA becomes connected to the other parts of the egg shell. At this time an ultrastructurally homogeneous region forms in the adjacent ooplasm (cytoplasmic cone). The possible relevance of these cytological observations for the control of development is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The double abdomen type of embryonic segment pattern can develop in posterior fragments ofCallosobruchus eggs. In this type of pattern, a series of posterior segments is joined in reversed polarity to an equal set from the original pattern persisting in normal polarity. Reversed and non-reversed sets are fused in a plane of mirror symmetry, which shows in the larval cuticle as a symmetry line. This line may be located anywhere in the posterior thorax or the anterior abdomen. The reversed abdomen may be incomplete caudally due to secondary causes. Polarity reversal and concomitant double abdomen formation occurred only when temporary constriction was terminated before cellularization of the blastoderm, and only when the anterior fragment was degenerating. Maximum reversal frequency was 94% of analyzable posterior partial larvae when the constriction was applied slightly anterior to the middle of the egg when the egg contained 4–32 nuclei. Reversal was often restricted to longitudinal strips of the larval cuticle. The longitudinal borderlines between the reversed and the non-reversed strips ran predominantly along the larval midlines. Such borderlines probably existed in the blastoderm anywhere around its circumference, but borderlines in the future mesoderm and serosa would be internalized during gastrulation and dorsal closure, respectively, and the embryonic midlines would then become secondary borderlines visible in the larval cuticle. If a morphogen is involved in segment pattern formation, its transport in the egg must be polarized longitudinally in order to account for reversals restricted to longitudinal cuticular strips.  相似文献   

Summary The embryonic body pattern of Chironomus samoensis, as well as other chironomids, can be altered dramatically by irradiating their eggs with ultraviolet light (UV). Anterior UV irradiation leads to the formation of double abdomen embryos whose anterior segments are replaced by posterior segments with reversed polarity. Most double abdomens are symmetrical showing a mirror image duplication of the posterior six or seven segments. However, in some cases the anterior end of the double abdomen is shorter, and comprises fewer segments, than its posterior counterpart. These asymmetries range from moderate to extreme. They involve the juxtaposition, at the plane of polarity reversal, of disparate segments. The same range of symmetrical and asymmetrical double abdomens is also formed spontaneously in an apparently mutant strain of C. samoensis. There are striking similarities between this natural variant and the Drosophila melanogaster mutant bicaudal which are also discussed with respect to models of embryonic pattern formation.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the chironomid midgeSmittia spec., UV-irradiation of anterior pole regions results in double abdomen formation. In this abnormal body pattern, head and thorax are replaced by a mirror image of the abdomen. Irradiation at a particular stage between nuclear migration and blastoderm formation, and with the anterior pole facing the UV-beam, yields 100% double abdomens after a minimum UV-dose (140 J·m–2 at 285 nm wavelength). By subsequent exposure to light of longer wavelength, embryos can be reprogrammed so that they develop normally again. The irradiation procedure described is suitable for programming large numbers of embryos for double abdomen formation, with a minimum of side effects and virtually complete photoreversibility.  相似文献   

【目的】为了揭示山东省韭菜迟眼蕈蚊Bradysia odoriphaga Yang et Zhang种群共生菌 Wolbachia 的感染率及其分类地位,探讨该共生菌对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊的潜在影响。【方法】利用线粒体细胞色素氧化酶I(mtCOI)基因引物(LCO1490/HCO2198),通过扩增测序和序列比对对采自山东省12个地区的根蛆种群进行了分类鉴定。在上述基础上,利用 Wolbachia 的16S rDNA和 wsp 基因特异引物(分别为16S-F/16S-R和81F/691R)对鉴别出的11个韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群体内Wolbachia 感染情况进行了PCR检测;对感染个体体内 Wolbachia 依据16S rDNA基因片段序列进行分类鉴定。【结果】山东省12个根蛆种群中,11个种群为韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群。基于 Wolbachia 的16S rDNA基因特异引物检测结果发现,这些韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群广泛感染 Wolbachia (感染率为6.67%~93.33%),而利用wsp 基因特异引物检测的感染率(0.00%~40.00%)相对较低些。基于 Wolbachia 的16S rDNA基因构建系统发育树表明,这些韭菜迟眼蕈蚊种群感染的Wolbachia 全部属于A组。【结论】确定了 Wolbachia 在山东省韭菜迟眼蕈蚊体内的感染率及其分类地位,为研究 Wolbachia 对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊生物学及生态学的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Folsomia Candida was maintained on potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates precolonised by the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans for 3 yr but the sciarid Bradysia sp. survived for a maximum of only three generations. Collembolans and sciarid larvae from these cultures were able to transmit C. minitans to uninoculated PDA plates through the survival of spores in faecal pellets. Adult and larval sciarids also transmitted C. minitans from PDA culture to uninoculated PDA plates by contamination on the cuticle. In soil and sand both sciarids and collembolans were able to transmit C. minitans from C. m/m'tans-inoculated to uninoculated sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Inoculation of sclerotia with C. minitans enabled greater populations of larger collembolans to develop. In the glasshouse where C. minitans had been applied to the soil, one adult sciarid and four collembolans out of 70 and 101 insects collected respectively yielded C. minitans on placement onto PDA + Aureomycin.  相似文献   

To evaluate the threat that anthropogenic substances pose to animals when they are emitted into the environment, tests like the invertebrate embryo toxicity test with the ramshorn snail Marisa cornuarietis have been developed. These tests are used to investigate substances like the heavy metal platinum (Pt) that is used in catalytic converters and is gradually released in car exhausts. In 2010, our group reported that high Pt concentrations cause body plan alterations in snails and prevent the formation of an external shell during M. cornuarietis embryogenesis. Now, this study presents scanning‐electron micrographs and histological sections of platinum2+ (Pt2+)‐treated and untreated M. cornuarietis embryos and compares “normally” developing and “shell‐less” embryos during embryogenesis, to reveal the exact course of events that lead to this body plan shift. Both groups showed similar development until the onset of torsion 70‐ to 82‐h postfertilization. In the Pt2+‐exposed embryos, the rudimentary shell gland (=anlage of both shell gland and mantle, which usually evaginates, grows, and eventually covers the visceral sac) does not spread across the visceral sac but remains on its ventral side. Without the excessive growth of the shell gland, a horizontal rotation of the visceral sac relative to head and foot does not occur, as being normal during the process of torsion. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. Serpulidae encompasses polychaete species whose members have fused anterior ends bearing a tentacular crown, a heteronomous segmented body with a thorax and abdomen, and “chaetal inversion” between the two tagmata. The sessile filter‐feeding organisms live in self‐built, coiled, calcareous tubes on algae. The F‐actin muscular subset of Spirorbis cf. spirorbis was stained with phalloidin and three‐dimensionally reconstructed by means of cLSM, aiming to investigate (1) how the tentacular crown is organized and moved, (2) whether the internal structures, e.g., musculature, follow the thorax–abdomen inversion, and (3) whether circular muscles are present in serpulids. The third aim is by reason of recent investigations suggesting that lack of circular muscle fibers may be a common situation rather than a rare variation in polychaetes. In this manner, this article is part of a comparative evaluation of polychaete muscle systems. We found that longitudinal muscles of the body wall project into the tentacular crown, and that radioli and pinnulae possess three muscle types each, facilitating their great mobility. Operculum, collar, and a pair of unidentified organs possess distinct F‐actin filaments. The trunk is mainly moved by five longitudinal muscle strands, most obvious in the abdomen: two dorsal, two ventral, and an unpaired ventromedian one, out of which the dorsal ones are the strongest. In anterior regions, the two dorsal strands form a single continuous layer; the separated strands lessen posteriorly. Solitary transverse fibers are located ventrally in the middle of each segment, stretching between longitudinal muscles and coelomic lining laterally, where they end. Peripheral and central dorsoventral muscles, two pairs per segment each, are present. Circular fibers as well as bracing muscles were not detected. The results indicate that the musculature does not follow the thorax–abdomen inversion and Serpulidae represents the 15th polychaete taxon in which circular fibers are totally missing.  相似文献   

The occurrence of double aneuploidy in the same individual is a relatively rare phenomenon. We describe twin newborns with typical clinical features of Down's syndrome, of which one revealed 48,XXY,+21 GTG-band karyotype. The second newborn died 2 days after its birth, and was clinically diagnosed having Down syndrome. Due to the same clinical features of the twins, the common placenta and amniotic sac, we speculate that they were monozygotics and as a result the second newborn should also be a Klinefelter. The purpose of this report is to present a rare case of possible coincidence of double aneuploidy in newborn twins. A review of the literature showed that double trisomy (48,XXY,+21) in a twin newborn infant has never occurred.  相似文献   

Agricultural and forestry pest species of the Bradysia tilicola group from Japan were revised taxonomically after examination of the type specimens. A sciarid pest of Welsh onion occurred from northern Saitama, Japan since 2014 and later from south‐eastern Gunma, Japan, was identified as B. odoriphaga Yang & Zhang, 1985, sp. rev. It was removed from synonymy of B. cellarum Frey, 1948, being the first record of the species from Japan. Bradysia agrestis Sasakawa, 1978, was assigned to be a junior synonym of B. impatiens (Johannsen, 1912). Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski, 1960, sp. rev. , was removed from synonymy of B. impatiens and was recognized as a distinct species. We also compiled their host plants and fungi hitherto reported from Japan. Bradysia impatiens was here recorded from an indoor facility of cloud ear fungus, Auricularia polytricha (Montagne) Sacc., for the first time. At least 19 cultural crops belonging to 12 plant and fungal families were reported as actual and potential hosts of B. impatiens. We suggested that B. impatiens and B. paupera might have been confused in studies of mushroom production in Japan. Further survey of distribution of B. paupera in Japan needs to be done.  相似文献   

Immune defense imposes fitness costs as well as benefits, so organisms should optimize, not maximize, their immune function through their life cycle. We investigated this issue in the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae), which is a pine-killing invasive beetle in China, though it is usually considered as a secondary pest in its native range of North America. We hypothesized that pathogen pressure may affect these beetles differently throughout their life history. We measured the insect's immunocompetence throughout life, determining encapsulation ability and phenoloxidase activity in larval stages, pupae and adults. Pupae had the highest encapsulation ability, but encapsulation was not different between final instar larvae and adults. Phenoloxidase (PO) activity was highest in final instar larvae and pupae, followed by the second instar larvae and adults. Total phenoloxidase activity increased significantly from the second instar larval stage to pupae, and then decreased in adults. Although the second instar larvae had the lowest phenoloxidase activity, more than 90% of total PO existed in the hemolymph in the form of the active enzyme, as compared with pupae, in which over 60% of PO occurred as a proenzyme. Both active PO and total PO were much higher in females than in males, though no significant differences were detected between the encapsulation ability of male and female adults. This result suggests the existence of a sexual dimorphism of immunocompetence in D. valens adults. Variations in immunocompetence across developmental stages suggest that D. valens adopts diverse investment strategies in immunocompetence during different stages. Potential reasons for variation in immunocompetence among developmental stages and between the sexes of D. valens are discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of cellobiose cleavage by phosphorolysis and by hydrolysis was investigated in Cellulomonas spec., C. uda, C. flavigena, and C. cartalyticum. Cellobiose phosphorylase (EC was shown to be produced by Cellulomonas spec. when cellobiose or cellulose was used as sole source of energy and carbon but not with glycerol or glucose. Using inhibitors of protein synthesis as well as double labelling techniques it was shown that cellobiose phosphorylase is synthesized de novo in Cellulomonas spec. Aryl--D-glucosidase which was shown to be present in crude extracts of this microorganism as well is not involved in cellobiose cleavage.Abbreviations oNPGluc ortho-nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside - oNPGlucase ortho-nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside hydrolase (aryl--D-glucosidase) - CMC carboxymethyl-cellulose - CMCase carboxymethyl-cellulase - PAGE polyacrylamde disc gel electrophoresis Parts of this work were presented on the Herbsttagung der Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie (Schimz et al. 1979) and on the 14th FEBS Meeting (Schimz et al. 1981)  相似文献   

Coral reefs belong to the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. The diversity in coloration and lifestyles of coral reef fishes makes them a particularly promising system to study the role of visual communication and adaptation. Here, we investigated the evolution of visual pigment genes (opsins) in damselfish (Pomacentridae) and examined whether structural and expression variation of opsins can be linked to ecology. Using DNA sequence data of a phylogenetically representative set of 31 damselfish species, we show that all but one visual opsin are evolving under positive selection. In addition, selection on opsin tuning sites, including cases of divergent, parallel, convergent and reversed evolution, has been strong throughout the radiation of damselfish, emphasizing the importance of visual tuning for this group. The highest functional variation in opsin protein sequences was observed in the short‐ followed by the long‐wavelength end of the visual spectrum. Comparative gene expression analyses of a subset of the same species revealed that with SWS1, RH2B and RH2A always being expressed, damselfish use an overall short‐wavelength shifted expression profile. Interestingly, not only did all species express SWS1 – a UV‐sensitive opsin – and possess UV‐transmitting lenses, most species also feature UV‐reflective body parts. This suggests that damsels might benefit from a close‐range UV‐based ‘private’ communication channel, which is likely to be hidden from ‘UV‐blind’ predators. Finally, we found that LWS expression is highly correlated to feeding strategy in damsels with herbivorous feeders having an increased LWS expression, possibly enhancing the detection of benthic algae.  相似文献   

Self-structure induction in single stranded poly(A) has been one typical example of the various ways that could be used to modulate nucleic acid structural aspects through binding of small molecules. For the first time, the interaction between a series of small molecules and poly(A) has been investigated to understand the nature of the structural features in DNA binding small molecules that could be responsible for the formation of self-structure in single stranded poly(A) molecules. Classical intercalators like ethidium, coralyne, quinacrine and proflavine, partial intercalators like berberine and palmatine and classical minor groove binders like hoechst 33258 and DAPI have been chosen for this study. The binding of each of these molecules to poly(A) has been characterized by absorption spectral titration, job plot and isothermal titration calorimetry. Self-structure formation was monitored from circular dichroic melting, optical melting and differential scanning calorimetry. The results revealed that while all the intercalators studied induced self-structure formation, partial intercalators did not induce the same in poly(A). Of the two classical DNA minor groove binding molecules investigated, hoechst was effective in inducing self-structure while DAPI was ineffective. Self-structure induction in poly(A) was observed to be directly linked to the cooperative binding of the molecules to poly(A) in that all the molecules that bound cooperatively induced self-structure in poly(A). Structural and thermodynamic aspects of the interaction leading to self-structure formation are described.  相似文献   

Summary Host finding by the entomophagous parasite,Venturia canescens (Grav.), parasitizingAnagasta kühniella (Zeller) was studied. Studies utilizing fixed densities and dispersion patterns of the hosts where no choice of density groupings was offered showed that within the experimental conditions used, host density relationships were more important than dispersion. Decreasing the time hosts were exposed to a parasite from 72 hours to 24 hours did not alter the overall parasitization. In both cases progressively less hosts were parasitized as host density increased, which exemplified aHolling-type of response. However, when host densities were varied within the same universe, independent of dispersion patterns, and the parasites were given a “choice” of host densities to attack, an increasing percentage of hosts in the higher host density groups were parasitized; thus a density-dependent behavioral response was exhibited. These studies were conducted as a partial fulfillment in the Ph. D. program of one of us (B. M. Matsumoto) and form a part of a broad investigation into the processes operating in the dynamics of arthropod populations under grants toC. B. Huffaker from the U. S. Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health and the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Anagasta kühniella has been studied in standardized conditions in replicated ecosystems in which the variables have been increased one at a time. Additional to the variables reported earlier (WHITE and HUFFAKER, 1969), the present ecosystems included larval and pupal parasitism by Venturia canescens, both in the presence and absence of the egg-predator Blattisocius tarsalis, and also in the presence and absence of two levels of protective cover for the host. In the presence of V. canescens, parasitism was generally of major importance as a regulating instrument in determining host population densities and it characteristically produced cycling and discrete host generations that arose from a parasite-induced discontinuity in the age-structure of the host populations. When the predatory mite and/or protective cover was also present, modifying interactions arose but these were not sufficient to dispel completely the discontinuous age-structure and the cycling induced by the parasite. The actual degree of protective cover was particularly important insofar as it modified the levels and patterns of parasitism and permitted competition for food among host larvae to assume greater importance in the collective regulating process. Three forms of population cyclicity are described and discussed: a four-generation cyclicity which was the basic pattern of cycling and occurred both in the presence and absence of protective cover; an eight-generation cyclicity that arose from disturbed four-generation cycling in the presence of a minimal level of host protection; and a nine-generation cyclicity in which extensive protection compounded the collective nature of density-dependent regulation.  相似文献   

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